Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 May 1966, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Mey 3, 1966 - "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire ..: Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale B---Articles for Sale 13--Articles for Rent ISCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | cea Riggag|| SS | RSs | ti e 4,000 miles full warranty. REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- Priced from $279, f ' WHEEL ALIGNMENT ies ag 10 aan. to 10 pin, massaging belts, rowing mao- 723-8711 piso bikes exercises --~ all ' x : . * ; fe). i j > mouth, Pontiac, We correct a 6 per month. Accountants Barristers |Gardening and Supplies . (Janitor Service g Hf : A wheel alignment, inspect and PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO.,|HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL- CELLARS CLEANED 'trasn removed, ' j : ' Dy correct castor and camber, | RO-DON SPORTS | cleaning rods, pipe vise Chartered intants, 3612 King Street|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King household repeirs Gone. Telephone 72 : ' Wits align toe-in and toe-out to TAUNTON RD. E. tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe + Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. Hall,| Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphrey,| // Ml 299 " Gee - correct condition .... 6.88 cutte: i th Bete tca: 'David' G. Perkin, CA;|QC; G, & Boychyn, QC; _W. A. Hilima CRELARS, yards cleened) "alee sidewalk Mette Pele too Just East of 5 Points) rs, pipe threading dies, J je CA} L i ag @ Ports extra required ; eek toilet auger. » CA. LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Offi i tb le, Call D Id of ger. Fee OLE AN-GOT Chari. T5177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, ioumitnea AKE ERUPTION oF YESUVIUS IN 8 @ Torsion bar adjustment ee vAMALA d9 PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ---- HOPKINS, Piancil Yue' pond 0-761; ee TESS, NAA and NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX 79 A.D. WAS Paige Pete extra stepladders, ladder jacks, Oshawa, On- Money to Loan y ( KING 16 e teel scaffoldin PARKLAWN GRASS MIX y LY BEGIHHING steel sca 9, compressors, 1S. ' ; NY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, ab Rete cS DLS ON RAP bestia cay E. Lukows CA. BCL, Barrister and. Solicitor, 73, Centre| SUPERFINE GRASS MIX 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at # rea- C , 7 YEARS BEFORE. BRAKE SPECIAL Sewing Machine Special spray guns, wallpaper steam- ALE, FRIEDLANDER AND O.,| Street. Office hours: 9 a.m. ~ 5.30 p.m. SUBURBAN GRASS MIX sonable rate of interest to consolidate ? } ao (most popular cars). First FREE formica #obinet ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus-|Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661. TIMOTHY & ALSIKE I aiid tal re atin on. a) Quolity Royaline Value $78.00 brnae torches, tees in Bankruptcy, 52¥s Simcoe Street) =|. NDIVIDUAL GRASSES , ; - . 3 ¢ i : ue 0 ER'S EQUIPMENT -- North, Oshawa, 728-7371. a Building Trades I fag Ployed and have good credit. Telephone , é d-wheels 3 wit ony regular priced Elna, cuentas dee R. DAY, Certified Genera SO-GREEN 7-7-7 : i ' White 'Elna Sewing Centre| trowels, wheel barrows, elec- pine ges weil ae Oshawa Shop- SO-GREEN PREMIUM Mortgages : Hi So WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL 38 Bond West tric vibrator, air compressor, nn YC TT a PI nin n fin- ' x 5 | Ee) Including weights per wheel jock hammers, hand trowels, iy Beg RL i liad da SAA TLORGANITE§ NT | ltl, | och 195 |. a5 NG) | vow punt pene tae Riehl, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, CA, ishing a rec room? CLL, 10-6-4 How Many | kt. ap SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT- "I ers, steel scaffolding, electric Game Shepety centre: 27 =. se EVERGREEN 6-9-6 MORTGAGE N BONES HAS A HEN Ane, | END WORK AT COMPARABLE SUZUKI generator, ramset power rol- FOR PEOPLE with income property Modernizing your GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 ' 100K SEAM BATHS BY NEWBORM BABY | INCKES OF THE PRICES All models on display. Im- lers, electric hammers, mas- Paycesvupete Page eterna cat Ts > GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD LOANS ROWING WATER OW HOT > NECK OF THE mediote Delivery, Low down | onry saw, building "tacks, 6778. bathroom: BONEMEAL SIOWES WHILE CROUCHING ¢ ARANSYLYAMIAH | DOMINION payment, $19 monthly. Com- | mortar mixers, mortar boxes, BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. SHEEP MANURE UNDER A TENT OF SKINS. sg 270. pecemligy oped | | plete line of accessories. Open | chain hoist, miter saw, elet- | Chev., Dodge, Ford, Moneys avoilable for first tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power post hole Whitby 1206 Dundas E. 668-6642; ouger, ascillating sanders, Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Sim- ALL: CHL. 10-10-10 Siaihces won wee i till 9 p.m. oe South, 725-0997. Res. 723-760. C ny eee and second mortgages, Open a | TIRE STORE | oshowa 195 king w. 728-4242 JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun- mortgages. No bonus, First tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street E PHELAN GARDEN TOOLS mortgages, second mortgages | | . East. Telephone 723-4833. i BULK GARDEN SEEDS and Gorements for adle pure (| : : 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH | disc sonders, acetylene weld. ALGERT |HOSMAR, | Chartered econ uty ey pred: |Sales and Service |3--Sportsman's Column TELEPHONE 725-6511 a Puasa | fra cuties, 200 amp electric pon tlephone. 