Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 May 1966, p. 41

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MICKEY MOUSE iu WELL, THAT COBS IT! UM CANCELING MY CONTRACT WITr ACE! inl DIO THE yt Raggett BOM face want) II) Able RIGHT TT ™ GonRy, FELLOWS, L I HAVE TO LEAVE f OG/ Cer AP £ TO YOU PESTS ON ne. 7 PICs \ F RELATIONS ) YOUR OWNI!! DO ty : ANYTHING YOU WANT/" et Poy cE NOW BUT YOU PLAY DIRTY POOL, YOUR -PrUllf- MAVESTYIl= IS NOTHING LEFT TO RIOT, PICKET, AND PROTEST AGAINGT // WE HEADED FOR THE HEW HESS Hay ff 1'0 Like 70 SEE A MENU, PLEASE / (~~ LWANT 70 WITH THOGE AT THE MALT 6HOPPE / ene COMPARE YOUR PRICES cb MLA ALT I wav) jp! \ 1 HAVE GOME SEWING TO CATCH UP ON THIS ,» AFTERNOON / Fy | I'M NOT GOING TO THE LADIES'cLUB MEETING TODAY, MRS, GABBY / lpiacssccaionh *\ r a) oh -- Ay ir j ' WATCHING Dm > hea. We BIRDS TAKE Na A BATH! 4 Wi, BUBBA [sur YA ee ? gos gi €) j i T'VE ASKED Y D THEM TO PLAY "* \ A TANGO, KNOW VA 8. : re. 8 q BLT KEEP AWAY FROM MUH CUFF 1 BUTTON! ,. -- T HAN AFTER WE FINIGH THE PARTY DRESSES, LET MAKE 'EM ) » BACH A COWGIRL QUT RIT f pm I wat KIND OF @ RDS ARE THEY ? a '>| |C pRip-pRy! ) -- 4 --4) j ] I HAVE THE ODDEST FEELING THAT I'M | NOT BEING DATED... I'M BEING OBSERVED! WHAT ARE YOU WY DOING TOMORROW J THE LONE RANGER | | SECRET AGENT X9 0 We CAUGHT At AMERICAN TO SEE GEN, TAM, AND WE WANTS WE HAS A MESSAGE, ARES T'°VE HEARD A BAFE MANCHE: AT 16 TER . WITH A BONAR AVIGIT TO ENGLAND, 1910, MAX AITHEN FRIENDS UNIONIST MP , THAT YOUVE GIVEN UP CONTEGT NORTH-EAST CHALKIB CHECKED § OUT, PHIL / DORG THIg MEAN Hig DEAL WITH | EMBER FELL THROUGH - 'TELEVI Channel 11--Hamiiter Channel %--Toronte Channel &~-Rochester * Channel JBuffale Channel é-Toronte Channel 4--Bultale Channel 3---Barrie Channe: 2--Buttaio eneenanenm tn WEDNESDAY 5:00 PLM N#amily Theetre = ~ 7~Highway Patrol +--Pasaport Te Adventy 3--Secret Squirrel 2.Mike Douglas é--Musle Hop 3--Fury 4:00 PLM F--Twilight Theatre 3--Provineial Affairs 4:20 PLM, TN eows 4: PLM, iPamily Theatre Weather 6--Huntiey- Brinkley News 7:00 PLM, W---Giiligans istend 9~ Batman §-Go To The Races +News, Weather, beorts +The Meneymesners 3--Man from U.N.C.L.E 8---Huntiey-Brinkley Report 7% PLM, Il--Grean Acres 0G idget O2.Virginian 7 Batman 6--Provincial Affaire n Space 8:00 PLM, Nesipecial Movie Pediy Favorite Marilee F--Patty Ouke Show o3---Mickle Finn's 8:30 PLM, J<Blue Light é3---Bob Hope 4--Beverly Hillbillies 9:00 P.M r--The Big Valley Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 9:30 P.M, 6-3--Festivar 4--Dick Van Dyke ACROSS . Birthplace of Mohammed . Young salmon .Of an area Anxious . Bright but cheap . Bread-and+ circuses setting Facility . Yoke Porous procesa . Remote 8, Vast area of the globe . Siberian 4, 5, 6 8. 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, . Exhaust RE WHEN THAT LITTLE CRITTER RUBS AND PONTS /78 HORNS, sta a, UT MAANS HE HEARS BUIPALOES | »..4 { THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 18, 1966 4] BRIDGE East dealer, East-West vulnerable, Opening lead -- queen of spades, . Here is a well-defended hand. South got to two notrump and West led the queen of spades. East took: it with the ace and led back the king of hearts! Without this play South would have had no trouble mak- ing the contract, Thus, let's sup. |pose that East had made the |more prosaic return of. a club, | In that case South would win |the club with the ace and es- 4 |tablish four diamond tricks by | 10:00 PLM, | jIi---Mery Griffin Show 8-2-1 Spy 7--,ong Mot Summer 4--Danny Kaye Show | 10:30 PLM, | t--fperts Hot Seat | 63---N.F.R, Presents 11:00 PLM, NOD) 6403 News | Weather, Seerte 11,15 PLM, 4--Viewpoint 11:20 PLM, htotdote Show &--Jennny Carson TooMavit 11: PLM, '\eeThe Saint re %--Pierre Berton b--Midweek Theatre | 2% AM lleeMews) Weathers Sparte 9.-T.V, University |~Albert Ji: Steed 9:00 A.M, | | 9 Tomper | Love of $m 2--Operation Aphabet Uncle Bobby Meta 10:00 A.M, e Pec Fye Guess Canadian Sehools 1 Love Luey 10:30 AM, Nd Allen +3--Friendiy Glent 4~The McCoys 10:45 AM, 63--Cher Helene | 11:00 A.M, | HewMike Douglas {a Mr, And Mra t2--Morning Star 7--Supermarkel Sweep | 63---Across Canada | +--Amdy of Mayberry 20 ALM, $3--Across Canada 11:90 AM, P--ADracadabra ?