Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Apr 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Mental Health Week Time Study Agreement Whitby Duplicate Bridge Winners OFFER WIDE RANGE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, April 28, 1966 § There are 109 daily news- papers in Canada, selling an average of 40,000 copies each. SPURN ANTIQUE HATS Journal, when they were issued Whitby -- The winners and high scores in the games play- ed last week by the members of the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Planned At WHITBY (Staff) -- Mental health Week in Whithy will be celebrated May 1-7 with a full schedule of events at the On- tario Hospital. The week's activities begin officially May 3 when a hospital drama group presents a drama- tie show in the hospital recrea- tion hall. The hospital will hold an 'Open House' May 4 with conducted tours of the hospital grounds and buildings as the highlight. |st Tours will be conducted from 1.30 p.m, :to 3.30 p.m, and Hospital noon, May 6, is a Spring Bon- net Tea organized by the Occu- pationa| Therapy Department assisted by numerous volun- teers. This event has been a popular annual feature at the hospital for some years. The special tea party will 'be held in the Recreation Hall from 2,00 p.m, until 4.00 p.m. Directions to the recreation hall are as follows: Turn right at hospital road, off Victoria , which is marked by large sign. Fotlow the hospital road through to the main building from 6.45 p.m. to 8.15 p.m. The blic are cordially invited to ke part in the tours. High point for Friday afterlake, Unit Plans Spri St. Mark's United Church) Women, Unit No. 4, held its) facing the lake. Enter building |by the main entrance which lfaces south overlooking the ring Luncheon Final arrangements were made for the May 3 Spring Lun- meeting at the home of Mrs.|cheon in the Assembly Hall at J. 8. Gaine, Euclid st., April 26.|1 p.m. Mrs. T. D. Thomas will Mrs. R. H, MacCarl presided|be guest speaker. Her topic will| and opened by welcoming all present and thanking Mrs. Gaine for opening her home. Mrs, John Taylor was in charge of the devotional, her| theme was 'The Steadfast Love of the Lord". The roll call was answered by 14 members and two visitors Mrs. Cliff Gartshore reported on cards sent to sick and shut- ins and also mentioned that 40 visits were made, She read a letter from Mrs. George Mc- Quade, thanking the group for her card of good wishes. Lawn Bowlers Plan Season The Whitby Lawn Bowling Club sections held a joint meet- ing, April 26, at Red Wing Or- chards Recreation Hall in the form of a pot luck supper fol- lowed by the meeting. be "Africa". | Unit No, 4 will cater to a Brownie banquet May 16. It was announced the United Church Women's general meet- ling will be held June 7 at St. | Mark's United Church at 2 p.m. | Mrs. A. A, Archibald was the \speaker. She gave details of the trip she'and hey husband made to Hawaii. Mrs. Glenn Saw- yer thanked Mrs, Archibald. A social half hour, followed. Tea hostesses 'were Mrs. Cliff Gartshore and Miss Winnifred Boys. if interested please contact Mrs. |Flo Lott, 668-4036, Mrs. Grace} Ede 668-3648, Mrs. Ke Lil | Mrs. | Igglesden, Mason, 668-3757 or Luke, 668-6158. | Plans are being made for af-| Union Teach-in Theme WHITBY -- Members of Lo- cal 743, URW, office workers at the Whitby plant of Dunlop Canada Limited, joined with members of Local 494, URW, for the annual Officers and Stewards School recently at Orillia. The teach-in studied the implementation of the re- cently negotiated time study agreement, Time study is a major topic at the Whitby plant, because up to now rates have been negotiat- ed, It has been possible up to now to negotiate what constit- utes a fair day's work for fair day's pay. It has become obvious however during the past year or so tha. the provi- sion of move automated equip- ment, has rendered the old sys- tem inoperative. A more scien- tific method must be found on which to negotiate, and above all else under which