Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1966, p. 25

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x |20--Real Estate for Sale Metcalf REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E., LARGE INCOME HOME Stone's throw from downtown, large 3 apartment home in immaculate condition, with 24 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1966 20--Real Estate for Sale |20-----Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER Rae R. umed | JONES ' |, Realtor farae 668-8841 728-6661 ottached garage, present in- come $240 per month plus BROOKLIN separate living quorters for PHONE 723-5221 RANCH STYLE owner. Asking $26,009 price includes 2 floors of furniture. Over A Quarter \20----Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale {24---Stores, Offices, Storage|/26---Apartments for Rent tere for Rent ' WAREHOUSE FOR RENT: 9,000 sq, f1., E 0 HO rok LEASE -- OW SHELD CENTRAL | ECHO HOMES | 'SUNGALOW |gritoteaterom:| HELDIAN ny r , ONTARIO Suburban three -- bedroom, te Russett Avewe., 128.1260. "egg aad na ONLY. 4. double attached garage, PRESTIGE | LOCATION on Simcoe Sireet ant Leif extras. $23,900. 614% 2 aye i ey igh gph Voile nel V4 % or aw office. Call Guide Realty Lid., e Immediate Occupancy EXCELLENT STORE SPACE for reni. Special terms for first appli- RALPH SCHOFIELD 725-4452 cants -- Rent now ond you ia ee ___|ied or Sina Sra nmeaien st] © COLBORNE REAL ESTATE DEPT. To One Mortgage SEMI-DETACHED -- Oshawa North, four STORE FOR RENT, near South A. and P. APARTMENTS utes walk from South Gen- Cheap living, low Payments, Call today eral Motors. j Perry Rei Real Estate, 722-8} Telephone 725-0150 Century Of Service Lorge three bedroom detoch- 56a. Suse: Properties |25--Howses. for Rent room suites includes every: thing @ Swimming Pool @ FM music @ Intercom con- NEW RANCH loading dock. Modern building, omnice and washroom. | i broadioom, electric heat, hy preg floor office spaci TRUST 3) 60 square feet. Ideal for doctor': 's / : 'deal location, close to four corners. Lo- will save. Located ----- § min- bedrooms," with or without | furniture. | Suitable for barber, hairdresser or office. e @ One, two and three bed- h Bungalo split~ ed homes, Bungalows, spli For Sale or Rent | THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, large liv-| Corner of Colborne Street a ee -- en OPEN DAILY 9 AM. TO 9 P.M. PORT PERRY Bungalow--New--Only $14,- 900. Exceptionally well built two bedroom bungalow. with o large broadioomed _ living room, If you are thinking of retiring, or just starting out and prefer lower taxes, this is the home for you, Call now and arronge for an inspec- tion, NEAR G.M. NORTH PLANT Six room brick home in ex- cellent condition. Low taxes, large lot, two bathrooms are just some of the fine features Try this one with $4,000 down, Call and arrange to in- spect now. 4 BEDROOMS Oniy 2 years old and just completely decorated. Family size kitchen, separate dining room, 2 bathrooms, recreation room and carport. Full price $20,900.00. Call us for an appointment to inspect. SIMCOE ST. NORTH Excellent older home, well located near schools and churches. 8 rooms--oil heat- ed--built-in stove and oven and garburetor in kitchen--4 bedrooms and a den--large living room with a fireplace --broadioom in living room, hall and stairway included Has brick garage and carport Call now and arrange to in spect this fine home ONLY FOUR LEFT Built. by Kassinger--N.H.A. winter works plus 61% %. in- terest rate. In excellent area off Wilson Rd. North. just east of Rossland Rd, E. Only $2,700.00 down. Call now for an appointment to in- spect. LASALLE AVENUE Three bedroom brick bungao- low with finished recreation room and newly renovated, modern kitchen. Try this one with $5,100 down. Call to- nite to arrange an inspection. Six. fine rooms in this custom built brick bungalow on a large lot with paved drive. "L" shaped living room and dining room, three good bed- rooms with plenty of. closet space. Lot is well landscaped and back yord all fenced. This one is ready to move in to and enjoy and the taxes are low. Call tonight and in- spect. WHITBY EXECUTIVE $21,500. for this older brick and field stone