, chusetts Supreme Court Monday AWA TIMES, T i 17, 1966 ° Pics ; ) UPHOLDS LAW 22m em ah '|Candidates Ready| Sf mom mi Cope nM a grade crossings for more than CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) --|between the Liberals and PCs| Causes Infant Deaths five minutes at a fime, The law d but t. defi-| provides for a forfeiture of $100 F c 4 c efi , Full slates of candidates have was expected but was no' FREEHOLD, N.J..(AP)--An|The cow suffered @ broken leg by the railway for each viola- been nominated for the May 30 nite until nominations closed unidentified virus has taken the|and was destroyed tion Prince Edward Island election) Monday without any candidates |jiyes of 49 infants in Monmouth sa by the Progressive Conservative turin: ciner . marines tre pms sr omemre panes government and the Liberal op- pjotion, held Dec. 10, 1962, also 18, position For PEI Election | Mystery Killer Virus mtnnoctme = an aire wi during the last} a year. Dr, Malcolm Gilman,| Included in the 64 candidates county physician, said Monday | secking the 32 legislature seats the state health department is arw two women--the first ever seats in that election, with the investigating to determine fo run in a PKA. provincial Liberals 'winning the other 11.\ whether it can identify the vi election. Nominations closed Thirty-two seats will ne at stake rys Mondat~with only the PCs and this time following redistribu -- in thé field tion which created a new two SMALLPOX HITS The campaign is expected to member riding in Charlotte BIRMINGHAM Engiand , get into full swing now that town (CP)--Thirty persons have heen Podf INTERIOR DECORATOR 7 apa ' hit by the current outbreak of \ nominations have been com-; The island's first women can iI z 4 it ' PURNITURE plated, The Conservative cam-|didates in a promincial election smallpox in this industria hear , obsipiith oes n. is headed by 7&vear-old are Mrs, Parker Canfield and of England but Dr. Mrnest . . Pree geton ier Walter R. She Mis. B. Karle MacDonald. Mrs. Miller, Birmingham health offi \ s first election campaign in Canfield, running in Queens Ist, Cer, ays the outbreak "may be 15 King Street East steered the PCs to vie- and Mrs, MacDonald, a candi under control He 'said the ending 24 years of Liberal date in Queens 6th, will be op- Source of the infection remains , CUSTOM MADE DRAPES rment : posed by Conservative 'incum- 4 Mystery Phone 725-2686 The liberal campaign will be bents BIKE HITS COW id by~33-year-old Summerside Mr. Shaw will run in Queens JACKSON, Mich. (AP) 4 awyer Alex B. Campbell, ist and Mr. Campebll in Prince. young man and his date were named party leader Jast year 5th, a seat he won in a byelec- killed early Monday when their, following the resignation of for- tion Jast year motorcycle collided with a cow mer premier Alex W. Matheson That byelection victory for the which had wandered onto a HAPPINESS IS WARM PUPPIES AND KITTENS Mr. Matheson is not running in 1 jberals---plus another in Kings rural road outside> Jackson. | Old Pussy, a blind cat tens the same day her own birth to a litter of four in pups and nurses them as this election Ist---cut the PC majority at dis They were Dean W Gardner, | who gave birth to two kit er's Chihuahua died giving