data can be recorded against the time when technologica' change will demand even greater precision. George Brooks, president of Local 494, dealt with the portion of the agreement covering wages other than that dealing with stop watch time study. He explained the procedure to be followed in obtaining a_ rate board on a disputed standard. Al. Vaiciunas explained the purpose of time study and the duties of a union time study en- Legion Flies New Flag | WHITBY (Staff) -- The new Canadian National flag is fly- ing over Branch 112, Royal |Canadian Legion, Whitby, ful- filling a promise the Legion- Arrangements were made for | ternoon practice sessions for|naires made a year ago. | the forthcoming season. The first ladies' tournament is ex- pected to be held June 1. New members are welcome,' Baptismal Services Held \co The Sacrament of Infant Bap- tism was observed in St. Mark's United Church Sunday. morn- ing when the children whose names appear below were pre-| sented by their parents. Kathleen Grace Wootton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wotton; Darlene Violet Rose Dittrick, daughter of Mr., Mrs. F. J. Dittrick; Debra Christine Luke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Luke; John William jnew bowlers. The regular jit. | jneys and activities will com- |mence as soon as weather per-| mits. | The local branch promised to} fly the national flag when it had been passed by parliament. | Approval of the flag was offi- icially given at the Dominion Powell, son of Mr. and Mrs.| J. E. Powell; Mary Elizabeth Plaskitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Plaskitt; Theodor Gerald Beck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Beck. Afternoon baptism --Debra Lynn Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Brown; Ian Campbell Thomas, Valerie Campbell Thomas, Pamela Campbell Thomas, Colin Camp- bell Thomas, Jr. children of Mr. and Mrs, C. C., Thomas. WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Barbara Pearson, Scar- borough, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Marshall, 502 Peel st. Belated birthday wishes to David Berning, 211 Crawforth| at., who celebrated his birthday Wednesday. The Whitby Baptist Church Women's Society for Christian Service is having its Missionary 17th | Carol and George Hulland and children Tammy, Charlotte and Georgie, Margaret Smith, Edna Keeler and children Allen and Randy, Paul Hartshorne, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burton Smith, grandparents, Mrs. William |Roach, great-grandmother. Un- jable to attend were: Art Keel- er, May and Percy Griffin, Kay O'Hagan, Ruth and Al Me- Intyre, Aunt and uncle, Mr. and| Mrs. John Clay Kemp, grand: | Spring Thankoffering April 29, at 8 p.m. at the church, A play) will be presented by members| entitled 'Serving Two Mas- ters', under the direction of| Mrs. Eunice Beer. The general public is cordially invited to at- tend. Best wishes to Aubin Leclair, 104 Brock st. n., who celebrated his birthday April 27. The Whitby Women's tute held a successful euchre at the home of Mrs. Kathleen Mc-| Kelvie, Colborne st. were; Mrs. W. W. Brady, Mrs. F. N. Barton, Mrs. Tom Kelly, and Mrs. Earl Ward. Proceeds to go towards the Whitby Gen- er: Hospital. Members happy to report that they have exceeded their quota. Lunch committee included: Mrs. Net- tie Fletcher, Mrs. William Pellow, Mrs. Donna Martin and Mrs. R. E. Smith. Kathleen Leanora, daughter of Charles and Eleanor Kemp, 316 Colborne st. e., celebrated her third birthday this week. After the opening of the many gifts and cards, a hot buffet was served to some 27 guests by Kathleen's mother, Attend- ing were: Myrtle and Ear! Fow- ler, Cathy and Johnnie Evans, Joan and Bill Harris, Ellen and Paul Dietericksen and children Inge and Lisa, Irma and Bill Insti-| Winners | are) parents. | Mr, and Mrs. Murray Silver, | 225 Hallett ave., entertained at | | dinner last Sunday on the occa- sion of Mrs. Alex Brown's birth-| day. Present were her husband and family: Patrick, Donna