Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 May 1966, p. 19

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ry : bie y eS eae 19 ? FIFTEEN FOR THE LAST TUE, COR, FO OSHA Mes, pany By) B45 : iG 1 DEMAND 10 HOW YOR TLL MAKE SURE YOU No ANEW! ; A WITH SEN, THM, NEVER SEE GEN, TAM! GbiICiK { 41 ~~ GEE-- HE TOOK ' THAT WELL uf THEY BUT-HMM~NOBODY Wnore Tar Sf knows Weve COULD=SORT OF "£R-GiVE NOBODY KNEW > CLAIMED THAT 'EMA LI'L SHOVE, EH? =BACKP nd to spend a ISLAND FULL CHUCKLE!-~BALIK ACROSS fof WN LU Ch TONTO! THE GRAS ' wy .| \siderable amount of time , THE SMILE LIMIT' /3 BLOWING TOW WATERIN DUR SIONS AND PO lyzing hands where the result was disappointing to one side or the other because of some- thing that someone did or failed to do, Certainly this studious approach to bridge is bound to help your game, especially if the analysis is fair and objective. Take # hand like this one where South bid and made six spades, West led the king ing ¥ hearts and continued with the Neate. f : aa ff vy \ | 4 ; Zi } ? y ' . ace, which South ruffed, Declarer played a diamond te : the ace, ruffed the ten of hearts, Monae iotretad | (Gy fy | tomer num: sie al tinea: STORE! IT'S EMBARRASSIN' YU GG cashed the A-K of spades, en- 4 as ' CHALKIE AND EMBER, ' p ' , y] |tered dummy with the ae of OH THINKS % yw im LAY POR KEEPE Billy )DELIVER THE 8 STRAIGHT TO diamonds, and then cas the Sent . fais "Eine Niest hcee" | Won Aic# by Girded ihe 104 Ot lib y y Oe lar y carded the 10-9 of clubs, REMEMBER FOR GTARTERS | ; NOTE SAYS... Yb fr remaining diamonds and the ace of clubs took the last four tricks and brought home the slam, South is entitled to at least a pat on the back for having made the slam by means of a dummy reversal, but the fact is that he could not have accom 1? , , ; " \ " bie J RY SR 'o, : had BS we ad VA ons ee : es game plished his aim without West's ead Wr all | assistance, 7 ea yo \ West should have realized that on the bidding South was | Pree i bound to have a# singleton heart and that forcing him to ruff at TELEVISION LOG | __ ia aa Channel li--Hamition © | 43~Dick Van Dyke , 4-Dick Van Dyke Show % 3 He should have played South Channel p---Torente heer junction =-- ee b ROA for the distribution he actually oes oe 1100 PM. 13 had and realized that a second Channe) 7--Buttale es Mery Griffin Ghew| %--Toronto Today \ th, of Channel ¢-Torente i ely serine andoerey C ' " ; heart would be more Ilkely te an at 43-N Mogesine Money Movie "i f ' pore ae 14. po--News Mant T--Money Mevie SCAT! bad , Fy help declarer than injure him. Channe: 2~Buttele | seCBC Reporte 4--News ond Weelher . 4 | A trump play at trick twé p aheapepggeeHete id 10:30 PLM, b-Pepeye oni Pot would have been more appro Yweeway SVE =| 6a-The Public Eye priate, and, in the actual case, 3 epee or { } Te Pemily Theetre | 1: PLM, sai \ VA Jastreverne | 10-016 d Mowe Teeter Ki would have defeated the con 6--Supermar | Weather and Sperte 12:90 PM, ' - tract, de | f--Soupy Sales Ramen Tome py ' é--Passport To Adventure| 18 PM, br Post Office * iy : Of course, it might have de- yee THE feu OF THE 'pee aoMike Douglas | 2-Johnny Carson b-domSeateh for Tomorrow ANN) mae veloped that South's hand was THE LONE RANGER Sy ~ SECRET AGENT X9 yt os = | WOULD SHER TAINED THE Viewpoint b--Noondey R mou WHILE "TRYING ve CA Pike RO i> ec IVE AGENCY 6:90 PM, | aie Pm 1246 PLM, ! ' j ergo' pg instead of INSTEAD OF EVER GOING DOWN FOR ONE G-Leave it Te Beever] Pentote shew $4-uiding Light Pea 4-1-5-3, but in that ease, ne TO TRIAL. THOVZAND DOLLARS DEAD, 7--Rifleman parm) 00 PM Be, play by West could stop the bhenre i o--Music Hop 9 PM, View Theatre 3~77 Sunset Strip The Sain? o--Merning Ster oi eae baa Tene. Saw | <p | " Dollars J--Twilight Theatre T-wMov | € | laling for 4~Generation 312 O'Clock