36--Legal THE CORPORSATION OF THE CITY OlF OSHAWA NOTICE Or STREET CLOS:ING TAKE NOTICE tliat the Coun- cil of The Corp: ration of the City of Oshawa eit its meeting to be held on Monday the 2nd doy of Musy, 1966 at 7:30 p.m. at .the Council Chombers, City, Hall, Osh- owa intends to pass o by-low to close up: All .and Singulor those certain parcels ond tracts of land ond premises, situate, lying «and being in the City of Odowa in the County and Presvince of On- tario ond being composed of oll of that port, of the lone lying between jLots 65 and 80, lots 66 and, 79, and lots 67 and 78 as sfxown on Plan 40.B, lying tetween _ the south limit of Niidtown Drive as opened by biy-law number 4446 ond regititered os in- strument number. 141179 and the north linwt of Bagot Street and a firrther part of the said lane thying between the south limpt of Bagot Street and the North Limit of thet part of "the soid lone closed by by-low number 3167 and regibstered os in- strument numbir 83667, the soid last 'mentit ned limit be- ing @ line drown through a point in the ea:st limit of said lot 67, fifty feet north of the south-east anghe of said lot | } _[se--teget NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO COUNTY OF ONTARIO IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HAZEL MARIE WARING, lote of the City of Oshawa, the County of Ontario, Spinster, . deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pur- suont to the Trustees Act, than all persons having claims against 'the estate of the above named HAZEL MARIE WARING, who died on or about the 16th day of Febru- ary, A.D., 1966, are hereby required to send by post pre- poid, or to deliver to the urdersigned Solicitors, for the Administrators, full particu- lors of *reir claims, duly veri- fied, on or before the 19th doy of May, A.D. 1966, otter which said date the said Administrators will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which. they then hove had notice DATED ot Stouffville, Ont- ario, this 22nd day of April, 1966 Messrs. Button & Armstrong in Barristers and Solicitors, 33 Main Street East, STOUFFVILLE, Ontario Solicitors for the | Administrators. |Street West, will not any debts contracted In my name, ]38--Coming Events" | | 1, GEORGE PERCY KERR, 205 King be responsible for | by | j | | | | | i | | | RUMMAGE SALE, Albert ESCORTED TOUR TO WESTERN CANADA JUNE 25 -- JULY 18, 1966 No Night Travel. See Edmonton, Jasper, Van- couver, Victdria, Calgary and the Stampede Tours, Accommodations included Tour to Rochester N.Y, May 21 -to May -23..See--the_lar- gest display of lilacs in the world, WRITE OR PHONE Colmer Travel Service Bowmanville 623-3265 RUMMAGE SALE VARIETY SALE Good Used Clothing, Household Items. 1 PLM. WED., APRIL 27 SIMCOE HALL Sponsored by Friendship Group King St. Velted Church -- CARD PARTY WESTMOUNT CHURCH Monday, April 25, 8 P.M. LUNCH & PRIZES ADMISSION 75c Sponsors Ist Oshawa Mother's Auxiliary Street Scout | Church, 1.30 p.m. Monday, April 25. | HADASSAH BAZAAR, May Beth Zion Synagogue, Admission free. @NIGHT OF CARDS", Legion Hall, April 10, 2 King Street Ea United st BIRTHS HASIUK -- weighing ? Ibs. General Hospital, Many thanks to Dr. Beckett and fourth) floor staff Jerry and Pat (nee Hray- nyk) are happy to announce the birth of | $200. |Wiillarn John on Tuesday, April 19, 1966,11-Call Me Spuc, 1) ozs., at the Oshawa! DQ.2-Jerry Farong. A brother fer Robert.) 