Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1966, p. 2

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Ww. Tesch | WINDOWS BROKEN, CARS DAMAGED OBITUARIES : | $58,050 Slated | LAWRENCE A STACEY brook, and four grandchildren, : married October 17, 1931 im Wer ; |. "The death occurred on Sunday. Mr. Heard was predeceased ton and lived in ot Port To Dredge Harbor Ou a O S red of i9-vear-old Lawrence Allan bY three brothers, Lather, Frank Perry and Whithy OTTAWA (CP) 4 958,050 | l(Larry) Stacey, of 209 Grenfell 4nd John and a sister Minnie She was a member of the Contract for dredging the en- ist. Me died in the Toronto Gen- The funeral will he conducted congregation at St. John. the trance channel of the Cobour, eral Hospital from injuries he from the W. C. Town Funeral eangelsit Roman Catholic Ont. harbor to a 'depth of 19 / received in a car accident the Chapel, Lid., Whitby ated p.m. Church, Whithy feet has been awarded to the ad Y @ | @ n ¢ I i Tre< ] previous day Wednesday, May 2%. by Rev ans i cenicok by kar oe [| P. Porter Ca. Ud. ot Mew fe 3 He wax the son of Mr. and J. Smith. The interment will be hand, Gordon Clayton and three treal, the works department Mrs idri« Stavey who live at 4 Prince Albert Cemetery hess Claitan Ad Grae of said Monday MONTREAL (CP) Someiobservance of Victoria bay. side a statue of Dollard des Or $7 Orchard View bivd., Oshawa iad Whithy and Brice of Ajax, and 1000 vouths marched. several Others sang separatist songs meaux, scene of a bombing Mr. Stacey is survived by his MRS LEN FE, MARK four daughters, Mrs. 1. Brooks Catholie Church by Rev. G. J miles through Montreal Monday and shouiea, The Qieen te ie" Sida yong wir -tne fariver-wMine-tar Uligahath Bdavb st--t ' Ant | Austin Duvial will (abe niane re night breaking windows, damag- gallows 4 "Quehee -pour 4 Yvon Croule, prenident-of the th Reid 718 Burn St.. Whithy died Sun- » nets ing cars and disrupting traffic Quebecois (Quebec for Que- society, told the audience of had lived in Oshawa all day at Oshawa General Hospl- Oshawa, Ronnie of Oshawa, and Pall bearers at the funeral Police gave no estimate of beckers) about 200 that "the soul of the his fife and wax an employee tal after a prolonged illness, Mrs. W. Crawford (Marguerite) will be; Dick Jeffrey, Lanny damages but said at least 59 'rouble began when the nation is in danger" because of with the Gen-Auto Shippers, of She was 53 of Whitby Jeffrey, Carry Jeffrey, James windows were broken and crowd marched out of the park proposed vhanges in Quebec's Oshawa jie wae active in the Mrs, Mark was born in To The funeral will he conducted O'Brien, Bob Duncan and Alan about 20 cars were slightly dam: onto the street, Car -windows educational system Oshawa Minor lockey League. ronto, the daughter of Mr. and 10 a.m, Wednesday May 25 at Carnachan, A rosary will be held aged. Three other cars were and doors were damaged with jie said that while the Parent Aa well as hie wife he is Mrs. Michael O'Brien! She was S!. John's Evangelical Romani Tuesday May 74 at 7 p.m , overturned rocks and the youths climbed poyal commission on education also Mirvived he a sister, Mre No one was reported injured, several second-stofey balconies revently recommended the oa | Moy Carter of Hamilton; and a but police said two youths were and ripped down election cam> taplighment in Quebec of 'a brother, Murray Starey of Osh arrested and nine were being paign- posters avatem of education that ia both held for questioning Police wearing protectiy het bilingual and neutral madern Funeral service will be from The demonstration be ZAD mets 'dispursed some. of the ihe Armetrong Funeral Home peacefully in a holiday almos crowd but about 400 continied lomarrow al 2 pm, The service phere in Montreal's Lafontaine aiong Sherbrooke Street, MOM jiejan " * Park where a group of YOUNK yeal's main east-weat alter he conducted by Mr. %. G. Bay people paraded several limes The parade was boken up as Lawrence Hannigan, APDOAE: well at a tephen United ew in 0 ccoun around an artificial lake, Cano jt neared the centre of the cll ing. for Montreal Mayor seat cure Muriel will be al Grove ists and picnickers soon joined -- Police reported little trouble Drapeau, Iald a: wreath: at 1h wide Cemetery, Brooklin ' ! i hase of the statue commemor s the procession in other area of the ets Some of the crowd who said although firemen linehiahed Gt Dollard des Ormeau Na weeny ft WRAnD a S 0 more in eres --_-- they were member of Le Mou several bonfire n the atreeta whieh is held May 7 Wouley W. Heard. 