Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 May 1966, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Mey 2, 1966 20--Real Estote for Sale |20e---Summer Properties |25---Houses for Kent 26---Apartments for Rent 20---Apartments for Kent Z6---Apartments for Rent |30------Automobiles for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 26--Resl Estate for Sale EITH CDC PETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST REALTOR APARTMENT FOR RENT -- stove, fridge, hydro included, 2 children welcome, 2 elevators and bal- cony. WHITBY -- Modern six yeor old brick bungalow, with 3 bedrooms, 3 finished rooms in the basement, beautifully landscaped. Asking $17,500. HAMPTON -- 6 room home in good condition with lorge modern kitchen, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, smal! born, gar- age, nice lot with trees. Ask- ing $11,900 NORTH END Modern 6 room home in nice clean con- dition, forced air oi! heat- ing, aluminum storms, back yord with trees, Asking $12,- 900. $650.00 DOWN -- Inspect this ebautiful two acre pro- perty with fast flowing trout stream, a number of cedar trees and an excellent cot- tage site. $15,900 home, Four bedroom bathroom, -- heating, garage, nicely land- scaped, one acre lot, $2,500 down $1,700.00 DOWN ~-- Bever ley St. brick bungalow in good condition with forced air oil heating, room portly finish- ed in the basement. TAUNTON Inspect this lerge property with 8 room home with 2 kitchens, store 28 x 56 ft.. warehouse 24 x 30 ft. Situated on approxi- mately 1% ocre lot. Try on offer. GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. TO BUY OR SELL WE SERVE YOU WELL EXCLUSIVE LOCATION In beoutiful Southwood N.H.A. resale, 614%, 2 bed- room brick bungalow with fireplace. One year new. Large lot. Spotless condition. $15,995, Call 723-8144. HIS LOSS YOUR GAIN Owner must sell and is of- fering this clean 2 bedroom home for only $10,050. This bungalow has new aluminum | siding. Big backyard within easy walking distance of South Plant. Phone today on this one 723-7144. PRICED very reasonably at only $14,900. This 4 bed- room home is a real bargain. Attractively decorated. Nice- ly landscaped and has o wolk to the patio off the dining room. Close to school and bus, $2,500. down will move you in, Phone 723-8144. COME SEE THIS Centrally located 3 bedroom home. Hollywood kitchen. Fenced yord. Carport. Finish- ed rec. room. to offers Call 723-8144 TOWNLINE 4 bedroom, Outskirts of town on double lot. Electric heat. Fireplace in living room. Hos to be seen to be oppreciated Priced to sell, Coll 723-8144 N.H.A. RESALE 6% interest. Large lot fin- ished rec room. Newly dec oroted. Low down poyment. Call now on this solid brick 3 bedroom home. 723-8144 BUILDING LOT 100' x 150'. One only like this, so call todoy for full partciulars, Good location and pricad ot only $3,900 ONE OF A KIND In a setting of tranquil charm, architect designed and built This gracious 3 bedroom home offers o unique approach to modern living. If you are looking for a distinc- tive Whitby home, this is it Large airy living room fronted by a ly balcony. Ultra modern kitchen, finished fam- ily room with fireplace. Price $22,000. Call 723-8144. DUPLEX -- ear-old brick con struction. Full basement, private en trance. Large treed lot. Choice area. Ex cellent terms. For details contact Mur- ray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor nae pe Nate FOR SALE -- Private, six-room brick home, ravine lot, walk-out basement Two years old. 523 Brentwood Avenue. location Rossland Road East, Central 8 Sa : PRIVATE Unusual 12 room brick galow, large living room, rec. room, four bedrooms, two basements attached gar $8,000 to $10,000 downpayment or house. Telephone 728-5264. No age, small eens. a APARTMENTS? Large lot 100' x 181, Cordova Road, zoned commercial. Now rented as car parking, Perry Real Estate 773-6123. pee s 2 JUST LISTED -- Lovely three - bedroom three-year-old brick bungalow off Ritson Road, close to separate school and bus. Asking $15,200 with terms. For appoint ment call Elmer Fredin 725-2753 or 728 $193 W. 0. Martin Realtor, : FAUNTON ROAD West, four-room home, attached garage, large lot. Low cost liv. ing -- 'ry an offer here Perry Real Es t 723-8123. iL park like yard, one. acre lot trees, three bedrooms in too! BEAU with stream and and fireolace. 't's Real Estate 723-8123. 10 ACRES of rolling !and with two creeks and small bush. only 10 minutes drive from Oshawa. $1500 down will buy this town So Hurry! Call Bill Johnston 728-1066.) one Schotield-Aker Ltd MAKE four apartments here. Large dov.ic brick home, 14 rooms. Parking area. Good income home, close to down town. Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 $1,500 DOWN buys this lovely clean, eight years old, three-bedroom brick bungelow in North Whitby. Very close. to schools Just listed so act fast Call Bil Johnston 728-1066, Schofield-Aker FRAME HOUSE for sale in Oshawa Low taxes. Larce lot with fruit trees, Tele shane 723 Ltd ~ | Estate. Perry GEORGE BLYLEVEN REALTOR JOHN F. DEWIT 4 14 Frank Street Phone 623-3950 ORONO AREA, GENTLEMEN RETREAT, colonial style, mo- dern brick home on.35 acres with streom. Excellent pond site. Barn, Asking $25,000. Terms, BURKETON AREA, 10 acre wooded parcel of land. Asking ing $2,900. NORTH OF BOWMANVILLE, 10 acre treed parcels of land, located on New Scugog High- way. Priced to sell ORONO. Moin street, modern home. All modern conven- iences, Garage. Including col- our T.V. Tower, electric stove, fridge, draperies, carpet, all curtains. Aluminum storms and screens, Asking $14,- 000. Terms ORONO, Main street, 8 room ed brick home, all modern conveniences. Hardwood floors throughout. Asking $14,000. Terms. NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, part- ly unfinished home on 214 acres. Small barn. Modern conveniences. Asking $10,- 800. Only $2,000 down PONTYPOOL AREA, 10 acre parcel with trout stream, pond and beaver dam. Paved road Asking $5,000 NORTH OF NEWCASTLE, 5 roomed, brick bungalow on AV acres. All modern con veniences. Asking $13,500. Terms BEAUTIFUL TROUT STREAM on one acre lot with base ment, converted into living quorters. Asking $6,900. with $1,500. down OSHAWA, Adelaide Ave., 2 bedroom bungalow with bath- room and gas furnace. Gar- oge. Asking $11,500. Terms. We List Photo M.L.S. and Exclusive Near completion, new ranch style bungalow, large living room with fireplace, kitchen, dining room with - sliding doors, electric heating sys- tem throughout, two car gor- age and many other extras. This is the home for the ex- ecutive who has to do much entertaining Maple Grove: Well kept .3 bedroom bungalow, large gar- age and lot. Asking price $13,500. Terms Newcastle; 4 bedroom 114 storey frame home, new oil furnace, large kitchen, Ask- ing price $11,900. Includes an. extra very nice secluded 60 x 120 ft. building lot Orono: 8 room frame house new oil furnace, garage. In- come property. Asking price $12,900 with $2,500 cown Owner has other interest end is anxious to sell Neor Highwoy 35: 4 bed- room well decorated two storey 'frame home, big imp lement shed four acre lot. Asking price $13,000 which includes approx. 50 000 glad. bulbs. Low down payment and low toxes. Give on offer . on Bowmanville north ic 10 acre lots never failing creek very scen with large ACTIVE 728-5157 RITSON RD Five room. brick. bungalow large kitchen large tiled bathroom, finished basement and new gorage with paved drive. Only $2,700. down Call 728-5157 $12,500.00 LIST PRICE 5 room brick in good repair, nicely decorated, full both, forced air oil heating. Open to offers. Dial 728-5157 NEW BUNGALOW DETACHED $16,800.00 in "HARMONY VILLA" only one at this low low price; Exceptionally well built by Tonno Construction Limited. Brick veneer, hard wood flooring, factory built kitchens, aluminum door, oil heating, full recreation room facilities, low 644% mort gage, only $2,700.00 down, and $93.00 monthly. Coll 728-5157 for more inform ation right now ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street S. NORTH After Hours Call: Doneld Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlanc 623-3715 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lorne C. Duff 985-2728 Ross Davidson, Bethany 30r2 $2,900 DOWN home or trade your present LAST ONE LEFT A new three or four bedroom brick bungalow with natural stone front, attached garage, two bathrooms, fully decorat- ed, excellent recreation room orec. Complete landscaping front and rear. One mortgage. Telephone 723-6541 FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOWN, Only four teen nine. Act wisely, Invest in your jfuture. Call Stan McCormack, 655-3066 | Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Realtor FIVE BUILDING LOTS, in Newcasfie at 401, town water. $33 per foot. Clare McCullough, W. Frank Real Estate 623-3393 or 723-7843. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- Excel lent four-year-old, three-bedroom brick | bungalow, well decorated and handy to | services. Owner needs larger home Priced right at $17,500. Call tonight -- Allan Thompson of Schofield-Aker Ltd. at | 723-2265 or 728-2870. | SEMI-DETACHED -- Oshawa North, four bedrooms, with or without -- furniture.| Cheap living, low payments, Call today Perry Real Estate, 723-8123 | PRIVATE -- five-room bungalow, large kitchen, three-room basement apartment jlarge driveway, double garage. Apply | anytime. 1268 Simcoe Street South |SEMI-DETACHED duplex, three NORTH WEST $17,950 Three bedroom brick 'bunga- low, L-shaped living and din- ing room, fireplace with heat- alator, finished recreation room ond extra 3-pc, bath in basement. Large hedged lot 58' x 135'. Owner has pur- chased larger home and is very anxious to sell. Call Ir- win Cruikshanks 728 5205 of Schofield-Aker Ltd ATTRACTIVE, wel! built, split level, six: room brick home in Brooklin, Ont., with bed r a , and kitchen|'nspection. No agents. Located west wit aeaee conenar phil ~ mine pind | Shopping Centre. 229 and 231 Cabot Street cious .bedrooms, two-car garage. Also| 723-1349. other features. Call J Street, Brooklin. Telephone 655-3118 school. Large six-room brick home. Mod. WHITBY -- Modern large six-room oil-|ernized kitchen and bath. Large fenced heated ranch-style bungalow, situated in| '0t, paved drive and garage. To inspect residential area. Lot 60' x 206'. No agents.