Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY -- AJAX Councils Plan Tour On May 28 BOWMASVILIE -- To ac DRUGS ARE THEIR TARGET Chairman Thomas Dodd, talks with two witnesses be- fore their appearance today at a Senate Judiciary Sub- committee hearing on nar- cotics, The witnesses are James L. Goddard, left, commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, end Sen. George Murphy, quaint members of township councils with the work being done in the district, the public relations, education and history WHITBY (Staff) -- Dr. Walt- er H. Weber, superintendent of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, who retires this week after five foripeess se. sunerintendent was showered with gifts and best wishes at a ceremony Friday afternoon in the hospital recre- ation hall. Mrs. Weber, who was the recipients of other gifts and flowers, was praised for her contribution to the life of the hospital. The best wishes of the Quar- ter Century Club of the hospi- tal were extended by Russell VanHorne, chief attendant, who presented a gift to the retiring superintendent. On behalf of the Civil Service Associat- ion, George Henderson, presi- jdent of Branch 27 presented a gift to Dr. Weber and a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Weber. A 'silver tray, on behalf of the staff, by Dr. P. G. Lynes, re- cently appointed superintendent of the hospital. Dr. Lynes, who was master of; ceremonies, recalled Dr. Weber had graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University The party, whe will travel in private cars, will leave the Osh- awa Shopping Centre shortly af- ter the noon hour and will re- turn late in the afternoon. } The tour will include existing conservation projects as well as proposed projects in Dur- ham and Ontario Counties. The proposed itinerary will include the Enniskillen Conser- vation area, the conservation authority forest and the area west of Brooklin. Committee Has 5 Cases WHITBY (Staff) Five cases were dealt with by the Whitby Committee of Adjust-- ment at its meeting this week. In each case the decision of the committee was reserved. Pa Retiring Superintendent Lauded On Contribution of Toronto in 1927 and, after doing intern work in Toronto, practices his profession in Pa- nama before carrying on pri- vate nractice at Chatam. WAR VETERAN Dr. Wever worked with the department of health work at the Ontario Hospital, Hamilton, in 1940. During the Secnd World War he served with the RCAF prior to returning to Hamilton school and a new medical filing system was introduced. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Mey 24, 1966 § . Sneddon, superintendent the Ontario Hospital; Hamil- ton, who was accompanied Dr. H. Senn, a former assist- Dr. Weber in expressing his appreciation, said he was the on- ly member of his family who hed entered the medical nrafea. sion. He said his decision had been inspired by the motto of the late Taylor Stratton "'Foi- low the Second Mile". He pre- sented a portrait of himself to Dr. Lynes to be hung in the administration building. in 1951. He was appointed super- intendent of the Ontario Hospi- tal, North Bay, in 1957 and came to Whitby as superintendent in 1961. Praising the work Dr. Weber had done at the Whitby hospi- tal Dr. Lyzes said this was only one phase of his activities. Dr. Weber he said took an active part in community affairs and this year was president of the Whitby Rotary Club. PATIENT WELFARE "His main concern was with the welfare of the patients. Du- ring his term of office here the unit system was introduced, a new nurses residence and train- Frank Cannella asked per- mission to erect a duplex on the west side of Ash st., south of Chestnut st. The front of the property is short of the zoning requirements. Fred Brown sought permis- sion to sell property on Kent st. that is part of a larger par- cel owned by Mr. Brown. Mrs. P. J. A. Sillius asked permission to convey a parcel of land on the west side of Palace st., north of. Maple st. Mr. and Mrs. I. 1. Puckrin jsought permission to separate a vacant parcel of land, adja- DISTRICT NEWS R. Calif., Center. Goddard told the senators his agency is making the drug LSD a prime target of the new drug abuse control law. WHITBY (Staff)--The County; of Ontario has a budget of| $2,544,500 for road maintenance and construction this year. Buganda-Obote Dispute Threatens Uganda Ties NAIROBI (AP) -- Uganda's|of the country's four regions, killed and several wounded. Po- dusk-to-dawn | lice used tear gas to disperse clashed rioters who had blocked main! 17 in Kampala, the|roads to Kampala and tor Y sock At es unity was threatened today by a growing dispute between the kingdom of Buganda and the central government of President Milton Obote. Kampala radio said Obote had declared a state of emergency in Buganda, largest and richest jand curfew after with police country's federal capital which is in Buganda. Reports reaching neighboring about § p.m. Monday. } 'Kerya said five persons were imposed a rioters DISTRICT NEWS ~ Reconstruction Slated Of Township WHITBY (Staff) -- The com- ete reconstruction of the 6th Concession of Whitby Township, between the easterly limits of! Brooklin and the Port Perry-| Oshawa County Road, major project being