Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 May 1966, p. 20

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eee tisha TOP LEVEL CONFERENCE CBC President J. Al- broadcasting committee ses- ager of English network pro phonse Ouimet (left) holds sion investigating the CBC- gramming, and R. C. Fra discussion with two of his producers dispute. They are ser, director of corporate vice-presidents at today's H. G. Walker (centre), man- affairs (CP Wirephoto) Labor Violence End Lesage Election Plea QUEBEC (CP)--Jean Lesage| The new Mines Act approved|and paper town of La Tuque, --s ' gprs fiona toc ne ---- last meet Jean-Jacques Bertrand, lieuten- lent flying weather Tuesday to|\which increased governmen 1 become the first Quebec pre-| royalties by 60 a sty was ant to Union Nationale Leader mier to carry an election cam-|aimed at getting Quebecers a Daniel Johnson, told a rally the paign into the northern copperjlarger share of revenue from party is fully capable of becom- mining communities of Chapais|their mineral resources ing the next Quebec govern- and Chibougamau, 310 miles};BELONGS TO QUEBEC ment.) north of Montreal. "This mineral wealth belongs; He was speaking in support of Addressing 250 persons at Chi-|to Quebecers and it is normal|Andre Leduc, Union Nationale bougamau, he renewed his ap-|that they should derive a reas-|candidate in Laviolette peal for an end to labor violence|onable profit from it. However, | ~~~ in the province the royalties should not be so} "Tf our quiet revolution be-/ high as to discourage mining ac- comes a violent revolution in the| tivity." eyes of those who have capital| Earlier Tuesday, the premier to invest, it will be a sad day,"| visited the Saguenay River rid- he said. ing of Jonquiere-Kenogami with Meanwhile, separatist leader|Liberal candidate Gerald Har- Pierre Bourgault told a rally in| vey, seeking re-election there in the Montreal suburb of Laval 'the June 5 provincial election. that Quebec can only get a fair; He told a meeting of party or- deal in the field of immigra-|ganizers a recent survey indl- tion when it splits with the rest cates the Liberals will get twice of Canada and makes its own | as many votes as the Union Na- immigration policy. tionale outside Quebec City and Mr. Lesage said he foresees a| Montreal. bright future for northern Que-| Also in Jonquiere, the premier bec. issued a prepared statement | naming Eugene Lapointe as Lib- Daily Soap Opera eral candidate in the newly formed neighboring constituency Commons On TV of Debuc. The reason was that 'serious OTTAWA (CP) -- Opposition irregularities" had been com- Leader Diefenbaker said Tues-| mitted at the nominating con- day he thinks at least one-half) vention that chose Edoward Blu- hour of each dailv_sitting of theiteau to run for the party, and Commons should be televised. |the Liberals of the riding had | cs Sor "I now believe that the time|asked the premier to name the has come to bring Parliament! candidate himself. | to the people,' he told 240 high} _Mr. Lapointe, 25, was run-| school students at a Rotary\ner-up to Mr. Bluteau at the Club luncheon. convention. Although he had opposed tele- jist group. The letters said Msgr. | vision and radio broadcasts of HAS SPECIAL NEEDS the Commons in the past, he In Laval, Mr, Bourgault said he thinks it now is neces- leader of Le Rassemblement| sary for Canadians to know| pour l'Independance Nationale, | something about the way Par- said Quebec has special needs | liament works s in the field of immigration that} He suggested that a special only the Quebec government can Commons committee be set up handle, to study how televising the sit-| The separatist tings could be arranged has announced plan "You'd be surprised what the