ANN LANDERS | Reflective Moments Are Most Relaxing Dear Ann Landers: I'd like tojafford the luxury of a visit to- know whether you think I am day." anti-social, abnormal or just plain nuts. Dear Ann Landers; 1 have I'm one of just about decided that most of To put it simply, 5 : the people in the world are - those people who does not need | beciles ces tail ae ow people--ai least I dont Heel deal with them them every minute of every Our daughter, Sarah, married day. 1 work in a busy office age of 28. For at least and my job requires that I talk gb the age of 2 ti & ied stantly--either on the phone five years before she marrie on to f all I heard. from friends and @ face '0 face. family and ne ghbors, (even our I look forward to lunch--alone | 15 mily doctor) was, 'why don't --so I can reflect on some quiet... tel! sarah to hurry up and thoughts and relax. But eight get herself married?" times out of 19 I cannot geti™ yo, know very well, Ann) away with it, Somebody always 'y andere a mother can't say to finds me in the corner of the). daughter, 'get married."| cafeteria or restaurant and sits Why don't people realize this? down, Usually the opener is, "I\ garah has been married four see you are alone ~~' as if this \.2+¢ now and I'm getting more is the worst thing that can hap 7 iii, chatter from friends, pen to a person relatives and ne ghbors, First Why don't folks realize that they ask: "Is Sarah still work- when they see a gal eating solo, | jing?" it's a safe bet she wants it that when I reply, "yes, she is,' way? Please print my letter. It | they say: '"'Why don't you tell might help others. who feel aS her to quit work and have a I do.--Like My Own Company prandbaby for you?" Dear Like: If you really want! Isn't that the dumbest thing pho 4jth anniversary of Club to be left alone, sit with your|yet?. Please give me an ANN; oreley was celebrated with a face to the wall and prop up|Landers - type comeback for! roctive dinner and dance at the this newspaper in front of your these donkeys --Fed Up clubhouse on Friday night. In eyes, Dear Fed: Tell the donkeys 1), presence of distinguished Then if some clod tries to sit straight away that no girl ever guests the president Max down in the face of such obvi- got married or had a baby be- Duetsche presented. 10 vear ous discouragement, hold up|cause her mother suggested it. mombership pins to 20 qualify your notebook and penciljIf they look surprised suggesting members, A number of iwhich you should keep handy/that they try 'it on their Own! others with ten-year member- for the purpose) and say,/daughters and see what hap-' shin were unable to attend "Sorry--work to do, I can't'pens Assisted by Mrs Helma SOCIAL & PERSONAL j¥ 0! the pins to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wolfe, Mr. and' Mrs. Rolfe Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department AMONG THE FIRST to receive their ten - year membership pins were Mr. and Mrs, Roger Wolfe, left, Secretary of the Trans-Canada Alliance of German Clubs, Mr Karl Heeb of Hamilton and Mrs. Heeb; President of the Carnival Group Club Har monie, Mr. August Wieckert and Mrs. Wieckert, Toronto; President of the Men's Choir of Club Harmonie Mr. Willi Wan nemuehl and Mrs, Wannemuehl Toronto The German resses tumes The mayor brought civic greetings and congratulated the members on their achieve- ments, their example to the community and on winning the trophy for the best ethnic float in the Oshawa Folk Festival parade in 1965, Mr. Wileckert and Mr. Heeb brought good wishes from Club Harmonie and from the Trans - Canada Alliance Dancing and good fellowship filled a memorable occasion of choice wail COS. inciuded and the Bavarian menu dishes wore Donath, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Guenther, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boettcher, Mrs, Ann Illig, Dr./ and Mrs. Helmut Vollmer, Mr Fashion:kitchen shower for friends and and Mrs. Alex Hillebrand, Mr Show Committee: of the Eve-neighbors of the bride-elect; hy ba DP gly yooh pte ning Chapter, Women's Hospi-|her aunt, Mrs Ivan Henry Mr aaa Mrs. Ernst Stader and ta! Auxiliary, held a meeting|Kedron, entertained at a mis- Mr Gusiay' Weide. recently at the home of the con-\cellaneous shower, co-workers)" iateadumel: at thi head tabi vener, Mrs, R. F, Richardson,|of the bride - to - be at Inter- : His Work © Mayor to begin making arrangements(national Investments Limited Lumen Gittord snd Mrs. Git for their annual fall fashion/Toronto, held a miscellaneous yp Chief