10 THE OOUAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 20, 1966 Spotlighting... THE GENERALS By WREN BLAIR General Manager of Oshawa Generals The hockey season is over And it was a great one! The Osnawa Generals taste heart- breaking 2-1 decision to the Edmonton Oi! Kings last Sun- day and with it, their dreams and hopes of a Memorial Cup went west. It was a great series and today we are not going to dwell on the "whys" and 'wherefores" of why the Generals \ost The Oil Kings were a good hockey. club, probably just a shade betier than the Generals were without Bobby Orr Had Bobby been healthy it might have been different, but Coach 'Bep' Guidolin Did Great Job... This applies. to Coach "Rep" Guidolin who did a great job, and trainers Stan Waylett and Gordie Myles as well, At this point, 1 feel that is enough said regarding the actual team. Our main theme today is to pay tribute to others who meant much to the club .as well First, to President Russell Humphreys and the directors, who | would like to name Dr. Charles. Meiiveen, Bruce Affleck, Murray Johnston, Dr W. M. Shaw, Gerald Deegan and Dr. Peter Zakarow, we extend our sincere apprecia tion from the entire club, to a wonderful executive To Auditorium Manager, Bill Kurelo and his staff we ex tend extreme thanks for a Generally Speaki Finally, we would like to ex- press our very great apprecia- tion to the thousands of won- derful Oshawa fans who at- tended the games, both at home and away this season Without their support, in many crucial games, the club might never have come as far there is little use in whipping that subject because no one knows for sure it is a fact, inat the Gen- erals to-a-man played as hard as they possibly could before going down to defeat and as the man once said 'It matters not whether you win or lose, but how you played the game", Assuming this isn't just a cliche and that true. sports fans everywhere believe this, then the Generals can hold their heads mighty high. They were a great group of athletes and yours truly has been privi- | leged to be associated with them, great year, when we had two Junior clubs to house in the Auditorium with the necessary practice sessions to arrange, ele torium schedule Bill was nothing but co-oper- ative. He does a great job for this city and we would like to point out that it is not an easy one, and hope that the public in the city are aware of this To George Campbell, Sports Editor of this paper, and his assistant, Frank Ratcliffe and to Jim Bishop, Sports Direc- tor of CKLB and his tants, Fred Riley and Shaw, we thank. all of most heartily for the coverage you gave the Gen- erals during this brilliant sea- son, ee rose and gave a standing ova- tion to the Generals as they left the ice a truly sport- Jim you ing gesture by a truly sport- ing community The members. of the club will remember this for some time to come and |t will serve as a great incentive to bring in an already busy Audi- ASSIS- great * | POSTPONED LAST NIGHT | Rain Puts Green Gaels - Into Weekend Double Gaels wereiship. Neil Armstrong has a at Longibadly bruised knee, Jim Higgs but Green to play last night, Oshawa acheduled Branch, inight. making it a rough) full back injury |weekend for the Gaels, In addi-| ition to the game with Long | Branch, they have a home encounter with the new Hu ? ville Tornadoes at the Civic ches, Auditorium, Monday night came out of the game i or cuts, seme reaniring sti game may he a blessing injto get these players in disguise, as the Gaels have a' shape number of players nursing mi The nor injuries after last week's) club opener against | Darlington Soccer Dates Senior - Junior Leagues SENIOR SCHEDULE All postponed games on ac- count of rain to be played the following Monday night, All 24 jgames fo start at 7.30 p.m E.D.T. up to August Ist, then commence at 7.15 p.m, ¥.D,7 |MAY {18--Tyrone at Hampton Maple Grove at Zion 21---Courtice at Salem Zion at Tyrone Hampton at Maple Grove Salem at Solina Tyront: at Courtice Salem at Hampton Solina at Zion Maple Grove at Tyrone Courtice at Solina visit the of 26--Maple Grove at Zion Tyrone at Solina Courtice at Salem Tyrone at Solina Hampton at Maple Grove Tyrone at Courtice Solina at Courtice Maple Grove at Tyrone Salem at Hampton GUST Saiem at Maple Grove Zion at Courtice Solina at Hampton Tyrone at Zion Courtice at Maple Grove Tyrone at Salem Courtice at Hampton Maple Grove