home. This is o fine property in a good district, The main floor com- prises of living room with fireplace, dining room about 14 x 16, sun room, bedroom with private two piece wash- room, family room and kit- chen with eating area. Up- stairs there are three more good bedrooms with lots of cupboard space, a_ balcony overlooking the beauty of the backyard and a modern 4 piece both, This is o quality home ond does require some decorating to restore the ori- gino! beauty that today can- not be bought only in a home such 4s this. Brick garage, T.V. antenna, storms and screens included OSHAWA $1,500. DOWN Located in central Oshawa this $12,000 one and a half storey home hos been oll re decorated with broadioom upstairs and down. This is on older house but the interior is good and carries for only $110 per month including taxes. WHITBY FOUR BEDROOMS $12,500. Centtral Whitby, ideal boarding house or suit- able for duplexing. This home is an ideal purchase for a randy man and certainly could be a MONEYMAKER WHITBY SOUTH FOUR BEDROOMS $12,500. Large modern kit- chen, large living room, and two bedrooms on main floor, oll well decorated. Upstairs there is one large bedroom and a\smalier one with bath- room. This is an older insulat ec brick home in excellent condition with a new heating system Rae R. Call now for appointment to inspect, $2,300 DOWN Large 2 storey, 6 room, 3 bedroom homes on Minto 'St, electrically heated approxi- mately 1525 sq. ft. living area, Balance on | N.HA. 64% mortgage. Payments only $123 monthly include taxes. 9 ROOM DUPLEX Two self contained apart- ments, seporate§ entrances, poved drive, garage, fireplace in lower apartment. Call for more details and oppointment to inspect EAST END RANCH Immaculate 3 bedroom with attached garage, large holly wood kitchen, good sized liv ing room, lot well landscaped and fenced in, choice 'oca tion ORANGE DR You'll like this 7 room split level with garage, electrically heated, large family room, all rooms large sized, Only $23,- 000 with reasonable down poyment OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Mago 725-9190 Bob Johnston 725-9365 Ken Honn 723-7963 Jack Osborne 728-5836 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hogan 728-1554 Eldon Kerr 723-9178 MEMBER 0O.D.R.E.B We list exclusive & MLS BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE DUPLEX LOT AT SHOPPING CENTRE 84' x 130°. Owner says take offers, Asking only $6,800 with $2,500 down. Call Jack Appleby at 723-3398 WHITBY $1,000 DOWN Look, Only $1,000 down for this 8 yeor old 5% room semi - bungalow Home in spotless condition, Features kitchen with built in dish- washer, spacious living room, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled INCOME HOME - | fevels, and rancher's, All homes include the following Rent three rooms in this 9 room modern bungalow and live rent free in the six love- ly rooms on main floor. This is a fine eost-end bungalow, only 4. years old. A terrific baragin at only $18,400 -- Call us now, FIRST CLASS AJAX Bright and clean 2 bedroom brick bungalow on large rutol lot 2 mile north of No. 2 Highway on Harwood Ave. Paved drive and new garoge, m large finished rec. room. Den and laundry Broadloom. $18,500 terms. INCOME PROPERTY -- | NEW MODERN DUPLEX South Oshawa -- Full Price $27,800 -- 2 large opts., 3 bedroom and 2 bedroom -- many extras including built in stoves and ovens, broad loom ----- complete separate laundry room. Act quickly. THE EXPERIENCE AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST IS AVAILABLE TO HELP YOU SELL -- BUY BUILD LIST WITH CENTRAL TRUST AFTER HOURS CALL 723-5221 OR Tom Houston 668-4416 Charles Chaytor 723-7996 Ralph Schofield 728-3376 ACTIVE 728-5157 HUMEWOOD AVENUE 2 FULL BATHS 48 Simcoe Street S In this lovely 6 room brick bungalow, only 6 years' old, expensive broadioom in the large living room, Recreation room has bar with sink, etc., extra finished room in the basement, lots of exttas, lot is fully landscaped. This one is @ One owner home, for more details call 728-5157, $12,500.00 Full price for this older five room brick home, excellently decorated, forced air oil fur- nace, private drive eorly possession, coll728-5157 