{UMILD GUIVANUE 16 ™ GINAWA TIMED, Freey, Mey ae, 1708 DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of _ Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by thelr secretaries, BETA SIGMA PHI (KI Alpha Sigma Ch.) At a specially arranged meet-|from 2.00 p.m. to 6,00 p.m, ing at the home of Mrs. Clar-) ence Freek, High street, Whit-| by, the Exempiar degree was)- gonferred on Mrs, Pobert Jack-| gon, Mrs, Robert Eagleson,' Miss Dianne Piattt,and--Mrs,| Gary Horton from Delta Sigma. chapter and on Miss Vera John- son of Gamma Epsilon chapter. The degree will be given Mrs. Neill MacLean, Mrs, Ray Cross- ley and Miss Eleanor Wilson| who were unable to attend that evening. The degree was con- ferred by Mrs, James Carson assisted by Mrs, Clarence | | ing, conducted by Mrs. D. &.| Platts, Mrs. Robert Jackson) gras nominated 'o serve on Beta! Sigma Phi City Council as the) altetnate representative to re-| place Mrs, Harold Ball who has) been elected its president, Mrs, Percy Bradley, service chair- man, distributed fiannelette to members who wished .o make layettes during the summer months for the Children's Aid Society, Following the business meet ing, Mrs. D. S. Platts installed the executive for the ensuing year as follows: Mrs. Kenneth Young, president; Mrs. John Matthews, vice-president; Mrs D. §. Platts, recording secre tary; Mrs. Clarence Freek treasurer and Mrs, Robert Eagleson, corresponding secre tary. The final meeting of the year will be held May 24, at West minster United Church when Xi| Alpha Sigma will be guests of) Gamma Epsilon at a pot-luck supper WESTMINSTER UCW | At the regular meeting of} Westminster United Church! Women held recently, members and guests heard Mr. William Jermyn speak on his recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago Although totally blind, Mr Jermyn conducts his own wood-| working shop in Whithy and builds early American = an early Canadian furniture, While hospitalized recently, Mr, Jer myn was 80 impressed with the happy dispositions of the West Indian nurses, he decided visit their island Mr. Jermyn spoke of the exotic fruits consumed with meals and also told of the work ing conditions in Trinidad, During the devotional service which preceded the business meeting Mrs. G and Mrs, John Umphrey and Mrs, Alfred Barrassin took part. The president, Mrs, Leonard) Carrington presided over the business portion of the meeting, | Several catering jobs were ac- cepted for the month of May, Refreshments were served by the committee in charge of { evening. 8T. GEORGE'S WA (Afternoon Branch) | St. George's Women's Aux iliary, Afternoon Branch, met for its devotional and business meeting, with the president, | Mrs. Charles Gibbs presiding, The reports of the various of- ficers were given, It was agreed by the mem- bers that at the June meeting there would be a chicken sup- per in place of a picnic in July, The next meeting would be September 13 STREAMLINER TOPS | The regular meeting of the Motor City Streamliner TOPS Club was held Tuesday at Rundle Park clubhouse Mrs, Marguerite Poirier, co leader, presided in the absence of Mrs, Florence Russell and opened the meeting with the club song. Ritual was held and Miss Beverly Traviss was queen of the week with a loss of 4% pounds and received a gift of a cup and saucer, Queen for the six-week contest was Mrs ; arol Behan with a loss of 11% bs Four members, Mrs, Lillian Linton, Mrs, Helen Owen, Mrs Marg. Poirier and Mrs. Lillian Wilson, headed a panel on a discussion on dieting It was announced that the Streamliners would hold a bake \thanked Miss Pierson, jand Judy ig - | |The Day Is Over" and "Beyond | Mrs, Charles Gibbs and helpers.