18 THE OBHAWA TIMm, Wednesdey, Mey » 1960 TO MARRY IN SAULT STE. MARIE Central United Church, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, will be the setting for the marriage of Miss Joan Case, to Mr. Bruce Buck- ley, according to an an- nouncement made today by _ the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Case, Sault Ste, Marie, The pro- spective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Bouckley, Oshawa The ceremony pvill take place on Saturday, June 18 Summer Atfords Opportunity To 'Discover' The Art Gallery Paintings, sculpture and draw ings which indicate the extent and variety of the Gallery's Collection will be on view dur ing the months of June, July and August at the Art Gallery of Toronto. Since the first acqui sition 60 years ago, the Collec tion has steadily grown through gifts, bequests and purchases 17th Century Dutch and Flem- ish paintings such as Frans Sny- ders' Still Life With Figures and Portraits by Frans Hals Rembrandt and Van Dyck will be on view in the Galleries east of the entrance doors. The ad- joining galleries will have paint ings by 17th and 18th. century French as well as 18th century English artists. Still Life by Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin Portrait. of Horace Walpole by Sir Joshua Reynolds, are not able paintings of this period. A recent gift to the Gallery is the portrait of Mrs. Wells as Hebe by James Northcote, also on view in this gallery. Late 19th century French Im pressionist paintings are hung together with special focus on the sculpture, Grand Arabesque, and on the painting, Woman in Bath, by Edgar Degas. lof the entrance doors | velopment Canadian paintings from 1840 to 1920 will be hung in Grange House and the Long Gallery, including works by such mid- 19th century Canadian artists as Antonina Plamondon, George T Berthon and Cornelius Krieg- hoff. 20th century post-impressionist works by the Canadian artists, James Wilson Morrice, ence Gagnon and Albert Robin- son, represented in this collec- tion. Clar- In and adjoining Gallery are 20th Century European paintings and sculpture. Picas so's Seated Woman, sis ch was purchased after the Picasso and Man Exhibition held in this Gal- n 1964. Picasco Wita and Woman's (sculpture) are on view paintings by Leger, Dufy Redon early Crouch Head with and and view west Contemprary Canadian American works will be on in the three galleries to the Paintings in this area will stress the de- from abstract im pressionism to the more recent hard edge and "new realism" painting, and will Attention is paid to early § include the! ISOCIAL & PERSONAL' Jo Aidwinckie, Women's Editor | | Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Miss Elspeth Geiger, director of nursing at the Hospital for |sick Ohildren, was elected pre- |sident of the Registered Nur-| Hospital School of Nursing, Lon-| ' es" Association of Ontario at peraens ther "officers elected 'included Albert Wedgery, assistant dir x of the College. of Nur! ises of Ontario, first vice presi- dent. Mrs. H. C. Kennedy of Lorne | Park, Clarkson, spent a day in Oshawa last week visiting Mrs.| G. P. Morison, Park Lane Apts. Dr. David Donevan FRCS, St, Catharines, formerly of Osh- jawa was recently made a Fel- How of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Done- |yan were in Oshawa during the weekend yisiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. J. Donevan, King street. east. GRADUATING Mary Barr today from Hospital She is Miss Suzanne graduating the Ottawa Civic School of Nursing the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Barr, Glencairn street and graduated from McLaugl Collegiate and Vocational Institute {s in Gallery's most recent acquisi- tions in. this area George Segal's. environmental