right now _jingroom and kitchen, near south GM, ond Mary Street Only 2 min- "| $150, monthly, Telephone 723-7490. STORMS and SCREENS STOVE and OVEN FINISHED REC ROOM FLOOR TO CEILING EXTRA TWO PIECE MAHOGANY TRIM FURNITURE POLISHED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS MANY OTHER EXCITING For further information come to Model Homes just 2 blocks North of 401 on Wilson RD, and week-ends L. N. BIRD DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED "SPACIOUS LIVING" , large family home central area with reasonable LOW DOWN PAYMENT" | brick dwelling close to trons- portation and shopping POW - WOW POINT THREE-BEDROOM home, Philip Murray @ Year-round resort -- Pen Avenue, to responsible people, preferably Loke adults. Write Box 21550, Oshawa Times. Planddd recreation : NEW -- three-bedroom house, close to Di 7 s i ation; ayia Scuth GM, $135 monthly, Available im- inest foods, oven-fres! mediately, Telephone 725-8720. baking THREE-BEDROOM house, newly deco Luxury lakefront suites, ca- rated, Ritson South district; garage. Ap- bins and lodge rooms, $54- ply 230 Ritson Road South after 5 p.m $74 per adult wkly, all-in- | BRIGHT four-bedroom house with sell clusive Write Box 387 contained apartment situated in "park é setting" on Simcoe North in Oshawa Huntsville or call 705-789- For information. Telephone 655-4546, 4991, WHITBY -- Three-bedroom house, aftach- ed garage, suitable June 1. Telephone |sriue ut LOOKING for a place to go this; 668-422? |summer? Parkwood Beach on Paudash | THREE BEDROOM town house fo sub. jLake. Still have some vacancies. Write!iet, $130 monthly. Children welcome [Parkwood Beach, RR 3, Bancroft or Close to schools and shopping. For fur- jPhone Cardiff 2201, |ther details call 728-3425, | HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES, electric | inside facilities, fishing, skiing and swim: \26--Apartments for Rent ming, Telephone 725-2909 or write Maijac Cottages, RR 3 Burks Fails | FOR RENT -- Cottage in Haliburton dis trict for May and June, Would also like |to sell cottage on 22 acres of land on! jlakeshore Telephone 723-3844 FOR RENT -- Lakefront housekeeping} G f || S e [ratte ot Grae ta, ees rene Udar | veniences, sandy beach, reasonable few |manville 623-2262 |FOR SALE -- Lake Scugeg, aftractive) THE ULTIMATE IN APART- |furnished lake front cottage, conveniences ; |boat, motor, Write box" 21575 Oshawa| MENT LIVING IN CEN TRAL OSHAWA, Times NOW AVAILABLE '21--Farms for Sole FARMS and Small Acreages Buying or Selling? Then place. your confidence in a former farmer who knows the District and your problems FEATURES Call ALLEN THOMPSON -- Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 Two Buildings Immediate Possession Starting at $125 and up , 2 and 3 bed- room suites. Free Hydro Oshawo's largest suites French Provincial kitchens Double sinks 30 inch range, fully automatic Extra large Fridge with Freezer Linen Drapes Walk-in closets in bedrooms} Extra Two Piece bath in all 3 bedroom suites All suites equipped with Large Balconies Sauna Steam Room and Health Club Swimming Pool Indoor Parking Available Outdoor guest parking RENTAL TWO 100-ACRE FARMS, east of Peter-! brrough, $9,500 and $10,200., terms. Good for farming and hunting. For particulars | call 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor '22--Lots for Sale 12 Large L ots 2 miles from city, in attrac- tive area. Some treed lots Paved street, Close by public school, new high school and bus lines | PRICED TO SELL | Phone 728- 5579 | LAKESHORE Lor, 100" x x 150", on Pine eece @ © 808 &© 80788 So @ N aM AON | Lake, Haliburton, good beach, good road. | hydro. Telephone Port Perry 985-7496. | ;LOT, 100' x 150', in Kedron residential| district, "4 mile' north "of etty innit FORMATION Telephone 728-4268 | | } | RAVINE LOT -- Excellent area. $1,000 | |down, Terms on balance, Call Joseph PHONE re Al 1a | a | | Bosco, Realtor, 728-737 23--Real Estate Wanted Exclusive Agent utes wolk from Mary Street ond King Street, FEATURES: . Apartment controlled entrance Electric heating. Private balconies. Refrigerator and stove in each apartment. Living room and bedroom TV pre wired, Living room and bedroom