THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Mey 2, 1966 27% STOCK MARKET £ REPEAT FOR OSHAWA Donaida m0 2 a " bs juvan TORONTO '10:40 A.M. STOCKS Senn toll as Os a ek Distributed by CP Fwest 2000 13% 13% 13% Toronto Stock Exchange--May 2 350 450 450 Quotations in cents unless marked $. M500 14 124 A+1 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- 235 103 103 103 rights, xw--€x-warrants. Net change is 9 A ham T from previous board-lot closing sele. % 0 0 13% 13% 3%4+% o 6 6 MINES Goldray 7200 ny alaaavasio 10:40 Net High Low om, crys 2700 SB ae Y 36--Legal EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BY-LAW NUMBER 78-66 By-law 78-66 amends by-law 3325 as amended (the off-street parking by-low) ond the Zoning By-law 3415 as amended to require that apartment buildings containing 21 or more dwelling units shall not be erected unless 50% of the required parking can be located within the building or in underground or partly underground parking garages, and amends the Zoning By-law 3415 io regire thet pers ing ony apartment building shall provide certain minimum lot oreas in excess of those formerly required, and to require that no person shall erect ony apertment building unless 50% of the area of the lot on which the building is located is available for landscaping and to define certain uses which may be regarded as landscaping, and, to amend special condition "6 to remove height restric- tions. OBITUARIES HAROLD GOW age. She was married here in BLAIR -- Boyce and Jackie (nee Web-| Following a sickness of five|1914. 38--Coming Events oi oA Pha yreagenei bt A thankfullmonths the death occurred,| A member of St. George's An- KINSMEN CENTRE [ar osnawe General Hospital os 'Thore| April 30, at the Oshawa General] glican Church, Mrs. Gower was day, April 28, 1966, of a 6 Ib. 11% oz.|Hospital, of Harold Gow, 304)/an honorary' member of the On- 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS }fauahter, Sheryl Elizabeth, @ wee sister) Simcoe st. s. He was in his 70th|tario Regiment Auxiliary and a Todd, Special thanks to Or. Morris, nurses and staff on 4th floor. A grand-| year. member of the Oshawa Horti- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blair! A son of the late Neil and Jan-|cultural Society. N C) A( Sen haa Fain" sal ewe A id ette Gow, the deceased was born} Predeceased by her husband, 1 ed eS | 33--Automobiles Wanted [36--Legol Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer ond 'Save'. TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. No charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549. Rovert- Nichols. LAKESHORE AUTO WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid 200 Wentworth East 725-"8! SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. iron and metals bought. 8% Blooor Street East. 725-2311. 'OSHAWA 'ng PARTS -- Wanted cars wrecking. sale. 1175 Nelson 'itree!, Telephone 25-2162, 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE BROOKLIN PHONE 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding ' Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resiceving Automatic Transmission Crankshaft and Valve Service BIRTHS at Kingston and had been a|Alfred Gower, in 1958, she is sur- MOCNIK -- Mirko and Mary (nee|resident of Oshawa siiice 1922,;vivied by twe daughters, Mrs. Polz) are very happy fo Bagtet tre| Prior to his retirement last No-)John Patterson (Bernice) and N 0 4 4 1966. Weight 8 Ibs. 1 oz., at Oshawa Gen-| vember he was employed in the|Mrs. Lorraine Crozier, both of ° eral Hospital. Many thanks to Dr.jreceiving department at the|Oshawa. pocket ane fourth fioor staff. A brother General Motors south plant. He 2500 21, FA a He 4 Also surviving are two sisters, pf tlh a Hcl g 94 191 ld had worked for the company for/Mrs. Florence Wood and Mrs. Vee Bee Pg Dhl ig 1" 26 years. Dorotohy Collins, both of Osh- ea 3000 w Mr. Gow served overseas for|awa and four brothers, William C7 eae Wass four years with the Canadian|Snowdon of. Brantford, Bert oe a oe oe CARD OF THANKS Expeditionary Force during the/Snowdon of Baileboro, Ernest} Banktield 500 18 18¥4 18a First World War. He was a/Snowdon of Guelph and Frank Boe Ru ie hide Pe deo member = Fs Rae Snowdon of yao ; ihe Benim 4700 4s 610 60 tron Bay COME EARLY TUCKER -- | would like to expressican Church and Loca »| The funeral service