at Solina Salem at Zion 27 an 95 25 Bi] rain,thas a sprained ankle and Gay- postponed the game to Saturday|lord Powless suffered a pain-| in addition, Dow stinson, Pi Clayton and Mery Marshall all with The additional two days from last night to tomorrow, will loped over Huntsvilles' Postponement of last night's| give the Gaels a betier chance 19? brother of Gaels' Phil, to play Huntsville here, Monday will be the| Toronto Town-| first of three trips to Oshawa this year. The Gaels will visit;almnst a grudge match, with| the Muskoka town a jike num- woth teams expected to go all times iw pho rivalry in an effort to prove even hefore the teams play Jim Higgs, Brian Thompson, ions to play with their respec |Mery Marshall Dwight Davies,| tive teams was the right choice Don Stinson, and Phil Clayton' It should be a real battle! are all former Huntsville resi Roth the Gaels and Hunts dents, with the latter three stil;now have Saturday games with living in that town. Thompson's Tornadoes at home to Etobi brother, Ivan, is a member of coke and the Gaels at Lang ithe Tornadoes civh Branch In addition, Ken Thompson : jand Larry treland of the Mus MOST FISH SAILS AWAY koka club, both played several. More than two-thirds of Can- years of Junior Lacrosse forjada's fisheries catch is ex the Gaels, before donning the'ported, 70 per cent of it to the Huntsville livery United States, Much bad feeling ast fo is expected ome has deve Sunday Soccer | the opposition that their decis In Five Years round international chesg tgur- TORONTO (CP) -- Protles- sional soccer games will he played on Sunday's in England and Scotland within five years predicts Boh Kelly, chairman of Glasgow Celtic of the Scottish League First Division Kelly arrived Thursday to see his club play Tottenham Hot- spur of the English League | First Division here in an exhi bition mateh Saturday night We're a very religious peo refusal to release John Clayton, a for the Oshawa club, for no ap- parent reason, except to keep him off the Oshawa team Jim Bishop coached in that community for a number of years and many of the present players on the Hantsville club were in Oshawa for tryouts with NORTH OSHAWA APPOINTMENT MINIATURE GOLF the.Gaels, over the past several seasons, They include Mike Oke, Wayne Hope, Terry Wat- son and Art Gouldie, Gouldie is a cousin of the Clayton brothers So all-in all, it points up to Harley toke Group or 725-3092, Formerly of the Grandview Golf Course, is now available to Individual Lessons Trudell For an Appointment Call ANOWSKY TRAILS AVIV (AP)--In Thurs- day's third round of the 15- nament here, Gad, @ young le- raeli master drew with Cana- dian champion Abe Yanofsky of Winnipeg after only 17 moves. After three rounds, Gad and Hungarian master Silagy were tied for the lead with 2\4 points each. Another young Israeli, Kagan, was tied with Yanofsky 'lat two points. WRESTLING CIVIC AUDITORIUM TUES., MAY 24 4 THE YANKEES Watson and Cusianiegs ¥ TEL ple, but changes in all ways of life are being made," he said "The day of the once-n-week Saturday match is over." seeattemiaaeteiie 7 JRET SINGH ve. KANELIS Seaman Thomas vs. Jungle Jim Starr for These Exhibitions at the Cosine Restaurant Ringside 1:50 --- 1.25 ---- Children Whe PROMOTER PAT MILOSH ice to aed trom the Auditerium Tickets Bus Ser £ a JUNE | 1-Hampton at Zion Salem at Maple Grove 4--Courtice at Zion | Hampton at Solina Tyrone at Salem | & Maple Grove at Solina | Hampton at Courtice \11--Salem at Zion Courtice at: Maple Grove 15---Zion at Solina Hampton at Tyrone 18--~-Zion at Maple Grove Courtice at Salem All Senior Players are expect-| ed to.play 50 per cent of the games to play in the playoffs, unless injured JUNIOR SCHEDULE Any postponed games on ac count of rain will be played on: the Friday night of the week the game is scheduled All games to start at 7.30 pm E.D.T, up to August Ist, then commence at 7.15 p.m, E.D.T.