Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1966, p. 3

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$50 Million Earmarked iy ae cee ne atae pene a rope. sor, Ont., May 28 to UN Secre- e OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- Further talks on the UN are tary - General t Thant. Mr. ant fairs Minister: Martin an- scheduled for May 18-20 when|Thant will receive an honorary nounced Tuesday that four top yr Martin meets Mrs. Eirene degree from the University of officials from the United States White, anothér British minister Windsor May 28 and address the OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|depréssed that they can't wait fund for all 10 oh oho would and Britain will visit Ottawa 2 o- ne Lapa a university convocation. 4 as told Tuesday that ex-|for the number of years it will{have to be spread thin this month to discuss interna- \" La P| ; 9 2 racniaaey measures aretake for ARDA to solve their Two MPs warned against the tional affairs teres er representative MANY SAN. SOUTH ote ms i to the UN. South Africa's best year fer needed to combat rural poverty. problem j ne fund ne used for petitiral Arthur Goldberg, United, a, previously announced. Mr sal i ~ pond bod Forestry' Ministér Sauve' As exampties of poverty- purposes. PERS States ambassador to the United Martin also will clay host 1965 arrivals ' r trotted out one of the big weap- stricken areas, he.pointed tothe arold Danforth (PC--Kent, nations, will meet with Mr. --- ih pia) , 9 arrivals. ons in the Commons--a govern-|Interlake area of Manitoba. Ont.) said the money might be Martin and officials of his de- ment bill establishing a $50,000,- northern New Brunswick and used for patronage. The typeo partment--May 16-17. 000 fund to be spent in the an area of Quebec east of Ri- men at the local planning level" naro will be the subject of hardest-hit areas. viere-du-Loup, ,, would decide this. talks May 17-18 between Cana- The money would, be used to' Mr. Sauve said the fund would Arnold Peters (NDP--Timis- dian officials and George Thom- increase income and raise rural carry out projects in consulta- kaming) said the ARDA pro- son, a British minister of state employment and standards of|tion with the provinces that -ram has been uscd as political for foreign affairs with special living, the minister said as the, could not be financed by other football. He urged the minister Commons opened debate on sec-| public programs , to "stay on top" of the new : ond reading--approval in prin-' Provinces rset es _ program, HEAT WITH OIL Is the time to switch... It's thet time of the year when ciple, } under the fund include Nova " croditiste Leader Caouette interest is paid on savings eccounts ., . THE PERFECT Opposition MPs all favored Scotia, Prince Edward Island, called for guaranteed prices for ' the fund but had some regerva-| Newfoundland, Alberta and Sas- products of eastern farmers. He DIXON Ss TIME TO tions. They continve the debate katchewan aid western farmers knew they when the House sits again at| Alvin Hamilton (PC--Qu'Ap- cn Pb ti haat id make a OIL 2:30 p.m. EDT today pelle) said if the fund increases| 1 4r4 ; t Mr. Sauve. said studies car- income in the areas and.results'" my oq pe 313 ALBERT ST. iil chic 0 i igh tandard of living little poverty -an ried, out under the Agriculture|in a higher standard 0 iving, decline fitmk We termes were pee pcapaeg en Rehabilitation and Development| "then this legislation is good.' sure of making money from 4 24-HOUR SERVICE 4% on CHEQUING | Act program show low incomes, George~ Hees (PC--Northum-| jphoir produce. ; - FIRST COME, FIRST CHEERED l|are general in some rural areas berland) predicted the govern- Charles - Arthur Gauthier 723-4663 6% on 1 t. 5 yeor G.1.C.'s in all 10 provinces ment would have to increase the; (Creditiste-Roberval) said sub-| 7% yield per annum on 10 yeor Kosygin, left, joins in a is expected to aid Egypt's leadership, China's Chou _But'some rural pockets are so fund, and soon. A $50,000,000) <idizing through ARDA would] SERVING OSHAWA OVER | ACCUMLATING G.1.C.'s i See 50 YEARS | wave to the crowd with hard-pressedeconomy... En-Lai, plans a visit to preserve the family farm. That Longer CONVENIENT HOURS _ "b e Egypt's President Gamal While the cheering was go- Cairo during the first two MP CHARGES INDIFFERENCE was the important thing. | @ 9 AM, to 6 P.M. Mon. to Thurs, Nasser, as cheering Egyp- ing on OF : govern- weeks of June ° 9AM, to 9 PM, Fri. o 9 