4Armbro Frosty, Hicks Also Started; Azucar Babe, Oakie Bars, (6) Paimer 7.30 Hawke and Van's Admiral DQ--Finished Ist disqualifies and placed |$1,400 (6) 3.90 2.90 470 3,.00\1an Portage, 4.80; and Noral Mac, 2nd for. a lapped on break at the wire MELANSON -- Harvey and Betty wish to Inounce Harvey, weight 7 Ibs April 17, |Hospital. Many thanks to Dr, and fourth floor staff, 8 O75, on the birth of a son, Steven Sunday, 1966 at the Oshawa General Anderson BECOND RACE -- | Purse $800 (8) 7-Scariet Blaze, Geisel 2-Diller Rod, Desjardins |eQueen Bive Frost, Norris Miie | |tan, Da Notch Pick DEATHS THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot), Purse! | $800 (8) 5&D'ny K Peters, Beitlich 13.30 Zirnis FAULKNER, Alice Rose |At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, |4-Brown Wolf, | 1-HI.Vic, Crowe Also Started: Jo Ste Le, Janey G Grat (Paces 9.40 Also Started: Cherry' Freeze, Pixie oni Ind, Vital Victory, |Friday, April 22, 1964, Alice Rose Fauik-/ Queen's Nero. jner, | Concession Street East, } (Mrs 2 o'clock tery. Funeral private JAMONACO, Givanna Entered into rest in the Oshawa General 1966, Salvatore Assunto Angello Del gobbo (Vincenza) and Donato lamonaco. Resting * FORT ERIE RACE RESULTS APRIL 22 Hospital on Saturday, April 23, Givanna lamonaco, widow of larmonaco and mother of Mrs Delgobbo (Luigina), Mrs all of Oshawa; in her 75th year at the Armstrong Funeral Home, awa with Requiem High Mass Gregory's Church, Tuesday, 19 a.m, Interment Resurrection | tery. jday, 7.30 p.m.) in day.) TALSMA, Klaas At Memorial Hospital, Thursday, April 21, 1966, of 11 neral Chapel, Bowmanville. Interment beloved wife of Jack Faulkner, Bowmanville, | | dear mother of George, Oshawa: Dorothy) | William Dorks), Rexdale and Har- | vey King, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Resting at |the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville |Service in. the Chapel on Monday at Interment Bowmanville Ceme-| DNF April 26, Ceme (Prayers at the funeral home Mon-| (Friends are asked not to call at the funeral home before Sun- Bowmanville, Klaas Talisma,| 7)! RR 1 Hampton, aged 56 years, beloved | Mia, husband of Lolkje Talsma and dear father children. Resting at the Morris Fu Service Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church on Bow. 33) FOURTH RACE Purse $800 (8) Mile 1-Gala Grattan, McRann 2-Belle Richards, Waddell Goldie Elgin W, DNF DNF Major's Missey. Accident, did not finish. Widow, DNF FIFTH RACE ~~ 1 Mile (Pace). Purse O Valley, 10.40 840 3.50' Attendance 5,093, $800 (8) 1-Reddi B Cash, Norris St at} longs (12) Wendy Lee 5-Miss Ang. Mary, F'gan 25.00 11.30 26.20 8,20| 3,90 |$1/ Also Started: Jean Third, Luella Scott,| Pine Ridge D'ny, Gelsel 8.10 4.60 3.70 ~ Hasty /4-Silver Ronnie, Hawke 5.30 4.10 and | 5-Baron Agi 4.50 FRIDAY, 8-Gay's R'l Page, Harriscs 25.90 7.60 6.40 3-Miss Orono, Turcotte 5-Roman Author, Walsh on| Also Ran in Order: Vichamima, r apd Mom's Pride, In| SECOND RACE -- 5.20 4.00 8.40 Seciorial, Smart Shadow Chaser, Real Lady, Dawn B. Good, Glens- Cara cot Sta Pool, $17,212. Daily Double Pool, $35,412. $5 Purse $2,000 Claim MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS FRIDAY, APRIL 22 FIRST RACE -- 1 Mite (Trot). Purse|8-Uncle Bun, Troy Alsi 3.90 3.60 2.60| Water, 450 2.80 Justa Black, Winning Chance, and) Purse $900 (8). ick. DAILY DOUBLE, 1 AND 7, PAID $16.40, |5-Jasper's Gold, 6.30 4.70| Ballerina Wick 9.20 5.60 (Pace). } FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 Claiming Malden three and four-vyear-olds 6% Fur-| Four-year-olds and up. 6 Furlon 1.30 490 3-Pembrow Bill, Quinlan 2.9 Also Started: Johnny Forbes C, Grat- Union Scott, Bostoh Wick, Purse 3.30 4,70 3.10 Rain SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Tent). 3-Fearless Doc, Clements 540 4.40 Herbert 9.90 Walker Diana 5-Becky Herbert, Started: Hunter, and Dutch Dillar 6 EXACTOR, 3 AND 5, PAID $100.50. | SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). 