Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 May 1966, p. 15

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WEDDING ALBUM | A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page, Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of 'this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. Russell - Code Presbyterian ant War In St. Paul's Church, with the Reverena ter Jackson officiating, Donna Louise Code was united in mar- riage with Vincent Robert Rus- sell, Jr. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Blair Code and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Vin- cent Robert Russell, all of Osh- awa. The organist, Mr. Frank Wal- ter, played the wedding music. The bride's father gave her in marriage. Carrying a white prayer book, the bride was gowned in full-length while lace on slim, straight lines with lily-point sleeves. Over the gown she wore a flowing, sleeveless coat of organza, ap- pliqued with a wide border of matching lace. A pearl coron- et with rhinestone teardrops held her shoulder-length veil of tulle illusion and for "some- mM Quaker, Emil:', Club Plans Tour | Of Indian Reserve The University Women's Club; is arranging an all-day outing for members, their families and friends, to the Six Nations Re- serve at Brantford, Leaving Oshawa by charter- ed coach on Saturday, June 4,) at 8.30 a.m., the party will have plenty of time for an edu- cational tour of the reserve. The program win include a tour of 'Chiefswood", home of the world "famoiis Catiaaian poet, Pauline Johnson, and her remarkable parents, romantic and Monawk \Chief George Johnson. There will be a visit to the art show of paintings done by) the Reserve Indians and a tour) of the Iroquois Village which) depicts life as it was before) the coming of the white man, | complete with teepees, cooking | facilities and replicas of the past, Mrs. Ethel. Brant Monture, well-known Mohawk Indian, his- torian and author has consented to be the guest of the party for lunch, Box lunches are being packed by club members and a) lunch of chicken, roll, dessert, fruit and cheese is included in | the $4.00 charge for the outing.) /There will be a small admis- sion charge to "Chiefswood", In charge of the excufsion are Mrs, R. V. Sheffield, Mrs, A. M May, the Nomination Commit- ald; tee of the University Women's | Barnard Lewis; iClub of announced the new board of directors for the! Edmondson; Oshawa club as follows MRS. BARNARD LEWIS (retiringy~ ne, "MRS, R. H. DONALD (incoming) Election Brings New President To University Women's Club R. H, Don- Mrs, Vice-presi- 2nd, H President, Mrs past president, Ist Oshawa and District\dent, Mrs. C. M. Elliott; names of the|Vice-president, Mrs. N, treasurer, . W. G. Mclean; - secretary, Mrs. ing; recording secretary, At the general meeting inj Mrs William Stirl Mrs corresponding ! THE OSHAWA TASS, Pridey, Mey 20, 1966 B& PWClub Re-Elects President, Considers Cente The Business and Profes sional Women's Club of Osh-| awa held its May meeting and election of officers recently at a dinner meeting at the YWCA,| Miss Rose Hawkes introduced) the speaker, Mrs. Jo Ald-| winckle, who gave an interest-| ing talk on some of the pro- posed ideas for Oshawa's cen- tennial celebration in 1967. Mrs,| Aldwinckle told her audience of her recent visit to Montreal where she viewed: the grounds) and saw the buildings in pro- gress of construction for "Expo 67", She gave the club several suggestions for consideration as its project for the celebration Mrs. J. who were later duly installed | by Miss Jennie Pringle, a past | president The officers elected were as,panied on the piano by Mrs follows: Past president, Mrs. J.| Mabel Joyce. W. Richardson; president, Miss Betty Thomson; Ist. vice-presi- }dent, Miss Mildred Price; re- cording secretary, Mrs. M. J Morrison; corresponding -- sec-' W. Richardson pre-| | sided for the election of officers) jhome of Mrs, J 15! nnial Project Marie Shantz, reasurer, Mrs K Reynolds; ways and means! chairman, Miss Gladys Frise; | entertainment, Miss Irene Paw-) program, Miss Mildred United Nations, Miss Gladys Hill; publicity, Miss Grace H, Anderson, bylaws and resolutions, Miss Eveiyn Moore; jury duty, Miss Rose Hawkes; emblem, Mrs. J. W. Richardson; Buiietin, Mis George Telford; membership. Miss Jennie Pringle; civic rela- tions, Mrs. J. W. Richardson; Sunshine, Miss Etta Holmes; international, Mrs. Mabel Joyce, archivist, Mrs, trene Ebert; rehabilitation Miss Agnes Strickland. During the evening Mrs, Mor- rison