13--Articles for Bent 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bikes exercises -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, . pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threoding dies, toilet auger. . PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jacks, steel scafféiding, compressors, spray guns, wallpoper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propone torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heot- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter sow, elec- tric plone, tarpaulins, sond blaster, power post hole auger, ascillating sanders, dise sanders, acetylene weld- ing outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 233 King St. W., Oshawa Phone 723-3224 TELEPHONE SOLICITORS 4 mature women, 25-45 wanted immediately for telephone sales work with national advertising con- cern. Experience not es- sential but preferable. Good hourly rates plus commission. For appoint- ment, MR. SOL STAHRR 723-861 1 STUDENTS 17-20 for pleasant even- ing telephone work, 5-9 p.m. in our downtown of- fice. No experience nec- essary. Good hourly rates plus commission, should have good telephone per- sonality, CALL 723-8831 for appointment EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY $7,200 A Year Notional concern wants three men for local sales promotion. $7,200 a year. New car fur- nished after short qualifying period. Insurance benefits, paid vacation. Call personnel dept. 723-8172 New and Used SALESMAN Required Apply Tom Seton Sales Manager MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 King W. 723-5243 | ENUMERATORS | To cannvass in Oshawa and | Whitby. No election invol- ved. Neat writing essential. | Apply in own writing stating | age, address, ond phone number to Box 21624, Osh- owa Times 14--Business Opportunities |(anics NEEDED for part-time work TEXACO SERVICE STATION, restaurant 20 seats, grocery phone 668-4895. Fully stocked, mew DOUBLE GARAGE can be used for cor repairing, 5 ROOM HOUSE, all conveniences, oi! furnace. selling on account of health Apply owner S. HUSSEL, RR2 Cameron, Highway 35 Business Opportunities At Kiwanis Park Bowmanville Kiwanis Club would like to receive applico- tions for the concession of the booth and parking facili ties for the 1966 season. Ap- plications will be accepted until midnight Friday, May 6. They must be forwarded in writing to: Bowmanville Ki- wonis Club, ¢/o Bruce Col- well, 43 Horsey Street, Bow- monville. BEALERS in the Oshawa, Pickering, Bowmanville, Port Hope and Lindsay area for 'ocal distributor. investment $2,000 secured by product | | Evenings and spare time. Car an asset. | 723-3568 Body Shop Helpers GROUP INSURANCE . HOSPITALIZATION iNew product on market. Please telephone Well established GIRL REQUIRED for baby silting, and| Central location light household duties. cussed. Preferrably from Whitby Terms to be dis- Tele-| All benefits, etc | WRITE BOX 21496 child. Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to RELIABLE women required to um tol OSHAWA TIMES 4 p.m. Near General Motors South Plant Telephone 728-4407 after 6 p.m WAITRESS -- experienced, no evenings, | MECHANICS nv ly in person te Silver fake | | 1. week-ends. Appl Grill, 1628 Brock South Whitby. |HAIR DRESSER, experienced to lover clientele, Alex Plaza 942-0620. |LICENSED HAIRDRESSER lApply Bernadette Beauty Salon or tele phone 723-9471 MARRIED WOMAN wanted for restaur lant work. Apply Pickin Chicken, 522 Rit }son Road South. Ask for Val Lalande 72-5117 ad 4 required. | USUAL BENEFITS Apply | BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST required. Morn-| Ings 9-12. Possibly full time later. Reply | | Box 294, Oshawa : NURSES AIDE required. Steady employ-| Oshawa ment, Please write Box 21580 Time CLERK-TYPIST for office, mi @ accur-| FORD SALES AJAX 942-1030 late typist, Shorthand and record exper-| den, jence necessary. Grade 12 education min-| imum. Apply in person to D. A. Houlden, | Mailing) General Printers Ltd. Marketin Service Ltd. 57 Simcoe Street South RELIABLE woman for Babysitting (two ig room. school-age, one pre-school), and