306 Mary } ne waris af the «7 . ' verly) of the et samatens awn Quchec could nol progrens under such a culture and re ' oo in the funeral home ehapel will We yvement du 23 Mai distributed and answered gibat man sapments of the slie were al Vhithe. died Sunday after) handbilis protesting Canada's false alarm led neatly near the wreath |@ short iiness al Oshawa Gen ' Members ¢ wiele St The statue was slightly dam eral Hospital He was 90 and you can q . Jenn Napliate, @ wh ed ne the weekend when Mr Heard was horn in Prince Stirs dian a i ered a homemade bomb exoloded Albert, Ont, the aon of the tate e . oran earile ' " its hase, pollee anid sid Mis, John Heard thd ls otal es | withdraw money anytime 7 nee . . vite. Vilen Jane (Dodday whom b YOU'RE HAVING FUN U.K. Storm = WEATHER FORECAST mile, Mien Z6n9 (Deal eee 7 es Vrinve Albert « Mr Heard vetived from farm Mrs. Lyndon B, Johnson, to hundreds of children in k | S ll W d d san tit w Ae Nae Yok Guat ote wa audience, "You're hav W ith Boo Coo eT pe e nes ay yYenen Ho t was wort oO a a dea ing fun, It shows in every SOON of highwa lle wee o mem my) MAY ave 99,000 oF more in savings and playground alt Jacob ' By HAROLD MOR Riis Public Housing project body's face LONDON (CP) A hubli ber of the congregation al sich it earning only V%, That's not a Look at the extra interest you get in the lower Fast side, says (AP Wirephoto) storm has broken over the head Sunny With Some Clouds ae h Anuienn Church, Whit ich ag it could with « Guaranty Truat ! t 53 i WN i following publi ! of Lord Moran following | Mi Heard leave and son A thuarant Trust Savings Deposit Re Savings Deposit Receipt Asoount € rt outlining in ation of his repo 4 g relp) Aerount pave 41%. Minium deposit clinical detail the crumbling TORONTO ale WO tadlay weal 1. Wedneada john of Whith md three 1] ] = KI] I EF D physical and mental strength Of issued by the weather office al (tiawa region Clear today danghte 1) " Nudd i¢ 80.000 litereat ie calculated on the daily pire mina tau Winston Churchill, struggling to aiid ry warm, Clouding over| (Madge) of Oshawa, and Flot AIA NCE HePneT 1% TEREST WT EREDT 1) ah FOR OME YEAR roe wt YEAR hold on to power in bis declining toniett with howfrs and a ence and Jean of Oshawa Hel Vien tik ad CONTINUED FROM P, 1 : Synopsis; Cooler alt wha | tance of thundershowers by alo sur oa ob a brother 5 years account whenever you want, And you can old doctor, who served the Brit withdraw money anytime on demand 6 6,120 6154.75 232.99 MONDAY of Latehford, drowned in the tario durin ! » b " . , vari Winds light be y thie kind of a ised hs dividuals ' 7 { » ' wartime leader for a qual J arty in VE DA COTY | perenne ee ey ' ind of account i usec individua ¢ Peter Wright. 23. of Toronto, Montreal River about 17 miles ! ho wartin | he province We ' gry Hy sate 7,660 228.60 344.03 ' th est of H ury Ouihwesterly 20 by fate after like vourvell as well as Corporations, trustees drowned while swimming with west 0 allebu tered howe: wil normally keep seerel noon Winds eed showers Ml decoy a noon, Wind on Wednesday | OSHAWA TIMES | |: hoxrnats and churches ae, ee oe ing tonight in southern Ontario Forecast temperatures Pp Vor further information, please write, tele 20,600 619.61 932.87 Gee #8 f 5, of Hanmer sit Bae oni atari ome of Churchill's close rela Wednesday will be partly cloudy fow tonight, highs Wednesday ICTURE phone or visit the Manager of the Guaranty 25,150 761.16 1,144.48 aurice Ethier 0 anme i with more cloudine pnd afew wy \ » \ ! . indeor 70 Trost office nearest you near Sudbury, when he fell from, Alice Capstick, 25, of Toronto tives, including his widow, still iored showers likely across ¢ fr RE-PRINTS Mi dade vege ' tion? lhomas a bread truck on Highway 17 when a car hit a tree neat ot NV -- nig a ee ee the northern region London 7 Available A { nile ' M Surgit Kaur Sandhu, 33 may hut ' ' & " sd deeded! vailable At about 15 miles west of North rs re dh 3 baie Mt Clals. Lake Huron, witeianer : fs 7 " ry s | ™ Bas of Ottawa, in a two-car collis- ily but this is the stuff of his : ha enter ( ars t | st C £ f € d Tavis St Louis. 