Sieelasha hchechah chattel DS em nannnn nn ser WAIT RiGHT 'THERE ~ LL SEE WHAT I HAVE! ' SUGT HEAT IT IN THE , DEAI2 +++ Jere eeeN DREAMING 'Wis ME | or a ER DREAM 1 IK THAT! TIRED, YOUR THE WRETCHED REFUSE =>", IF ONLY THEY WERE MERELY "WRETCHED REFUSE? SIR-BUT THEYRE J\_\ / LOWEST %, YOU MADE Ni IN RBVERSE/ WHILE YOU WERE READIN' A MAGAZINE, JANE ARDEN CRAIG SHOT A MAN'IN FORT HE SAI? IT WAS SELF«VEFEN' AND IL BELIEVE HIM, LAREVO/ Roe ITH. 1 Yuscdow. Ahaw 94 10h 3H 7 THEY WARNED Mi NOT To 60 TO THE POLICE, PHIL SECRET AGENT X39 Channel 11--Hamiften Channel 9--Torento | Channe! &--Rochester | Chenne! 7--Buttale | Channel 4--Toronte Channel 4--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie 2--Buttale \@3--Dick Ven Dyke 4--Petticael Junction 10:00 PM, 1 Spy 63--News Magasine 7--The Fugitive 4-CBC Reports 16:30 PLM. 43--The Pubilc Eye 11:00 P.M, Nb 4 O08 Meme | Weather ond Oper Hh PM, 2--Johnny Carson Viewpoint 7--Cheyenne 8--Superman é--Passport Ye Adventure 3----T.B.A 2--Mike Douglas 130 PM eave i! Ye heove 7--Ritleman Music Hop 3-77 Sunset Strip +10 Pm, 7---Twilight Theatre +-Generation o--Hews, Bperte Chuck Heely 4:30 PLM. bOb--Newe) vie 3-12 O'Clock High 1:4 PM, | &--Plerre Berton | @Nightcap WeOUBBOAy Weather; teerte i 2:00 AM, 6--Huntley-Brinkley ee aA. Conatn 0 AM, | 9--T.V, University Jie-Albert J, Steed 9:00 AM, 9--Romper Room nlel Boone 9--My Mother The Cer &-Men In Crisis Mews, Weather, Sperte | With | Tolk | 4---Mike'e Carmivel 8--Look of Art +--tor Your * Where ave T--Diall For Deltere "bir 24---Paredise Bay 12:00 HOON lbh The Mery @riffie ee %~TYoronto Todey | tJ eopardy | T=Money Movie é--Luncheon Gate | News and Weathay | b--Pepeye and Pole } 118 Pe ow @ ie heme |1--Noontime 12:90 PM ¥--Soupy Sales 8-2--Post Office t-4--Search for Tomorrow b-Hoondey Repert 2:4, PLM o+--Buiding Light 1:00 PLM. lie Theatre | BeMorning Ster 4--Andy of ihe Dialing for Dollars JBen Casey @--Luncheon Date | 4aMeet The Millers | 3-Movie | 2--P.D,@, | 1:30 PM | James Beard Show | The World 2:00 P.M o- Kids 's People 64--Paseword 2---Deys of Our Lives 18 PM, O--Deer Charlotte TELEVISION LOG | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show uw | 2-4--Let's Make a Deal 7--Gontidential for Women WOULD TAKE: PRO 10 PULLA JOB LiKe THIS, BILL./ LOOK OUT HIDDEN IN FOR FREDDIES POG BONES THE GRASS 18 THE OSHAWA TUMaS, 'wesday, Moy 24, 1966 BRIDGE Oy 8. JAY GECKER Opening lead--king of hearts. This hand was played in the famous Lens-Culbertson match many years ago. Probably most players, then and today, would open the bidding as South with a spade, and if by any chance they did not, they would surely take strong action after part her opened with # notrump, However, Culbertson did not see the king of diamonds during the bidding, that card having modestly hidden itself behind another so that Culbertson was unaware of its existence, Mrs, Culbertson's notrum p bid (1931 version) shows how radiacally bidding methods have changed with the years, Today, most players would open the bidding with a club, Culbertson eventually discov- ered the king of diamonde among his cards and recovered sufficiently during the play to execute a crisscross equeeze, Jacoby took the heart lead with the ace and returned the deuce. Leng won with the ten and returned the three, which Jacoby ruffed. He then led back the jack of diamonds, taken with the ace, Culbertson ge five