Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1966, p. 3

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U.S. ARRIVAL Valery Y. Tarsis, exiled Russian writer recently REPLIES COULD SHAPE NON-CONFIDENCE VOTE RESULT By PAUL DUNN OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ter Pearson is to tell today how and why the Gerda Munsinger file came into his office--and, for 16 months. the Commons Monday night by External Affairs Minister Mar- tin, could affect what shapes up as one of the closest voting tests to face the minority Lib- eral government. EDT. Mr. Pearson's alleged handling of the file on the German blonde with a motion criticizing the ad- ministration for ". . . having the RCMP provide information to the government as to the past conduct of all members of Par- liament generally--a course of action which would destroy the independence of all members and undermine the institution of Parliament." Mr, Martin asked MPs not to come to a decision until they hear from Mr. Pearson, who was at home with the flu. possibly, why it stayed there) His explanation, promised in) The vote is due by 8:15 p.m.| The Conservatives spotlighted| PM Due To Explain Questions On Gerda The "someone else" is RCMP Commissioner George 3B. Wic- Clellan, who told the Munsinger judicial inquiry last Thursday that Mr. Pearson sought from him in late November, 1964, any "scandalous" information about any MP in the previous 10 years. This was only a few days after Erik Nielsen (PC--Yukon) made his charges of influence- peddling in high Liberal circles which led to the judicial inquiry into the Lucien Rivard affair. During debate on a supply motion Monday, R. G. L. Fair- weather (PC--Royal) criticized Mr. Pearson for a 'sinister abuse of the rule of law' in making a "'straight request for any scandal or gossip that the RCMP might have gathered." He then introduced the Con- servative motion and sparked a procedural] wrangle over |whether it was in order or was \"sub judice," since the Mun- singer inquiry is still in pro- gress. With all parties but the Liberals agreeing was proper, Speaker Lucien La- the motion| baker accused the government nein annize of using 'tactics that tyr members of this chamber, tac- tics that cannot be excused in any circumstances."' It was a shocking situation when a gov- ernment used the RCMP as "a private eye over the lives, pur- poses and reputations" of MPs. Alvin. Hamilton (PC--Qu'Ap- pelle) directed. specific appeals at the members of all parties to support the Conservative motion and in effect, overthrow the government. Stanley Knowles (NDP--Win- nipeg North Centre) said New Democrat members "shall be voting for the amendment." The central questions in the Munsinger judicial inquiry now under way are charges by Jus- tice Minister Lucien Cardin that \Gerda Munsinger once was a lspy for the Russians, that she |was romantically linked with two or more former Conserva- tive cabinet ministers and that Conservative Leader Diefen- baker, as prime minister, mis- jhandled the case. The ruling by Speaker' La- moureux was that testimony) PARLIAMENT AT - A - GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS MONDAY, May 2, 1966 .. The Gerda Munsinger affair took over the Commons floor again. Speaker Lucien Lamoureux ruled in order a Conservative motion criticizing government "action in having the RCMP provide information .. . as to the past conduct" of MPs. The motion was based on RCMP Commissioner G. B. McClellan's testimony last week that he gave the Muns- inger file to Prime Minister Pearson after Mr. Pearson asked for reports having to do with any wrongdoing or any- thing of a scandalous nature involving MPs over the last 10 years. External Affairs Minister Martin asked MPs to hear Mr. Pearson's statement on the matter before making a decision. State Secretary Judy La- Marsh said mediator Stuart Keate will have wide terms of reference into the dispute over the CBC television program This Hour Has Seven Days. He could look into the mat- ter of re nstatement for co- hosts Patrick Watson and Laurier LaPierre, whose con-. tracts are being allowed to run out. She also asked for time to | | government LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The Canadian divorce law was termed outmoded, ministers' salaries were increased and church unity dissenters lent a sympathetic ear at the opening Monday of the 107th synod of the Anglican diocese of Huron. Ri. Rev. George N. Luxton, Bishop of Huron, said the church and Parliament should recognize grounds other than adultery by one of the married partners as legitimate reasons for divorce in Canada. He said the present divorce law no longer is representative lof most responsible Christian | thought. "It is our job now to help the to. re-phrase the Divorce Laws Outmoded Anglican Synod Hears THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 3, 1966 3 port the courts in allowing a divorce where clear proof is submitted that there have been jyears of sincere effort at hold- jing the marriage together, that civil law on divorce so appli-,there has been acceptance and cants with just cause for dis-|following of competent . mar- solution can obtain such a con-|Tiage counselling towards. rec- clusion of their ship-wrecked|onciliation without success, and new marriage canon is an, at- tempt to change the church's traditional position in a radical fashion. The church law, which has been passed once by the church's national synod, must come before the group again next year before it becomes offi- cial church law. marriage without stooping to|that adequate provision has collusion and to the fabrication|been assured for all depend- of evidence and to legal per-| ents? jury." | "Then shouid noi our couris Divorces should be granted to|be free to terminate the mar- married couples. who, after|riage and our church be ready years of serious trial, have|to accept the court's action as turned out to be temperament-|honest and responsible and as ally incompatible, he said. a true judgment of an actual URGES COUNSELLING situation? The bishop suggested, how-| 'We would be attempting to ever, that there should be a pe-|find an honest and compassion- riod before court action during|ate way to forgive men and which marital counselling be) women srhose marriages are ir- given and efforts toward recon-|reparably broken and to allow |ciliation taken, them a fresh start." "Should not we Anglicans sup-' He said the Anglican Church's = || Good Names To Remember ue. Whoa fe Suites: 4 oe | yy oF | } REAL ESTATE | Reg. Aker -- President Bill McFeeters --~ Vice Pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. _ 723-2265 Want a Savings Account that lets "He will be there tomorrow|moureux upheld the motion. {hy Commissioner McClellan as} investigate a newspaper re- stripped of his Soviet citi- - zenship, arrives at New York's Kennedy Airport Monday from London. Tar- sis said that he would not be "astonished if a revolu- tion took place in Russia tomorrow." (AP. Wirephoto) Spy Probe Is Delayed VANCOUVER (CP)--An_in- quiry into the case of the late accused spy suspect George Vic- tor Spencer, due to open here today, has been delayed until Thursday because of the illness of the commissioner, Mr. Jus- tice Dalton Wells, still in Tor- onto. J. J. Robinette, inquiry com- missioner counsel who arrived here with a number of RCMP witnesses, said the judge is suf- fering from a cold and decided to put off the Vancouver con- tinuation of hearings already held in Ottawa. The Ontario Supreme Court justice was appointed after a furore in the House of Com- mons over the Spencer case, to inquire whether the spy suspect had been fairly treated in being dismissed from _ his postal) clerk's job here without pen- sion. Spencer, about 60, was dis- missed after his name was linked with espionage activities) which saw two Ottawa Soviet embassy officials expelled from Canada. He was found dead slumped| over a kitchen table in his Van- couver home April 9. That was, just four days before the in- quiry originally was scheduled to open here. A coroner's jury decided death was due to natural causes. and he wishes to take part in| The Commons may debate to just how the RCMP informa- this debate to explain what he|"co-lateral issues" relating to believes to be the interpretation] the inquiry but not to the cen- of a situation that has been de-/tral questions as outlined in. in- scribed by someone else in the|quiry's terms of reference, said inquiry that is under way," Mr.|the Speaker. Martin said. Opposition Leader Diefen- [ae No Drugs Or 'In Scene- Beryl F TORONTO (CP)--A CBC di-jviously known to the corpora- rector-producer said Monday a | tion." cameraman filmed a bedroom) Reeves Haggan, CBC general scene last summer of a girl in. supervisor of public affairs, con- bed with two boys for the CBC) firmed the scene had been shot, program Document, but "it was | but said there was no film foot- not pornographic." age on any sex act. In any case, | Beryl Fox, 34, award-winning, he said the whole idea was free-lancer under contract to/dropped last July, the CBC, said the shooting was) Miss Fox, in her statement, | done under her direction. The said Mr. Leiterman had en- bedroom episode was an unex: listed the aid. of two Toronto pected sequence in filming for youths of good character for ja Document