wi ama Friends. "end. neighiors tor' their' garen;| OAW- ; held at the Gerrow Funeral) §1 Hawk" ii 108 108 --19 | Jollet gifts and visits during my stay in the| He is survived by"his wife,|Chapel at 2 p.m, May 3. Inter- Bralorne 100 ee aoe a Jonsmith, | pshawa General Hospital. Special inanks|/ the former Madeline Matthews,|ment will be in Oshawa Union| uncer H i Acncan |Scott and Dr. Treanor, nurses and staff|whom.he married in 1923 in|Cemetery. Canon F. G. Ongley,| Cable Kopen ere and Rev. horse, Fev: Fathers Glo Oshawa and two daughters,|/rector of St. George's Anglican peng Pes | Lines. Audrey Tucker| Mrs. E. Bergholds (Jean) of|/Church, will conduct the ser-| Camfio : Dunnville and Mrs. William! vice. oe Clark (Betty) of Oshawa. € Dyno 20 Regular Games $20. $150. Jackpot 5 Games at $30, EARLY BIRD EVERY TUESDAY 7:45 FREE ADMISSION Hydra Ex NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO Int Bibis T MUNICIPAL BOARD by The Corporation of the City of Oshawa for approval of a by-law to regulate lond use passed pursuant to Section 30 of The Planning Act. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to apply to The Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Plon- ning Act for approval of By-law number 78-66 passed on the 22nd day of March, 1966. A copy of the by-law is furnished herewith. A note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the by-law is set out below. MErs ""see BINGO St. Gertrude's AUDITORIUM DOC'S AUTO SPEED & CUSTOM 24 hour towing -- auto parts. Any person interested may, within fourteen (14) days after the date of this notice, send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Oshawa notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of TO-NIGHT Also surviving are three sis-| jters, Mrs. A. Shultz (Grace) of Toronto, Mrs. R. Kehoe (Ar- MRS. BERTHA GASPART LUSSIER Seriously sick for two months Mrs. Bertha Gaspart Lussier, Cdn Keely 80 6180 «(180 + 114-11" 11% Cc Lencourt de 21 15 ~@ D9 9 =I $15%4 15% 15% AT 8 P.M. Serviced by licensed mech- 690 KING Bhat FAREWELL anic. Open 7 days till 10 p.m. ; 1600 King St. E., 728-7781 (formerly Oshawa Towing) TRANSMISSION specialists. _Transmis-| sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. 35--Lost and Found such an objection. | The Dnicio Municipal Board may approve of the said leen) and Mrs. by-law but before doing so it moy appoint a time and place when any objection to the by-law will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection. The last day for filing objections will be MAY 16TH, 1966. DATED AT THE CITY OF OSHAWA THIS 2ND DAY OF MAY, 1966, L. R. BARRAND, ESQ.,° CITY CLERK, 50 CENTRE STREET, LOST -- Children's pet cat, grey and OSHAWA, ONTARIO, ai white, part Persian, fernaie, Friday. Re- ward. Call 725-6810. ' 36--Legal FREE ADMISSION _ | C. Morrison| 1958' Valley dr., died early today Snowball Jackpot $120,, 56 N \(Thelma) both of Kingston and) 5+ the Oshawa General Hospital. oe. 4 Pipe jean 08, | naBATH -- In loving memory of dear brother, Kenneth ---- GoW,| she was in her 79th year. : ly Reg. Jackpot 59 Nos, $100, _ |whe natsed"awey'May'2 ive, Cent/Of Kingston, He was predeceas:) 'the former Bertha Lanoy Gas-| €on! ee jed by a brother, Jack Gow. art, the deceased was a daugh- 45¥4 +12 si iene Besital harmonies or Se io ae | 'The funeral service will be ler of the late Mr and Mrs. Callinan 14 1\'"-- "a ae ee oer ee | * 'held at 3.30 p.m., May 3, at ra Mar. 27, Hall Tickets Available at the Door |--Always remembered by wife Hilda and ne ieiea waneral Chapel Giclee hag ppg ia morcve $20 Consolation. Good P femily. 1888, at Henin . yale itor terment will be in Oshawa she had been a resident of Can-| € Mr. SEEEST A ie A AROS IS AO NE BUTLER 1K deulie honey Oe Uniton Cemetery. Canon F. G.