16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Moy 17, 1966 WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page, Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and & picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as pore air tie ceremony, names of out-of-town guests =. ey ee 20 BiG Binee 1 HenF attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day afier the wedding. ' What The Well-DressedWoman Wears At Night | As Decreed By Famous International Designers | TORONTO (CP) -- Sleepwear has taken on importance in the \fashion world, Proof of this is that some of the most success- ful international couturiers now nightAvessen and wildiy unorthodox use of color,\sketch and has asked to photo he highlights pastel printe on graph the sketched four-piece white for his sleepwear. How-|sleepwear set for a late apring ever, they're not the usual flor-| issue. Equally interesting is that als but checks, plaids, stripes the fabric, white nylon lace, is and polka dots. He does use'made in Canada. The set in- other colors, too, and even lets\cludes hipster sleep pants with pyjamas a Teqand' while checkea 'top|ruiiiea eager ana ora piua @ eo .____ |fight it out against the char-jcoverup A-line jacket and @ e gfe Boe say Sesiene's | con\-and-white horizontal stripes head kerchief, id / e a shorts. | lounge and sleepwear Pre 8 adler roy Aa hang be ot Mrs. Haddad was siso asked) lently important to come to-NeW\and adds a holster belt in bril-|(2, Participate in ® Flowers of Artist's Talents Won't Be Subdued ST. JOHN'S, Nfid. (cP) ~ When Rae Perlin was a school- girl she filled the margins of her hooks with drawings but her art teacher wasn't impressed. She was scolded for untidiness. Today she spends aimost all her time painting--one of 'her works won a government-svon- sored aris and lelters contest in the water-eolor section: has studied art in and Paris, "Art is for everybody," she {paint and te write. The eanfiiet -- was 80 great that she finally ig- nored hoth and studied rursi in New York where she ea: her KN. The creative urge returned, however, and she chose paints. As a hospital nurse she could choose a 4 p.m. to midnight shift, one that allowed her plenty of time far study. 'In many ways this was the most exciting period of art for Co t a Sak 2 me, | hed te tHebt 49 set the oe time to study and to work at it i and the whole world of art was opening up to me." In 1950 she went to Paris for one year and stayed five, She Mann - Ridley gharlene Alma, daughter of bouquet of yellow garnet roses Mr. and Mrs, Walter N, Ridley,|and stephanotis, and Harold Wilfred (Butch); Miss Sandra Gall Ridley of Mann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har-|Whitby was the maid of honor old Mann, all of 'Oshawa were|and the bridesmaids were Miss united in marriage recently in|Carol Barry, Windsor, Ontario, St, Mary of the People Roman Miss Judy Read and Miss Shir- Catholie Church ley Crawford, both of Whitby, Barbados promotion by the Ca- says. "Everybody is born with nadian Cotton Council and sent a sense of art, an innate ap- seyeral outfits to be photo-|preciation and a sensitivity to graphed on the island. One of it, the sleep attire sets, in floral, 'That is why it is so impor- handscreened cotton sheer,'tant that children be exposed to comprises a hack - dipping - to -' the world of creative expression floor poncho in. wild vibrantiearly, before they become too flowers, worn over @ shocking shy and modest to expose this pink nightgown. sort of inner self to others," enjoyed the stay, but "it wasn't the best place to work." She studied in England following the period in Paris, Since returning here 10 years ago she has confined her work largely to sketches, "T have to work spontaneously and I can't carry a big paint- |\York for the fashion presenta-'jiant green satin ition introducing their collection Ue giso introduced a "base- in celanese nylon, pall" nightie of an extremely! The Queen's dressmaker, Nor- short skirt and a 'clown' floor-| man Hartnell, included several jengtti gown with ruffled collar! 'applique jacetrimmed sleeve-iand long loose sieeves less peignoirs, worn over shir- Another nighttime collection red-bodice gowns, Pedro Rodri-\with an unexpectedly different guez took inspiration from his look is: that of Fernando San-' The Reverend N. J. Gignaciand Miss Patricia Mosienko, performed the ceremony, Mrs,|Oshawa, Philip Lesley, organist, played| Mr. Anthony Meagher of To- the wedding music and Mr.