High | eben Sevey NO, I THINK WE 4--News, Soorte war j uncheon Date a . " Chudt Healy ecole tone 4--eet The Miller | | CAN DEFINITELY RULE sim Pak é--Nightcap at of 4 | . |OUT SWAMP GAS -- H48--News) @aonaeDAY ie PM WHAT ? A LOST WILD. Weather) Gperts 4:00 A.M, %--James Beard Show 6--Huntley- Brinkley | @uCagtein Kengeree 44---As The World Turme |. SAeress Conede | 6.20 AM 2-4--Let's Make @ Deal | 7:00 PM, ¥--T.V, University 2:00 P.M. | VieDaniel Boone lieAlbert J. Steed fh Kids \s People | Gey Mother The Car. | 9:00 ALM. | TConfidential for Women | } | slam, The fact is that In most games West's error in defense |would not even be noticed, but players are not profitably ana lyzing their results, AGREES TO DRAW MOSCOW (AP)--Tigran Pe trosian, Russia's world chess champion, agreed to a draw Friday -with challenger Boris Spassky on the 30th move of their 17th match in the title se- B--Men in Crisis R R '" 64--Password News, Weather, mee oe Sports with Girl Talk 2:18 PM, --Disling For Detlery | Days of Our Lives | tor Mh Where are Mike's Carnival tear Charlotte Your 2-~Boro's Big Top 2:90 P.M, %--Peopie in Confllet 6-4.-The Doctors | : \ | My THOSE NESTED ; \ ; | de EEE i | 7A Time For U | F 4 ries. The result left Petrosyan f 5 > WHY BAT DON'T PLAY 2 , | 4--Love 4 ne. Fer Ve | ; ABLES Ak = "Tug + 220-8 . a r Theat 7 " Nien . By TH , FAVORITES! ) a | JonNews, Weather, Sports| 2>Operetion=s Sotbssho bem. | ; : leading by 9 games to 8, A . ALLEST %--Musical Showcare 10 AM. | \ ) \ f ' © King Fesreras Symdicnsn, tae. 1964 Wakd siches nenrwnd. 9:30 AM | | | Look of Art | . -- \ en Bretton ji { sl (wet. USe 'EM | ; (rr 0 agape' bons biocae aN: b-Gilligan's telend ats FOR OINN Rey ee TLIRN I orld Right Revery Oo 24 a--Huntiey- Brinkley AN? I Report 9--Mete TABLE F 6 2--My Mother The Cor Peop 3:00 PM, a }~--Combaet Playtime With Uncle | ®-ractured Phrases ' " \ On The teen O8--Another Wort | . SRE javanture ¥--@enera! Hoepitat | ScHogen's Horess c &43--To Teil The Trum Canadian Schools 3:20 PLM, | | oe wg SALLT'S SALLIES YOUR HEALTH Trouble Traced vm. ltt | In Chronic Cough . JooahcHele's New I +--Cher Helene | @ The Match Goons wf : | @--Red Skelton 11:00 A.M. 63---Worlds in Contrast ere EEO | . PM, $2--Morning Star &3---Bonnie Prodden Show | By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD I'VE BEEN BUSY THIS GOOPNESGS,! DIDN'T LUCKY FOR MB GRANDMA THINKS 1 eats wean ae HieMike Dougies 4--Beoret Storm | MORNING, MR.OTIC/ ---- PAY ANY ATTENTION | | 13 16 igeageehld 5 ote |) | eee t--Mr, And Mrs 2--Mery Griffin | 10 Pe | Movie 1 Love Lucy funny Company | SeGomer Pyle 10:30 AM. tite Your Move |. ha--Plense Don't Ma? Tre |il--8d Alien 2-8---You Don't Say | Daisies $-2--Concentration J--Superman Show 4--Andy Griffith | ; De r. Molner: I wish , LDP \ LJUST BAKED IB PIES! ' TO THE NUMBER eer > an , "a | seemavie 1 devaay OF 'uae 4190 PLM. ar D you/mind that smoking aggravates uper a oe ferviiet mT | ae shires bees Ghatees| Raburn brew |1)---Secrat Squirrel would write about bronchiec-/the situation. TF Troop | 11:90 AM, 5. Wess. Wandaecker tasis.--D. A, Basic treatment consists of vcnencl anne DrAbracacanre | Sanne Dazzle This is a disorder of the the use of ant biotics to subdue Ri tetanic ill idan sk ARO / bronchial tubes, which become) infection and measures to help dilated--perhaps only in certain|drainage of the clogged tubes, areas--and infected, The dila-|Inverted posture, that Is with pee pent be = of rp the shoulders lower than the ROSS . P TOMES TA and pus, The result is @ chronic/hips; helps drainage, of the | a.thallena ne eerie -- EIRIRIALTIA las 5} |cough with foul - smelling! phlegm, 2 He to ted the be Gave @.Lying down loan ee tele phieom. Bronchiectasis also is|sticky secretions also are effen- dwellers 7. Chinese shark HI ARI