| ada for 53 years and came to Rambler MAMMOTH dear niece, Glynis Butler, who passed Ongley, rector of St. George's|Q.nawa from Nova Scotia eight) ¢ Red Pop BAKE SALE bel Aaa alle oa Anglican Church, will conduct] years ago. orate edge ane foew, < ey BBhy the service. | Predeceased by her husband,| Cop Fields Tea Room and Gift ee Sa Ss lyJohn Lussier, the deceased is| £0°,,e Wrapping Demonstrotion [Uncle Larry and Aunt Isabelle and Uncie) MRS. HENRIETTA GOWER survived by three daughters,| Cowich, dts Is Se CHRIST CHURCH hegae | The death occurred suddenly,|Mrs. Leon Lefebvre (Simonne)| ¢/e\arm We 1k Parish Hall | April 29, at the Oshawa Gen-/of meneth ncaa pri ge Daering 16V2 16¥a 16% ; | BUTLER -- In loving memory of a! eral Hospital, of Mrs. Henrietta) Dervelle of: Toronto a ; Wea igh Mave fm |Win parses Sramgdauanter Gyms yell! Gower, 221 Hibbert st. She was| Wilfred Villa (Sean) of Oshawa: "3 PM. jay At The memory of her dear wee ways in her 73rd year. ja son, Gaston 4ussier @ M, Will linger with us all our days. | A daughter of the late | grandchildren. a ore Srgries: Nomen, foo sweet fo'staye = as and Isabela Snowdon, the| =~ ger opvinatloh gad sed ; : -|held at the SCHOOL FOR BOYS ~ oe bel ina 2 Me aad further amended by wiggriy ah --Lovingly remembered by Grandma nua, tauuae uit cars| nome at 2 p.m., May 4. Inter- ceased was born May 10, 1892, SEALED TENDERS will be re- Sy aang es Ges caveat wagon ta sole: WOODVIEW Pe Seen een to Oshawa when 10 years of|ment will be in Oshawa Union|at Highland Grove, in & ys , ceived, until 3:00 p.m. "Apartment Building, flat or other building containing COMMUNITY CENTRE BUTLER as , | Cemetery. Rev. G. W. C. Brett, croft aren and. Was marren Ip (E.D.T.) on three or more dwelling units" dear litle: daughter, Glynis phil, who |minister of Knox Presbyterian|Lindsay in 1919. } WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1966 B | N G O |Church, will conduct the) A resident of Oshawa since Nos. 52 and 55 Se ee Wee sls aah Abs in Column |, the following words to the paragraph opposite passed away on May 2, 1965. DEATHS | service. 1928, Mr. Toms was an em- | TONIGHT-8 P.M. in Column II ie t terations to the electrical "Provided further that in any apartment building contain- ' : ployee of the Coulter Manufac- system in the decorating MRS. EVA MURRAY turing Co., prior to his retire- EXTRA BUSES -1 Molertic. Marchan' Marcon 8 8 8 Mattgmi 150 $15%e 15% 15% Maybrun 5000 20 2 0 Mc Adam McKen Mentor Merrill Meta Uran Metal Min Midrim 10% 10%4--1 LOST -- Pearl choker without clasp, in vicinity Eaton's Plaza, Valued as keep- sake. Reward. Cali collect Willowdale 225-4286. 4 2 3 2 3500 41 40 10 - 1188 250 «247 3 9 1" Wh Wht? "% 1 1 "ve 146 «(145145 15% 15% 154+ Va 4" BY-LAW NUMBER 78-66 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA being a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law and the Off-Street BOWMANVILLE Parking by-law of the City of Oshowa. ELECTRICAL BE IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED aos a CONTRACTORS by-law of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa by the Council ONTARIO TRAINING thereof as follows: D'Aragon %6 %6 1% D'Eldona 7. 6 OU? Delhi Pac 3 2 8 Denison a7 4 209 Discovry 210 «209 194 19 1000 # W W \- 1000 Toms, the de 3500 43a 42 . 43% Norcal 19000 45 42 4 North Exp 2400 135 130 135 -- 4 Nor Can rt 3120 2% 2 h--" Northgat 275 705 705 705 10 Nso Aw 16700 90 75 90 +15 Obaska 1000 12% 124 Wi O'Brien 200 186 186 186 ----3 Opemska 200 $10%e 10% 104+ Orchan 100 400 400 400 -- Paramaq 2000 11% 11 HN o=-& Patino 200 $114 11% 114-- Ww Pax int 6% 6 Pce Expl % 6 Peerless 12% 12% Pine Point 700 $634 6 63 40 $26%2 262 z" Cc 1 ome one, come all! Mrs, Eugene Day by day our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away, Where they laid our dear little daugh- ing 21 or more dwelling units at least one parking space " classroom and paint shop at Mrs. Eva Murray, a resident) ment. He was a member of for every two units or part thereof shall be provided: the Ontario Training School (a) within the building itself, or : 4 Manor for siX|Local 222, UAW. for Boys, Bowmanville, On- (b) in a parking garage so constructed that the roof or by Mummy, Daddy, Maura, Kathleen Ate ee S ib hifi pons ty months, who previously lived at) 4 member of Branch 43, torio. ana: Tergoee. lAprii 30, 1966, Elizabeth Bonner, loving|39 Albany st., died May 1, at) Royal Canadian Legion, the de- deck of the garage is located at or below the grade , NOTE: AS OF JANUARY wite of the late Andrew Bonner; de@rlthe Oshawa General Hospital. ceased enlisted in the 109th level of the site, or Ist, 1966, ALL FEDERAL (c) in a parking garage so constructed that the roof or CARNOCHAN -- In loving memory, of gh Py Mla orure sonn| She was in her 79th year Battalion at Lindsay and served AND PROVINCIAL SALES deck of the parking garage is located not more than 3 ANNUAL. q ur, dene