and | Michele and Mrs. George| Brown: Danny, son of Mr. and Mrs. | G. R. Kemp, will be four years old on Friday. the Maple Leaf as Command convention in Mont- 1. The Dominion. Command also passed a resolution discontinu- ing the Red Ensign as the offi- cial colors of the Royal Cana- dian Legion. Branch 112 members feel a sense of pride arising from membership support in reten- tion of the Red Ensign. They expressed a deep sentiment for the Ensign and have requested town council to allow the Legion to install a second flag staff at the town's cenotaph. The Cana- dian Maple Leaf will then fly alongside of the Red Ensign. The Red Ensign will be kept flying in memory of the gal- lant heroes who, by their sacri- fices, made it possible to fly Canada's gineer, He was juined by Vic Ayling and two union time study men who gave examples of the. use of stop watch time study. Mr. Ayling stressed the importance of adequate train- ing in effort rating and allow- ances. The second day of the school opened with a summary of the problems facing Dunlop office workers as outlined by Ed. Jar- vis, president of Local 743. He Stressed the need for clarity in jurisdictional matters and advocated the two locals contin- ajue to work closely together. Bob McBurnie, safety and Club To Hold Sports Car Rally WHITBY (Staff) -- Family sport with a new slant will be on view at Paulynne Park, Greenwood rd., Pickering, Sun- day afternoon. The German compensation officer of Local 494 outlined the intensive safe- ty campaign in recent months, He said that if workers became more safety conscious the acci- dent rate would drop. The daily safety bingo, monthly draws and other measures had resulted in an improved safety record this year. He noted that a scheme had been inaugurated to pro- vide emergency income for members whose compensation claims were not dealt with promptly. Mr. McKinlay outlined recent changes in the grelfare agree- Club were: North and South -- Mrs. K. Hunter and Mrs, D. McGilli- vray, 8044; Mrs. A, Murtie and Mrs. D. Nicholson, 78%; Mrs. D. Wilson and Mrs. P. Spratt, 7744; Mrs. G. Vick and Mrs. D. Thomson, 76. East and West -- Mrs. G. Beaton and Mrs. B. McColl, 93; Mrs. E. Bovay and Miss G. Bovey, 8444; mr. and Mrs, F. Wells, 84; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc- Cutcheon, 754%. NUMBERS MAKE BOGGLE There are more molecules in a glass of water than there are glasses of water in the world's ment, oceans. BRIGHTON, England (CP)--|new safety helmets. They now Angry Sussex firemen com-| look like io ae movic," movic, OIL MEN WORK HARD Oil drillers in Canada bored|plained to their trade maga-jan old-time a record 3,801 wells in 1965. |zine, the British Fire Services| firemen. WISE HOME OWNERS INSIST ON HYDRA-PREST MOR WALK SLABS From... lin concrete products t10. ) "hydraulically pressed for ' maximum durability" © COMPLETE RANGE OF SIZES» BROCK WHITBY Feature Automobile Club 07 Toronto will) wind up a day-long sports car rally at the park. The auto club specifically de- signed the rally for the entire family of club members. The rally features a charted drive through several municipalities with check-points along the way. No speed trials or special hazards have been planned but drivers will undergo a skill test in a gravel pit just north of the |park prior to the end of the rally, Following the skill test, awards and trophies will be presented to the top drivers. Afternoon lunch wil! be served ag grounds by park offi- | cials THE ULTIMATE in shoe comfort Try on the new Hartt flexibles. Lighter, softer, more flexible . . . yet gives the some solid support, lasting comfort and quality that Is | built-in to every pair of Hartt shoes COLLINS SHOES Phone: 668-3476 119 Brock St. $., Whitby national flag. ROLLER SKATING Whitby Community Arena Skating to Orchestra Music Featuring the "IN CROWD" EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 8 to 11 P.M. Boot Skates Available For Rent GUARANTEED INVESTMENT | CERTIFICATES | GROW 34% IN FIVE YEARS when interest