723 . { A | GUARANTEED REPAIRS to aii wringer|SMELT FISHING equipment, ii. @ BS @ TRIUMPH se Ontario. Telephone 723-1221, 668-6032 WEED KILLERS pct age les eanans pia raiioes, Free estimates. 'Call| cences. New and ised' guns, Mrishing | Accessories, Pirelli tires, } S ' Barristers | : OPEN ALL DAY Cilawa Gnicte: Nee or 723-0011. bes ie tackle woe Valley Creek, 16 Bond SPECIAL . goggles, jackets, gloves, Buco 1 A N S | ---- ---- _ ----~ | Street ' < : Chairs for Mother's Day helmets. Repairs and service. ' Haney to ant Oren is King. sieei HOME Monday -- Saturday | 723-4697 Fee ree rr can SANS aan W'S, Mane aaTNE | Hi-hock Swill wckors $29.88 | ABT Metoreyele SHOR jnameniag & gag 5 a ' . =e s . " Pp East, Oshawa, 728-8232 IMPROVEMENTS Daily Delivery Peete Garey wane te] Cent ara |e Mullaney Onik Platform rockers $39.95 | 114 STVENSON RD. SOUTH Phone 723-4224 slat CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and West, Whitby, 668-2563. FISHING BAIT -- Live worms, night] "See our large display" 728-7780 VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, @ Additions -- Alterations | | ans | "rawiers, minnows. Oshawa live Bait Co.,| é Bank, of Commerce Solna, simece! @ Kitchens--Rec Rooms and COOPER - SMITH MORTCACES Surveyors 459 Nelson Street (Corner of Wolfe East) WILSON'S FURN. BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- 14 si ess Op nliles "OMS a SRR RRR RR UR Phone 728-3222 or 723-7112 pliances. Cail Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 Creighton, QC; or residences: FS all your Construction Needs. DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Oniarlo - ins iateieaninleoalinepinaios 20 Church St. OF 263-2695, eo QC, 728-8554; ¢ ste Merry CALL without bonus or Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints, 5----Trailers REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;|GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired ; C. Victor, EXPERIENCED 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632 | --------|new smooth-fop mattresses, $19.95;|at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, | TEXACO Mortgages arranged; James Allen ° Hv FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniarlo Lana stoves, $24.95, cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.95; | 728-9731 | é AND KELLY, Barristers, Sees 16 Celina St 5 APPRAISALS | Surveyers, 112 Elgin Street East. Phone GOLDEN FALCON [space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome | gia ele King, ret Eas ® Sons og Contact i ORBIT ony a eo ad . Residence es: J. M. ' | Creek, on reet West, - , 7253368; Terence V. Kelly, QC, i 'e ELDON KERR A BR ee * 7 sr Rr eisai gia PRA Teer $ys'sasa; Thomas Hi. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 126 723 2312 so) 1 139) Ne TV--Roadio Repairs CORSAIR [CUSTOM PICTURE framing. any siz¢.| GARDEN TRACTOR with Tis horsepower |estaurant 20 seats, grocery 725-2682. 725-6 Pi EST, 1 LLOYD METCALF wi it a Hh - | sis? evenings only. Briggs and Stratton engine pius attach-| Fully stocked, new DOUBLE JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, TELARC OETA ONS Oia R TRAVEL TRAILERS SURNITURE LL twee" ggrer rappers plese Larsen Bubba GARAGE can be used for car Solicitor and Notary Pub- ere eal Estate Ltd. | valUre, onle" GOOk Le een, | MEPRIGERATON, Sev, 13 Gmic ta, SUS fier The, Commercial Building, 286 King) QUALITY CARPENTRY SPRING CLEAN-UP 40 King St. E 728-4678 | SUBWAY TRAILER PARK |i, furniture, only $299. Inc. complete also Enterprise stove, "30 Inches, Best tl eeu os Hpi Ln ig ty Aa lg Hag & GENERAL REPAIRS @ Plonting @ Sodding @ 4 AND. SALES bles. Pay only $2. weekly, Unbeatable] coer: App 1064 Raving Road, Aet 2. | oii On Cccotnt oF health, evel for all your Kore improve | @ Top sol @ Seeding ©. |----------------__-- ECONOMY AND valuet Baron" Home "Futnshings, at QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY TEXTS -- Capa] 'qyl0@ On o a Sime je is! . Classified Rates ment problems, call us first @ Evergreens @ Grading @ FIRST and SECOND DELUXE mae pee BA es wa BUY "sell_and exenange used Tarai | WACHUT WRITING DESK wih oo 5 725-8576 @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- MORTGAGES Priced to suit your budget ture or anything you have, The City drawers and safety glass top, and chair. S. HUSSEL. WORD AD: #24 words, $1.08 gross @ Complete landscap- TERMS ARRANGED | Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street!Call 723-2510 . ' stromal words, sac, each; "3. con-| Then have @ talk with our ing @ Fertilizers -- All Classes -- Parts "ond Accessories South, 