Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Apr 1966, p. 16

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Early record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible afier the ceremony. names of out-of-town guests enriat editor eGCias SUlor of publication of this wedding You are asked to submit the attending the wedding to the Vella - Dignem Merna Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Dignem, Oshawa, exchanged nuptial vows with Norman Robert Vella, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oreste Vella Whitby, on Satur- day, April 16. The noon ceremony took place in St. Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church. The Reverend N. J. Gignac offi- ciated and the Reverend Joseph Borg was present in the sanc- tuary. Mr. Jack Driscoll, organ- ist, played the wedding music and accompanied Miss Anne Nicol who sang "Ave Maria" (Gounod), "Because" and "On: This Day." Wearing a full-length gown of candle-glow faille, the bride was given in marriage by her fa- ther, The formal gown was styled with a high-rise waistline, appliqued with re-embroidered lace, and the A-line skirt was accented by a sweeping, re- movable train. The bodice fea- tured a scoop neckline and lily- point sleeves. Her headdress was a wreath of French flow- Brough Guests from Bloomfield, Tren- ton, Newcastle, Taunton, Whit- by, Waterloo and Ayr, Ontario, attended the wedding of Miss Diana Pierce and Mr. John Frederick Brough in Northmin- ster United Church, April 15. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Russell Pierce, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Pierce, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brough of Bloomfield. The Reverend H. A. Mellow performed the evening cere- mony and Mr. Ronald Kelling- ton, organist, played the wed- ding musix. Given in marriage by her bro- ther, Mr. Ronald Pierce, the bride wore a floor-length gown of white peau de soie with a bell hipline.. The sleeveless bodice was topped by a short, cropped ers, cut crystals and seed pearls holding a full-length veil of tulle illusion and she carried a cas- cade of mauve orchids with white miniature carnations and feathered, mauve florets. Mrs. Delmar Haensgen, Osh- awa, was the matron of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Colleen McAdam, Oshawa, and Miss Phyllis Knight, Whitby. Mr. William Moir, Montreal, was the best man and ushering were Mr. Horace Cartwright, Brooklin, and Mr. James Dig- nem, Oshawa. : A reception was held at the Annandale Country Club. As the couple left for a honeymoon in Nassau, the bride was wearing an orange coat over a match- ing flowered chiffon dress with celery-green accessories and 2 flowered hat in orange and green. Her corsage was com- iposed of white feathered carna- tions tinted with orange. Mr. and Mrs. Vella will re-| jside in La _ Contessa Apart- ments, Nonquon road. - Pierce length sleeves. Her shoulder- length veil of nylon tulle was held by a tiara of seed pearls and sequins and she carried her grandmother's white prayer- book, crested with red roses and white carnations, Ip Mrs. Ronald Pierce, the bride' sister-in-law, was her matron of |honor and her cousin, Miss Au- |arey Stonehouse of Whitby, the bridesmaid. : Mr. Wilfred Brough of Ayr and Mr. Howard Brough, New- leastle, both brothers of the bridegroom, were best man and usher respectively. A reception was held in the) lower hall of the church and lJater the couple left for a honey- moon in the United States. For going away, the bride donned a two-piece, red boucle suit with Summary of reports of ST. GERTRUDE'S CWL | The new executive of St. Ger- trude's Catholic Women's League was introduced at the April meeting by the retiring president, Mrs. John Melnychuk. Elected for president was Mrs. John Poltz; secretary, Mrs. James O'Reilly; treasurer, Mrs. Stanley Sobanski; first vice- president; Mrs. Gerald Merkley; second vice-president, Mrs. Wil- liam O'Neill; third vice-presi- dent, Mrs, William Gilchrist; councillors, Mrs. Patrick Ken- nedy, Mrs. James Potticary, Mrs. William Clancy, Mrs. James Noonan, Mrs. Vincent Kelly, Mrs. Bert Meraw, Mrs.