|C@ll Gord Chariton, 728-8549. Joseph Telephone 63, Bosco, Realtor INCOME PROPERTY -- Large eight DOUBLE HOME 14 rooms, 7 each side, room e in excellent condition. 'Paved| Close to north plant. Could be converted drive ten pareee. Quiet street Walking | 9 four apartments. Perry Resi Estate distance to hospital and downtown. For | 723-8123 details call Larry Andely, 725-4539.) SPOTLESS -- three-bedroom brick bun Joseph Bosco? Realtor |aalow. Larae well landscaned lot. Close FOUR-BEDROOM brick bungalow, family-|!0 Schools. Broadioom to stay. This home sized Hollywood kitchen, five-piece bath, |has many extras. Be first to make offer suitable for basement apartment, to sup-|5Y calling Gerry Osborne, 728-6724 plement your income: Owner anxious to| Joseph Bosco, Realtor sell. Asking $16,500 with terms. For par-|NEW -- three-bedroom brick bungalow ficulars call 728-5103, W. ©. Martin | featuring walk-out basement. Ready Realtor. immediate occupancy, large livingroom, LOTS -- We have two good" adioining | Modern kitchen with formica cupboards. 40 ff. lots in the Rossland Rd. area for tra room partitioned off in basement. Hurry, lots in this district are very 4 '1 U K lot with| Save $1,000 on this, the last one in the Hae kan cad Allan" thefemin" ott $2,700 down to one 6% per $1,000 down. Call Allan Thompson of | Subdivision Schofield-Aker Lid, at 723-2265 cent mortgage. Built by Oshawa's finest 7728-2870. builder and located two blocks from Sir astndle ---|Albert Love School, Phone George bun-| Twaites, 723-1133, evenings 723-2008. Car! AecP | Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street I or room fi galow on Adeliade Street West, very lote forced air heat, four-piece bath. ing $15,500. For appointment to see call! Delores Ross,, 728-1964 or 728-5103; W. O.! Martin Realtor. . 1 ACRE LOTS -- We have just listed | three good 10-acre parcels with woods | and creek. These won't last long. First! come, first served. Call Allan Thompson of Schofield-Aker Ltd. at 723-2265 or 728 2870 20a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent OPEN HOUSE This at Emerald Isle on Buckhorn Lake. Sixty miles from Oshawa. We ase featuring a complete series of three bedroom cot- make eee So AD weekend IMMEDIATE possession, attractive two bedroom brick bungalow, owner pur- chased other home. Asking only $13,900. Call Bob Johnston 725-9365 Metcalf Real new THREE-ROOM apartment with garage, tages this. year priced private bathroom and entrance, refrig-| erator, stove included. Available Immed-| $3,300 to $4,280 plus. the lately. Apply 25 Division Street | cottage site and TWO-BEDROOM apariment in new build-| Emerald Isle is a natural Io- ing, tercom, elevator, built-in stove, | cation for retirement homes from services, shaded yard running to creek. Beautiful|"ooms and two bathrooms each. Ready for S oft Pouwels, Bagot/ COLLEGE HILL -- Close to bilingual S exhaust fan, ample closet space. One ex-) For Seale and Rent THREE-BEDROOM house, newly deco- ied, South dis:.it; garage. Ap- ply 230 Ritson Road South after 5 p.m. POW - WOW POINT @ Year-round resort -- Pen Lake @ Planned recreation, dances @ Finest foods, oven-fresh baking Luxury lakefront suites, ca- bins and lodge rooms, $54- ¢74 per adult wkly, all-in. clusive. Write Box 387, Huntsville or call 705-789- 951 rent $145 monthly. Immediate possession. Call 728-9446. THREE BEDROOM town house to sub- let, $130 monthly, Children welcome. Close to schools and shopping. For fur- ther details call 728-3425. | SIX-ROOM house, quiet residential area, |Morth-west. Recreation room and ga wer a s rege. 98 garaen; television ar 3. $120. Apply Box 23126, Oshawa Times. EXECUTIVE TYPE house, $150 monthly jPhone 728-3962. | TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private bath. ~~ \Newly decorated, Parking. Immediate possession. Apply 136 Ritson Road South ir 728-8733. 1 gras on | BARGAIN -- Cottage and 7'4 acres | Rugged Lake near Coe Hill, Fully furnish ed, just move in, road to door. Inside con- veniences, gas, stove, fridge, pressure system. Secluded and quiet, excellent |fishing and hunting. Beautiful view of lake. Cash winter price $4,500, Contact Mr, E. W. Toul, RR 3, Coe Hill, phone 469W1, Bancroft. Gibson Willoughby Lim: ited Realtor |MOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, electric | inside facilities, fishing, skiing and swim- |ming. Telephone 725-2909 or writ | Maljac Cottages, RR 3 Burks Falls, |FOR RENT -- Lakefront housekeeping |cottages, on Sturgeon Lake, modern. con veniences, sandy beach, reasonable. Bow. |manville | 623;2262 | COTTAGE FOR SALE -- Large wooded lot. Safe sandy beach. Wired for electric |heat. Partially finished inside. Near Min den, Maple Lake. Asking $7,000. Phone 655-3058 \21--Farms for Sale FURNISHED kitchen and bed-sittingroom, Private entrance, parking, residential area. Suitable for teacher, nurse or busi- ness person. After 1 p.m. 'call 728-0933. MODERN three-room apartment, unfur. nished, suitable for couple only $65 month- ly. Available immediately. Brock Street, Whitby. Call 668-3549. FOUR OR THREE - bedroom se quired, family of five, May 15 or June Girls 12, 10 and three years 728-7877, '26--Apartments tor Rent e 1 NOW RENTING IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY LA CONTESSA APARTMENTS 1 & 2 bedroom suites FARMS and Small Acreages Buying or Selling? Then place your confidence in a former farmer who knows the District and your problems. Coll ALLEN THOMPSON ----- Repres. of | SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 E'egant Foyer Electric heating Sauna Bath Closed Ciredit T.V. Bus Balconies & Patios service NORWOOD AREA 100 acres. Good house and fair barn, $10,250. Norwood! area 100 acres. frame house and barn,| $9,500. North of Norwood, 100 actes, no building, good hunting area, $1,250. Hast ings, 50 acres, seven-room house and barn, $8,440. We have others. For par ticulars call Elaine Lee, 723-0396 or 728-| 5103 O. Martin Realto ONE HUNDRED ACRE 0 minutes buildings 22--Lots for Sale Pressurized halls Free domestic hydro & hot water Free Parking rent good | farm, for Free swimming pool Oshawa, 723-0575 from Telephone Contact. Exclusive Agents LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED E., 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac tive area treed lots Poved street. Close by public new high school ond nes PRICED TO SELL Phone 728-5579 LoT, x 150, In Kedron residential! district, '2 mile north of city timits Telephone 728-4268 j PRIVATE 10 or round open road awa near No 723-0575 LAKESHORE LOT for sale, 100' 150°} on Pine Lake, Haliburton. Hydro, good| beach, good road. Port Perry, 985-7496. | BUILDING LOT, 70' x 218 with 20-foot| well on property. Close to Oshawa. Phone Les Hall at S Hyman Real Estate Ltd. 728-6286. After hours 728-5513. THREE LOTS of 10 acres each with two creeks and bush on them. Ideal sites for homes or retreats. Only $1500 down. Call Bil! Johnston 728-1066. Schofield-Aker Ltd 23--Real Estate Wanted Some school heater 40 King St 728-4678 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON TERRACE MODEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 or 3 bed $115 up. 100° 2-acre lot on year Six miles east of Osh 2 Highway. - Telephone x Luxury large 1, room apartments @ Extro 4 pce. baths in all 3 bedroom apts Intercom controlled Two Elevators Draperies included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laundry rooms on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walking Distance of schools and shopping Rental Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 ROYALE APARTMENTS Corefully two suites AVAILABLE Sell-ective Sell Your Home thru GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 723-8144 50:5 95 95 9°5:5'3' Ss & 5:5 IF YOU SELL BEFORE CALLING US WE BOTH LOSE LIST WITH DON STRADESKI Realtor planned one and bedroom apartment 723-4651 IMMEDIATELY > SSSSSSSSSSSSSS$ WE NEED YOUR HOME! 63 King W. Oshawa Featuring the utmost in mod ern living at moderate rental rat INNNANDNNAUNARUHANUNY Service at Door ithin Walking Distance f Shopping Electrically Heated letely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Yrapes Supplied Mail Delivery to Ears Suite Broadloomed Corridors CALL| Bill Johnston | 728-1066) SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD.| VALUATION TWO-FAMILY HOME, centrally located, After 4 call NOW AVAILABLE Grenfell Square THE ULTIMATE IN APART- MENT LIVING IN CEN- TRAL OSHAWA Two Buildings Immediate Possession Starting at $125 and up FEATURES 1, 2 and 3 bed- room suites. Free Hydro Oshawa"s largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Extra Two Piece bath in al 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large Balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL INFORMATION PHONE 723-511] Exclusive Agent eee 8@ @ e802 &@ 802788 Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Limited IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON TERRACE MOTEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2 or 3 bed- $115, up. Extra 4 pce. boths in all 3 bedroom apts Intercom controlled Two Elevators Draperies included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laudry room on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walkiding Distance of schools and shopping Luxury:large 1, room apartments Retnal Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE. 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 CLASS 26 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Two bedroom Large suites otors apartments Stoves, refriger- drapes, wall-to-wtll closets in bedrooms, walk-out balconies. Starting at $115. per month. Central location Adults only . Call 723-6455 After 6 P.M PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled entrance Plenty of parking Laundry room each floor Plactic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Open 2-9 P.M. pool | FM music throughout Plus many more modern features LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON. ROAD LISTING & SALES NICK SIBLOCK SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. Ball d eeene0004 | | To Inspect Call: 728-5282 or 728-1582 Listings Wanted Patrick G. McDaniel A.A.C.1, Available May Ist 2 Bedroom Apartment Adults Only Grenfell St. 723-6944 | After Realtor and Consultant 723-2861 ~ BILL HORNER Can sell your home for cash. 169 Simcoe N 6 p.m TWO - BEDROOM apartment, | building; rent includes -- stove, refrig-| erator, heat. water, drapes. Elevator and} controlled entrance. Adults preferred.) |Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave fridge, washer, dryer free, broadioom in/ te living room, wall to. wall } Year round roads, telephone, Many extras.| as Telephone 725-9328 or 728-0123. | only 16 miles City of | VLA FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, de| Peterborough, low toxes, etc. | tached garage, flowing well, five acres | We ore prepared to custom | lawn, 12 miles east of Oshawa limits, buil ; Taunton Read. No agents, 725-4794, 8.30) uild your home bring am. to So.m | Your ideas and we will put PICKERING VILLAGE -- one year oid) them together Ex brick bungalow, on 75 x 200 foot lot,| cellent rural financing avail attached garage, fireplace, broadioom,| cable electric heat. Home in excellent condition on quiet street, close to schools Call 942-2084. BUYING OR SELLING, any residential, commercial, industrial, income, stream or farm properties: Please call Clare McCullough, Walter Frank Real Estate,| 723-7843. | COUNTRY LIVING Nine-roorn frame house with modern kitchen, from so fos able Direction to trorr Bridgenorth, Peterbe cross ugh Che mong Lake Causeway, keep | right and follow signs to | Emerald Isle | BB ig | For further detail contact | second washroom, oil furnace. This com Harold McGrath Peterbor fortable home is on an acre lot, close te ough 742-4234 or direct schools and shopping and within easy li 364.7471 commuting distance of Oshawa and Bow.| ane manville. Asking $11,500. Call Atlan| and Peterborough To | Tor | onto or write | Bowes Cocks Limited, Thompson of Schofield-Aker Ltd. at 7 Realtors 2265 or 728-2870. sana' TRIPLEX IN WHITBY -- Two one-bed-/38 MILES FROM OSHAWA room and one twe-bedroom apartments in| cottage, attached boat house Located on top condition. Large private lot on quietliovely treed lot. 100 street showing good income For details! Asking $3,500 down contact Joe Crawford, 723-1021, Joseph Bolahood Brother Bosco Realtor, 728-5123 or 725-2217, Fiveroom|4 ACTIVE REALTY LTD. 728-5157 WANTED two-storey, six-room brick, nN good condition and location for cash buyer. Call Arthur Weinberger Real Es: tate Broker 725-8851 BUYING OR SELLING, any residential, commercial, industrial, income, stream or farm properties. Please call Clare Mc Cullough, Walter Frank Real Estate, 723-7843 24----Stores, Offices, Storage WAREHOUSE FOR RENT: 9,000 sq. ft., loadina dock washroom FOR LEASE 400 30. ft. office ng. Truck 26 Russett nue or telephone 723-4368. | |THREE-ROOM basement apartment,| ing, Telephone 723-7370. FOR RENT -- heated apartment, central. | Bowmanville. $91 monthly. 623-3111. ONE-BEDROOM apartment to -- subiet.| Phone 725-0657 | |LARGE bedsitting room, kitchen, bath |room and storage room, including elec tric heating, refrigerator, stove and drapes. $90. Telephone Whitby 668-5447 YOUNG MAN to share two bedroom furnished apartment, In modern build. ing with another young man. Telephone 723-8213 after 5 p.m odern bulldi - | Rese rg and, Office. 8nd! URNISHED. bechelor apartment with complete kitchen, and bathroom, available} Sq. ff. warehouse|now Apply caretaker, Marina Apart light manufactur-|ments, 281 Simcoe South level Inading. Ample parking, Avenue. 725-1260. TWO-BEDROOM apartment in a modern five-plex on Lansdowne Drive. Stove and STORE FOR RENT, near South A and P refrigerator. Adults only. Call 728-5581 Suitable for barber, haridresser or office after 6 p.m. Telephone 725-0150 mee _ ' ONE-BEDROOM apartment, opoposit GM STORE FOR RENT, approximately 30' x|south plant, one child welcome, withoud! 5', plus dry basement. Good location in|stove or refrigerator, $90 monthly. 301 Whitby. 668-8807, 204 Brock Street South Cordova. 723-8009 TWO-ROOM OFFICE located on King Stre COUPLE ONLY -- Immediate occupan Nest. Unlimited parking $78 per month ncludes-all utilities. Call Harold Segan at cy, one-bedroom apartment, private bath 5. D, Hyman Real Estate, 728-4286, 500 For and entrance, $90 monthly. Telephone 728-4502, 1221 SIMCOE NORTH 725-9934 @ FOR RENT e APTS, -- ROOMS ROOM and BOARD Phone 728-1070 Office hours: Mon. to Fri, 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 'til 3 p.m . LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 55 BRUCE ST T ity Bloor East and Farewell, fridge, laundry facilities Adults. Available May 1 3537 TWO-ROOM and entrance, dry facilities 728-1965. FOUR-ROOM room. Aduits Phone 728-1705. stove, and parking Telephone 728 refrigerator, laun: Child Welcome. stove, Private bath Bus stop at door apartment. only Apply 645 Oxford Street TWO-BEDROOM apartment in new six plex. Stove, refrigerator. Carpet In liv. ingroom. Heat, hydro and water. Avail able July Ist. 636 Chaucer Avenue, Apt 22 723-5685. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments available Ist or 15th May, central loca tion, stove, refrigerator, drapes supplied. Telephone 728-5282 Two BEDROOM apartment, modern building; rent includes stove, refria erator, heat, water, drapes. Elevator and controlled entrance. Adults preferred Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave- nue or telephone 723-4368. CAVALIER APARTMENTS 1-2 bedrooms, electric heat refrigerator, drapes, intercom, controlled enirances. !mmediate occupancy. Apply 340 Marland, Apt. 111. Telephone 728-4283 GIBB STREET -- $104. One - bedroom apartment in modern bullding. Refriger ator and range in kitchen. Living room dinette, drapes, welcony. Near Oshawa Shopping Centre, Adults. Available May 1 723-2570 THREE-ROOM, No children, spacious Hi-Fi, stove, unfurnished ap: Apply 592 Drew Street, ' Walk-in closets in bedrooms} NOW RENTING COLBORNE APARTMENTS Corner of Colborne Street and Mary Street. Only 2 min- utes walk from Mary Street and King Street. FEATURES: 1, Apartment controlled entrance Electric heating. Private balconies. Refrigerator and stove In each apartment, Dropes in each apartment Living room and bedroom TV pre wired. Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired. Intercom in each apartment, Broadioom in halls. Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment Vanity in bathrooms, Sliding patio doors, Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Elevator service to each floor Next door to North General Motors Plont ond office Mail service to each opartment j coy oN AW AWN | | | | | wn > 15 16 SURE OF AN APARTMENT PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele phone bill. All other costs absorbed by owner SHELDIAN MANSIONS Immediate Occupancy Special terms for first appli- cants -- Rent now and you will save. Located -- 5 min- utes walk from South Gen- eral Motors. @ One, two and three bed- room suites includes every- thing @ Swimming Pool @ FM music @ Intercom con- trolled @ Mail delivered to your door @ 2 elevatérs @ Large balconies @ Model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co | Rental Representative on duty | Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-8261 Morning and ofter hours 723-6255 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE In new building, with posses- 129.00 walkout sion for June Ist, monthly -- ineludes: balconies, stoves, retrigera- tors, electric heat, broadioom | and Children welcome, Call $ D. Hyman Real Estate Ltd., 728-6286 oll utilities. 1-2 and 3 BEDROOM APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best apt buildings. Elevator service, in tercom. balcony, Available April 1st. No children under 12. Shown by apt. only. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 723-528) | COURTICE -- Five-room self-contained, | 6797 |rent includes stove, refrigerator, hea' |hydro. Quiet clean tenants only. No chi dren. Telephone 728-1086 after 5 p.m. SELF-CONTAINED furnished apartment, $70 monthly, one adult only. Telephone 723-769) THREE-ROOM apartment, frig and stove,| share the bath. Apply 15 Fairbanks Street | -- or telephone 725-2389 NOW RENTING WENTWORTH APARTMENTS One of Oshawa's best apart- ment buildings at very rea- sonable rent. 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites include every- thing --- the only bill will be your phone. Children wel- come, Model sujte open April 30th. Rental. represent- ative on duty daily at apart- ment on 275 Wentworth St. from 1-9 p.m, 723-8701 after hours 723-0362 Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Avoliable in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. (27--Rooms for | '64 PONTIAC CUSTOM: SPORTS CONVERTIBLE With 327, 'automatic, stick on the floor, 2 new tires. Im- maculote condition. Maroon with Sis = Op, velixe Cor for Young Swinger. ONLY $2395,00 Call 728-1641 Ask for Mr. Richmond MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid DODD MOTORS SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-942) KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars borght and sold Liens paid off Trode up or down Always top quality a rs Cars Bought and Sold 728-8671 men shift workers welcome. Stone. Telephone 723-9815 EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN two - room furnished apartment, refrigerator, range. private washroom. Parking space. Wash ina facilities. Close to hospital. Suit. two people Phone 725-4388. ELENA AVENUE, 24 -- Furnished room suitable for two gentlemen. Single beds, quiet clean home, near South Genera! Motors, Telephone 725-2000. FURNISHED bed-sitting room with kit chen privileges if desired. Central. Park- ng. Quiet home. Gentleman only. 725. 0782. FURNISHED single/rcom for rent. Close to Shopping Centre. Parking. Apply 368 Pine Avenue and Grenfeil Street. 723-5522 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for gentleman Call afier 5.20 p.m. 723-6363. FURNISHED light housekeeping room fo gentieman Apply 2°0 King Street West or telephone 723-5804 FURNISHED rooms suitable for gentle men, Apply Ritson Road South or tele- phone 7728-5068 SINGLE furnished private rooms, lable for gentiemen. *7 weekly. 728-8353. FURNISHED room, close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. After 6 p.m. apply 86 Cabot Street. FURNISHED ROOM for refined gentie- man, abstainer, adult home. Apply 272 Grooms Avenue or telephone 723-4790. ROOMS or room and board, downtown |o- cation, central, single or to share, single beds, parking space. Apply 48 Albert Street, 728-9643. 