18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1966 T y WEE hae Mowe A, Tiny Amounts, One At Time To Introduce Solid Foods It is a deplorable fact that|weeks in addition to orangejing him small amounts from a) many. Canadian children arejjuice. Many physicians prescribe|cup. ill-fed even though all the ne-|drops containing vitamins C, D| when baby is started on solid) cessary foods are readily avail-j}and A, instead of fish liver oil|foods, introduce these in small able, and numerous agencies,jand orange juice for the first) amounts and one at a time start- both public and private, keep|few months. As Canadian evap-|ing with his cereal at about pouring out literature on thejorated milk now contains add-}three months, so that he has a jsubject. The establishment of ed vitamins D and C, neither of! chance to get used to the taste, | proper eating habits at an early|these vitamins need to be given |texture, color and smell of each. | jage is extremely important.| while baby is on formulas made) Junior Foods which can be| points out Ruth Parsons, Baby|of this type of milk. Vitamin A|-hewed should be introduced tol Counsellor. Even though baby|is found in whole milk but not|haby in the same way when he jgets excellent care in everyjin skim milk, so if for any rea-| starts cutting teeth. At eight or jother way, if the food he con-|son baby is put on skim milk for|/nine months, a little mashed sumes is laking in the properjany length of time, vitamin A yegetable can be gradually add- jnutrients he will not thrive as|should also be included in his|eq to the strained ones, so that he should |drons. All types of milk contain| he becomes used to small lumps Nutrition is not quite the prob-| Sufficient quantities of B aod in his food. mins. Your physician may. re- lem for the breast-fed baby tht! ommend. a reparation aiheg Children between the ages of it is for the bottle-fed one, but cohtetne the proper vitamins, | 'wo and six years naturally have all babies need additional vita-| Recommended dosages should|a Small appetite. Unfortunately | min D and most physicians re-| ot he exceeded, not only be-| many mothers are obsessed with commend extra vitamin C for) .ause extra vitamins c: annot be| the idea of making children eat breat-fed babies. Vitamin C!useq by the body and so at 1e quantities 0" food which they} helps to build sound teeth and| waste 'of money, but Socata think are necessary, and will| prevents scurvy. Orange juice/toq much vitamin D can actual-|resort to all manner of tricks, diluted with a little boiled water|jy prove harmful to baby olery, bribes, and even force may be started with one or two to get their way. If, after a teaspoons per day, from the age half hour, the child has not eat- of two or three weeks, gradu-|@ later date, breast-fed babies /on remove his food without ally increasing this amount until|should receive a bot!le or two| comment and make him wait for baby is three months of age and'of formula each week to makejthe next meal. Good nutrition getting at least two oz. daily.|the transition to full time for-|depends not on how much food on pasteurized cow's milk re-|mula feeding easier. Similarly,|ig eaten at a time, but on what) quire a supplement of 400 units) spoon feeding of small amounts) kind. Sweet foods and drinks are of vitamin D found in fish liver|of orange juice should be start-\bad because they tend to de-| oil, or its modern equivalents, to|/ed early to simplify later spoon! press an already small appetite, | prevent rickets. This should be feeding. When he is taking it) allowing still less room for need- fed starting at two or three nicely from a. spoon start giv-i\ed foods. To avoid weaning problems at NEW S}S POWDER PROTECTS BABY THIS ISN'T JUST QUICKLY HELPS BANISH | A STATEMENT ' i ' AT as - ee Z sane : SO THAT'S WHAT TR THE BE! TL LES SOUN ND L IKE! - : - -- oe DIAPER RASH GLECOFFE'S All Babies Suck Thumbs |: Goa pee its a FACT isonea with be-} Habit Intense First Months ® ety "See | IR | memes We Cash Boby Sonuses are interested No one t y ) Why/used, this should be kept clean|don't establish too strict vhat 1 fake sure f es and Pay Cheques too. babies k their thumt r in!by frequent dippings in boili gicipline. He should be getting | t 2 ha xys to play with es " i z 4 some ¢ finger 1 