KNEE - DEEP IN WORK an aircraft at Edmonton International Airport, The _nosecover had been peeled Stricken Actress Makes Recovery By BOB THOMAS GREAT MISSENDEN, Eng- Brando, John land (AP)--The Roald Dahis Cooper. , live in a rambling, art-filled 'But tell me: Who is the one house on a country lane a few who married late in life and had hundred yards from this typical' twin daughters?"' She was told English village James Stewart It is a house that is filled with Members of her family laughter despite the tragedies| dropped in as she talked: Dahil that have befallen the family:|the tall, tweedy author of short Loss of a daughter, brain dam-| stories who is writing the script age to a gon through a New for the next James Bond movie; York traffie mishap, near death| Tessa, 9, and rosy-looking Lucy of the mether from three mas-| Neal Dahl, nine months, who sive str@kes was born after Pat had suffered Mrs, Dahl is Patricia Neal,| the strokes, American-born actress and win Dahl explained that his wife ner of the Academy Award for| was having a brief respite from Hud in 1963, She was stricken her therapy. But intensive work in Hollywood 16 months ago just will begin with the arrival of a as she was starting a John Ford nurse from .the University of film, Seven Women California at Los Angeles medi Pat Neal greeted a visitor at, cal centre, where Pat was first the door and then rustled treated, around the kitchen to make Cai Ae Soom some tea. Her elegant beauty MEMORY FAULTY remains, and the only apparent Hage tae gg she remember vestige of her iliness is a slight "Nothing of when:t got sick,'" mp. she said. "Later I don't re- "'T still don't have the full use member mach, 64.0051. thal h | j of the right leg," she explained. | "| Roald was there all the time. "Also, the right hand hasn't re turned to normal. Otherwise 1) aan felt terribly, terribly seem to be all right. k With her strength returning CAN'T RECALL NAMES she is looking for things to do. "I can read quite well, al-| 'I can't -stand being idle,' though I have some trouble re-|she remarked, 'But how can I taining what I read. The mostiact when I can't remember bothersome thing names, || lines? I've tried and ¥ just can't just can't remember names! remember more than one line "Names came easily to me at a time." before; 1 could remember) She was reminded that sey- everyone's, Nowy I can remem- eral performers, including Mar ber my family's, but no one ilyn Monroe, had the same fail else's. Lately I've been trying/ing but continued in films to recite names of movie stars! Friends hope Miss Neal's reten Up to his knees in work is this young man trying to __ study" the inner workings of I've got Marion Wayne, Gary as I lie in bed, of is clip this wi | OND CANAAN 'SAVE Take this coupon to your Pittsburgh Paint dealer. You can get $2.75 off the suggested retail price of every > = + - Do CHOOSE FROM THESE EXTERIOR PAINTS: *SUN-PROOF OIL BASE fume-resistant pigments protect against smoke and fuel fumes that discolour or- dinary paint « Stays brighter, longer Suggested retail $10.50 gal, $3.35 qt. e Special SALe price $"775 gal. ka ee ee ee ee EE Ee 7, SON e Dr SUN-PROOF LATEX » Needs no primer on previously painted surfaces « Dries in just 30 minutes to discourage insects sticking to paint « Brushes, hands rinse clean in water. Suggested retail $10.50 gal., $3.35 qt. SALE PRICE $"775 gal. a" be WAT inter ONE COAT WONDER W the finest house paint mo e One coatg finish « Saves tin SALE PRICE $q50 gal. inter "Sh TE e Easil > , con vesadurable re 1V e, money, labour Suggested retail $12.25 gal., $3.75 at. FILL IN YOUR NAME AND AD NAME DEALER NAME CANADIAN PITTSBURGH: INDUSTRIES | OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30, 1966 OSHAWA Rothe A. Mele e Ce Ltd. 8) King Nes Albe nckson & Roike H Rossivnn Pioze Canadien o Utd, 273 Simeos Sr eet South wean Suggested retail $10.50 gal, DRESS AND TAKE TO YOUR PITTSBURGH PAINT DEAL OSHAWA 259 Simcoe St back to allow entry, (CP Wirephoto) |Mutchmore Talk Angers Bishop HAMILTON (CP) Angli- cans must feel free to speak their minds on the principles of union with the United Church of Canada, Rt. Rev. Walfer FB Bagnall said Tuesday in his charge to the Synod of Niagara But the Anglican Bishop of Niagara emphasized that what was said must be said with love, patience and understanding "It