entertained the members with a song. She was accom- retary, Miss aon, Price; The next meeting of the B and P Club will be in the form of "About Toto" Am Sommers council, | a picnic pot luck supper at the W. Richard- son, Saturday, June 25. In today's fast moving world, mony people are returning to the open spaces W. FRANK REAL ESTATE have o beautiful ten acre ranch in the scénic Kendall Hills now listed This ten acres is nicely wooded and has a fast trout stream on it, This would be an ideal location for a cory little cottage or 0 retreat from the fast moving city life : it also hes terrific pond sites. Can you PICT E PORT EE in this laVEy BaTTONIIg" WHT TIE WHI -h through the trees in the summer and the sowed in lesina is wer circled around a sculptured fireplace? This beouti- ul ten ocre ranch con he vours now for onlv $5. $1,500. down. Call Roy Foster in Orono . po GASES haste information and to view this extremely picturesque property, * "YOU CALL... WE HAUL" is the motto of 00D MOVING & STORAGE oF 557 Bloor 51. in Oshowa pte of the quantity or quality of the objects you wish moved whether across the street or across town . , . you can always be contident of an efficient, coreful move when you let LOCKWOOD MOVING make your move. Their staff is well trained and have many years experience which enable them to give you the best service possible. Whether you wish to move Grandmom's antique dish set or Dad's fovorite recliner chair. . . don't make your final decision on a mover until you let the friendly, court- eous staff at LOCKWOOD give you an estimate. Either 'stop in ot 557 Bloor Street, or give them a call ot 725-2831 Feel contident and relax while relinble men are moving your preci orticles to your new chosen surroundings a tient * * * Seeking « cozy atmosphere? Blac tablecloths and fresh flowers are sinly's shite at aa ee that make the atmosphere of the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE very quaint, cozy and exceptionally relaxed. Just 4 short driv north on Simcoe Street and you will feel you hove entered Ho realm of nature again. When you turn in at 1626 Simeoe St. N | TUXEDO RENTALS We carry a complete line of Freeman formal wear and accessories for all Occasions FREE BOOKLET on formal' wear and wedding procedures, Pick up your copy today. DUNN'S Downtown -- 36 King St. E, Open till 9 p.m, Fridays you will find no problem porking your cor on their spocious i from the moment you enter you ate guatanteed of friend Y personal service and MOST IMPORTANT thi tastiest, juciest food for miles around! Steaks are their speciolt : Remember you don't need @ white shirt and tie on to phe your food, Come as you are! Open until midnight on Frida: evenings, Due to heavy banquet bookings the OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE is Unable to be open to the public on Soturday evenings * * With the weather as changeable as it has been this spring 1am sure many of you are wondering if we will ever have the warmer weather never fear . after spring always follows summer and our usual heat waves. Don't be caught suffering from the heat. In the wormer weather a fancy hairstyle is much harder to keep in. Why not stop in at HEIDI'S MODERN HAIR. STYLING, 367 Wilson 5 , in Oshawa and let one of the quolified Stylists suggest a cool, carefree summer do ! You can get short, saucy haircut for only $1.50, Or, if you prefer Mg it your flowing locks put a little body in your hair try one of their body perms. There is on excellent selection to choose from depending on the condition, texture and style you desire. A NEW YOU is only phone call away, call 723. 5631 for en appointment today oe : thing old" she wore her grand- mother's pear! necklace. Miss Teresa Tompkins was the maid of honor and Mr. Ar- chie Bruce, best man. The ush- ers were George Reid and Lioyd Russell, the bridegroom's bro- ther. d The reception was held at the sein home of the bride's parents and|MRS, VINCENT Rt SSELL, JR. the couple left for a honeymoon Bag arg Fangs Page ed a green pool, two-piece sult 567 Rossland road east. with black accessories and a For travelling, the bride donn-| white carnation corsage. Banquet Marks 35th Anniversary For 3rd Oshawa Guide Company Dixon and Mrs, W. L, Gilchrist land the closing date for reser vations with the party is next Wednesday, May 25 Toronto Committee P. F. smith; program and hospitality, Mrs. W. L. Gil ; christ; ways and means, Mrs, | Spurns Nurseries |") "Hoan membership, Mrs. W. H. Harris; entertain ment, Mrs. A. D. White; study) group convener, Mrs. Z, T Salmers; scholarship, Mrs. A.