of Police Walter show to be held in St. Gregory"s|shower at the Hotel Savarin raunaton ail See" Soknatans| Auditorium, Members of thejToronto; Mrs, James Carnwith |' ie 2 committee attending were Mrs,'and Mrs, Albert FE. Reynolds Se eh sis oo ieee er nets int in| OWANK Opas Will Prepare Pampered Princesses For Bikinis Clemens, Mrs. W. D. Clark, bors of the prospective bride Mrs. C. C. Schueppert, Mrs. C.;groom and Mrs. Charles Henry NEW YORK (AP) -- Body/|lifting for $50 at salons from Toronto guests attending the| maintenance shops are getting! Honolulu to Paris R. Lunn, Miss Helen Duchak,|entertained at a trousseau tea Mrs. D. G. Hart and Mrs. D./in her daughter's honor MPP and Skerratt Russell wedding re-|ready for the bikini season, re For teen-agers, the be inicently were: Mr. and Mrs. Gor-|shaping' women who have the house will open its doors thi E. Sager. Kingston on Friday, attending|don Heck, Mrs. Marie Ince, Mr.ifitness for physical fitness summer for two weeks of in the graduation ceremonies atjand Mrs. John Ware; and Mr.) From California to M a'ine,|struction on makeup, care of the Queen's 'University where theirjand Mrs, R. Skerratt; and from\ swank spas work at renewing a hair, the proper way to walk, son, Robert Walker will receive | Scarborough Mrs Edward! woman's body and rekindling|talk and sit, planning a ward his bachelor of arts degree. He Lee; from Prince Albert, Mr.jher spirit in luxurious surround-|robe and acting as hostess, It will join the teaching staff ofjand Mr Fred Olsen, Mr. and|ings costs $875 for two weeks, $500 the new Eastdale Collegiate in| Mrs. G. Skerratt, and Mr. and) It's part of the beauty peo- for one, September. Mrs. A. Martyn; Mr. and Mrs,|ple's scheme to show a woman| "If you want to look good at John Pickard, Downsview; Mr.|how attractive she can be if she|50, you must start at 15," said| Miss Betty Thomson, pres!:/and Mrs, James Marten, Lake-|tries--really tries--with herbal] Miss Philomena Morgan, 25, dent of the Oshawa Business|field; Mr, D. H. Skerratt, Ken-|baths, soothing saunas, needle|avho blushes faces at the Arden and Professional Women's Club/dall; Mr. and Mrs. F. Skerratt,|shawers, scientific body mas- emporium on Fifth Avenue with members, Miss Marie|Uxbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Ralphisages and exercise, It is a profitable business for Shantz, Miss Irene Pawson and|Honey, Seagrave; Mr. and Mrs "Anyone'can do anything to| the beauty firms and helps them Mrs. Esther Tummonds was in|Paul Nesbit, Claremont; and/their figure they want to if they| Sell a variety of cosmetics never Members of the ere Green Mr, Albert Walker Mrs. Walker will Ten-Year Members Recognized | At Club Loreley Dinner - Dance! Kitchener at the weekend at-|Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacMillan,| work on it," says Miss Marjorie| known to Cleopatra tending a regional club lunch-|Blackwater eon at the Coronet Motor Hotel honoring Miss Judy LaMarsh Secretary of State eentiy in "Cola United! Church, Mrs. Timothy Cranston Gray, the former Doris Arvilla Henry, was feted at several parties and showers, Mrs, Rich ard Gossling and Miss Linda Barr, both of Toronto, enter tained at a bathroom shower attended by relatives of the rospective bridegroom; Miss Kathleen Beath, assisted by her mother, Mrs. David Beath, and her sister, Miss Joan Beath, entertained at a lingerie and Black Band Dance : Honors Class Of '66 At Ont. Hospital The intermediate students (Class of '67) honored the Class of '66 of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, at the annual Black Band dance for the graduating class of the school of nursing. The dance was held in the rec- reation room of the new nurs- es' residence and was the first of'the graduation activities, The graduation exercises will be held June 10 The graduating class was in uniform and during the even- ing a small ceremony was held to present each member with the black velvet band for her cap Miss Karen Vibe of the Class of '67 gave a resume of the three years' training includ- ing the year's affiliation at the Toronto General Hospital and the three months' affiliation at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto Miss Judy Bowcott, a class mate, assisted Miss Vibe in pre ) genting each senior with her black band on her cap An informal luncheon was given by Mrs. Dona Xidd R.N at her home on Colborne street west, Whitby. Mrs, Kidd graduating class's psy nursing instructor. Miss Ru Northey R.N. and Miss Anne Beaucler R.N. assisted the