723-1671, CHEST OF DRAWERS, $35.; double bed) RR? C Highwoy 35 ry 5 * f : : ME or ea ee eee ees, * ar = 4 ¥ omeron, ighwey secutive insertions of 24 words, $2.88, customers 723-9020 -- City, Rural, Vacation -- OSHAWA ov TYPEWRITER, standard, $30.; portable,|and mattress, $25. Call 723-2866. ' y h, ci Sa EannE Eee ---- -- ¢ ,eal for: $30.; add achine, $20; ¢ tometer, - * -- mls edaitione| words, af 24 words, $5.04;|CARPENTER, Rec. rooms, elterations,| HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING SUMMERLAND Eulthoelzad Dealers, for lelectric typewriter, 2total cash register, | MAN'S MOOSE HIDE coat, indian made, secutive insertion: : ieee pen" : . ~ SUPPLY LIMITED Citat @ Glendett 4 size 42-44, Ideal for hunter or fisherman, | additional words 21¢. each. ic, tres marliatet, Phone collect "Don", Bloor St. East | SECURITIES LIMITED e@ tfation @ Giencette | sas 723-4434 5 _____|$50, Telephone 655-3879. NEW! NEW! ditional eharge LA ck Sah ald. Mo sed OSL cae ig Roe TAUNTON RD. E. | @ Corsair @ Rambler |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free. ITV ANTENNA 7 --- sorenk Dee A coin-op car wash vending route, Eharge--10 per cent additiona' COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS| | 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 F ER | Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you|! gel foators reconditioned; Made possible by The Kleen King a paid within 8 days. |done Ww your satisfaction. Call Oshawa} LANDSCAPING ae aun Gechae ac a Just East of Ritson | @ Truck Campers purchase from Western Oil Co, 725-1212.| om $29. Trio Television. 728-5143 corner! portable coin-op car wash (dott Home Improvements, 5 | 4 FIRST SECOND mortgages aval e za ersten 2 ise par ons yourself) machine. Mach Methed of canting Lae See ROSHING. Fel lav Gat qravall whingies | with stone. Patios, a fee able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings [BABY Seay tee, Cocringee ae Fe DEFROST-O-MATIC refrigerator, excel| be placed on a concession basis ianet eee abbreviation counts| repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H.| Steps, retaining walls. Free | street aah elt cn = pens $9.88, chrome high chair $10.88,|/¢M! Condition, $175. Telephone 725-8810. or, fervice station lots, porking gg Bord: 'phone number counts|Roofing and Construction. 725-6937 | estimates PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for COOK | KI motorcycle, 1966 Brand new, SERVICE STATION, Must sell, Can finance. Telephone! 728-1203. j 725-68 | rcersere terete ad -_ aateceeenteninitntetgeeintnincinnteneeninareets | | estimates. A. C. Woods, 728-3420 or|mates. 723-9020 | 723-4191, ' Lah chide diate mpleics DEADLINES 728-4717, ------| HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED |? _Highway, six miles east of Oshawa. | ERIGiDAIRE refrigerator, excellent con-| N , | % =| lots, shopping plazas, coin Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street, |WEDDING DRESS, floor-iength, lace tauni 4 g m4 | einen | : | etd ld' Bs die sshd eh el is i ry lots. Profit up te 30% two words. EAVES TROUGHING. Free estimates.| Norland natural stone jal! mortgages. Mortgages and agree e TELEVISION TOWERS -- 30-41, 1-in,|S2@9.- 10. Perfect condition. Telephone! jar p\qnot ag [Guaranteed work: Murray Holley. "Tele: Ask toe Jobs [ments of ssi" purehaued. "Creighton TRAILER SALES Tae Won MeN ang alle alfy|?izams. ve meu TOMPO| oat" ony "advantoges ovr. the BIRTHS--DEATHS-- phone joryneny. lo ou | Simcoe North antenna installed, $50. (This is @ 40-ft.|GO-KART 580, Westbend high speed en-| acquire, no building te erect SOCIAL NOTICES ALL PYRE BOIL aes 725-7800 jristers".) sinners Tee VIDION =m: RADIO ipoat city limita) |structure.) TRIO Television, Corner Bond| gine with four slicks, clutch and disc! small capital outlay ver machina, $2.00 per insertion with 25 hi -- roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-| _________| FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale 723-9534 and Division, 728-5143-4 9 __ |brakes, $149. Before 6 telephone 728-3111.| | financeable. Franchises available, tional charges If nei paid within "|places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby. ; lee annie: barriers ar cia Mig ood 24 HOUR SERVICE ke 149-7994 | VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses,| USED LUMBER, ail sizes, in good con.| Write .or telephone for brochure NN MEMORIAMS 668-2774 CHAIN LINK FENCES -- [2%3, Henne. , 9 psy |brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213. dition, Telephone 728-8882, ond analysis of profit potential, $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Se.| MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Re- it | nb al wethine NO NEW |Fieming Vacuum Service, Main Street, ---- ~ ------.