| digits clearly and neatly writ |The Sunset," eorge Lofthouse| yrs, Frank Ward, Mrs, Bennett | followed ,it , loverseas bale and that Mrs, E,|Cllub was h meetings and activities of By G. C. MYERS, PhD sale on Friday, June 17, at a Sere on Rovenson read Heri and legibly, Usually the child The club welcomed back Mrs. | Minnie Haines after her stay in| the hospital, Mrs. Eileen. Mastin! lis the same child whose written) numer work "is jiieginie, was welcomed by the club lwith writing of new member, y A draw prize was donated by Ta d | Mrs, Helen Owen and won by Mrs, Emily Keetch. The club extended thanks to Mr, H. EF. Skinner for the use of his car in the centennial parade last Saturday, Ten was served at the con- clusion of the meeting, HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary of the) Oshawa General Hospital held its monthly: meeting on Monday | with the president, Mrs, James | McCansh presiding. Twenty members attended with one new member, Mrs. R. B, Beddock, being welcomed, Mrs, Harry Kerr, convener of | the Membership' Tea held at Hotel Genosha, reported it was a successful tea, Mrs, J, G. Carter, convener of the student nurses, announced that the luncheon for the gradu ating nurses would be held at Hotel Genosha, May 26, at 1:30 erals, we can help the child! earn to make "figures" neatly! and lezibly, With only nine dig- its against 26 letters, the prob- 'lem should rot be so great, | Let us learn ourselves to write good models for him or provide them otherwise and have him practice most on those with) which he has most trouble, As| lin his writing from # model of | 'letters and words, he could) |profit from writing slowly and icarefully the nine digits on sey- 'eral lines below the model. It) is most important for him to! lwrite them slowly. and care-| fully, As in arithmetic, your child also needs to learn to align fig- ~|ures wetl up and down as well) as across the page. We might) help him by providing him with} models of such, We might wal Br aa of nas . 'faint lines up and down for him WIND TAKES OWN TIME to follow at writing numbers in| EAST LONDON, South Af- columns. He needs to observe v andy &triner con. (rica (AP)--The clock on the alignment not only with addi- lg A, --,. Te te tower of First Baptist Church) tion and subtraction, but also ported that there were 91 Candy here has 8 pressing shea with multiplication and division Stripers on the roll strong sea breeze D ow When your child uses common Mrs. A. FE. Haley gave the hands round too fast. Pastor R| tractions he will also need to ob- report of the gift shop showing G Mathie says he often oy ar serve proper neatness and align- a steady profit. Mrs. D, G climb to the Wp of ae hed Ol ment, Writing of symbols and Malcolm will be in charge of (O¥! to put things righ problems in alegbra requires staffing the gift shop starting considerable carefullness for} June 1, turning of the sod for the new/neatness and legibility. | Mrs, Harry Finer was the tea | Legion Hall, which took place) While touching on alignment hostess. on Saturday, May 14, A bus\ with numbers and the like, Jet has been chartered for the,us observe some of the same WESTMOUNT UCW vi to Ajax Auxiliary on/problems of alignment in hand The general meeting of the Wednesday May 25, and will writ ng of letters, words, sen-| Westmount United Church'leave the Legion Hall at 7:30 tence and outlines. We can Women was held Tuesday even- p.m draw faint lines to guide our ing. The president, Mrs. Percy; A wedding gift was presented) child with margins and para- Neal, welcomed the members to Mr. Donald Wilde and con- graph indentations, and visitors gratulations and good wishes; { can remember when I felt Mrs. George Saunders intro-|were expressed by Mr, Elliot ashamed of the "'figures" I duced "Miss Lauta Pierson, aion behalf of the Auxiliary wrote in doing arithmet c at my former public and high school A Buchre party will be held'seat or at the blackboard at teacher in Oshawa, Miss Pier-\at the home of Mrs, Robert until, one day, my son introduced her program of| Williams, 199 Huron Street whom I greatly ad- slides on Trinidad by giving a|Thursday, Maj 26, proceeds of mired, sat down heside me, took geographic description of the| which will go into the sports my pencil and write the figures country, population, resources |fund simple sum neatly and and climate, Her slides in A was given plainly, | was so impressed with cluded a number of church andjby Mrs, Elliot,. A rummageithe clear way he made them schools affiliated with the United sale will be held June 1, and that J decided I could do better, Church, Mrs. Gordon Holbrook; goods may be brought in at and | did. The one digit, 8,| the meeting May 31 which troubles me most he The annual visit made what seemed to me to be GRADUATES Miss Carol Lynne Craw- (ford will graduate Saturday Arom Queen's University, Kingston with a bachelor of arts degree (honor mathe- matics). Miss Crawford, a former student at OCVI, is the daughter of Mr.