falls harshly upon Angli- can ears," said Bishop Bagnall, 'to hear the former moderator of the United Church (Dr. J, R. Mutchmor of Toronto) refer to} the episcopal system as an 'out- moded status - ridden which should be reverently stored in some ecclesiastical museum "T suspect Mutnhmor that really Dr, is what is saying that he has serious reservations about bishops 'When I listen to him speak on this subject, or read what he has to say about it, escape the. conviction that his | knowledge of the episcopal sys- tem is based on what he has read about the system in other land and as it functioned hundreds of years ago 'But he just not love bishops, and he does not love the episcopal system tion of lines will be improved) with therapy. She is planning acting in a BBC vision alogue "We'll see how [ get through that one,"' she said, 'After that, who knows?" a return to play Y YOY YY $2 ; ON POWERFUL 4 PirtsBuRGH PAINTS gallon and 75 cents off every quart can of top quality Pittsburgh Paints. Hurry! CEMENTHIDE RUBBERIZED MA RY PAINT « For brick, stucco, con- crete block, asbestos siding and shingles, cement Resists sun and moisture ies quickly. Suggested retail $10.55 gal, $3.45 a ERSPAR ENAMEL « All-purpose or and exterior high gloss enamel « For furniture, woodwork and trim Suggested retail $12.75 gal, $3.90 qt. FLORHIDE FLOOR ENAMEL « A tough durable fil m for floors and steps of wood rete and metal «For exterior and or use « Dries to a handsome, hard- q finish $3.35 gt ER IMITED, TORON eSUNP TRIM AS APES BLACKSTOCK BROOKLIN Mitchell Broa, 8 ladder} I cannot | an-| fens ok | only phatically the fact that he does) | for tele-| Her role features no di-| LYS Y..Y 71S PER GALLON SALE PRICE SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 4 0, CANADA wun? > fe it through the mailjs, but, But Hubert Badanai (L--~Fort U.S. Buying Control Commons Fails To Bar ee Of Canada:Bryden Master Car Keys Sale". eee Aur) ao Mea Farlier, Max Saltsman (NDP| not practical. --Waterlon South) and Gerard' 'sounds good until you run up OTTAWA (CP) -- A privatejcar still ran the risk of being Laprise member's bill making manufac- (Creditiste Chap-| against the problem of enforc- leaught while tinkering around jleau) supported the bill as ajing the law without imposing ture, possession or sale of auto- | the car trying to get in and get'means of protecting the car) hardship" on persons who might mobile master keys illegal ex-| j cept in specified cases was) it started owner. need master key sets. Recent advertisements in pulp ~~~ talked out in the Commons Wed-| magazines offered master key the Canadian economy is the that Americans 'are buying us nesday although every speaker' sets for all popular North Amer- rice that must be paid for U.S.\out with our own money' he supported the bill's intent, ican autos--$11 for the complete uvenimecit climed Amer.'-nia in 1084 shout $764.000.009| Policing of such an amend-|set in the U.S, and $15 for the' jicans "are buying us out withlor 49 per cent of the total net] MeMt io --ine--Criminat-- suite set in Canadas: : jour own money. U.S. financing in Canada, came| Would be Impossible, said Bryee The Association of Police fackasey --{ ontreal Ver-\ jefs checked with the past of- In other legislature business: |from the. depreciation and de- hiefs checke --Donald c MacDonald,\pletion reserves of Canadian) dun) who spoke on the bill until fice fo see if sales could be leader of the New Democratic|subsidiaries of U.S, corpora- pad { pene ey yoo for the on re Party, accused the govern- tions. y, pre ; ; ment of not giving the lead' He said an additional $644, Bier Sg gemas*5 bo pipe GOLF SPECIAL in a national exchange of 900.000 came from undistributed! wocry called for 'fines or im- ideas on how to reshape Can-| profits of these subsidiaries and prisonment for persons who ada's confederation, saying ithe remaining $423,000,000 came) onutacture: distribute or are . Ontario has failed "tragic:\from stocks and bonds sold out-| round in possession of motor ve- ally" to fulfil what he called! side the U.S. repos bop sor tie eeaent in its historic role as leader and Mr, Bryden said aie. un ' Windermere, Muskoke May and June ickerel Fishing Private Trout Ponds 24th of May Celebration FREE GOLF --- Mendey te iadey i staying one cog as mere w fag ms the case of