\ronto was the best man, assis- Samuel Pankhurst of Ashburn|ted by ushers Terry Delves, Leo 'sang. Morin, Steven Marian, all of Mr. Ridley gave his: daughter Oshawa and Danny Semenuk, in marriage. Her gown was/Toronto, fashioned of nylon organza' A reception was held in &t. over taffeta. The slim, elbow: Gregory's Auditorium length sleeves, the empire The bride wore a powder biue waistline and the hem were suit with blue fox fur euffs; lavishly bordered with Alencon white accessafies and a cor lace and a gathered train ad-|sage of yellow roses, when the ded elegance to the A-line sil-couple left on their wedding houette, A formalized headdress 'trip to Washington D.C held her elbow-ength veil of| Mr, and Mrs. Mann will re- tulle and she carried a cascade side at 149 Nonquon road, Gray - Henry The marriage took place ini\cade bouquet of yellow rese Columbus United Church. of Do-| buds, ris Arvilla, daughter of Mr, and, The matron of honor was the Mrs, Charles M, Henry, Osh-|bride's sister, Mrs, Robert Ver awa, to Timothy Cranston Gray, non and the bridesmaid was son of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne|Miss Kathleen Beath, both of Gray, Brooklin, Oshawa The Reverend Winnifred Brid Michael Gray, Whitby, was the ges officiated and the organist, no, and the usher WAS Miss Elizabeth Hayes, played Mr alors Vv bu. £ the wedding music, o weper' TORN, Vere The reception was held in the Given in marriage by her|Christian Education Centre, Col- father, the bride wore a formal|umbus, following which the empire gown of white French|couple jeft for a honeymoon in satin with a bodice of Chan-|the Southern United States, with tilly lace and lily - point sleeves.'the bride donning for travelling,| A train of similar lace wasa self - made blue wool suit,' caught by a satin bow at the| matching accessories and a cor back neckline, Her peau de soie|sage of yellow roses, On their rosette headdress held her|return Mr. and Mrs, Gray will shoulder - length veil of tulleireside on Mary street east, iilusion and she carried a cas-|Whitby. Consumers Assoc. Recommends: Teach Sex Education To Students By MARILYN ARGUE Other OTTAWA (CP) -- Young un: at the married people should be told'cluded Mrs how to use contraceptives as! Arthur part of their sex education at At the suggestion of the home and in school, the na-\Planned Parenthood Associa tional presideng of the Consum- tion of Toronto, who felt that ers' Association of Canada sald some members were unsure of Thursday, the technical aspects of birth Mrs, Beryl! Plumptre of Tor- control, the committee moved onto made the statement pre-to view a film strip produced senting her association's brief by a pharmaceutical company to the Commons health com: on birth control at thelr next mittee asking that birth-control meeting May 3. information and sale of contra:| An in-camera' meeting with ceptives be made legal representatives of the justice this ikrhintion "behind eloged|#M4 health departments will be held May 10 to discuss legal doors and from inferior per sons," aspects of the proposed legisla "They do not get enough in." formation to resist the desire to conform and so get into trou- ble, They should be taught in school the information and re sponsibility that goes with sex ual intercourse and being a good citizen; The committee set May 31 as closing date for submission of briefs. But parties wishing to submit a brief and for some good reason are unable to have it ready by then would be heard later The association brief, based on a resolution approved by delegates from across Canada at the 1964 annual meeting said present laws led to mis leading labelling of contracep- tives, CHECKS PILLS The food and drug director ate now cannot enforce regula tions with regard to contrace) tive devices for women, al though it does check contracey tive pills, which also are tecl nically illegal Fears that advertising would be "harmful and indecent" seemed to be groundless, be cause legislation already re quires advertising to be "in good taste." The products already are ad yertised in vague terms itt some Canadian magazines, M) Plumptre said "They say 'for germicidal protection' or 'intimate mar riage problems.' One of my ex ecutive said she didn't even re alize they were contracep tives," The brief said making con traceptives legal might lessen the tax burden by cutting wel fare payments to large famil jes, It would also enable Can ada to.play a more constructive role in assisting underdeve! oped countries which might need help with population prob lems association committee G,. 