e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Mey 24, 1966 3 |. ee | PRIORITY BILLS PREPARED Commons Goal Mid-July Recess CETTICS NIP SPURS | Saturday night, A corwd of 2,- TORONTO (CP) -- Glasgow |176 attended the game, which | Late-July Decision Seen 'On Tax-Free Trade Post CT elses ok toe tage |i, stented tish First Division League, de-\"2re4 slowly but developed TRENTON, NJ. (AP) -- The, Lindsay's proposal for a 50-per- feated' Tottenham Hotspur of #0 an exciting contest in the New York Stock Exchange may|cént increase in the city's stock| the English Football League 10 second half. Bobby Lennox decide by Jate July whether to\transfer tax has prompted alin a hard-fought soccer exhibi-| scored the Celtic goal with only try to set up a tax-free trading| full-scale study by the exchange tion game at Varsity Stadium'16 minutes left to play. post in New Jersey. of a new site. iliac ae ; ho 'ye _ ear Bai of 4is- A constitutional amendment to closed that an unidentified over- A the-counter firm is also thinking| ban whois choi taxes in: New about opening an office across|"~ = need voter en. i MRS, LOUISE Schmidt, 25, Marion, Ind., tells Sher- iff Joe Cummings thal e@ man held her and two. chil- Mate Slain, dren captive on a '16-day trip of torture" through four states after killing her hus- band in the Schmidt's home Multilated Over $50 Debt - Wife SPARTA, Tenn, (AP)--A 25- year-old mother said Monday a man killed her husband over a $50 debt, mutilated the body and held her and her two children captive for two weeks in the Arkansas swamps Mrs. Louise Schmidt left Mon- day for Marion, Ind, where she said her husband, Larry Lee Schmidt, 30, was slain, Another Marion man was charged with first-degree murder in the case. Glenn Stewart, 30, who Mar- ion police said was missing and believed in the Arkadelphia, Ark, area, was charged in the case by Marion Police Chief Ted Null. Mrs, Schmidt said Stew- art 'had lived in the same Mar- jon apartment house as the Schmidt family, and her hus band owed him $50 It was in the Arkadelphia area where Mrs, Schmidt said she and her children escaped from her husband's slayer as he slept last Thursday, They caught a bus in Arkadelphia for her parents' home near Sparta she said She told her County Sheriff who notified Marion police They investigated and found Schmidt's mutilated body in the basement of his home, where Mrs. Schmidt said the slayer threw it. Dr. Russell W. Laven good, coroner at Marion, de- scribed the scene in the dirt- floor basement as "unbeliev- White Cummings, story to Joe hable." 419 Candidates In Quebec Race MONTREAL (CP) -- A total of 419 candidates -- a for provincial general elections --had entered their names with provincial election officials when nominations officially closed Sunday. The nominations give promise af some lively battles before the June § election, sparked by ad- dition of younger residents to the voting lists and 13 new seats to the Jegisiative assembly as well as a proliferation of parties and sharp rivalries in some rid- ings. The provincial Liberal party of Premier Jean Lesage and the main opposition party, the Un _jon Nationale led by Daniel Johnson, will be contesting ali 108 ridings, But they are only two of eight parties in the field, ranging from le Ralliement National, with 90 candidates, to the small- est of the minority groups with one Shippers Council Approved MONTREAL (CP)--Establish ment of a Canadian shippers' council has been agreed to in principle by 13 national trade associations whose members 'are heavily involved in interna- tional trade, it was announced today. The associations said in a statement that a proposal for the council, made some months ago by the Canadian Export As- sociation, took a long step for- ward at a meeting in Montreal last Thursday of representatives of the 13 trade associations. The statement said the coun- cll would be patterned on lines of shippers' councils formed in recent years in Britain and continental Europe, but would be designed to fit Canadian cir- cumstances. It continued "The Canadian shippers coun cil is intended not to duplicate the efforts of existing organiza tions but rather to provide a forum