Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Apr 1966, p. 15

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new executive of District 17, Pilot International. executive is shown from the Miss Mary Maclean, TWO MEMBERS of the Pilot Club of Oshawa were installed on Sunday in the district secretary; Miss Lil- lillian Beamish, Governor, both of Oshawa; Mrs. Mar- vin Elliott, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Lieutenant Gover- nor; and Mrs. D, A. Mae- Pherson, North Toronto, treasurer. Ws Sp SS NG International President - Elect Says Women Must Come Forward Professor Meralda Brennan, international president-elect of the Pilot Club, who was in Osh- awa for the weekend conven- tion of District 17, says she is impatieni wiih her sex. "I am impatient wifh them because they do not realize their potential," she said in an interview, "There is a need for more. women in politics, They have greater insight than men and far more integrity and in all Jevels of government women should be making their in- fluence felt." Although they are not seek- ing political office women are rising to the top in other fields, she pointed out. In banking, women are being promoted to trust officers. They are man- agers and presidents of chain stores and in science, physics and engineering, even in the nuclear field women are hold- ing high-ranking positions. It is because she believes in the capabilities of women for social good that Professor Bren- nan has devoted so much time to the Pilot Club, one of five SNS AEN ee ae ence classified service clubs in the world, now celebrating its 45th anniversary. There are now 472 clubs, numbering some 14,000 members, Some of ihe iniernaiionai pie jects have been the restoration of the town of Vilmontiers in Normandy, France, where under a_ five-year plan, the cathedral, school and orphan- age are being rebuilt. The Pilot Club was the first organization to give a fully equipped ambu- lance to the American forces in World War II in France. The International Study pro- ject sponsors 70 students from 25. different countries to study in the United States and the club has put a Korean boy through medical school. It gives assistance to the Salk In- stitute and to the SS Hope, a medical supply ship. Another' project that has re- ceived Pilot support is Meals for Millions, supplying funds for the development and _ prepara- tion of a formula of high-vita- jmin potency. At the present a study is being made to bring |help to the Indians of south- west Texas. Ri i, ae a i I A at i te Humoresque Club Annual Meeting The Humoresque Club for the Blind held its annual meeting in the St. Gregory's auditorium. The president, Mrs. Guy Forrest presided. The meeting opened by the singing of the club song followed by we verse ior we blind. The roll was called with 21. members present. The president, Mrs. Guy For- rest, presented the secretary, Mrs. James. McConnell, with pieces of her crystal; Lionette Mrs. William Borrowdale with a floral centre; piece; and Lion Victor Jenkinson was presented with a pin. Mrs, Parkhill presided for the election, She annotrced the pic- nic for the blind would be held July 6 at Lakeview Park. Helping Mrs, Parkhill ig the election were Mrs. §. Nob- bin, Mr. Harold Phillips from jthe advisory board, and Mrs. |James McConnell secretary of the club, The disc made by by Mrs. Arthur Wakely was used in the voting. Officers are as follows: Past president, Miss Vera Siblock; President, _Mrs. ee ee ee ee ee THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Mondey, Apel 25, 1966 ]§- JODE President HAMILTON (CP) -- Ontario members of the Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire aren't name. At the closing session Friday of their three-day annual meet- ing, there was a proposal that the letters IODE- be retained; but the name changed to Identic Order, Daughters of the Era. A motion that the proposal be forwarded to the national chap- ter was approved. Provincial President Mrs, W. R, Morrison, Hamilton, said the proposal would be forwarded with the clear understanding that it was not the opinion of all the persons assembled. Also forwarded to the national chapter's