3 executives hearing in- Hart, Port @ Ends maintenance painting worries and saves Economical to install style of home sparkle with @ Greater comfort, 10 colours Modern, bright and pastel full selection of accessorie: Kaiser Aluminum Siding is KAISER ALUMINUM EUROPE SWINGS AGAIN Telephone: 755-2261 The bridegroom's brother Mr,! KAISER Aluminum You get the quality you expect from KAISER { | | MR. AND MRS, H, W. 'Today's Working Wife (BUTCH) MANN Likes Being Wage-Earner | By ROBERTA ROFSCH A few days ago in this col umn, we commented on two opposite views to the timely and pertinent question "As a wife, would you work at a job or career if you didn't really have to?" At the time, we quoted two) varying opinions and today we have more thoughts which,' by chance or circumstance, are on the affirmative side Personally, we are not taking sides because, as we have al ways said, for a wife to work or not is an individual choice and no woman has to plan her life on another's outlook But here are some thoughts that came in today, They are also views I hear often "Two years ago,"' wrote one wife, "I gave up a job I loved because everyone said | was crazy to tle myself down to working when | didn't really have to. NEED STIMULUS "But even though I tried to absorb myself in other interests, I soon discovered that I was) one woman who needed the) stimulating effect of going to a job every day, Without this kind of commitment, I put on 30 pounds, because I was 50 dis contented with my life "Finally, when I couldn't tol erate the extra hours and pounds any longer, I got my husband on my side and went out and found a job. In aix months, I lost the 30 pounds and all my discontent," | Put your home in this picture with Siding | Kaiser Aluminum Siding won't peel, rust or crack -- ends you money. Kaiser Aluminum Siding covers any surface --- makes any lasting beauty. Kaiser Aluminum Siding makes your home cooler in Sum mer, warmer in Winter -- cuts fuel costs. 20-year transferable guarantee This guarantee ia exclusive with Kaiser --~and adds sub. tantially to the resale value of your home. colours to choose from, with a s. C.H.M.C. approved. Available in horizontal and vertical, acrylic finish, Consult the Yellow Pages for your Kaiser dealer or contact: COMPANY 191 Ashtonbee Road, Scarborough, Ontario Jean-Paul Relmondo and Ur suia Andrews have made a new comedy-adventure, Up To His Ears, for release this summer CONTACT YOUR LO SWIMS THROUGH MAIL LONDONDERRY, N or thern Ireland (CP)--Telephone engi AND DOOR 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. CAL KAISER DEALER SUPREME WINDOW PRODUCTS 723.9843 neer Ray Dunmore is learning how to swim the English Chan nel by correspondence. Peter Alisworth, a veteran Channei expert, 'has been coaching the Ir amateur by letter his Kent home in preparation for an attempt on: the 24-mile ah from 725.4632 LES EVENISS SALES LTD. 15 PRINCE ST, or after hours 723-2707 ewim in July co Another woman airs her views this way "T have had a great dea! of experience as both a working and a non-working wife,' she writes, 'but. 1 have always no- ticed that when I am not work ing | constantly run to my family doctor with a list of aches and pains "But when a job keeps me busy, | don't have time for that My ailments disappear magi cally and I feel bright and alive," To top off these two letters a national survey on working wives published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics adds some figures that reflect a preference on a percentage basis. NEEDED TO WORK According to this survey on the reasons wives give for working, nearly half of a group of married women with new jobs indicated, as might be ex- pected, that they had gone to work because of some form of financial necessity But a high proportion--56 per cent -- of the married women who took jobs because they had to liked the idea of working, In addition a much higher propo- tion---$4 per HAND 20 SI mee bikini bra and pants, cent---of women,|are often a child's education or who took jobs because they | additional funds for retirement, Cool and Airy Straw NS Gus OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY PE ENE. CE inative Spain in ponchos over chez for Warner's, Spanish Fer- plain and lavishly ruffled py-inando has Wuropean credits \jamas. that include designing ready-to- Micol Fontana of Rome, one| Wear for Nina Ricci and lingerie of the famous Fontana sisters, for Christian Dior ap liked long nightgowns, trimmed 