|_ Herbert Construction, 79 Seollard each thereafter plus 12c. per line of|roof, tar and gravel, exterior painting | AN A-1 company will give |Musical Services : | Pickering. el ____ | 9--Market Basket St., Toronto 5, 924-2181, verse; 25¢. additional charge if not cenent work, a blowing service;} you highest Say _ ad iho tes aa ee HOLMES SATALLITE 66 |USED STEEL STENO chairs, swivel APPLES -- controlled atmosphere Me | Soareee A-hour § 723-8416. } 4 7 ; 7.3 f ~~ a ic paid within 8 days. ee ceeiiiecinccens| terials end workmanship on SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, Ex- Standard: fate C1 148) le Mae 40 han We cnt Ai linioah GATE pad ROME oor Boatel, ay Soe In the Oshawa, Pickering, NKS FOR ALL YOUR home Improverents,| lowest prices. Old fences re- j|perienced, reliable, reasonable, Phone ~d os 1 . . $2.25 per bushel, Bring own containers,|;Ow™anvilie. Port Hope and Lindsay CARDS OF THANK: general construction and guaranteed work Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-1663, Deluxe with toilet $1,295 Hamilton, Raglan, aE ornate -larea for local distributor. Investment $2.00 for the first 35 -- Be ae Poanshio call 668-2179 moved, Free estimates ony- Birdeciderddeleebshedt : i eae | ae cai tees wean irchard, ickson Road North, !$7.000 secured by product' and equip. fter with 25¢. additional | MANS' Sica tiabl EE are TS "Everything for Trailers' | 4 % . ment, i ills if nt ee within 8 days. atin ge chimneys, ai types of ee tim 723-5377 Y i] | ocks $0. Also other sizes. Region, | 6 -- ' mS? Sg eat wiih te svertinad the na Cet work. Sidewalks, slabs, stoops rank! % Sayan ERED ' | a at aati aan. _ | 10---Farmer column tion, We train \ COMING EVENTS ants dieb telrlealadnlbedd | ALLY <Line LODOR. oveciecking Lake FOR PROMPT: SERVICE MILLER'S USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, tires,| 5S a5 -- ang ERIPPLEDlarmaioak [Ct 1, 9 cant be: voor om ey ae isplay); $1.50 for the| custom Hous -ONTRACT ~~ Eer-| MAPLE LEAP LANDSCAPING, Experi-/Ontario. Qualified nursing care 24 hours 4 motors. We buy scrap radiators $4; gens.,| ¥! 'arm stock) earn $12,000 and er year. Call coll pe ae eu thereafter cave benresnee Aaeuiieae Goren or enced gardener for lawns, gardens, | Reasonable rates. Telephone 942-0357. CALL AJAX 942-3491 | Starters, 6V S0c.; 12V 90c.; batteries | Picked pe hath id a eel oti 728-5387. ae fener? (Werd Ads). tile floors. Home renovations. Free esti-|shrubs, etc. Also nursery stock for sale. | : ' FORCED SALE of camping trailers. Four| >! 50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Str --_la7n, Tinehte Seek Pp SIMCOE STREET, wall equiped 7 AUCTION SALES mates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036. ame (Optometrist hitby--66 -567 [Hi-Lo the only fold- down all-aluminum|GUARANTEED used wringer washers,| 5. STRAWBERRY PLANTS tor sale pon. ant, seats 30, also st G00d « location, We , stucco,; PLOWING AND CULTIVATING. Gar-|---) trailers. Four Silver Liner common can-| television, refrigerator, etc. $34.50 and up.| i ' Sale, pop-| excellent Income. Telephone 725-8749 he- $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, be ht haggle Mig ill fg or larger areas. Call us. Free estl- Ei frie ogreay ag ae Simeoe | vas type. Reasonable, all in good condi-| Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-|U/ar varieties, $6 per 100; $16, per 5S00;|/tween 7.30 and 8.30 p.m. Ask for Frank, . r re tion. Apply corner of Solina Road at No. coe South, 723-0011. $25 per' 1,00, ?hone 668-4606 after ae at ate bs alah Rho at | ae 7 p.m. NEW BASEMENT, heated, approximate- D ADS we a --- | ORIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 yards and up, Pain Meninanse dD UR IIER tir RKWA HITCHES Str a cei Are Bost cher. tea at -- --$---- ay ats wauers vera with washroom, pri- Wor! EXPERT PAVING, 2 cent . + | $2.00 per yard; top soil, 4 yards and up, coratin | TRA yale pleiasacrsitnal bh willl cunadtal rail tesiahd Chale nina ceeds i Slare te ance: lots. of parking, shoppil 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS oes arcing che in eee guar-|$2.25 yard; well-rotted manure, $5. yard 'aint Hal vets TV TOWERS jalso all types of welding done, reason-| 4375. |11--Pets and Livestock plaza in north-west, 723-3889. ag P. ; fi RES | : antee. Eleven years In business. Terrano | Delivered. 725-0697 ROME eG er hanging, deci jable. Portable equipment for rent. 723-| 6as-pRyYER -- Thor, new condition.| COZY J RANCH Kennels, registered Ger- ORR RRR JOST AND FOUND se arion Paving 723-884", [SOD = Top quality. Bled end oursery.|0°. "Mow! Free estimates. Coll F.) ARE THE BEST ja0 Gat Sas. Bermbin Sto. "Fingicn tescc|man' Shepherd. pune Deouhe tar an 15--Employment Want em. - ------nnnnnencmneeenenm--= | Ereg estimates; prompt delivery. 725-| Schmidt, 725-9572. " |HONDA -- Blue, 1965, 150 ¢.c.s. Apply | burner gas range, automatic oven and/litter accepted. Palomino, Pinte pony.| --------------- $$$. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Carpentry | 3325 or 723-9910 |EXPERIENCED PAINTER and decors WHY SETTLE FOR LESS ! at Smith's Sports, 353 King Street West| four burners, timer and clock, $100. Phone| Ashburn 655-4662 evenings, |DAY CARE AVAILA for pre-school 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BT CARPENTRY haw Gnd pommialling| GOOD FIELD sod, leld or delivered. Spe-|'or. Call now for fast service! Free from 9 until 6 p.m ie 668-8491, _______| STANDING AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's| Nlldren. Telephone Whitby 668-63 a) porte h ecnie eee cial rates for builders. Call 623-5246. estimates, Telephone 723-5956. |59 14-FOOT GENERAL home trailer,| BIKETIME? SPRINGTIME! New, used.