committee was a sug- gestion that the order design its own flag, incorporating both the Junion Jack, the official flag of the order, and the IODE crest on a red background. The executive elected as con- unanimousiy in favor vi iets | Hamilton, ne! States Order Won't Disappear veners of Mrs. J. A. Vivash, Oshawa, convener; Mrs. J. §. $1 ¥ setvria League convener; and Mrs. H. B. Church, 'Orangeville, Common- wealth correspondence com. vener, ween Extra councillors elected were; Mrs. C. H. Carruthers; Owen Sound; Mrs. Alan Fowler, Sarnia; Mrs. T. D. Milne, Tore: onto; Mrs. Thomas Opei, Bur- lington; Mrs. J. B. Rooney, Ot tawa; Mrs. R. Root, Dunnvillées~ Mrs. Morris Ripley, London; Mrs. D. M. Sloat, Ancaster; « Mrs. Albert Sonthill, Cooksville; and Mrs, J. A. Vivash, Oshawa: ' The national IODE annual meeting will take place May 28° in Montreal. The semi-annual meeting is for October 20 and 21 in Owen" Sound. Next year's provincial annual- jmecting will be held in Hamfil- ton April 12, 13 and 14. Guy Forrest; vice - pr Mrs, Percy Mountjoy; secretary Mrs. Janies McConnell; treasur- jer Miss Pat McConnell; trans- HECS A Sint I" VOL Pilots are engaged in form- : n- |portation, Miss Ada McDonough; | ing Anchor Clubs for girls in q iM social convener, Mrs. Murray | their teens, similar to the Kiwa-| Qhute; publicity canvener, and | Many Organizations Attend Pilot Convention Banquet Br bege HY ee potorsddeg Bed bo brag ook th ar Dav-| Elspeth Kay introduced American Medical Association | 4 {hur Wakely; welfare con- in the form of distributing pam-|yeney, Mrs, William Suddard. phlets and information, in its/pianist Mrs. Howard Elliott. efforts to curb the rising tide of It was announced that April venereal disease. ; 3 ' 28 and May 2 would be social | representatives from 10 other' suming interest education| For these reasons alone, Miss | evetai oa Mer & whan bel re Clubs of District ag Of was just knowledgeable in| Brennan whose home is in|, business meeting at which slot International at their ban- horse | Pottsville, Pennsylvania, iS| the delegate will give her re- ball or quet on Saturday evening. The| Professiona] base Gandual was part of the 18th|racing and her many past activ- proud .to have been elected | port on the convention at Sud- annual convention held at the) ities in volunteer and commu- president of Pilot International. bury Hotel Genosha, Friday, Satur-|ity work made her an out- day and Sunday standing personality Head table guests piped in Governor-elect, Miss Lillian 1 were: Professor Meralda Bren-| Beamish thanked Professor 1% nan, president-elect of Pilot Brennan and Miss Helen Quinn International, and professor of Ottawa, the District secretary romance languages at Penn- read the Pilot Club's Code of syivania State College; Gover- Ethics 9 nor Lorna Hancock, District 17, At the Sunday luncheon the 1 Pilot International Ottawa; Dr.\|incoming District Executive Elspeth Kay, Ottawa, Director| were installed by President-elect! ¢ of Pilot International: Miss Lil-| Meralda Brennan in an impres lian Beamish, Lieutenant Gov- sive ceremony ernor, District 17, and Gover-| Guests nor-elect, Oshawa; Mr. Russell) Brantford, "| don't think | look thirty, ' do you, dear?" asked the wife. Representatives from the Dr major women's organizations in the speaker, Oshawa joined the members of| Meralda Brennan, stating the Pilot Club of Oshawa andthe professor, hesides her "No, darling,' replied her Professor husband. "You used to." that con guest STORES: @ 92 WOLFE @ 170% MARY S&T, ¢ 12 BOND E, @ 924 SIMCOE N, AGENTS @ United Taxi, 143 King St. Best e@ Roxy Variety, Rosslyn Pleze ol CLEMWIT SERVICE 725~ aaes 12 BONDE In as | Refreshments wete served by Lionettes Mrs. Borrowdale and |Mrs. Ken Laverock and Lion Victor Jenkinson. BANANA MUFFINS cup sifted flour BOB EAKINS teaspoons soda teaspoon salt cup shortening 44 cup granulated sugar eggs, well beaten cup buttermilk cups all bran medium bananas, diced Sift together flour, soda and| from salt into large mixing bow! In| Niagara Falls, St.|a medium bowl, cream together Flutter, Director of St. Mark's| Catharines, St. Thomas, Wind-| shortening and sugar. Beat in Anglican Church Choir and|sor, Kitchener, Ottawa, Toronto, eggs, buttermilk and all bran. Mrs, Flutter; Mrs. Marvin} Hamilton and Pottsville, Penn- Add diced bananas. Quickly stir Elliott, Niagara Falls, Ontario, | sylvania. 'this mixture into the sifted dry Lieutenant - Governor -e lect; reentry renee rn er cene ra rene Mrs. D. A. MacPherson, North Toronto, treasurer-elect; Miss Mary MacLean, Oshawa, secre- tary-elect; Mr. Orville Han jeock, Ottawa; The Reverend and Mrs. Wesley Herbert, Osh- awa; Mr, A. V. Walker, MLA and Mrs. Walker; Alderman jand Mrs, A. H. Murdoch; Miss | Helen Quinn, secretary of Dis- |trict 17; Miss Beverly Storie jand Miss Beth Milier, both of } | Oshawa. ; : Governor Hancock presided | and The Reverend Wesley Her- | bert said grace. Governor Han- |eock proposed the toast to the Queen and to the President of people are think- the United States. Alderman have found the same! Murdoch brought greetings rebellion, the same questioning/from the City of Oshawa and A | of beliefs and isms!Mr. A. V. Walker from the ! throughout the world. Province of Ontario, : | "The educational philosophers Mr. Flutter led a sing song have not looked far enough into| accompanied by Mrs. J. the future and hence the young] Beer, St. Catharines, Director a || people are not well enough! of Music Miss Beamish intro , equipped for life in today's com-' duced the St. Mark's Junior plicated world Choir gvho sang "The Happy 'After Sputnik there was a| Wanderer' by Frederick Mol- spurt in the training of mathe.|ler; "The Ashgrove," by James matics and science and as the, Tillman and "Mary Poppins" new nations emerged a spurt in| hy Richard Sherman. The choir the interest languages The| was conducted by Mrs. Wilfred entire educational system should' Neil, accompanied by Mrs. be revamped and quickly Sidney Boneham. Miss Alice inter-|. "What about adult training?" Butler, Ottawa, | thanked the éats, Stars promise many ad: bite lg ng ae ages gens she asked. "There are educa artists and the piper, Mr. J. LL vantages along these lines-- in the altod Albee and here tion programs for hobbies and|5eer, St. Catharines, who piped especia if you follow a sen- : ' skills, but: no classes that train] the head table guests to their sible program. All gains (those), "At home there crime, citizens in responsibility. Public| Places June should be especially juvenile delinquency, sgt opinion is made up of private accrue from practi-; 94" jousing, economic, politi- gninions and in this democracy * A methods, not Feat gh cal and educational problems. |the electorate is not sufficiently REMEMBER WHEN --ectaring This, Yeor! --_--_--_-- chance-taking of any kind, Be Lhe basic problems in the world. informed. ; H particularly strong in. avoiding 'day are moral problems. sould Gat. 'excallant creases 14 Ft. Aluminum YOU RECEIVE temptations to speculate during "It is a strange interlude wen ia My hag LAPSTRAKE - Heir Style for the lady at the first week in August and history that tries men's h Ae RUNABOUT The House of Women. are here to stay in VG Ge. is NO-Iron Koratron hetween Nov. t and the end of souls. School children 50 vears Sleeper Sect i Sieat, » Hair Style for the mon et Rudy's eaet frua ; even though from now will be reading in Line ett aaeek oon Sa Heirstyling for Men. OSHAWA NEVER-PRESS cotton slacks 1y HA ingredients. Spoon batter into | muffin tins, filling % full. Bake jat 375 degrees F for about 35 |minutes. Makes 24 large muf- fins. finely | 92 WOLFE - MARY ST 92 WIN A FREE [NIGHT ON THE TOWNA 1704 were present SCUGOG CLEANERS 324 Cromwall Ave. Oshawe ii KELLY DISNEY USED CARS LTD. MIRACLE PANTS From DUNN'S Exclusive HAIR STYLING FOR MEN EMIL HAHN 364 Wilson Rood South 728-6007 of the 18th an- nual convention of District 17 of Pilot International held Friday, Saturday and Sunday. ~Oshawa Times Photos GOVERNOR LORNA Han- cock, Ottawa, left, hands the gavel to Governor-elect Lil- lian Beamish, Oshawa, in an impressive ceremony Lgl ten gat | World' s Problems Unfolded | In Education Of All Peoples FOR TOMORROW A good day, generally speak- ing. Put forth best efforts to| "The state of the world to advance on all fronts. During 94Y is a tragic one," stated "i Professor