telephone pre wired. Intercom in each apartment, Broadloom in halls, Hardwood and vinyl tile in apartment 1, Vanity in bathrooms, Sliding patio doors Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom apartments Elevator service to each floor Next: door to North General Motors Plant and office Mail service to each apartment SURE OF AN APARTMENT | PHONE NOW 942-2401 Only bill you pay is your tele phone bill, All other costs- absorbed by owner ROYALE APARTMENTS Carefully planned one ond opartment two bedroom suites, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Featuring the utmost in mod- ern living at moderate rental rates, @ Bus Service at Door @ Within walking distance of Shopping Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Broadloomed Corridors FM Music throughout Plus many more modern features. LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON ROAD To inspect call: Drapes in each apartment. Mai! Delivery to each suite trolled @ Mail delivered to your door @ 2 elevators @ Large balconies @ Model suite furnished by Wilson Furniture Co, Rental hencoenntgtive on duty Daily 1-9 p.m. at apartment 885 Oxford St. PHONE 723-826} Morning and after hours 723-6255 PRINCESS ANNE Apartments Oversize suites Olde English decor Twin elevators Heated indoor pool Sauna facilities Carpeted sun deck Bus stop at door Controlled. entrance Plenty of parking Loundry room each tloor Plastic lined kitchen cupboards Free hydro Model Suite Open So 2 1221 SIMCOE NORTH ons 9934 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS AVAILABLE In new buildings with posses- sion for June Ist, walkout balconies, stoves, fridges, electric heat and broadloom, Renting for $129.00. per month, which includes hydro, water and hot water tank, Call S. D. Hyman Real Estate 728-6286, 'Available May 16 One Bedroom Apartment Adults Only. 723-6455 After 6 p.m, neater 64% mortgage BOWMANVILLE ix-room brick bun ae down payments }galow, very central with extra lot, fire ned closets, frontage o e e s @ Prepaid services anytime. 1268 Simcoe Street Scuth = w AV | Mo del Homes Elegant Foyer Electric heating Sauna Both Closed Circuit T.V. Free, easy, safe parking Bus service NAANNAAANRNUNH Balconies & Patios Pressuri holl ssurized halls new two-bedroom _aparte = wren, Nargwoog ang Tile floors, Built-in . > Cupboards and stove, broadioomed livin : c THREE-ROOM apartment, ground floor; leon: completely self. Broaden Apo ree Parking share the bath, Immediate possession. | 1497 Park Read Soulh evenings 6 to 8 One child welcome. Apply 15 Fairbank tie bh inah, BER 89, un Estate 723.812 = Free domestic hydro & hol water pier pinded HILL -- Close to bilingual) ¢ King" W Oshawa nud ONE OF THE FINEST Homes in Oshawa, situated on a 83' x 125' lot in an exclusive area, Just loaded with expensive extras, such as double garage, 3 bath- rooms, den with access to gorage, fireplace, recreation room 20' x 23', 3 spacious bedrooms. For further details call to-nite. | | i Osh Real pe , interes shawa Realty aa y y t > * For further particulars call both, brasdinny paved vate HARMONY Principa terest and Toxes be (Bond St.) Limited | lA 723-2265 fenced lot. Early possession a Bont nehiionN call Holi hem | 728-5282 or 728-1582 vailable Mey Ist ; | Hurry. Priced for fast sole, Vi LiA GEORGE - KOORNNEEF . of =SCHO- S i : | | Wm. Yasmonicki 728-2349 at only $13,900, Just ask for Open till B P.M. daily. || _FIELO-AKER LTO. ot 723-2859. | ell-ective ~~ ------~|_ 2 Bedroom Apartment or! la - Roy eo at * or 4 P twe-st | Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 Realtor 726-2217 built by Tonno Construction | |15¢ ACRES. 'ine room sy mstorey house] and NOW RENTING 1-2 and 3 BEDROOM Adults Only Grenfell St. George Koornneef 723-2859 priced from $16,800.00 lent terms. Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651 S I] Y H Ed Drumm 725-9345 NORTH WEST Single family homes PRIVATE -- five-room bungalow, large e our ome IMMEDIATE 723-6944 Maible Boudreou 728-2233 668-884] 728-6661 A-1 CONDITION large lots kitchen, three-room basement apartment thr Sie Bill Johnston 728-1066 Vai wiaeHee oeia | pen arce driveway, double garage. Apply u sah ahh 1 REE Don H: 723-9692 aescaraans ranks ale ees : OCCUPANCY MODERN two - tree bedroom apart on owe brick bungalow with e 4 ick 9 garag | One of Oshawa's best apt. |ments, two wash rooms. Call anytime Mel Dale 623-5638 Features good size kitchen GRIFFIN build El | 125-0657, 723-1996, Irene Brown 725-3867 aaeibie iy 9 room, 3 bed. || Wilson Road South to Olive [place cedar Bees lig b ohartal vay US blo |ONE, two and three-bedroom aparimenl! spacious livin re) zi - AW cep r e ? Allan Thompson 728-2870 | 5 Snel rove |. .yooms ed drive. landsc turn east on Olive to Paps dead sf entional valve oy Real Estate Ltd, dul ait peal Vora' | available, refrigerator, stove, FM musi¢ Mike Belmonte 725-8300 r ' Saad ed go shit ale al Real Estate 623-2393 me | April Ist. No children under [controlled entrances, swimming -- pool. ' ed: lok Be" 18: Chiles | I | 12. Shown by apt. only. he 723-826" or 723-6255. 2 location. Close schools an ET four-bedream, two:! - - --- - HEC cee a Reg Aker 725-0201 ° C ta schools and KEEWATIN STREET { 723 8 ] 44 OUR-R Bill McFeeters 725-1726 @) t ilk | t two years old. Rec.-room, 'large GUIDE REALTY LIMITED if 00M = furnished artment te . . expire Asking only $18,- ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED room, carport, newly decorated 4 ; tna Suabe tor Couple or gentleman. with reasonable down $20 00. Ed Drumm 725-9345 Schofield ses : Meriter 4 the Oshawa and Realtor seuvenl Juat Gee ink Brae 46 Sicod Keck § Lite ': BASEMENT apartment, complelely ture istrict Real Estate Board at 728-15123 or 728-0483 : € SEMUDETACHED duplex, three' bed-|> | - nished, gentleman only, close to bus, pri Ng , se rooms and two bathrooms each. Ready for|5 IF YOU SELL 1 &.2 bedroom suites vate entrance, immediate possession. Be- 43 Park Rd. § f WE LIST EXCLUSIVE . 101 Simcoe Street North inspection. No agents. Located west of//< BEFORE CALLING US Lis MR cn ae AND M is 4 y hopping Centre, 229 and 231 Cabot Street, | ¢ ~ | TWO-ROOM apartment, "separate | bath ' # $ 723-1349, ok and entrance, refrigerator, stove, }. " CENTRAL Member of 0.D.R.E.B 23,500.00 PRIVATE SALE -- Older house, ? rooms, |. WF ROTH LOSE @ FOR RENT e@ |dry facilities. Child "weleonie. Telephone 360 King St. West ROOMING HOUSE u is: es An exceptionally good buy 3 piece bath, hot water heating, double APTS. --- ROOMS [zener scevtcciciabonabiinaiaiy 9 rooms, furnished ond fully la 6 roc i oag bungalow jgarage. For information call 725-4205 S LIST WITH ROOM and BOARD Lesvos eee en, Sarton: private gn is 3 yrs. old and located on THINKING OF RETIRING? two bedroom 5 DON Phone 728-107. ntrance. Sou istrict, rented, ee ebbsestbhie at duc TIRED OF LOOKING? o beautiful ravine lot with |north Whitby, low. taxes, Only. $12,500, STRADE SKI Office Alo Mon 5 Fei | Telephone 728: all peas er, brick building in good con é ' fs Call today Perry Real Estate 723-812 | . 2 ¢ $95 MONTHLY, 5-rcom upper duplex, dition, $5,000 down, call Come to trees and o. stream. Features THERE 1S a difference between a homelc Realtor | 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. fridge, range, washer, dryer, heat and office 723-9810 i include door from living room and a. hens ThmAclae. Home 5 | 'til 3 p.m utilities included, Near General Motors Ae Rolling Hills to balcony which overlooks and half, loaded with extras, |S 723-4651 | LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION north main office, Adults. 725-3093. SUBURBAN : the garden, built-in stove and downtown in residential area, Perry Real|S CE Rclite ee BEAUTIFUL and See The over in. kitchen built-in S ipa ttt Ko] 17 A..REDROOMS yen _it i : SEAS IIPAS china cabinet with full glass A ngale r Large six-room b I Mod: | > | R | N N\ #0 va a Lees ite aie Armstron door dropes throughout, ern ad "alenen Mee baie L eree tances SSSSS S85 $4555 55 9 a, clean and tidy arge lo completely finished 'rec room Ist, paved drive and garage. To inspect i Free swimming pool Street. Telephone 725-23 FURNISHED bedroom, in private hzme. REAL ESTATE real volue at $11,900. Call with natural stone fireplace | ¢*!! Gord Charlton 7ENSHN< Josepn |TWO LARGE ROOMS, main -ticor, pr. Five Minutes to bus stop. Gentleman pre- A 0s Ito , + pri LIMITED Glenn Danzey 725-8761 