The Butcher Shop and Andy Warhol's painting, Elvis Pres- ley 1 and 11, both purchased by the Gallery with funds provided | by the Women's Committee, will} also be on view and Murray's sculpture, To, recent- ly acquired by the Gallery with funds provided by the Junior Women's Committee Guests from Oshawa at the graduation of Miss Judy Greer, last Friday, from the Victoria don, and at the private party at Tha Coven Nwarle afterwards were her parents, Mr, and Mrs. | John Greer, Jill, Leslie and Mon-| te Greer, Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Lupton, Dr. and Mrs, R. §. Ir- win, Mr. and Mrs, D. A. Price, Mrs. T. F, Waller, Mr. Verdun | Vandusen, Mr. and Mrs. Mur-! 'ray McKnight and Mrs. R §&, Eberhard. Mrs, R. W. Barr, Mr, and ot Glencairn street, left yesterday for Ottawa, where they will be| attending the mother and daugh-| ter tea, the father and daugh-; ter banquet, and graduation ce| remonies of their daughter, Miss Suzanne Mary Barr, who} graduates from the Ottawa Civ-| ic Hospital School of Nursing, | today. The members of Simcoe Street United Church Women, | Unit 3, were entertained recent-| ly at a luncheon meeting at the Oshawa Golf Club by Mr A, E. MeGilvray of Burlington, Ontario, an associate member of the group. This will be the Unit's last meeting until Oc- tober. Mrs, Harry Atkinson of To- ronto will be in Oshawa tomor row to open the Bluebird Bazaar and tea at Albert Street United Church. Her husband, the Rev-; erend Harry Atkinson, a for- mer minister of Albert: Street United Church, is now the min- ister of Grace United Church, Toronto, FABRIC Village "The First In Fabrice" With the widest se- lection of -- Import- ed @ Laces @ Rayons @ Silks @ Cottons @ Woollens @ Brocades KING $7, W. AT PARK RD, King Park Plaza PHONE 723-0721 KRESGE' ckets with front zip per opening! Your choice of red, White, black or ye in sizes SM a ates ES * Compnroble Value $2.87 MAY SPECIAL TWO-TIER TRAY Hare e Avoilable rquoise g etre ey Value $1.19 MAY SPECIAL MISSES' SAILOR BLOUSES sll look "ship shape ner one of our slouses, available ir sye-catching styles mn assorted colors Comporeble Vatu: $) MAY SPECIAL ;--¥ _$ + COTTON CHECK RIB TICKLER Comparable Value $1.99 MAY SPECIAL YARN 100% Nylon yarn in 1 " bails, Excellent assortment of colors to choose fror Comparable Value 33c MAY SPECIAL '3 Nylon BRIEFS a? o Ce) 5 THURS. FRI. ' SEAMLESS MESH NYLONS guard welt and sizes and on the package 1 the lotest fashion Comporeble Value elastic and Sizes briefs with ace leg nm sides! SATISFACTION ¢ DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 2 fC. LUGGAGE- SET piece set of luggage ana slywood shelis ferlet 3 ik. Nickel-e +e et consists ¢ ted va k-end case Comporable Value $23.98, MAY. SPECIAL HAND BLOWN PITCHER 'at to oe MAY SPECIAL ond MAY (al 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER KRESGE'S jandy cosr twe Comporable Value 98¢ FITTED TRAVEL SMETIC BAG boq contains a thbrush holder 59 OSHAWA etic soap dist c plastic bottles SPECIAL RANTEED OR, MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED SHOPPING CENTRE |manager of a map-making firm. j that division in the past and wer, ' "At the present time, we have! would like to have them n again.'