candidates in at least 50 of Que-| bright lights of television would | bec's 108 constituencies, was] do for the attendance record of speaking in support of Roger! members." Turgeon and Pierre Renaud,| Television coverage would RIN candidates in Fabre and give Canadians "a new sense of) Laval ridings national pride and purpose' and The problem is not that Que would bring about "a vast im-| bec doesn't get enough French-| provement" in some of the tech- speaking immigrants, he said. | niques of Parliament The real problem was that im- The high school students, who migrants learned English rather heard Prime Minister Pearson than French after coming to Monday, are here for the Ot- Quebec. tawa Rotary Club's annual Ad-| Future immigrants should in- WATERING CAN venture in Citizenship. Chosen|tegrate with the French-speak- WOOO dy te ee tates by Rotary Clubs across the'ing majority. This would not tion! 1 yellow country, they are making tours happen "until French becomes ML +X ' Comparable Value. $2.98 MAY : leader who! SPECIAL to. field | PLASTIC e MAY of the capital and holding a se-\the only working language inj SPECIAL ries of informal discussions on Quebec." national affairs. In the central Quebec pulp FOR LEASE Modern Two Bay SERVICE STATION ee , eat ae ee ing a Mi a a ce ae rte! le el pipe Aeicesah Riigg egg Nes th: SAP DS TMG CICS Although there was no Indica- ExHo SETS RECORD tion the two men met, diplomats} The previous record for par- regarded the coincidence as dis-|ticipation in a world's fair was |Fallout Shows Bomb ------ Leaders Meet Bi 'Discuss World Troubles Mi'nl ancl make private recy contracted to exhibit Biggest China Blast Discuss World | But it was thought highly i e.nom-communs countries, Expo 67. parser nau fe | | , oie probable that the bitter adver-| | TOKYO (AP)--Japanese sci-| Professor Takao Kosaka of Schvees the Govier Cominunat|e0ries in the ideological battle \entists reported today that the|the public health division of| 341 chief Leonid Brezhnev, Would actually meet in Bucha- |radioactive fallout from China's| Niigata University said 17 large > 4° Romanian leaders in Bu-|rest. latest atomic explosion was\radioactive particles of dust [22 cat +s ; Romanian sources in Moscow j | ord eharesi could have 4 bearing 08) =" cua tsi ged Reser ar ermetadg jtwice as strong as that eg bee a by scientists] |) &sino-Soviet ideological dis- $4id Brezhnev 'planned to stay Peking's previous tests. there. e particles were as- ' ° . : only three day ost ing . : ;sumed.to.have been_cafried by pute and the Viet Nam war, dip-/0" 4 ays. te Buches WHAT'S A | ~The measurements made ~at --s a --_ "3 ting', lomats said here today, while the best hint from Peking : A | Niigat a the Se Ja-|the jet stream from 'Peking's was that Chou Would arrive in, TY Lice tras te CO neue thobaniad atomic testing ground in Sinki- rinses ie i. pea gis Romania next Wednesday. | QuALI | 'lang . bei See P apl esday amid signs 4 9 bore out United States reports 2"8 .province Peking had said/ nian capital Tuesday am 4 MASS PRODUCED ; ithe bomb gas exploded Mon-|of urgency, barely two hours) PUT SOVIET CASE? that preliminary data indicated) after Premier Alexei Kosygin. Moscow observers said Brezh- POOL LIKE? China's third nuclear blast was i i u | ¢ \departed on an official visit to) ney y its biggest bese far. CHECK ANIMALS lthe United Arab Republic. Govlst tase fs Beamaoen ayo | China's first two tests in Oc-| Niigata University scientists} pinlomats speculated Brezh-|stall a possible anti-Soviet offen-| | tober 1964, and May, 1965, were exposed nine rabbits and 60 nev's dash to Bucharest 'was sive by Chou jequivalent to about 20,000 tons| mice to the radioactive dust to probably connected with an ex-| There also was speculation | jof TNT--the size of the first/determine its effect on their pected visit there of Chinese that Brezhnev's visit may be| |U.S. atomic homb dropped on blood and bone chemistry. Premier Chou En-lai. jlinked in some way with a pos- - = -- sible search for a solution in ONLY $29.95 rer vonrn Budget-priced. Baautitul! Full size with deeg diving area. Permanent. durable m 10. year g Rugged ga d steal sides -- won't rust, corrode, crack, wa Beautiful viny! interior never needs refin ing, Low a8 $29.95 # month for 16' x 32'. 