4.30 3.40 2,60 7.10 3.90 2.80 \8-Castle "Direct, Curran McFadden 13-Grattan Hal G, Coke . Also Started: Eddie's Pride, Little Etsel, Karen Direct C, Bonnie Can, and EIGHTH FACE -- J} Mile (Pace). ;Purse $3,500 (6) » Munroe Kwik Kat, Arthur 3.00 2.40 4Sonny Creed, Galbraith 3.00 Also Started: Dean Herbert, Dred- naught, and Eagle Armbro, NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse 00 (8) 12.90 3.70 2.60 4Hanley Lad, Remmen 5.80 Also Started: Amber Chief B, Pleasant Way, Radar, Attorney Brooks, and Echo Total Pool $305,124, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,500 Claiming gs (5) 3.80 2.70 2.20 3.00 2.20 2.30 la-Warrlors Day, 2-Winisteo, Harris 4-My Marion, Gomez Also Ran in Order: John's Champ and Virginia Queen. Late Scratch -- A-Cale- don Colonel. A-C. Smythe entry. EXACTOR, Warrior's Day and Winisteo, PAID $13.00 Pool, $19,811. Fitzs's Exactor Pool, $23,882. SIXTH RACE Purse $2,600 Allow- 7 d parallel\to the pro- fter this date, April 21, Pp 75c, Good prizes, refresh: , ing fovr-year-olds and up. 6' Furlongs 67 and p anyone, on or 2 26, 8 p.m. Price Nee eroyal (Saturday at 2. o'clock (iy) ances. Three-year-olds Foaled in Canada duction of the southerly limit of said lot and' that part of Bagot Street besunded on the east ond west try the produc- tion of the exist and west limits of the salid lane which parcel may be imore particu- larly described as follows: 1. PART OF SAID LANE COMMENCING: ot. o point in the east limit of Lot 65 where it is intewsected by the south limit of /Widtown Drive THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or 'less along the south liimt of /Vidtown Drive to its intersecition with the east limit of said lane; THENCE South salong the east limit of said lone to the south-west angée of Lot 79 (being also a point in the north limit of Ebagot Street); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the westerly produtition of the south limit of It.ot 79 (being along the north limit of Bagot Street) to a point therein be- ing the south east angle of Lot 66; THENCE north tilong the eost limits of Lots 66 and 65 (being along the west limit of said lane) to the point of commencement 2. BEING ALI: OF THAT PART OF BAQ3OT STREET DESCRIBED AS. FOLLOWS: COMMENCING, ot the south- eost angle of 'Lot 66 being o int, inthe: morth limit of Bagot Street; THENCE east 16 feet 6 inches more or less along the easterly produsction of the south limit of fLot 66 (being olong the north: limit of Bagot Street) to the swuthwest angle of Lot 79 THENCE soutly 49 feet 6 inches more or less along the southerly prodipction of the west limit of 'Lot 79 to a point in the sawuth limit of Bagot Street (being the northwest angle: of Lot 78); THENCE west 16 feet 6 inches more car less along the westerly prediuction of the north limit of !) ot 78 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the ma rtheast angle of Lot 67; THENCE northi 49 feet 6 inches more car less along the northerly groduction of the east limit wf Lot 67 to the point of cronmencement 3. PART OF THE SAID LANE COMMENCING?# ot the south- east angle of sciid Lot 67; THENCE north 50 feet along th east limit of | 67 point in the eau: limit (being ot toa also in the werd limit of said lane, said the northwest angle por- tion of said lars: described os Pacre! 2 in instrument 83899 Oshawa) soid rarint being the point of beginriing: THENCE north eslona the west limit of Lot 67' the west to a point in tie south limit of Bagot being also the rsortheast angle of Lot 467 THENCE east inches more or olong the easterly prodinction of the north limit of "Lot 67 (being along the south limit of Bagot Street) to the neorthwest-ongle of Lot 78; : THENCE south «\lonq the west of nR the east limit of sid lane) to a Point distant northerly there In 50 feet fream the south west of snid Let 78 (said point heitag the north east angle of tdoot portion of said lane descidibed as Parcel 2 in instrumertt 83899 Osh ewo); THENCE westy 16 6 inches more or: less and por allel to the souith limit of Lot 78 (being olewig the north limit of thot patrt of said lane described os Pisircel 2 in in Strument 8389%? Oshawa) to the point of beginning A plan show my the parts of the lane . Baget Street te be closed on file and may be examined ot the City Clerk, 1: Oshewo Ontario AND TAKE FURTHER NO. TICE that at the> said meet ng the Council shai!! hear in per son or by his co¢ ins | or agent claims that prejudicially altfected by the by-law ond wh: app to be heord DATED AT C)SHAWA 2nd doy of Apisil, AD L.'R.. |Barrend