73° Glad FUR room for gentleman, with garage. Ritson Road South. Telephone 728-2191, tor gentleman. Park- ing space. Apply 109 Park Road South. Telephone 723-1830. FURNISHED room in clean, quiet home. Available now, Close to General Motors at 89 Oshawd Bivd. South. or telephone 728-0236. NICE, CLEAN cosy room. Suitable for gentleman. Apply 217 Bruce Street after 6.30 p.m. DOUBLE furnished room, suitable for two fo share. After 6 evenings, apply 343 Nipigon Street or telephone 728-7130. LARGE ROOM with single beds, suit- able for two quiet girls or young gentle- men. Day shift workers only. Whitby 668-6632. ROOMS for rent, weekiy rate. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. |MODERN two - three bedroom apart ments, two wash rooms. Call | 125-0657, 723-1996. ONE SINGLE ROOM for rent, for one gentieman. Telephone between 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. 723-6542 or apply 563 Ritson Road | South | ROOM for one or two gentlemen. A 605 Somerville Avenue or telephone 723. 1386. LARGE furnished housekeepi _.| Working couple or gentleman. App! | King Street West. |LARGE ROOM, suitable for two, single |beds, near YWCA. Apply 79 McGregor | Street or telephone 725-6721. | NICE bright rooms, single beds, central jlocation. 136 Brock Street East. tTele- |phone 723-9348. |COLBORNE STREET EAST -- Furnish- ed room for lady. Close to hospital and 34 room. y 194 downtown. Board optional. Phone jafter 6 p.m |WHITBY, Furnished room, centrail | cated, 5176. FURNISHED ROOM for reni for genti |man. Please call after 6 p.m., 728-3478, LARGE double room, central, light housekeeping. Telephone 728-8402. |28--Room and Board |FOR GENTLEMAN, home cooked meais, quiet, clean home, parking. 43 Garrard |Road (by K-Mart), 723-2786 ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, good hearty meals, 6 days, lunches packed Telephone 728-0960. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Appi | Division Street, SINGLE ROOM with board, in Alex, lunches packed, parking. Telephone 942 3043. ROOM AND BOARD for one gentieman,| available May 1. 38 Brock Street East.| Call 728-6075. | 'ONE OR TWO gentiemen, good meals, lunches packed. Telephone 728-4002 SINGLE ROOM and board for Very central. Telephone 728-0744. |29--Wanted To Rent _ y lo all conveniences. Telephone 668- piris | OR BUY -- Three-bedroom house In Ajax, lor Whitby for occupancy about July |for school teacher with two children | Can supply references, Write to Box 18873 |Oshawa Times, Whitby. |TWO OR THREE-ROOMED apartment. Suitable for working mother and child. -|Bond East area. Phone after 5 p.m. 728- 1 t, My Will take special care of your /house| jand property. References. \Abstainers. |Write to Box 22896 Oshawa Times. |THREE - BEDROOM house required.| 3 | Steady employment. Possession June 3,! Telephone 728-7493 it, Sale |30--Automobiles for edroom apartment in duplex, vicin-| THREE-ROOM furnished apartment. Close $110} to General Motors South Plant, monthly. Free heat and hydro |late possession. Phone 655-4726 after p.m apariment, "separate bath| APARTMENT -- 'T's clean, is new, it consists of large bedsitting room, fu! Telephone size kitchen and bathroom, We supply re. per jelectric heating, drapes, new stove, lfrigerator etc, It's yours at $85 |month. Telephone Whitby 668-5447. | TWO-ROOM Tapartment, furnished, amp! electric heating, private entrance, park-| TWO-ROOM apariment, with private toi-/Parking. Apply 43 Nassau, 725-5617, jlet, close to General Motors south plant./ THREE-ROOM apariment with bath. Pri-|- heavy wiring, Apply 157 vate entrance, Banting Ave. and kitchen, Parking. Immediate posse: over one-year lease $125 monthly. 728-2457. Available June kitchen, 728-0042 WANTED -- Gentleman to share, furnished house, north-west area phone 723-1840 THREE-ROOM apartment, ur unfurnished. Central. full dry facilities. Apply 517 Drew Street phone 723-8664 immed. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, dining room sion. Apply 235 Edward Street or 725-0438, APARTMENT fo sublet In six-plex. Take TWO-ROOM. apariment, bedroom and Telephone Tele unfurnished, private bathroom, private entrance, laun Adults only, $75 monthly. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, suit able for adults. Close. to downtown. Tele | "New Or Used 5) Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, G.M.C. Trucks FOR A BETTER DEAL ON 35 AL MARLOW 725-6504 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 140. Bond St. W., Oshawa ALL CASH For clean cars or trucks. We deal up or down, Liens paid NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from: Royal Hotel Whitby 668-3331 vs 1 owner. No rust. Terms can be arranged or will take boat and motor on. trade. Phone 725-1644 "64 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard. top, V-8, automatic, whitewall tires, front and rear speaker, backup lights, tinted Windshield. Telephone 728-5233. iv '56 CHEVROLET convertible, new top last fall, reconditioned motor, good tires, Continental on back, standard floor shift FOUR-ROOM furnished share Telephone 723-4508. apartment able for one or two children. $120 mont ly, appliances, heat, drapes Available May 1, Telephone 723-6755, Suitable for couple or gentleman TWO-BEDROOM, modern building. Suit included Best offer. Lady owned. 723-5387. 65 MGB, radio, wire wheels, excellent condition. One gwner. 