5 years to pay. Phone for more tacts. partan GALVANIZED STEEL POOLS A. STOLZENFEL'S KENNELS @ Grooming & Clipping all breeds @ Boarding & Training @ Pick Up & Delivery MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT CORP. | fects and changes in air pres- | Fr Priest |Premier Ion Gheorghe Maurer ee . ment hammered out l eautaaibns as the previous representatives of the Interna-|coincided with a trip there by | jin a' vain attempt to get Popelis collected by high-flying U-2|(004¥_ 7 8" attempt to end a embassy to the Vatican, was|hydrogen device bers and claims that "'little pro- th a | CANADA LIMITED |Hiroshima in 1945. | U.S. officials in Washington) -- - --------| eee |based their assessment of the +,| Viet Nam. Gen. Emil Bodnaras | ; -- test fag? ee Quebec Ports Wait Romania's first deputy prime uc ors |Measurement o} e shock ef- minister, arrived in North Viet N last wi jsure, Earlier the U.S. state de- Walkout Vote Poll lee tn ae Romanian |partment had said the third | ti | MONTREAL (CP)--An agree at a in the same} hy| went to Geneva where his stay |B ROME (AP) -- Black-masked| 4 ccurat |tional Longshoremen's Associa-|U.S. envoy W. Averell Harri- kanappes teed spat *M por chair nara io, (CU) andthe" National ma {priest-diplomat unharmed today|analysis of debris from. the|abors Board: Tuesday is to be ram jafter holding him for 12 days|Chinese explosion, This debris| Submitted to the 3,500 members| [Paul to intercede for political | planes. two-day walkout |prisoners in Spain The sources said it was not Allegations that port police | Rt. Rev. Marco Ussia, eccle-|known for certain yet whether had unfairly ticketed parked jsiastic councillor of the Spanish|the test involved an atomic or| Cats belonging to union mem jreleased 28 miles north of|-- | gress" had been made in nego-| |Rome. He said he had been held| 5 we ; ltiations for a new working! CALL BROOKLIN lin some sort of house, he did! Aid Cheese agreement were given by the lnot know where, and could not union as reasons for the walk- 690 DRAKE ST, 725-9151 Evenings 725-3661 655-4487 out Monday. . - = Pronger se his te who wore} M bh | ons |dar asses and black masks. P A k H About 500 longshoremen also Police said they had pee, S SY) ouse |walked off the Hob in Quebec the area where they believed an) OTTAWA (CP)--Harold Dan-|CitY and Trois-Rivieres, Que. | janti-F ranco group of Spanish | forth (PC--Kent, Ont.) asked| The Quebec dispute started janarchists was holding Mser.|in the Commons Tuesday what|Tuesday, also over parking) it ssia. The police said the kid-|action the government is taking|Problems. The reason for the} |nappers apparently turned him|to protect the Canadian cheese | Trois-Rivieres strike, which also} jloose when they saw they could industry in view of a bill before | Started Tuesday, was said by a} [not slip him through the tight-ithe United States Congress to|union spokesman to be failure ("ae police cordon. jrestrict imports. of the federal government to Msgr. Ussia disappeared April) Bruce §, Beer, parliamentary|gtant a committee of arbitra- rt lig Bway om ica in| secretary to Agriculture Minis-| tion for a contract dispute, j Rome to drive to his residence ter Greene, said the govern- --a . 