rounds of bars at which point this became Yhe situation: 8 orth gis Culbertson now played the last trump, Lenz discarding » club and dummy a heart. Ja- coby had no suitable discard. If he discarded a diamond, declarer would cash the king and dummy would take the rest, If be discarded a club, dummy would cash the ace and declarer would take the rest. So Culbertson made four, picking up a cool 90 points by . squeeze. But he had bid only wo, SALLY'S SALLIES TW er Q 108 ne 4 Bi a x w \ REMEMBER , HOW » \ Nf asa kio-you user ) siLly. ig FO BLUSH WHE! % BOUGHT THESE? Distributed by King Feateres Brndionte, ecnnemats cerca me FOR OLD iA ries' "ace ) ow J \ | ed, 5! mee. 'cS . 2--Bozo's Big Top 9:8 A.M, --Meie Love of Lite --Operation Apihabet 10:0 AM, People | t--Playtime With Unele Bobby B---Giliigan's lelend 2--Huntley- Brinkley Report 7.20 P.M 7--News, Weather, Sports %--Musical Showcase § 3--My Mother }--Combat +-On The ten | 4~Daktarl Adventure B--Hogan's Heroes 20 PLM, &--Peopie in Conti 6-6 The Doctors tA Time For Ue @-Zene Grey Theatre 4--Linkietier's Party 2:0 PM, FP rectured Phresee Of--Another Werte [ease Tail the Tram | YOUR HEALTH a é--Meta §-2--Eye Guess site. Pa 83--Canadian Schools | 4! Love Luey | VieMovie %--Gomer Pyle 10:8 AM | &2--Please Don't Bel Yaa |!!----Bd Allen antigit | 3:30 P.M |}i--Punny Company | Alte Your Move | 24--You Don't Sey a "a --] oO = be hal a4 = = SS MUGGS AND SKEETER 'JULIET JONES: Ry nein WRONG AND COVERED 'YOUR COATS ALL BUTTONED AS WELL DRESSED TO ME "'THEGE DAYS AS YoU DID WITH LINT! NOT... YX MAD A NIGHTMARE... T DREAMED THAT HARDY WONDER IF THEYRE TALKING ABOUT Me OF LUTTLE LaRoy/ \ eeeeetiltietiien tentials T SOMEHOW YOU DONT LOOK iz con's) HM rota Wy | | VAIL... .THIS 1S THE RIGHT ADDRESS, | &3---Dr T--dAcHale's Newy Daisies #3---Red Skelton H: 6:30 PLM, %--F-Troop Kildare 4--Red Skelton 9:00 PLM, O~The Wecklest in The Army +3--Movie @3--Front Page Chalienge| 7--Supermarket Sweep 1 Trooo 9:30 PLM, M. Peyton Place ACROSS 1. Pipes 6, Fedora 9. Printers' errors 10, Straye 12, Haphasara 13, Flesh 14, Bone 15, Enough, old i 25. French city 27. Kind of linen tape 30, Wharfs dy |8-3---Concentration | Donne Reed +3---Friendly Gient +The McCoys 10148 A.M, +3--Cher Helene 11:00 A.M. 44--Morning Star | | leMike Dougies ORM, And Mrs. | | 4---Andy Griffiths 63--Butternut Square our 14:90 AM, | %--ADracadabre \@}--Across Canade DOWN 19, Hare 1, Rubbish ness 2."Ode to. ® 21, Ama- Grecian zon ss cetar & Ordered cean 4, Belonging to 24. Wine a famous vessel boys' school 26. Serve 6.Man from 27. Morons Pagopago 28. Geologi- 6. Border 7. Greek war god 8. Olympie coach 0. Piccadilly Circus figure 11, Tension 16, Cloak city others Biblical bushel wings $2, Japanese 88, Part of @ | Jfuperman Show 43.Take 30 +--dge of Might 4:00 PM Pt Love Lucy &--The Match Gam | +3--Worlds In Contrast |&3--Bonnie Prudden Sh 4 Beer al 2--Merv Griffin 4:30 PLM, \ll--Seeret Squirrel | 9--Movie | @~Wogdy Woodpecker 63---Razzie Darzie | 4--Movie Saterday's Answor 80. Lege: slang 41, Sluggish 36.Twins and 43, Fortifies 46, Venera tion 48, Female rabbit 14 2 4 1S Gy 8 V7), Y ' 1 $1. Pr 33, Indefinite article 34, Butterfly 35, Ardor 37. Kind of biscuit 40. Army Lt.'s alma mater: abbr. 42. Do the crawl 44, Goddess of justice 45, Membrane 47, Poet's "garland" 49. Neve 60. Met per- formers | Staphylococcus | Explained By Germ Doctor By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear. Dr. Molner: Please ex |plain why a staph germ contin jues on different parts of my body even though I have ster- ilized and kept clean emerything I touch, This started seven months ago. Does it come from the inside or the outside?