hos tess. It has been the custom 0 Mrs. Kidd to entertain the grad uating class at her - home for the past few years. The class of 1966 was the first class to commence their three years of training in the buildings of the School of Nurs ing. 4 the new tending | wedding Prior to her marriage re-\and Mrs Mr Connecticut Mr and Mrs koka Collingwood distance at Russell Mr from a the Skerrati - recently were Guests Allan Mr. John and Mrs.' Archie Pain Mrs. Edward Wright Fred Robbins, all of Mus Judge and Mrs Edwin Pair Mr Mrs. Stanley Mr Si} Painter and Mrs. Nor Catharine Mr. and man Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. W. Skerratt Willowdale; Mr, and Mrs. Nor man Peck, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. H, M. Cranfield, Mr, Colin Haines, and Miss Cheryl Re ll,of Caesarea; Mrs, Nor on Peterborough; Mrs, Matthew Dick, Ajax; Mr and Mrs. R. C. Spencer, and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones, all of Whitby. Port Perry guests attending the Skerratt - Russell wedding recently in Northminster United Church, were Mr. Ronald King, Miss Roslyn Taylor, Mr and Mrs. Storey Beare, Mr. and Mrs, William Beare, Dr, and Mrs, A. C. Bathie, Mr. and Mrs, Victor Aldred, Mrs. Violet Skerratt, Mr. Larry Skerratt Miss Heather Luke, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Pickard, Mr Robert Pickard Mrs, John Raines, Mr. and Mrs. L.- G Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Smith, Mr. -A. Armour, Miss Sheila Shoniker, Mr. George Smith, and Miss Margaret Ten ett For sparkling plastic and glassware use Cow Brand Your olaseware and erystal 'will eparkie like game when tea and cofled dishware. Make a paste with Cow Brand ae ahd an Wend |i like a charmt | Cow Brand Baking Soda Craig, women through their paces at! may who puts a coterie of use 36 different prepara Elizabeth Arden's pink salon on! tions from the Arden collection and! Palm Springs Spa in California or $475 a week at Hambletonian Albert| Spa, Goshen, N.Y Fiok, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; it1s $300 A WEEK Fifth Avenue For the woman dedicated to) everything Howard Bassett and|getting into beautiful shape, it| foot creams Ridgefield,|can cost $1,100 for two weeks re house of 650 during a single day-- from» cleansing to Neiman-Marerus. Green in Texas, $385 a week at) Relieve Teething Pains we WILDER'S TEETHING The Elizabeth Arden M a! ne LOTION, Quick, pleasant. It's eany te Chance Arizona week Elizabeth Arden also offers a| WIUDER'S om band, Ask any drag day of instant morale--and chin- Farms in Maine and rub gently on baby's gums, and be charge about $800 a rewarded with a big emile. Why let baby suffer and fret needlessly--keep gist for it. ROCCCLUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCNZ yy DOD } PPI PIII Safe and Sure Fur Storage CALL 723-3012 @ Expert Fur Cleaning Will give mew life, luster and loveliness to oll your fine furs @ Perfect Fur Protection In our oir-cooled vaults, Keep furs sofe from moths, heet, theft @ For Your Convenience Bonded pick-up and delivery ... insured te any amount you LOCKER SERVICE . OSHAWA FUR & 81 William St. West, Oshawa desire -*~, o~ o~ -~ ( C~ i -- Seas = SISTITVV IP IID PDSSISISSSS SIDI IN , | p.m. seen receiving congratula- who' was ansisted by Mrs, tions from Club Loreley Helma Scha¥z, centre President Max Duetsche, --Oshawa Times Photo 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 17, 19966 Five Generations Fete Nonagenarian Mrs. Martha Mack, Arlington avenue, was the guest of honor recently at a reception cele- brating her 91st birthday, The reception was held at the home of her first grandchild, Mrs. Norman Nithols, Mrs. Mack came from England in 1904 and has been a resident of Oshawa ever since, Sons and daughters attending the reception with their wives and husbands were, Mrs. Harry Clark (Edith), Osh- awa; Mrs, A. M, Chandler, (Daisy), Scarborough; Mrs. G. L, Houfstater, (Betty), Freesoil, Michigan; Mr. Ted Mack, Mont- Mr. Fred Mack, Oshawa. lhe five generations that were on hand were, Mrs, Martha Mack, Mrs. Edith Clark, daugh- ter, Mrs. Hilma Nichols, grand- daughter Mr. Brian Nichols sreat-grandson, Master Jeffery Nichol; f great-grandson Mrs, Mack received congratu- | Ellen latory messages from Governor-| Mrs General Georges Vanier, and|Mrs. Ted Mack oi Montreal Mayor Lyman Gifford, Mr. and poured tea, Mrs. Hyirold Ram Mrs, Albert Walker and Mr. and|shaw, Mrs, Alan Michols, and Mrs. T. D. Thomas paid per-|Mrs. Brian Nichols jserved sonal calls A family gathering' in