Oshawa Cimes OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1966 -- "ANNOY CITIZENS" Chief Favors Cracker Bylaw A bylaw restricting the period|"annoy citizens'. And, he said | of nag ng -- in the |firecracker displays should be city, is advoca' y Police Chiet Walter Johnson. ies poe Deputy. city clerk Cecil Lundy t's doggone ridicu ous 0 says the only bylaw dealing| allow youngsters to set off fire- with firecrackers stipulates that|crackers without supervision," oe pe ny" between May said the Chief. and May 31. Chief Johnson says the period) TWO FIRES is too long because crackers) fire Chief Ray Hobbs says| " 2 two reported fires recently' il were a result of firecracker Teen Counci He said last year about 10 |fires were a result of fire crack-| Pictures Set. ".mshr- I | "Firecrackers are very dan- City council last night approv-\gerous in the hands of chil- ed a finance committee recom-|dren,'"' said Chief Hobbs. mendation that a photograph be Chief Johnson said in tie taken of members of Oshawa's| Metro Toronto area supervised first "Teenage City Council 4 |displays organized by home ard The photos will be enlarged.) s¢hoo| associations under the ag Bg ange: a careful watch of a fireman,| 'or each member of ¥ have been going on for abvut council, A paigghie gg Cd 10 years, He said funds "re col-| Gary Kitchen, 'Teenage Cil¥)jected from as many famil'es| prod ag eno gage a district as porns and a advisor, ub, district dis » is st : proceedings of the council meet-| str display is 5 oa ings of the Teenage council held) "ome young people are no last month was received and careful with firecrackers," said filed . Chief Johnson. "They throw} "Ald Christine Thomas sug- them in the air and -fail to gested that items five and six in| watch where they land, the brief be referred to the traf-| nyay, CEREMONY fic and public safety commit- ; s 5 tee, They dealt with fire drill) Nipigon Park will have a dual) in the auditorium and the ques-|ceremony on May #4, Kark out! . cials plan to celebrate Victoria! tion of fencing and shrubbery on if 4 : rivate property at intersec- Day and its official park open- 5 abit ~~ \ing- with activities starting at Among the other items dis-|2:30 p.m. cussed by the teenagers were a) "There will be no hand crack city ward system for elections,|ers," said Mr. Wilson, chair- an improved Sunday bus ser-/man of the committee for the vice in the city and parking! park's opening. 'The fireworks privileges for students at school.'will be let off at dusk ws Small Firms Lack Money Says Builders' President -- Small builders in Oshawa arejthen engage a contractor to) going to be out of business if|build for them, said Mr. Arm- the National Housing Act doesn-| strong. n't provide money for them to| 'Elementary school games in build, says the president of the) the city will be held June 15 at Oshawa and District Home! Alexandra Park, Builders Association, Gerry, Between 5,500 and 7,000 stu- Armstrong. dents are expected to take part Mr. Armstrong also said mem-|from 25 Oshawa schools, bers of the ODHBA cannot get! Competitiors will be divided a homeowner Joan. into five age categories; sen- 'There is no way that we can/ior, intermediate, junior, ban-| get an NHA loan," he said. |tam and novice, Events will in-/ ROLLING IN THE BAREtOW ... AND 9,990 NAMES . + Director Finley Dafoe (left'), John DeHart, Publicity Chairman Space Shortage May Send City To Court floor requines more room (the money to the builders but only|to 100 yards, ball throwing, high{cil chamber may be divided [director arsed deputy director|be long-term changes. at a rate of 7% to 8 percent in-|jumps, broad jump-and-relays,|into city offices and council may|share the same small office)! Ald, Norman Down said he op- terest. This is higher than the) lays. meet in the police building court/and that this space is required! nosed moving council from the 6% percent interest rate of the! To ensure fairer competition room, by the treasury department. | fifth-floor chamber and said out- Central Mortgage and Housing in the relays large schools will, Ald, Hayward Murdoch, coun-| We also :said the assessment|side office space should be Corporation. jnot run against small schools. |cil's parks, property and recrea-|department requires morej|rented. Mr. Armstrong said there will|/ Schools will be divided into four|tion committee chairman, said| space on the fourth floor (for! be no money available until at) groups according to size. At the|last night the space shortage at!the new prioperty officer, a posi- CLOSELY RELATED least September, He also saidjend, four 'rose bowls" will be! city hall is a "serious problem".