} M Dixon federation repre sentative, Mrs. ©. M. Elliott The past president Mrs Barnard Lewis, reviewed the| work of the elub during her| TORONTO (CP) Toronto's housing and welfare committee Thursday suggested that giving working mothers a system of day nurseries was character istic of Russian, and Chinese communism Reeve True Davidson of sub Steel Lawn Edging Landscape Nicety By ELEANOR ROSS Almost every homeowner yearns for a luxurious lawn, plus garden beds of lovely flow- Urban East York said the sys i a ers and herbs, all presided over tem reminded her of Russia term of office end wished the by altedy tees We pay lip service to family incoming president, Mrs. Don- life, yet at the time we ald and her executive a year By using a little ingenuity and want ts wambve of sticcess and accomplishment, color-clad steel lawn edging th is sort of landscaped setting " natoind o, can be yours uburban Etobicoke's Reeve @ OPEN HOUSE °¢ same children from Oshawa Shopping Centre Open till 9 p.m. Thurs. end Fridey ; : John MacBeth said the assump Primarily designed_io keep tion that women were worth The 35th anniversary of the 3rd. ~ Guide Company' was marked recently at a mother and daughter banquet at Guide House, attended by well over 100 guests. St. Stephen's United Church Women served a turkey dinner on long tables, decorated with blue and yellow candles and yellow chrysanthemums. They "Guides from 16 countries had been invited to attend |Camp Heritage, 1947, on Mor- rison Island in the St. Lawrence River. England and France will send 16 girls each, as these two countries have contributed so much to the Canadian heritage."' Mrs, Nesbitt, the iguest speaker stated some of the other conuntries to be turf areas from encroaching on flower, shrub and other borders, the stee| lawn edging can be used for a variety of decorative purposes as well Green on the grass side and brown on the other, the corru-|ims an appeal for a compre: lawn| hensive day edging is available in widths of! Metro to allow for the employ |gated galvanized steel 'four, six or eight inches Get to work with a pair of| heavy shears to snip the edging! were thanked by Mrs. Borden|represented would be Norway,| into desired lengths. It is easy| Slack The president of the Parent Committee, Mrs. William. Wil- Sweden, The Netherlands and Japan Mrs. Nesbitt, in her position to install because you have to dig a trench. It placed where wanted and just son welcomed the guest andjas Camp Advisor, offered her! tapped into the soil. introduced those at the head table as follows: Miss Vera Moyse, the first captain of 3rd. Company; Mrs. John Gaskell, District Commissioner; Mrs. Donald E. Fox, Division Commissioner, and Mrs. Doug- las Nesbitt, camp advisor; | Mrs. J. R. Riseborough, past- president; Mrs. D. J. Munroe and daughter Anne Marie; Mrs. Harold Sproule and daughter Cathy; Ex - Captain Mrs. A. J. Atkinson, Mrs.) Thomas Pugh, Brown Owl; Miss Tina Wilson, Tawny Owl; Miss Linda Riseborough, Lieu- tenant; and Mrs, Wilson's daughter, Dale. The toast to the proposed by Mary ton. Diane Dawe toast to the Guide to which Mrs. Gaskell re- sponded. Debbie Rogers pro- posed -a toast to the mothers responded to by Mrs. Stanley Togers. KEEP IN TRIM Queen was Lee Eggle- gave the movement, seeking Mrs by and guides camping Nesbitt was introduced Guide Jill Stephenson thanked by Mrs, Wilson Mrs. Wilson thanked Mrs. Lloyd Harlow and Mrs, Douglas Scott for convening the banquet The Brownies, led by Mrs Pugh and Miss Tina Wilson took part in a singing game, help to advice any on badges to the Girl Guides by Mrs. Fox The Sun-Flower selected the best patrol and its members were presented with Guide pens. The members are Patrol leader, Jo-Anne Slack; seconder§ Lee Ann Winfield, Jeannie Tomaszeski, Helen thienfield and Janice Cullen Campfire was led by Cathy Sproule, ending with 'Taps'. Patrol was Muscle Tone Helps Secure Health, Beauty By IDA JEAN KAIN Muscles were meant to be used, Exercise the figure con trolling muscles and your body is on the way to firmness Toned 'muscles are shapely, flabby muscles bulk out. Worse, you bog down Get with the 'in'? group, de vise a routine of shape-ups. Why not be slim and supple? En courage nature just a little and you will be amply rewarded Your whole system will func tion better, You't! never know what a system of daily exercise can do for you until you give it a go! Start with easy tone the m'ddle day's progr: will abdomen anc slim waist Take a breat first: Lie flat on back on { or, with knees bent. Try to fl. 