10, of Tim-|ion on Highway 17 near Rock. tory " says the Conservative ge sol gad <s gd aha ha FOLBHL se 0940 Me i NU-WAY PHOTO syUaran y rus ompany 0 Jana a m 0 » ' ' ay ingham ee ' " Saude thie Horhing with Hadiiie : "0 SERVICE Government of Canada incorporated and supervised. Capital and Reserve $25,000,000, Deposits in excess of $350,000,000, {t additional money inte your te { off aly ra tf the Should the eminent, gi-year: (OUCHIAE of nwe 1H inoining, Wednesday cloudy Grant, of Mhackleton, Sask a The Ontario dead Frederick James Mitchel, & west wall ad e ache on learing b aflernoon and not sister teu Heard of ter-century, disclose what phys friends in a tributary of the Andre Dufresne, 23, and Al '-40s about their patients? And should Grand River 10 miles north of bert Bernard, both of Levack he have published now when mins, drowned on Lake Porcu and. 25 miles east of Ottawa, Daily Mail But the Earl of i pine, near Timmins, while try Rolland FE. Pollington, 28. of Birkenhead, in the equally Con-| DUr : ng gar gt ' ing to float a raft att shore Coleman. Mich lames G. Wat- servative Daily Telegraph, calls snattered showers ant chance 0 St. Catharines son, 29, of Midland, Mich,; and Moran "ruthless and selfish,' hundershower clearing {0 Toronto .s+ssseeres | 251 King St. E, Oshawa SUNDAY the pilot, Richard Clark, 20, of More heated are the charges ward evening. Wednesday sunny Peterborough 4 OW = Ww RR 32 KING ST. E., OSHAWA, TEL, 728-1653 Inhn Lvons, 31, of Toronto, In saul : ' Ont rf of two leading newspapers With a few cloudy periods. and Kingston . waa 7 a five th his home Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.p in theo ie? sccuse Churchill's, cab. cooler, Winds southerly 20 shift: 'Trenton .. Ss f= 188 oh JAMES |, VESSEY, Manager, Frank Johnson. 56, of Detroit, Sault inet colleagues of fraud and ing to west this Killaloe ... e / 20% Discount on Orde drawned when a boat capsized Michael: Bourgon, 11, of Glen false pretence in hiding -- the becoming light tonign Muskoka in Rondeau Ray of Lake Erie waller. when knocked from his: truth in 1953 when the prime lake Erie, Niage r North Bay 25 miles south of Chatham hievcle by a car while deliver. minister suffered a. major tario, southern Georgian Sudbury Ross Antilla, 9, of Sudbury\ing newspapers stroke Haliburton, Killaloe, Hamilton, Harlton when hit by a car on Highway Donald Mosher, 44, of Niagara (MANGED WORDING Toronto:Sunny and warm with Sault Ste, Marie 69 near Burwash, 30 miles south Falls, Ont., when a car hit a| In his book Winston Churchill, considerable cloudiness and a Kapuskasing .. of Sudbury light standard in Peterborough, | 4 rei wale for Rurvival Saker few scattered thunderstorms de- White River Ve SIFURRIC FOr Sury ' . veloping during the afternoon, Moosonee of S or More Pietures SATURDAY Leonard House. of Peterbor: said he wanted to issue a med Timothy Moak, 7. when hit by, OUR, in hospital Monday after jcal bulletin saying Churehil kg clear ce bdo i rimmins t { day sunny with a few cloudy a car in front of his Toronto' ® traffic accident Sa urday had suffered "a disturbance of : home night the cerebral circulation He Periods and cooler Winds 'e FIRE BURNS AFIAAT 7 t > ' $ a 1 y , Garnet HF dward Sammon Mario Albanese, 7, of Welland, claimed Lord Salisbury and R patel ai peg A i eiga lhe 400th anniversary of the about 31, no fixed address, pre when crushed by a truck while' A. Butler now Lord Butler 8ht tonignt an : n Great Fire of London is being | hit deleted the reference, saying Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie,| celebrated this summer with a| sumably by a car, died of playing in a beverage company injuries after being found un- yard in Welland only that the prime minister White River Variable cloud two hour pageant on the River conscinus beside Highway 16 needed a complete rest from) "ess with & few scattered show-| Thames near Prescott FRIDAY arduous duties, They persuaded) ers today and Wednesday, * . Florence Mary Wallace, 38, of | Wayne Nelson Braund, 29, of Churchill to agree to the Cooler, Winds westerly 15 to 20 RESUMES PLAY Toronto. when he: car left the: Brantford, when a car left road changed wording Timagami, Cochrane: Mainly SAQ PAULO (Reuters)----Ma road and hit a rock near Spar- and hit tree near Brantford Though Moran's report, based cloudy