ty Clerk 50 Cantre Street, OSHA\VA, Ontarie. point being of that (being along limit sof said lane) Streat (said point 16 less feet & limit Lot (being angle feet and that port of office of City the Hlo this 1966 Esq., ments, Auspices Ladies' Canadian Legion, Branch 43, Oshawa RUMMAGE SALE at Northminster Unit ed Church, corner of Simcoe - Ressland Wednesday, April 27 at 1.30 p.m IN MEMORIAM BISHOP -- In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Edna Bishop, who passed laway April 23, 1965. Away in God's beautiful garden, Sheltered from sorrow and pain, Safe in God's wonderful keeping, Until we meet her again --Lovingly remembered by granddaugh ter Donna and grandson Butchie. 1966, without my written consent, -- (signed) rey Kerr ss i, GEORGE H. WALLIS, 253 James \Street, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name, on or after this date, April 23, 1966, by anyone, without my written. consent. -- |(signed) George Wailis i, ROGER G. WOOD, of 66 Garrard Road, RR 2, Oshawa, will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name by lanyone on or after this date, April 23, 1966, without my written consent. Signed -- Roger Wood 38--Coming Events WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTR BINGO MON., APRIL 25th Admission Ticket Gives You Free Chance On Door Prize. $250 Jackpot Nos. 54 and 56 $50 Consolatio Jackpot Pays Double in 52 Nos, or less $50. Consolation $150. Jackpot $20 ¢ line $50 full card 20 Games at $20 5 Special Games at $30 Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less. $100.00 Door Prize Early_Bird Game at 7:45 Admission $1.00 Extra Buses RED BARN BISHOP -- In loving memory of 8 dear |grandmother, Edna Bishop, who passed away April 23, 1965. knows how much | miss Never shail her memory fade, Loving thoughts shall ever wander To the spot where she is laid --Always remembered by granddaughter Doreen and family. her BISHOP -- In loving memory of # dear wife and mother, Edna Bishop, who pass- ed away April 23, 1965. in a quiet country graveyard, Where the gentile breezes blow. Lies the one we love so dear//, That we lost one year ago You left behind some aching hearts That loved you most since, We never have and never will Forget you, Mother des. --Sadly missed by husbeid Monk, daugh ter Marguerite and sox Bruce. BISHOP -- In fo1d_memory of @ dear grandmother, Eg1@ Bishop, who passed away April 23, 1965. A beautiful memory, dearer than gold, Of a granmother whose worth can never be told Alone, unseen, she stands by our side, And whispers, 'Don't grieve, death can not a@vide'. Pleass God, forgive a silent tear, For she was ours, we loved her dear. --Lowngly remembered by granddaugh- ter Marilyn and husband Don and great- gréndson Dale CARR -- In loving memory of @ dear father and grandfather, Albert Carr, who passed away suddenly April 23, 1959. Happy memories fond and true, NORTH OSHAWA From us who thought the world of you Children under 16 not admitted |--Sadly missed by son Frank, daughter ----------~ |In-law Edith, grandchildren Terry and | Kenny, COSTELLO -- In loving memory of 8 dear husband and father, Thomas Cos- MONDAY tello, who passed away April 95 8 00 P M | Always remembered by his wife, woo. a ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 690 King St. East at Farewell -- FREE -- DILWORTH -- In loving memory of my dear father, Edwin L. Dilworth, who pass- @d away April 23, 1965 | Ever remembered by his daughter and son-in-law, Ann and Bil Joyce of Pentic ton, B.C. and his grandchildren. ESSEX --.In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Elsie Essex, | who passed away April 24, 1962 | We treasure still, with love sincere, Beautiful memories of one so dear Sadiy missed by son Jim, daughter In-law Jean and grandchildren manville Cemetery 11-Gay Van, Werry __ |8-Ann's Reply, Turcotte }7-Liberated, Walsh Also Ran in Order: Doc Jai, Gander, A-Our Interview, Chance Cover Select Sin, A-Witchcraft, BUC Fever, Red |Purse and H. V. Caplan DAILY DOUBLE, Gay's Royal Page (8) and Gay Van (11), PAID $210.70 A-W. W. Nichol and D. R. Bailey entry Pool $37,435. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions OSHAWA c SHOPPING ZENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE THIRD RACE - 728-6555 Maiden two-year-olds, | Bi che ll (12) ' | | 10-Pini intom, ome: ) | Kindness beyond Price, yet gerbera, Inouye . 17.20 11.10 | within reach of all. 11-China Rock, Dittfach 410 GERROW Wie, hab DIL Wee, Bunty, liveasiar, FUNERAL CHAPEL Portree Bay, J. B. Good, Count 'm Tum- ble and Alton Lad 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 Purse $2,000 Claiming Foaled in Canada, 4.90 3.90 3.60 Pool, $34,227. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 Claim. ing Maiden Two-year-olds. Foaled In Can- ada 42 Furlongs (12) 8-Past President, Barroby 18.40 11.10 10.00 4-Crow's Mile, Turcotte 4.60 4,00 7-Royal Beginner, Armstrong 5.10 Also Ran in Order: Famous Tour, Anu- jwar, Buckeye Road, King's Mesita, Ro- jman Ballet, Col. Saxon, Foxy Nan, Pickle CARD OF THANKS |i 'in'sctine oy | Pool $37,442. BARRIAGE -- The family of the late Perc. Barriage wish to express their sin. cere thanks and appreciation fo their} |friends and neighbors for their kindness jand sympathy during their recent be- reavement, ~Sincerely Mrs, P. Barriage and family MONDAY, APRIL 25 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,200, Maiden MULLEN -- The family of the late| three-year-old fillles, foaled In Canada.| British Maid, Kornblum A-XX106 Edward Mullen wish to thank relatives |62 Furiongs and friends for the beautiful floral trib-|Lady Pioneer, Robillard 118 utes, sympathy and mass cards; with|Song of Heather, No Boy 118 special thanks to the Armstrong Funeral| Grecian Slipper, Kornblum X113 Home, Dr. Kimmerly, and Mr. and Mrs.|Sultan's Ranee, Fitzsimmons 118 Makin for their kindness, and the Oshawa | Alberta Sunshine, Parsons 118 Police Dept. for their courtesy. Boston Mills, Dittfach 118 Solar Twist, Turcotte 118 Malor's Debble, Kornblum X113 TATE -- | would like to express my| Altona Miss, Hale 118 sincere thanks to my friends, relatives | jand neighbors who sent flowers, cards,| SBCOND RACE -- Purse $2,100. Claim gifts and visits during my stay In Osh-|ing (3000). Three- and four-year-olds. 1 awa General Hospital. Spécial thanks to| Mile and 70 Yards. Dr. Kowalsky, Dr. Mills, nurses and staff| Bayview Miss, No Boy 110 Floor 4F, Sincerely, | Susie Sweet, Bell XXX100 Begum's Cohort, No Boy 120 Jay Flight, Gomez 112 Cover Night, Simpson 105 Harry Hughes, Turcotte 107 Biue Briton, Kornblum X100 Royal Staff, Walsh 112 John's Freedom, Barroby Babcliff, Nedeau 110 | Nordstern, McComb --Linda Tate. 12 OBITUARY FUNERAL OF VANDA JANE McCOLL The death occurred April 19, at the Oshawa General Hospital, | following a short sickness. of| Vanda Jane McColl, only child of Ray and Joyce (£49° rd hat oh aaa McColl, RR 6, Bowmanville. Flying Cadru, Walsh The child was born Jan. 27, |GOps,, oor: . Anderson . 'iE B reotte 117 1965 at the Oshawa General Phasiant Barr veces 120 Hospital and was christened in|A--O'Connor Stable Entry. | Maple Grove United Church B--M Arbuck and F J Bajurny Entry. Besides. her parents she 7 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,100. Clalm- ing (7500). Maiden, two-year-olds. 4% Furlongs. My Sailor Boy, McComb 115 Traffic Swirl, Inouye A-120 Valley Queen, No Boy 117 Judge Wudge, Harris B-11§ Music Circle, Gomez beloved |Sunday Cruz, Turcotte B-112 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,200. Maid 18 en, three-year-old fillies, foaled In Can ADMISSION -- FREE dear passed ESSEX nf moth ving memory Essex, who | away April 24, What we would give if we could say, survived by her grandparents, | ada Thomas McColl (Mr, and Mrs and Mrs. Kenneth Highland Grove Lewis, (Divn.. of Ist). 