Home ond walkout to patio, Attach- ing tea vate entrance, walking distance to South Datei ootl da ed garage. Call Irene Brown | room home in excellent condition. Paved ) x n aved | d floor, MODEL HOME ot 725-3867 of SCHOFIELD- drive and brags, Quiet treet "walk hes ALY LLOYD oe' BUSI AR Som. Tar. -- $a3-s618 aga 505 Albert 'Sircet, 21 King Street West, Split 'level home of 7 rooms, 14 models, detached NHA AKER LTD distance to hospital and downiown. For! CALL | ONE 1 AND TWO-bedroom apariments, re PGRNIENGD ech ee beautiful condition and many gio ppt cay Andely, 725-4539 TONY ZAKAROW METCALF rigerator, sfove, drapes, FM music, con: bachelor apartment with | 725-876) FOUR-BEOROOM brick bungalew, family: 725-222 nts, 281 Simcoe South iz lollywoot chen, five-piece bath _ 4 ae TA : ---------- , F Featuring aluminum. siding, LARGE SELECTION suitable for basement apartment, to sup-| | REAL ESTATE LIMITED ONE two and three-bedroom apartmi TWO-BEDROOM apartment, $60 monthly, = HARMONY plement your income. Owner anxious fol | available, refrigerator, stove, FM music,| Share light and heat, 122 Simcoe North Naren \ \ built-in range ond oven, New Homes sell. Asking $16,500 with terms, For par-| | controlled entrances, swimming pool. oF telephone 723-5932 Muhber Gio oad Dinnce | year old bungalow resole brick; storms, screens, doors, lars call 728-5103. W. ©, Martin : 40 King St. E., 728-4678 | Telephone 723-8261 or 723-6255. WHITBY -- Available May 15, modern Real Estate Board | 6 rooms, built in garage and many extras. Some 6! @ Trades Accepted Realtor | REAL ESTATE LTD. ONE BEDROOM with stove, refrigerator, !ree - bedroom split level apartment, . hot and cold water, electric heat and|roadioom, drapes, hydro, alt electric : i | INCOME PROPERTY -- Large eight Buying & ~ Contact Exclusive Agents General Motors, Stove, refrigerator op- THREE-ROOM remodelled | si pace trolled entrances, intercom, balcony, laun- Complete kitchen and bathrcom, available BOWMANVILLE antiia, Cen Glan, Dsneey $ ] 676 DOWN |dry on each floor. Apply 349 Marland now. Apply caretaker, Marina Apart: 7. mei many other extras, located Call : @ Low, low down payments THREE-YEAR-OLD BRICK bungalow 72 ~ a st off K S 5 a ¢ situate eal ' site shop-| 8-7576 ~ |hydro, for only $110 per month, Sibby's/Neat. J. Gallagher, 303 Green Street, just off King St. E. List $21 @ N.H.A. fina.cing vated on Healey Court opposite shop: Rear Bilele. Li shank HoOy's| Apartment" 12 'belore 3. B BOWMANVILLE -- - 500. C 16 ing cnetre, Modern kitchen with buil all Office 723-9 : Vv sh ping cnetre dern kitchen with built-in 5 # P. Cail Wane << & Sheen "cot » Office 723-9810 @ Variety Oshawa locations |tive 'and oven and exhausl tan, Nice| IMMEDIATE |TWO - BEDROOM apartment, modern| ONE-BEDROOM fiat, monthly. INDUSTRIAL PARK building; rent includes -- steve, refrig-| furnished two-room apartment, $70, Frid- Sada 4 Jiningroom, three spacious bedrooms and toge fully furnished; sondy GRIFFIN PHONE | WE utilities included. Gentlemen oodies of cupboards. Rec room started. | erator, heat. water, drapes. Elevator and|9@s, stoves, f beach. Priced at $3,500 cash Naotly-3. ners land: and 725 3557 Electric heat throughout. Phone George| NEED | OCCUPANCY controlled entrance. Adults preferred.| Preferred. King-Ritson area, 725-9385. or $4,000 with $1,500 down room bungalow, nice location REAL ESTATE LIMITED as ETO: Cah Oe" Realise ake ae Apply Superintendent, 321 Marland Ave-|TWO-ROOM apartment, bedroom and ri Ols R fi 2 y| ! F near Oshawa Horbor, asking ] ae en Realtor, 20 Ravi YOUR HOME! |nue or telephone 723-4368 kitchen, unfurnished. Central. Telephone LAKE SCUGOG | $20,000. Call Glen' Denes vf -646 eae weer jivecoOR Waa ban | TWO and three-bedroom apartments, in | 728-0042 $2( ). Call ( ~ room frame bun e ie B. McMullan | Bill Johnston | elevator service, fenced in playground, |furnished house. north-west roles 4-room cottage five yeors 725.876) galow on Adeliade Street West, very deep] wrcom controlled entrance, FM music:|WANTED -- Gentleman to share, fuHy | loutside swim i ng $15,500. For appcintment to see call - 728- 1066} TERRACE ieee baled fe ocr old, fully furnished, bath- d air heat, four-piece