meiner, Seale. Thorton Gar |Sym (Margaret) of Oshawe. Resting at! The former Eva Stacey, thelas a sergeant with the unit TAXES WILL BE PAID BY feet above grade level provided the roof or deck | in the First World CONTRACTORS "AND _IN- |The Cullen Funeral Home, Palace Road,| f th | Softly the | f fall, i , Ont. F | service to be held| deceased was a daughter of the! overseas not used for the parking of automobiles and is land- SPRING BAZAAR | ll we guneriend sensory shen all. Lil psa Hacc pprbhaatleg Caterae-|Jate Mr. and Mrs. Samuel) war, CLUDED IN THEIR TEND- -- and ~~ part » gio walls located above -- ahaha i | Ne oa eet your name, and speak of qui Cemetery, Kingston, Ont, Stacey. Born Mar. 12, 1888, at] An active member of the ERS. fifty sag ban teed pale a 8 ea of not less ti 7g st nt gal naa God bless you, dear mother, you are Tender Documents may be : 1 ; ' , 2: | * | Just one year ago today. | | » Eli th | ' --Sadly missed and: always rememberea|_ BONNER: Blizabe lof Hillsdale Placer zu Porc Pay 766 13 13 Preston 1100 $14% 144 144+ % Probe M. 275 28 28 Purdex 2200 16% 16% +e id 2750 $13.12.' 124 + 1% 13000 38 «36 «364+ Va Que Sturg 1500 39 38 38 ~ Radiore 2000 80 80 con | oe i oe 8 x Reeves - Bowmanville, she came to Osh-|;oyal Orange Order, Mr. Toms} Rio Aigom Bmns $254 204 264 F1M4 3 not forgotten. GOW, Harold awa from Toronto 12 years ag0.| was a member of LOL No. 2167; At Oshawa General Hospital on Satur- obtained from Room 6630, Department of Public Works, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, On- terio, Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, so thot it shall read as follows: COLUMN | USE OR PURPOSE Apartment building, flot or other building containing three or more dwelling units. COLUMN II MINIMUM PARKING FACILITIES REQUIRED 1 parking space for each dwelling unit plus 1 parking space for each three dwelling units or part thereof, provided further that in any aportment building containing 21 or more dwelling units at least one parking space for every two units or part thereof shall be provided: }and School Association at the Union Hall, on Tuesday, May 3, at 11 a.m, Nu Afternoon tea, home baking, aprons. Doris and Murray. RUMMAGE SALE for Mary Street Home |who passed away May 2, 1965. It's sad to walk the road alone Instead of side by side, But to all there comes @ moment "IN MEMORIAM When the paths divide. He gave me years of happiness, But he left me beautiful memories CHURCHILL -- In loving memory of | Bergholds ly dear husband, Frederick Churchill, |pAlways remembered by Lols, Harry, da) April 30, 1966.' Harold Gow In. his 70th year beloved husband of Madeling Matthews and loving father of Mrs. (Jean) of Dunnville and Mrs, W. Clark (Betty) of Oshawa. Dear bro- ther of Mrs. A. Shultz (Grace) of To- |ronto, Mrs.Roy Kehoe (Arieen) of King- |ston, Mrs. C. Morrison (Thelma) of Kingston, Kenneth Gow of Kingston pre- deceased by Jack Gow. Mr. Gow Is rest- (Ruby) of Oshawa, ling at the Gerrow Funeral Chapel 390 |King St. W. for service in the chapel on Mrs. Murray was a member of Albert Street United Church 'land the ladies' auxiliary of the Storie Park Neighborhood Asso- ciation. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs. J. Parson Mrs. D. Bonner (Margaret) and Mrs, H. | Tuesday May 3, at 3.30, Interment Union Sider (Jean), both of Toronto | Cemetery. the Royal Black Preceptory, No. 763; Queen Mary Lodge, LOBA, No. 97; and Loyai True Blue Lodge, No. 55. He is survived by his wife, the former Anne McGhee; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Gordon Phil- lips (Margaret) of Oshawa and a stepson, Sam Cuthbert of Columbus. 1 will treasure throughout the years, | Also surviving are two sis- and a son, Edward Thomas of ters, Mrs. John Naylor (Alma) Calgary. | Always remembered by his wife Annie. | GOWER, Henrietta Also surviving are a sister, of Toronto and Mrs. Edith | Then sorrow came and tears, Suddenly, at Oshawa General Hospital on) Pasay % CHURCHILL -- In loving memory of a |Friday, April 2, 1966, Henrietta Snowdon, Mrs. ape Pasig) of Base Patton of recone tae P oe dear father and grandfather, Frederick|in her 73rd year. Beloved widow of ir . ther a acey; ry e | Churchill, who passed away May 2, 1965, | Gower and ovine Naetieeg esa sone ec lg ansehen and jhe ptr Sele Fula u | = |Patterson (Bernice), Mrs. raine