- and Mrs, Roland Crawford, Ade- laide avenue east, She plans to join the staff of Proc- tor and Gamble in Toronto, its it school, On teacher in a catering report Mrs, Harry Bennett read a to Sunny poem "Reborn" to open the de-|brook Hospital will take place,| nerfect, Thereafter I could write votional service, A trio of Miss|June 22, and a bus will Kathy Cobb and Misses Janet | chartered Qwen sang 'When be that digit pretty plainly, Fine if in every elementary Refreshments were served by classroom there were sample accompanied by|Card bingo and a social time Next business meet May 24, al ten; also samples of them in numbers added, subtracted or multiplied. Wouldn't it help us parents to have at home some of these as models? We parents at home might do well to be sure our children see us writing notes or letters or! reviewed an article written by |ing is Tuesday, Mr. H. FE. Mann on stewardship |7:30 p.m in tything. | Mrs. Percy Neal presided for the business meeting. The mem-| The bers were reminded of the) Pleasant PMA CLUB weekly meeting of the Monday Afternoon eld at the Legion 4, Small would be asking for|Hall with the first vice-presi- help in the near future to pack, |dent, Mrs, Phillip Bell, presid- Mrs, Douglas Smith from the|!ng. Readings were given by} vening unit reported the mem-|Mrs. Robert Collison, Mrs. ners were decorating and equip-| George Whitbread, Mrs, Wel- ing the nursery as their present|lington Zufelt and Mrs, project. Volunteers for the CGIT| Stanley Harrison, Mrs, William and Explorers banquet to be|Van Allen and Mrs, Francis held Tuesday, May 24, and a|Smith entertained with a musl- wedding on June 25 were re cal number; and Mrs, Van! quested. The next general meet-| Allen sang a solo with chorus| ing will be a pot-luck supper|by the members. June 21, It was announced that there ' would be no meeting next Mon- LEGION AUXILIARY day; May 23 due to the holiday. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal/The outing to Midland will take Canadian Legion Branch 43,| place, June 20 and a chartered held its weekly meeting with bus will leave the Legion Hall the president, Mrs, Alyn Eliiot,| at 8.00 p.m presiding, Mrs. As it was "Getting Re-| reported in Oshawa Acquainted" night, it was grat-|Hospital and all ifying to see a good turn out! speedy recovery. of members and Mr, . Elliot At conclusion meeting re- gave all a warm welcome, freshments were served and a A poem was read, composed social time enjoyed. Next meet- by Mrs. Matthew Bell on theling, May 30, at 2.30 p.m, ee eee ee ee ee eee eee j Have You Been Shopping Lately , - AT - ' ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN ? Norman Hodgson. was General wishes her a Wiis YOU EARN $4,000 OR MORE A YEAR YOU CAN OWN THIS SPARTAN POOL ma rus' Can you afford $29.98 @ month? That's all! Do we mean a full size quality pool with. deep divin, painting or refinishing. Ten year guarantee, Easy financing. Five years to Pay. Phone us today for all the facts Ci ' rea? Absolutely! We mass produce with the best terials for pools. Rugged structural steel sides are galvanized -- won't t. corrode, rack or warp. Beautiful. vinyl interior never needs scraping Only $30.49 A Month Partan GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS MAJOR POOL and EQUIPMENT CANADA LTD, 690 DRAKE ST 725.9131, EVENINGS 725.3601 95 Years Example Is Best Teacher Of Legible Words, Numbers | | Recently we considered ways'legibly. Some parents lof helping the child in the| brag about how hard their hand- | grades to write by hand neatly) writing is to read, whose writing of words and|may suppose it a mark of social | sentences is messy and illegible status to write so illegibly. As famous pivicsnor Tames Caten, letters and at whose feet I sat a5 a gradu- words, so with writing of num-|ate student, greatly impressed me: "When we write by hand we rarely think of the person ho may try to read what we write." teed then that ened to see that today's em-\and methods that weren't used| there is a moral factor involved |Ployers expect mature, experi-| years ago, $0 what you did, say, | jin our handwriting. (Returning To Work',,,. of Se ont teenie pris ay rong nylon that tf many