PUT WALL ON WHEELS reported to have installed con-!are positioned atoh ramps at COLOGNE, Germany (AP)-- crete wall barriers that roll on|right angles to the border gate rails to thwart motorized es-| and can be slid into the path of East German border Police areicapes into West Germany. They? 12 THE OOHAWA TUES, Necstey, Mey 24, 1986 'Trio Stage | a vehicle. 2 Amateur Groups Win Many Awards By JACK BRAUCKMANN VICTORIA (CP)--Two ama- teur groups with professional ambit pore-than--half the awards at the Dominion Drama Festival. the MAC Theatre Society of Calgary won four awards, in- cluding the Canadian Associa- tion of Broadcasters Trophy and $1,000 for the best production in the week - long festival which ended Saturday. Also taking four awards was le Mouvement contemporain, a Montreal group which carries Europe's contemporary theatre to Quebec Andre Brassard, named best director for his work in the Mon- goal of almost any amateur en terprise is becoming good enough to be professional." 'I'm na excention."' said the young mother of five NOTCH FOURTH WIN Calgary's fourth win was the $200 prize which went to James Eberley as the best actor under 25 In addition to the best diree- tor award, the Montreal troupe earned the best visual produc- tion title and the best French- language play. Two of its three cast members, Rita' Lafontaine and Frederique Collin, will share a Quebec government $3,000 scholarship as the most of the Western Canadian Edu- cational Theatre, Canadian Child Drama Association and the DDF conference. Jean Pouliot of Monteal, president of the Canadian As- jation of Broadcasters, prin- prone sponsors of the festival since 1960, said the CAB will expand its regional participation to replace its former national role. Federal and provincial grants are expected to replace the CAB's contributions of $21; 000 a year John Brook of Simcoe, Ont., president of the DDF for the last two years, was re-elected. Richard MacDonald of Ot- Batman Raid COBOURG (CP)--A_ spokes-? man for the education depart- ment Friday supported the de-| cision of Charles A. Hagen, principal of the Cobourg dist- rict collegiate institute, in su- spending a student for failing to) eat his lunches at school. | W. G. Chatterton, assistant! superimiendent in the depart- ment's supervision division, said any student who opposes the schools authority may -be suspended, John West, 15, was suspended | because he took a three-minute | walk home to eat his Junch | when the school demanded he | remain on its premises. | Mr. Hagen says the boy may return to classes and write ex- aminations as soon as he agrees to eat his lunches at) school, George West, the boy's |The Essence of Elegance! The sheer wonder, fun and convenience of your very own pool is no longer @ dream. With @ beautiful Spartan an adventurous vacation be- gins, filled with healthful, meaningful living for You and yours. More than this, with @ Spartan of mind .., it is vinyl lined min wat and beth are guaranteed for ten years! Why delay? Enjoy this excursion to # Bad bf of living by placing your of our pool experts will satisfy you pve po Symbols of Superiority! @ Your Spartan comes complete and is instatied in just a few days --~ tile-smooth vinyl liner, steel side walls, skimmer, all plumbing and equipped with @ famous, self ing, refinishing, No fear of crack- ing, warping, deterioration everd Priced to fit your Lppesanee ry ae little or no down nort ~~ or long-rany inanci easily srrengsel oil ma promising members of a group in the festival tawa, longtime governor and father, said he will seek legal Londoh Little Theatre, pro- executive vice - president, re- advice to see if he can force ducers of Bertolt Brecht's tired. No successor was named the schoo} board to accept his Mother Courage and her Chil- son without having to comply Chairman for next year's fes i a deirenie sal i with the eating regulation dren, "won two-awards: Best tiya) to be held in St John's, English - language presentation, nq will be John €, Perlin excluding winner of the best| o¢ the host city, The festival production award; and best next year will contain only supporting actor trophy for Stan plays written by Canadian au-jline tanks at fish hatcheries; Lacey thors, Only one Canadian playicertain species seem to spawn The other winner of. the Ca year best over a bed of marbles nadian Association of French language Radio and Television Miss Pollock, who co-starred a ationg? best supporting award : fu Calgary was Barbara Dahlquist for her group's production of The Knack rolé in Vancouver Little Thea "the final Father by August treal oroup's Les Bonnes by Jean Genet, said: 'IT want to get into professional theatre as soon as 1 can "That is the whole idea of le Mouvement contemporain," said Mr. Brassard, at 19 possi- bly the youngest. director ever to win the high festival honor Both winners of the best act- ing awards, Michael Ball and Sharon Pollock, said they want to turn professional Three super sizes to choose from Turns your property into an em 18' x 6' and 20' x fate --- increases its value! 