for them to band together with a united voice as and when needed to cope more effectively with common problems." The 30 delegates to the meet ing, the statement said, agreed in principle that a shippers' council could deal more effec- tively on a collective-basis, than through existing organizations, with matters such ment regulation, harbor ties and administration transportation problems policy issues ; It added it is undersiood ihe council will not get involved in rate negotiations or similar private matters," as govern facili- and and The smallest group is called Economique which wants to cen tralize production but decentral ize administration Its lone candidate, Mircea Emilio Horja, is running in the new Montreal seat called. Dor- fon, There are 11 women candi- dates nominated, one of them, Andree Bertrand-Ferretti of the separatist Rassemblement pour I'Independence Nationale, is an opponent of Family and Welfare Minister Rene Levesque in Lau- rier, COMMUNISTS IN 4 The Quebec Socialist party 1s contesting four constituencies, the Communists. four. and the Qiébee € party, which has no connection with the federal Progressive Conser- vatives, will fight three seats Le Ralliment National was formed by provincial Credit Istes and some separatisis. The Conservatives say they believe in being "pro-Canadian" rather than "anti French or anti English." There are 2 Independents run ning this year and three Inde- pendent Liberals One of the Mrs. Yvon former independents 1s Dupuis, wife of a minister without port folio in the federal cabinet of Prime Minister Pearson, who will be contesting St. Jean The last Quebec general elec tion -- in 1962 -- saw 224 can didates and four parties in the field, The record for numbers of candidates prior to this year was set in 1944 when 337 were in the field The Liberals had 43 seats in the legislative assembly dis- Solved last month. The Union Nationale had 28, there was one Independent and three were vacant Recent changes in the Quebec electoral law have reduced the minimum voting age to 18 from 21 This is considered partly re sponsible for the increase of al most 500,000 in the number of eligible voters this year as com- pared with 1962. An estimated 3,190,904 can vote in the coming election seats Premier Lesage has three op ponents in the Quebec City con stituency of Louis - Hebert while Mr. ohnson also has three ri vals in Bagot, 30 miles east of Montreal OTTAWA (CP)--With tulips! and tourists blossoming in Ot-) tawa, the heat is on in Parlia- ment to step up the law-mak- ling pace and clear the way for |g summer recess, | House leaders of the five parties were expected to con- tinue discussions this week on 'the organization of the session ifrom now until the recess, ex- pected in mid-July. The government is proposing 'an informal list of priority bills it wants to pass before the re- leess, In meetings last week, lopposition representatives re- | quested details. The Commons observed the Victoria Day holi- |day Monday, The first item of business today was expected to be second-reading stage of the government reorganization bill, iwhich juggles the responsibili- ties of six ministes DEBATES FOUR BILLS Next, the House will debate four related bills reorganizing the civil service and setting up collective bargaining machinery for civil servants, These will be sent to a special Commons-Sen- ate committee for hearings A government spokesman said other bills on the pre-re cess must list include --Iniroduction of a revised Bank Act and sending it to a committee for extensive pub- lic hearings. Speculation is rife that the six-per-cent inter- est ceiling will be modified. --The Canada Assistance plan, which would integrate and improve four existing welfare programs for needy mothers, the blind ar/ dis- abled, unemployed workers whose insurance henefits have run out and needy per- fons over 65, --A $500,000,000 fund to assist the construction and expan sion of medical schools and teaching hospitals during /the next 15 years. ( BEGINS IN JULY --The federal-provincial med- ical care insurance plan, scheduled to go into operation July 1, 1967, Interested prov inces will set up ther own plans along four basic: prin- ciples and Ottawa will pay half the costs Increasing fund for loans students --Creation of the Company of Young Canadians, a Crown corporation that would send volunteer young social work the $40,000,000 to university ers into slums and depressed the Hudson River and « large|proval in # statewide referen- areas and emerging countries Wall Street brokerage house an-\dum, abroad All these priority items were promised by the Liberals in the campaign for the Nov, 8 elec- tion, or earlier. The Commons passed little significant legislation in the first three months of the ses- sion, But the pace has picked up. steadily since MPs came back after the Easter recess. COUNCIL CREATED Bills passed in the last month included a $50,000,000 rural de- velopment fund, creation of a science council, of three elected councillors to the Northwest Territories Council, expansion of credit for farmers and fish- ermen, and-approval of the free- trade auto agreement with the United States The first part of the session was consumed by set - piece de- bates required by the rules and discussion of spending estimates for the fiscal year ended March 31 In the first 80 sitlings this ses- sion, only 19 were devoted to the study of government legis- lation and 20 bills were passed most of them minor Weekend Weather Fine In Most Canadian Areas By THE CANADIAN PRESS | The worst Victoria Day week end death toll on and demonstrations in Montreal by 1,000 youths marked the three day holiday in Canada More than 110 persons died in accidents by Monday midnight, compared with 100 for the three days in 1952 The traffic death toll more than 20 higher than the Canadian Highway Safety Coun cil's prediction of 65 and the highest Victoria Day weekend toll since 1948 when The Cana- ldian Press started keeping rec | ords Crowds marched through the | east-central section of Montreal | Monday, tying up traffic and damaging several cars Police said no one was injured. The demonstration began peacefully in the city's Lafon record was record le Parti de la Democratisation taine Park Police said the demonstrators were joined by 100 members of| an 'older, tougher, element} who led the crowd onto the/ streets." During the march, sev-| eral youths ripped down elec- tion posters before police broke up the parade, The weekend weather was fine across most of Canada with clear skies and temperatures in the mid-70s Monday, But on the west coast cloudy, cool weather interrupted some holiday cele brations PORTS IDLE Loading at six major British Columbia ports came to a stand still Monday when longshore men stayed home despite a court tijanetion ordering them to work the holiday Docks in Vancouver, Victorial Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Prince Rupert and New Westminster] were deserted by the longshore men who were ordered Thurs day by the B.C, Supreme Court to work Victoria Day The B.C, government inaugu rated a new ferry service Mon day from northern Vancouver Island to Prince Rupert and an estimated . 12,000 persons watched the new vessel berth Biggest holiday event on the west coast was Rodeo which attracted about 30,000 fans, The Hyack Anvil Battery in New Westminster | observed the birthdays of Queen| BUYS SPARES FOR ALL LONDON (AP) Jim Me Loughlin, who has all his own teeth, raised his hand at an army auction and bought 60,000 | single false teeth for £460. He said his surplus goods firm) deals in 'pretty well every thing.' The army said it sold | the teeth 'because it appears we don't want so many in the future," Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker ~~ | Bill MeFeeters ~~ SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 723-2265 President Vice Pres CITY OF SALARY RANGE 0 r $6,145.00 epartment of Pub Assistant te ve Design ond assist in designs of Muni Apply h in. writing, g a ving full « before 5:00 , tory, ete DESIGN TECHNOLOGIST Engineer, t OSHAWA $7,325.00 3 res h a Design Techn carry out techn ipal projects of educat } 19 a Ist 266, t jetoils no ne PERSONNEL OFFICER CITY HALL OSHAWA, ONTARIO the Cloverdale ™ Elizabeth and Queen Victoria with a traditional 21-gun saluje On the Prairies, more than 5,000 persons attended a