81 Park Road South or telephong.725-0010 evenings, 5.30 to % to h FURNISHED bedroom, central. Gentie-| anytime. | pply | f '@ PONTIAC wagon, automatic. One| -- MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W, OSHAWA 723-6322 -- 723-8311 On the spot financing { | | USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make railers, also used tires. 509 i East, after 4, 723-228). ee 1961 OLDSMOBILE F85, four-door sedan, V8 automatic, radio. Excellent condition, Apply 188 Wayne Street 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard. top V8 automatic, power steering. Radio and many extras, Telephone 728-1489 1957" PONTIAC sedan, 6 cylinder, stan. are transmission, $150. cafe 50. Telephone '57 PONTIAC 6 cylinder standard, original mileage, one owner. New paint, Licence Hi92099 $595, RB Motor Sales, 509 Bloor as 58 PONTIAC 6 standard new cra ings and valve lifters. Licence 466008, $495. R_B Motors Sales, 509 Bloor East, \'55_ BUICK with radio and. good tires, Good running condition. Phone 728-1587, 1956 CHEVROLET two - doors sedan, radio. $150 cash. 257 Adelaide West, ae 1965 CHEVELLE Malibu, tudor hardtop, white, six, automatic, radio, tinted wind- eg 3 ig hai seat belts. Balance warranty. Excellent EA as Condition, $2,250, | mororcyc LE, 1964 BSA with "6 motors | in, excellent condition. T: | 668-4534 after 5.00 p.m. apd \65 CHEVROLET Bei Air adoor auto. matic 6, radio, Very low mileage. Used only as and car. After 6 call 725-3744, 1957 CHEVROLET, standard, four $200 or best offer. Whitby, 668-4575, 07 "6 PARISIENNE, V-8, automatic, power | equipped, white, black trim, black vinyt top. radio, whitewalis, custom wheel discs. After 6 p.m. call 723-1702, 1959 CADILLAC convertibie, powe equipped. Many extras $1295, a) Fords wa sound, $95. Telephone 725- » beare 1957 PONTIAC VB. Good condif perfect. No rust. Telephone mean 1961 CHEVROLET impala 2door hard: top, V-8 automatic, radio, LS, 'adio, One owner, 1965 OLDSMOBI top. An exce exterior and P | Dower options, Call p.m. | 948 CHEVRO! hardtop 327, executive car, 728-0884 after 5.30 LAT: Super Sport four-speed, a | traction. Many extras, $2,898, by tae $2,895. Phone Whi MUST SELL --~ 1962 Acadian station: |wagon, four-door, whitewalls, enaline |condition. No reasonable | Telephone 725-81 1961 CHEVROLET \6_ cylinder, automatic, radio, jed |dash, good condition. $1,050. gaan $1,050. Telephone 2 ELECTRA convertible, all powers ex | caleet, perch. Apply 1039 King "Wests |opposite Oshawa Discount H: i | 723-7430 after § p.m. sr ay |1965 CHEVROLET Impala, two > doo | pala, two - | eerste automatic, power. brakes = steering, etc. 6 linder, fe 723-3390, a Pesca abies GRILLS, radiators, all car paris | models our t His Auto pecialty, a jers. 723-5238, sph apel ant Neild 1956 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, standard, | matching paint and trim, 2-door hercton, or Condition, new plates. Whitby, 668- | 8 -- |1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, custom sport, | bucket seats, power. steering, 327 pel jard, radio. Black, red interi 1 |5as'e0s erior. $1,825, |31--Compect Cars for Sale SABYAN | MOTOR SALES LTD, | Volkswagen Sales and Service New ond Used Cars 334 RITSON RD, S. 723-3461 Open Evenings ZOLTAN AND NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service, 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 % VOLVO & PEUGOT %* MERCEDES BENZ General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawa 728-0921 '60 VAUXHALL Cresta, 'S1 Ford. Best offer. Telephone 728-2742. * '60 VAUXHALL, radio. Asking $7 best offer Telephone 725-7917) 1964 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition, good tires, private. Telephone 728-2316 after 6 p.m 1962 SUNBEAM Alpine, perfect condi tion, radio, new tires. Telephone 728-8893. '62 AUSTIN HEALEY sports, red, excel lent condition, Less than twenty-five thou. sand original miles, summer driven only. Best cash offer accepted. 723-0897 atter 6. 1961 CORVAIR four - door, automatic transmissio dio. Tel 728-9989, 1963 MORRIS COOPER, good condition, radio. Telephone 728-6580 after 8," "65 CHEVELLE deluxe, four-door sedan, Big 6 automatic. Power steering, over- Size whitewalls, discs, padded dash, back- ve. lights, radio, extras. Beige. tmmacu- ate, one owner ladies' car, $2: best offer After 5 call 725-4136, ead MERCEDES BENZ 180 diesel, black, forty miles per gation, good shape. Must sell. Will také older car on trade. Te' phone 723-2573, "61 CORVAIR, $1,295, automatic, 2,700 miles. 115 Barrie Avenue. 725-8905. deluxe station wagon, 32--Trucks for Sale '58 GMC 4-ton cabin chassis; '62 Corvair Handy Van; '54 Mercury triick 700 with 5th wheel; '57 Plymouth. Phone 725-2156, 1959 DODGE one-ton, four-speed, heavy duty suspension, in very good condition. $1000. Phone 725-8493 after 6 p.m. 48 CHEVROLET 14 ton pick-up truck. Before 5 evenings telephone 725-4149. '59 GMC half-ton panel, good ition, Telephone 728-9875, sprain DEALING IN Servi: SERVICES? An ad in the ce DI 1936 PONTIAC, in good condition, $100. Apply 645 Burton Road, ings extra Telephone (é bri customers a} moderate cost, 723-3492 to places yeur ed,

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