Beamsville, Ont., adopts the well as the kittens, A straight two-way campaignisolution 17 to 13 21, and Della Maxton, also 21 EATON'S ~ 53 Low Special Prices HOUSEWARES 53 Ways to get set for Summer Beautify, equip, cut work hours and save all at the same time... for more time for fun in PHONE 725-7373 the sun this Summer, and more savings to enjoy it ! was two-party affair. The Conservatives won 19 RUBBER DRAINER AND EATONIA VACUUM CHARCOAL OR CHAR HADDON HALL : ' TECO SPECIFIED PASTE Rubber Beth Ma 5 HADDON HALL RO- ENAMELLED ROASTING TRAY: 15 x 13 x 4" BOTTLE AND PLASTIC COAL BRIQUETS with ASBESTOS BARBECUE WAX -- 5-lbs. of clear undreds of tiny suctic TARY BARBECUE SPIT PAN -- Brilliant blue -- high scientifically - de LUNCH KIT ocuur nickory aroma dds LESTE cli sullted aor : white paste wax with s to grip it tigh ts) BASKET. s chromium uatss taka (he signed rubber - coated bottle is cup-tonped and the authentic touch to : , carnauba bose, For wood tub "surface, helps pre ploted, teatures key Hi, x Tia. fees drainer sits on 15% « glass-lined; holds 10-o7s the horbecue : hot, ng cork, vinyl, linoleum and sig : botr § OF vevica 6 Rover 13-lb Senid 17-Ib 1514" troy. White, yel Lunch kit comes in blue, slow-bu ig. 3 SPECIAL, 2,99 . oncrete floors show ' ot A different positio wl oF q few, turquoise oo ere SPECIAL pair " SPECIAL, pink Aperex, 16 x . roost, Reg, 3.85! 2.99 Reg. 3.98! SPECIAL, sect, 9. gg Somnins «209 2 Tye 2.99 Sitch stent Li oe 2-pee. set Bags eoch Wh 44 alia cao mma | <4 : , ! : / FEATHERWEIGHT PIC. FATON'S OWN FLUON r iia JELLY ROLL PAN -- 10 HADDON HALL IRON LARGE CERAMIC DOG TECO GALVANIZED 4 Hiapvsectehs ' jo EAI LEY Shy FOOD CHOPPER-Clamp PARTY PERCOLATOR-- = 18' purtace. Double ING BOARD PAD AND DISH Meas 1\y"t GARBAGE CAN holds 14 ' > pee ae if ' Aan annie afy'e With Mmodany pol Highly polished alumine eosted with Dupont se COVER ALL:IN.ONE SET tahoe IA dckpauda ak Ren : ' i rene, 2) x . dasinnae sprayer ished steel cutters, tin um finish, Perks 20 cups ts stondard 54 314 size holds mon $ Pavia aa éanted trad sali mci for clube Or wertins. haa roved 'Teflon haord Teflon . treated 2 t 9 c 4 ""ELOWING WHEAT" TY TRAY .. buy Reg. 3.89! cover with vapou res fora group, lon contings, High! 814" high. Reg, 4.50! ge de tront kee tne d several for an efficient, handsome way to ; Ae 7 9: 0! giass top and black come. cot cover with var Walaa ha Suikees im SPECIAL, scalitan Henidle ed ¢ rs Reg. 3.98! Reg, 3.98 serve quests! Fibre glass surface i hag t a eesbt rag eoch ; by Reg. 4.98! -- oe 3.98! SPECIAL, 2.99 -- a 2.99 on bross-finished folding frame y) 99 SPECIAL, 4 Pal 2.99 SPECIAL, 2.99 . ' Li = rT} semplete Reg. 3.98! SPECIAL, each eech each each TY late | len A. J a Re , i ¢ ra al) > coer a ee A eS ee Sere oe BY HADDON HALL ELE. BATHROOM WALL -- CLASSICALLY STYLED 30-LBS. WILD BIRD oe Oe alk, 9 , . offer : BI Pe ' ton-and-nylon mitt that made by members of yer that sque tained wood 7-PIECE TOOL SET tainless steel SER SET Gk ich wood MIRROR offers 4" gloss RD BATH on 25 SEED attracts dust better, anodior Zong no sti ext j t ) ho black oamposition handles. Set includes ) individual graining ' washes and. dries foster tute for the Blind . ed 4 face } i ker" heio WW"! jors, 'meosures 1514 x won't crack or peel with most nativ i Wooden handle. Yellow Req. 1.89 eoch, 2 for ood . ; masher, ladle, solid turner, basting spoon, Chromium-plated fittings 12 Reg. 3.98! ee sie Eicoage ne nost native birds or turquoise 3.98! wer Reg. 3:98! slotted spoon, 2-tine fork and hanging SPECIAL, vine haat 498 SPECIAL 2,99 Ot Re ! 