|tjon establjished but not filled),| Ald. Murdoch said the pur- 30,000 fewer homes will be built)awarded, one to the winning He read a report preparedithe purchasing department is/Chasing and personnel depart- in Canada this year. school in each group. by P. J. Kennedy, city property|jocated om the fourth floor, |ments are closely related The shortage of money hasn't, Ribbons will be given to the commissioner, and recommend-| «we work in an efficient way|'0 other city departments inside affected the unemployment situ- first five students in each event.|ed that the council chamber be | py jamming: them (department City hall, He also said renting ation to any serious extent, he ' partitioned for purchasing and/ personnel) in,' said Ald. Mur-|SPace outside would most more added. personnel department offices, | qoch, than moving council meetings "There are lots of other jobs Mr. Kennedy's offices are al- from city hall around and the workers are go- ready located in one corner of ENLARGE; COOP He said renovations in the ing to them,"' he said the chamber, Mayor J.yman Gifford said chamber would cost an estimat- Supplies "are plentiful, sar council fiad "betiér'eniarge thejed $5,900 and would take six coop beforé getting new chick-|weeks to complete after they fai | bs wed il Armstrong said, but there just VLlasn breil y isn't any money to buy them. Ald. Cecil Bint said the mat-'ns* (hiring more staff). were approved by city council, ter should be tabled until the! je said he was ashamed to go. Ald. Murdoch also noted that he thought any changes would Two Aldermen ase war NO DECISION Widening Starts On Centre Street and road Reconstruction widening work on Centre st., commenced today. The work, which should be completed in season; Ald, Cephas Gay and 4 Ditch Expressway Committee Urges Whitby Man Plebiscite Alternative VERONICA FRIEDRICH | | | | Motorcycle Resolutions Referred To Committee Motorcycle problems in On- |tario cities once again found their way into city council cham- bers last night when two resolu- uation, Ald. Richard Donald, chair- man of the special committee, said today a report on the mat+ ter would "probably be submit+ ted at the next meeting of city council', Figures released today by the department of transport, Osh awa, indicate that more and more city youngsters are obtain- ing motorcycle licences. A department spokesman said 475 licences have been issued so far this year -- an increase of 150 over the same period last year, LA hospital official said taday : way was presented to council in the people decide the issue in on. |Damas and Smith Ltd. Charged with the non-capital ed request made to city council| parkway to start at Wentworth Frederick Courtney made a mittee (Pigcreck valley conser-|valley north for 6.2 miles to vation. Court this morning. 4 1 request by rolling 9,990 petitions} An unofficial estimate of the n., Whitby, was remanded until y } the fifth flooor council chamber! has been placed at $6.5 million, pear in Whitby Cour Lawyer Arleigh Hillman, on| Counci, after receiving the re- |? # : fore Magistrate Harry Jermyn. the scrap-or-vote request, jcouncil-in-committee meeting, lawyer Terence V. Kelly. to council-in-committee for dis-| Deen Scheduled during the next | shooting death of his wife Helen TWO AIMS may be discussed at one of ---- the committee are to: "Only time will tell what will all similar valleys and all green|8toup Of girls attending the " a is Game Girl --improve the lands and help . a . Dispute: Union The laywer said the commit-| Ajax Truck Driver rently picketing the K-Mart|T/8 won their first game. of fit" and was not set-up just to ; mittee has written all city ser-! eae [shown no signs it wants to re- eae) a them at y BUTTONVILLE, Ont. (CP) echo : Veronica H. Friedrich, 18, a)are interested in participating) stantly Monday when his auto |_ Cecil Dahmer, organizer for|secretary at General Printers,|in the preparation of a plan of|transport jacknifed and was hit jand Department Store Workers' |Miss Green Gael over six other|also if they would help develop) "pojing say Patrick Cherry, 40, jnot even get hold of the em-| Miss Friedrich was chosen| Mr. Hillman said the construc-| iiote when he attempted to | | ahead of him. |security", said Mr. Dahmer. E. C, Prince, publisher of The FINAL REPORT |/Highway 7, near Buttonville, | The company says to join a union. The union says|arold Armstrong, an avid par- $19.2 million Centennial Parke| jwhen all the company's em-|Were the three judges Four members of. Local 4i4|from such talented, lovely jcan be only one winner," said plaza at Thickson's Road and "She. was unanimously chosen| Local 222 members have been| Green Gaels," Mr, | pathy |Marchand said, che un by the Ontariol" iss Green Gael outfit and sea- | vill also accompany the team|tions were received from the bargaining agent |to games and attend banquets. | | Mr. Dahmer said