bath. Ask-| i | + > or telephone 723-2347 room. Only $7,000 with 100 ACRE FARM Real Estate Broker Delores' Ross, 728-1964 oF 728-5102. W. 0 SCHOFIELD-AKER L TD,| \ eouatice Fivecrosmn "self-contained, |FOUR-ROOM epariment, including bath. Martin Realtor | > |Very centrally located. Apply 134 Albert terms $18,000. Full price, a 3 | Ipprox OPEN 1IOA.M. TO9P.M ---- | jrent includes stove, refrigerator, heat, PRIVATE SALE -- seven-room, two-|VLA PROPERTY -- lovely large six M | hydro. Quiet clean tenants only, N chit] street ODEL SUITE OPEN THREE-ROOM seli-contained apariment, IDEAL 75 acres workable, large brick tcrey house, lot 100' x 150° ed road b | ' er ae begga ee Na ba ivtnabioccasiinapie,. SICPOY Nour x Paved road) room brick dwelling with double garage! ld bats ters RETIREMENT HOME in, clean condition, oil and sidewalk, southend, 'best otter, "No| and 'circular drive on ihree-acre lots Mas| H N FOR INSPECTION | Sees Loreen cee teee, Seer SOY Nena" CUppeniaae BITC Maki Site . nace, "4 piece bath, good agents, please. Telephone 723-5879 after to be seen to be appreciated. Asking| |THREE-ROOM unfurnished apariment patinnidlise Suitable for working couple 2 bedroom bungalow on huge barn and silo, large open | Second floor, with heavy duty wiring With! or nurses aAhatolners. $85 monthly. Tele- well landscaped fot right in he ; ; ¢ ft Luxury large 1, 2 or 3 bed-. [Sink and cupboards. Near bus stop aNd) phone Sak eh Baemenvilie "$10.6 grove! pit, value here and |shopping centre 723-3568 ' one only ot this price, call TWO BEDROOM upstairs apartment, :|27--Rooms ge Rent noe fat price Office 723-9810 at cotalnees tenaitie erbnet ato Joseph Bosco, Realtor BOWMANVILLE @ Extra 4 pce. baths in all two children welcome. Apply at 310 Chest-| ROOM for one er two eenilemen: "Apply SUMMER HOMES 3 bedroom apts nut St. E. Whitby |4605 Somerville Avenue or telephone 723- Scugog Street, 3 bedroom Lake. Scugog, beout REALTOR DUPLEX -- Seven-year-cld brick con--COMMERCIAL PROPERTY SCARCE?) truction. Full basement, private en-|Whitby, six-room frame, large lot, 66° x| VALUATION e Intercom controlled THREE-ROOM basement apartment,| 28% brick bungalow, hot woter - | Two Elevators electric heating, private entrance, park-| FURNISHED kitchen and heating, natural fireplace, ce- mer home, 3 bedre ' } trance. Large treed lot. Choice area. Ex-/132. Don't delay, call today. Perry Real| : | elles terms. For details contact Mur-| Estate, 72 3 | -- Jing. Telephone 723-7370 a quiet gentleman. Apply 23 Drew's Street, \ modern kitchen ond dar lined closets, extra lot raperies incl Draperies included ae oft King. East Heme retain ray Boyle, - 423-4270. Joseph Bosco, r ' Ideal retirement home. Only room, attached at. hou 723-7463 Realtor NEW three-bedroom brick bungalow ake front lot, located in bay featuring walk-out. basement. Ready tor $19,500 -- terms ae Weeihe hel P y | BARGAIN! Private, builders own brand immediate occupancy 78 livingroom ear 'oshburn Island, fully | new six-room split-level home. Many|modern kitchen with termica cupboards <= furnished, oll for $7,900 and | extras, 6' per cent mortgage. Winter/exhaust fan, ample closet c a in Soles office: South of Olive West of Grandview 12 noon only $17,000. Highway 8 just north of vo. | SPOTLESS -- three-bedroom brick bun-|Highway 115. For particulars call 728) Can sell your home for cash galow. Large well landscaped lot. Close| >! arin Ren | - to schools, Broadioom to stay. This home| DOUBLE HOME 14 rooms, 7 each side,| ACTIVE REALTY LTD. has many extras, Be first to make offer|ciose to north plant. Could be converted by calling Gerry Osborne, 728-6724./to four apartments. Perry Real Estate 722-812 | room apartments, $115 up: be sacrificed for quick sale. Realtor and Consultant Broadloomed Corridors | FURNISHED three-room apartment, pri-| a te bath, hydro and heat inciuded,|LARGE furnished housekeeping room. Spacious Balconies pM adults only, central Telephone 723-9277. | Working ccuple or gentieman. Apply 194 Hydro Paid | King Street West. BOWMANVILLE -- Five-room apart spect tales esac, Laundry rooms on each floor | ont $71, monthly. Telephone 623-7537. | TWO LARGE ROOMS, completely fur- FM Music throughout s|nished for light housekeeping including renee | coll Offic works bonus. Wilson and King area.