housekeeping. Live in, Private Telephone 723-9734 TYPIST for mailing division plant, must! | be accurate, able to file quickly and cor jou rectly, Apply in person to D. A. and equip: RELIABLE BABYSITTER required im- ment. Complete new service type busi- mediately, live In. Telephone 728-2295. ti. | -- -- ------___-- ness with no overhead and fio cpmpeti | WAIRDRESSER, excellent tion. We train you in simple easy pro- cess so you can be your own boss and earn $12,000 and up per year. Call collect 728-5387, MUST BE SOLD due to owner's hesith, well known restaurant, enjoying excellent reputation. Situated on 12 acres, stream, modern bungalow, 300' frontage on busy , ts 100. Terrific potential, room for miniature golf course or drive-in thea- tre. Asking $67,000. Call W. Frank Real Estate Lid. 623-3393, General Printers Marketing, Mail- | Ing Services Ltd., $7 Simcoe Street South opportunity for girl with own clientele. Salary plus commission. Telephone 725-3046. "Applications will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 6, 1966 for the position of Head Care- toker for new Secondary School at: Courtice. Appli- -| cant should be experienced | in the care and upkeep of buildings and Stationary En- gineers Papers would be an asset. Duties to commence June Ist, Please apply' in writing, stating qualifications, | experience ond age to: M. MIDDLE AGED woman to heip out with children and light house duties. To ares ive in. North Stevenson Road Telephone 728-2302. i liae | EXPERIENCED waltress needed. Apply) Colonial Restaurant, 10 Bond Street West. 18--Male Help Wanted A. MacLeod, Administrator ond. Secretory - Treasurer, Durham County District High School Board, 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario. LABOUR 3 MINUTES from GMC, 48 acres, 35 acres workable, 10 acres well treed with fast flowing stream. Suitable for riding academy, good barn, building designed for house, with living quarters. $57,500. Estate Ltd diub Call Pat Yeo, W. Frank Real 623-3393. OWN A CHICKEN DELIGHT Franchise-- (home delivery -- take out hot food) Over 700 privately owned franchises now operating in Canada and U.S. Several Canadian cities still available. Protected areas, exclusive equipment --_ training provided. Cash investment, $10,000.00 High profit return, Eastern office, 1644 Bayview Street, Toronto, phone 481-6436. WORKING SPACE for hairdresser, with or without clientele, with other operator Central location. For further information write Box 22662 Oshawa Times. SIMCOE STREET, well equipped restaur- ant, seats 30, also store, good location, excellent income. Telephone 725-8749 be- tween 7.30 and 8.30 p.m. Ask for Frank SERVICE STATION, restaurant, two bay garage, six-room house on acre let. High- way 6. Very good price, good terms. 581 Mount Forest, Ontario. 15--Employment Wanted -- DAY CARE AVAILABLE for pre-school children. Telephone Whitby 668-6363. TYPING and secretarial service, letters, reports, etc., performed at home. Tele- phone DAY CARE aveilabie for one or two pre- Ailldran Grandview. Olive. View- TYPING done a! home. Telephone 728-5542 any time. By ass LADY would care for motheriess chil dren or while mother works. Walton Boulevard area. Whitby 668-6632. | COST ACCOUNTANT required by Medium sized company. Must be experienced and capable of initiating and controlling standard manufacturing cost. Apply aivinng full particulors including solary requirements to: MR, ERIC SMITH, GENERAL WIRE & CABLE CO,, COBOURG, ONT. Peay ar ri, ot GHYHMS 372-5491 after business hours 372-7656 Ajax concrete. products plant require men for full time em- ployment Telephone 942-3620 or apply 401 Monarch Ave. $. Ajax CHRISTIAN MAN needea, Full of part-| time -- tifetime security. Experience lay School, ministry helpful. Earn |$100 weekly and up. No competition. | Write John Rudin Co., 22 West Madison \St., Chicago 2 Hil. | ROUTE SALESMEN for established bak- ery steady year round work. Guaran- |teed salary plus commission. Apply |Brown's Bread, corner of Raleigh and | Wilson, Oshawa. 728-2691. |MAN PREFERABLY with marine exper- lence. Some knowledge of small engine | repair. Age' 19 or over, Seasonable or full |time employment. Call Mr. Davis, 728- | $565. | ASPHALT RAKERS required immediate- ly, experienced only, in driveways and | parking lots, $2.50 to $3 per hour, steady work, Please call 723-0381. |DRIVER -- light work, steady. Apply |Myers Products (Oshawa) Limited, Re- |leigh Avenue. EVPESIENCEH waiter required. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe North. WAITER for beverage room, steady em- ployment. Must have good character ref- erences. Apply Manager, Hotel Lancaster, |27 King West, Oshawa. YOUTH REQUIRED for stockroom and 17--Female Help Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned until 1:00 p.m, Friday, May 6, 1966, for the position of Stenogra- pher for new Secondary School ot Courtice. Must be good typist and shorthand would be an asset, Please ap- ply in writing statinng quali- fications, experience and age to: M. A. MacLeod, Adminis- trator and Secretory - Treo- surer, Durham County Dis- trict High Schoo! Board,. 181 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario." 3 ATTRACTIVE Young Ladies 17-23 with | | | | | | | | j | | MAGMETHERMIC outgoing personalities to | train for plesant tele- phone survey work in our downtown offices. full or part-time open- ings. No experience ne-. cessary. Good starting salary. MR. SOL STAHRR - 723-8611 PRIVATE SECRETARY and girl friday required for general manager of growing company in Whitby. Must be experienced and have know- ledge of shorthand. Fringe benefits and top salary APPLY BOX 21596 OSHAWA TIMES | nyworths ELECTRICIAN Ajax, Magmethermic Canada Ltd., manufacturers of Induc- tion, Heating Equipment have an opening for on exper- ienced electrician, familiar with wiring control-cabinets, operator-panels, and motor controls. Must be able to work from wiring diagrams, with a minimum of supervis- ion. Apply in person to AJAX CANADA LTD. MR. H. CROON, Shop Superintendent 333 Slough Rd., Ajax EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE MAN Capable of managing large 15-man well established of- fice.. Must be' enthusiastic, ambitious, knowledgable and able to assist salesmen and givé direction. All inquiries dentially, treated conti- PHONE John Kosteniuk 723-8144 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 Simcoe South ONE SA nq $25 per day reply immediately Oshewe Times. 4 ha ~-nte enetenttrestrptentnaee| WOES SOUNd reasonable to you then' you LESMAN -- 'f Interested in mak- may reply in Detail to VOLUME DIS- and being paid daily Telephone sales ex-| Road perience heipful, or will train. Box 21858, references essential, Apply Pen- Department Store Ajax. | DISPATCHERS for taxi stand. Full time.| Residents of Whitby, middle-aged. Driv- ers also wanted, Telephone 668-3383. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted SENIOR ACCOUNTS CLERK | Preferrably enrolled in a rec- | ognized accountancy course. | To assist with costing and general occounting duties. Canadian subsidiary of large organization, Generous fringe benefits. Remuneration ac- cording to qualifications. Apply personnel manager 942-3100 DOWTY EQUIPMENT of CANADA LTD, AJAX, ONT. COSTS, COSTS COSTS are ever increas- ing in this our -affluent Society. Ooes this leave you @ desire to earn part -| fime money in selling. If so you will) enjoy our "Personal in Your Home Interview" using cur Mechanical inter- viewing Equipment. We offer you NO Fast Money, NO Miracle Product, NO hypnotic Method -- We offer a sound) situation thet you can analyze for yourself, and as much training as you feel necessary. People now selling please do not reply. Age 23 to 40 only. Pre ferably responsibly married. if these TRIBUTORS LIMITED, Landon Ontario 833 Hamilton Distributors of Domestic stain. 119-----Male and Female | Help Wanted 100 MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED IMMEDIATELY No experience necessary Good wages Full employment 6 months work Apply in person from 4-to-6-p:m> every: day: OSHAWA ee BAIT co. 859 Nelson Street (Corner of Wolfe East) TAXI DRIVERS Part or full time. Minimum Age 25. MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 20--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century Of Service OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M, 4 BEDROOMS Lovely Brick Home with fin- ished recreation room and extra 2 pe. bath. Completely decorated throughout. Yes, it even has a custom built carport Reasonable down poyment required. Call now. "MAKE AN OFFER" Owner soys, sell my 3 year old bungalow now. This well kept home has hollywood kitchen plus finished recrea- tion room. Lot completely Industrial, Commercial, less steel * products) fenced. If you have a reason- able down poyment it certain- ly is a good buy. "ST. CHRISTOPHER'S" Brick three bedroom bunga- low with L-shaped living and dining room. Fireplace here makes you feel right at home. Basement is finished with rec- reation room plus three pe, bath. Don't delay any longer, call to-nite "NEW BUNGALOW" PORT PERRY Two large bedrooms in this home plus spacious kitchen ond living room make this on ideal retirement home, or a young couple getting started would certainly appreciate it. Bathroom has vonity, trim is natural stain, broadioom is beautiful, Only o few minutes drive to Oshawo. $2000 DOWN Three bedroom older type bungalow in excellent shape. Vendor will take payments of only $80 monthly on this one, so act fast and call now. $10,900.00 FULL PRICE $2,700.00 DOWN Two bedroom bungalow which is very clean and quite taste- fully decorated. Very low taxes of $138 -- payments only $75 per month. Hurry, Hurry. Bill Johnston Howe Irene Brown Mel Dole Wm. Yasmanicki Marg Hall George Koornneef Irwin Cruikshonks Ed Drumm Maible Boudreou Allan Thompson Mike Belmonte Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 728-1066 723-9692 725-3867 623-5638 728-2349 723-1358 723-2859 728-5205 725-9345 728-2233 728-2870 725-8300 725-0201 725-1726 Mambers of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M.L.S. 360 King Street West Free, easy, safe parking ECHO HOMES ONLY... Pees To One Mortgage Large three bedroom detach- ed homes. Bungalows, split- levels, and = rancher's. All homes include the fallowing CLAY BRICK STONE FRONTS STORMS ond SCREENS STOVE and OVEN FINISHED REC ROOM FLOOR TO CEILING FIREPLACE EXTRA TWO PIECE WASHROOM MAHOGANY TRIM FURNITURE POLISHED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS MANY OTHER EXCITING FEATURES For further information come to Model Homes just 2 blocks North of 401 on Wilson RD. FLOOD-LIT Open Daily and week-ends L. N. BIRD REAL ESTATE 723-0321 5 |20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale GORDON OSBORNE REALTOR Watch for the Signs That Sell and DIAL 668-8826 Call "The Hot Line' 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY (Highway No. 2) Clare Shank MARLOW HANCOCK GEORGE SULLIVAN ROGER MORRISON NICK VAN DEN BROEK NEW READY TO MOVE IN $19,500.00 3 bedroom brick bungalow in popular south west area of Whitby near schools. Exceptionally well built home with mahogany trim, hot water heating, roughed-in cooling system for hot days ahead. Walnut finished kitchen cupboards, heated basement ond other extras for your enjoyment. You don't have to settle for a postage-stamp lot here either GREENWOOD CRESCENT, WHITBY, $15.700.00 3 bedroom brick in tip top condition on extra large lot neor schools and shopping. Trees here too, Make offer with your down payment 3 BEDROOM FOR ONLY 330,900.00 at Pickering Beach with low taxes arid easy carrying charges, 100 ft. frontage lot. Work in Oshawa, Whitby, or Toronto ond have reasonable living costs in this country setting with cool lake breezes all summer long HENRY ST. EXECUTIVE HOME $29,900.00 4 bedroom brick near public and high school on popular Whitby street with substantial homes surrounding. Spacious 2 cor gar- age. Knotty pine recreation room with open fireplace, 2 baths, large fot. Inspect and make offer to-day $1000, DOWN -- PICKERING BEACH Three bedroom insul siding older type family home with 3 piece bath, large kitchen, low upkeep. Two. extra rooms upstairs for overflow guests or growing femily. Full price $7,900. Cheaper for cash WHITBY -- 8 ROOM BRICK ONLY $13,950 Two storey forily home in central Whitby location with reason- -able