that since|telephoned her father in Bow- The resolutions -- which were ness at K-Mart has dropped 75|Jieve it, he was thrilled," said|called for amendments to exist- - The title of Miss Oshawa Fair|councils and police forces to} modeling course she is taking| general tightening of the legisla- and the course in poise and per-| tion. . "" Le bed us | Still Critical Miss Friedrich is a sports en-| the resolutions to provincial offi- son of Mr, ahd Mrs, R. B, | Player |pal associations for their endor- Lang of 93 Beatrice street,|" ™!sation and support. jurday when struck by a car,| area residents concerning the remains in critical condition in lactivities of the Satan's Choice RCMP Vehicles at a _Tecent meeting of city i ie A 7! - we council, Ine residents sougnt slightly since he was admitted) OTTAWA (Special) -- Osha-| anti-noise bylaw enforced, Oth- a semi-conscious state and/wa and Ajax firms have beenler complaints included noise ness. But he still remains crit-| partment of Defence Product-|collected on property in the icaly sick, said the official. ion, it was announced here by|area. M., D | fractured jaw, a broken pel-| Dowty Equipment of "Canada se t Shaw, established a is and internal bleeding when) tq. | Margaret s ' . A unclassified defence contracts it- ming on Ontario. atrest, valued at $25,000 and $20,000, esueate and report on the elt I d H haul modification and rework of Scrap the expressway or | April by engine: To May 24 the December municipal elec-| " 7 engineering conemiantl That was the double-barrell-| The proposal calls for the murder of his wife, 39-year-old last night by the citizen's com-jand Glen sts., and follow the brief appearance in Whitby ; : just north of the north city The committee backed up its| boundary. Courtney, of 1003 Centre st.) . : opposing the expressway into|city's share of the total cost May 24 when he again will ap- in a wheathavrow, | He appeared this morning be-| behalf of the committee, made|P°" in Apel, retested & te 8 He was represented by Oshawa Council referred the matter|.¥° Committee meetings have | Courtney is charged with the| cussions, three weeks and the parkway jon Sunday afternoon. : G ] Wi Mr. Hillman said the aims of then: S it M . ae Ss in --Conserve the creek valley,/appen," Mayor Gifford told @ | ecurl ¥ ain belt areas as parklands; meeting last night. make. them attractive, Isha ire taels tee is not a "fly by night out- An official of the union cur- Oshawa Green Gaels last AB Ag Di I A id les In Accident | the season and a "Miss Green| thwart council. He said the com-| jsaid today the company has|q,,j» vice clubs asking them if they| " i . \aeea enastlations. es. v If Y|A truck driver was killed in |Local 414, Retail, Wholesale|was "unanimously" chosen|development for the valley and|by a cartage truck. |Union told the Times: "I could! contestants. the lands as parkland. lof Ajax, lost control of his vee \ployer's lawyer yesterday." from several finalists on| tion of an expressway would re-| avoid hittin g another truck | Crux of the dispute between|charm, poise and talent merits,|Sult in the mutilation and an-| |K-Mart and the union is "'union|by a panel of three judges. Mr, |hilation "'of Creek Valley. The accident took 'place on | its em-|Oshawa . Times, - William H.|" 4 tinal report on the proposed|about 10 miles north of Tore | ployees should not be compelled| Marchand of CKLB, and Mrs, it can only bargain effectively|ticipant in YWCA activities, |ployees have joined, "It was a_ difficult choice lwere picketing the two en-|/adies, but unfortunately, there trances to the K-Mart shopping | v7, line ; "aay Highway 2 this morning. UAW because she could well repre- picketing with them in sym-|Sent the | Miss Friedri vi iis anion was cartitied last yy iss Friedrich will receive a + char alatlone Sicant an the son's tickets for the games. She for K-Mart) Niagara Falls city council. ° | employees. Last night, Miss Friedrich bg the strike started May 4, busi-|manville. "He just couldn't be-|Teferred to traffic committee -- per 'cent, the previous Miss Oshawa Fair,|ing legislation to enable local }won last August, won her thejexert effective control and a /7-Year-Old Boy sonality "'helped me"', she said.) Niagara Falls sent copies of Seven - year - old Joey Lang, | thusiast as well as an accordion| cjals, city councils and munici- |Oshawa, who was injured Sat-| CM Supplying | Complaints by Browning ave. |Toronto Sick Children's Hospi- i motorcycle club were received |Joey's condition. has improved| lamong other things to have the | he has now regained conscious-| awarded contracts by the De-|from old cars and motorcycles The youngster suffered &| industry minister C. | Council, on a motion by Ald, struck by a car Saturday mot- , Ajax was