AM. to 5 PM, Set. tians welcome Kosygin at ment sources said Kosgin's (AP Wirephoto) . Public, Business Ignore Why Pay More.. » . Car Steering Okay: Part Makers pod Traffic Death Toll SAVE! 6° SWITCH UP... +. gal. Soviet Premier Alexei N Cairo's airport today. Visit rival for Communist World ON PREMIUM QUALITY =) Central Ontario Trust ~ t H Claim Losses _ By BOB MacKENZIE the three-point safety belt, on i : a Inques Jury eals TORONTO (CP) -- Four On Oh data yey fat <n ag pean Ponarygags pace fie: FUEL OIL & Savings Corporation m ' ae tario auto parts manufacturers|automobile manufacturers are Mr. Grafftey said he would 5 Heed Office: 19 Simeoe St. WN. i rs r-: treat er he wreck ar MILTON, Ont. (CP)--A Tor-jtreated her in the wrecked car) og mm acday they have lostito blame for the thousands ofjbring up the problem of schoo Phone 668-3341 FOUNTAINHEAD OSHAWA, 723-5221 . ngine Id ans "Somebody should -have ! : sday » ded stened to » las Ta I : . » 1 sa aa Ww. ni 0 ¥ Hocus i, 55 at B \ I said the steering was wrong,"| United States auto trade pact. politicians must find a solution, committee, The buses operated 23 King 8 ass nae of Mary Hayward, 55, of Burl-/} said tn ide diet The four are Raybestos-Man-|the Commons justice committee on secondary rural highways ington, Ont., that he could find) Mrs Hayward's husband, Wil- ie four are Raybestos'Man ; ina T at a high danger area--and were H H H H H ; ~ ge . attan (Canada) Lid. and Gen-|was told Tuesday ee ger a Servin hawa -- Whitby a x Districts ee ee ee ee ajiam,. testified that his wile re elt gooey rae a "There is no doubt in my, 'constructed like sardine cans,' kd Os Y nd Aje or any other parts of the front peatediy complained about the eral Time Canada Id j > th isdic ond of her 1964 Corvair auto- car's steering. although he was|Pcterborough, Canadian Johns a lt ec mobile abl " j h : Manville Co. Ltd. of Toronto and| ton, ewar va { J unable to find mych to com ae de enade Brome-Missisquoi) said as he John Hastings, hired by the| plain about Abex Industries of Canada Ltd ea eric? " stg ' ms Ses say tabled a brief on the nec ; crown to investigate the mech ' You would drive for miles Lindsay for installation of proven safety gnical fitness of the car, said and nothing would happen, then lfeatures in all cars by the ne tested the parts at the Gen all of a sudden it would want to manufacturer eral Motors' Jaboratories at De-\g9 someplace," Mr. Hayward a saa ' Provinces had the responsibil troit, ; testified. [ pry ro cgbart pn coe ity to provide safer roads and Mrs, Hayward died Feb, 12 of : some major auto manu acturers| * er-trained drivers, but only a blood clot in her lungs, eight; WASN'T RIGHT to switch supply orders to 8.|the federal government could Jays after her car collided with) He said his wife took the car Sources Because of this, his set unifarm standards for safety another near Burlington, seven|to a garage last November and|company lost orders to clutch sd Piecon | q f miles northeast of Hamilton.|again in January to have the facings and brake linings, Mr Gratftey said highway She was on her way to Milton|steering checked. Each time Both Mr. Munro and Frank R. autete councils and. safety to have the steering checked|she complained that the car's|Pope, general manager of Gen- v : P & leagues do a good job in pro after expressing dissatisfaction|still was not right, he added. (eral Time, named Ford Motor ' P id moting better drivers and safer with wheel-alignment changes Asked by John McTague, a)Co, of Canada Ltd., Oakville, as "4 ' . | ' roads "but do nothing about the the week before awyer for General Motors of |the major auto manufacturer problem of safer cars " Dr. John Turvey of Milton,|Canada Ltd., whether he con-|least receptive to Canadian sup- testified the first words the | sidered the steering problem se-' pliers, TAKE 'SILENCING MONEY' woman spoke to him as he|rious, Mr, Hawyard replied: "l| @ ©. Schnurr, a sales man-| He said they receive a good Onegin --------------== |call it aggravating because it aeement official with Canadian|portion of their annual budgets j . . would never happen when you! johns Manville, said his com-|from the automotive and allied | Committee Queries wanted it to happen," __|pany recently lost a $250,000|industries -- 'silencing money"' : A. T. Cain, product-service| contract which Chrysler Corp.