6' Furlongs. Bella Figiia, Teeter XxX108 Ed's Reject, No Boy A.!18 To The Prom, No Boy A-118 Ten Pence, Fitesimmons 118 of | Hello, Mom, in the same old way To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit and chat with you awhile So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care For you'll never know the heartache Till vacant chair son Graham 20 Reg. Games--Total $300 $240 56 Nos SNOWBALL in Plus $10 each horizontol line. Regular Jackpot $100 in 58 Nos. $20. Con SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking you see her Sadly missed by family and ESSEX In lovin |dear mother, Elsie away April 24, 1962 | My heart still aches with sadness, | My eyes shed many a tear, | God only knows how much | miss yo j | | memory of my Essex, who passed - Is been lonely since you left me, Extra Bus Service No Children Please. Home has never been the same, Mom, the world would be like heaven Just to see your face again --Always 'remembered by Vinnie. daughter McCONNBLI In to our dear husband and Grant McConnell, who wa CONCERT ise Saee. Junior Accordian Concert | God has him in His keeping, Presented By | We have him In our hearts. 'Lovingly remembered and sadly CANADIAN ed nis wite Helen and children an orden, in Regina, Sask CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC SLOVAK HALL 470 Ritson Rd. S. TONIGHT 7:30 P.M invited ho memory. of daddy, James taken from miss Jane MCCONNELL -- In Io our dear brother, James Y Connell, who was taken from us April 24, 1964 We cannot have. the old days back, Wh were all together But secret taars and loving thoughts Nil! be with us forever Always remembered by sister Pat and brother Bob ng memory of Grant Mc suddenly Public No charge eordially MCCONNELL -- In loving memory of my dear son, James Grant McConnell ee omen " who was taken from us sudderily April 24, 1964 Somewhere beyond the shadow Dwells # dear son of mine, Whom | Inoked on as 4 treasure, Whom | treasured as divine THE OLD COUNTRY CLUB PRESENTS | But God called the one | loved away Forget you, Jim, | never will, | As the years roll on | miss you stil! An April Ball |--Saaty missed. by Mather 23, 1966 Kinsman Hall, Oshawa | LEE -- In loving memory of our dear ltather and grandfather, Edward Lee, who passed away April 24, 1940 with courage, Sat., Apr Music by Bernard Prizes, Bor, | Tierney unch $1.50 per person BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:45 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION IBUTE i dignity NG TR r er LASTI petmar we suggest MOUNT LAWSH MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS | visit the Park Office, a ' 723-2633 acksot 59 and. $3 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners. dren unde T . a 7 Sandeen, No Boy 118 The funeral service was held | Near The Sea, McComb 118 the Morris Funeral Chapel, | Viva La Bell, No Boy 118 D setastin ai eh es Merry Arctic, Gomez 118 sowma e 1 Bov manville, at 2 p.m., April | tiie, No" Boy 1, Interment was in Bowman ville Cemetery Rev. John Romeril, pastor of Maple Grove| FietH RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim. United Church, conducted the} ing (3000). Four-year-olds and up, foaled service jIn Canada. 44 Furlongs. at Entry }Bordeau Bar, Grech XXXi05 7 ---------- | Honey Blues, Kornblum X109 4 ,| Aldoo, Werry X107 BOY KILLED |Bonnie Flare, Walsh 110 eis as. (Me. Flirt, Harrison 115 x LOA it. { "TEM | Free View, Anderson Axx 104 Edward Phillips, 4, son of Mr.|Golden Bubble, Werry X105 A {St Willed, Gomez 11 jand Mrs., Russell Phillips of |par 'n wie! ae Soy ie | Odessa, was killed Friday when|Dandier, McComb 117 hit by a car as he tried to cross |S¥mmens Pat, Cosentine a road grith his sister, Deborah, ea tyne, oe "8 SIXTH RAC® -- Purse $7,400. Allow FORT ERIE ENTRIES | 62 Furlongs (11) 5-Shipmate, Gomez 9-Land Office, Turcotte 8-No Reasoning, Dittfach 3.70 Also Ran in Order: Second Wonder, rRenssik, A-Broth of a Boy, B-Check Suit, Lofty Visiter, Line Charrger, Lady Kasha, and B-Definitely Right. Late Scratch --A-Caledon Star. A-C. Smythe entry. B-Windflelds entry. Pool, $44,776. 