Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 May 1966, p. 24

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8----Articles for Sele MOTE GUTFIT bk ora Howe" ber clacton, creer '17--Female Help Wanted STENOGRAPHERS me yg te fee TMENTS SHAWA, Ontarie JUNIOR EXECUTIVE institution hes ure man to HIVERDI MY r Financia crane from Wamern S00 Ce, 725-1218 ~ $3,338 ania fie mah ADIBAL Tetrigeraior, Wh cible tee op yi me : . coment of y wringer wasting machine. Day hws / seve nning ond trust oles will be toring 508 matiress. Telephone to demonstrate | shorthand ond perform the requires outies car --t ow ory nterested tyetne this oreo. Ir TVET eRe Oy UE BT ECESD vied trom promerty, Prone days 7 4 "4 of the positior execattives of oroved 9--Market Basket "| Fer further portieus yin industry whose Jn- residence, Gus nm the neor | ONTARIO potatoes Quiremer ig P exceed ad dig 9 077 ane sopies Telephone refer to Poster or b the office of the APPLES ~-- ina "prade, Weithosh, con trolled atmosph $1 per bus, Also pp 1 grace ihe gonisiners.| Post Office. APF Ross} LATER THAN JUNE 3 » Whitby to the Civil Service Co 10-----Farmer's Column DEAD AND CRIPPLEDItrm Hock picked PLEA up promptiy. Mergwiti Fur Farm, Tyrone TION 66.7-94) OSHA WA TIMES lelephane Collect Hampton 163-277 OM be Oh. PasTunn FOR WENT, i seen. To REGISTERED NURSE LICENSED phone i6s0e7e Ye r MECHANIC 'l----Pets ond Livestock COLES Unemployment Serv 2587 n, 29 9 Tore Sootch and miniature; «@ Ausireiien Keipies, tome house trained $35 to $80 delivered. Port Perry Redon 4645.4 BEAGLE HOUND two-year-old ed. spayec *# he needies. ih 1944 POWIES for sale 6310 FOR TERRIER, maie, thorqugh bred © veer old, good pet and watehdog ined, Telephone 773-2078 1 trotic , vegisiey| ation, drivers Telephone Telephone COEY 4 RANCH Kennels, registered Ger 725-2211 an Shepherd 4 j fer accepted. Asnburn 656-4647 evening Prlomina, NSURAN SHETCAND Welsh 5 eye TT "yy ice c ation 4 easonebie. Telephone 942-1924 . . \ , 3 te BEAUTIFUL bevy OF FIC f ' , JIC training, talking strain. - Broad, \14 Bigin Basi REGISTERED dachshund for sale eoks old. Call 7254 12--Articles Wanted WANTED = Used mouse fralier wit j § feet long. Good condition tire pungies, ready Apply Mre Sales Attendant et 4 siephone 778-407 req 2000 USED FURNITURE, "What have surote yu? Valley Creek, 14 a Sireet Wes £40) ply REPAINE ems 7 ucts. Byron et four corners REFRIGERATORS. 924,95; beds, $\1 ew s atiresses, £19.9 stoves, 974.9 s, erlbu, 81095 TV's, $29.95 e savers, $54.95) dressers ome sels, radios. Guns, new and used. Veliey eek, 146 Bond Street West, 728-440 6000 USE et prices H 4516 13----Articles For Rent rement ods @ reels 6 Sportsman's Co th, Whitby (bleck west MECHANIC BODYMAN WAITRESSE: 728 require RENTALS A.M, to 4 OF ALL KINDS | ioe SANDING MACHINES | MR, CAMPBE Oscillating sanders, dise sand GENOSHA HOTE ers, belt sonc sand ture wanted, ete, High-| anytime, 666-548), 668 178) 5 or | HAIRDRESSER WANTED ers me, Guaranteed sala treet North, 7235 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 19 joffice workers and st ! 