awarded two! snecial council committee to in- "|One was for the repair, over- 60-Year Maso CT-114 landing gear shock str- juts during the year ending Chamber Sets 'Day' March $1, 1967. The other was/To Honor 31 Firms 'or spare parts for repair an \overhaul operations during the! The date of 'Business Ap- GERRY BROOKS five weeks, will proceed ina southerly direction from Athol} st., said a traffic department official. When completed the) street will have four lanes of traffic Alternate blocks will be left open by the workers which will) ensure an easy flow of east-west traffic 'The project is one of two re cently Started in the city which were held up last fall, The oth er involves curb and gutter con- struction and surface paving on or not ducted On for information regarding hopes" o11 a city hall addition|being prepared by the traffic PORT PERRY (Staff) -- Sid-take the works committee's With the arrival of the vault/not asking the committee to thirds office, he said. ments during committee meet- mille works committee reco this year or next year, He said' department. ney Chandler, clerk of Scu-|word then he would hold the door, Mr, Chandler said the of-\ deal with the settlements dur- The new building, Mr. Chand: ings taken Ald on city be . . A request for information on The only CMHC loans are : ; : . : is made to persons who buy an odd expropriation settlements pro-/next meeting because of the to the personnel department! council, several years ago, held lot or a lot outside the city and|™mpted a brief clash betweenjabsence of five aldermen, His| where the two men are crowded|regular meetings in the court m vestoied : two city aldermen last night.| suggestion was approved. into one (office. room for about two years. Mr. Murdoch said the person-| 'he mayor also said council, He also said a parking plan scugog Has mmendations that several set- tlement offers be accepted Ald, Cecil Bint, works com mittee chairman, said if Ald ] T ; 4 gog Township, Said today rd next committee meeting during DELAYS CITY BUSINESS struction of the new municipal;the city council meeting and : office is_nearing completion all questions could be answered The absence of five alder- The building is the township's!hy the property commissioner. fice, should be open in the near jing a council meeting. Ald future Bint said the committee was Township. business formerly not prepared to go into detail conducted at his residence will} during the regular meeting af- ler said, will serve some 500 If you want permanent Island residents and dark secret go ahead, 2,000: temporary residents who! Thomas _ own summer cottages in the mu-| Council approved the to keep it a sail Ald ame com- & men from scime of present before any action can the miiyor of the junior lacrosse certain ess should or matters council Richard at Donald business representing the last night's coun- cil meeiting held up three en- gineerin g reports and promp- ted disi:ussion as to whether other busnin- could be con- two - must be was opening same period Ald. Margaret Shaw were on r General city business representing council at a traffic confers ence in Ottawa; and Ald. Clifford Pilkey and Ald. John | Brady were in California at a union convention, I've been around the coun- cil chamber for 15 years and it's the forst time I've ever found five people missing -- and | don't particularly like it." said Ald. Hayward Mur- doch, Several other aldermen mumured agreement Temple Lodge, AF and AM, will honor its charter Master, Charles Roy Mcintosh tonight on his completion of 60 years of masonic membership, Mr. McIntosh, the son of a tanneryman, was born in Stew- artown near Acton. He came to} sis (oe ene ithe General Motors Co. Ltd.,| HONEY RE-ELECTED Oshawa, in March 1920, where| Durham MP_ Russell he was superintendent until) Honey was re-elected to the July, 1933, when he purchased) executive committee of the his present business from Alex} Canadian group, Inter-Parli- B. Creighton, The business is} amentary Union at its annual now known as MclIntosh-Anter-| meeting, Mr, Honey was first Mounted Police. Value of thi contract was $127,913. Ald. Christine Thomas ask nel department on the second) shoyid "j10t build any high|for the crowded city hall lot is New Offi homas was not prepared to centennial project. Ald. Thomas said she was soon be conducted at the new ter having dealt with the settle- _~ nicipality | mittee recommendations. King st., west of Thornton rd., to the city limit | M moved at the end of Sep- tember after a new two-lane bridge is constructed at an estimated of $140,000 A city alderman last night expressed concern about the dusty detour drive over the temporary bridge A ctty engineering * department spokesman said today a prime surface treatment will be applied to