|Maple Leaf," registered Appaloosa, high] DAY CARE available for one or IN MEMORIAMS and . $6-8014, FREES any sizer" cedar for | HAVE YOUR PAINTING done now, inte By ee On Be sleeps four. Propane gas stove and oven,|-Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond point 3-year-old for Ontario 1965; son of| school children, Grandview, Oliver View. CARDS OF THANKS sci 5 ERR ND fates ie Lxtonay ag Tele.|rior, exterior, all work guaranteed. Free lice box, electricty. Telephone Hampton| Street East, 725-6344, nae Cpe ede ane, barter: mount area. Telephone 725-6718. © p.m. DAY PREVIOUS od estimates. Call Lioyd Simpson, 728-9876 TELEVISION 263-2574, YY : rapes sed furniture) mance stallion "Lucky Hancock. end-|/TADY Di Fark aa colabanion' Se phone 728-9530. 372 King treet West Bren ee > oi ae |BUY AND SELL Good used furniture! ing at Diamond M Ranch. Pat Milne,|+ SIRES work as companion te \Cartage -- <= ---------------------=---_ | EO LAWN ROLLING call John's Land-| EXPERT painting and decorating. Do it | EQUALIZER TRAILER HITCH, for mo-jand appliances. McNeil's Furniture (for-| Dunbarton 839-3779, jlive in, Christian home, preferably, Like CLASSIFIED DISPLAY MAN WITH one large and one small 4 R No. 1, Brooklin, 655-3866 |now while we have time available, Frée| Corner Bond and Division |bile home, $40. Port Perry, 985-7489. merly Goold's Furniture), 215 Dundas y andl ah ~~ | 19 travel. For further information tele- 1 eolumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 ¢ol-|truck, yards cleaned; furniture moved; |S¢@Ping, RR No. 1, Brooklin, 655-3866. | Sr 8 nee | 728-5143 -- ----------| East, Whitby, 668-5481 Pen ee Baty, sige bas 4 Lo phone 728-8059. umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous.)any kind of delivery. Reasonable rates.) TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or I'll cut ------ ae ner Pea on 6 * * a rr ----F59.; | training, ing strain. Apply Mrs, T. Hees ee eh ee oe | 779-1892 them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or|PAINTING -- Interior gh vo gh pay URL eatere eA ae Eee Roe Marine Equipment ee Mee anigan bs Lagoa 8 Teh Broad, 114 Elgin East. 17--Female Help Wanted TIONS AND Perea Rete Res ------ | 798 0610, jest prices. Clean work. Best materia' rebuilt, gua i 0 SHETLAND Wel <n emeemns CANCELLA TON TR ce an. for fie n 1 now! 725-758 rices, You're right, come to Raglan| SHETLAND Welsh ponies, three years | TRUCK and man, fo! @, any) es ns Jack Bradley can do it no Pp ig CORRECTIONS jkind of work. Very reasonable. Dial| GARDENS PLOWED and cultivated. Calllatter 5 p.m Service Coll only $2.50 BOATS and see, old. Reasonable, Telephone 942-1924. 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION 728-4047. | Ron Tiling, 728-4378. Bgreere reams TE Ee MOTORS white | apie, WELSH SHOW | s old. bee aS SALERRO ING, h . Do It now! FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple,, WELSH SHOW PONY -- 4 years old Any advertisement cancelled _before|-- : NOW 1S THE TIME } 2 your garden gala aay a UH Weatherall, FAST T.V. SERVICE MARINA & SERVICE joak etc, 12 inches and sixteen inches, |Very gentle! Telephone 728-6811. COM T Celie will be eharged one doy's| Dentistry | roto tilled and ploughed ready for plant-| 723-0127, DOMINION FACILITIES | Delivered 728-6852. ee EARLING COLT, registered hall Arab, pieoc'aiale HERONS 00. GOIN. Mae COMO ee rr oo Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer |%8 HP MERCURY outboard motor. Near-|first prize winner 1965 Mare with free BOX NUMBER RENTAL--50¢. Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa.|MAVE YOUR GARDEN Roio-ilied. call Plumbing and Heating TELEVISION a " lly new. Lloyd baby carriage, high chair, | breeding fee to registered Arab stallion Garis ay enilnever 'Will be as joint 728-5171 Brooklin 655-4936, Monday to Friday after |------___ BINS" AND HEATING SUs| 758.5154 9 ne OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN LTD. |excetient condition. 725-1784 | wus tne sven Jeannine 668-5360 week- , aa | es | . annem | R to. forward replies to box numbers to|B , . any. Olas, Teeohene' taeantin are er cr Harbor Rd, Off Simcoe St. S. |power MOWER Several places antique|cc went x the advertisers os 'soon as possible,|112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For| GENERAL GARDENING, ploughing, rotol Stark Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Engl. All_work guaranteed : Follow The Signs. furniture, pictures etc, Hi-fi and tad ee apa eth eal filly.) We have an immediate bind eccept no. liability in respect of | appointment, 728-5842 or Res. 728-8441. tilling or cultivating. 