6A THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 23, 1966 'ACTION FOR CLEAR WATER' Sportsmen Show Here Billed As 'Biggest Ever'! Officials of the Union Rod and Gun Club are completing ar- rangements for the biggest sportsmen's show ever to be held in the Motor City. For three days, Apr. 28-30, the Oshawa Civic Auditorium will hold the fifth annual show to be staged by the biggest sports club in North America. The theme of the show is one endorsed by conservationists across the continent 'United Action for Clear Water.' The Union Rod and Gun Club has been in the forefront of the battle against polluted water and now is joined by represen- tatives of labor, management, business and civic groups. Officiating at the opening ceremonies will be Leonard Woodcock, vice-president of the United Auto Workers of Amer- ica, from Detroit, A. G. Staple- ton, Canadian director of per- sonnel for General Motors of Canada Ltd., Michael Starr, MP, Albert V. Walker, MPP, and Alderman John Brady, repre- senting Mayor Lyman Gifford and the City of Oshawa. ALL-AGE APPEAL The show is tailored to appeal to all ages and both sexes. One of the eye-catching displays will be a fashion show of swim wear. The togs are provided by Cole of California, an Oshawa company, and modelled by To- ronto mannequins. From the swim the suits, ROSSLYNN BEAUTY SALON FEATURING: Creative & Practical HAIRSTYLING For Appointment 723-3925 60 ROSSLAND W. crowds can wander over to the exhibit sponsored jointly by the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission and the Newcastle Sportsmen's Club of Oshawa. There they will find that the clear water message gets through. The water theme will be em- phasized right from the start as the show will begin with £9,900 gallons of clear, fresh water in .a great glass tank. This tank will be used as a kind of human acquarium by the Gem divers club of Oshawa. SKIN-DIVING 4 For 15 minutes out of every hour that the show is open to the public members of the club will give skin-diving demonstra- tions. The skindivers are all GM employees who, with their fami- lies, got together and formed a Skindiving club in the city. Since the club beginnings last year they have held dives in Lake Ontario and in the Kawar- tha Lakes area. While members of the crowd watch the skindivers they can also get an earful of harmony from the Olde Tyme Fiddlers contest which will be another of the show's major features. Fiddlers from all parts of the province will be lured to Osh- awa by the prize money offered, as well as the chance to practice 'When You and I were Young, Maggie" and other Olde Tyme favorites. CROWD-PLEASER Another crowd-pleaser, which was a sure draw at last year's Canadian National Exhibition, will be the exhibit sponsored by the Ontario Regiment. The battle simulator covers some 200 square feet and is the small boy's dream. It holds model tanks, artillery, troop carriers and is used to teach battle-field strategy. The simulator comes to Osh- awa from the Department of National Defence in Ottawa. It will be part of the Regiment's display publicizing the recruit- ing campaign and the Regi- ment's centennial this year. Visitors to the show can see Give Them The CHANCE To Enjoy Music Now! Qualified Teachers of . . . @ Spanish Guitar @ Steel Guifar @ Piano Accordian. Apptitude Test ot No Cost. (Loaner Instru- ment Supplied During Apptitude Period) Canadian Conservatory of Music 735 Erie St. 723-0101 (Station Plaza) ae ' The Smart Traveller mokes his reservations for * AIR- LINES * STEAMSHIPS * TOURS * HOTELS -- by calling: 123-9441 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. "HOW EVERYONE GAN SEE THE MOST LOVERLY MOTION PICTURE OF ALL TIME ! & ss wie aR LaD Winner of 8 Academy Awards including Best Picture. ANDREY HEPBURN -REX HARRISON NOW SHOWING Sug Af another demonstration of of- fense and defense with the demonstrations staged by mem- bers of the Maple Leaf Judo Club. The Judo experts will also feature a special session showing defensive tactics which women can use if attacked. SPECIAL EXHIBITS The Maple Leaf judo buffs will give the demonstrations the day before competing in an elimination final event in Toronto. Special exhibits at the show will include a joint booth spon- sored by the Oshawa Fire De- partment, the Oshawa Police Department, the Emer gency Measures Association