fire works display in Winnipeg and watched members of the Winni peg Blue Bombers football team chase pigs on the field TO AID HOSPITAL The proceeds of the chase will be contributed to the ache Hospital in St, Boniface, Man Cool weather moved into the Prairies late Monday, spoiling) the holiday in some regions, But Portage la Prairie, Man., rec- orded a high of 91 Sunday, equalling a mark set in 1930. thronged to horse races in Calgary Saskatoon kicked off celebrations for its 60th birthday and a new official flag will be raised in the city Thursday, In Toronto, fireworks displays were set off all over the city and some 50 persons were treated for minor burns, An eight-year-old girl was severely burned by an exploding fire- cracker. More Crowds than 2,500 persons at tended a time-honored Victoria Day ritual at the Six Nations Indian reserve near Brantford under sunny skies and 75-de gree temperatures TULIPS DRAW WELL Tourists flocked to the annual tulip festival in Ottawa under sunny, warm skies and large crowds visited the Parliament Buildings Rlossoms were the, big attrac tion on the Niagara Peninsula andthousands of motorists drove along lane Ontario te-see the fruit orehards Roman Catholic Montreal pvent to school Over-Acidity. Your Problem? Relieve it the way thousands have done in the last 90 years, with WILDER'S STOMACH POWDER, It is still » dependable formula for relief of Indi- gestion, Gastritis, Dyspepsia, Bilious- eas, Economical, quick. At all drug eounters. children in Mon but Protestant students ob served the holiday day Under new provincial regulations, the Cath olic students are allowed to ob serve a floating holiday and took Friday off instead, Skies were clear in the Mari- times and temperatures were in the mid-70s, Holiday activities in Newfoundland were quiet and Prince Edward Island, in the midst of a provincial election campaign, had no special activ ities scheduled Traffic was reported heavy in New Brunswick, Large crowds attended Victoria Day road races in Trenton, N.S., and the province's annual Annapolis Valley apple blossom festival Started in Digby Executive Home, 837 Somerville Street nounced it has taken a-land op- tion in excess of 16,000 square feet, Keith Funston, president of the exchange, told a legislative committee Monday that the ex- change has found 'persuasive' the arguments on why it should |move all or part of its opera-| 'tions to New Jersey, He said banning a stock trans- fer tax 'would add to your state's attractiveness," and said a decision may be forthcoming late in July New York Mayor John V, RETAINS CROWN BERLIN (AP) Unbeaten Nino Benvenuti of Jialy retained his European middieweight box-| ing championship by . stopping Germany's Jupp Elze in the 14th round Saturday night, Ref eree George Smith of Scotland stopped the fight at 1:27 of the 14th round when Elze, floored for a count of nine earlier in the round, was being pounded against the ropes WEDNESD but legislative leaders have 'expressed optimism that the measure would be voted on' in the near future, Funston emphasized that relo- cation in New Jersey wouldn't be merely a move to dodge taxes altogether. He said the state would reap substantial fi- nancial dividends in real estate, corporate and other taxes. Sluggish Kidneys May Bring Restless Nights If you "fight the pillow', toss and turn all through the night « don't really know why-~perhaps here's news and help for you! One cause of wu restlessness may be traced to sluggish kidney action, Urinary irri- tation and bladder diseomfort may follow, The result can be backache and restless nights, This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills ean help bring relief Dodd's stimulate kidney action, helps relieve the irritated eondition that causes the backache, Take Dodd's, and nee if you don't feel better, rent better Used suecensfully by millions for over 70 yearn, New large sin AY ONLY ven money, CUT-UP CHICKEN LEGS and BREASTS 45: BUEHLER'S 12 KING ST. EAST 723-3633 Over 1800 square feet of living area, Finished Rec Room 29 x 26, Three Bathrooms, natural stone fire- place, expensive wall to wall Broadloom . , . Just too many features to put in an advertisement. Make