Cro- . He left us quietly, his thoughts un-/zier, Norman and Douglas. Mrs. Gower is great-grandchildren. The memorial service was known, i Fy F Ow jresting at the Gerrow Funeral git The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Deputy Minister. (a) within the building itself, or (b) in a parking garage so constructed that the roof or deck of the garage is located ot or below the grade Tributes To Departed j++ ~5" --Fondly remembered by son Charles, daughter-in-law Thelma. and grandchil- | dren Nancy and Fred, Alminex A Led t+ t+ # 855° Though his smile is gone forever, And his hands we cannot touch, Grandmothers will be published in Gt C Ollsds rear yard shall be in addition to that otherwise required by the provisions of Section 15 (1) of this by-law."' ! 3. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by add- ing as Section 18.A the. following: -- passed away May 1, 1959. Dad's smile is gone forever, His hand we cannot touch, Still we have so many memories Of Dad we loved so much. SAT. MAY 7th gary, and sister of Mrs. Birdie Broach, Hamilton, and Roy Stacey, in her 79th year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home Oshawa with funeral service in the chapel on Thursday May 3rd at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. Married in St. Gregory's Ro- man Catholic Church, Oshawa, in 1927, she had been a resi- dent of Oshawa since her mar- Oshawa for 15 years. A former resident of Ste. Aga- the, Quebec, he had been em- ployed by the Oshawa Board 4 435 435 200 $11% 11% 11% 214 211 214 73 203 2 18.A. Nothwithstanding anything hereinbefore or here- NC ols" inafter contained no person shall erect any aport- ment building unless the following regulations re- 'garding lot area are met: To ensure publication in this | éaniy ilanail In R-3 Zones the minimum size of the lot shall be: Special Editi \Joyes, and son Ron. 6,000 sq. ft. for the first 5 dwelling units or less Peet BEIUON | Je Street Ea regardiess ot the number of bedrooms contained in : stig i Mrs. Anne Bryant of Oshawa; a Stanweii ; 32 MILNE -- In loving memory -of my /|Resting. at Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral 4 * each dwelling unit. dear husband, Joseph William, who pass-/Home 152 King Street East. Requiem|grandchild, Frederick Bryant his wife, the former Mary Top-) 'ried ou } 27 27 -- together with additional lot orea for each dweling unit in execess ed away, May 1, 1959. |Mass In St. Gregory's the Great Church! and a brother, Clement Ennis,|Olnicki whom he martied in Ger-| (rien oll joo save ate a + i Telephone | Vand of 5 as follows: r | lost a husband with a heart of ld, | Pleat "Resurecction niery. Talbot of London, Ont. many Feb. 12, 1946; and a| Wespac 1% 1B OB Mrs. Reid is at the McIntosh-|cOusin, Steve Worobec, of | 900 sq. ft. for each additional bachelor unit Fhe "i | Who was more to me than wealth un-|the funeral home on Monday. evening M4 Decit w 380 375. 375 mie oo de 1,000 sq. ft. for each additional 1 bedroom unit 3-3492 switncst: tarwisil:te tall 'euloap [Sm ees Anderson Funeral Home for|Frankford, Ont. melas ao SCHOOL | 1,275 sq. ft. for each additional 2 bedroom unit With only memories for me to keep. Requiem High Mass in St. He is at the Armstron Fu- IND Gregory's Church at 10 a.m,|neral Home for High Requiem oe USTRIALS i PICKERING TWP. 1,550 sq, ft. for each additional 3 bedroom unit oe ens 2 Tene ek ee a SIMONI: Bilger together with on additional 27 f ¢ : * At Oshawa General Hospital on Sunday : oA j e * in- 656 $1158 11% 11% Sasled tides clobiiy mm - oa e - a rg pst ~ lot _ for | treasure still with love sincere, |May 1, 1966. Edgar Simonds of Osnaws|May 3. Rt. Rev, Monsignor Paul Mass in St George s Ukrain and ed a ge ly m in any dwelling unit (except those included as | |(formerly of Consecon) husband of the|Dywyer will sing the mass, In-|ian Greek Catholic Church at) aita Gas 15 $33 3314 33% ed as to contents will be re- Mg 4 'J Alta Gasw 225 800 Beautiful memories of one so dear. one of the 5 units permitted on a lot of the minimum size) in |--Sadly missed by wife Elien and jate Ethel Simonds father of Leora (Mrs. ; 9.30 a.m. May 4. Interment will 800 800 ceived up until 4:30 p.m. a dwelling unit containing more than 3 bedrooms, pees will Dats Hepurrecuion 4 Algoma $6244 62Va 622 -- Va Tuesday, May 17, 1966 by Se ue, jean