40', all with safety diving area! Pleasure, just steps from EQUIPMENT CANADA LTD. -- o & Spartan poot is. maintenance pr ae ad's SPARTAN Poot tree. Never needs painting, scrap- is GUARANTEED! MAJOR POOL ROA ' contained "A&G" compact filter! FISH LIKE MARBLES Glass marbles are used to 690 Drake St. 725-9151. EVENING 725-3661 WOUNDED was presented. this the blast near the Buddhists' Tinh Hoi pagoda, anti-gov with Mr. Ball in the ernment stronghold which they had visited for an ex by Ann Jellicoe, said ing grenade Saturday in pected press conference that Da Nang. Two others news- did not materialize lot 'not finds men also were injured by , (AP Wirephoto) --. Bob Poos, Associated Press correspondent, was hit in the shoulder and hand by fragments of an explod heats "The Strindberg himself in University of New Brunswick global operation. He was recelY- nrama Society won the award ing reports on the shooting Of for pest lighting in their produc Batman in California, Two for tion of Arthur Miller's Death of 20th Century Fox Happy he Road (Audrey Hepburn-Ai- 4 Salesman, John Burgess was bert F inney ) on the Riviera, and judged best Canadian play The Sand Pebbles in Kong wright in the festival for A Kong Astranger unto my Brethren Over Sound Of Money We've had troubles with) presented by The Questors of Sand Pebbles, he muttered.| poronto 28 days of n Formosa during ore different The preceded by a joint conference The company hit 12 months. | rain HOLD TALKS FIRST festival was PARIS (AP)--Darryl F. Zan-| will make in the next uck, a man regarded as fear- They are: Dr. Doolittle, starring month. They had fou less, faced the one ordeal he dis- Rex Harrison, Samantha ar, calls fo liked--the annual stockholders' Sidney Poitier and Ar NY according 't meeting Newley; Star, the biography we Some involved a thousand As president of 20th Century Gertrude Lawrence star ze Ju-'¢ as. It was murder Fox, he presided at the New lie Andrews; and Hello, Doll anuck dispatched the com- statue of Buddha, reported to York meeting. Even though he NO CAST CHOSEN YET pany to Hong Kong, and now be worth "'billions of pesos," a 0 nid : woh t the outlook is brighter. Mean- has been dug .up in Nueva Viz holders, he anticipated the usua Peay matter BAS Wot yet" been while he moves on to other caya province. It is thought to trouble-makers jah matters, such as the release of/have been buried by Japanese "There's always someone who Zanuck, who once controlled'The Bible. Said Zanuck off- troops when they were defeated wants to know why we didn't 20th Century - Fox from a cay-| handedly I guess it's the/in the Philippines during the! pay more dividends or why we ernous office on the Westwood'greatest picture ever made." 'Second World War. are paying so much money to this star or that," he sighed. 'I just have to face it." The Hollywood studio is run by his son, Richard Zanuck A large part of the good tid- ings for stockholders could be attributed to The Sound of Mu sic, which has brought the sound of money to the company that was almost sunk by Cleopatra IS SURPRISED "I knew we had great enter- tainment in The Sound of Mu-| sic, but I never dreamt that It) , would be such a moneymaker,"' said Zanuck. "The thing is bring- ing in $1,000,000 » week in film rentals--not just grosses, but rentals! t igs | f / ah \ Ring, 175.00 "It: has already been in re- . . ! vet Wedding Ring, , 4 : f ; ' : , 45,00 lease 59 weeks. It has played in' only 187 theatres in America New weedkiller kills weeds and unwanted grasses where others cannot. and it's still playing in 185 of them, Look at this." There's never been a garden weedkiller like it. WEEDRITE kills everything that's green, yet cannot of ' Sold wherever } seven-play shooting every day to what the we BUDDHA SURVIVES MANILA (AP) A golden Astral 666 Ring, 300.00 Wedding Ring, 30,00 | Astral 700 ent ~. He produced some projection sheets that indicated the musi cal would gross at least $65,000.- 000, making it the biggest moneymaker of all time. Zan-! harm mature brown bark, Contact with soil com- : pletely inactivates it, so it cannot harm planted seeds you see / nor can it run off on to adjacent ground. You can this sign. safely spray, as recommended, around trees and shrubs, beneath hedges, along driveways, even close uck's own estimate is $80,000,- 000. Total so far: $47,000,000 : desireable plants, flowers and vegetables. ry it. The Zanuck's are hoping to Fie. Does Your Lawn Look Like A mine the same kind of gold from COVPHAN CHEMICALS LIMITED, MONTREAL, HAMILTON, WHEMIPEG COOPER-SMITH CO. "Complete Garden Supplies" 16 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA -- 723-2312 or 723-1139 GOODES HARDWARE 245 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA & 723-9312 G. 5. WHITE & SON LTD. 1300 SIMCOE STREET N., OSHAWA 723-7922 JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3527 Astral 101 Ring, 300.00 If So, Put This Lion To Work LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN BLADE MOWER, Cot Ww Love, fashion and...a Astral 711 Ring, 275.00 Love has invented the engagement ring; Birks have brought it to perfec- tion in this exciting contemporary collection, created specially for you. Choosing your Birks diamond is almost as falling in Hangs up for storage Powerful | HP." motor NEW EASY TO USE WRAP-AROUND HANDLE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC Hedge Trimmers & i xciting as love... GET '""WEEDRITE" TODAY AT VERSLUIS LANDSCAPING CO, = STEVENSON RD. NORTH -- NORTH OF AIRPORT--725-9642 Terms May Be Arranged "WEEDRITE" AVAILABLE AT John Brouwer Garden Centre & HWY. NO. 2 BETWEEN WHITBY & AJAX--668-3396 toughest growth, Hedge levele trimming accurate. Pawert motor : Come In and See Our Displey Todey JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. Oshewe Shopping Centre TEL, 725-3527 "WEEDRITE" AVAILABLE AT JACKSON-RAIKE HARDWARE ROSSLYN PLAZA--725-0514 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE &