1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Mey 2, 1966 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire ..: Read and Use Times Action, Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--aArticies for Sale B--Articles; for Sale 14-- Business Opportunities SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT NOW! SIX YAMAHA TEXACO BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Shan | ) "SERVICE BAYS | SPOR'TSCYCLES | service staTion, e -- pin ai restaurant 20 seats, grocery WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL ipa a coi obs Art Been be Souste Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- Coles mo, con use r cor : : ' 7123- repairing, 5 ROO! Accountents Barristers Gerdening and Supplies (Janitor Service q L i: ; : oe aurrent oer 23-871) St carecdaieas oo oil ese WALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO.,|HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL. caLAE, SUANEO Wat ferevey alte os y é » correct castor ond comber, RO-DON SPORTS selling on account of health, Chartered Accountants, 36'2 King Street|MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 34' King aa repairs done. Telephone 723 our ber sane : slian foulh wae fencar 46 Apply owner. East, Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. Hall,| Street East, Oshawa; R. D, Humphrey,| 4/ 44) |2997 15 THE LARGEST . " -onditi 6.88 TALJNTON RD, E, B.Comm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA; ac; ¢ S. Boychyn, QC; W, A. Hillman, GAR F | CELLARS, yards cleaned; also sidew ARTIFICIAL LAKE nnn, eh? fA correct condition .... 6. Just East of 5 Points) dé Graham MacMillan, CA 2d Ne = sig vg BA, LLB. Office slabs and sight blocks for "sale. Call WORLD 115 MILES ihe 3 @ Ports extra if required Dise the swing] id of Ss. HUSSEL DE OC OH a a hd i Pere Zn > | 3 Kean Stine | OMe a senig we o ants, Financial Trade BUIIG-| cher first mortgage funds available NO. 1 FINE GRASS MIX -- |Money to Loan rn wm RR2 Cameron, Highway 38 ie aa ery vig' On-| of 3 $. aes a Hopkins, | WILL LOAN you up fo $5,000 at a rea- =e es Saree = CA; H. E.| ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, PARKLAWN GRASS MIX 2 ingen dace dels Wendie Cay E. 'Lukow, CA. BCL. Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Contre] © SUPERFINE GRASS MIX sonable rate of interest to consolidate | ra SA BRAKE SPECIAL Sewincy Machine Special pecan, Ml Gsnewe, Picker wate E, PRIEDLANDER AND O., fivatig appointment." Biel 990-1461 é SUBURBAN GRASS MIX your bills or for any other worthwhile! | //° pr AP = ' (most popular cars), First FRET? formica cabinet area for distributor, -onh tees fees n> Bankrupicy, sii simeoe street TIMOTHY & ALSIKE Gastar ale Wave' pest sual Teaeben Quality Royaline 'Value $79.00 52,000 secured by product " , : . . ele . North, Oshawa, 728737 Building Trades INDIVIDUAL GRASSES mo vr sh" oy 4-wheels ' with ory wane priced Elna fact 'With ts vernon tl oa eee @oRDON DAY, Certified General PEAT MOSS ' i tion, We trai in si Recountent, Suite os, Oshawa Shop- HOME SO-GREEN 7-7-7 Mortgages Pag tapes eae ee White E:Ina Sewing Centre|cess so you can be your sun 'hve ney ping Centre, 725-9953. SO-GREEN PREMIUM sues | ABUNDANT Pi ARE GORGEOUS WH EL B LANCE SPECIAL [18 Bond West earn $12,000 and up per year, Call collect Including weights per wheel 725 7181 726-538; DELOITE, "PLENDER, WASKINS and) = | MPROVEMENTS GARDEN SO-GREEN 5 ATin es: each 1.95 Rich, CA, RIA; B. R. Waters, CA,|- @ Additions -- Alterations | MILORGANITE MORTGAGE WHAT 15 4 Hh / BN eped SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT- ER Saag a30285 us 15--Employment Wanted Wanted _ Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-7527, = S| 3S @ Kitchens--Rec Rooms and CAL. 10-6-4 OVER ABILLION OLDEST ALi- ih ; FOR PEOPLE with income property 4! all your Construction Needs EVERGREEN 6-9-6 FISH ARE TAKEN AMERICAN GAME t po tied eae END WORK nero SUZUKI | Ealicens "Veiepiva ane eae pre-school bookkee| 668-6363, Income tax service tailored ¢ SOLF 1 AXMUALLY AND (i; At? garter All. mesdels on display. Im- i CALL GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 LOANS PROCESSED FOR ? ( lid gigs mediatir Delivery. Low down | DAY CARE available for one or ¢ ae oe GREENFIELD LAWNFOOD EVIDENLY WILL ; it ; hoo! y 4 i778. Party ety eg LA CROSSE. |? , Se iy Pg ceaet DOMI NION | Soe ee ee [mevnt aren chore mn pte spree PS BF J m All n BONEMEAL | COOL a es S : iy j S68 CLANCY'S Accounting Serv 'ise. SHEEP MANURE | Moneys available - for first es FERTILIZER: 6 ae ee | plete line of accessories. Open | itapy would care for motheriess chil: Comp! keepi ce, coe Beth, T5097, Res SF3 1608. & Sons C.LL. 10-10-10 and second mortgages, Open dts | "til 9 p.m. dren or while mother works. Walten Cit. &rRi6 | mortgages. No bonus, First | TIRE STORE Oshawa 195 King W. 728-4242 | Boulevard area. Whitby 668-6632, | | JOSEPH GUTMANN, ae eg Accoun- | ae =e i, 725-6 | 26 Ce GARDEN. Set ag con Ra Aig |Whitby 1 206 Dundas E, 668- 6642 A CERTIFIED NURSING assi: oer Ky BOL EUG KILLERS a 17 PARK ROAD SOUTH BUYING Cin" SELLING furniture or ap-| Nomina ere nterested in pacha ALSERT TOENAR- Chartered Accoun- | BUG KILLERS chased |Septic Service |3----Sportsman's Column TELEPHONE 725-6511 pliences, Call. Elmer Homoten 90 BP, | nursing. Telephone 728-111 , 4, Oshawa, 4 LERS ; oe PAR . | 47 Prince Sirest, suite 4 Omrawe! QUALITY CARPENTRY FUNGICIDES M. F. SWARTZ -------- ee ms nk 'aby' Besiner a a as = pa Telephone 723-1221. ise \SMELT FISHING equipment, gun" ll- oe on PTIC TANKS « cleaned. Prompt service , iia GUNS -- Bou nt, gold, ¢ trad & GENERAL REPAIRS WEED KILLERS 26% King St. East on calls. Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut Street|cences. New and used guns, fishing REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;\at ree Gun Thos: 18 Bond SF cemalces to travel, fer further Information. tele- Barristers For ali your home improve- OPEN ALL DAY Oshawa, Ontario | West, Whitby, 668-2563. ed Pina Valley Creek, 16 new smo th: op fpnttresses, $19.95; | 728-9731, iinet See Solicitor ment problems, call us first ay ee ee an pee hog Le 4 f 4 "ft a nurs fs fe deserts 'eanNenren ss Tansee)" Soames oF Monday -- Saturday 723-4697 [Surveyors WANE Maier evden cavers, atts rare, vere 9--Ma thet Basket U--tenele Hep, Wont East, Oshawa, 728-8237 ey Daily Delivery naar | DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|2 Millbrook, Ont. Creek, 16 Bond Street West, 728-4401. NO. 1 ONTARIO poiatoes. Free delivery. ae OOTY aay GREIGHTON: DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) Then hove a tolk with our Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints.| ¢ISHING BAIT ~ rms, night| CUSTOM PICTURE framing, any size. Also S€ed potatoes and apples. Telephone Victor, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries,| 0. et snere 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. *rawlers, minnows. Oshawa Live Balt Co.,|Call Bill DeGraaff of Clark Studio, 668.| 728-1306 cw 723-0615. PRIVATE Commerce Building. 5 Simcoe) | For Conventional | 459 Nelson Street (Cc f Wolfe East). | 5467 evenings onl APPLES" 'Osh: 3446; T. K. oT Og aI og ee EONAR AED H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land son soiree! (Corner of Wolte Eas VENINGS OMY. Peer "= Controlled atmosphere, Mc- ry Sdlgneesr " EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot! COOP ke " M | MORTGAGES | Surveyors, 112 Elgin Street East, Phone| none 728-3222 or 723-7112 FURNITURE -- three rooms, new qual-|(Nfosh $7.75 and $1.50 per bushel. Spy SECRETARY -8554; L. Mu includes grading and fill, two-vear guar-| * without bonus or | 728-6881, ------------ lity. furniture, only $299., inc. complete|$225 Per bushel. Bring own containers, Vietor, Msgs, antee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841. | EXPERIENCED j Algoma Orchard. Thickson Road North, R. Rec. | roor CO : eee _|5--Trailers bedroom, living room, kitchen ensem-| 4/9 ' ed. |CARPENTER, Rec. rooms, alterations, APPRAISALS TV--Rad Repai - --------|bles,. Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable Wiiby, ond girl friday eogiired for Zeaah AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici-| et timates. Ph ! "Don",| ee eee |value! Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 ae ren eee eneral manoger of grow GREER AND (eer et a onde Sg na jone collect "Don - id! Pe GOLDEN FALCON lay mes acala4 10--Fiarmer's Column pecan bs Whitby el 725-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer, COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS | 16 Celina St. | ELDON KERR ORBIT WE BUY, sell and excnange used furni-|DEAD .(ND CRIPPLED farm stock| experienced and have know- QC, 725-3368; Terence v. Kelly, QCrldone tu your satisfaction. Call Oshawa ; TV TOWERS ture or anything you have. The City! picked urs promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, ledge of shorthand. Fri Ler Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLBy| Home improvements, 725-9428. 723-2312 -- 723-1139) CORSAIR Yreding Post | Store, 446 Simcoe sree eee Selephone Collect Hampton 263-| boating nnd ited ringe cence ry. ot ROOFING, 'hol tar end gravel, shingles | EST. 1909 | LLOYD METCALF ECONOMY AND TRAVEL TRAILERS | TYPEWRITER, standard, $30.) portable,| SEED POTATOES, « cobbler and sebago. | CDONALD, BA, LLB, . TAME RAB and Notary Pub-| Reoting' 'and' Construction 25-907" : nes Real Estate Ltd. DELUXE sietiric 'ypentien, Sisal: con Tetien |e ee ee APPLY BOX 21596 Wear Bahco Ontarie, Chest parking EAVES TROUGHING, Free estimates SPRING CLEAN-UP AD King StF, 788-4678 Priced to suit your budget | SUBWAY TRAILER PARK |sas5r5.dtewriters 24otal cash realster,) OSHAWA TIMES lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King Picsiies i '11--Dets and Livestock 728-4716 or 725-4717. edd work. Murray Holiday. Tele-/ |-- ORES te si TERMS ARRANGED AND SALES FREED Furna i 4, adiusted ¥ rho: i) es |phone 725-9404. | @ Planting @ Sodding @ FREE! Furnace cleane h adlusted ree. COZY J "RANCH Kennels, registered Ger- litter aceepted. Palomino, Pinto pony. MORTGAGES SUPPLY LIMITED spilling? wany , DARGAINS. Carriages, $2995:/ Ashburn «55-4662 evenings. PART TIME - All Classes -- Ports and Accessories pens $9.88, chrome. high. chair $10.88,| STANDIWI@ AT STUD, "Lucky Hancock's -- City, Rural, Vacation -- TAUNTON RD. E. actrees | Wilson's. | Furniture, 20 Church Street. | Borne Skaoatcela Tor tern ters 7 RECEPTIONIST , ' # Son SUMMERLAND Just East of Ritson Authorized Dealers for: | VACUUM CLEANER lewyt, General El-|Ontario'y champion halter and. pertor- re ectric polisher $50; crib, chrome high! mance sballion "Lucky Hancock." Stand-| For Professional Office, Eve- ese ae 723-813] @ Citation -@ Glendette | shai. stole. Good | condition. wre Ranch. "Pat Mline,| ings and Saturday mornings, imcoe St ans bos than 26 ROOFING « aan i all types of | cement LANDSCAPING _ FIRST AND SECOND mortgages vail Methed ef Counting -- Less work Sidewalks, slabs, stoops ran e chatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Din rte i } Lie oe Blond words counts as 24 words; gach word, McCann, RR is Oshawa 6553061. with stone. Patios, anys | Street _North, Whitby 668-3338 | TELEVIS| ADI Parts-Service-Hitches-Awnings [ana tains 0 Hal Corner Bond | SaETLAIND 7 Webi tenia Wass aie telephone number te nie ee Se ase cout CUSTOM HOUSE CONTRACTING. Cer- pir wcities walls. Free | PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies jor| ON --R O COOK isek HONDA BO CO. Jaa like few are | weitere ae Telephone 942-1924, BOX 18867 ; phone nui amic bathrooms, Armstrong Corlon or esti : jall mortgages ortgages and agree-| | SHOW PONY -- 4 years old. ee ee Riad ee hte oe | Norland natural: stone 1neits of, sale purchased. Cretgnion, 24 HOUR SERVICE TRAILER SALES |7239705 'betore"S parm. buy! Telephone | Very gay itiel. Telephone 728-6811, OSHAWA TIMES WHITBY BIRTHS--DEATHS-- mates. Guaranteed work. Whitby 668-6036 Ask for John rintare) wed eile? cae lead Simeone North VACUUM repairs, all makes, hoses, | YEARLING COLT, registered half Arab, SOCIAL NOTICES | NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco, i simeoe Nor |brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, {tire prize winner 1965 Mare with free|HAIR DRESSER, experienced to take $2.00 per Insertion with 28 cents addi-| sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. Free) 725-78 7800 FIRST AND SECOND morgage. Sale (past city limits) [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|Dreeding fee to registered Arab stallion. | over clentele, "Ajax Plaza, 723-8117 or fionel charges if re: paid within B daya,|estimstes. A.C, Woods, 728-3420 er! | areements, purchesed and 'sold. "Hennick HOLMES 723-9534 | Pickering Western saddle. Jeannine 668-5360 week- | 947-0620 - ano jennick, arristers, ng ree' f ------we | ONGS Ai evenings. eee erence nee a » 723-727 -- |USED STEEL STENO chairs, swivel |LiceNSED 1 HAIRDRESSER required. IN MEMORIAMS ond Be. ra a CHAIN LINK FENCES ricci OMAR . | lbase, casters, 8163 new $27.7 sceanivel REGISTERED German Shepherds, eight|Apply Bernadette Beauty Salon or tele. ; ype Eg te. per Sine of in ud. d An A-1 company will give i ELECTRONICS NEW jarm filters, $47 new. We discount, Bill ioack cad sive cls partielle 'or | phone 723-9471. ao okie sansa ey | nd silver, Regis i pti: watts Ab deaance NRE Me verse; 25¢. adc Hf motlAd CARPENTRY, new and remodelling) you highest quality of mo- |------------_--__--____----__ SATALLITE 66 Bbbcll dade kool OREN bien, morning: erm veer ether" 1 Art| BOOKKEEPER: TYPIST required. Morn- paid within 8 days. and repairs, Free estimates. Telephone| ie cael ianenahie ond SMALL DANCR BAND available. Ex- |USED FILING cabinets, ~ four-drawer | 668- 2108. ings 9-12. Possibly full time later. Reply or oF 468-8014. wees e oid isd ' |perienced, reliable, reasonable Phone F PROMPT SERVICE Standard 14 ft $1,145 | lock, $40. Also other sizes. Typewriter | --------..| Post Office Box 294, Oshawa. CAR THANKS 5 -| lowest prices. ences re- | Ted Taylor, Alax 947-1663. OR T SERVIC , : : ' tables, $14.90, Bill Hamilton, Raglan. | 99 _.4 NURSES AIDE required. Steady empl on ng Sereats Met eit 28, eadtional Cartage moved, Free estimates ony- -- sin lacs aleve | USED AUTO PARTS, batteries, fires, Articles Wanted ment. Please write Box 21580 Oshawe thereafter w ---- -- time [Nursing Homes CALL Everything for Trailers | motors. We buy scrap radiators $4; gens.,|@OODr USED FURNITURE. What have| Times. pal if net pald within 8 doys. MAN WITH one large and one amali| . starters, 6V S0c.; 12V 90c.; batteries | YOU? N/alley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, [truck, yards cleaned; furniture moved; | 723-5377 'matty CLIFF LODGE, overlooking Lake Whitby-668- 5679 MILLER'S $1.50, 725-2162, 1175 Nelson Street. 728-4401, pina tiv ik toe hone 28-2298." COMING EVENTS any kind of delivery, Reasonable rates ee Ontario. Qualified nursing care 24 hou To nels $2.10 per Inch (disviay); $1.50 for the | 728-1892 |MAPLE LEAF LANDSCAPING, Experi-|ponvonable rates, Telephone 9420357" Soe ne GUARANTEED used "wringer washers, WANTED TO BUY -- Billiard table and| mippLE AGED io help out AJA 42-34 tel fi t tc, $34.50 and accessories, 3'2' x 7, in good condition, first 20 words and 5¢. each thereofter " lenced gardener for lawns, garden| Bb thst 'lee Alcan PHPAtrS ane Apiaceae ae sitn:| Phorje 723-7609 after $ p.m. with children and light house duties, Te ' ' | ' ; (Werd Ads). Dentistry _ | shrubs, etc. Also nursery stock for sale (Optometrist | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | FORCED SALE of camping Taller, Four|coe South, 723-0011 |WAWMED TO7 BUY ord Tracie 'Wee ee Road area, TT Denta ------- - ------! Hi-Lo the only fo! lown all-aluminum oarenninreens a | z sti evra' ae is AUCTION SALES CAREFOOT, t JOHN MM, | 2|| SLOWING AND CULTIVATING. rR | | FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, excelilent con-| Modal A of Cub with or without hydraulic Ngee | ICHARD BLACK, "OD, 136 Simcoe trailers. Four Silver Liner common can-| 5 WIDOW would like to exchange room and $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION. Sirgeon, 174 King, iret "east, Oshawa ldens or larger areas. Call us. Free esti-| street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone Tv TOWERS vas type. Reasonable, all in good condi-| dition, $65. or best offer. Telephone 72 '| easen or what have you? Telephone board for companionship and ight house DEADLINES Bila OR EL PD bates .|mates. 723-9020 723-419 ARE THE BEST tion. Apply corner of Solina Road at No. 9 is Ste ay |duties, Telephone 725-0587. ' ' enta' urgeON |g ---- -- --| 2 Highway, six miles east of Oshawa. GAS DRYER -- Thor, new condition. 1 i DRIVEWAY GRAVEL, 4 yards and up, es EDhicot ide st he sta las -! come, | WOMEN earn good commission taking ore WORD ADS seplantmant eNO er hen aie | $2.00 per yard; top soil, 4 yards and > Peinti ng and Decorating WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, OS! 289. Bargain $130. 7 it laden 13 Articles For Rent ders for "hosiery, lingerie from re $ e.m. DAY PREVIOUS : : |$2.25 yard; well-rotted manure, $5. yard,|----------_- _--______-__ |aiso all types of welding done, reason- burner gas range, automatic oven and neighbors. Send for free sample. kit, ang : rners, timer and clock, $100, Phone OST AND FOUND Dressmaking Delivered. 725-0697 |PAINTING, paper hanging, decorating. , R | O Jable. Portable equipment for rent. 723-| *) % " j Jorcen Mills of Canada, Dept. 20, 1216 ON Do it now! Free estimates. Call F.| | 6840. 'onge St, Toronto. Be Pn Perens "MODERN DRESSMAKING'--12 Prince pe fe, uN, ind Rarer Schmidt, 725-9572. Padded |HONDA -- Bive, 1968, 180 cc 3. Appl SiKETINT SPRINGTIMET New, used.) RENTALS FEMALE HELP wanted for planting to- IRTHS AND DEATHS Street NOW OPEN! Ladies' made-to-/ 3325 or 723-9910. | EXPERIENCED PAINTER and decora-| - i lat Smith's Sports, 353 King Street West Repairs all makes. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond is bacco. Experienced preferred. Orono 3 TELEVISION | Street East, 725-6344 G 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION fomers'" rraterielse eipest aervicg, Stx| GOOD FIELD sod, laid or delivered. Spe-|t0r. Call now for fast servicel Freel |from 9 until 6 p.m Bayan SRL Sad Wend Foon OF ALL KINDS _ [2 Rine 17 First_tarm on Taunton Road. IN _MEMORIAMS and a sonable prices. cial rates for builders. Call 623-5246. ___ |< le nibs ting" Corner Bond ond Division | BRAND NEW seven fost, two-wheel Pe and seellabtes ENGIN ROrmetee rca Sucine eourmoun BABYSITTER wanted for ¢ one chi in seasua tS si 2 AVE YOUR PAIN done now, inte | trailer. Apply 76 Brock Street West, Osh * i RE CING | T --- child's home,. Five-day week airbanks RDS OF THANKS " BIRCH TREES any size, cedar for! iy Gould' is 'indi 3 cal EXPERIENCED dressmaker: LADIES Telg.|rior, exterior, all work guaranteed, Free| _728- 5143 awa Cu aa massaging belts, rowing mo- |Street_area, 728-2522. * p.m. vi # M hedges and Lombardy Poplars. va ifs Rm OA EREYIOUS wear, girl's weer, and alterations, Tele| one 729. 9530. 372. King treet West. estimates. Call Lloyd Simpson, 728-9876 a pir ein heed Em oe ceoor@ene wai komeT waar, vain ead a SMITH-CORONA cash registers, $99 chines, bikes exercises -- all |18 Mele Help Wanted _ y Sida cD |EXPERT painting and decorating. Do it| | sleeps four, Propane gas stove and oven, 7 ad ee ale Meip ante pga a eacdigning previous; 2 col-| |DRESSMAKING and minor on FOR LAWN ROLLING call ee -and- |now while we have time available, Free} Service Call only $2.50 Jice box, -electricty. Telephone Hampton Helly vais vient posal ei eanien Meine vod ' ' ~|very reasonable. Telephone 2 --. |estimates. 728-0257. | | 263-2574 b ' : -- Pipe -- 10 evious, | nore il and see anes er terger wopiveiidl gicit |EXPERT TAILORING and < dressmaking [TREE TO TRIMe Sas aS a PAINTING -- Interior or exterior, Low-| FAST T.V. SERVICE |LIGHT WEIGHT Tear Drop camping PORTRAITS i - cleaning rods, pipe vise Be CANCELLATIONS AND |for ladies' and children's wear. 668-6248. |T6.9 est prices. Clean' work. Best materials. | DOMINION trailer, suit two, comfortable. and easy |HORTRAITS. done in oils," pastele or) f° i Ne EXCELLEN CORRECTION: | EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKING and/ Jack Bradley can.do if nmow!* 725-7584) to tow, $350, Telephone 668-5306. Tiere TifOrtiallon THIGORBNG, POLADS cutters, pipe threading dies, |GARDENS PLOWED and cultivated. Call jatter 5 p.m. ae 9 am. DAY oF PUBLICATION arn re remier Biron, apr 2 728) Ron Tilling, 728-4378 a LEVISI |1965 CARA TRAIL collapsible camper, Any edvertisement cancelled before| "7: on Tang. 72 TE SION [sleeps four, with dining table, two new| FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple,| 'toilet auger. OPPORTUNITY . ik et 12 h xt Inches. A publication will be charged one day's| DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses, | NOW 1S THE TIME to have your = fie |Plumbing and "Heating 728-5154 9 am, to 9 p.m. tires, canvas awning and screen, spare Diver 728-6852." and sixteen inches PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- i | wc sae ei. fs : cle il alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting | "00 tiled a and ploughed ready for plan ALL Sunline AND HEATING "Soo All work guaranteed tire, curtains, Private. 723-8667, | eRETORE concer' qechine "wRE WOFE stepladders, ladder jacks, $7 200 A Year ' specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 jh 2s. Teleph 725-3521, Harold H - -- steel scaffolding, compressor. R RENTA 50. Ps. phone ' ro ing cabinette, 6 ox popper, Compact, all 9, p Ss, or NUMBE oe | MANURE | FOR SALE. 7 Telephone 7 TAINO. |Srark Ltd. Plumbing, Heating and Engl 6--Marine Equipment _ electric unit, Whitby 668-2886. spray guns, wallpaper steam- While every endeavor will be made Gardening « and* 'Supplies |MAVE YOUR GARDEN Rototilied. Cali|neering, 255 Sirhcoe Street South. COLOR T.V. | $4 Wb MERCURY AGG ES Hae | ers, tarpaulins, blow torches io forward iaplies to box Huin One. Py eres : 4 s, © forward fepue i cs | Brooklin 655-4936, Monday to Fricay ater) alt TYPES of repairs and remodelling, | BOATS \ly. new. Lloyd baby carriage, high chair. propane torches ' | | Classified Rates roofing, chimneys, eavestroughing, fire-| @ Evergreens @ Grading @ WORD ADS |places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby, @ Marion and Kentucky Blue- Cash 4 -- | insertion of 24 words, $1.08; | 668-277 : additional words, 4/ac. each; 3 con-| MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Re- grass @ Complete londscap secutive insertions of 24 oom $2.88; | root, tar and gravel, exterior painting ing @ Fertilizers. I words 12¢. 6 com | Cement work. Insulation blowing service; 723-9020 secutive insertions of 24 ie, $5.04; | 24-hour service. 723-8 additional words 21¢, each. FOR ALL YOUR home merece | i 1 charge | general construction Sse guaranteed work Grarge--10 per ceng geutional cheroe|rncip cal aia 9 HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING Bloor St. East ; | de las a @ Corsair @ Rambler | secevision towers > aon Vin, BEAUTIF UL baby budgies, ready for) Reply stating age, exper- Truck Camper |tower with 10-ff. mast and single B-213\training, talking st i i A ° Campers | antenna installed, $50. (This Is m 40-ft.| Broad, Wid Elgin East PY MT* T) ience, marital status and |ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS --| @ Top Soil @ Seeding @ 'i FIRST and SECOND OSHAWA TV 1010 DUNDAS ST. E., Purchase from Western Oil Co, 725-1212. Man Shapherd pups. Deposits for next National concern wants three men for local eqlee nramotinn the advertisers as soon as possible, da Gccaot te Webi in Telaect of |5 p.m. Anytime Saturday and Sunday. _inew and used materials aa Black and White MOTORS | Excellent condition. 725-1784. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- $7,200 o yeor. New car fur- through either failure or delay in for-| Tsleauons 4 MARINA & SERVICE |POWER MOWER several pieces antique! cement mixers, _ finishing nished after short qualifying (Ru U holstery | Service record collection. Telephone 725-3749. trowels, wheel barrows, elec- \ all t |GENERAL GARDENING, ploughing, roto|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley oc eomepe | clened th orie| ASPHALT timing or Cultivating. 668-3739 or 668-6189, | --------_--~ Nibwcablinat "4 POWER MOWER several pieces anfiave nisoed etree Sort Cae warding such replies, however caused | Pe FACILITI urniture, pic § a er . : whether by negligence or otherwise. | [Instr tion ----| T.R.1.0. Television : + le Telephone _ : owels ' DRIVEWAYS bbc. 0 Evinrude & Crestliner Dealer | peeRiGERATOR 9 cu. tt, Inlernationai| 'TiC vibrator, air compressor, paid vacation, Call personnel The Ti ili net be teauorisible for! felis Oo ee replies uncalled for in'20 days, | Pre Season: Special | @ NOW OPEN @ | 728- 5143 | OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN.LTD. | Harvester, in good condition, reason-|/ Jack hammers, hand trowels, Bent Rd. Off Simcoe St. jable. Telephone 723-9029. water ble h D - " Oshawa, Bowmanvill | Harbor x ater pumps, portable heat- 2 REGULATIONS Order now save up to 25% | FINISH ne pie pees saldelate | Follow The Signs. |GoLF CART with holes for all clubs ers, steel scaffolding, electric 723-8172 Coal ter ences in'ndronstnerts| G04 Financing Available DARLINGTON OSHAWA and WHITBY | Bi hoe [i "escan "st, Beecn" sick wnioy || BeNEFOtOr, ramset power rol tponsible for' errors in advertisements | : | f M4 i i lers, electric h submitted otherwise than in writing not G SC OOL 16 "FT, cabin Y eruiser, 1 1983 35 hp mer- |FULL SIZE girl's bike, $18.00; Kohlert]/ $s, ric lammers mas- for more than one insertion or any| Low sos $2 per week H| H H UPHOLSTERY NIGHT SERVICE jeury motor, fully equipped with or with-| Clarinet, $50.00. Phone 723-4288. onry sow, building "jacks, dvertisement nor bevond the price} All work guaranteed for 2 Ho sudld: arenniae you WH 102 King W., Bowmanville | 725-8541 or 668-5830 | out motor. Telephone 723-R910 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE to be sacri- mortar mixers, mortar boxes 0 0 charge for a single insertion in which} years. Please call for free es me study prepares y' 623-7341 | 14-FOOT PLYWOOD boat with six-foot|ficed for quick sale. Baby crib, chest chain hoist, mit . qi peers. |. Hipbeles ond edviceconvti write Ontario provincial ex- ih 1 |beam. Will fake up to 50 hp motor. Call|and dresser base, chesterfield suite, like) pric aioe.' petee SOW elec- | J ice anytime. aminations for recoginized CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re RAE | 725-3672 after 4.30 p.m. |new, refrigerator in excellent condition ric plane, tarpaulins, sand Pp. The Oshawa Times reserves the right styled. Free estimate. See our material | |!roning board, chair, Apply after blaster, pow. ts 'chasity "adverting cecerding "ts 723-0381 certificate. Grades 6-13. All |tor "recovering. Slip. covers made tol RADIO & TELEVISION | 195 14FT. FIBERGLASS runabout with| Jfoning. Pope jumper pair. Apely after neg, ital post hole @ ers its proper classification. | . books and supplies. Low j|order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles); -------------- it | convertible top, 28 Johnson motor, elec- aon? fe) ascillating sanders, In the # display advert ts | BONDED ASPHALT monthly payments, income tax | Street,_723-7212. catia eonal ee er eter Whitby 6st. | FILTER" QUEEN Sales and Service j disc sanders, acetylene weld- p in vases oO S| t 4 - Cc Tho © aot bb hate toon | PAVING CO. deductable. For full informa- | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish | T V SERVIC E ing outfits, 200 amp electric @ GROUP INSURANCE The Times will not ad 17 years: Workmananip Guarmoreed, 5033, Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti- welders. sible for more space than that which.) | tion write {Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses | DAY OR EVENING |"STARCRAFT'™" Grew Traveller boats, | "ates. 323 King West, 728-7552. @ HOSPITALIZATION the actual error occupies. The pub-|------------_--_________ -------- F no re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa vu; | Evinrude motors. Open evenings and) REPAIRS to fishing rods and reels anal ' ' lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad- CANADIAN ACADEMY |hoistering, 287 Dean Avenue, 7250311. 