family. Claude Ebbett) Oshawa brother of Harry } i ery. ie Re cha ee Poach pis | ee | ber Ga: oo saes: as __| Trenton and Harold of Consecon, age Cemetery. be in Resurrection cemet wi Tomeday, May s the minimum size of the lot shall be: 86 years. Resting at the Weaver Funeral) Prayers will be said at the|Rev. J. C. Pereyma will sing} Alcn Alum 700 saave 44 e architect . WwW. Rankin, 6,000 sq. ft. for the first 6 dwelling units or less re- A LASTING TRIBUTE li bl BME ye Bl abled Ain tpke 190 33) Church Street South, regardless of the number of bedrooms contained in Alm 2pit/2 120 Pickering, Ontario, for a each dwelling unit three classroom addition to Home on Tuesday. May 3 at 2 p.m.|funeral home at 7.30 p.m. today.|the mass. : For Permanence and dignity | interment Christ Church Cemetery, Hill Prayers will be said at the , we suggest : together with additional lot area for each dwelling unit in ex- iy Green River Public School, cess of 6 as follows: Plans may be cbtoined ct the ee ler. aa ogee STUART funeral home Tuesday at 8 | e death occurred May 1,|p.m. 1 pg Sod ae ean laa : eee poo | stuart, Ellen at the Sunnybrook puming . sity ch additiono chelor unit R ME RIALS | i office of the architect on 750 sq. ft. for each additional 1 bedroom unit Pi gs ia ti inci | May 1st" 196 Ellen Severs 'beloved, wite Staple alc dot load FUNERAL OF ee 4, on deposit 950 sq. ft. for each additional 2 bedroom unit visit the Pork Office. "fot the: tate Pea patho a lene A ot _-- foo ow Yeats! MRS, MYNA McCULLOCH i . r St. W. NH 3 A : ° : : AD = ft. for each additional 3 bedroom unit 723-2633 A. of Oshawa and Robert "A. 'Stuart of te ae ge Bed heal pos sed The memorial service for LE aot pl on additional 200 square feet of lot area for -- * sersaponir nics 9ns 8s ; pace gear TOA her Bik Yet atc late Pipes y ' | Mrs. Myna McCulloch, who died} pei) Phone pol : ie in ve Meg -- those included os one ae i April 28, at the Oshawa Gen- _ Bow Pred units permitted on o lot of the minimum size in a eral Hospital, was held at the| p7a7i D dwelling unit containing more than 3 bedrooms, Ne "2 $324 + Bi seetca"in the tape on tunsayiay| 4 The former Ellen Sayers, the Bow 3rd at 2 p.m, Cremation. eceased was a daughter of the A ' J rmstrong Funera! Home at 2} BA oil 272 $32% 32% provided however that the roof or deck portion of a parking 5. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by late Mr. and Mrs. James Say- p.m pie | 30 BC Forest 425 19% 9 garage so constructed that the roof or deck of the garage "Rev Ronald Love, a former Been are alee ahaa is located at or below the grade level of the site, or a park- ; : adding as Section 18.C. the following: | WOROBEC, Stepan ers. Born' in London, England, BCPh 53 10 $102¥4 1024 102) i 18.C, Land used for the following purposes shall be deemed | Entered into rest in Toronto General Hos-/She had been a resident of Osh-|,. 14, of Columbus Unite d| CAE .Ind~ 25 $996 996 98 co ing garage so constructed. that the roof or deck of the to be landscaped within the meaning of Section eral ee Sureay ay ee Seem awa for' 58: years, She was a are h conducted' the wervite| Gly oe M4 27% 27V%4 + Vo parking area is located not more than 3 feet above grade 18.A. and 18.B. of this by-law: land used for plant- Topoinkkay cousin of Steve Worobec,| member of St, George's Angli- ebansteg 'ie se hin ry Pik ee level provided the roof or deck is not used for the parking ing of any kind or land used for any recreationc! Frankford, In his Séth year, Resting at}can Church. Interment was in Oshawa Union Can Malt $202 of automobiles and is landscaped, and that part of the purpose and without limiting the generality' of the nh Meuron tas Ieee. Gecred| @redeceasad by her husband Uemelery. Sail Bad pen walls located above grade level are banked with fill on a foregoing 'shall include land used for lawns, flower The pallbearers were Alan grade of not less than fifty per cent (50%) and sodded, beds, shrubbery, trees or plantings of any kind, may be included as lot area to satisfy 'the requirements of private walks, putting greens, bowling greens, tennis with Requiem High Mass in St. George's C_ Safe 4pr $93%e 936 93+ Ver Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Wed-|in May, 1946, Mrs. Stuart is sur- CSL 25 ee) ; : e Scott, Jesse VanNest, Walter! © prew ™e Th + We? Pascoe, Grant Pascoe, Douglas this section and shall not be considered os part of the courts, shuffle-board courts, swimming pools and building. pool areas and playgrounds. Merce! contre Sxawa™tBryvived 'by tWo sons, James A. ers will be held at the funeral home,|Stuart 0} shawa an ober | » Deana lle cue A. Stuart of Windsor and eight| Pscoe and BAG Fee grandchildren. | FUNERAL OF 6. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by The funeral service will be Paar calnlinaisiouan adding thereto as Section 18.D. the following: t jheld at the McIntosh-Anderson SAMUEL STEFINAC 18.D, No apartment building containing 21 or more dwell- |Funeral Home at 2 p.m. May 3.| 'The funeral took piace yester- ing units shall be erected unless all the parking re- quirements of Section 20 of By-law 3325 as amended have been met riage. She was a member of|of Works for seven years. He St. Gregory's Roman Catholic| was a member of St. George's fare Ukrainian Greek Catholic) Petrol Place G His memory is our keepsake With which. we'll never part, | God has him in His keeping, REID, Dorothy Helen We have him In our hearts. |At Oshawa General Hospital on Satur-| Church. ; ae tical daughters Peggy,|day April 30th 1966, Dorothy Helen Ennis A Chure' an 0 ie rainian loved wife of Frederick C. Reid (126| Besides her husband, Mrs. po h t th s Hall Provo Gas 6150. 2 |Adelaide Street East) loving mother of] Reid is survived by a daughter,|/eague at the Dnipro . funy Rn | 2208 Mee NOTICE TO CREDITORS level of the site, or AND OTHERS IN THE (c) in a parking garage so constructed that the roof or 'i deck of the parking garage is located not more than | He left » memory we are proud to own, 399 King Street West, for service in the pA OF _LIONEL 3 feet above grade level provided the roof or deck So freasire him Lord, In your garden|chapel on Tuesday, May 3, at 2 pm.|held at the Armstrong Funeral/Home at 2 p.m. today. Inter- , DECEASED. is not used for the parking of automobiles and is land- For when on earth he was one of the fiowers please donaie fo ine heart fund.) |Home at 2 p.m., May 3, follow-/ment will be in Mount Lawn All ie i scaped, and that part of the walls located above grade ets jed by interment in Bowman-|Cemetery. Rev. A. Woolcock, Sudient te vucra Pasi level are banked with fill on @ grode of not less fifty LUSCIRCOASPAMT, Bartha |ville Cemetery. Rev. H. Dyck,/padre of Branch 43, Royal iT , A 4 Ll icy at of he | Daca SO) ond toed com mca Sma, goa mime oer Steet ated] Canadian Legion, eoacted the City of Oshawa, in the Coun- 2. By-law 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by Mothers | , Laney Gann wiles ot sem Losier, ei abi Anchor ty of Ontario, Retired Mech- amending SPECIAL CONDITION 6 by deleting the words: deat eg 'Greving memory of Bimother of Mrs. Leon Lefebvre (Sim- : Asamera 465 445 pag omy sg oy 9 - "to a maximum height of 10 storeys", . |Churchill, who passed away May 2, 1965./puruche, Toronto, "Mrs. Mwitred' Vils| MRS, FREDERICK C. REID = vos: 1 Estee Me ag x are e 3rd day o ond substituting therefor the following: | |(Jean), Oshawa and Gaston Lussier, in| 'The death occurred April 30,| The death occurre: ay 1, February, 196 i "wi icti " an . Resting at the Armst : $6 file prosk eg tb att ne a, coli ie abba WN a Pi ean gop neu jper 27th year. Resting at tein tonerai| at the Oshawa General Hospital, |at the Toronto General Hospital OILS, GAS thie Unteriicned 'solicltoes to so thot the Section shall read os follows: Of the Gas ae Wad co re service in the chapel, Wednesday, May|of Mrs, Frederick C. Reid, 126|0f Stepan Worobec, 336 Oshawa) ,,\, apoio Fg ooo rds ShaeiAL CONDITION 6 His_ memory. is our Keepsake dt 2 a Interment Oshawa UNION! agalaide ave. e. She was in pono oe ag rary Calvert 2500 33 32 It 4 , oP i ith which well never part, | . s in his 58th year, ha en ete ° 600 310 310 310 --§ of the said deceased Nothwithstanding any other provision of this by- God hes him in His keeping, her 62nd year. belie : Cc Ex Gas 0 3 before the 9th day of Ne law, buildings to ia wacked bs wy RS, Ret oe Ee We have him in our hearts." MURRAY, EVA The former Dorothy Helen En-|seriously sick for four weeks.