4 ' ling telephone surve tro Help town effice. Ci ' 41.0 per hour PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex. |SXPRRIENCED JUPLE tension ladders, ladder jacks, | Bond Street East . be steel scoffolding, compres | WOMAN AND STUDENTS F Shiai sors, spray guns, wallpoper Telephone appointme: steamers tarpaulins blow lPogunone 7a eee tito J rintendent torches, propane abe aa luaGBEAREE Olin' co . - ran egurneny, [ee DUTIES Acetylene we g stfite, | five days weekly Hours 1 be 4 200 amp. electric welders lohoree . raw Mully + BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT reenwood Roa Cement = mixers finishing I vcriviiy May trowels, wheel barrows | meLiABLe trie rot air y p mers, ter pumps ers, stee! scaffold generator, ramset ers, electric hammers o tov building tor mixers, mortar pipe vise pipe diet Pipe clear tripod, pipe wrenches cutters, pipe threading toilet ouger ing. rods Male and Female Wonted Gin. [EXPERIENCED z = )SHAWA ie Ss ige| REALTY LTD. ck har r portoble g, elec power r mason jacns boxes nv hoist, miter Wwe elec ane, tort s, 14 ce wr | DRAFTSMEN ENGINEE Hc TAN' £. NUINECRO & DENTA 18---Maie Help. Wanted 9466 RENTALS 3338 SARGEANT'S 463 Ritson Rd, $. 725 aisie runne: ' CHAIRG, card and t simeoe Street Nor WHEEL educing d Rentals CHAIRS, hosp machines, 3 5 Beatr GNTERTAINING? Fift t people? Oshawa Tennis sb legree quets, parties, weddings, Ba parking. 723-214 mornings ence piet 14---Business Opportunities | EXCELLENT WHITBY LOCATION, @ modern apartment building with] « ¥y equipped, Only 818,00 |; se or per cent mortgage. Ex-| over tment, F partioviars| tigeraid, 440-45 sy ie} Martin, Realt phe tot ro $10 vor present 15------Employment Wanted BOOKKEEPER experienced requires part-time bookkeeping an carry fu ser of books to a) balance, Specializ ernall Dusiness te Box 29470 Oshaws ama 20 FEMALE r student . e needs surmrne Teler r) BOOKKEEPER. TYPIST Real Estate for Sale ROOMS LEVE rrounding awa Times Box, No. 25 exper! ay 17---Female Help Wanted WANTED ekeeve erieas « ang ends free, 4 F FOR RENT WAITRESS 428 Br wenn -|MiDOLE AGED MAN me treet ares SHORT ORDER ng Street We PART-TIME * woman, Personal ty e@periense, YR-118 ww tabu oy [18--Male Help Wanted (20---Real Estete for Sele Metca REAL ESTATE LTD 40 King St SHOPPING CENTRE Brick amaalow on Elmarove with paved drive & garage easy walking distorce to shopping ond transportaiton, 3 bedrooms finished bose- ment, just 7 yeors od, In spotless condition Owner moving, will give early pow sessior KAISER CR A evel with f rec room, on a deep lot this is the most centr location, just blocks from St Gregory's schoc A ravire dream ty tn both drawer spo room, you will this of $20,900 SWITZER eL1eway ¢ age, ret ry room = ar toto DOWNSVIEW. PARK Dial 728-4678 Open Evenings Till Nine EMBER JONES WHITBY '20--Real Estate tor Sete Ww FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Z}- King Street West BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Member Oshowa & District Real Estete Board KENDAL HILLS a s0nGrOske arly Conadic ceritral hall plen bern, pond, This is o city mot nes beer home with ed xe, ba uno 7 cottages with batt also lorge govern mmed Boot dock MARGARET BALLARD REALTOR JIDERLAND Phone 303 9466 Oshawa Realty BOND ST LTI MOVE RIGHT $14,500 3000. DOWN IN 728-8348 STONE HOUSE 40 MILE VIEW Phone 28-9466 Oshawa Realty BOND ST.) LTD OSHAWA REALTY Properties es vestment 20---Real Estate tor Sele GORDON CYCRC)ONIE | Me din A REAL ESTATE Watch for the Signs That Sell and Call "The Hot Line" DIAL 668-8826 218 DUNDAS ST. E ¢ CLARE SHA! GEORGE SULLIV _20---Reol Estote tor Sale WHITBY