MUGGS AND SKEETER MICKEY MOUSE T- SLUGGERS GOING TO) 7 SWING AT THIS ONE ANO..HE CONNECTS! ) # WHAT A CLOUT... IT'S GOING -GOING = 1 i OF THE PARK! wh HOME RUN! | I JUGT TALKED TO HILDA, AND THAT HERMAN HAS ) 4 DONE iT AGAIN/ < 6HE SAYS He INGULTED HER IN FRONT OF A ROOMFUL: OF PEOPLE at 'YOU MBN ARE ALL ALIKE -- NOT GOING TO KISS YOU; JUST FOR THAT, I'M THAT HERMAN GETS ME IN MORE GOOD NIGHT ROUBLE / "Gow? neh OH, COULDN'T HE OF? LOOK!! FLABMAN IS ON TY. AGBINI! FATTER AN'FUNNIER THAN EVER! } WH WHATCHA DOIN' Gg OUT HERE IN AMP] GING ME ALL DAY/ 2 YOU JUST DON'T UNDERST, NOW, LET ME GIVE OU 6OME OW, IT'S MES | SHE'S BEAN When DECIDED TO COME HERE FOR LUNCH / 0 WOMEN: ] AW, A NEW CHINA CABINET/ NO, A DISPLAY mie © is Fane eee ten HAS att sae meet «FOR THE TROPHIES ROY PIGURES LITTLE LEROY WIL WIN WHEN HE GROWS UP... a a PAMOUS ATHLETE ./ Sar BECOMES A JULIET JONES Y, PRINCESS, BUT YOU KNOW HOW IT 1S WHEN MR, TEAGUE IS IN PARADISE, '| IF YOU MEAN MISS JULIET JONES... EVER READ THOREAU? SMART FELLER, HE WROTE «++ "WHEN T WOULD RE-CREATE MYSELF, I SEEK THE E REST os" IN TWE JUNGLE... NO LIGHTS, NO SOUND, THE OSHAWA TIM8S, Wednesday, Mey 11, 1966 27 BRIDGE _ By &, JAY BECKER (Ti record-holder in tedtdeet Coeccadiy Fane West dealer. Both sides vulnerable, AEG ne 32 AQ106468 Ke THE LONE RANGER THIG'LL MAKE REALLY son, PRINCIE, OLD Boy! - SECRET AGENT X9 oie serene gers: 7? Es982 Qos s08 ° Sizes 5 AT6523 'The bidding: West North East 39 UDtie Pass Opening lead--king of Many hands start wi! clarer having no idea will eventually come out. On, most of these, the defenders, whether the critical suits are divided favorably, or whether pionship in 1961, Robert Jordan and Arthur Robinson were North - South against Edwin Kantar and Marshall Miles, re- spectively East-West. Robinson won the heard lead with the ace, East discarding the jack of spades. He then finessed the queen of diamonds, Kantar winning with the king and returning a spade. When Robinson now fox the ace of diamonds and West showed out, prospects of mak- ingthe hand diminished great- ly, But Robinson, not one te give up easily,.saw a chance to make the contract, and this chance actually would have materialized except for alert defensive play by West. Robinson led the king of clubs, Miles dropping the ten. After cashing the A+ K of spades, Robinson played a club to the ace, on which Miles this time dropped the queen, Had TELEVISION LOG Channes Channel Channel Channel Channel 3--Buttele 9:30 PLM, | 3--Barrie 6-3--Festivar 4--Buffale 4-Dick Van Dyke | 4-Toronte 10:00 P.M, J--Buttale ll--Mery Griffin Show Channel 8--Rochester +3--i Spy Channel %--Toronto T--Amos Burke ---~ Channel 11--Hamiltes Secret Agent semen tae 4---Danny Kaye Show WEDNESDAY 10:30 P.M, %--Sports Hot Seat J---ABC Scope 63--Festivel 11:00 PLM, 1N-O)-1-6- 4-3 3--N owe Weather, Sports | 12:00 NOON | %---Toronto Today | #8--Coll My Biel | 7--Money Movie | 4-Luncheon Date 4--Neen News o--Pepeye and Pole 12:18 PLM, 4--Epesker of The Moves 12:30 PLM, |V---Noon Time Pani Love Lucy $-2---Lels Play 64-~Search For Yamerroe | B-Meendey Repert 12:45 PLM, | @4--Guiding Light 1:00 PLM, lo Thaatre %--Morning Star 0 --Matines 6--Buperman 6--Passport Te Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel B--Lieyd Thexten Wis PM, 5:30 PLM. } --Rocketship 7 cae '|The Saint | 6Sports B-ddovie 7--Twilight Theatre &City At é +News, Sports Wi Gruck Healy & Golf | 11:40 PLM, %--Plerre Berton +3--Midweek Theatre 12:30 AM, | P=Ben: Coney | 1\--News; Weather; Sports| &--Luncheon Date | 6--Newscap 4--sheet the Millers 3--Summer Carousel ewan tke = Deugies 6:00 A.M. 1:30 PLM, 4--Captem Kengaree | | $--James Beard Show | 9:00 A.M, | @4--As The World Turns 3--€neyenne | Playtime With Unele! 