undertaken the graded and paved. TRAFFIC GROWTH is the| 1welvetrees there has been a fantastic in-|from Obote's power grab last Concession area, will be widened, Ww. A. week County Engineer said this -- | gional chiefs had been arrested. The major construction proj-| ect this year, in the southerly | part of the county, is the recon-| struction of the Brock rd. be- tween Brougham and Clare- mont, and the construction of a} bridge on the road south of! Claremont. | The work, which will be done by county employees, will cost| approximately $300,000. The cost of grading and paving will be $250,000 while the new bridge! will cost $80,000. The main north-south road on} Scugog Island will be graded/| and altered to eliminate a turn. | The road between Uxbridge and Epsom, and the road between Uxbridge and Whitchurch Township, which were graded last year, will be paved this summer. Five bridges, four of them in the south part of the county, will also be built this year. The largest road project in the county scheduled this year is a development road in Rama and Thorah Townships, The road, running north from High- way 12 to Longford Mills, will cost $500,000. The province will assume the cost as it is a de- velopment road. The only cost to the county was the cost of land purchase and fencing. cent to their home on the north side of James st. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Morrison requested tiat, under two sec- tions, that they be allowed to sell 51 feet off the rear of their property to create a lot front- ing on Chestnut st., and that the |committee consent to a front yard shorter that that required |by the bylaw. down telephone and power lines. Teleprinter and telephone) . S lines to the capital went dead| Win At Meeting PORT PERRY -- Athletes lfrom the Port Perry High It charged that the babake |e see" cesar ot ga | (king) of Buganda, Sir Edward|rieiq meet against Uxbridge | Mutesa ----. had, "committed| and Brock District High School, psi = cages uh rey a || Cannington. The Brock athletes | Saleen ae won J a Oe ; . Anna Forder, Po: erry, won waste i a sv |e ner ae mi Goa | "year-0ld'| sina Rice, Port Perry tied for kabaka nor specify which for. | second place, Sharon Baird, Port elgn power he allegedly dealt) perry was second in the inter- with. | mediate division. APPEALS TO UN |_ In the junior boys' division | But in a letter released Mon-|L@try Emmerson, Port. Perry iday, the kabaka urgently asked| Was the top athlete with Brian | UN' Secretary-General U Thant| MacNab second. Arnold Heayn, lto help avert trouble resulting|Port Perry won the intermed- ' jate division and Paul Hughes Kampala radio said three re- $2,544,500 Earmarked -- For Roads, Construction | Maintenance work will be done on the Shirley rd., Beath| Ajax Man, 21 Gets 15 Days AJAX (Staff) -- An Ajax man was sentenced to 15 days in jail when he pleaded guiity to his second offece of driving under suspension. Douglas Brady, 21, of 25 Beat- ty rd., was charged at 3.40 a.m. on April 1 by Pickering Township Police Constable Wil- liam Kolebniak, while driving on Modlin rd. in Bay Ridges. Kolebniak told the Court that the accused was under suspen- sion under the. name of Doug- las Monohan. A check by police revealed that the ac had changed his name and he was arrested on April 6. "Clarence Pogue THIEF CALLS TWICE MONROE, N.C. (AP)--R. Austin was woken at 4 a.m. i Inquest Set WHITBY (Staff) -- Coroner Dr. F. A. Cuddy pill preside at an inquest, next Wednesday afternoon, at the town hall, into tie Gest O7-Clare-V; Pogue, 53; of 103 Avenue rd., Toronto. The deceased was atruck and. instantly killed by an eastbound | Canadian National Railways) freight train, near Brock st. s., on the night of April 30. He was apparently walking on the! track when struck. SHOP IN WHITBY We are looking for ond Summer Clethieg Ladir? | Men's & Children's. THE TREASURE HOUSE "Nearly New" Cloth For information 668-8103 pI Acting As EXECUTOR is a full time Farms rd., Concession 4,/ Whitby - Pickering Townships, | Ashburn southerly and Conces-| sion 14 Reach Township. A grading program on .a three-| mile section, north of Port Perry, is also scheduled, The county will continue its policy of planting trees for roadside improvement after construction has been done, An amount of $3,000 has been placed in the budget for this work. business for VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE Sales - Valuations Consultations. 668-8841 o r 728-6661 | | | | | i A MORAL FOR VACATIONERS Americans took 67 million pleasure trips during the first six months of 1964, This was slightly more thon one trip per household ond averaged about two persons per trip, according to a gasoline company survey, In round figures, 47 million trips were taken to visit friends and relatives, 11 million for outdoor recreation and 9 million for sightsee- ing. Only trips of 100 miles or more were counted, So much for the statistics, They only go to show that we all do a -lot of vacation driving. But though experts in one sense, here is some sound advice many motorists could use: The time to get your car serviced is BEFORE « vacation, And the place to take it is to « garage employing mechanics specifically trained on YOUR make of car. A true story related