taxes. Trees for shade here. Some modernization started, 2 bathrooms, open fireplace. Small down payment with sub- stantio! monthly payments or if you prefer save the interest and pay cash EQUIPPED 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY, $18,900. A fine Whitby home' that shows loving care with neat stone fireplace, paved drive and not too much garden to look after Close in location in older part of town with many built-in features including stove, oven, refrigerator, etc, Broadloom in living room and hall plus drapes will save you some of the extra money ofter buying. Completely finished recreation room, finished laundry room, 1% baths. A prestige home for those don't like sub- divisions. Inspect and make offer McCULLOUGH DRIVE, WHITBY 2 year old and 3 bedroom brick with attached garage in popular south west area with sharp decoration, mohogony trim, extra spacious kitchen, ond larger than average bedrooms. Extra bed- room in high dry basement, other extras too. Make appoint- ment to see and make your offer about $5,000 down. BOARDING HOUSE WITH 12 ROOMS PLUS Extra bachelor apt. rented for $50.00 monthly, Large 99' by 192' lot on busy Brock St., Whitby, has commercial possibilities. The chance to make. money here and live well, should sell this property quickly. INVESTMENT No. 2 HIGHWAY, WHITBY 62 unit aportment house in Whitby. Just finished, full occupancy. Can be sold in one or two sections, Need obout $85,000 down. LUPIN DRIVE BEAUTY, $18,500. 3 bedroom brick with attoched garage, 20' living room and extra 13' x 16' bedroom in basement. Neat paved drive and many deluxe features with rustic lot, workshop and tastefully decorated throughout for the particulor buyer. One 612% mortgage here too with one payment to include taxes. AJAX EXECUTIVE 3. BEDROOM Split-level home in 65 feet fireplace lot with comparable homes surrounding. This better built brick has dining room and family room with notural stone fireplace. Features galore here with built-in oven and range, glass patio doors, 2 baths, built-in cup- boards, etc. Reasonable taxes here too and all this for $23,300. BROOKLIN BEAUTY : $22,500. Situated on 86' frontage lot is this 6 room brick and stone split level design with low carrying charges, delightfully large kitchen sunken living room with broadloom, corlon and oak floors, electric heat, walkout basement with recreation room and cupboards galore. Only a few minutes drive to Oshawa and Whitby so why be congested in the city. $4,000 down with one mortgage. WHITBY HOME WITH INCOME $12,500 Two storey insul brick with large lot, 2 hydro services, older style home in clean condition for large family or extra income from apartment possibility. Tall trees and children's playhouse on property. Speculate here too with $3/000 down. OSHAWA -- 3 BEDROOM STUCCO $12,500 7 room with fireplace, extra 3 room apartment rents for $50. monthly and helps pay expenses. Low taxes and spacious 80 foot frontage x 192 foot lot make this a must to see. Call now for anncintment. PICKERING --- 3 BEDROOM, $12,600. Economize here with low taxes and large lot on quiet street. Wife will be delighted with the large kitchen and fenced in yard for the children. Clean decoration and garage for the car too. Cash may talk here. THICKSON RD. S., FRAME $13,500. With large lot and low taxes for a small family, Extras here In this economical home is stove, refrigerator.and broadioom, Full dining room and 2 large bedrooms in 'his 5 room bungalow. Need a good down payment here. 28% ACRES BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so relaxing watching the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar filled bush. You will have several interesting locations to place your dream home on this choice property. Asking price $700 per acre. KING ST. DESIRABLE WHITBY HOMES Are being built for early occupancy, Extra fine workmanship in these brick and stone bungalows near Schools, Churches and Shopping. Buy now and choose your own style and colors. Trees, fireplace, electric heat and other interesting features. From $19,000 to $21,600. WHITBY -- COMMERCIAL BUILDING $18,000. Cement block building on busy corner for small business, Could be the start you need with busy traffic going by your door dally. Make good food or service outlet. Come quickly for this one BETWEEN OSHAWA & BOWMANVILLE--$13,500. Highway frontage near Maple Grove with three bedroom clap- board bungalow ond attached garage. Clean decoration, low tox- es, fenced yard. Buy here for future gain. WHITBY, 3 BEDROOM TWIN HOME, $13,250 Near shopping plaza with family size kitchen, decorative wood panelling in living room, sharp decoration, extra high basement and finished landscaping. See ond meke vour offer for this fully dressed model . $12,900 FOR THIS 3 BEDROOM Semi-detached brick on paved Whitby street. You need only $2,500 down payment to move into this economy property and the balance you can pay like rent, Don't wait to call us on this one, see it now while it lasts. OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH, $9,000. 2 bedroom bungalow with asbestos siding, low taxes, garage. small lot. Retire here with low upkeep or a good start for young couple wanting to save WHITBY MONEY - MAKER Rooming house, close in Whitby location with 21 rooms shows excellent income for owner. Asking $39,000. Will consider offer. PLAZA LOCATION -- EAST END Commercial King St. E., Oshawa over 300 ft. frontage includes 2 houses and barn. Services included. Investigate small Plaza here. Asking $88,000. BUY NOW ON No. 2 HIGHWAY -- COMMERCIAL 7 room, 2 storey home and 112' x 176' lot neor busy Thickson Rd. Live here and have your own service business in one of the finest locations between Oshawa and Whitby. Reasonable taxes, close proximity to other thriving businesses. Asking $35,000. with terms, : 20--Real Estate for Sale OLIVE HOWE REALTOR LTD. 515 Brock St. South WHITBY LOVELY CARPETING . INCLUDED Brick bungalow with carport, recreation room, plus base- ment kitchen, aluminum storms, screens and awnings, patio, nice kitchen with built- in breakfast area, large lot. Owner moving out of town. For further information call Elspeth Hilts 668-5853 or 668-5017. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION This Three bedroom home has panelled recreation room, vanity bathroom, storms and screens, single carport with storage area, paved drive, well landscaped, fenced rear lot, oil heating, located cen- tral to all schools. Open to reasonable offer. For further information call and ask for Audrey Moore, 668-4088 or 668-5853, NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOL Modern split entrance bunga- low, attractive kitchen with natural finish cupboards, re- creation room, plus children's play room, L-shaped living and dining room, large lond- scaped lot, paved drive, alu- minum storms and screens in- cluding basement, TV tower. Call Audrey Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853 to arrange an appointment DUPLEX ON CONNAUGHT STREET Neer Oshowa Hospital, ideal for couple who would like a beautiful older home with a Private apartment. Main floor consists of living room with fireplace, foormal dining room, bright modern kitchen and lgathroom, | bedroom with: broadloom, Top floor consists of living room, mod- 1 bedroom and sewing room. Presently rented ond tenant would stay. Completely separ- ern kitchen and bathroom, ate entrances, Double car gar- home must be see to be age, nicely landscaped. This home must be seen to be ap- preciated so call now and ask for Pauline Hobbs at 728- 5886 or 668-5853 for an appointment to inspect. EVENINGS CALL Audrey Moore 668-4088 Bea McFarlone 668-5125 Elspeth Hilts 668-5017 Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Morie Wilson 728-3937 Kathy Armstrong 723-1884 KEITH PETERS Realtor GIBBONS STREET 8 room home priced to sell at $11,300.00. Ideal for a growing family. This home must be sold. Ten minutes to inspect this home today may mean financial security for tomorrow. Call Stan McCor- mack 655-3066, $1,500 DOWN 5 room home situated on « large lot 50 x 179 close to school and shopping areo, large bright modern kitchen and 4 piece bath, privote drive, T.V, antenna, vene- tion blinds, storms and screens included