} 'Frank Baron, Mrs. William Craig. The Reverend John Myers welcomed the new executive and thanked the retiring presi- dent and her executive for their work during the past two years. Proceeds from the recent fashion show and also the card party were announced by Mrs. Melnychuk who thanked all who assisted with these events. The annual communion break-| fast was announced for Sunday, | May 15. Refreshments were served by |Mrs. John Byrne and her com- | mittee, SUNSHINE REBEKAH LODGE No. 222 The regular meeting of Sun- shine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 MR. AND 'ks NORMAN R. TEMEA CHILD GUIDANCE 4. Children Need To Know The Reason For Correction DISTAFF DIARY Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. graphed. Mrs. Young described the Bon- nechere Caves, near Eganville, Ontario, commenting on the many beautiful stalactite and stalagmite formations in_ the caves as well as the many fos- |sils visible in the layers of lime- stone. In conclusion the speaker told of the many vicious battles anniversary party to be held at which occurred in the fathom- the next meeting, May 2. A sub-|!¢5S pore ics si aed gg yg iyhspell amers Harolf Ball thanked Mrs. Young. This is one of the special) projects undertaken by the Odd- | the meeting members were fellows and Rebekah lodges. pleased to welcome Mrs. Jerry PNG bi prone peat ne | deetereen back to the chapter. correspondence, invitations an . i Bia cards. PNG Anne Coakwell read mrs; aneerem bas hier id the report from the district ciated with the Don Mills and meeting held recently at Brough- | Peterborough chapters after am, when PNG Irene Lye was|leaving Oshawa four years ago, appointed District Deputy Presi-|anq since her return to the dent for District No. 7. area will now be associated Invitations were received |. ; ; trom Benevolent Lodge Whitby, |"? i Alph Sigma. Mrs. An- meetings and activities of committee. PNG Gladys Mor- gan gave the tentative plans for the entertainment for the 45th ish ish 'for Wednesday, May 4 at 8 p.m. derson will be attending the and Easter Lodge, Pickering,|Founder's Day banquet in! Thursday, May 12, 8.00 p.m. It| Peterborough this month to re- was announced that the annual Church parade would be held Sunday, May 24. Next meeting will be held on May 2. Members desiring tick- ets for the birthday supper, please. contact Mrs. Joseph Wood at 728-8277, : jwill be conferred on_ several BATHE PARK AUXILIARY |members of Gamma _ Epsilon The regular monthly meeting | and Delta Sigma Chapters. The of Bathe Park Auxiliary was|new officers for the ensuring held in the clubhouse with 11/year will also be instaled. members present. The bingo re KING STREET UCW port was given by Mrs. Wil- liam Haight and the bazaar, Members of the Fellowship {Unit (4) of King Street United was reported a success. j¥ ( : ( The auxiliary will hold a ban-| hurch Women held their April ceive the "Girl of the Year"| award, The next regular chapter meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Freek, High street, Whitby, May 11. At this meeting the Exemplar Degree depths which could be Photo- | During the business portion of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 26, 1966 15 ducted by Mrs. Stanley Gomme |Liberal Workshop held in Peter- and Mrs. Russell Mapes car-|borough, were presented. ried on with the Easter theme| Mr. W. A. Selby, president of of the Risen Lord. |the Oshawa Liberal Associa- "Easter is for Everyone" was|tion outlined plans for a ser- the conclusion reached by Mrs, |i¢S of association activities dur- Believer, Mrs, Doubter and Mrs, |ing the summer and fall sea- Sunday School Teacher in aplay-|59. i let on "Immortality and the Re-| Mr. George Drynan answered surrection"'. Mrs. Thomas Goch, |several important questions Mrs. Kenneth Suddard and Mrs. |submitted by the members. ivan Morrison enacted the| A further meeting of the Osh- parts. jawa Women's Liberal Asso¢ia- The business meeting was tion will conducted by Mrs. Frank Ball!p.m, sida sadly gsr with reports presented by Mrs. Hugh Hutcheson and Mrs. Ken- neth Suddard. A report on the King Street Commemorative spoon was given by Mrs. Wil- liam Edwards and it was noted that delivery was expected be- fore the end of April. A report was given by Mrs. Edwards on ithe other provincial spoons and the centennial spoon, Special mention was made of the choco- late bars and candy being sold jas a building fund project and jthese will be available through Beth Love, Sang a duet. unit members, Mrs. A. E. W. Kimberley, in- | A social hour was enjoyed |troduced by Mrs. Alfred Fur- with refreshments served byjsey, gave a background of Mrs. Gomme, Mrs, Mapes and/South America as an introduct- members of their group. Mrs.