'Now he presents his Ame H ong umoule line with em-|can: collection with a Moorish )" into aulte presentedie arp \broidery or with a cowl-back in-|théme, as floor-length caftans, formal at-home one' " guests) terest, Jacques Heim gave a\or djelabahs as they are called drop in unexpectedly, | Parisienne look to eyelet em-|in Morocco, with deep-moving pbroidered tunics, ruffled jike|folds. There also are multi; @ g mad, and worn over baby doll| striped harem pyjamas in blues SALLI TI nt ao AA 4 "A ARTY * 'a " and reds, banded at the knees, y Uy? ) " Mrs. Haddad comments that if you want to slip into com-| fortable sleepwear in the eve ning, the matching jacket, or rj./Other type cover-up, transforms | My, uf 4" uv u" i * , Interesting, too, was the color gsvi.s IN NEW YORK in the celanese nylon fabrics In Canada, Claire Haddad is as nude, parakeet green, deep becoming internationally known pink and deep blue for her sleepwear and lingerie American agent has cur- But on this side of the Atlan-\rentiy gold several items in the tie several top designers Ar soring collection of this Toronto also invading the field. Fore- designer to the exclusive Henri most is Rudi Gernreich with hisipondel shop in New York and first collection of sleepwear for 19 Saks Fifth Avenue L'Intrigue, ad vision of Exquis-| put even more indicative of ite Form, In view of the furore her new status is that Women's| over his topless bathing suit.|Wear Daily has given editorial you'd expect semi-nudity or All snace several times recently to least the new portholes, But Mrg Haddad and her designs Rudi goes overly demure with pps newspaper is published in almost complete cover-ups, He New York and regarded by the even uses opaque fabrics garment manufacturers as their mostly 100-per-cent synthetic pipnje material that looks and feels Vogue magazine noted these like crepe stories and an accompanying COLORS SUBDUED Again, in contradiction to his IT'S IN THE LEAVES BOURNEMOUTH, Eng land FABRIC Village "The First in Pobrice" With the widest se- lection of = Impert- * =) BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT has started a marriage bureau which she claims is foolproof, She introduces only those cll ents who have similar teacup readings wanted to, found working to their liking, And three out of four married women said they preferred to work At the same time, however, the survey made it clear that} most of today's wives, who work at a job or career when they) don't really have to, are moti vated by concrete goals instead of vague "fulfillment," Short-range goals, for exam ple, might be a new car for the family, And long-range goals . Woollens @ Brocades KING AT PARK King Park Plaza PHONE 723-0721 57. W RD, CHILDREN UNDER 12 YRS, FREE TONIGHT When she left high school she was torn between desires to us JAMES ing," she says, "My best work is small and | can draw better than | can paint." A REAL FAMILY PICTURE TH WHEN RAW COURAGE - WAS NEEDED TO MEET THE CHALLENGE OF .. THE RAW WEST... HE LED THEM ALL! MAUREEN /BRIAN STEWART \ OHARA/ KEITH "THE RARE BREED" TECHWICOLOR » PANAVISION® JULIET MILLS AT 8:00 P.M. OF A VERY IMPORTANT HOLLYWOOD ATTRACTION IN ADDITION 10 [ FEATURE ATTRACTION DEBBIE REYNOLDS BAGS Re-ieleosed by BUENA VISTA Distribution Co,, Ine, a "The Singing Nun" in Technicolor SEE BOTH SHOWS POR THE PRICE OF ONE 1 Ceiling, DRIVE-INS STARTS TOMORROF * Walt Disney ~ DON GALLOWAY WWeltben by RIC HARDMAN » Directed by ANDREW V, McLAGILEN + Predned ty WILLIAM ALL AGB i A UNIVERSAL PICTURE LAST #4 DAY The Chase" A happy household Is turned into a MARITAL, DOGHOUSE! stele the CHILDREN 50; eit ANYTIME # Look to the name WALT DISNEY for A Veannies PLaveas the finest In family entertainment t TODAY ONLY; "THE SINGING NUN" jw coion SAMUEL BROKSTON.. 2 wre JOHN WAYNE ) CLAUDIA CARDINALE ~~ PLUS COLOR CARTOON ENDS Topay JOHNNY TIGER GUNPOINT et ia CIE AUDITORIUM 7e3.4072 OSHAWA DRIVE-IN A wide selection of soutnory Spring's most popular shades | 0.95 to 97.95 SIDNEY POITIER PARAMOUNT PICTURES wo KURT UNGER rrr SOPHIA LOREN 'Judy TECHNICOLOR® PANAVISION® MCOE NORTH DIRK BOGARDE ww Company Presenta ® ve WM. tHe BER Pocctad by OEP H | OG Gemengieg by HAROLD PUPTER . Prodan' ty AMOEPH LORY 2 FORMAN PRIOOER "ANATOMY. OF CORRUPTION , . Nd od BRILLIANT DETAIL i - Judith Grist, Herald Ms » SARAH MILES = MEA ~ MAUORAM ALSO ON THE SAME PROGRAMME "False Shame" hm Times onight "To Trap A Spy" Spy With My Face" DRIVE-IN samy Tap THE ODEON BILTMORE ADULT! enTeRTaeMtNT EVENING SHOWS FROM 6:45