in nrica car- ries for $100 per month in- cluding principal and intner- est. Immediate possession. FULL PRICE $14,900.00. For further information call A. Donoldson 728-7328. ASKING ONLY $16,900 Anxious to sell, owner retir- ing and moving out of town. This three bedroom claybrick home is only }1 years old, has « fireplace, hollywood kit- chen, storms and screens, fenced yard nicely lanndsco- ped, some fruit trees, Call Earle Allen 725-7782. NORTH OSHAWA One and a half storey frame home with garage, large land- scaped lot, finished --rec room. quiet street, very well kept home, priced to sell, Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655- 4457. LOOK HERE Barn -- garage -- 6 room house with large modern kit- chen, living room, dining room and one bedroom on main floor, nicely landsca- ped lot with fruit trees. Only $11,900.00. Call 728- 7328. REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST NEARING COMPLETION EXCELLENT NORTH END LOCATION Just South of Rossland Rd. Clese to schools and bus. 6 room, 3-bedroom homes: Separate dining room, brick veneer. Aluminum soffitts. Electric heating. Factory built cupboards. Sodded lawns with tree. 1525 sq. ft. floor oreo. $2,300.00 down -- $123.00 monthly includes principal, interest and taxes. 614% mortgages -- 10 available, act fast. Call gxclusive agents LLOYD METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E., 728-4678 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, April 28, 1966 25 20--Real Estate for Sale ee 20--Real Estate for Sale Rae R. JONES Realtor 668-8841 728-6661 BROOKLIN RANCH: STYLE Six fine rooms in this custom built brick bungalow on a large lot with paved drive. "L" shaped living room and dining room, three good bed- rooms with plenty of closet space. Lot is well landscaped and back yard oll fenced. This one is ready to move in to and enjoy and the taxes are low. Call tonight and in- spect. WHITBY EXECUTIVE $21,500. for this older brick and field stone home. This is © fine property in a good district. The main floor com- prises of living room with fireplace, dining room about 14 x 16, sun room, bedroom with private two piece wash- room, family room and kit- chen with eating area, Up- stairs there ore three more good bedrooms with lots of cupboard space, a balcony overlooking the beauty of the backyard and a modern 4 piece bath, This is a quality home and does require some decorating to restore the ori- ginal beauty thet today can- not be bought only in a home such as this. Brick garage, T.V. antenna, storms and screens ineluded. OSHAWA $1,500. DOWN Located in central Oshawa this $12,000 one and a half storey home has been all re- decorated with broadioom upstairs and down. This is on older house but the interior is good and carries for only $110 per month including taxes. WHITBY FOUR BEDROOMS $12,500. Centtral Whitby, ideal boarding house or suit- able for duplexing. This home is an ideal purchase for o randy man and could be a MONEYMAKER, WHITBY SOUTH FOUR BEDROOMS $12,500. Large modern kit- chen, large living room, and two bedrooms on main floor, all well decorated. Upstoirs there is one large bedroom and a smaller one with both- room, This is an older insulat- ed brick home in excellent condition with a new heating system. Rae R. JONES Realtor 668-8841 728-6661 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD Supervisor REAL ESTATE DEPT, PHONE 723-5221 ROSSLYN HEIGHTS OSHAWA New spilt level home con- ~ venient to everything, Three bnew ee one cone of bedrooms, family room, den, large living room, beautiful large kitchen, rec-room, 2 baths, double gorage, never. » again with only $7,400 down, (Will cinsider trade for small- er home), NORTH OF ROSSLAND Immoculate bungalow with * lovely vista from the broad. ~ loomed. living room. The: cheerful kitchen of knotty © pine inclueds built in stove and a view from which the proud lady controls the - whereabouts of her children. Three 'fine bedrooms, finished throughout, extras including drapes. $4,400 down -- call now. FULL PRICE $19,800 N.H.A. Mortgage $14,000," ot 64%4%. Call for an ap- © pointment at once to see this © lovely 3 bedroom brick bun- galow with built-in gorage,. , professionally finished ree- room with walk-out to nicely * landscaped back yard, Only 9 months old and complete-. ly decorated. This will sell. + quickly, so act at once, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TAUNTON RD. EAST. $15,000.00 down, This val- . uable property has 120' frontage on Taunton Road by « 150' depth. 