? ". three women in our production! ~~ Brea department and none in the ho eee department," he | Map - Making Involves 'Many Technical Skills By ROBERTA ROESCH jwho create printing plates to be "IT read maps like other| mounted upon offset presses. people read books,"' writes a| As far as job training goes, woman, 'so all my friends keep|map makers I discussed this saying I should get a job in thel subject with tell me that any man.making field. \delegation of creative responsi- "T realize they are kidding,| bility usually requires a college ba course. ge ey ike to know _-- 2 geog- me, so I wou e to know| raphy nowledye of history. exactly what is invoived in ued roe languages er -political work, jscience is also useful. "What are the training re-, A college degree is not neces- quirements? And how good are sary, however, to work in the s\the opportunities for ieoeenll terme Py ool egaee! Here numbers and charis make up a Bi gh cs vladoomdd | majority of the daily tools. High éoonbined technical skill and | School subjects that are helpful for work in this department are \knowledge of highly trained) eetnetey. trizo las why | ceographers, draftsmen, artists, R°Ome'tY, 'rigonomelry, phys ies, geography, mechanical jlithographers and printers. drawing, drafting, art, commer- DIVIDE TASK cial drawing and printing, All Together these teams these, of course, are useful in with) conj unction with th 'ob| each person concentrating on| °°" non - the + job |his specialty determine the ex-| KEEPS APPETITE UP The 90-ton adult blue whale eats more than a ton of shimp "But we have had women inja day . CAYUGA AVE. i = We Are Now Taking Orders for Homes To Be Built In This Area, SIMCOE ST. N. TAUNTON RD, W. ------>/| SOMERVILLE ST BRIDE-ELECT Miss Jillian Irene Coe will become the bride of Mr. Wilfred Reuben Hambly Jr., | a ceremony in Westmount United Church, June 25, The bride- to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Coe, Osh- awa, and her prospective bridegroom son of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Hambly, Oshawa, formerly of Prince Edward Island. $21,475.00 $4,975.00 Price training. |act purpose a map Js to serve; | GOVERNMENT JOBS | do cartographic research con-| The greatest number of jobs DOWR «oie /cerning the area to be mapped; | according to my informants, | | translate this information into|exist with the federal govern a geographic compilation; con-|ment, state and Jocal govern struct a base map drawn to the) ments and. private companies |specified scale; submit the base| that publish maps. | jmap to the production depart- Few women achieve advance} jment where drafismen-cartog-| positions in this field, primarily |raphers work out the map line-| because they marry before they work, place type on the map|work up the Jadder. But the! and indicate the map colors for door definitely isn't closed to the preparation of the final| qualified women who seek op- plates; and then turnover this portunities in this field, accord completed work to lithographers ing to the geographic research' z JAMES O'MALLEY Construction Ltd, 723-7122 is the SPROULES ogqa_ SPROULE'S BEEF IS RED BRAND BEEF --- CANADA'S FINEST GRADE TO ASSURE QUALITY -- FLAVOUR AND NATURAL TENDERNESS. C T-BONE 5 5 Ib BEEF LIVER STEAKS 39° Red Brand... Expertly Cut and Carefully Prepared ROUND or WING STEAKS RED BRAND, , , Expertly Cut and Carefully Prepered SIRLOIN or ~ "IDEAL FOR BARBEQUE" BURGER BLEND Ground Beef | 2 ws. 98 Tasty-Tender-Fresh , . . Sliced SAVE 16¢ -- SUNSPUN PACKAGE 200's 24.02. LOAVES 18.072, PKG. 2-LB. BAG 14-02. TINS 77° Chain Save and Shop at SPROULE'S -- The Consistently Low Prices Makes It Worth Your While ICE CREAM ms Maxwell House COFFEE :« = 77: KLEENEX TISSUE 5 « 77: SLICED BREAD 1--SUPER a gb FROZEN FOODS OF QUALITY REG, 29¢ !-----de OFF PACK 4 SUPER SAVE DONUTS 7 pees, 99° RASPB ERRIES 39 ICED FRUIT LOAF "22° 39° Mixed Vegetables 49° CORN OL 77° | Niblets CORN 4 CARNATION MILK 15 FREE Package of PRESHIE. with Redd hace ours eekly ues si " Segal tes an e CHEESE SLICES Sa @HbnR HEINZ FOODS oar 59¢ 77° 6 FOR 65° Fresh Imported No, 1 California : OPEN TO-NIT 10 lb. Bag Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturdey Nights till 10 o'clock AMPLE FREE OFF STREET PARKING PROULE'S SUPER SAVE CORNER OF KING at RITSON ROAD, 'OSHAWA --