2:00 P.M, A cali 7:00 PM Bobby : | P--Kids Is People gans isian PY ' Deters | 7--Nurses S--Comp Runamuck har tia: 64--Password Rip Cord '| +-Wikes Cornives | 2--Days of Our" Lives | 9:30 A.M. 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | Doble Gills 10:00 A.M. |11---Whiplash |+-3--Fractured Phrases | &3--Ivanhoe é--i Leve Lucy 10:30 A.M, Nid Allen %--Bingo $-2--Concentration | 7Donna Reed |@3--Friendly Glan? 4:00 P.M | 4~The McCoys "0 Pm, { 10:45 A.M, | ¢-Mickey Mouse Club Ni-Special Movie Metch Geme P--My Favorite Martian |6-3--Chez Helene ¥--Patty Duke Show | 11:00 A.M, 63--Okay Crackerberry | | le-Mike Douglas 0:38 P.M, | Bowe Mr, And Mra, 3--Giager %2--Morning Star 63--Bob Hope | 7---Supermarket Sweep 4--Beverly Hillbillies |43--Butternut Square 9:00 P.M, 4-Andy of Mayberry t--The Big Valiey 8-2--Bob Hope 4:20 PLM, News 4:0 PM. VWFamily Theatre 43--News; Weather 3 and Sports @--Huntley-Brinkiey Mews ] 2:18 PM. | @--Dear Charlotte 4-The Meneymeeners #12 O'clock High --Huntiey-Brinkiey Report 2:30 PLM. %--People in Conflia 4-2--The Doctors 1--A Time For Ue Love That Bob 7:3 PM, 4--Linklotter's Party N--Green Acres ovie 9--Gidget 0-3--Virginian 7--Oanle end Merrie | @--The Courriers Sing 4--New York Philharmonic | %--Fractured Phrases | &3--Bonnie Prudden Show Werte l--Alvin and the Chipmunks 9--Movie %--The Serty thew +3--Razzie Dazzie 4-The 4Thirty Show 2--Yoo! Bear 18 AM, Summer Fun 4--Fieids Of Sacrifice 2. The 23. Give gaan CMR big "T" iL 6 eo) La 3.50" (4 BRICSIREMAL 4.Honey = * ric buzzard 5. One kind of of mill apple 6. College 80. Half- man; way abbr. $1, Sho- 7. Kind of roast 8. Afloat 9. Kind of tent 10, Lathes 14,Ludicrous 35. Kindof 17. Aspen or chest fir of 19. Be in sheep debt 87, Courage 20, Free 38, Koran 21. Print chapters without measure 42, Part these a lt V7je T7 Ie [9 Jo Y 7, i 12, Stimulus for 138 across rabbit 47. Cease 48. French 50, You can't write well lo dweller . Become indistinct . Short dagger 5, Wears AWAY 32 . Metai- worker's block Singly 26 Z 44 Bamboo- like grasses *, Sows ROWN 1. Footlike Miles failed to play the queen on the ace, South would have made the contract by lea: another club and forcing W: to lead hearts. As it was, though, Robinson had to settle for one down -- 100 points, The Kantar team lost the match to Jordan despite this deal on which it tur out that they gained heavily because of something that happened at the other table, There the bidding was opened by West with three hearts, North doubled, primarily for takeout, but South converted the double to business by pass- ing. West did not fare well, go- ing down four, and the Jordan team lost 1,200 points on the | BASES LOADED, TWO OUT, HERES THE PITCH---- deal, West's three heart bi¢ was rather daring and he ha to pay a heavy price for h¥ audacity. SALLY'S SALLIES Oe i HAPPENED TO THE OLP TV ? > 9 YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNE Dear Dr. Molner: Is surgery, the only treatment for an in-| ward goitre ? What chances} of recovery are there from such! an operation?