6A THE OSHAWA TIMES, "Tucsdey, Mey 17, 1966 Safest Car Dangerous Without Care "The safest car in the world cannot protect its occupants if the owner allows any part of it to deteriorate or weaken," said G. R. McBride of the In- ternational Harvester Co. of Canada, Hamilton. A member of the Canadian Highway Safe- ty Council's vehicle safety com- mittee, Mr. MeBride pointed out that the owner was per- gonally responsible fro keeping his vehicle in safe operating condition. "The manufacturer can build a vehicle with every safety feature known to man, but if the owner is irresponsible en- ough to permit any one of those | features to deteriorate to the point of failure, then the res- ponsibility for what may hap- pen to him and his passengers is entirely his." He called for regular, thorough inspection of all vehicles, preferably by train- ed technicians, particularly at the end of several months of winter driving. "No one," he advised "can enjoy his car unless he knows it is in safe operating condi- tion." Young Drivers (Some of Them) | Pose Problems Should we be teaching driver- training in all secondary schools? Jack Hutton, education writer for the Toronto Telegram says that three years ago he | was solidly against driver-train- ing during the school day. To- day, he's not so sure. Seeing a succession of near-tragedies, all the fault of young drivers, has made him wonder' wehther we're failing an entire genera- tion. He describes one of his recent experiences: "T saw him through the rear vision mirror when he was still half a mile behind -- passing ears three at a time, hugging the white line and leaning on his horn. "There were five friends in the car, obviously -- him more vith 'an oncoming car. "Would he try passing me? And, if so, how? The answer came two miles later when a curve sign loomed ahead -- obviously a long, dangerous one. And completely blind. STILL A BLUR "What happened next is still a' blur. I saw the hopped-up car pull to my left, the driver hunched over his steering wheel as if he were urging on a race horse, the horn blaring. "The transport truck that ap- peared out of nowhere spun to the right, churning gravel into the air. I yanked my car to the right, fighting to stay out of a deep roadside ditch. For two seconds it looked like a three- vehicle tragedy. "T haven't forgotten the rage and relief I felt in equal mix- ture after the passing car es- caped through the hole we had created for him. And I haven't forgotten the fact that the pas- sengers in the car were laugh- ing. Incredibly, they were pounding the driver on the back, roaring with glee over a psy- chotic stunt that could have killed every one of us." Jack Hutton goes on to say: "The blunt truth is that a mi- nority of younger drivers -- ad- mittedly a small minority -- find a twisted status in driv- ing faster than anyone else on the road, taking chances that endangers everyone else within car length. "They are potential killers. There's no other word for it. They wear their cars like a badge. Without them they are nothing. QUOTED BY THE ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE YOU GET THE BEST DEAL AT SEAWAY MOTORS, NG THEIR... DURIN Your old car is now worth MORE HUNDREDS MORE purchase of any new 1966 Seaway Motors Car If your old car is now worth '700 Look at the small differ- ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. New 1966 Comet $1757 Pay Only $56.29 Per Month New 1966 Meteor $1925 Pay Only $62.82 Per Month New 1966 Mercury $2299 Pay Only $74.88 Per Month 1120 DUNDAS ST. E. If your old car is now worth '1500 Look at the small differ- ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. New 1966 Comet $1357 Pay Only $44.27 Per Month New 1966 Meteor $1525 Pay Only $49.80 Per Month New 1966 Mercury $1899 Pay Only $61.85 Per Month WHITBY TF on the If your old car is now worth '1100 Look at the small differ- % ence you pay for a brand new SEAWAY MERC. New 1966 Comet $957 Pay Only $31.25 Per Month New 1966 Meteor s1125 Pay Only $36.78 Per Month New 1966 Mercury $1499 Pay Only $48.83 Per Month MOTORS 1965 Ltd. 0 Fg ll Pea PO... See a Fd < +4 ee ww 4 - i { }