|ion to the showing of the film Ross Duncanson and Miss Mar-|"'South America", Two letters garet Mountenay will be in|were read from missionaries charge of the May meeting. _| stationed there. | se | Mrs. Neal conducted the busi- LIBERAL WOMEN ness meeting announcing there A well attended meeting of would be a variety night held in the Oshawa Women's Liberal the 'auditeriath S: ' phases: nod pee ait Saturday, April jAssociation was held at the|93- aiso catering dates would Ywe A with the president, Mrs. |14' poy the bowling banquet Ap- G, N. Varnum, presiding. ril 30; two weddings May 6 and The card party recently held May 14; the C.G.LT. banquet by the Oshawa Liberal Associa-|May 24; and the 14th Guide WESTMOUNT UCW The regular general 'meeting of the Westmount United Church Women was held Tuesday even- ing in the Sunday school audi- torium. The president, Mrs. Per- cy Neal, welcomed the mem- bers and the visitors. Mrs. Ralph Boneham took charge of the devotional period using the theme 'Holy Habits Mrs, George Love sang a solo and she and her daughter, Miss black patent leather accessor- By GARRY C. Myers, PhD. jour talks with him about right For many years you may/and wrong. often have heard or read from! About 30 years ago while edi- gifted writers -- some -called|ting a children's magazine no child experts--that it does no| longer published, I confined my good to talk with children about|editorials to chatting with chil- matters of right or wrong. Some|dren about all sorts of matters arents and teachei's have taken| familiar to them avout behavior this advice literally and have! and conduct. purposely avoided discuss-| The publisher, when I began ing such matters with children) these editorials, told me he was ors welcomed vice grand Della | read| Hutchison to them being|port on the sick and five or 15. sure children wouldn't Even some Sunday school|them or listen teachers and leaders of charac-| read. But he let me go ahead ter - building groups, as 4-H! and after several issues letters|so many members were sick or|meeting held was held recently in the LOOF quet for the hockey team on rooms with Noble Grand Doro-| Saturday, May 7. thy Haley: presiding, with vice Game : grand Della Hutchison assist- : ; ing. Leonard Allison, Mrs. Lodge opened according to Brady, Mrs. Cyril ritual, under escort of the war-|Mrs. Douglas Moore, Mrs. Les- den and conductor the flag of|lie Lloyd and Miss Betty Mc- the country was presented. |Mann. Roll call was taken and visit-| Tea and cookies were served. | BETA SIGMA PHI | (XI ALPHA SIGMA CH.) At their regular bi-monthly recently at the Mrs. James winners were, gave a lengthy re- shut-ins that Regrets were expressed clubs, campfire girls and scouts|began coming in from parents|confined to the hospital. The home of Mrs. Kenneth Young, have been careful to desist from! and teachers, evén from chil-|financial report such discussions. dren, asking for more of the One reason for this notion is|}same. This type of editorial that teachers and parents na-|was continued with. increasing turally tend to dwell on the| popularity. wrong done by a child after he SRC ea Se is apprehended. in doing it|APPROVE BY LETTERS Usually the talk followed or} When in 1946 Mrs. Myers and preceded punishment or rebuke. I founded a new magazine for was given by Hunter street, members of Xi PNG Anne Coakwell, PNG May| Alpha Sigma Chapter of Beta Wood reported on the special sigma Phi heard Mrs. Young ~ | speak on the final program topic dren about right and wrong that of the current sorority year. counts, it's when we say it and) Mrs, Young obtained the in- how we feel and how they feel formation for her subject 'The when we say it. When we can\fFace of the Earth' from Ra- get the right relationship with chel L. Carson's book entitled Shrigley, | meeting at the home of Mrs, |tion was a complete sell-out and and Brownie banquet for May Seymour Bigwood. The meeting Plans were started on another] 9. was opened with an Easter poem |one on a larger scale for the) Quests were present from Ce- by Mrs. Frank Ball and the de-|¢arly fall. dardale, Centre Street and votional period which was con-, Reports from delegates to the|Southminster United Churchs. TAKE IT EASY THIS SUMMER with ZELLER'S LAWN MOWERS ! "ZELCO LANCER" NO DOWN PAYMENT ZELLERS PAY ONLY 1.25 WEEKLY children, I wrote a similar edi- 4.99 Let the 'Lancer' do the job, faster and better! Powered by 4-cycle 3 H.P. Tecum- seh engine with rgcoil starter---for rugged performance, driving a 20" rotary blade. Throttle control for your convenience. Rolls easily on 7" wheels. With chrome-plated T- handle and green deck, Front side discharge. jacket of Chantilly lace, accent-|ies, a white hat and corsage of|This occurred at a time when|CUGren, - ed with hand-sewn silk braid|white carnations. L the parent or teacher was least tora! Signs nd styled with a high, round| Mr. and Mrs. Brough are mak- fit emotionally to explain the} gs yer, : edie neckline and three = quarter'ing their home in Oshawa. why of the wrong deed and the| torial has been running regu- him..to. want to..do. right, Mrs. John Matthews and Mrs. |child least ready to profit from larly since. Among the hundreds! paRENTS' QUESTIONS Harold Ball modelled bathing I bl C b ll \the talk. of letters coming from parents, . How does Canada rank|Suits from days gone by. Mrs. e iy Mp. e | Moreover, some years aoe, ee Buide worse d ite with other nations in childbirth Perey Bradley presided at the when progressive education was| © ren, this feature has been! safety? piano. jat its larg one of be tng pening phi byt poate A, it vey ware 14th, follow-| In her aig Mrs. Young spoke |was that you must deal with y. 3 single Je el ing behind Sweden, the Nether-|of how the temperatures were jany wrong behavior only when | the years has condemned it as'jands, Norway, Finland, Ire-|governed by the oceans and it happens; that the more re- preachy or uninteresting. land, Denmark, Switzerland,|their currents. Using a picture i iil i. thar | gohonl mote from this occasion, the _ Parents and onehens SaY/New Zealand, Australia, Eng-| graph she pointed out the var- ical Institute, Toronto. The Rev- A_ reception in e School! tess good it could do. jyoung children like to have it}jand and Wales, Japan, Czecho-|ious depths man has been able | erend L. S. Albright D.D. offi-|lounge followed the ceremony. | jread to them and to talk about! slovakia, and France Ito decked himself and alko the ciated assisted by Canon H. L.| For a wedding trip to Wash-|/ DISCUSS AT TIME lits content. Many older children |- : ; : : : : Puxley. The organist was Mr./ington D.C., Florida and south-| | once heard @ college profes-| say they like to read it; some| Bruce Murray. ern points, the bride wore a/sor say there was no sense to|say it helps them solve some Given in marriage by her bro-| Copenhagen blue corded silk suit) talk in the classroom about) of their personal problems. Now ther, Mr. Hugh Campbell of Oril-|with matching hat and acces-| right behavior in the cafeteria--| and then a child writes "I don't lia, the bride wore a floor-length| sories. |talk about it only in actual) see how you so often know how gown of periwinkle crepe with a| On their return Mr. and Mrs. | situations in the cafeteria, The|I feel." lace jacket and flowered hat of|Lamble will reside at 376 King | distance and time between the| In this feature forget-me-nots. Her corsage was street east, Oshawa. classroom and cafeteria is too} "ought," "should" or "should sag --------------------| great. Such was taught and)not" don't appear. The simple entitled, Let's Talk|@ Child, a few words of advice)'*The Sea Around Us". This type of edi-| M4y Prove powerful at helping) a, g preface to the program The marriage of Miss Rae C.|}composed of pink rosebuds and Campbell of Toronto and Mr. |blue forget-met-nots. Francis T. Lamble of Oshawa) Ushers were Mr. Nelson Bran- was solemnized at the Canadian|don of Bradford 'and Mr. Don- School of Missions and Ecumen-|ald Campbell of Barrie. the words | practiced by many an educator.| underlying assumption is that $ § - } KEEP IN TRIM |The assumption seemed to be| all children like to have friends A eee that the child had no memory and to be happy. Here are some TO) I qs A : a |or imagination. ways by which you may. My mes ey | CAR ee NCE Fat On Hips Or Bay Windows As a rule, the farther we and, hope has been that this simple the child are away in time and| homey chat will serve as a pat-| R }place from his having done} tern for the kind of things par- Can Be Removed B Exercise 'mn wrong, and the less/ ents and teachers might talk - likely he feels he is going to be| about companionab!y and effec- rebuked or punished, the more/tively with their children. 