MARLOW HANCOCK 3 BEDROOM Whitby $2,500 down o move int the bo one tee it Ow W LOG cor TAGE BURTON ' immer cottage 28 x 30 ft., on quie { Als this deol is 2 36 ft, all convenience ond ce $10,500. with stree You need only property and us on this lance you ¢ pay | mn wow 7 10 ¢o lake with speckled om mobile wne 10 x shings, Taxes are here too, Full pr $3.000 dow ANOTHER ANI ARAGE WITH G $16,900 NEAR WATER scoping inciudes rock garden or tror 4 akefront end beaoct OSHAWA ATHOL $ $13,5¢ $14,500 drive ' te $3,000 dowr paver Fences a7 $7,500 » of towr ' Oil heating ng here for the budget $8 506 tchen and limited C2 zoning GARAGE this 2 bed ' veniences, Sorne ¢ Inspect and moke your Werey COMME RC Cer ' ding on busy cor amol $18,000 business could door for BETWEEN OSHAWA ANI frontoge near Maple Grove with mgalow BOWMANVILLE, $13,500 three bedroom clap High woy decoration, low board ond otte ore Cleor ERCIAL Thick 1IGHWAY COMM x 6' lot mear busy siness in one Whitby, Reoson usinesses, Asking ¥ NOW ve here and ' jour Own ser © srowo or her thriving finest loca ne split » kitche electric pboards so why ity. $ { j@ BYRON 5ST WHITBY HOME AND APAR TMENT $21, 50( 6 room bri bunga h. basement apartment " extra recreation spoce. Spacious 74' x 146° ke Hot water heating kitche at ms, extra lorge bedrooms Retired.--octi arson woul D large work shop ot reor f property, Att HENRY ST. EXECUTIVE HOME, $29,900 4 bedroom br c c and popular Whit 1. substantial hom irrounding, Specious floors and. ¢1 ingested In the ¢ roorr 4 cor pine recreatior nm vspect ond moke offer t ROSSLAND RD. WEST, OS t x ith fine aA W ndscoping ANNES ST., WHITBY, 3 BEDROOMS ard « ingalow ge bedre mplete kk here, F ne f MADISON AVE., OHAWA BEA f t bungelow with | ya ved gorage ; 7 F paattul tio f The spacious kitche he vily for sure ow an $3,000 On thls RENT finished recreatior low price of $13 BALANCE LIKE home in Whitby with ided DOWN 3 bedroom ily size chen, Extras incl 900 Make offer | BEAVERTON FAR | $14,900 | brick home with eor y atove and | plece both 4 bedroorr ove n kitche hyde 29 achoo! bus ot door for Public and High HARRIET STREET, WHITBY, $15,700 4 bric Vv 5 roe v0NNS ean decorat fence nm pre tate to see this one while it | WHITBY, 8 ROOM BRICK $13,950 r shade r Y st reosor n nthiy payments ¢ : preter save NOW READY TO MOVE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in por ne Exceptionally well t t he ilar south extras tor you ere eithe 3 BEDROOMS kering Beach with low chorges, 1U0 nto and hove lecore eo rush end #ove money 20--Real Estote tor Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, May 26,1966 99 20---Real Estete tor Sele us JOHN F. REIT) DEWITH DETERS es REALTOR ri Tir? REALTY LTD., 728-7328 | BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street 103 KING STREET EAST Phone 623-3950 a NORTH OF BOI MASS VILLE, 10 ocre parcel with trout stream, Only $1,000 down GLIDDON AVENUE $1,500.00 dowr certra bungolow, cleor rty, $85.00 per mont < q interest ORONO AREA, Stotely, co onic! style home. with oll modern conveniences. Or 35 acres. Born ond excellent ponds site, Asking $25,- 000, Terms y brick Toxes Earle INCOME HOME $15 400-0 RETF FARM 92 ocr, © " si + workable 7 roomed home, lorge harn. Pond. Ask ng only $17,000 , main ented for 9 Terms arage ond STOCK $ FARM, 100 ecres roomed home, lorge $18,000. with & b a ¢ Asking Terms BOWMAN 16 acres with house, pond. Priced NORTH OF VILLE, ond large to sell two 6 room 2 #tore Three borr rere ore home bedrooms under root 100 acre farm arge barn, drive shed: 8 roomed brick home with all modern conveniences. ee\ stonchions in born, Ask $25,000, Terms anxious end STOCK FARM, 180 ocres ¢ b f poved rood. Excellent soi xd buildings, Lorge stream Asking $30,000, Terms. STOCK FARM with large brick 9 COURTICE AREA, with One } apartment in ed drives Excellent ond PRICE $10,900 bedrooms 200 ccres colonial style modern conven iences, 2 barns, large stream Paved road, Asking $38,000. lorge m ond kitcher € on 0 good lot home. A uple stort the older couple is good value. an MeCormack r the th nking ¢ Terms PORT stock HOPE AREA, 78 ecre form with large L shaped barn er house, drive shed; 7 roomed hore Asking $12,000 OSHAWA, § roomed, brick & stone bungalow, Nicely located. Fenced back. yord Aluminum storme & screens Very cleo ROOM HOME 4 roon partments, tor heating, large ng only $14,900 00 $18,900 room brick bur ywood kitche: md ond ton netural | We List Photo M.L.S n, three bedrooms, extra | ond Exclusive Kitchen In basement, Only 8 anneenmneed montns old and extremely siti €6 8558 | ED. DISNEY 82 Simcoe St. S. CENTRAL 723-2333 ONTARIO | ioe'ticed ro eon, Yo TRUST has a well lands coped lot ie Ot oted on @ quiet street. SCHOFIELD upervisor hos Asking price $19,300, AL ESTATE DEPT PHONE 723-522) 7 room brick bungalow everything you would wnt in a home, 4 bedrooms, rec, room with walk-out doors on to o patio, sun porch off living room, double garage, es lorge private lo BEDROOMS Aline price $32, 000 ped to five! Easily st ottra 6 roor ite \ view, lleg Asking price $2 Attractive where you ond sur 4 s - bungale N with @ good 5,000 BUILDER' . CLEARANCE ! WHITBY Sparkling new detoched rancit style borngdiow, 3 bed» rooms, 4 piece tile bothroom, lorge living dream 4 ; kitchen with plenty of cur a lovely four boord space, Full basement scutive's home with recreation facilities. Sit the lorge living uoted on lot 60' frontage vith fireplace and the Mony, .many extras Low oe rec m ond lar oe mos: down poyment of ato $1,895 . Mo You ht In! NCOME HOME IN ver Yee Pet GOOD AREA ASKING $14,900 | fireplace i 4 rec-room 7 ROOM CENTRE HALL PLAN room, MR HOBBS 723: 0321 AL ESTATE LTC 6%4% MORTGAGES So close nce rer Call for Details nc INCOME HOME | 1A NORTH CENTRAL North West Areo -- OSHAWA | to all. schools, churches, porks shopping facilities. | Truly Oshawo's most conven me on well landscaped lot ent Where? Upstairs opcrtment rents for $95: per mor $1 with complete ly separate entrance, 2 car at ched garage ATTENTION ar C Full Price $25,90( Love community BRAEMOR GARDENS enson Rd, N, to West to Wave INVESTORS | Stes Anne idential lane jing nortt > 200 ocre 728-1679 EXPERIENCE ANO \NCIAL ASSISTANCE ENTRAL ONTARIO IS AVAILABLE TO U SEL BU BUILD Hi, Millen Real Estote oking for NEW HOME . J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker Trades occepted -- Low, fo down poyments N.HLA ancir Varie >} TH ARTES CENTRAL JOURS. CAL TRUST 723-5221 Silawe 725-3557 or 668-6201 $2,000 form ;RAEMOR GARDENS m house Py pping Centre, 2 723-1349, NORTH WEST 18# | good ¢ ' Ome! at $14.5) spart-|20-----Real Estate for Sale "| (Continued on Page 24)

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