--Mrs, C. § Goite is an enlargement of the thyroid gland in the neck. An inward goitre is one which exerts pressure inward, on the! windpipe and gullet. It may also extend downward below the up- per portion of the breast bone, the pressure thus increasing. | There is a lump, difficulty in| swallowing, possibly a cough! and trouble in breathing. | While medical treatment often is effective in controlling over- activity of the thyroid, it can- not reduce the size to any marked extent, so for the in- ward goitre surgical removal is the only course that {is feasible. Surgical Removal For Inward Goitre with one salve after another is usually a waste of time and money. Psoriasis may be a nuis- ance but it isn't contagious and it isn't dangerous. There is a definite seasonal variation. It improves with summer sun and is worse in the winter, R, MD Your friend didn't see it in this column, There is no sure remedy for psoriasis. This con- dition sometimes comes and goes without seeming rhyme or reason, so when it disappears after some particular remedy has been used, then that rem- edy gets all the credit, The trouble is that all sorts of remedies are said to be a 'cure' when actually they had litle or nothing to do with the problem, | have not recommended any of the hundreds of ' supposed remedies. Consult your doctor or a skin specialist for various kinds of ointments which will keep the skin soft and control the occasional !tching, and let it go at that. Fooling around Dear Dr. Molner: Our daugh ter, 11, has scoliosis, Please in- form us as to causes, treatment and possible cure.--L. 8S. Scoliosis is excessive curva+ ture of the spine to one side or the other which can result from injury, faulty posture or occa- sionally from some rarer cause, Not all scoliosis deserves any attention other than a sincere attempt to develop good posture, In some cases braces may be helpful. In severe cases, with young people, special ortho pedic devices are used to draw Disability from such an oper- ation ts brief, risk is small, and the results are prompt and re- warding, improving the pa-| tient's health in many ways in| addition to bringing quick relief | from the discomforts of the pressure. I would not hesitate to have such surgery without 'delay. | | Dear Dr. Molner: Please| comment on use of the drug) heart condition.--Mrs, F, E. L.| Quinidine is used 'effectively | in certain heart disorders which involve an irregular rhythm.,} The dosage is important, so your doctor must decide when) it is needed and how much. quinidine for a man of 75 with ; Dear Dr. Molner: A friend of mine mentioned a medication you published for psoriasis, which I have. She said it was two kinds of ointment and e the spine gradually into better position, You will have to de- pend on an orthopedic surgeon Now the only fon am orthopedte sy way to buy -- [ir 'te'"recommends only Im: WRIGLEY'S ||: spent exerts, tion SPEARMINT his advice. Of if he sees a real problem developing and recom: popular, modern | dime pack nends more drastic measures, do as he says. You get more to enjoy In the convenient Dime Pack of Wrigley's Spearmint... more of that fresh flavour and lively taste! vitamin, Would you tell me what it was?--Mra. W. R, '