with occasional showers | ria Bueno Brazil's former row Take 15 miles north of Lennis Denomme, 21, of Credi- on his diaries, show Churchill todas Variable cloudiness with queen of world tennis, left here Orillia ton, Ont,. his wife Betty Lou, 19,| struggling against ailments, age|a few scattered showers Wed Monday night for Paris to re Lawrence Stace 9 of Osh. and their son Jeffrey, six and enemies to hold on to nesday. Cooler, Winds southerly sume international! competition | awa, died in a Toronto hospital months, in a two-car crash in power, it also portraits. the _-- - ---- Sunday of injuries suffered when Exeter in which Diane Wilson, grandeur of a spirit struggling his car hit a tree in Oshawa: 19, of Woodham, a passenger in against physical decay to ATTEND THE FREE Saturday night ihe second car, was also Killeil Spread tie alarm "of the post bers Alien, 45, of at.) Mis. Albert Pont 38, of Weal) war Siallp menace Hnrsien| OSHAWA TRAFFIC CLINIC 21 DAYS 16 DAYS et ok Oe 8 bias ral ee ee eae oe Glloed ene ies CouRNeeee HOTEL ROOM~19 NIGHTS HOTEL ROOM~11 NIGHTS mf n ) Vicky May Ushe 7 of Wick. Douglas Reid, 20, both of Brigh Churchill, who at t yielded Lg low, 30 miles south of Peter. lon, when the car they were rid- the premiership in 1 55, died in at the OSHAWA POLICE DEPT 5 70 & 204° berough, when hit by a car ing in collided with a train 1945, of a stroke, at the age of ® . while riding her hievele ve. Reid, 14, and Bernice 90 Athol St West (2 IN A ROOM) rong, 15; both of Sudbury rs INCLUDING RETURN FARE BY BUS & SIGHTSEEING peeeene entheir car left the road and New Man 2AdsCost 9 "2 any Weer | Tues., May 24 at 7:30 p.m. | |» avOranane F Beng pecan once: Mover, 22, 004i ALAA SEOs » May "OU p.m. | | transport ruck collided near Bat, talk, laugh or sneese without fortably. This pleasant powder has no short of cash. but It ls mv duty (fell into a bathtub of scalding; (BO-acld). Checks "plate odor To The Accident Prone i es VANCOUVER Tokyo merchant who paid $11 = : "TALL FARES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE) two pages of the New York poss your teste with ease tisament appeared in The Times $15,555 order business which sells body : ere ae ture tals Bees: Continental French Buffet old, the other nine months { $1] 184 his wife, Lydia, 26 both of With Little Wo ie. ROUND TRIP FARES ARE LOW' Jap ' ee re ey ne rh | FREE COURSE FOR DRIVERS ees WINNIPEG $46.55 : aa ; tear ot lnascure false teeth Aropping, | geasanekeseatabnaveati ; In Peace Bid of Orillia, ee rts Notes deter eee PAstierh To Experienced Drivers } REGINA... ae a on Tailu Bradley, 57, of 'Toronto it hallenoe te impro ur ddvlna abil : TOKYO (AP)--"I'm a _liftle ine Fethy sutfored winnie wee Satine Rauaoa, The, Aimnlins gee can tes a ec he GALA vsisssccsccsccisiscnss eee to print what I belleve." anid «| wate Sayers Nivea), Set EAN PME ne RA caeartunity Whip. ENG: yar réeohd 84.35 184 to spread his views on Viet To The Beginner -- 'A Must" Nam. and world peace across A courte money can't buy whieh will help you Time Sie OR IGHLY RECOMMENDED Monday morning, He's negotia ting for a three-page advertise * Wh ' All Thi + lk ment in th } 1 ty mann he ims oe Ohe Rih Room al's is ta M Ky Y _Matsufa, 45, operator an | NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M, About a Furnace Parts ea Be Repl Plan? toed ar amaling nop They Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m, -- 5 to 8 p.m. ep acement an é In his advertis wale cist ne Oe cane GENOSHA HOTEL ment to set up 50 "'paradises"' in South t Nam for ictims ~ =o - : t of the Vietnamese war wae said the of THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! be hl alg Ne eee aid the adve ' f » a : ment he Protects oy tren costly has su t to the cure 8 fowner, London 2S g Times: a or "British in-| oer me Adult Building / furnace repairs, And you ed States to invest only $13.98 @ y Central Location vedu Gantt 4 op Prestige Address ee. | TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT i Distinetidn Beyond s y ( ait | % y a BUS TERMINAL Telephone 725-3581 for information, S \* : os tter viet a Underground and Level Park ng By Appointment Only Leet , 723-1712 728.2911 Ct. HOTEL LAMCA m7 ine 61 wt | G@ORGIAQN mansions 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA

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