16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, April 26, 1966 DO YOU REALLY THINK I'LL LOOK GOOD AS A BLONDE? It's All Important Choice Baby Sleeps For Names Are For Keeps Once a baby is born, ei have 48 hours in which to file his name on a birth certificate That name is something which,| like the ears on his head, baby will have to live with for life. Names are for keeps! That is why many parents file the birth certificate -with the name left blank: they simply have not been able to make up their minds, despite the time they've had to mull it over. Think of all the factors in- volved phen it comes to choos- ing a name. Uncle Cyril or Great Uncle Cuthbert telegraph a_ gentle hint that baby will be just the person to perpetuate their names -- and of course, they) hint at the possibility of a little legacy, just by way of induce- ment! FAIR TO ALL SIDES Or there's the problem of being fair to both sides of the family. So, baby emerges with a bundle of incompatible names strung together like wash on the) lin e. Or Dad has a here (in sport, or politics, literature, music, the movies, or history) whom he wishes to honor -- to the life-long misery of the poor boy or girl. No wonder some children learn to hide thos: embarrass ing names with an initial, and slyly pretend it stands for something else! Who knows when famous names today may sound "'old hat' or awkward to the ambitious young man when he heads for the big leagues on his own one day? But there will always be fash-| ions in names. And those fash- ions will change, like the sea- sons. Puritan names like Humility and Hope are rarities now; Priscilla and Charity seem to have run their course for the present; and. gardening derivatives like Daffodil, Dah- lia, Daisy and Lotus also ap pear to be out of season. It doesn't need much imagin 'ation to predict there will be a large crop of girls named Julie (Andrews), Lolita (named, like Lorna Doone, after the title of a book), and boys named Rex (Harrison) or Richard. (Burton Or Boone). Then, too, the Beatles are likely to live in the nation's memories with a rash of Ringo's. Yet, back of the fads and fancies, the standard and "ordinary" names go on. Take John, for example. It was good enough for a president (Ken- nedy) and an astronaut (Glenn) and it's likely to fil! the bill for many a boy called Jones or Smith. The same goes for a girl's name like Joan -- Joan Long-forgotten| Aaron of Arc answered to it and so does American folk singer Baez.| North America today. One reason for the timeless-| History, however, is no rea-| Baby spends njost of his time ness of some names is the fact|son for naming a baby by any| sleeping during the first couple that they derive from the very|old name. There are other cri-jof weeks after birth. The rou- beginnings of our civilization.|teria. One authority, for in-!tine revolves around changing, Elizabeth, for instance, is|stance, recommends the so-| feeding, and then back to sleep, traced from the Hebrew Eli-|called ear test. '""'Try making a) with a bath sometime during sheba, which is said to mean|list of those names which are|the day. He will sleep as much "one who is consecrated to)}most appealing to you and then}as 20 hours at first, but. this God". Today, Elizabeth ranks|say them aloud along with your|rapidly cuts back, until at the second only to Mary in popu-|family name", the company] age of one, thirteen or fourteen larity as a girl's name urges in a_ booklet titled/hours is usually sufficient, Dur- Mary, too, is said to derive| "What's my name?" It's better|ing his early iife's it's a good from Miriam, the sister of|that the baby's name trips off|idea to prepgre him for bed as and Moses The true\the tongue, than that it trips} much as possible ahead of time. meaning of Mary is obscure,|him up in life. In other words, change, feed, and it may mean either "bit-| It's also good to steer clear| burp him, and then put him to ter" or "beautiful". Marie An-jof those "famous namesake|sleep. If you change him and tionette, queen of France at the| combinations". Sure there was|feed him before bathing him, time of the French Revolution,|a latterday George Washington|he'll want to sleep immediately of a million Jacquelines in First Weeks is one of the more familiar his-| who developed instant. coffee,| after feeding and can get diffi- torical figures bearing. the|but he was an exception! cuit to tiandie throwgh the bath name. (Marys. are generally routine, and will have a ten- conscientious, loya| and stead-| WATCH INITIALS: dency to bring up from too fast people) oc Pda initiais which spell much handling something, like M.U.G ie >; | Jacqueline, which is increas- may not notice them, or think; : tgs " : the baby's a year old he'll prob- ably need only one nap a day and will sometimes want to have ingly popular nowadays, is the badly of the combination but} feminine form of the French wait until his schoolmates get! Jacques, which is the eqnivalent'to work on them of our Jacob and James. They Choosing the name is a: big Baggot oe oe : derive ultimately from the responsibility for parents. After and if he falls asleep there's Hebrew name Yaakob, by way all, the boy or girl will be ¥ : of the Latin Jacobus, It's esti-' saddled (or blessed) with. it for Continued on Page 17 mated there are over a quarter life SEE CUDDLING heme ailll MORE POWER TO YOUR FOOD DOLLAR POW APRIL 30-MAY 7 NATIONAL BABY WEEK || Variety Of Food Required To Establish Proper Diet About the time baby reaches; most, a pint and a half a day. his first birthday, his 'enormous |Bal Counsellor Ruth Parsons spurt-of growth, and with it,| advises that some of this milk his appetite, comes to an end.|should be used in the prepara- As interest in food decreases,|tion of baby's puddings and interest in his bottle decreases|solid food. Water content in proportionately, so that in most|milk is close to 90 per cent so instances if he hasn't been|that filling baby up with too weaned from it, the time to do| much milk will'cause him to re- so is now. Another benefit of | fuse some of his other foods, A weaning is that during hot| baby who gets too much milk is In Food Seen Babies usually begin to dis- play their first growing-up tastes in food at the age of eight to ten months, when it is ap- propriate to make the gradual shift from strained to junior foods, | Indeed, keeping them on a diet confined to liquids and strained foods beyond the first year can lead to later feeding problems. Nowadays, most doc- liked foods'in large quantities, frustrating mother's urge to feed, Count on an appetite which varies from day to and even from meal to meal, If he eats two reasonable meals a day don't try to ed him to eat threo, he "Just jasn't the need for that much food, or the capacity for it, The fact that he is growing in height and becom- First Growing-Up Tastes Eight Months to be useful in the diet because they are usually fortified with iron and several B vitamins. These higher nutritive values are particularly important dur- ing the toddler years, when a baby eats less food Roughly about the time a baby gets to this junior foods milestone, in his life, he will begin to show an interest in lfeeding himself. A baby will weather, baby will not be cart- ing his bottle around with him when chance of bacterial con- likely to develop nutrition ane- mia which further reduces his appetite for other foods ing active and agile will make him look more slender, but this also in normal, and no at tors recommend the shift be | catch on to these possibilities made towards the latter part of very easily if he is given a sec- the first year ond spoon to hold while being ferent as chalk and cheese. 1 Most Of Time tamination of the nipple is high' fven though the same sim- and resulting gastro-intestinal pie foods that baby has become infection is a good possibility, used to in a coarser consis: Milk consumption should tency will still be fed to him, usually be about a pint or, at/he will refuse to eat even well: Many Courses Available To Instruct Baby-sitters To prepare silters--and espe; Parent employers should clally teenagers--for the some-|employ only a dependable sit: times awesome responsibility of |ter, and should check refer babysitting, many trainingiences carefully courses have been established|you are hiring. in Canada, Among them are| Parents can also make things the Red Cross, Girl Scouts,/easier for the sitter by instruct Camp Fire Girls, YWCA, andjing children to obey the sitter 4-H Clubs. There are no for-\in their absence. If the sitter is mal examinations, yet there|a first-timer in the house, are some general rules, mainly | acquaint her with the household based on commonsense and ex-jincluding pets, other family perience, that have become|members, and its general physi- standard through the years.|cal layout. They provide guidelines both| Prepare for emergencies by for the "old hand" and the new-|posting key telephone numbers comer to the baby-sitting ranks.|~- such as where to reach the According to Edna Mae Mc-|parents, physician, police and Intosh, nutritionist, a sitter| fire departments must like and understand chil-/ Arrange for the sitters' safe dren. Moreover, sitters have to|return home make it their business to learn| As for the don't, don't expect all they can about their obliga-|the sitter to clean house, do tions and duties. They have tolthe supper wash-up, hang the be flexible, It isn't true that all laundry, or do other chores children are alike. Baby sit-junless that's part of the speci- ters' situations can be as dif-/fic arrangement. Don't overstay jyour absence -- the sitter also Be sure you know what youllikes to go home. Don't make are undertaking. Get written in-|the sitter's life miserable by structions from parents. Agree| allowing older children to be un- beforehand on the terms andjruly or disobedient. Don't for- other business aspects. Don't|get to brief the sitter regarding leave the children alone at any|children's bedtime or nap hours, time: Record and report ai]/mealtimes, feeding instructions, messages. and so on. As for young On the sitter's part, he should should provide their parents|not think the refrigerator is a with such information as the|freeloader's happy hunting hours, arrangements for return-|ground -- a sandwich, yes, but ing home, and special privil-/not the whole ham. Don't run eges that have been granted,|up a telephone bill. Don't enter- Before taking on an assign-|tain friends unless you have ment sitters should have their|specific permission and don't own parents' approval. put your feet on the chairs! Know whom sitters, they jtempts at stuffing him will " a | goats i. Make that he 89me@ babies can make thejfed: Or he may "steady" the lgets @ good diet, instead af be \change to coarser foods earlier ~ god te ute noes ing ruled by the ides of getling|than most, and the 'minced' |cjinations, he will even try to food into him : texture of junior foods is quite|take the spoon or cup away | This is the age when @arly|sate for such 'early birds," from mother, feeding habite ingrained from # acverding 19 Wdna Mae Mc- The best thing to do is to en- Intech, food nutritionist. tender age begin te pay jcourage these first signs of in- ldividends. Since hie éaplier ' sed aan ie Page i dependence, although it will unio? 900s is quite easy to urge for experimentation 8) te hecause almost all of the: mea" that feeding will take gone, the fact that he was (64 8 strained foods ave also avail-Jonger and baby will be more wide range of food earlier will abie in the junior texture, Miss of a hindrance than a help make it unnecessary to ine Melniosh recommends starting Attempts at self-feeding usual- |troduce new foods now and will! Wh Me satter of the junior ty eoincide with the start of | oods, such as fruits, Later, teething. There is usually no | sive him @ good varisly 10 61° peby's diet van he ex panded by 7 thi o . }courage hie appetite, When he adding the disguising this, because baby casserole' type of} usually gnaws at anything he begins to eat reasonably well, foods jean put to his mouth. Gerber \allow him to éat with the fem Although @ baby has gradu- has developed a hard-baked and lily, He'll be messy for # while 8t¢4 (9 the junior foods phase, it almost crumble-proof biscuit de- land will probably need help, 9085*'! mean that he no longer signed to give baby all the satis- lbut it will encourage him to needs cereals. Cereals continue | faction of biting leat more because of the feel ling of acceptance he gets by |the promotion, Set @ good ex 'ample for him by serving a | well-balanced diet to the rest of |the family. Serve either fruit | jor a simple milk pudding for dessert. Biscuits are quite al- | lewable provided they're not too sweet, but iced cakes are un- necessary, | Finger muscles are not yet Protect Baby's jtoo well developed when} health with quality products |baby reaches the age of one, so| any self-feeding he does is| bound to be awkward for a time. Don't insist on strict table | manners for awhile. He will en-| joy eating with his hands be-' cause he loves to use and ex-/| periment with them, and this) lexercise is necessary for their development. Feed him some foods which he can grasp such as sticks of carrot or apple. When it comes to supplying you with baby needs, the health and safety of your child is our first concern, Rely on us for quality et pleasing prices. relieved or money back. Easy to apply-- just put on--pain is gone. lor hours. Ask your drug- Pe gist for soothing, effective lecommended by many . PARENTS }) ora-jel ediatricians, Relief lasts } | ! | | | Who has a new apple-cherry - juice for your baby? | ' pRUuUGS 28 KING ST. EAST -- 723-4621 | OPEN EVERY EVENING TILL 9 P.M. FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY - @ POWER BABY BUY GERBER'S OR HEINZ STRAINED 6 c | BABY | FOOD 4% OZ. JARS Why Savage Pussyfoots? They're best for your baby This 1s one step you can take. See that your baby gets shoes which give the right guidance and proper For children with prob- lem feet . . . Clinic Pre- scription Shoes by Sov- Gerber...of course! (ascorbic acid), your baby gets as precious vitamin as he would from amount of Gerber Orange Juice. STRAINGO APPLE: CHERRY For baby's enjoyment, rosy-fipe ap serving, Gerber Apple-Cherry is fin all ready to serve from bottle, spoo Gerber Baby Foods, niacana FALLS, CANADA New, delicious way for baby to take his vitamin C: Gerber Apple-Cherry. With added vitamin C blend in a naturally sweet, true-fruit flavour. For ease in But isn t that typical of the extra care you get, from a company that specializes in good things for baby? Babies are our business...our only business! support. Savage Pussyfoots have 25 years of research behind them. Your baby gets all the features that make Pussyfoots the outstanding shoe in its field. Make sure you buy correct fitting Savage Pussy- foots for your baby. much of the the same ples and cherries OPEN FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M, DAVIDSON SHOE STORE 31 Simeoe St. N. ely strained, n or cup. Downtown Oshawa