7 Bogen away. His car was found/ment watches such legislation | °UEBEC teat mers aed! e next morning parked a few | carefully. a ean a : ' le nat of boris from his quarters. | Eric Winkler (PC -- Grey-| oy as i, of t nia 4A, | |_ In the days that followed, half-| Bruce) followed this up by as "| sai $ 25 _-- ers wou d re-| |a-dozen letters were received by|ing whether anything is being|{U™ '© Wor tg io gn| local, said police, the embassy and Rome done to Norman Quigley, : : ; protect Canadian hog Penic.Rivier rom the First o ay anarch-|trom the U.S. pea Sacto Oe 20 m .) The Quebec longshoremen, | also were off the job for: about) ; : | The question went Ussia was well and would be re-| answered. Pope Paul to intercede with 2 : three hours, agreed to start} FIND MORE DOCTORS work again after Transport leased soon but they wanted Generalissimo Franco on behalf of political prisoners in Spain.| 'There was one doctor for) Minister Pickersgill, who was Vatican sources said the Pope|681 persons in the United States/visiting the port, promised an| would not accede to the kidnap-|in 1965, compared with one for|attempt would be made to set-| pers' demand. '737 in 1960, tle their problems. | un-| Jury & Lovell OSHAWA - WHITBY BOWMANVILLE LISTERINE MOUTH WASH REG. 986 SALE 19 1.19 91° 63° 67: 1.91 63° 71 TABLETS REG, 2.25 DRISTAN COLGATE wie Uris TOOTHPASTE REG. 1.48 DRESSER KIT Compect ond convenient dresser kit eon: tray, shell, dresser comb, 2 smoll powder puffs, Orchid-----insert, Bagate hairbrush, and nailbrush! Available in shodes of pink or blue Comparable Value 1.98. MAY SPECIAL REG, 79¢ HEADACHE BUFFERIN 'x: BRYLCREEM «« BLUE HAIR SPRAY REG, 1.89 LYCRA LONG LEG PANTIE GIRDLE Luxurious Lyera long leg girdie styled with t waist, embroidered satin lostex panel in front lostex panel in back, hip LADIES' sats LYCRA GIRDLE Embroidered satin lastex panel! in front, lastex panel in bock, hip control ot sides and 4 gorters, Sizes S-M-L- xt in white. Comperable > Volue $3.98 5-M-L-XL in white, NESTLE'S ge 4 irs ADORN UNSCENTED 7 eae ee HAIR SPRAY ' Saas: 20 PCE. DINNER SET AL KA SELTZER ANACIN REG, 890 ib AYER ASPIRIN --_--REG, 99¢ 59 Colérful plaid dinner set consisting of: 4 | 34 ROMO SELTZER REG. 1,09 4 'fh : i 9" dinner plates, 4 6' bread and butter FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY COME INTO OUR STORE FOR OUR YELLOW TAG SPECIALS control et sides, rayon gus- set ond extra gusset and 4 detachable gorters, Sizes MAY SPECIAL REG, 78¢ Keeps your hair beautifully soft and manageable all day! Comparable Value 73¢ MAY SPECIAL 99 MEN'S BOXER SHORTS Don River Wash ond Weor boxer shorts with @ full elaste waist, Choosesfrom a full ronge of patterns ond sizes! plates, 4 cereol cups and 4 saucers. Comparable Value 4.99 MAY SPECIAL MAY SPECIAL On main intersection in City of Oshawa. Heavily travelled area. @ MODERATE FINANCING NEEDED @ LESSEE ideal for entertaining ! TRAINING IF NECESSARY MAY. SPECIAL co IMMEDIATE POSSESSION For Further Information Telephone 725-0807 of 723-1126 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA ORANGE AND LEMON SLICES Delicious assortment of oranae and lemon slices-- SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED McCORMICK'S Rib knit woshina--no ironing! Sizes 2 Comparable Volue 97e MAY SPECIAL vests ¢ 3 to @ porknge, Fes to 4 in white [-7: VESTS AND SHORTS Comparable Value 35¢ Ib. PRESCRIPTION pcx CHEMISTS CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. €. OSH | $30 SIMCOE ST. S. 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER OSHAWA PHONE 723-2245 AWA PHONE 725-3546 KRESGE"S SHOPPING CENTRE [ROSSLYN PLAZA - 728-4668 | ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA

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