»| JUSTICE SPENCE SAYS: | minister, on the same subject Tuesday. Political Pressure Hint Need Police Probing By KEN KELL OTTAWA (CP)--Mr, Justice Wishart Spence said for a sec- ond time Tuesday the police should have been instructed to 'linvestigate. reports that politi- jeal pressure was exerted to free Gerda Munsinger from jail in 1961 It was one of a number of comments by the judge during the course of the inquiry sug- gesting what should have been done about the security case when it was before the Con- servative government of John Diefenbaker, The inquiry headed by Mr Justice Spence is adjourned in- definitely while he considers the evidence, whether to make charges of misconduct against anyone and whaz to report to the Liberal government phich appointed him in March, Mr, Justice Spence first made P tis8 a CP QUEBEC PC LEADER John P. Boyle, 56-year- old Montreal insurance bro- ker, heads the new Con- servative party in Quebec which is making its first bid for seats in the June 5 pro- vineial election, The party has no connection with the Progressive Conservative party, (CP Photo) Arab Sheiks Fear Egypt Take-Over The union between the auto- cratic sheikhs of the Aden hin- Carl Mollins of The Cana- dian Press London bureau is on a tour of the Middle Kast and North Africa. Following is his report from Aden, backgrounding London negoti- ations between Britain and South Arabla on the trouble- riddied military base, \of Aden has been troubled by dispute, suspicion and violence since its inception three years ago. exile or imprisoned under the British state of emergency im- posed because of shootings and bombings in Aden and organ: ized attacks across the Yemen border by dissident South Ara- bian tribesmen Operating from Calro and Taiz in Yemen, the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen claims responsibility for both the Aden violence and the border raids, Abdul Mackawee, ousted chief minister of Aden state, is the Front's nominal leader but Abdullah Asnag, ex- led head of the Aden trades union congress, is considered By CARL MOLLINS ADEN (CP) -- The sheikhly leaders, of South Arabia are des- perately seeking British mill- tary help in the fear that Egypt tian-backed political foes will try to take over when the Brit- ish pull out of this troubled fed- eration in 1968, Encouraged by British admin- {strators here and by Conserva: tive party leaders in Britain, South Arabian federal ministers hope to persuade the Labor gov- ernment to reverse its stand against underwriting the de- ter inde- oe Higa area after inde the Egyptians, Atthe same time, British|, Aim of the Front is to unite military men stationed here|50uth Arabla with Republican lan to urge Britain to double come, thus appealing to the he size of the native South Ara-|People of Yemeni origin who bian army--now 5,000 strong--|™make up about one ~ half of and supply better. weapons to|Aden's 220,000 population, hold off organized incursions} But other tribal leaders fear from neighboring Yemen, union with Republican Yemen "We are concerned about our| Would place this area under the future security," Sheikh Mo-|!nfluence of Nasser's Egypt. hammed Farid said in an inter-| Dissident raiders from Yemen view before he flew to London|#"e backed up by an estimated to participate in the current| 79,000 Egyptian troops who have talks. "We want a British se-|been fighting Yemeni royalist curity guarantee to see us|orees through an interim period after) independence while we are! building up our own defence," Shelkh Mohammed, Shipments of Canadian-made a_mem-| motor vehicles continued to rise ber of the ruling family in the|in March, jumping to 99,700 South Arabian Aulaqi sheikh-junits from 88,705 in March of dom, is external affairs minis-|last year, the Dominion Bureau the Front's real power under He said it was not suggested Mr, Sevigny used such pressure but the point was the ice re ceived no instructions to investi- gate "this important issue" of an attempt by someone to inter- fere with the course of justice, At aamnente = [the suggestion about investiga- tice Spence has s that ting political pressure May 19\ former defence minister Hark- when he interjected that the|ness and former trade minister Conservative government should) Wees should have been advised have looked into' what political!of Mrs, Munsinger's doubtful pressure was exercised and by' security background and her re- whom, lationship with Mr. Sevigny. | AGREES WITH JUDGE GIVES FINAL ARGUMENT Yes, exactly," agreed Jack Chief commission counsel Campbell, counsel for Justice|y |, O'Brien said in his final Minister Cardin, who had been! argument that Mr. Diefenhak "And Mr, Harkness," inter-|takenly mixed up a police re- jected Mr. Justice Spence. |port with rumors and gossip in : Lo el he called Mr. O'Brien's the capital and 2 witness called inal argument a 'very clear " where delineation." It was the only| °Y ME. Dupre indicated final argument on which he 'hat started. commented, He -- "ee 5 ag At another point Tuesday, Mr,| qeline , "invented it Justice Spence said he "regret-|¥4h © good deal of ease." Cetabi nn for mer Conservative justice minister, that it is not Mr, Ful- misconduct against anyone he ton's role to make judgments on| will give them advance notice Mr. Diefenbaker having re-| and an opportunity to appear, tained Mr. Sevigny in the cab-| This will be done, he said, inet, : notwithstanding a Conservative "It's mine," he added, bo y 001 t felonies complaints Mr. Dupre argued that Justice| about the conduct of the in- Minister Cardin's statements inquiry which Mr, Diefenbaker Parliament and at a press con deseribed as a "McCarthy ference suggested that the jus-| smear." giving his views on the course! should have consulted RCMP which should have heen fol- security experts, discussed the BUYERS WENT DOWN tice ister jearned from the) RCMP the erroneous facts that Mrs. Munsinger died of lew lowed, matter with the whole Conserva- Mr. Justice Spence inter- tive cabinet, dealt with Mr, Se-| rupted Jules Dupre, counse) for vigny in "another manner' and) Pierre Sevigny, former Con-| brought the case to the atten- servative associate defenceltion of Mr. Hees. terland and the urban radicals) | Many Aden politicians are in) ter in a shaky federal govern-|of Statistics reported Tuesday' ment that links Aden and 16 of|in Ottawa, That brought ship- the 20 surrounding tribal regions|ments for the first quarter to in the southwestern corner of| 261,710 units compared to 214, the Arabian Peninsula 1509 in the same quarter of 1965 FABULOUS . FISH and FRIES SPECIAL FRIDAY DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA FRIDAY, MAY 27, 1966 FEATURING RITCHY NIGHT and the MIDNIGHTS AND THE MORTICIANS AND THEIR DEADLY RHYTHM Non-Stop Entertainment From 8:30 te 12 SPECIAL GUESTS __ OSHAWA GENERALS $1.50 Advonce: $1.00 Box Office Tickets Now on Sole ot Oshawa Dise Shop, Oshows Henderson Book Wilson & Lee Mus tore Bishop's Sporting Goods, Whitby Disc Shop Bryson's Smoke Shop, Bowmanville Shopping Centre Ft NIORT, France (AP) -- 'I'd have been better off breaking a leo,' sald Jean Domain, recall- kemia in Germany, JUDGE INTERVENES i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumday, Mey 26,1966 7 was ordered to pay damages of giore|than $20,000, isitors, In court Mr, Justice Spence intervened ing the oy he bought his house, to say Mr, Cardin had mis-) He invi neighbors in to auc- aie - -- -- -- DOUI-BMuG AGVGrn Corner of Simcoe St, &. and Bloor Fully licensed under the L.C.B.O, NOW OPEN!... 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