668-3239 or 668-6189. | neering, 255 Simcoe Street South asiem ace emg © ores 723-8186 record collection. Telephone _ 725-3 69. es oe aes va ae 1696. pe opening for on e rienced oss «or damage ailegea iv G Sonn | Tae eer Cash an ans "SREP. Ade ~, = a eg ee ge | etn ennme er $ NY, geld three yea id, bri if ' through either failure or delay in for- Dressmakin | TOP ae oF te at ip ger al ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | CO OR ¢ 5 V 14ROOT PLYWOOD boat with alntoot spare CAT et oe be oN eee has ae a5 Telephone See 'oken. Comptometer Operator to however caused ig jure and also si Op 80! new and used materiais. Reasonavie! Nees Nef beter oy 8 Will take - hor: Call ig req » Call, a eed sscnbsiatot th Pree h \ et hi nations e OF otherwise. liqpnmman naoca rel | Kuzik: 68-2906 or 68-3900. rates. Estimates tree, 723-1191, J. Foley mpl tn Bh Mr WAY -- geod homes, seven| OSSist with the calculation of bsg aie gicagghrntd ;|/MODERN DRESSMAKING"--12 Prince] | Bhs : oa ts omes, } , | P., Dental Surgeon, |° p.m, Anytime Saturday and Sunday. Casson 305 Beech Str AWAY b = or 725-3672 after 4.30 p.m. - 2 "i he : : ; $$$ be Sarlassiias 'shad | . our incentive bonus poy- The Times will not be responsible for! street NOW OPEN! Ladies' ade-to- ; | rs ja = ; | HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE to be sacri-/kittens, six weeks mixed -- colors, % . replies uncalled for in 20 days. [measure suits, dresses, skirts, ete, cus. | AStruction {Rug-Upholstery Service Biaek ane aie Evinruge motors, "Open evenines and) "ce" for, Quick sale: Baby crib, chest | adorable pets. Telephone 7231314. || ments, Attractive starting | Telephone - J } and dresser base, chesterfield suite, like/ LABRADOR pup, black, 13 weeks old. salary, working conditions |tomers' materials, expert service, rea- |weekends, Marine Storage and Supply i H i | . Pine. ae new, refrigerator in excellent condition. 'i : REGULATIONS june Bria. @ NOW OPEN @ T.R.1.0. Television |tte: Brookiin, 655360 __|troning board, jumper chair. Apply after|cephone 723-9994. ss | snd fringe benefits, Please The Oshawa Times will not be re-| EXPERT TAILORING and dressmaking FINISH i i |FIFTEEN FOOT Mahone Bay mouided|S only. 394 Glenmar (top of Gibbons'BAY HACKNEY pony, gelding, 10 years} apply to: sponsible for errors » petition ad ladies' and children's wear. 648-6248 Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville 728-51 43 Plywood boat. Forty Scott electric heavy | Street). palit tines oe ace aay a Hake oe an aittor bate ase MR. R ANDERSON submitted otherwise than in writing not | -om TTY WEEE 6 1 du 3 + 'eee ioe reedy pony, in top lion, sound and : i for more then one insertion of ony | EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING = and HIGH SCHOOL DARLINGTON ne | duty tilt trailer, $675. Telephone 723-6500. |FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. re dy to show. He was raised by the IN . _ : fH. i PERSONNEL SUPERVISOR advertisement nor beyond the price | 2!/terations. 375 Poplar Street, Apt. 2, 728 \4-FT FIBREGLASS boat, 40 hp motor, Pee ses ter ee abies SoARaae aa eh tila Ne aly charge for @ single insertion in which|"" | UPHOLSTERY OSHAWA and WHITBY jtraiter. $1,200. 201 Highland Avenue.| mates. 323 King West, 728-7552. jgood action. To be sold under value. | | error cecurs. ORESSMAKING -- Suils, coats, dresses) Home study prepares you to s | "28-1188, _____] REPAIRS to fishing rods and reels and | 623-3430, Bowmanville. alterations, slip. covers, drapes. Fitting a| write Ontario provincial ex- 102 King W., Bowmanville NIGHT SERVICE. |issounsyon 40 HP electric motor, in|all Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- }------------------------------__ The Oshawa Times reserves the right | specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. _ arminations for recoginized 623-7341 725-8541 668-5830 [excellent condition, aiso one combination |ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west |12---Articles Wanted Ha Se oeeaere. roma 10 SPECIALIZING in Sportswear and Chil-| 'certificate, Grades 6-13. All a a bs or be throttle and gear shift control. Thoro|of four corners). sooo -useD FUEN proper classification. ; 4 2 CHESTERFIEL re-upholstered and re- wringer washing machine. Telephone |GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have dren's Clothing. Samples may be seen at 1 Li | 1g 9 one ONE RECONDITIONED 40-foot, Inch and 2 f home. Telephone 723-4909 : books and supplies. OW | styled. Free estimate. See our material A ] 728-6811. la quarter tower structure with double| YOU? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, We Tet te to, meee Hvis Sat 1288 i monthly payments, income tax for ee a ' covers Bic ae R E S SEVENTEEN and a hall foot Corsair | 8-2-1-3 aerial, $39.95. Telephone. 