ot 6% is left to accumulote and be com- pounded half-yearly. VICTORIA and GREY TRUST WHITBY Vaughan, Ann and Bob Tait, RED WING ORCH Invites to te ARDS visit our... SUNN YBROOK | FOOD MARKETS New Store Opening ¢ HELP WANTED © MALE full or part time © BUTCHERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS © GROCERY CLERKS © PARCEL BOYS FEMALE full or part time Age 16 Minimum COLD STORAGE 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, MON, to FRI, --ROADSIDE MARKET-- Open Weekends Meintosh -- Spy end Fresh Cider Located 21 Whitby on No, 2 Hi at the "pia RED APPLE" & Russett Apples ---- West of © CASHIERS © MEAT COUNTER CLERKS | Apply in .Person to: SUNNYBROOK FOOD MKT. 114 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY FORMERLY STEINBERG'S All positions offer excellent opportunities, and good starting solaries Evening Programs at 7 and 9:20 Starts at 7 and 9:30 20 th COUT eM ASCE MO LC MP OTN TAMES STEWART-RICHARD ATTENBOROUGHPETER FINGH-HARDY KRUGER-ERNEST BORGAINE LAWN-BOY offers a TWO-YEAR WARRANTY plus 18 advantages that make it the most convenient power mower money can buy. Come in and see all 18 features, Few other makes |] have half of them, No other | mower made has them all. Your Whitby Area Exclusive Dealer WILSON'S Cycle & Sales 106 Colborne St. E., Whitby 668-3746 "We Service What We Sell" NOTICE To All Merchants, Business Houses, Churches and School Organizations ----- Whitby and District. RE; ART EXHIBIT -- ADVERTISING ASSOCIATES BIBLE PICTURES COMPANY As there appears to be an element of over-promo- tion in this matter, -- which is not in keeping with Royal Canadian Legion policy, the above cam- paign for donations and the art exhibit has been suspended and the project abandoned by Branch 112 Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby. Subscribers are thanked for their interest and are requested to cancel payments already made and refunds are assured. Further information on request. Branch 112, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION S$. E. BRUSH President. AMERICA'S MOST POPULAR BOATS Your Exclusive Starcraft Dealer MARINE STORAGE '& SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN 668-3641 Open Evenings and Weekends ONT. ® SQUARE AND TRUE FOR EASY PLACING AND PROFESSIONAL RESULTS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY phone 655°3311 THE 1966 ROTARY REVUE PRESENTING Joyce Sullivan Stor of C.B.C. and C.T.V, Television, St. Mark's United Church Choir A high-light of the last Revue, The Acousti-Chords A top female quortette of the Dshawa Sweet Adelines The Ridgemen A real way out group The Whistlers A novelty act with appeal for the "Iittle people". The Rotary Rips A feature of the old Minstrel Shows, will supply Some local flavour Accordion Trio fa George Warman, Colin Brown end Don Boychyn. The Rotary Ballet "JOYCE SULLIVAN ee ee There will also be several other entertainment features including Ross Gibsom and a member of Victoria College's production of '"'Guy's & Dolls", ANDERSON tick sctoo FRIDAY, APRIL 29 98:15 P.M. ADMISSION 1,60 This, at $1.50 should be about the biggest entertainment bargain around these parts, Tickets Available At: Bank of Montreal -- Toronto-Dominion Bank --- Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce-- Victoria & Grey Trust Co. --- Courtice Drug Store -- Collins Shoe Store -- Butt Radio & Appliance. THE ROTARY CLUB OF WHITBY "Car Buyers Field Days!" This week a construction company ripped up the highway -- Come and see the mess ! Because of construction, Nurse Chey- rolet car buyers' are having a real field day ! TOP QUALITY OK USED CARS ARE SELLING FOR LESS These used cars are not just the average run of the mill -- they are all top quolity, one owner, low mileage OK Used Cars. All Nurse OK Used Cars have been fully Safety Checked and are waiting your inspection. Come In today! NURSE 300 DUNDAS ST., WHITBY CHEVROLET | OLDSMOBILE | LTD. 668-3304 I Seige antbeotp ot aiean ee eee 4

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