program called shots of them riding their mo- | Youth. torcycles through Toronto's | The scene ran for less than aj Yorkville coffee-house area. |minute, was found to be of no Because some filming could value and will not be included not be done during normal traf- in the program scheduled for fic hours, a dawn sequence was next fall, Miss Fox said in alarranged June 17. Miss Fox 750-word statement. said the youths arrived on their The girl was 'lying on the motorcycles, one with a girl. bed under bedclothes with the, She said the outdoors filming two boys. They were talking and;was completed and it was ar- not engaged in sexual activity.) ranged to meet the youths later . It was. not pornographic] in their apartment and conclude} taking shots at' and Jess erotic than many a cur-|the film by rent movie. | breakfast. "| | The girl in question was| "The youths asked me to al- not given any drugs or alcohol Jow the girl to come with us," by me or anybody from the the statement said. "I did not CBC. Nor were the youths: under | like the idea but they convinced the influence of drink or drugs."| me she would be no trouble so " I said... 'she can come so STORY MENTIONS PILL long as she does not inter- Miss Fox's statement, re- fere.'" leased through her lawyer,| capped a day of quick develop- ments sparked by a copyright story in the Toronto Telegram, 1 of aritime by reporters Frank Drea and eae Resioatd a ee }Fred Cederberg, mm which the builds boat models for a hobby. |17-year-old girl says she was A current project is the Yukon under the influence of a pill and River boat Casta, which plied pee photographed in bed with between Whitehorse and Daw- REBUILDS THE PAST WALTON, N.S. (CP)--Once a tion on Mrs. Munsinger came port that a Seven Days crew gave a pill to a teen-age girl before the government did not} | constitute one of the central is-} isues of this inquiry, but a side! lissue legitimately open for dis-} cussion in the House, Ox | Miss Fox said she instructed | | TUE Deli Weed | and filmed her in bed with two youths. The CBC announced it has asked the RCMP. to conduct | a full inquiry into the report. SDAY, May 3 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. EDT to continue the | Munsinger debate. The Sen- | ate meets at 8 p.m. | Stagnation" the cameraman to enter the} apartment with the camera roll- ing. "We kept moving forward... .| and found ourselves in a bed-| ™ }room with the girl lying on the bed under bedclothes with the' _MONTREAL (CP) Alan} two boys. Macnaughton, former Speaker "The cameraman acted en-|of the House of Commons, said} tirely under my direction. I| Thursday that the answer to the} Hits Ottawa Macnaughton ieievision piozram This 000 in the preceding quarter,|half of Miss Fox and Douglas | Cross said. Leiterman, executive producer AMC paid three quarterly di-|of Seven Days and a Document vidends of 25 cents and one of producer. 12% cents in the fiscal year In a statement Cecil Smith, ended September 30 last but has director of CBC _ information not paid a dividend since then.|services, said: 'The CBC has Worldwide sales of AMC cars|noted the story. .. . It contains totalled 198,351 vehicles in the|se rious allegations not pre- six months just ended, com- ee . jthe two youths, son City at the turn of the cen- AMC Omits Dividends %.:3¢,:038, 1,294 ase DETROIT (AP) -- American tions in the story because of the Motors Corp. directors voted reference to drugs Monday to omit a quarterly di- Inspector William Pilkington vidend payment, marking the of the Toronto police morality third consecutive quarter in! squad said his department is which they have done so. also investigating the allega- Chairman Richard E. Cross) ons. and President Roy Abernethy; Tom Hoyt, alternate producer reported the United States'/0f ine Fis fourth-largest auto firm lost $8,-| Hour Has Seven Days which is 359,399, equal to 44 cents a replaced one Sunday each share, in the second quarter of} month by Document, announced its fiscal year. that notice of libel had been The firm made about $4,100,-|/served on The Telegram on be- tury. Does Your Lawn Look Like A Jungle? (Fy " 27 NX If So, Put This Lion To Work LIGHTWEIGHT TWIN BLADE MOWER, Cot albg No. RE 184B Conado's favorite New cog tread tires with white wolls 18" cut. A" \kept the camera rolling briefly and instructed him to take shots| of the heads and feet. I then) stopped the camera. The cam-| era crew and the boys left the| room." | Miss Fox said she talked to the girl, told her to get dressed| and have breakfast but. the girl refused. Miss Fox then returned to the living room and further} film was taken of the boys dancing to music. | "I then went to see my execu- tive producer, Mr. Douglas Lei-| terman, who was recuperating} from an automobile accident,) and reported to him the morn- ing shooting. 