--Mrs, M. C, M. The staphylococcus germ, a common one, has certain pecu- liarities. Knowing something about it helps conquer it--but I must warn you that in some cases it is not eary fight, Re- sults depend to some extent on the particular strain, There are several varieties of this germ, The germ comes primarily from the outside, not the inside, That is, it tends to linger on the skin, and particularly in the nose, It can be present--and often is--gvithout doing any mis chief Then, for réasous we cannot always discover, the germ is acquired by someone who is unusually sensitive to it, or is not able to throw it off or con:| trol it with the normal defence| mechanisms of the body. Then) the gem thrives and infection appears, It is not unusual for) staph infections to attack indi-| viduals already weakened by some other illness, although not always Boils, for example, are a common manifestation of staph infection, Their presence. ts an jinherent indication that a per ison's resistance to. the particu-/ lar germ is, or ha While the boil--or similar area of infection--is- healing, jsome of the germs may be con- | veyed by fingers or other means) ito some other skin area, to set! lup a new focus of infection.| iThat is wh some infected! jareas must be kept covered! been, low with gauze, to prevent spread jof the germs, | |CAN POISON BLOOD | Occasionally the infection be- comes so severe that it works into the blood stream, and then we have a case of blood |poisoning, always serious. For- tunately most battles with staph \are, like your case, not that ser- jious, however annoying they jare, | The antibiotic jbeen wonderfully helpful in combatting staph infections, and I hope, although your let- ter does not say so, that you are getting medical treatment. One problem is that the staph germ, being so plentiful in the world and so widely distributed, drugs have "How many times am f allowed to miss?" has come in contact at times with some of the antibiotics un- der such conditions that it sur- vived and became resistant, meaning that germs of that par- ticular family no longer are at- tacked by those particular drugs. This is a severe handicap, ob- viously. The answer lies in switching to some other anti- biotic, to which the strain in volved has not become resist- ant, In stubborn, long-lasting cases, it is wise to have la- boratory tests of cultures of the germ, to find out which anti biotics will attack it and which the end, than trying first one and then another. After seven months of fight- ing staph, I would certainly take drastic steps to get rid of the infection. Meantime, natu- Now the only way to buy WRIGLEY'S SPEARMINT ..popular, modern dime pack WRIGL CHEWING MI fine You get more to enjoy in the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! rally, keep on with your pres- ent precautions against spread- ing the germ, either to others or to other parts of your own body. Dear Dr, Molner; [ have veard that petroleum jelly used m eyelashes is harmful and an even cause blindness? Is his a fact?--Miss A. 0. No, It will not harm the eyes, will not, It is much quicker, in '