| ¢ Gridol!, zan 430 4s 450 1966, after which date the districts to which this condition applies may be erected |zrAlways remembered by daughter entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-/nis, the deceased was a daugh- A som. of the ete Als ~~ Cin Sup las sare ti tite said Executor will proceed to without any restrictions on height, provided however, that eee eee and Bonne Sf andchil-| eral Hospital_on Sunday, May Ist, 1966,/ter of the late James E. and|Maria Worobec, the deceased) Cent Dei 125 siiva 114 114 distribute the said estate, on additional. five feet (5') of rear yard shall be required ; Daa Fg ar ad Pale pe Annie Ennis\.Born near Orillia, Was born Jan 6. 1911, in the) Dome Pete a eras? ee t 4 having regard only to the for each storey in excess of five storeys which additional i | MILNE <<In loving memory ainer (Margaret) Toronto, Mrs. H. Sider|she received her education at|Ukraine. A resident of Canada minim -- of which he shall then The Oshawa Times (sear dad, Joseph William Milne, who|(Jean Toronto, Edward Thomas, Call Warminster, Ont. for 17 years he had lived in 435 ove notice. DATED at Oshowa this 14th day of April, 1966. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH & VICTOR, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. | So MeSH sic ai licitors for John Murray Ve o Poon 91 Oilles, exécutor of the said in hér 42nd vear.! mn Mr. Worohee is survived hy 100) 19100 157 155 157? + Estate. The Oshawa Times Classified Dept. Before NOON TTHURS., MAY 5th Alm 2p 4% 220 Anthes A Anthes Bp Arg C Ppr Asbestos C Atl Sugar Atl Sug A Bank Mont Bath P Lowest or ony tender not necessorily accepted. included as landscaped area to satisfy the require- , ments of this section. Signed: L. Johnston, Secretary, Pickering T.S.A. No. You Are One of the Thousands Who Read TIMES LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 7. No part of this by-law shall come into force without the 24 ae approval of The Ontario Municipal Board but subject thereto eh Neo this by-law shall take effect from the date of its passing. By-law read a first time this 22nd day of March, 1966. By-law read a second time this 22nd day of March, 1966 By-law read a third time and finally passed this 22nd day of March, 1966. LYMAN A, GIFFORD L. R. BARRAND, | MAYOR CLERK 4. By-low 3415 as amended is hereby further amended by adding thereto as Section 18.B. the following: : 18.B. Nothwithstanding anything herinafter or herinbefore Classified ACTION ADS sang wie Gn ver ce tei an EVERY DAY the lot is landscaped, provided however that 'the roof or deck portion of a parking garage so con- structed thot the roof or deck of the the garage is located at or below the grade level of the site, if the roof or deck portion is landscaped or a parking gorage so constructed that the roof or deck area of the parking garage is located ngt more than 3 feet above grade level provided the roof or deck is not used for the parking of automobiles ond is land- scaped, and thot part of the walls located above grode -level ore banked with fill on a grade of not hess thon fifty per cept (50%) and sodded mav be Cimp BkC Cind GO CPR CPR Pr Cdn Pet C. Refract Caribben 1000-200 «200 «200 Chemcell $144 1444 144+ Chrysler 8 Clairtone $12. 11% 12 + % C Savings 0$i4 4 ee Col Cell $72 7% Th Col Cell pr $22% 22% 22% Con Bidg 190 190 190 --S* |The service will be followed by|day at Holy Cross Church of |cremation. The Venerable Arch-|Samuel Stepinac who lived at |deacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector|241 Eulalie ave. ' jof Christ Memorial Anglican], Mr. Stepinac, who was in his |Church, will conduct the ser-|70th year, died on April 26 at the l vice, |Oshawa General Hospital. High Requierh Mass was sung at Holy AMON TOMS Cross Church by Father F. : , Following a short sickness the|Smythe. Burial was in Resur- eon Penge pi pias ea |death occurred, April 29, at the|rection Cemetery. Con Gas $15% 15%. 15% Coronatn 180 180 180 Crestbrk $52 5\a 5a Cygnus A 440 «440 Distl 'Seag $35V2 35a 35\e D Bridge $24Va 24 24Ve D Can Gen $65 (6545 TO PLACE AN AD Telephone 723-3492 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. | Saturday till 12:00 P.M. | Kindness beyond Price, yet | within reach of all. | GERROW a u ! ! Ab ;Oshawa. General Hospital, of} Pallbearers were: Mike Karas FUNERAL CHAPEL Amon Toms, 97 Cveen st. He!'vn Plave"*). "ten Zubka- 390 KING STREET WEST [was in his 74th year, viich, Ivan Sab. ,ic, Joseph Telephone 728-6226 | & son of the date Mr. and|Domitrovic and Peter Klasan. el ee ee ee