'HAD NO VALUE' "We subsequently screened the film and found the dancing} footage to be useful and the bedroom footage of no value. It was not pornographic and less erotic than many a_ current movie." /and commence another one, Healing A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves itch- ing and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissues. . One hemorrhoidal case history after another reported "'very strik- ing improvement."" Pain was promptly and gently relieved... actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- tions. Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so high to 25". Chrome _ loop | handle, Light- | pared with 239,044 for the cor- responding period last year. Figures for the second quarter were 75,287, compared with 96,- 989 in the second quarter last year, Abernethy and Cross termed sales of the firm's Classic and American series disappointing but add: "The new 290 cubic- inch V-8 engine for the Ameri- can series, now being intro- duced, is expected to increase sales." On a six-month basis, AMC's financial report showed a loss of $4,163,504, equa! to 22 cents! a share, on net sales of $479,- 000,000. A year ago, AMC earned $11.308,076 or 59 cents a share ii IOS BiG CI RA: ' 4 Have those Your Clothes @ Will Look Like New @ Will Feel Like New When Cleaned By "The Best In Town" Phone 725-1191 | RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Continental French Buffet Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL weight for eosy mowing for HP. Hangs storage up 1 motor. Powerful NEW EASY TO USE WRAP-AROUND HANDLE SUNBEAM ELECTRIC Hedge Trimmers 1 Catalog No {T1900 Special clue Hedge Trim mer with chrome-plat ed handle grip ond con venient on-off -- switer ightweight, fast and per- fectly balanced. 2. Catalog No. HT300 Double cut ting edge. Pruning sow zips through toughest growth. Hedge leveler makes trimming accurate. Powerful Sunbeam notor Come in and See Our Display Today JOHN SWAN HARDWARE LTD. Oshawe Shopping Centre TEL. 725-3527 thorough that this improvement Announce New Substance... Shrinks Piles Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue, question 'What is wrong with) Ottawa?" is that the machine has become cloggec and stag-| nation has set in. Mr. Macnaughton was speak- ing at the annual dinner of the) McGill Associates University. "Stagnation is one of the things that can destroy parlia- ments," he said, "and we are only at the beginning of the task of modernizing the machine so that it will not jam" He said there is little hope that Parliament will be able to accomplish the accumulated work facing it before it becomes necessary to end this session Mr. Macnaughton said two basic facts must be recognized. The first, he said, is that the pressure of government busi- ness is here to stay and will] inevitably continue to consume the greater part of any parlia- ment's time. , Checks Itch many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured ceiis and stimuiates growth of new tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids. Just ask your druggist for Pre- paration H Suppositories or Pre- paration H Ointment (with a special applicator). 'was maintained over a period of Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded hig furnace "We made sure wed never have to face We invested $13.95 in Lander-Stark's Furnace Paris Replacement Plan." Call 725-3581 for full information repair bills. you feel free about writing cheques? at McGill) | § Look into Nat You can write any reasonable number of cheques on your National Trust Savings Account without being charged. And that's just one of many customer conveniences. Our office hours are arranged to suit your busy schedule. You can make your deposits by mail. (The postage is on us!) And your account will earn 4% interest, on the minimum half-yearly balance. But that's just the beginning! Besides Savings Accounts, National Trust offers two other modern savings plans: High interest-earning Guaranteed Investment Certificates which can be bought for periods of 1 to 5 years, and Natrusco, National's thriving Mutual Fund that lets you share in our country's bustling economy. All are backed by the Company's experience in managing more than one billion dollars under their administration or supervision. Save with safety... look into National. . SINCE 1898 Se Re RN 32 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa and 14 offices in Greater Toronta National «Trust

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