MANIE] {the commonest cause of blood-|tive in clearing the bronchial , Minister pagoda 22. Annoy NIAIN tinged sputum, (This condition) tubes, , Subsid 8. Put into «23, Pre State titty also can, obviously, be a factor) In severe ases, segments of| 2, Self financial sented ANS in bad breath.) the affected lung or lungs may| 8. Dull difficulties' 25, Sting ICIS i Mi As with other ailments, it can|pbe removed, which can effent . Confuse Dry wine 37, Actress }L- IN aie be mild or severe, but certainly|a cure of the problem, + Irish poet Loopholes bel wh SSIE! should be treated to prevent it We have out of town . Miss Arden Duo OF Te from becoming worse, Without! pear Dr, Molner:; Y am 15 and others wila Aike'a ---Yesterday's Anewer |+reatmment it can be expected toland wonder if polish kills | schoo! Principals @ nd , Nothing Part of a title 34. Jacob's son 20. Small tower bakery 29. Performers 36, Western do Lhe growth of the nails. My parents |f Teachers wishing to. « « 23. Portal 10,Peter Pan" 31, Run from Indian Cough, examination of the|think it does, Some people 24, Oriental dog 32, Large 89. Music note |lungs with stethoscope and per-|blame the polish remover, They | 25.'Type of 1Q 20. State in volume 40, Overhead cuseion (as when the doctor/say polish hardens the nails and test Mexico 33. Winged god train taps on your chest) and the pa-|makes them grow. I would like) 26. Taurus tient's history give ready clues|to know if this is true--A, B.) 27. Couches fii |@% 4 e 1? 18 Y to the presence of bron-| It gent me that every- 28, Verb form A \chiectasis, Duration of the/body is misleading you, inno- . Appolaty Ws \ cough, when it started, and the|cently, I am sure. Rate of Close to Henry High ment by a sounds from the lungs are all{growth of nails, as of hair,|| School Whitby and Har- . Chinese Y, Yj indicative varies from one person to an-|| mony Vocational Colle- ., 3 The most specific proof, how-| other. | giate in Oshawa, 3 to 4 T ever, rests in x-ray studies, An|. Polish itself probably does NO} bedroom executive type harm, and certainly doesn't al-! ig N 1 "Columb! 7Y7, i iodized oil {s instilled into the} anted, Each with } ey de pepo OR ERR v ver, in ML d bronchial system to make the|ter nail growth nores ws FOR 8.00, I'M NOT SURE WILL SEE YOU r al systen s aentt ceam i} substantial down = pay- WHO LAM -SUPPOSED | | AT ONCE, a dilated tubes clearly visible, | gers = a i a ments eles lnierbited ef TO SEE, BUT MR, ( : Karly Eng, jto bother most people, but ' HARDY TEAGUE, OF ' \) money |SEE DOCTOR ican alter the characteristics of | rentals SOFTRESS, SET UP } ee Exterior | .From)}the patient's standpoint/the nails: if people happen to THE DATE, AND... Hi , 9. Small | cough, fever, fatigue, loss of ap-|have soft or fragile nail struc- Call citr fruit _ petite and weight can be evi-|ture to start with, bserves Yi), LY |dence of bronchiectasis, Since . enews _ Douglas Carmichael ub jall of these can result from CINCINNATI (AP) --. Cincin- REPRESENTING POLAnses lothe tions, obviously yo | DOWN [other conditions, oby Aree nati Reds of the National) i PA ; : must leave the diagnosis . VV 'ie ' ' a Ag ' 1 Edible bulb Y fost phevlelan Wut tama wacn engi sold pitcher Gerry At) i Keith Ltd | |) COULD BE ALMOST j r. . | 2 NH gh oe Figo |signs occur, -it is time to find/rigo to New York Mets Friday ° . AA ANYTHING t i Meet fy ' a : } Mi: soy 8. Rd.'s rela» Jout the cause A : jand returned Joe Nuxhall to REALTORS As wy ' wy € ¥ h tive Bronchiectasis can affec P ithe active list. Nuxhall was " f V/A | 7 ror A / U4 young as well as the old, and 4, Pror S24 (the in-betweens, but at any age|Placed on the sick list May 3) Oshawa 4p tn smell > kaom ateonaly in'because of a sore arm. 'BPAEEEERIS ES JULIET JONES

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