2 'apartments - and 3 bay gerage with small : show room are presently... rented, Room for gos pumps certainly . H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. 728-1678 CHAMPLAIN. AVE. Close to G.M.C., large lot. dining room, living room combined, garage, 3 good size bedrooms. $17,500. TWEEDSMUIR Beautiful split level with large living room, dining room , den, 3 headroom. French Previncial kitchen with built-in stove and oven, 1 - 4 pc. and 1 - 2 pc. bath, garage, patio, rec. room. $25,500. GLENCASTLE 3 bedroom brick bungalow, livnig room, dining room and hall broadloomed, rec. room, patio, nicely landscaped. $18,900. MILLER AVE. Close to Woodcrest Public School and Stevenson Road Shopping, 3 good sized bed- rooms, finished rec. room, broadloom in living and din- ing rooms. This is a well built brick home, sensibly priced -- about $3,500 down will handle. In excellent condition, in choice area, 3 bedroom brick bungalow complete with fire- place, finished rec. room, ond walk 'out basement. Must: be seen to be appreci- ated, 668-8558 723-3770 723-7335 668-2624 723-3788 Larry Cond Loreen Kellett Syd Goodfellow Tunney Morison John Kitchen FOR THE YOUNG FAMILY ONE ACRE LOT $3000 DOWN 5 room detached spotless bungalow featuring 4 piece beth, full basement, private drive, ravine lot with ever changing panoramic view of fir and poplar trees. Ample space for garden. This pro- perty is ideal for retired couple or newly weds. Coun- try living in Pickering Town- ship just east of Pickering. Close to all conveniences, Car- ties low too! $14,900: full price P.M.A. Realty Ltd. 942-2611 ready installed, THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 1S AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL -- BUY -- BUILD OR Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Taylor 728-7996 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 ° LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST, with underground tanks al- ' r a OFTER HOURS CALL 723-522? Jack REALTOR 623-2503 COUNTRY ESTATE Beautiful custom built home extras, 100 ACRE FARM Taunton Road, Solid brick home, "L" Close to school. $35,000. SCENIC 100 ACRES Tyrone. 12 acres of woods. Good house and barn, Con- stant stream. $5,000 down, COURTICE RD. N. .- Modern brick bungalow with attached garage, built i range and oven, etc. 1% ecre lot. $23,500, Terms. 48 ACRE RETREAT Wide, fast stream. woods with lots of lorge trees, Neor Leskord -- 20 mins. Oshawa. $5,000 down, BOWMANVILLE Storey and half brick home, 3 large bedrooms, dining room. $15,500. BOWMANVILLE bungalow. Double garage, 85' x 120' lot. $26,000 BOWMANVILLE 2 bedroom bungalow. Garage. Close to schools. $11,500. HAMPTON low on 115' x 190' lot. $9, 000. NEWCASTLE $2,500 down. East of village $11,900 -- $2,500 down, Wilf Hawke Garnet Ricard M, McDonnald 723-5688 ' ad on scenic 8 acre parcel near ; Orono, Double garage, many * . barn. Stream. | Nice . Lovely 3 bedroom briek ranch * Attractive 2 bedroom bunga-"' Bungalow on 74'. x 161' lot._ Orono 1 R 12° 623-3911 DOWNTOWN WHITBY Commercial, 2-storey older home. Garage, and paved driveway. This. charming home is completely: in drawers and closets. 4 piece tile bath. (Main floor) Large carpeted living room, fireplace with built-in shelves, full mirror above mantel. "Notty pine dining room, -with corner fireplace a large picture windows overlooking patio and fully landscaped rear yard, Mod- ern kitchen with built-in' desk and exhaust fan, T.V. 'room with shuttered windows, Panneled rec. room, washroom with cupboards, fruit cellar. sale. $28,900. Call 668-5432 modernized. 4 bedrooms with built-, (Basement): shower, laundry room with built-im Private 20--Real Estate for Sale : (Continued on Page 26): ¥ ; RICARD: |