to me the other dey concerned @ man whose normally reliable cor experienced continuous breokdowns on a recent 300-mile trip with his family. Initially, it wouldn't re-start after @ fuel stop. The ser- vice station installed @ fuel filter (which wasn't the trouble), ily the cor d again. At the next stop for lunch it stalled again, A new fuel pump wes installed (which wasn't the trouble either). In due time the cer started again, Four stops and @ mew carburetor, points ond condenser later the unhoppy motorist wos towed into his home dealers ship garage where a factory-trained mechanic immediately spotted a bare primary wire leading to the coil, which wes intermittently shorting. It was reploced without chorge, The other "repairs" -- $78, GE \crease in the volume of traffic| February, when as prime min-|W8S second in the senor divi- ak el Geen Sub ising Thickson rd., since \t wvas| ister he suspended the 1962 con-| S!0n. ' {paved last year. A traffic sur-| stitution, ousted the kabake | Sharon Baird tied the meet The contract for the grading) vey taken in April of this year,|from the presidency of Uganda|Tecord for the 220 yard inter. and paving of the road has) south of Highway 2, showed an|and took over the post himself,|™ediate dash with 30.9; while has been awarded to the Seeg-| average daily use by 4,822 ve-) Kampala radio said police P. McNabb set a record in the miller Construction Co. in the! icles, had received reports that cer- | termediate boys' hurdles. ar gadlnd gia ii er The engineering work for the/tain persons intended to create |r soars, will be 34 Seek het e anc/commission is done by the! chaos in the East African nation | the shoulders 10 feet wide. county engineer and his staff.| which gained its independence| The commission has also) The commission depot is lo-\from Britain in 1962. | awarded a contract to Mel-Ron| cated at Myrtle where equip-| The broadcast accused the) Construction Co. for the wn ace Maw is Bugandan regional partiamant i at an ap-| "© e ' of inciting violence by its de-| ao -- ae ee rl Under the provisions of the| mand last Friday that Obote re-| CO8* OF yeu agreement under which the move the national government) village of Brooklin. The bridge,|commission was created two! from Bugandan soil by May 30. | which is near the Brooklin Com-| members are appointed by Osh- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murele Custom Drepsries proximate munity Arena will be built this) year. Next year the section of! road, from the easterly limits of Brooklin to Highway 12, will be rebuilt by the commission, 1966 BUDGET The commission this year has a budget of $387,600. A quarter of this amount is contributed by the City of Oshawa, a quarter by the County of Ontario and the remaining 50 per cent, through subsidies, by the prov-! ince. The commission, which was set up in 1924, when Oshawa) separated from the county, has | jurisdiction over 30 miles of reads in East Whitby, Whitby and Reach Township. These roads are: from Port Perry to Oshawa; Concession 6) in Whitby Township and south- erly on Harmony rd.; Taunton rd. from Highway 12 to the Osh- awa city limits and from the) Oshawa limits to Taunton; from | Highway 12 to Raglan and Thickson rd., between Highway 401 and Highway 12, north of Brooklin. The commission next year will assume Rossland rd., from | Highway 12 to the Oshawa city limits. This road, which is one of the most heavily travelled in 'cents PLETE LINE COM' OF HIGH QUAL ITY NURSERY STOCK Everything fer your gardening needs. oO; 9 om. te > p.m. Seven deyt @ week. JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE Between Whitby end Ajex en Highwey No. 2 PHONE 668-3396 | Eagle, awa and two by the County of Ontario. A fifth member is| chosen by the commission Members this year Everett Warne and Orville representing Oshawa; Irwin Ormiston, a former coun | ty warden, who serves as chair-| man and Harry Peel of Port} Perry, a former warden, both of whom were named by the| county, Anson Gerrow of Scu-| g0g Township, a former war-| den, is th fifth member. are Made-to-Measure Clothes Tailored by MOUSE OF HOBBERLIN TIP TOP TAILORS Freemans Formel Rentals --- ef -- USS EEVE MEN'S SHOP 129 Brock St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 In addition to the three re-| gional chiefs arrested, govern-| ment forces seized six Bugan- dan deputies to the national par- liament early Monday. The six were expelled from parliament last week after re- fusing to swear allegiance to Obote's new constitution, which| weakens Bugandan regional au-! thority. Broau:s= C.1.L. Paints and Vernishes Benjamin Moore Peints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 BROCK One Complete Program Only Each Evening WHITBY Starting et 7:30 DEAN MARTIN Recommended Adult Entertainment BEGINS 7:30 BEGINS 9:15 WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST , SIDEWALK SLABS fron... brookli n concrete products i1. } "hydraulically pressed for maximum durability' * COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES ® SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY May we suggest a CANADIAN IMPERIAL. Save-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? BANK OF COMMERCE

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