Meraida |. Brennan leisure hours, arrange to spend! + Pennsylvania State College, some time'with those who share ang president-elect of Pilot your enthusiasms and whose International Clubs of America ericouragement is inspiring./at the annual meeting of Dis This will prove especially bene-|'Tict 17 (Canada) at the Hotel |Genosha, Saturday evening ficial if your interests happen) «np)i, is an era of chaos and to be along intellectual or cre-'turmoil," she continued ative lines "In this 20th century, dark pe tet , clouds have hung over the FOR THE BIRTHDAY world for a long time. There If tomorrow is your birthday, have been two world wars. 4 your horoscope indicates that, ; itiag SC RIGHI oaths jt hot war and cold wars and ae But mons, many minor skimishes. Some of would be wise to make use of 1) aentiiis csautities te the dark clouds -had stayed in al) avalle opp i the same places for many advance your financial held Sunday at the Hotel Genosha. The installing offi- cer, Professor Meralda Brennan, Pottsville, Penn- sylvania, looks on. The in- stallation was the closing ceremony GUARANTEED USED CARS "We ore never satisfied until you ore." 1200 DUNDAS $7. EAST 668-5891 WHITBY nranch Stores" OSHAWA OSHAWA OSHAWA 985-2332 WHITBY Bond St. W. PORT. PERRY 190 Brock gt. N._ 668-4341 | SHORTY'S : COMPLETE | ici NURSERY CENTER | STORE ONTARIO |. MERCURY TAXI other young * Highest Quolity Nursery Stock ing. They e * Open 7 Days A Week RRIGHAM BRIAR PIPES * For Free Estimotes Call... * Guns * Ammunition * 100 Kinds of Pipe Tobacce Hours; 8 @.m. te 10 p.m, daily 121 Brock N. 668-8361 24 HOUR SERVICE os neor @s your religious John Brouwer Garden Centre & Landscaping Located West of Whithy On Hwy. 2 Neor Red Wing Orchards HOW TO WIN SALES & SERVICE Each week for 26 weeks you can win % Botteries For All Types Of | "Night on the Town", compliments Powered Equipment, of the participating businesses on this me i advertisement. All you are required to Boat Batteries do is read through each advertisement * Tarpaulin Repoirs carefully. There will appear ina num- per of the advertisements each week, * Complete Battery Needs the letters forming the name of one 641 Cromwell Ave. "Radio cobs, telephone!" 725-4771 14 Albert St. Oshewe | WILSON BATTERY in Oshawa's Finest Hair Styling Shoppe THE HOUSE OF WOMAN 27 King St. E. 725-4321 GLIDE'S BODY SHOP Formerly Cook's Body Shop "Complete Collision. Body ond Ferider Repairs" @ FREE ESTIMATES @ 728-8542 L 175 King St. W. of the participating businesses. Cor- rectly identify the business each week and send your answer along with your name and address to "Night on the Town", Contest Editor ¢/o The Oshawa Times, The: first correct answer drawn each week will win 9 night on the town, Entries must be received no loter than Friday noon of each week is Oshawa ou "There must be. education adults as well as children, to develop community leaders, with good moral responsibility t is balance Women behind throne," were If the there men 'Freedom has been given to us to take care of and to pass on, and it takes the st kind of citizenship to earn freedom There will never total free- dom until all people think for themselves through education, to enable them to raise the stan- dards of living. The route to freedom is very hard, but could be paved with education. Some nations haven't beg vel and others are just getting started. "Women are doers, but must keep their feet on the ground and never lose sight of the fact that vision of freedom should be projected on. international pol- young icy to reach the furtherest cor of the world, Today what you don't know IM for the very HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. WEST, women who control the OSHAWA wheel of -- morality. have' been ihe power the throne and on the " papamea ead casas she said and they -- : the power for evil. no bad women be any bad included in the "good" months, 0US achievements and -discoy- ail gains as of Jan. eries. But they will be faced 1, 1967, and make no further With an awesome paradox if plans for fiscal expansion until the horrors of some of these March 1, when you will enter| scientific wonders are un a truly excellent four-month) leashed. 