| MAY 26-----Courtice at Solina at Tyrone Zion Solina at Hampton 22---Zion at Tyrone Maple Grove at Hampton 25--Solina at Salem Courtice at Tyrone Zion at Hampton 29---Hampton at Salem Solina at Courtice the Oshawa fans the Memorial Cup they so greatly deserve, sometime, in the not too dis- tant future, JUNE 2--Zion at Courtice Tyrone at Hampton Exams -- all teams idle Courtice at Hampton Solina at Tyrone Tyrone at Zion Hampton at Solina Courtice at Solina Zion at Hampton JULY 7--Courtice at Zion Hampton at Tyrone Tyrone at Courtice Zion at Solina Hampton at Courtice Tyrone at Solina - 28----Zion at Tyrone Solina at Hampton AUGUST | 4--Solina at Courtice Hampton at Zion as it did, The Oshawa fans at Maple leaf Gardens on Sun- day; at the moment of 'defeat, showed great class when they Second Lady Byng Win ) For Detroit's Delvecchio MONTREAL (CP)--Alex Del-|total, This 87 points more | vecchio, Detroit Red Wings cap-|than runner-up Bobby Rous- tain and a lb-year veteran with seau, Montreal Canadiens' right- winger the club, has won the Lady | Boh Nevin, New York Rang- Byng Trophy for the second ers captain, was third in the'13solina at Tvrone time in his career, the National | voting with 35 points Zion at Salem Hockey League announced! Delvecchio picks up $1,000 as 16 Manle Grove at Courtice Thursday, winner of the award, plus an- Solina at Zion The trophy is awarded annu-| other $500---made up of $250 for Hampton at Tyrone ally to the player judged '"'tojeach half season in which he) have exhibited the best type ofjled thre voting, Rousseau will! sportsmanship and gentlemanly|collect $500 as over-all runner conduct combined with a high| Up } standard of playing ability dure This past season, Delvecchio ing the regular season," scored 31 goals, the highest The choice is made by sports You may not find a mint 1933 Pontiac Cabriolet, but Youll find plenty of ready-to-go bargains among your Goodwill: Pontiac-Buick-GMC dealer's fine selection of used cars and trucks! Here are some things you should know about Goodwill Used Cars and Trucks 9 16 | 23 JULY 30 2--Tyrone at Maple Grove Zion at Courtice Salem at Solina 6--Maple Grove at' Salem Hampton at Courtice §--Salem at Tyrone Solina at Maple Grove Zion at Hampton Is 14 1 number of his career, plus 38 writers and broadcasters in the assists, for a 69-point total six NHL, cities = none Delvecchio, a native of Fort William, also won the trophy in 1958-59 and was runner-up to Chieacn Riack Hawks left. winger Robby Hull last year The Detroit centre picked up §2 points in each half of: the season to finish with a 104-point ! Bugs?- Fungus? For all AUTO REPAIRS and SERVICE Robinson Motors (OSHAWA) LTD, 574 Ritson Rd, §. 725-6518 "shrtoe EXPRESS +. BUSES GREENWOOD. May 4th to June 4th Direct to the Track SATURDAY, & MONDAY MAY 23rd Ly, Oshawa 12,00 noon Ly, Whitby 12,10 p.m, Ly, Ajax = 12,20 p.m, RETURN FARES OSHAWA $2.60 WHITBY $2.40 AJAX $2.20 Includes Admission Return After Last Race Tickets and Information at OSHAWA BUS AJAX (North) TERMINAL Ajax Coffee Shop, 18 Prince St, 723-2241 Telephone 942-3390 WHITBY AJAX (South) Harry Donald Ltd. The Coffee Cup, Telephone 668-3675 Telephone 942-2940 FIGHT BACK WITH ORTHO | ORTHO Rose Dust knocks out bugs and fungus fast! Don't put it off another day: anis very weekend, you can battle and beat the most destructive enemies in your rose garden: insects that suck and chew and bite; fungus diseases that mar. and blight and wither. You ean fight back -- and win! Your weapons come in one easy-to-use plastic equeere container. The name? ORTHO Rose Dust and it packs two big punches. One: insecti- cides that make short work of aphids, thrips, Japanese beetles, rose weevils. Two: fungicides that really work. Powdery mildew, black spot and rust don't stand a chance. Easy to use -- just aim the duster and squeeze, No work, No fuss, @ Only the best used cars and trucks are chosen to carry the Goodwill emblem @ Each has been thoroughly inspected and reconditioned @ Each carries a written warranty ™@ And remember: only a Pontiac-Buick-GMC dealer sells Goodwill Used Cars and Trucks! ORTHO Rose Dust is effective, econ- omiecal, and easy to use, just like all ORTHO products. You'll find ORTHO Rose Dust at your garden suppliers. (ORTHO) CHEVRON CHEMICAL CANADA) LIMITED Oakville, Ont > See your Franchised Goodwill-Pontiac-Buick-Beaumont-Acadian-Vauxhall-GMC dealer OW. 5668 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED H. DICK PONTIAC-BUICK LIMITED -- 266 KING ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. 103 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY, ONT, PHONE '723-4364 PHONE 668-5846 Be Sure to ree Tueadoys at 8:00 P.M. -- and 'Telescope' Thuradays, et 9:30 P.M. on Channel 6 VAN BELLE GARDENS "Your Friendly Garden Centre S MINUTES EAST OF OSHAWA ON HIGHWAY NO, 2 623-5757 The Fugitive" Mondoys et 8.00 P.M. -- 'The Red Skelton Show"