728-5286 |weekends. Marine Storage and Supply all Coleman products. Sportsman's Cor- ] A N sy © Well established vertising matter correctly, but assume SPRING SAI E Ltd., Brooklin, 655-3641 |ner, 103 Byron South, Whitby (block west ec i Ki 5 ' i 3641, a ' - entral location no liability of advertisement if any 40 Main Street West OSHAWA CEDAR STRIP boat 6 H.P. Mercury and |! four corners) ' - )s! arpening & Rentals Ltd.) , All benefits, ete ' ; inaccuracies In any form are containes ON Minion. Dataria | ELECTR controls. Tee New trailer. Like new. Tele: ONE RECONDITIONED '0-fool, inch and 233 King St. W: Oshawa me . ' | a arter tower structure with doubled - IT'S EASY TO PLACE A | NURSERY STOCK be teltce RONICS . pont ie Nera Te geen sy of B23 aerial, $30.95. Telephone. 7238131 ! Phone 723-3224 WRITE BOX 21496 TIMES ACTION WANT AD | and all APPLIANCE ee plywood boat, Forty Scott electric heavy| VACUUM CLEANER SALE -- now ati, ----------____ we OSHAWA TIMES ifi ir Ss - | ra ¢ : ahs Call Classified Direct | GARDEN SUPPLIES HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME REPAIRS | FAST T.V. SERVICE -- |@REWELL" BOAT isis foots 78 Jonn:| 78 Su4t for home trial PML 0. CUttery, Glasses, Collec (Sales and Service Service Coll only $2.50 duty tilt trailer, $675. Telephone 723-6500. | your Singer Sewing Center. Terrific sav- Tables, Chairs eee Dish 723-3492 up to 40% off Sa auieeuay" tralier, Garis tid Uied IN SPARE TIME aoe rs ' Ph 1 . | FRESH HOMEMADE it, ord Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal OSHAWA fe Nae vere bel eigeoe DOMINION sosutlabahe 8 na --|taken now for future weg ina Wear, Men's Baraale White 'SERVICE STATION i , , ges, niversar arties. Telephone INDEX TO |GARDEN CENTRE | Low monthly payments in- | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ TELEVISION 7--Swap and Barter esi Bi - Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Requires | | TELEVISION, stove, automatic washer,|| I lude text oks st ie | 728-5154 9 am. to 9 [COLORED TOILETS, $35; basins, $10; | CLASSIFICATIONS 1259 Simcoe. North clude text books ohd instrue- | © 7 PLM: Ihubs, $20; cabinets, sinks, showers. (anver" refrigerator, 8 pc. dining room! SARGEANT'S RENTALS |AN ATTENDANT EXPERIENCED 1--Women's Column _| | tions. Prepares you to achieve | ALCAN | All_work guaranteed | Laundry tubs, piping, fittings, boat Kits | Fan 4is6 : | 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 and 2-- U | ° | | outboard motors, trailers. H. Chinn, Hill-| Rocket esis bil 2 hat Ae SMITH'S Ontorio Diploma by meons | FURNITURE and APPLIANCES | city Tv ee ae cepa. side_and Park Road South, 723-7088, | WEDDING DRESS." satin, chapel nlenate | HONDA -- Suzuki,» scooter. Rentals. 199 LICENSED MECHANIC 3-- | * - r . e uffant vi , | 5--Trailers of Provincial examination. 452 Simcoe S$. ~--- Oshawa | Telephone 725-0500 WANTED smaii boat and motor. Willl size 12" Perfect condition, Very reas | 78-4202 Wee hc aes iaedet ded ule For Tune-Ups 6--Marine Equipment i 'is -- -------- trade set transievers two-way walkie talk tices BE baller awa TREE FARM For FREE intormation--write, Telephone 723-0011 TV "ANTENNA rolators fied aa, range up to five miles, News conn | soe. eens antea _-| ENTERTAINING? Fifly fo one hundred) APPLY 525 KING ST. W 8--Articies for Sole Cedor posts sites a; s __|from $29. Trio Television. 728- na ane | plete. Telephone 942-2555. RANGE -- Chief Master, fully automat ic} people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| ' ° 9--Market Basket posts ---- poles Americon School, Dept. 8 Bond and Division ~|clock controlled, $60. or best offer, |quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, " Mon s | " at [+53 CHEV hall-t th ks. § Stare' akan | § Manure, topsoil, mulch | Boy 784, Oshowa, Ontario DOC'S SPEED [Well Drilling --Digging {sts ca o/!"rhom tas. M49 "Paine "ori B.A. STATION Pines oon, Uvesack | ean ri , adaes MA _|Two METAL overhead garage doors, | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, --| hite irch, evergreens } seven high by 7¥2 wide with all hardwaipe| reducing machines, sick room supplies. | 13--Articles for Rent 9 ' & CUSTO | WELL DIGGING by machine Sa Aricies for Sale Telephone 728-0741. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Spotiedieie pte eenumnenseceencws: Jand locks 1 Business Opportunities | shade trees. Call collect Nome .. oes ee R o SS in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut |---- os he ecard Wied Newtonville 786-2283 educed gr " ened [Street West, Whitby, S682863 er deen ; " |Etectaic RANGE, heavy duty clocj<,|CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| WELDER 16--Agents Wanted stilted soba ecacaiots Address REIS equipment, chrome acc, fen- Shasta TOR AB S see timer, window, excellent condition, Rea-|aisie runners, Cleve' Fox Rentals, 412\ 17--Female Help Wanted Ere der skirts, grills, discs, sliks, |2- --Personal |sonable. Wedding dress, 10 to 12, com | Simcoe ; Street North. Call 723-2614. ae U d rot | MOTORCYCLE SHOP |plete. Dutch embroidered. Reasonable. | sorta ipreenetcenn meer 1B--Male Help Wanted | seecennesinemniiees = | ' O ee e 6 19--Male or Farvaile. Help Wonted | MAINTENANCE J AND R SCHOOL OF MUSIC now en hig fos : @ BS.A. @ TRIUMPH | 728-8853 EE |14 --Busi : Opportuni ies Experienced. in' ornamental > for Sal | rolling students for Spanish Gultar, by 24 hour towing, © licensed _ arches ' Ral dy a dg | For complete maintenance jear or note. Phone 723-0511. pniianie. Gaer t aaa tl Removal of superfluous hair @ DUCATI i |GUITAR -- D-28 Martin. Cost over $5t~ SIMCOE STREET, well equipped restaur-| _ iron work, Top wages. Apply 21--Farms for Sale work at it's best. You coll us. cpemmacennan 10. 1600 King St. E Marie Murduff will be in Repairs and service to all etl wih. be og Qe a eres ant, seats 30, also store, good location, 32--Lots for Sale We do the rest. Expe?™ work Janitor | Service 9 . Oshawa, May 2nd, 3rd and makes. Licensed mechanic: | p.m excellent income, anh ee be} ORNAMENTAL IRON WORKS 23----Real Estate Wan ie Pst , Rutueens . ialeiniaceiniet Att ween ni jor Fran 24--Stores Offices and Storage low rates 728-778) "ners Genosha Hotel' | 114 STEVENSON RD. SOUTH | | 9s HONDA Ninely, for quick sale, 4000) EXCELLENT WHITBY location, suite) PICKERING 942-0766 25--Houses for Rent 72 99 3 A-1 WINDOW CLEANERS . } on these dates for cppoint- 728-7780 +miles, excellent condition, A bargain.| modern apartment building with bal- 2 Apartments for Rent ee 0. H ment 309, Telephone 725-9100 after 4 ANG EERE NE | @ Homes @ Commercial e@ Before You: Buy A : ELECT | HARLEY-DAVIDSON 74, 1960, new motor,| ayy AND SELL -- Good used furnllg el ong vw be yas als $19,000 down! WAITER for beverage room, steady. ene | Industrial @ Window Cleon. Piano or Organ, : See TROL Yat | ome., sprocket, excellen! condition, Can] GUY, AND, SELL Good used turnin tia pel ety, Mattaage, eXCEE| ployment, Must have good character rel { r, He t g 723-464) pe Seen St 71 Bloor Street East, $850. _ | eurniture, 444. Simcoe South, 723-3271. |Marilyn Fitzgerald, 668-5313 or 720-si0a.|srences, Apply Manager, Hotel Lancaster, | | | } ing and Janitor Service H! | 4 Fie bine tennant iatinnee 7 | T A vis ie AUTOMATIC WASHERS, -$85.; wringer| " Ww. 0. Martin Realtor. -- 1--Compact Cars for Sale | Modetn Equipment and ES | E N ZM N |NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. fe 8 q q SEWING CLASSES -- girls 10 to 18,| washers, $35 up; electric stoves, $35 up; Phd ne REDUCED IN PRICE = 'a. can |WAITER Experienced for cocktail 2----Trucks for Sole perienced Professionals 2c 4 1 |pairs to all makes, New hoses. com-| b St 4 ompan Ltd Now being conducted at your local Singer | ryers, $55 up; TV's, $25 up. All rebuilt} |lounge and beverage room. eady posi: 33----Automobiles Wanted Free Estimates Posy Pay Sewing Center. Half price summer rate.;and. refinished. Guaranteed and deliver-|/ Jack Lees, 728-6956 ; mercial frontage on Simcoe Street" South. | |tion. Apply Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street 34---Automobile Repair | | 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa jal 72 ed. Chester Appliances, Cae carga Lots af depth. Price includes six-room) weet, Osh: 5--Lost. and F FOR c Dial 725-5443° for enrolment Schedule ppliances, Caesarea, 986-|TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 4o-foot tower frame building, suitable for two incomes.| Vest awa, Secbeco! -- SAL E Call 668 3239 Whitby TELEPHONE 728-2921 | . mae te structure all - channel antenna Instalferd,! aise nine-room large brick building with| ONE SALESMAN -- If interes 37--Auctions IVER FREE ATYENTION: Housewh ; RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want/ USED TYPEWRITERS, $37.; new, $48; S0. Oshawa TY Supply Limited, Tauwon' core. suitable for three apartments, Ask-|ing $25 per day, and being paid daily, 38--Coming Events C all 4 |dows, storms pyri ves, cleaning win GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer|Ads give you speedy 'elp, -n any kind of |brand new electric adders, $89.; factory! F049 East, lust east of Ritson Road ing only $39,900. Act fast on this one. For|reply immediately, Telephone sales ex- BF Notices Qa 28- 6903 'Sener ued s. wwe Window, washers and Me Free estimates, Caill weather. To buy, sell, hire or rent tele-| guarantee. Save $ $$ with Bill Hamilton, |FULLER BRUSH -- Telephone daytime |details call 728-5103, W, ©, Martini perience helpful, or will train, Box 21858, - - TAPIA or TEU enone 722-3402 Raglan. 723-0444) evenings 668-6583, | Realtor, Oshawa Times.