contro! dust in The summer "gateway" to Lakeview Park and the Oshawa harbor is a tempor- ary, one-lane traffic signal controlled bridge. The tem- porary bridge will be re- said the wa iting the cost PORARY BRIDGE "GATEWAY" TO OSHAWA L hadling the job for the city, » spokesman until soft road are detected SNe pas AKEFRONT Consultants are spots in and son Funeral Home. elected in 1965. Mr. McIntosh was initiated) ~ Z into masonry in Walker Lodge, | |AF and AM, No. 321, Acton,| AUD Motors Products of| the Oshawa Chamber of Com- Canada Ltd, was awarded a ci- vilian contract for the supply| changed to June 15, says Jack of motor vehicles for the Royal|Mann, chamber secretary. C. | ITORIUM CAMPAIGN preciation Day", sponsored by| Jaycees Elect |merce, has been tentatively s| -_ 'New Executi _|panies which have been in busi-| ew Xx utive one Oshawa for 50 years or! Oshawa Jaycees | . ; : jelected their new executive for A program bookiet, giving 'a/the forthcoming year, jbeing prepared for the event. a : A ie Vahaleh sgt : '|president, John Tuck first vice- The history includes the devel president, Ron Taylor, second original locations and the orig- 5 op ak oe Ham © Or'8* secretary and Jack McGee, saint ' .| treasurer. office June 1 and will officially be inducted into office at the jand was Master of the Lodge % jin 1908, He was appointed a {Grand Steward in 1938 | He was one of the active com mittee members in the building lof the Masonic Temple on Cen- tre st., and when a new lodge! |was instituted at that time it was named Tempie Lodge and Mr. Mcintosh became its first) campaign When the civic auditomium started in city 1928-29. was 72 - In Scottish - Pre masonry he of 330 Gibb' st., was admitted in to the Toronto! Oshawa resident and sport's en Lodge of Perfection and se-|thusiast cured the 14th degree in 1941 Yesterday, Mr. .Luke |}He became a member of Toron-|indisposed gave his neigh to Chapter of Rose Croix, secur-|bor Frank Markson, centennia jing the 18th degree in 1950, and| project treasurer, a $30 dona jin the same year was admitted| tion to the centennial swimming | Hamil-| pool and recreational complex Terrence V. Keily, campaigr finance. chairman said today in to Moore Consistory ton, and received the 32nd de gree Ipreme Council of the Scottish] campaign. 'Rite for the Dominion of Can-} before ada and was coroneted a 33rdjhere," fixed Mr. Kelly said "'is tha surface applying the This looking treatment Arch masonry in 1906, in Milton,}more than what the campaigr photo was taken northeast |pal of Couchiching Chapter, Oril sive Oshawa Times Photo 'lia in 1920, 1963 the|the bountiful city', Mr, Master and served in this capa-| first person to present a cheque} sail, "and he says if Canada is) civic year - old Harold Luke}a good enough place to fight who is In 1954 Mr, McIntosh was se-|Mr, Luke wished his cheque to|$100 cheque said Mr. Kelly. jlected and elected to the Su-/be one of.the first given in this degree mason. He joined Royaljthe cheque is for $30 which is Ontario, and was First Princi-jis asking Oshawa residents to| "Mr. Luke who was injured|ner at the civic auditorium, --|tenant's chore. The "Day" will honor 31 com-) last night history of the firms involved is| Gerry Brooks was elected opment of the businesses, their! vice.president, Andrew Lyons, il The new executive will take President's Ball, June 11 by the | First Donation In 1963, "Pr". an One Of The First In'66 | executive will meet in the near future to discuss the Junior Chamber of Commerce's plans for this year. Mi He said this would probably Kelly|include a student exchange, forum for municipal elec. tions, bingo and a Miss Oshawa 1Jin Ypres in 1916 calls Oshawa| a long time|for its good enough to provide) pageant. -| proper recreational facilities for youth "He believes the At the Whitby Town council , {meeting last night, Mr. Brooks civic audi-/was announced by councillor -jtorium and recreational com-/Vernon R. MacCarl as the I/plex are worthwhile community! chairman of the Town's centens -| projects." Mr. Kelly. \nial celebrations The centennial parade's Bat-| an jman who remained incognito| nihas. also sped to the cause of ,jthe centennial project with a TAKE UP A STAND SHEPSTEAD, England (CP) The Hammonds have lived in Since the parade he has been|their Leicestershire council unmasked and identified asjhouse for five years without "The really important thing| Robert Branch, secretary of the opening the front door. The first t}Oshawa Community Chest. time Bruce Hammond tried the The official canvas for the) key, it broke, jamming the lock. nicentennial project starts to-|He has insisted since that the morrow, Mr. Kelly said, and to-/municipality should replace it, night there's a canvasser's din-|while council says it is the