etiwater. Never use honey orjall the satisfactions he- needs,' which litable to his stage Here's positive protection been devised co as J it in an attempt to) including the knowledge that/< velop t nd let him} } ps ee A We do kr ¥ that e it more appealing you care for t t it raint. Hel } against. diaper rash--positive Sens ie i Soa al midi: teed ih thle wan Frequent, prot i ans relief for baby from scalding babies do so fro ¢ } veets ve rou i bees labe and soreness already causing cr es In some children the thumb-|thice, « n the o king but discomfort and distress. Use short step to thur ick § 2h eem n\jsome experts iuse dental to forget it SLS Baby Powder liberally. once } on. Many will indulge) problem he : sade This pure, sterile corn starch hands V i em s IT and the p 1 ; . 4 st F } . | ] ' cally ali babies do some t ) luring the « or wh issed \ ince re-| } product is mildly medicated sucking , ig asleey hen -it is « yegin alt Y i of his hand and perfumed. It helps clear up more a oteere, The S50 Dcihapes alteaa | lace ah AG iene tn bath" voted diaper rash, quickly soothes ; ; : ogee teen whale pay eee ee) ee ; ee Fe : i : a | | of es ess to yr as 2 le inflamed sore skin. Read what bdo i Babv BLANKETS 2.98 AND 3.98 Aecordin t a pl r ) i ! Nadi ; ' S solu- ) f: ea pm a grateful motherswhohave used by Co Susbincg hake' Ghee Seana ; cee "es "tt ae wack at : dvic SLS write to say about it ; : : : { DIAPERS 3 98 have some bearing on the sub- ment if thu cin vill only ca om ns tea 4 ook. 8 ject. If babs f e of o i -- a - Last November my husband was SS nae ; au . tine should be i i] : ' transferred to Saint John, N.B. : ny ed | BABY DRESSES 1.98 longed thumb 1 i to find what it i aa , -- 1 found they didn't sell SLS here' ; : 5 bi ; dy i breastfe s0 1 wef 1 DaCK tO USINZ Ine Gtriei a eT a 2. ama powders. Almost at once the baby é Se ' : qj DIAPER SULTS "FROM 1.36 n 1 ; t re on ible 'On th ' "ott r hand is ; 3 Seg started to blister and scald, | 5 : ed # i ba y ut 1| babies who see mto be pe . a ie requested my mother to send me # : : : BABY LEOTARDS ] 29 sma hol d nig pily happy often suck heir Le \ y / some. SLS from: Hamilton. "After . i e a] EACH oi os Pie : he ise ' 3 hc lavk at t KE 77 i 'I q : a few applications the baby's i Se : : ee ¢ uP cuddlin 1 ; ave cuddline and talking ¢ Z / 3 J 4 diaper rash started to disappear, gr 5 a || PLASTIC PANT IES 25 SO Rg ee a : C8) ee | BABY BOOTIES 1.29%" needs new. interes Pag ee toes" - as ele E : a A wa poe INFANTS SLEEPERS 2.98 ies to do thir "VEL ; ; young lady has had the be: We ah | By the ; wits iy luck of all. Sor ne nl vee pe of : SHOWER GIFT Items FROM 98° fier to s tute for ' ime he reaches the ° : bee a ete POUDRE DE PUR : anges ne : tinea: ha géodaahiliven hia A ay. OL f con she was born we discovered SLS. A E MAIS : ITTE : wath cer luring the age play with Pra se hin ern i ee ' Pe She has eight teeth already and man FF ' PC. KN D SETS FROM 2.98 first si nonths or When'for his accomplishments and Jotinc r iparents j never once has she had a diaper 'i to ns "s syvervone | wel Pa é F lise ri © FEERING BOTIOE © Bh ebedginis everyone y fo) fo _\ : ! , S @ CREAM AND LOTIONS @ 3 PLY BABY WOOL @ ALL KINDS OF HEINZ BABY FOODS AND GERBERS BABY FOODS everything f y ' right here . . "es - MRS. » TORONTO* WE FEATURE SUCH WAME BRANDS AS:-- "My fifth baby is 8'/2 months old, Reo ; From the time | brought her home : : ' ' | DON' T G ET A 1 had trouble with scalding in the : 3 ; diaper area. Nothing helped. | am ; BABY SITTER IN now. on my third container of SLS_ ; ' = and not once since I've used it : : has she been scalded." : OE » A MRS. D, S., HAMILTON* | c 25-0445 MOND. BLS ASK FOR SLS BABY POWDER i i : | S WHERE YOU SHOP, HELPS : ' thd WE WELCOME YOUR BANISH DIAPER RASH BETTER ' ' : Give Us Your Order THAN ANY OTHER POWDER ie aco noe : t heighinie en file 3 ; | : | WE DELIV RIT FREE When thot Speciol Event arrives, proud Deds turn to our ; ; i ie % e : da ) | floral arrangements os the perfect gift that says so much thik : J sya Le WIAs A QUALITY PRODUCT OF } ILA Ly R. B. REED & , : ip fie ee os ST. LAWRENCE STARCH COMPANY LIMITED SUPERMARKET HOES hae SHOP PORT CREDIT * ONTARIO 174 RITSON RD. S. Downtown 128-7386 Greiuhoeia: 9 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE 725-1221 725-3445