28.50 11.60 5.80 3.80 2.80 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000 Allow- ances. Four-year-olds and up. (7) Fillies and Mares, 6: Furs. l-Northern Doll, Harrison 9.20 5.60 3.70 5-Win Again, Barroby 5.90 5.10 4-Speedy Lament, Dittfach |A--Windflelds Farm Entry. EXACTOR WAGERING) Also Ran in Order: So War, Glittering | anne yn porcine abe $3,000. Allow: Maid, Wally Wallace and Teardrop Lane. | tosied in Canada. 6 ' Pool $40,088 | Lazy Rhythm, Gomez |New Flag, Werry X116 | Nearctic Myth, No Boy A-116 | Koura, Harris 116 1-Black Isle, Robinson Nid pap Poe ias Mi gahlag See c. camerian | Poor Old 'Sam, Werry X114 ie |Mr. Mascot, Fitzsimmons 119 Also Ran in Order: By Command, Fal-| a--pane Hill Acres Entry. sun, Bedford Park, Jessie B. Good and Mt. Fleet, i, bie ded RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- jing. Four-year-olds and » foal Pool, $44,745, Total Pool, $334,330. Attend-|CSiaae (ion or Sty, 6s Furionees ance, 4,930. Secret Star, No Boy 115 Elm Wood, No Boy 119 Triple Alliance, Inouye 119 Mr, T.F., Harris 115 Dula Gail, Bell XXX104 Ginfields, No Boy 110 Artista, Armstrong 112 Royal Doctor, Steve X114 Maytown, Turcotte 114 Stone of Gold, Turcotte 110 Mencheval, Nedeau 117 X--5 ibs, AAC XX--7_ Ibs. AAC XXX--10 ibs. AAC POST TIME 2 P.M, Furlongs. 9 EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 Claim- Ing four-year-olds and up. 1 Mile and 70 yards (8) 5.00 3.00 2.60 3.40 3.20 4,20 Clear and Fast Snow Water, Armstrong 113 Black Kitten, McComb 111 Harry's Marilyn, Dittfach 118 Three-year-olds, | TRADITIONAL VIEW CHANGES In the last decade the sky- = shows office blocks forming line of London has changed part of the Barbican scheme- more dramatically than which aims to separate ve- during the previous 300 hicle and pedestrian traffic. years. Bottom photo shows At top right is the huge the north side of the Vickers building on the Thames spiked pith office Thames, a familiar part of towers. In centre back- the skyline. (CP Photo ground is dome of St. Paul's from British Information Cathedral. Top left picture Services) in} | Ants have no ears but "hear" | by picking up vibrations through|ter to clear Montreel's 986 miles |the ground. DEAF BUGS CAN HEAR SNOW COMES COSTLY It costs about $7,000,000 a win- of streets of snow. SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE RENT-A-CAR DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH 5,00 PER DAY tti5,'0w MILEAGE CHARGE 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshawa If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. See... JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL 728-7567 --------= nuclear A-Edgor Ridge Stable and J Cheeseman | | near this village 10 miles west | anc: Three-year-old fililes. 6 Furlongs ; liey Reply, Fitzsimmons A-111 ' a of Kingston. 'Empress of India, Werry X106 SERVICE STATIONS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION 67 KING STREET WEST, 723-7822 CLEMENTS SUPERTEST STATION 120 SIMCOE STREET NORTH LAWLESS SHELL STATION 227 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH BRUCE'S WHITE ROSE 480 PARK: ROAD SOUTH MEADE'S SUNOCO 588 KING STREET EAST, 725-8161 JIM CROWELL'S B.A. SERVICE STATION 265 KING STREET WEST Anyone who understands physics can breeze through tire-buying day. Maybe a physicist can digest a tire salesman's chatter about "casing strength" and "cord angles," But you just want tires. Not an education. Right? Then come see B.F.Goodrich. We have a brand new way of doing business. We give you straight talk you can understand. And a handy gadget you can trust: the BFG Tire Value Calculator. It simply matches up the kind of driving you do with the kind of BFG tire you need. For the least possible cash. (Maybe as little as $14.) So you won't drive out feeling you've been taken. Or worried that you didn't spend enough. You can't hardly get that kind of satisfaction nowadays. The straight-talk tire people 88 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Tel: 725-4543