|--and "scream bloody murder Land Deal Prices ™2%¢¢" #! General Motors in|transferred to a U.S. plant, | when politicians try to find the Oshawa, said the company had , isolution to safety problems. | OTTAWA (CP) -- The Com-|received some complaints about) Abex ee the |""Manufacturers were caught mons public accounts commit-|the steering of the Corvair, but company Has iost brakelining| tee decided Tuesday to request|"not sufficient to be alarming." posse ere -- in agreements| i" Sanges and. these. pier e ' a more detailed explanation of| Bertha Bridgeman of Burling- -gelpdnlatcoye Mepcontt tk hand lprecedence over safety fea- a land deal at Cornwall in 1964|ton said she was driving west) A Ford spokesman said the tures, Hee that cost the St-Zawrence Sea-|when the eastbound Hayward|company is spending more on He called the 1966 Ford Mus- way Authority an extra $222,000,|car swerved and skidded side-|g00ds and services in Canadajiang the '(most dangerous car| It came as the committee be-|ways in front of her. She said|than it did before the pact came on the road." Ford had agreed | gan questioning seaway officials |the road was dry. into effect. ae we to incorporate 12 major safety on spending incidents in that} Dr. H. B. Cotnam, Ontario su-|~~~~ er ts a ------" | features in the vehicle, he sald, BEEF Sirloin year criticized by the auditor-|pervising coroner, opened: the\to induce people to leave their|if all were eliminated in the I r] general in his report to Parlia-|inquest by telling the jury cars at home. Newcastle: has@nterest of styling. The car's CHUCK C Breakfast ment. "We are certainly not here on begun a 10-year program to be-ffront would "cut a ,pedestrian T-Bone Assistant Auditor-General G.,any witch hunt, but it is our|come Britain's first city to sep-in two at 30 miles per hour," | ' R. Long told the committee de-| duty to bring out all the relevant'arate vehicle and pedestrian' Other companies were just as! ROAST BA N Ib tails of the 1964 incident in| facts and it ts your duty to find traffic bad. It was impossible to use Porterhouse J. S. Munro, Raybestos' gen eral manager, said in an inter view that the pact's elimination which the seaway paid $281,674)0ut why the deceased died." | ------__--__-_--___-- acces for a property along the Corn-| The inquest continues, in rental income when a lease | MAY RIDE BUS FREE . arrangement from the former! NEWCASTLE, England (AP) Piano or Organ owner went sour City council is debating making | see BACK PRIME The: price was $132;000--more the bus service ~ free- inorder . Bis - Reef & ] han the original figure set in = pious BA vse o ogna Hiss 1956, when an expropriation or- | ' RIB ROAST der was obtained by the trans-|]| Good Names To Remember BY THE PIECE Beef Hamburg wall Canal and later lost $90,000) ~ 3 Before you buy any | PEAMEAL Round Steaks | port department, For some rea- When Buying or Selling ton the department cancelled | Ski l SHORT CUT *rcone pant pror to sale tre REAL ESTATE | iniess owner built an oil storage tank ------ | FRESH SLICED Wi on the land. A pipeline was laid Reg. Aker --- fe ae " ---- - vaurar 7 , | PORK leners i BEEF LIVER without permission. Later, when inlets : | his wat ascovered. an ©3°° | SCHOFIELD-AKER | LIVER and nw Sats lon 723-2265 728-2921 TT STEAKS 7, happen Pa : GARINE, LARD, ! BROWN'S BREAD 4 Ih : 24-oz. loaf 5 YEAR WARRANTY s: 1.00 : Family $149.50 vy 199.50 5 loaves 1.00 across surrounding Crown land | Bill MeFeeters - OR | ted ; WING RID ona LTD. 79 Simeoe St. Nort g | Kiexurs s SHORTENING Brand New Gilson Freezer SHOPSY STYLE MAPLE LEAF CANADA PACKERS SWEET PICKLED 3 Ss. PURE ox 39: CHEESE : sign, CR 59: 94 SIMCOE ST. NORTH TONGUES SLICES 1.00 SAUSAGE HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS NEED A FREEZER ORDER BIG OR SMALL CALL PAUL! FRESH er -- OVEN READY 2'4-Lb. AV. ORANGES | ne eae Chickens 9: casos server SIDES OF | SIDES OF | BEEF | BEEF | perp | HINDS OF | bs Og: PORK | VEAL | SIDES | SIDES BEEF os SIDES BONELESS, ROLLED C FRESH PORK pornoast 49 . SHOULDER act FIRST GRADE ORONO 45 : 5 5 : 49 od 2 : 9 PRIME FRESH PORK 43 250 TO 300 LBS. 250 TO 300 LBS. BUTT 59 CREAMERY RIB BUTTER 75 TO 100 LBS. 65 TO 95 1BS. CUT AND WRAPPED FREE 250 TO 300 LBS, ROAST FEARMAN'S QUALITY 'Convenient Credit Terms Available j si 59: VES | 39! | BRIDGELAND MEAT-O-RAMA BONELESS SHANK STEW BEEF PKG, ONE POUND WITH EACH PURCHASE OF ONE LOAF "HOME OF THE KING OF MEATS" BROOKSIDE 24.01, BREAD AT REG. PRICE 909 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ' (At The Crosswalk) PHONE 728-3361

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