the Mrs, Mack's guests were re-jevening was held at, the home ceived by Miss Susan Ramshaw, \of Mr, and Mrs, H@ rold Ram- a great granddaughter and Miss shaw, Sunset drive real MRS. MARTHA} MACK Mack, a gratnddaughter Fred Mack of ()shawa and A woman at Filizabeth Arden | Dramatic design from. Birks' Jewel Studios, as new as tomorrow... the Astral 666 will forever capture your bold young spirit, soaring hopes, cherished dreams, Ring, 300.00 'Wedding Ring, 30.00 Terms May Be Arranged (Wcmen | SUUIAL NUTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth C. | Conlin wish to announce the en- |gagement of their daughter, / to Michael) {Susan Michelle, |Carleton Thompson, son of Mr. | and Mrs. Gordon Thompson, all of Oshawa. The wedding will! |take place on Saturday, June! 18, 1966 at 11.00 am. in St. |Gertrude's Roman Catholic | Church, ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. John R. Black |wish to announce the engage-| jment of their daughter, Joan |Ruth, to Gary ©. H. Pringle,| |son of Mr. and. Mrs, Clifford E.| Pringle, all of Oshawa. The |ceremony is to take place on |Saturday, June 25, 1966, at 4.30, in. Westmount United Church, FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor wish to announce the forthcom- \ing marriage of their daughter, Susan Elizabeth, to Gordon | Brooks Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brooks, al! of Oshawa. |The ceremony will take place on Saturday, July 2, 1966 at 2.30 p.m. in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, | |ORDER CLEAN UPPER LIP BOGOTA (AP)---Police in the Colombian capital are losing their traditional long pointed moustaches. The city traffic commissioner ordered them) trimmed short or shaved for} sanitary reasons, DECREE BARE MINIMUM COTTONWOOD, Idaho (AP)-- Prairie High School issued strict dress regulations for its May graduation ceremonies. 'The girls will wear nothing but all - white heels. The boys will wear nothing but all-black shoes,"' WOMEN BREAK IN DOOR Al-Azhar University in Cairo, founded 1048 years ago.and one of the world's oldest, recently admitted its first woman stu- dents, / WORLD OF Beauty AWAITS YOU HERE! Remove superfluous hair per- manently from face, arms, legs. with ELECTROLYSIS Kree Imperial Deluxe, gentle, fast by Electrolysis Maruc Murdufh Will be in QOshawe at the Genosha Hotel May 15th, 16th, 17th end 18th. PHONE 723-4641 | Gift - Wrapping Demonstration Highlights Tea And Bake Sale Mrs. H. D. Cleverdon recent- ly opened a successful bake sale and tea, sponsored by the Women's Auxiliaries of Christ Mamorial Church for birthdays, showers, Moth- « er's Day, Father's Day, and finally, for a special bridat gift, a beautifully wrapped parcel complete with white satin rib- pens, bow, flowers and wedding ells, These Highlight of the tea hour was a gift-wrapping demonstration by Miss Dorothy Somers, To ronto, Mrs. J. D. Osborne intro- duced the- speaker, who has been doing this kind of work for over twenty years Starting with a number of dif ferent-sized ' boxes beautiful wrapping paper, satin and vel vet ribbons, and chiffon flow- ers, Mrs. Somers demonstrated the correct way to wrap the! boxes -- the making of differ-| ent types of bows -- and the finishing touches that make the parcels so distinctive There were packages suitable handsome were later pre unteer workers in the tea room, Mrs. C. H. Dowton expressed the sincere thanks of the Women's Auxiliaries and the members-of the audience to Mrs, Somers for her delightful and fascinating demonstration. FUR PRICES ROCKET Fur dealers would not pay $1 a skin for muskrat a few years ago but wholesale prices were as high as $3.50 each this year, SUN'n FUN , | Seekers a, DENIM ROLL-LEG JAMAICA SHORT, Long- wearing 9 OZ. denim, Navy, $ 3.98 Sizes 8-18 b, STRIPED NYLON TANK TOP, Classic and shock-tone col- ours. 8S, M, L, $4.00 e. 'SCRUBDENIM' JEANS. Fly front closing, Faded blue, beige, white, Sizes -t8...0res0, BOO d, LIBERTY PRINT SHIRT. Roll sleeve style in a wide collection of prints, $3.08 Sizes 10-18, ,. Fashions since 1807 Guahion... WITIT LOVE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE A, RUFFLED RIB TICKLER, Sun-loving short sleeve or sleeveless styles, Plaid or gingham checks, Sizes 7-14, B, STRETCH DENIM KNEE KNOCKERS. Front zip- per closing. Fun fashion colours. Sizes 7-14. C, 'TWEENERS' STOVE PIPE SLIMS. Front zip- pered. Pink, blue, off-white. Sizes 7-14, D. POOR BOY SWEATER, Ribbed cotton knit with back neck zipper, Great colours, Sizes 8-14. $3 $4 Fashions since 1867