who proved by the workishe showed potential she would they did in the past that they'get a chance to advance. Requires New Start they aid in the pa By ROBERTA ROESCH "{ am distressed by this situ- Should women who held good \ation, and 1 don't like to see positions in the past be able t/ this trend." | pick up where they left off when) Many employers with whom \ciphering by hand neatly and 'Mey want to return to the job\ive talked are equally dis- world? : tressed by the many mature One reader thinks that they'women who expect to write should. j \their own tickets and pick up "Before I was married 2 where they left off when they years ago," she writes, "I held pave been away from the job a responsible position as secre-| world for 15 or 20 years. tary to a banking official. But) Occasionally unusual situa- when I married. [ gave wDitione may make this nogsibte | working in the bank to devote! is a woman has kept right up myself to my home, with her field and widened her "Now, however, I have too|job horizons, But most of the much leisure and want to find|time, the changes of the past a job. However, I was disheart-\decade or so require techniques really A child hearing them say this A certain remark by the late t enced women to learn to run|20 years ago is not proof that ithe new machines and do the|you can automatically be useful ame routine office work thatiin the business world of the is ordinarily given to young! preset, girls out of school and house. Ox* woman who found that |wives who have had no experi-|this was true spent nearly seven ;ence in the business world and! months looking for supervisory only want.something to do be- work in the insurance field, She too, as offered only jobs which - ond @ lady's to golf, Be wearing the ible golfing this season by q Black's Ladies' Wear riswear Tor BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD, 72 SIMCOE NORTH Open Fridays till 9 Miss Lynda Louise Higg ins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Higgins, Mass on street, is. among those who will graduate tomorrow from Queen' University, Kingston, She will receive her bachelor of science de gree honors at exercises to | q be held in Grant Hall At sea and ashore! RUMS navy ROM PALM BREEZF WHITE CAP (Very Wiahd (White) I This approach worked so well for this woman that she soon started up the job ladder in her. '| second round of. working. Actu- "But after I said 'no' to ally, she did such superior work ithat her past experience and jmaturity, plus her up-to-date training, placed her in the job she wanted in a little Jess than enough offers," she said, "1 con- eluded that the best route to _ ee I hoped ave for a many years i the future wand be Boe at|*¥o years, the bottom with a job that, In your case, too, this can needed to be done, get all the|happen when you return to up-to-date training 1 could and| work if you adopt the attitude do so well in the job that was! offered my employers would see that sometimes the best route 1 meant business -when | said|to the job that you want is to I watited a good job." |take what is available. TRY PORT HOPE! @ Only 30 minutes on 401 will bring you to this pleasant Town where property values ore quite reasonable, Lots of people in the Port Hope area work in and around Oshawa -- daily bus service to G.M. night and doy shifts. For pleasant family living, less hustle and bustle, try Port Hope ! Long Bros, have a wide selection of new and older homes, lots, farms and cottages. Here are two = typical homes for sale, $24,000.00 ---- A-1 condition and location, Lovely view over golf course and Lake Ontario. Living room with split-stone fireplace, dining room, four bedrooms, den, 12 baths, games.room g abt lisihaybbiily $14,300.00 --~ reduced from $15,300. for quick sale, Roomy living room with stone fireplace, three bedrooms, modern kitchen and bath, games room, In choice residential area, close to schools, Mortgages up to 75% ef purchase price may be arranged for qualified Purchasers, LON Realtors CONTACT: G BROS. 885-4501 33 Walton St. PORT HOPE F, G, Long H, K, Long N, T. Long HOLIDAY SPECIALS | DUPONT SPECIAL Exterior WHITE INTERIOR C-I-L SPECIAL SEMI - GLOSS White or Colors No Extra Charge 9 GALLON White Only 95 GALLON PATTE'S - at 85 Simcoe St. North Phone 725-3529