--Dating Game \ 3--Paradise Bay | #2 LOG 12:00 NOON %~Toronte Tadeay Jeopardy 1--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 12:18 PLM, 4--Spesker of The Hevee 12: PLM, li--Noon Time 9Soupy Sales 6-2--Post Office | @4--Search For Tomorrow 'epert d---Meanday & 12:45 PM. +4-Guiding Ligh 1:00 PLM, tow Theatre GMorning Star &-Dialing For Dollars, Girl Talk t--fen Casey é--.uncheon Date 4--pdwot the MMliers 1-Movie 2-P.0.Q 1: PM James Beard Show 4---As The World Turns 2A--Let's Make @ Deal (Cc) 2:00 P.M, o~--Kide le Peaple Confidential for Women T--NUrhOS 64--Paseword &-2---Days of Our Lives 2:18 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte 2:30 PLM, ¥--Peaple in Contila 4.2---The Doctors 7A Time For Us é&~--June Allyson +L inkletier's Party 3:00 PLM Fractured Pi: 7.General Hospital b4-6-----To Tell The tTruth O2.Anether Werte AM PM &. You Don't Say 14--Take 0 4--Edoge of Night ?.. Superman 91's Your Mave Funny Company 4:00 Pam. 9-1 Love Lucy &The Match @eme +--eeret term 36-World in Contrast 2---Mery Griffin 400 Pa, leAtom Ant 9--Movie 3--Razztie Dazzle | 4--The #Thirty show | 4--Dick Van Dyke Stew 3--Yoo! Bear Walking alicks Pert, to malt drink Philippine, for one Warlike Moldings Conrad's "Victory" heroine British streetcar Junior's early word Glacial ridge Senor's affirmative 22, Neigh- bor of 30 across Turkish weight 5. Plead 7, Counter- part Paul, for one Hawal- fan bird See 22 down 34, Continen abbr, Rose family plants $7. Thick 2 ® © 29. $2. 33, 36. vr Yesterday's Answer 88, Slender spine Birds Hyde Park stroller Sweet potatoes Affirmative Help 89 tr> 41, 42, Erie, for 2 13 |¢+ |§ WY 7. 10 one . Neighbor Wy ( of Fla, Foreman Marker . Tropical YW, y fruit . Keep Detect Complete Cavities . Taut Moham- medan religion Donkeys Regards DOWN -Cheas term 2. Assam silkworm . Anthony | | | | GUESS WE'D BETTER eons TEE i =frereirers {1} HES 'YOUR HEALTH | Secret Alcoholics Really Fool Only Few' By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD | Dear Dr, Molner; | am a lwoman of 40 and desperately | seeking help, | am an alcoholic Don't tell me to go to AA be- | causé that would mean exposing myself to my family, I would 'rather die, I have tried many that can help if the patient is willing ard really wants to stop {Is this true?--Mrs, M, | AA stands for j}Anonymous, and the Anony- times on} j}my own, but to no good, I have heard there is a_ potent drug | sire to | which makes a person violently ill if aleohol is consumed, This sounds foolproof but it isn't, The flaw is that if a person really wants another drink, he always can find one way or another to stop taking the drug. The real cure lies deeper: Helping the patient develop a compelling de- quit, The drug, however, ig useful jin some: cases, but it needs Alcoholics} | mous means just what it says,| }so I do not see why going to told th |AA would expose your problem) taking to your family members, trating replies was: "And just how is she going to exp! to her family, anyway, when |she is sober all the time?" You see, secret alcoholics characteristically think they have everybody fooled. Drinkers who have been through the mil! tell me this is seldom true, Al most always it is a case of friends and family pretending they don't know, when they do Therefore it may Mrs; M,, that exposing your problem to the family would be no surprise at ali, and yos would find only understanding and support in your determina tion to quit, AA achieves its finest results with people who voluntarily and Sincerely seek its help, and I think you genuinely want help ; Why not try it? | . However, in cities as big as yours, there are aicohol clinics doing excellent work, There is one where you live. It is also possible that the clinic could re |fer you to a private physician specializing in your problem, Yes, there are potent drugs close supervision by a physician r clinic, Dear Dr, Molner; I've been at once a woman starts hormones, she has to continue them, Is this so? Will I have discussed this with AA|they make hair grow, or make and one of the pene-|her masculine?