'en your spine against the floor «s you breathe naturally, slowly and deeply From the above position with knees. bent, soles of feet on floor, ease into a s'rongly con tractive exercise, Stcrt with the lower abdominal muccles, con tract as you slowly "curl". the tip of the spine in a lifting movement. This cone by tightening the buttock muscles and forcing the end of tl. spine to lift itself up. The aim is to contract with the middle mus cles so as to lift the spir> off floor, one vertebra after an other, slowly. Then, just as slowly, come back down, cne vertebra after another Do not arch back hold your breath. Breathe natu A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST 141% King St. East 723-2721 to muscles. To- flatten the exercises the 1s do net rally and freely. Repeat above exercise about five times. Now, lie face downward, head pillowed on folded arm, legs straight down, The exercise ac tion is to "pinch" strongly with the bustle muscle on the back of hips, and hold contrac tion slowly to a slow count of ten. Release, pinch again and hold, repeating five to 10 times Position: 'Stand on knees then sit back on legs. Hold ab dominals tightly up and in as you sit in this position, Hold arms out at sides, shoulder level of Action: Bend sidewards, aim ing to touvh fingers to floor at side. H-o-l-d. Come back to Starting position, bend to the opposite side. If you cannot reach floor with fingers, do not force, or crample through mid dle. The aim is to hold a side- ward bend with the abdominals strongly contracted, It's ever so slimming . At the end of a single week you will marvel at how much more vigorous vou feel. Exer cise energizes CHORE ELIMINATED Ring your trees' and shrubs|@nnouncer for Art the| House mower can be used, there is no| debut in 1944 with the edging. When grass to cut beneath the plants The edging also tends to keep a mulch In place and hold irri- gation water. Place the "edging in step-for mation for free-form terracing /On gentle slopes, it, keeps the | lawn in place and prevents the lfollowed by the presentation of|soil from washing away. Edging along a garden path-- whether it's stone, gravel or slate--permits a sharp border. A formal herb garden is dec- orative and practical, too, Form the edging in squares and you have individual pockets of soil for the plants. If a free-form garden is more to your liking; choose a sunny location and lay the edging in # pattern pleasing can be in the shape) of a corkscrew or ever-widening circles for example. Fill in with soil and rake the surface even PLACED BY SIZE Since many herbs are easy to grow from seed, choose low growing varieties for the outer areas and taller ones for the middle or central portions. Try seeds of basil and dill combined with plants of thyme, rosemary and chives An elegant strawberry patch is easy to keep under control with steel edging. Place a circle} of edging halfway in the ground| and fill it with soil, Place an other small circle in the centre of the larger one in pyramid fashion, Fill. that in with soil! the home gardener an edge in| Yes, the steel edging can give his constant struggie to keep up with all the things that have to be done in the ever-decreasing time available to do them hon " i you, 1 STUDY MORE YEARS Russia has lengthened com: pulsory schooling to 10 from eight and plans to build 22.000 more schools vears NEED PLENTY OF LICK Canadian shoppers received 12,500,000,000 trading stamps in! 1965 @ SLIP COVERS INTERIOR DECO Simeone St Draperivs Custom-Made Ready-To-Hang - Ahe -- @ DRAPERY HARDWARE OSHAWA'S WARD'S SINCE 1919 5. at Athol or @ BED SPREADS RATING SERVICE home | sounded more like Chinese com munism ment of women who must work to supplement a low family in come and those women whose don't} skills are needed in the econ- is| omy > in commerce than in the Saturdey May 21 & Sunday, May 22 not democracy It 2p m, to 4 pm SUNSET TERRACE SUBDIVISION Liberty St, N 3 hedroom brick bungalows 1s he said The committee was consider NLHLA hy JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION guarantee of quolit ratts moanship. Only a few left at these LOW PRICES. Please moke your selection eorly to avoid disap pointment of Bewmanville's Best W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD, King W. Bowmanville 623.3393 care program in Your JOB SEEMS SAFE Jack Slattery has heen the Linkletter's its radio Party since 2) Golden Spindle Textiles Offers you @ large selection of Domestic and Imported Fabrics at LOW LOW PRICES, LOOK AHEAD TO SUMMER WITH THESE BUDGET-PRICED FABRICS og > GO eae 1,49 BONDED KNITS --- ALL 8.98 Come and see our carefully chosen ielections of SILKS COTTONS - RAYONS ALL AT BUDGET PRICES PRINTED SERANO LINEN 45" ya wm ALL '"e % With RX-IS yeu can grow your name in your lawn in 7 days A greener, thicker lawn for less than I* per sq.yd. -- with RX=-15 all-purpose plant food or your money back You can grow a lawn that is thicker, greener, more luxuriant. All you need do is give it ordinary care, plus a few easy sprinklings of fast-acting RX-15, the same fertilizer used by professional nurserymen, In just 7 days your lawn will be more beautiful than you imagined or your money will be refunded, RX-30 EVERGREEN FOOD Another NEW product designed especially for Evergreens, trees and shrubs, and for indoor 'greenery," ivy, philododen dron, etc. When used as directed. R X-30 prevents CHLOROSIS (yellowing) and evergreens produce beautiful new growth MIRACLE APPLICATOR A simple attach- ment for your hose or sprinkler enables you to water and fertilize at the same time. It will supply a roper proportion of X-15 Plant Food safely and. without burning, regardless of water pressure, RX-20 ROSE FOOD Designed especially for roses and is FAST acting. Wsed by growers for bringing roses into bloom for the International Rose Show, and by winners at the Canadian Rose Show. A perfect fast feeding product ESPECIALLY FOR ROSES. AT YOUR FAVORITE HARDWARE OR GARDEN SUPPLIES DEALER COOPER-SMITH CO. "Complete Garden Supplies" 16 CELINA STREET 723-2312 or 723-1139 725.113) JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3527 we CARRY FIRST QUALITY MERCHANDISE ONLY 32 King St. W. at Cor. Prince St. Phone 723-8271 @ Low Rental Rates by the Month or Year ltl sl Expert Meat processing and Custom Cutting TT iS | Save on Wholesale Meat Buy in Quantity and Save @ Complete Locker Service WA FUR AND LOCKER SERVICE 81 William St. West PHONE 723-3012 (Khe MEN'S WEAR OSHAWA'S FOREMOST & FINE CLOTHIER FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS ice hova' A complete forme! se for every occasion size 2 to men's size S4 in the latest styles, at renson- oble prices tailored te fit like your ewn Complementar mal Weer Pamphlet. con ng styles and procedure available by request No MEN'S WEAR LTD. Established 1924 M4 Oren IMCOE NORTH til 9 Fridays * * * Whot do you enjoy most about geing out to Sun The pleasant drive? .. . The chonge e raphe i ~"~, citing new dishes to try? , . , or, is it just on escope from 'your daily chore of dishwashing? It makes no difference what your reason for dining out is but today more and more people ore enjoying their meals in the beautifully decorated relaxing atmosphere of the FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL Whether it is @ businessman's luncheon, o Sunday afternoon dinner, or even a banquet or wedding reception, you are sure to receive the utmost in courteous, friendly attention from every member of their staff. If this isn't enough... . | must odd that their menu would delight ony connoisseur's heart! There are so mony mouth-watering dishes to choose from you will hove © difficult time deciding what you want to feast on! Find out for yourself take a drive along the Macdonald-Cartier Freewoy to Interchange 75 at Bowmanville. Hearty appetite ! os, * * * eally!!, I'm not kidding . . . new you ean - before you decide to purchase it. The OSHAWA YACHTHAY ER have decided that you test-drive a car before purchasing you try on a pair of shoes before purchasing . why not test- drive a boat before purchasing, | think fhis is an excellent idea All through the summer they will have « nice selection of dem. onstrator models on hand for your trial. Call 723-8186 ond make an appointment in advance for vour test-drive This holi doy week-end the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN will be open right through from 9 am, to 9 pm. trom Friday to Monday There is no parking problem ot the OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN . » the Harbor, Stop in , browse around... they carry @ complete line of marine accessortes * * Is your television. set ory it's last legs? ore you seeing more snow than pictues? does Deon Martin really sway thet much? it is pro y time for you to consider purchasin ew set At ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES the erst Lipa pal sonable you can't go wrong, They hove a fine selection of 16" portables, 19'. portables