5 cycle where monetary interests 'The problem is colossal are concerned solution lies in one word -- matters. your education,"' she pointed out best periods for advancement 'Education is the first line of and recognition will occur in defence and one of the IAast September November and next/expensive for the frontiers of March. Creative workers--and| democracy." General Bismark the Taurean is almost inevi-| of Germany was known to have tably numbered among these Said "What you want in your (either vocationally or avoca-|nation put in your schools should have outstand- 'What successful periods in early Professor September, in December, next 'What happens to education March and April. happens to the nation. Educa During of the vear tion breeds understanding and ahead, vou can expect your so- tolerance cial and domestic life to be 'The hope of a nation lies most pleasing--especially if you 1% its youth and the need today are careful to avoid unneces-|i8 to develop the thinking power sary friction during the early and leadership in our part of November. The period People. This is not being done between .now and late Septem Educationists have ¥not been ber will be extremeiy propitious able to imbue a proper set of can hurt you. The dream of for sentimental interests: also/ Values. The American Govern peace and freedom can come late October and next April. A Ment has sent young people to true if all work for the good of "sudden" new romance in mid- 'our the world to find out how all," she concluded June should not be taken too ae seriousiy, however. Best periods F Lil for travel Between now and Consoidate Cc A November and December are Science classes of the marvel One Cosucl Dress and one man's YACHTHAVEN A New Service Right On Your Premises ! Or In Our Plant Commercial and Residential WALL TO WALL BROADLOOM (Ineluding Nylon & Aecrilen) Carpets and Upholstered Furniture Dyed the Color You Want RE-NU WAY @ Fast Color @ Permanent @ Odorless And Completely also e suit drv cleaned at Seumen Clan Harbour 723-1901 « Transportation for the evening by PELESHOK MOTORS the Genoshe Hotel. . Win two quest tickets to see the 'Great Roce' with Tony Curtis at the seid The Finest In NEW & " USED CARS! (Regent Thentre were Herweed Ave, wouldn't in the Herthte Room 'of 'the Genoshe Hotel. The "MY ANSWER" Genosha Hotel ENJOY OUR CONTINENTAL BUFFET THE RIB ROOM 11:30 In occupational fine Name Address Permanently creased right from the washer... and permanently wrinkle free! Stop in and stock up on these brand new wonder slacks! Our range of styles and colors is wide and the service first rate. Today? a OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT USE YOUR CREDIT No Interest --- No Corrying Charges be Hrs. ~2PM& 5-8 PM, Mon, to Fri, Sat. 5 to 8 70 King E. 723-4641 LOCATIONS SOUTHWOOD PARK HARWOOD. AVE, SOUTH AJAX MODEL HOMES OPEN FOR INSPECTION WEEK-ENDS MEMORIALS Prieed To Suit Every Budget today,' asked do we want Brennan Lost Week's Winner J, RICKSON 215 ween Dr. ARMSTRONG '"wxct AVAILABLE IN TWO CHOICE ROLLING HILLS ESTATES Grondview St. et Olive Ave. Ajex in most PRICED FROM ner time is a when @ : st © © 5 5 --y BUY YOUR i TIRES :. ZELLER'S' And Soave! 12.47 and si mid - September (an outstand ingly good period for all Tau reans) in December, Jan uary Apr 4 child born on Guaronteed Why Replace ? Re-Nu and Save FREE ESTIMATES RAINBOW COLOR RE-NU Oshawa 728-5387 MARIAN AUTO LTD. Rert Budoin, President also, and next his day teacher could archi st in the medical he an excellent @ Good Financing Available. Low os $2 per week @ All work guaranteed for 2. years, Telephone 723-0381 BONDED ASPHALT PAVING CO, te jen ert or scient Cemetery field Lettering Statues, ete Collision Specialists General Repoirs Wheel Balancing ----- Alignment We Sell Used Cores s 728-5179 25 Grenfell 728-3111 OSHAWA J, WN. MARTIN, PROP. Leceted 1, Mile East OF City Limite On Highwey 2 HOUSEHOLD HINT eharth ie Downtown--36 King. E, Open te % pm. Friday Oshowa Shopping Centre Open te % p.m. Thurs. & Fri. of closet space guests' wra § titute a bed cover it fir with a. sheet of plastic. but on da rain Oshewe

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