--D. P. You have been misinformed ain tt) Hormones are helpful in getting! a woman past the more annoy- ing aspects of menopause, but there is no reason why they have to be continued indef- initely, In the amounts prescribed for this purpose, as well as in the type of hormones used (largely estrogen, or the "female hor- mone'), there is no accelera- well bes!tion of hair growth 'and. cer- tainly no masculinization, You'l find more information on this in the booklet Dear Dr, Molner: I have a low white blood count---3,500 in- stead of 7,000, It is checked every month but it never gets any higher. Could you account for this?----Mrs, W, The white cell count normally ranges from 5,000 to 10,00... A persistently low count may be due to a blood disorder or to a chronic toxic condition, Only a complete blood study can tell the story, Various drugs, such as sedatives and tranquilizers, can suppress the ehite count, |leading the king and then the fen (overtaking with the jack) to force out the ace, He would make eight tricks consisting of a spade, a heart, four diamonds jand two clubs | The extraordinary heart re- jturn in effect pulled the rug out from under declarer's feet, I gave South an extra heart trick jhe would ordinarily not have |made, but at the same time it |prevented him from enjoying dummy's diamonds. Declarer took the heart with the ace and played a low dia- mond to the king, West play- ing the three, and continued with the ten of diamonds to the jack, West playing the four. If East had made the mistake of refusing the jack, South would have had eight ready « made tricks, but East took the jack pith the ace and declarer then found it impossible to score more than seven tricks, West's play of the three fol- lowed by the four indicated he had at least one more diamond, and thus made it easy for East to take the jack without wor. rying whether South had the missing diamond, Had West been dealt only the 4-3 of diamonds he would have played the four and then the three to show a doubleton, In such case, East would have ducked the jack, knowing that South had the missing eight, However, the really dramatia play of the hand was East's ree turn of the king of hearts, which signified a complete wile lingness to throw away a trick in an attempt to nullify dume my's diamonds, Blind Men Keep Watch On House ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP)-Not much goes on in the Maryland house of delegates that escapes the notice of Charles M. See and C, Clifton Virts, They know the rule book from front to back, can associate @ bill number with" its subject matter almost instantly, and lis. ten more intently than their colleagues to what is said from the floor or the rostrum. See and Virts are blind. Be. tween them they have logged 48 years continuous service in the legislature, See, a 64-year-old Cumberland Republican, has represented Allegany County since January, 1939, with eight years in the Senate sandwiched in between 20 years in the House. He works professionally with the blind, as a trustee for the Maryland Workshop for tha Blind and director of its West. ern Maryland branch, Virts, a 56-year-old Frederick |Democrat, is completing his /fifth straight four-year term in | the House, He is a lawyer and |finds his legislative experience jis \better than any refresher course, | Virts was blinded in an accie dent when he was nine. See, {who had partial vision in one leye until age 16, was left totally | blind by influenza in 1918, FASHIONS REACH PETS NANTWICH, England (CP)-- | Walter Elison, 46-year-old mans ufacturer of clothing for ante mals, exhibited Op art leather coats, Beatle caps and match. ing ensembles for dogs and owners at a trade fair, re "These are for near-sighted or | Ree ta fy

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