and 23" console models by Zenith Admiral and Marconi, Or, you ean rent a new or used television by the week, month or year ot real rock bottom rates, For the best in repoirs wringer washers, outomatic washers, stoves (any type) and driers call 723-0011 for free pick-up and delivery. Guaranteed workmanship. !f you e in the neigh- horhood, stop in at 452 Simcoe St. S., in Oshawa and take @ peek ot oll that ALCAN con offer you ! You. can alwava tell a« well-dressed woman by her choice in accessories. Jewellery happens to be the most imporont ec- cessory any women has to choose. Jewellery need not be ex- pensive to portray the look of elegance and good grooming every woman is so desirous of obtaining, PRINCESS JEWELLERY has become very favored by the women in the know in Oshawa, This jewellery has the appearance of being hand-crafted to suit you it is so reasonably priced that no woman can afford not to have at least one articles from the Princess line in her collection of valuable accessories. Mr, Walter Devenish of the W. D. Sales is the Oshawo representative, Either stop by at 272 College Avenue or call 725-5596 and have Mr, Devenish drop around to show you this exquisite collection ANGUS.GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LTD. feature the Barry more 501 and continuous filament nylon carpeting at prices ranging from $7.95 to $10.95 per square yard, in exciting mew lustrious colours. This carpeting is exceptionally stain resistant, crush resistant, and very, very easy to clean. From your bed- room to your attic you will be sure to find the ideal carpet for the area you desire at the price you desire ot ANGUS. GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LTD, Locoted at 282 King Street West in Oshawa there is loads of parking space avail. able right at the front door, Remember for the best in carpeting whether quolity, quontity or price buy at the "HOUSE OF QUALITY . . . ANGUS-GRAYDON CARPET CO, LTD, re- nowned for many years in the Oshawa area When you are out shopping for your garden supplies, trees, or plants it is so nice to be able to browse around the spacious, nicely orranged two acres ot the JOHN BOUWSER GARDEN CENTRE on Highway 2 just 2 miles west of Whitby. Don't be under the false misconception that unless you have already plonted your evergreens you will have to wait until next veor, You con plant evergreens all summer long. The preference plant ing period is until the end of June. No parking headaches just drive in and be sure to take a peek ot their lovely selection of boxed plants petunias, salvia, ete seed for lawn, flower garden or vegetable garden, Get your seeds in NOW! don't forget your spring bulbs. They carry a complete line of fertilizer, fertilizer with weed killer, tom soil, peat moss, and all necessory garden supplies, All you green-thumb enthusiasts better hurry on down to JOHN BOUWSER GARDEN CENTRE, * * * A word to the wise stay away from yellow in draperies Yellow seems to attract the sun and the material tends to dis- colour and wear away faster. Be wary of any yellow pattern in your drapes. The OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING have an excellent, fast drapery cleaning service, They offer free pick-up and delivery and prompt service so your windows won't have to be bare for too long. Regardless shirts or expensive party dresses everything receives the some careful attention and service from the reliable, experienced stoff at OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING, Either crop by your gorments ot 50 Mill Street, or coll 723-1471 (Gf busy 723-9531) for their free pick-up ond. delivery service * * * You con't have to be American te enioy the game of ten pin Many. Canadians are (and have been) enjoying this dome of skill, This is a game requiring skit and co-ordination all ages can enjoy ten pin bowling whether you prefer to bow! singles, or with a league you will be sure to obtain clean healthy competition and good exercise Make plans to join their summer league The men's league will bowl! every Tuesday night from 7 p.m. on. The mixed summer league will be on Wednesday 'evenings. This summer plan to get your required exercise in the comfort of the air-conditioned EASTWAY TEN PIN LANES LTD. on King Street East in Oshawa. Once you have gotten the knack of teh pin bowling | am sure you will continue to enjoy it for mony many years to come Give Mr, May a call ot 723-3485 for ony further information, 4 bowling now |

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