723.8131 | 728-4401, Psd ne . . order. alton phoistering, aries 4 ' 8 | me Mf ales ih "a "7 yaar MTL, Balti' ek sible for more space than that which Gardening and Supplies deductable. For full informa- | Street, 723-7212 | cruiser, sleeps two, fully equipped. Forty! FRESH HOMEMADE saverkraut, orders| WANTED TO. BUY -- Biitierg Table and WHITBY, ONTARIO «_| ------ : _| horsepower Evinrude motor, electri : , 4 ; : eens, Sr Pligg son Bld P| tion write | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish are Taller, Senate Gh. Telephone| 'aken now for future weddings and an-| Phone 723-7600 after 5. pum, Telephone 668-3371 vertising matter correctly, but assume SPRING SALE CANADIAN ACADEMY | |ed' 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed R 728-1801. | : Pig REY no liability of advertisement if any 40 Main Street West Free estimates, Credit terms. Mattresses TV SE Vi E fepaibisaniermieetatier | LICENSED HAIRDRESSER required. | re-built, furniture refinis shawa up- | : inaccuracies In any form are contained ON : ' holstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311. DAY OR EVENING 7--Swap and Barter size 12, Perfect condition. Very reason-| |Apply Bernadette Beauty Salon or tele. herein. amilton ntario ' ; is INU RSERY STOCK ee Ba ea 728-5286 COLORED TOILETS, $35; basins, $10;| able. Telephone 723-8940 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- {Phone 723-9471. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Sales and Service a tubs, $20; cabinets, sinks, showers. TWO METAL overhead garage doors,| eS, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee | BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST requir TIMES ACTION WANT AD Morn- ; i ings, its, i i : | 9-12. Possibly full time later. Reply ond al OSHAWA _--_Jascecy Ret Dem figs at Hacer oh Zeta sama) Urns, Punch "Bows, Bridal [ts 3 ors, s. H, 5 |and locks. Telephone 728-0741 w ; | 'ost ce Box 294, Oshawa. Call Classified Direct GARDEN SUPPLIES HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME ' ELECTRONICS Sie aie Fark Rosd South: 7207008. erecraie MANGE: haavytahy 'clock, ee ee ee Moke | RELIABLE BABYSITTER required ime 723-3492 up to 40% off IN SPARE TIME APPLIANCE WANTED aniall boat and motor Will timer, window, excellent condition. Rea : a | trade set transievers two-way walkie talk-| ble. Wedding dress, 10 to 12, com- Be RPO Pag ee ge ey | OSHAWA REPAIRS ies, range up to five miles, New, com iplete: *putcn "embroidered. Reasonable.| SARGEANT'S RENTALS MIDDLE AGED woman to hel ik | WEDDING DRESS, satin, chapel length] ]3----Arti |train, matching headpiece, bouffant natn 13 Articles For Rent |Mediately, live in. Telephone 728-2295. i base ¢ with children and light house duties. Te INDEX TO Low monthly payments in- PACT £V SERVICE plete. Telephone 942-2555. By ( Londicsvin sd __.__.__...| _ 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 |live in. North Stevenson Road ar: GARDEN CENTRE | ciude text books ond instrue- | Expert. repairs to oll makes iv. (83 CHEV, haltston with racks. See or/ 1965 HONDA Ninely, for quick sale, 4000] HONDA -- Suzuki, scooter. Rentals. i#9| Telephone 728-2002, CLASSIFICATIONS 1259 Simcoe North t Srsndras vou t6 achieve of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. DOMIN ION trade for car or? Phone 728-0558. a eg leah ll Pargelne| King | Street West, Oshawa, Telephone monn on Sod Gort asion faking ore | c J ions. Prepares y E ) rs eiuiceere oa | iI TONG FEIN MOF Oe 8 4242, ers for hosiery, lingerie from friends, Jesioma's Cohn Ontario Diploma by means | © ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ TELEVISION | (Cg Or See [eYane se tang Genta adn Bray ENTERTAININGT_ Fifty Te one honare/Seoneer,, Seta lr ies, sempie ki - Ba anita ati ae ee | i ; location only, Pretty by y ny. Lorcan Mills of Canada, Dept, 20, / F HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74, 1960, new motor,| 2" appliances. One }people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- Sportsman's Column SMITH'S of Provincial examination. ALCAN 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. | comp., sprocket, excellent condition. Can| Furniture, 444 Simcoe Soh [uate Parties, weddings. Bar. a be ea cde fea ter Hania ke 6--Marine Equipment } be seen at 71 Bloor Street East, $850. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re-| par! ing, 723- mornings. Began LF want lor planting to- '--Swap and Barter - TREE FARM For FREE information--write, | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | Die werk Guelaneed | [AUTOMATIC WASHERS, $85.; wringer) Hairs "0 all, makes. New Hoses. Phone/ WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, |p@cco, Experienced preferred. ee §--Articles for Sale i Cadi costs cals American School, Dept. 8 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawa | CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| washers, $35 up/ electric' stoves, $38 up, | Jack. Lees, 728-6956 reducing machines, sick room' supplies. |°_ ' farm on Taunton Road. 9--Market Basket M. abagh sas scnee ' All work guaranteed, 511 Dean Avenue. | dryers, $55 up; TV's, $25 up. All rebuilt; TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4o-foot tower| Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. EXPERIENCED waitress required im- 10--Farmer's Column @ Monure, topsoil, mulch Box 784, Oshawa, Ontario Telephone 723-0011 Telephone 725-0500. |and refinished. Guaranteed and deliver-| structure all - channel antenna installed,| cHairs, mediately. Apply 10 Bond Street West, . sha' . i ] 'card and ban vet tables, church Pay eg Praia | [ reat ~ ah ed. Chester Appliances, Caesarea, 986-|$50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton! aise runners. Cleve Pox Rentals, 12 wa. mn vite birch, 13--Articles for Rent evergreens, N rn ee Se Well Drilling--Diggirg WOR ES Me | Road East, just east of Ritson Road. | Simeoe Street North. Cail 723-2614. EXPERIENCED alteration woman re- Anal h It coll ome .. 