1 SPECIAL, 2,99 2 99 SPECIAL, 2,99 nos. 3-48 2.99 rack. Reg. 3.98! 29 regeod °.$9 each SPECIAL, 2.99 3 "fos 2.99 iv each SPECIAL, complete. ......0). eoch ., f to ut in yO. fluted bose has marble 3 vot shelf to hold bottles and zed white vinyl top that feeder . . . suitnble for HATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE 725-7373 HATON'S LOWER LEVEL, Dut + 254 PHONE 725-7373 2Shelf Utility Table Heddon Hell Shower French Stripe" Bath "Magnetic Puth Ceke Pan end Mut NOT SKETCHED) Ps Curtain Frenct room Dranea match Branm howl fin Paw square a shows " Witipk "epehacle Aunt ake bon and &-cuc HADDON HALL INSULATED PICNIC JUG with pouring Fg a pink ' he ¢ tHe- de n't st push ¥ ffir D, er faucet plastic exterior in blue and white: olost ner Reg, SOR! weoden handle 0" high + be ] t 4 { Tef Reg 4.94 vith unethene inaulatior 4 99 a 3,99 tain, Res 5.98! ito 3,99 . 'rea pada 3.99 Reg, 5.98! SPECIAL, poir ® rach 3.99 Haddon Holl Custom 2 for 3,99 in To uel fe Bathroom Drapes Rarhecue Patio 7 rch fu RRQ Sorter he a a 3 Pair of Conch Lights Hoddon Hall Deluxe Step-On Can of Highs ; : rs Req. 5.98! Danish Stoiniess Steet ; Ta } : : SPECIAL . 1 ke Chcauek cad tae 47 fin . ght patie Towel Pole feotures Impact Plostie is | Meddon Moll Fleetri« 10 . Gallon Plastic ss an trit { wit eok SPECIAL S-font meatal - pole sromium-plated ter with hinged lid, ir i ie : a ie a cone oe metal ti complete and doy towels, Ad tie liner, Turquoise onde SPECIAL, 3 99 Garbage Ren eet. : eg. 4.98 . 7 ' : ' rach ' y SPECIAL ark : si Ris ache tach 3,99 SPECIAL 3 99 Patio Table Pair with Citrenall f sta Fron 74!" tac 8! ehlie er vellow Haddon Holl Rath ° 7 : 2.pee set . Keep hand re 4 Re 4 R 4.08! Seale Le alibi a at Walnut Finish Cheese { { seein aieeikt SPECIAL, 4 99 wit 3,99 Roord hos its om Haddon Hall 3-Piece 4 f ' SPECIALS 4,09. cm : textured vinyl tree pach ' nde knife tha BBQ Tool Set wit e baked ¢ poir each . Vite Waste-Tainer x! nognet faintask steel, wood nial <4 tripoe Req. 5.98! eld ata . tr en handies n atal tea special 3 99 ; 4e tine > SPECIAL Padded Baer Stool Stacking Sfools om, Wicker Picnic Home SPECIAL, 3.99 : Req. 4.98! for Oe ra ee . ne tongs pn high stared sents covered , me ' 4 each SPECIAL, 3 99 . 2 me aI in " fubl ahal r nv ar t Hadden Hall Double set ' Stoiniess Steel fae . o n ' ow th word Splee Rock sa Req. 7.95! New Design! Col Cups tered seat aral er tone frames atre handle + SPECIAL 3.99 oniol Style Letter Floor Planter at Je heine: Res, 9.00% saak . Rack ho tained ---Morie t : ' tye set : ge : SPECIAL, =. GQ Res. 2 tor 7.981 Rea. 5.98! $0 Lbs, Pot Litter irow to to arey marble , toch a SPECIAL SPFCIAL . Reg, 4 for 2,99! , 4 99 i sieht , SPECIAL ae 4,99 toch tg 8 ,., 3.99 % eile lew Reg. 4.93 SPECI SPECIAL, 30. Ibs . 3.99 roth 2 3,99 OR 4 FOR 2.00 HATON'S LOWER LEVEL beige 4 DEPT, 254 PHONE 725.7378 STORE HOURS: 9.30 a.m. to 6p.m. Monday Through Saturday Open Thurscay and Friday Nights Until 9