manufacturers, as- spokesman for English Can- doubtediy. were sold mainly to RITE Mrs, Ruth H CALL COLLECT -- 105-76 S571. ' | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey 19, 1966 19 TORONTO (CP) -- Kenneth|declining amount of U.S. invest Bryden, New Democrati¢ finan-| ment funds," is associated with leial eritic, told the legislature|U.S. corporate control in Can- i\Tuesday it is nonsense to be-jada. lieve United States control of| To illustrate his statement "OSHAWA FURRIERS One Of Canada's Safest and Modern FUR COLD STORAGE Your furs ore given expert examination betore being placed on an individuel hanger and stored in our modern COLD STORAGE VAULTS, Here, scientifically regulated temperature preserves the beauty of your furs ond insures their long lasting durability FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY @ Re-Styling @ Repairing @ Cleaning On the premises By eur expert Furrier with 35 yeors ex @ FREE ESTIMATES @ OSHAWA FURRIERS 463 BOND EAST 728-8322 @ Free Porking @ 2 ie--2 'ade! = Am ad semblers or others authorized aca Canadians e --Stanley Randall, minister of : by the manufacturer or assem- economics and development, |,, said U.S corporations bler, said about 1,700 companies| 47@ Te-investing funds gener-" It would not stop car thefts, sought free advice from the ated in Canada which they have Mr. Lambert said, but would Ontario Development Agency|°aPtured. in reciation allow-| help cut down the problem in last year on how better to op- 4"C®* and tndistributed funds. one particular area. At present erate their businesses As a solution to U.S. control. a person attempting to steal a Mr. Bryden suggested reform of --Mr. Randall also said he be- : lieves the danger of severe in-|Provine ial and federal corpora flation has been over-sttessed. jtion t tax structures to tighten up provisions regarding deprecia --Robert Nixon (L -- Brant) /: a denlatio aancas called on the province to Hon an ep mn ahowan make greater efforts to in- crease its trade with the U.S and also try to move into Maori Origin markets in Central and South America and the Caribbean' Ideas Revised islands --Donald Cornell, AUCKLAND (CP) The trol engineer with the high-/Chance discovery of charcoal ways department, told the samples in the remains of an ancient Taro garden in northern legislature's standing commit-| ®! . s tee on highways and tourism| New Zealand has revised ideas the Maoris first set- that the maximum speed limit| Of when , on the Macdonald - Cartier ted in New Zealand, Tradition Freeway and Highway 400 puts the main migration from may be increased to.70 from other Pacifie islands as some 60 miles per hour. time about 1350, Carbon dating of the Jatest charcoal finds in- AMOUNT IS SMALL dicates Maoris were settled in Mr, Bryden said the plain fact New Zealand as early as 710 is that 'only a very small and'A.D. WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA SPECIAL! q 1964 CHEV. BELAIR SEDAN Power Steering and Brokes ~ SPECIAL! |ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED' 1965 BUICK SEDAN - we y Powered with Radio, : Your Quality G.M. Dealer 2 my Hs . 0. 514866 "GOOD WILL GUARANTEED USED CARS & TRUCKS" Lic, No. 51538) jKing St. 8. . Bewmonville, Ont. 623-3996, [nly $1995.00 traffie con- Only $2995.00 . ee WHYTE BROS. Furniture and "Upholstery oi F -- -- Automotive Trim | ? 7/7 | 35 King St. E 623-5252 BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD, "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 ) 419 Dundes &. hitby Dor-Mar Beauty MAE SFLYINGS=SERVICES th Service & Overhoul * Storage FOR ALL BROAD YOUR Prop. Where it's s0 easy te leek Se nice, Custom Welding Sheet Metal Fobrication Magnetiux - Zygle FURNISHING NEEDS ae FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 @ RULES e Each week for the next 26 weeks there will appear throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the name of « famous person or place. All you are required to do is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify that person or place. Send your answer along with your nome and address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/e The Oshawa Times, no later then 4 p.m. Tuesday of each week. The first correct answer drewn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, and Duffy's Super Market, the grond weekly prize of $25.00 