10 AOE ses sere y machine specialiving| USED TYPEWRITERS, $39.; new, $48;|CONVERTIBLE TOP -- fits '64 Austin-| quired, Fox's Ladies' Wear, 7 Simcoe |B pet gol N vid hie 786 7983. DOC S SPEED hedges ree ne BY cece mga brand new electric pe dy.) tachory| Healey, new condition, $50, Telephone | Street South. 16--Agents Wanted ewtonville * AGB cit kkis sca & CUSTOM Street West Whitby, "Seb a5 or dee anu!| guarantee. Save $ $ $ with Bill Hamilton. |728-2376 | RELIABLE person to take charge of 17---Female Help Wanted : ee | is S Radackd' Sila ce x wena fee eM ee eee er eae TO SELL motherless home, live-in, three children \8--Male Help Wanted | MAINTENANCE J-AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en-| he . =" 2----Personal TWO CHAIN SAWS, one used, one new;|4' x 26" x 36". Coin operated, excellent | school age. Telephone 723-5476, 19----Male or Female Help Wanted | jrolling students for Spanish Gultar, by| e@duipment, chrome acc. feri- |&----Fe |two canoes, 14 feet, both need repairs, condition. Telephone 723-1131. | SEWING LADY for general repairs and 20-----Real Estate for Sole |. For complete maintenance ##f oF note. Phone 723-0511 der skirts, grills, discs, sliks, jone | haltton box trailer. Telephone | 194s YAMAHA, 125 c.c.'s, electric starter, FRESH FRUITS alterations, in dry cleaning plant. Phone srr 1 a" work at it's best. You call. us. tani ene Bas | ports Removal of superfluous hair | 655-3512 _Brooklin. ----__-| only 500 miles, excellent condition, $450. 728-5611. Cardinal Cleaners Ltd, anitor Service 24 hour towing, licensed Marie Murduff will be in |FLOOR RADIO, working; TV working,|Bay Ridges, 839-4066. | RELIABLE PART-TIME babysitter re- uit pili | 22--Lots for Sale We do the e do p rest. Expert work, # | -- : g3--Real Estate Wonted f mechanic. Open 7 days 'till Oshawa; May 2nd, 3rd and | {ler model. 197 also used lumber for) rRactoR--2 HP hand tractor with plow quired, days only. Verdun Road area. me an ra low rates r 074) Sa cae Abe ld ee A-1 WINDOW CLEANERS]. 10. 1600 King St. E. 4th. Phone Genosha Hotel |ceiling tile, good, used. 8 ft. planks 8 to| 270 'uitivator, $150. Telephone 725-074 26--Apartments for Rent 723-9903 VEGETABLES Telephone 723-6110. LADY REQUIRED for domestic position. Live in. Private room. Must like chil- dren. High wages. Phone 725-7704. r } fo "m 10 inches wide, beams 6 x 6, 7 x 7 etc.| RIDING _LAWN MOWER, new, $200. 27---Rooms for Rent © Homes @ Commercial @ 728-7781 on these: dates for. appoint 195 Conant Street. (House faces Douglas| Telephone 728-9270. 28--Room and Board Beamer -- Industrial} @ Window Clean- _ SOS ta Bd A wna 29----Wanted to Rent as - ment Street) -- ST RT Peep ease clad SAR TEE TL _......| GENERAL ELECTRIC STOVE, three- : ali P1104 as ing and Janitor Service @ Bef Y ELECTROLYSIS PRIVATE -- salid elm desk; hand|burner, heavy duty, good condition, $35 USE THE EXPERIENCED PRESSER required. eros fer Sale it) AM Modern Equipment and Ex- efore You Buy A 723-464] mower; fire grate) plastic pails; cross-| Telephone 728-8876. Apply Scugog Cleaners, 524 Cromweli | / 1--Compact Cors for Sale cut saw; garden tosts; various other ar-! oar" saaenininccae eepeinressivins-eitiees Avenue or telephone 723-1159. erie cot dati : i j LARGE COMPLETE SET of Stuart i Haein sh nS OE SORE a Nrue tor tele perienced Professionals @ Piano or Organ, See [SEWING CLASSES -- girls 10 to i8,|ticles; electric trons; small tables. 723-/LARGE COMPLETE SET of Stuart) M A RKET WOMAN for babysitting and light house: Sctukemehi Resae a | HEINTZMAN om, bale copavcres af ove toe Sings (far : brushes, sticks, etc., one year old, Ex: 35--Lost and Found FOR SALE Call 668-3239 Whitby R Bre eas at fon arctan summer rate y8-iNCH two cycle power mower and/cellent cendition. Phone: 723-0968 25-5443 rf 5 tage : a ; b! 2 --_------ - - Ris Seeder 36--Legai WE DELIVER FREE nen ie | Company Ltd 8 ahs jore Sump pump. New condition, Tele-|pRiDGESTONE motorcycles _(Daytona| Ul AWAY a tidy sum y renting that 37--_Auctions LIVER REE |ATTENTION! Housewives, cleaning win-| 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshowa |WANT ADS reach thousanas of interester |Phone 725-398 Speedway champs), Sales and Service BASKET spare room with a Times Action Want 38--Coming Events zs : |dows, storms, screens, Fred's Wind day. Take advantage of} FULLER BRUSH -- Telephone daytime|United .Rent-All and Marine, 555 King' Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put one te 39--Notleas Call 728-6903 and General Cleaning, 68-0972, | «© TELEPHONE 728-2921 [prospect every day. telephoning 735-2499 723-0444) evenings 664-6503. Yl gost, 720-8568. work tor you, keeping, 7.30 to 4, five-day week. After 5, telephone 725-8844

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