|extra 'room partitioned off 9 | THREE-ROOM Upstairs apartment, suit- After 9 P.M Lee Yh terms, call Office | The comfort of a large roomy | | 23.9575 Save $1,000 o %y Ry i Within Walking Distance able for adults. Close to downtown, Tele- pill mil an S15 weekly. M8527 ' f |" home is yours in this beau ELEVEN-SUITE APARTMENT «| division. $2,700.00 di 0 one r ' of schools and shoppin | brane pean | - % = Yields g pping = Joe Born ski 723-5787 STO tiful 7 room brick residence |10 per cent, $5,500 per suite, Private.| Ce"! morta 1 by Oshawa ; 728 7576. Rental Agents on Premises ONE AND TWO bedrosm Tparimenis| LARGE ROOM, sulabie. fer twp eiitale Deug Gower 728-1005 CO. LAKE caied Ghce Iovaky lela Write Box 21318, Oshawa Times, 86 King "tei and sn two blocks from Si | 1 modern conveniences, swimming] ciracs 'or telephone nse. sealant Clore McCullough 723-7843 Woter: front lot 70 x 127 ft 7 8 East A 0 » F e George "4 i APPLY SUITE 102 | pool and controlied elevator. Near school - b 4 landscaped lot, close to odwn- nee tes, evenings. 723-2008. Cari| Li t W. t | | Free parking. Whitby 668-6936 | FURNISHED room in private home ter Pat Yeo 623-3077 5 room, 3 bedroom cottage, ia SIX-PLEX in Bowmanville, prestige type| Olsen Realtor, 20 Ray Street STINGS ante | business gentleman, near hospital, TV, Ken Hock 623-5055 approx. 102 miles from O w building on very large lot, lovely trees | 190 NONQUON ROAD |ONE- AND TWO.BEDROOM apartments |r Ktatt oplionsl." talephooa' 723 sole oe ody : é sal Ciel m Usne Toxes only $220 yearly. To | It is rented and a real money maker NORTHWEST AREA--Large ranch bun) porick G, McD IAACI | Javailable Ist or 15th May, central loca-|o7e* Seenet.__Terepnone : 72-1004, Roy Foster Orone 32) awa, volue here of $6500. Private 'sale. 'Telephone. 72565) gaiow with attached garage. Paved drive otri Daniel ab tion, stove, refrigerator, drapes supplied.| NICE bright rooms, single beds, central Coll Glen : ae hree bedrooms, L-shaped living and din Telephone 728-5282 |ocati 136 Brock George Beoton Call Glenn Danzey 725-8761, ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING in the city!|ingroom. Sapcious. bright kitcher ' Phone 723-8365 i hoe de eee Port Perry 985-2987 FOR RENT Beautiful one acre lot with creek, three| spect call Sally Wallace, 725-6297 ph Bbesgph tet haged basement "pertanes| COLSORNE = 6 5 bedroom home with fireplace. Don't delay| Bosco, Realtor jwi Private four-peice bath, furnished STREET EAST -- Fournish- Howard Forder : tate Spaciali se $136 monthly vents: modem all Perry Real Estele 7958123 bs | 169 Simcoe N. 723-2861 FOUR-ROOM apartment, Private bath-|with frig, stove and drapes. Close toled rocm for lady, Close to hospital and Brooklin 655-3853 Pitas call L. © Shue 2 bedroom immaculate bun- | NORTH END sever yess cd inves TRIPLEX IN WHITBY -- Two one-bed-| reorr Aguits only Bus stop at door South GM. $90 monthly, Utilities paid.| downtown. Board optional. Phone 723-6636 Bill and Doreen Gimblett ' re . if s oF room and one N apartms --_---- ht one 72 5. hone 728-1318 after 5. after 6 p.m. d ver 25 golow with attached garage bedreom brick bungalow, living, dining! top condition. Lara ivat t ps i " mt ow nan discibovanieiniah ears ASAE Sy Nan eis ae gq 9 satehi ere ad be " re oi ne ' RAIN O SHINE Times Action Want| THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath {ONE-BEDROOM apartment, self-contain.| GOOD-SIZED clean room for aeateman. ioom, rec room, 'sis, 900. Cail Loreen Kel-icontact Joe Crawford, 723-102 Joseph| weather. fo bi aM, any k y toom Private entrance, -- refrig@rator,/ed, heated, central, frig and stove. Apply| Close to scuth General Motors. Shift work. Nett 723-3770, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd. Bosco Realtor pnone 723: a "Avoh 25 Divi streets ree e ey Mnrouh Eridie tenehehe TINK Ghee Bo ee (4s-3@78, doly ivision Street, through Friday, Telephone 725-1912, phone 725-2915, Residence 885.4548 v 7 j state Busines 7 o lovely landscaped lot. Port Hope 885-2535 To responsible couple.

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