an appointment to inspect real soon by calling SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED -- 723-2265, "Over a Quarter Century of Service SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 KING WEST 723-2265 See additional Listing Advertised Daily' in Classified Section) TAKE NOTICE THAT: ond gutter, as a lore the wor NAME OF STREET Albert St Conant $ Simeone St Erie 8 10' Wes perty of Frank $t perty of Gordon $t Simeone St St St Simeone Wentworth Statior 21'0 propert Vhiting Ave fe The estimated cost of the Application will be work and any owner moy to the said work being ur 4. Th or ¢ said Board may app objection to the said-w DATED et Oshawe this 171 The Corporation of the Cit 16.5' West of W Simeone Street 8 West Simeoe St made by th LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE mprovement, ro 10 _ Let Plar 23'0 Let Plan North C-41% 335 of 8 Limit Sheet 29, $ Fost of W. Limit C38, Sheet 29 335 t af W, pre Simeoe St s Simeoe St 5 Simeoe St. $ pro Simeoe St. s 28'0 Lot 5, Plan North of $ 198 Ss! Station $1 38'0" North of §$ Lot 17, T, Conant Plan E Ss Limit of W. Simcoe St meoe St. § $ 102'0" East of W Block "A", Plan 198 work is $328,808.82. The special e rporation to The Ontario one doys ofter the ¢ jert ve of tt ork e sold w undertal k being will be considered doy of Moy, 1946 ond intends to speci ally Limit Municipe rst publication of this notice of Oshawa intends to construct asphalt pavement en grenuler base with eoncrete a port of the eost upon' the land abutting directly on assess ESTIMATED COST City's Share Width __Tatel » 28' $ $528.25 $ 4,927.05 2,519.28 2,258.28 1,270.50 1,138.5 742,29 8,027.37 294,118.41) 262,311.53 $938 92 4910.18 1,699.35 Limit 32' 8,947.20 8,505.2 assessment is te be paid in ten equal ennual instalments file with ff but betore doing so, it may appoir LR. 8B City $24.49 6,423.57 1,422.18 Boord for its approval ef the undertaking of the said Owner's Annuel Rete Por Ft. Fige. Owner's Cost Per Ft. Fige $6.60 $0.90 440 0 4.40 6.60 4.40 6.60 4.40 4.40 0 4.60 he City Clerk his objection when Mt a time and ploce ARRAND, Clerk, of Oshawe } NOTICE The film library and the services of the Oshawa Film Council will be. closed to the public from June 10th, until the McLaugh- lin Pubile Library resumes normal services, H, WHEELER President, Oshewe Film Council NOTICE RE: MeL PUBLIC Owing to the enlarged AUGHLIN LIBRARY area being added to the Library it has been decided to close the Adult Library to the public for a few weeks to permit the contractors to proceed with certain demoli- tion and "break-through" operations Therefore, all Adult Services will be closed to the public from: Monday, June 13th, 1966 until Further Notice This will not affect the Children's Department, The Bookmobile will operate until June 30th, be off the road in July August and resume service in Beginning May 24, Adult borrowers may take os many books as they wish for their summer reading. These books will be due in September. Laurence Savery, Chairman, Oshawa Public Library Board. JUST A FEW OF THE FINE LISTINGS OFFERED BY 717 Masson 7 Room Centre Hall Plan In o perfect location, near schools. and bus, @ lovely four bedroom executive's home You'll like the large living room with fireplace and the large rec-room and large master bedroom. Only $5,500 down and low taxes, too 657 Mary St. Live Sensibly You can in this central you can downtown _ office, Mary/Rossland area, beaoutif So ul 4 bedroom home improve health by walking to school Enough grounds or hospital, Located for little gardening and lots of secluded relaxing --~- even aun bathing. Owner hates leaving but needs spoce for four cars, $4,000, down will handle 190 Meadow Rood Full Price $19,800. 4 Bedrooms, large rec-room, built-in oven and stove, spacious lot 75' x St, Paul's' Separate School 200', steps away from neor Garrard Rd, south of Rossland, Act quickly. FOR INFORMATION ON OUR Real Estate Listings call: Tom Houston Charles Chaytor 668-4416 723-7996 Ralph Schofield Supervisor Rea | Estate Dept. 723-5221- -- Res. 728-3376 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST REAL ESTATE DEPT, 19 POuNTAIN: OF a8 Simcoe St, N. Oshawa 723-5221