in free groceries, Enter today, THIS WEEK'S WINNER! MRS. HELEN GLENNIE 36 Athol St. OSHAWA Metal Inspection Oshewe Airport A 728-6135 PADDY'S MARKET Furniture & Applienees USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS TED'S VARIETY SMOKE SHOP @ Smoker's Sundries M Three weekends and your pool is ee completed. We give you easy to fol low, step-by-step instructions and everything you need to install your Spartan Pool. The complete Spartan Kit includes galvanized steel panels that never rust or corrode -- simply bolt together. Heavy-duty vinyl interior never needs painting or reconditioning. Hundreds of "do-it- yourselfers" buy Spartan Kits every year. No money down, five years to pay. Phone us today for all the facts. $39.40 @partan PER MONTH r MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP, CANADA LIMITED 690 DRAKE ST. CALL 725-9151 -- EVENINGS 725-3661 em CALL TODAY! ¢ @ lee Cream e of Beatty-Thor-Cros- Appliances, Speed Queen, HAMPTON 263-2241 Bowman & Gibson | LIMITED REAL ESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE 668-5823 WHITBY ONTARIO "Serving You Since '22" HOMES - FARMS - LOTS FIRE ~ AUTO ~ LIABILITY » 8T¢, Complete Lin ley @ Confectionery yourself | pool Biair Pork Shopping Pleze Whitby PULL SIZE 10 FT. x 39 FT WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS Specializing ir * LATE MODEL WRECKS * NEW & USED PARTS No. 12 Hwy 1 mile North of Whitby GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS OSHAWA 235 Simcoe 8. 725-9792 WHITBY 1003 Dundas &. 668-5342 Wolt Labonovich --. Prop, Whitby, Ont. 668-3322 "The Home of Better Food Values" DUFFY'S SUPER MARKET 948 Simcoe N. "We Deliver' ~~ Open until 10:00 P.M, For Your Shopping Convenience 723-9371 HOTEL ROYAL Featurir The Musical Styling of Tony Lee Cadillac Billlards 17 TABLES FM Background Musie WANDA'S BEAUTY SELLING OUT Perm Stock Cutting & Styling Ti April Yo $18---14,50 $15--12,50 $12.50---10.00 "$10.50--8,50 $8.50---7.00 n Tues, & Fri, Evenings ing E., Bowmenville 623° 380) "THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL" caesarean SKLAR CKAIRS Regular 109.95 SALE 69.50 Only 4 Left MERCURY FURNITURE Merwood N,, Alox 442.3711 Broadioomed Fleers OPEN 9 A.M, « 1) PM, Bring the Family' Led ies, Gentlemen and Children with = Porents Located in CKLB Bldg 725-8112 360 King W. Featuring: e@ Excellent Culsine e@ Quiet Atmosphere 4 Fully . Licensed -- Enjey an evening out 171 Brock N. 668-5012 Oshewe " HOFER VALLEY MEAT PRODUCTS (3rd Concession Rd, Whitby, Ressiend Rd, W, eff Mwy, 12) Fresh Pork, Beef, Veal, Lamb end Poultry Lerge Voriety of Cold Meets, MEAT CUT FOR HOME FREEZERS FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL WHITBY 668-4311 Stafford Bros. Ltd, Monuments ZOLTAN & NICK'S FINA SERVICE o~ PRESENTS ~~ FIAT 850 the Floor Gear Shift Economical Comfort on $1295.00 728-005) * * As low es Bas 16@ SIMCOE 8. DAVEY TRANSPORT @ Local & Leng Distonce Moving @ Freight @ Livestock & Feed @ Bulk Feed Service @ Fertilizer P.C.V. Licenee C.D.F. FS, & HH, 623-5318 Bowmanville eo GILLARD DRY CLEANING Cleanit Service 725-3555 DEPOTS 92 Wolfe 170'4 Mary 12 Bond E, --- 924 Simece N. Office & Plant at 92 Wolfe eC 80 gal. 70 at. in stone and marble Now is the time to Store Your Winter Clothing Cold Storage for your Furs at WHITBY CLEANERS LIMIT! 190 Colborne St. 4 Generctions of Experience 00 gal. $215 <i 4 Waverly ° 318 Dundos E. 668-3552 y 668.2345 FIX UP YOUR HOME NOW COMPLETE INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE Reasonable Rates --~ Free Estimates M. LOOPLE & SON $52 Dundes £., Whitby 668.2418 RADIO ~~ 24 HR, SERVICE -- TELEVISION HOLMES ELECTRONICS D For Prompt Service Coll WHITBY 668-5679 TIME T ) 75 gal, $960 at RAY'S Smoke & Gift Simcoe S$. Ploza meoe at Ritsor Phone 725-9018 POST OFFICE CARDS °* GIFTS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Brock Radio & T.V, featuring Color T.V. by ADMIRAL Sales and Service MARY'S BEAUTY WILSON PLAZA VARIETY A SOFT DRINKS ICE CREAM COOKED MEATS SCHOOL SUPPLIES Open Daily 9 A.M, - Sun. 10 to 10 372 Wilson $. 728-2536 SPECIAL! PERMS anes GROCERIES Nights 723.0068 725-834) Service . ONLY. $8.50 Open Tues, & Thurs, 'tH 8 pom 18 Colborne F * FILMS 10 P.M COURTICE WHITBY Wood F { Lt ank's ° Webster Lumber & 701 Breck St. North Deys Yshawa adware SUNDRIES 668.5830 D N 725-2141 ely Ltd. Hiding Supolies