and the St. John's Ambulance Brigade. The Oshawa Flying Club will display a Cessna Aircraft and describe its mode of operation to interested viewers. The booth | taken by Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion, will stress the part played by the organization locally in the operation of track and field events for city young- sters. The Legion Auxiliary, the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Oshawa, the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club, the Citizens Committee for Creek Valley and the Public Utilities' Commission will have exhibits at the show. Many city businesses have also taken booths which will give entertainment and _ infor- mation to sightseers. City sports stores are among those exhibit- ing wares. CALL OF OUTDOORS The caH of the great out- doors will be heard from a Northern Ontario camp opera- tor who has agreed to bring his unique collection of wild-life trophies to Oshawa. The most interesting of these trophies is a stuffed deer -- the only albino deer to be taken in the Madawaska_ district of Ontario. To let the public know all that is planned for the mam- moth show an airdrop of some | 30,000 leaflets over the city is planned for next week by the organizers. | 194 CNSR einauicmetAnnivensaine ) 1966 JOSEPH E LEVINE PRESENTS AVUMITIANCE rR: 10 PERSONS 10 Veses OF Act OF Oven staring SHELLEY WINTERS And Co-Starnng ROBERT TAYLOR ze HOUSE IS NOTA \ 4 RELEASED BY ALLIED ARTIS Starts Sunday Evening A House Is Not A Home" 6:45 - 10:01 "City Of Fear" 8:25 Lest Complete Show 8:25 © PIAZA BILTMORE -- Terry Moore stars in the "City of Fear" in the first of a continuous show starting at 2.00 p.m., tomor- row. The second added fea- ture stars Shirley Winters and Robert Taylor in "'A House is Not a Home.' Both movies wili continue Monday and Tuesday at 6.45 p.m. : Hank Snow will highlight "County Music on Broadway" starting Wednesday with eve- ning showing at 6.45 p.m. On the same program appears the "Five Bold Women."' Both mov- ies will continue through Satur- day with a matinee perform- ance at 2.00 p.m. MARKS -- There's plenty of blood to be seen here Thursday and Friday as John Saxon stars |in the Queen of Blood and Wil- liam Campbell in "'Blood Bath." Showtime is 7.00 p.m. with Sat- urday and Sunday showings commencing at 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. respectively. LA Monty's Nephew 4a * Fd « On 'Firing' Line | HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Firing | not guns but two cameras at | simulated battle action these | days is a nephew of the famous commander who bossed the real | thing in the Second World War. | Gary Montgomery, 34, a free- | lance photographer, is a nephew |of Field Marshal Lord Mont- |gomery, who drove the Ger- ;}mans out of North Africa. Gary shoots the explosive vio- jlence involving Rock Hudson /and George Peppard in Tobruk ifor the London Daily Express. | Like his renowned uncle, young | Montgomery, blue - eyed and | handsome, wears a beret. But Gary's is from the studio ward- robe department and is to keep the dust of battle out of his hair. | | } > i aa SHOW TIMES AT MOVIES REGENT -- Tony Curtis, Na- talie Wood and Jack Lemon are the three big tars im this week's movie "The Great Race."' The technicolor produc- tion will run the entire week with shows daily at 1.00 p.m., 3.35 p.m., 6.15 p.m. and 6.50 p.m. | PLAZA -- 'My Fair Lady," the winner of eight academy awards including the best pic- ture currently on an extended showing at the theatre, will com tinue until Wednesday. The most loverly motion pic ture of all time stars Audrey Hepburn as Eliza, transformed into a lady from a guttersnip by Professor Higgins, played by Rex Harrison. Show times are 12 noon, 3, 6 and 9.00 p.m. A spy thriller entitled "Our Man Flint" is next on the agenda and stars James Coburn. The motion picture has lots of pretty girls and James Bond style action. Show times start- ing Thursday are: 1.30, 3.25, 5.25, 7.20 and 9.25 p.m, ROY'S Road Service Licensed Mechanic Complete line of Atlas Products %& Free Pick-Up and Delivery Your Impertal ESSO decler ROY ALLAN"S ESSO SERVICE 288 Bloor W. 726-3293 1 BY poputar peManp THE AL MATHEWS TRIO | t and iGO -- GO DANCING by Beautiful BARBARA | THE CADILLAC HOTEL , SATURDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE ee ae a a a a 1 BACK acam