1 By IDA JEAN KAIN jabout 12 inches high, straighten-|ready he will be to profit from! It's not what we say to chil- 'I'm overweight and hope- ing knee. (Keep opposite knee | - - - - lessly out of shape, a middle- bent, sole of foot on floor, so as aged woman 'gone to pot.' With|to prevent any strain.) Slowly the children grown up, I now lower raised leg to floor, again want to lose 20 excess pounds|counting one-hold etc. to six. and get back in shape. The| Repeat three times. Perform trouble is, I scarcely know with opposite leg. where to begin. Please help." In the above exercises, the Gladly. Begin with the middle long front abdominals, the up- of your figure. All initial exer-;pull muscles, take the action. cise action should be taken from' Nature's girdle design is a mar- a lying down position so there,vel of efficiency. In-pull mus- will be no strain and no chance'cles, called the internal and to go wrong. external obliques, cover the Safety position: Lie on back Side-front of the abdomen--both on floor on a blanket. Bend both Sides. When toned, these mus- knees and have soles of feet flat cles tend to flatten the abdo- on floor. men wonderfully. Movement: From this position T® tone obliques: From the it is easy to pull up and in with Safety position, do this: Raise the abdominal muscles as you hips a mere half inch off floor. press small of back flat against Tilt abdomen slightly to one the floor. Get.a firm grip on the Side and, at the same time, pull middle muscles and hold the forcibly in with the side-front contraction to a slow. count of muscles, and again hold to a six. Do not hold your breath, Slow count of six, counting out Count out loud, one-hold, two- loud. Return hips squarely to hold--up to six. Relax. Repeat centre, tilt slightly to opposite three times, always holding the Side, pull in strongly, hold. Re- contraction, never holding your Peat three times, each side. breath. If you are a bit rusty on Progress by squaring your exercise, this will be enough to shoulders, again in the safety. do each day for the first week. position. Stretch arms out at Carry through with the practice sides on floor, shoulder level. Of good posture. Get the habit of Bend arms'at elbows, and try Pulling up-and-in with girdle to rest forearms back on floor, Muscles and contract with the In this position, each shoulder hip muscles, and you're exer- line forms a capital letter. "'1.."' cising: all the while. As before, pull up and in with ------- a DERSrRONeRNEs oases irdie 'muscles, pressing small sais y -- back flat against floor HOUSEHOLD HINT Leg action: From above Use dental floss to mend safety position, raise right leg tears in nylon mesh pyjamas. UP TO 1/3 OFF LADIES' LINGERIE and baby doll outstanding Dusters, slips, gowns, pyjamas now at savings, Broken sizes and colours. | FASHIONS SINCE 1867 YOU SAY THE SWEETEST THINGS !! And | thank you ! 1 knew you would be thrill- ed by the exquisitely fine cleaning job BAKER'S do on carpets! Us wee folk really know because no one, but no one, gets closer to the subject than ourselves. We get right down and crawl over rugs. . . before and after BAKER cleaning what a difference ! BAKER'S return the rugs looking so. room- brightening right, with al! that deep-down grit and grime absolutely gone! If you haven't yet tried BAKER'S . . . Call ROSS MILLS (local agents), they'll handle your request Promptly... NO DOWN PAYMENT 1.25 WEEKLY Just Say SLEARANCE ' "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" ---JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL" -- "Over 80 Years Experience" BAKER Cieantng Co. POWERFUL "SUNBEAM" ELECTRIC MOWERS TAKE THE WORK OUT OF SUMMER , TUES., APRIL 26 to SAT., APRIL 30 Ladies' SLEEVELESS BLOUSES FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the letest Shodes end Fobrics.. . see... For "BAKER SERVICE" -- call your local Méc 2.99 DRY GooDs se! , & DRAPERIES ROSS E. MILLS Co. Lid. e Gl Arwame DRAPERY TRACKS 80 SIMCOE NORTH ___FASHIONS SINCE 1867 SXPERTLY INSTALLED A high-performance mower! Powered by a 1.2 H.P. "Sunbeam" motor that drives the 18 single blade. Twin discharge chutes with baffled deck for maximum efficiency; chrome loop swing over handle with black vinyl grip and switch box. THE ALL NEW "ELECTRA" New addition of the "Zelco'"' line of quality-guaranteed Zeller's mowers. The "Electra" is powered by a 14 H.P, Westinghouse motor, driving an 18" cutting blade. Centre side dis- charge. Rolls on: 6" wheels, has chrome-plated T-handle, self-protecting toggle-type snap switch. Blue finished deck NO DOWN PAYMENT ZELLER'S To mate with your skirt or pant wardrobe in a wide range of styles and fabrics. Broken sizes and colors. Reg. to 6.00 OSHAWA. SHOPPING CENTRE 74 Celine Street 723-7827 PHONE 728-6218 pd ing Hea a ES

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