Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Apr 1966, p. 26

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26 THE OSHAWA TIM, Wednesdey, April 20, 1966 EXECUTION SET Michael Gregory Kuzyk, * 38, was sentenced in New Westminster, B.C., March 2 * to hang for the rifle-slaying of a woman last November. The execution has been set for June 7. New Probe Is Proposed By BEN WARD OTTAWA (CP) -- Labor Min- ister- Nicholson has been sound- ing out labor and management groups on the possibility of a new inquiry into the controver- sial proposals advanced last December in the Freedman re- port on CNR crew run-throughs. - Mr. Justice Samuel Freed- man of Winnipeg, who investi- gated the CNR dispute as a one- man federal commission, rec- ommended that the law be amended to force employers to negotiate the introduction of automated tecliniques that af- fect working conditions. As the law now stands, un- fons are legally powerless to protest the dislocations caused by work changes introduced while a collective agreement is in force. Since taking over the labor portfolio last January, Mr. Nicholson has been under heavy pressure from labor and man- agement groups on the Freed- man issue. Labor organizations have been unanimous in de- manding action on lines laid down in the report. Manage- ment spokesmen are vigorously | opposed to it. | The labor minister's public statements on the issue so far have been noncommital, arous- ing criticism from some union leaders. BECOMES KEY DEMAND | Adding to his dilemma, the} Brotherhood of Railroad Train-| men (CLC) has made the Freed- man principle one of the key demands in its current contract dispute with the CNR. Negotia- tions have broken down and : conciliation board is bein; up to seek a settlement. this fails, the trainmen are prepared for a strike that could force the! minister to make a decision. | Informants say Mr. Nicholson} is of the view that a fuller in- vestigation should be made in order to hear views from other industries that would be af- fected by such a change in fed- eral labor law. He has advanced the idea in private talks, sug- gesting either a parliamentary committee or a royal commis- sion. Those who have been involved in the conversations say he ap- pears to favor a royal commis- sion that would hear from all industries under federal juris- diction railways, airlines, banking, interprovincial truck- ing, grain mills, shipping, broadcastng, pipelines, tele- ph®ne systems and the like. The Freedman inquiry was set up in the fall of 1964 after 2,800 CNR workers staged a brief wildcat strike over the railWay's decision to run train crews through Wainwright, Alta., and Nakina, Ont., points where crews normally were changed. SEE HUMAN PROBLEMS It found that the CNR had a legal right to introduce the run- throughs but should not have done so without negotiating with its unions on the human prob- Jems involved. Mr, Justice Freedman's terms of reference, prepared by for- mer Labor Minister Allan Mac- Eachen who has since been switched to the health portfolio, invited him to extend the run- through proposals to "'similar situations arising in future." This was taken by the judge to mean industry in general and he made this clear in his re- port. He said the present fed- eral labor law, denying unions 2 voice in automation, "is a manifest inequity which clam- ors for attention and correc- tion." Management groups have ar- gued that the judge looked only SPECIAL! 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BOTTLE (FOR HORMAL, PRY we ORY MAM at the railway situation and did not consider the problems of other industries. OPPOSE NEW INQUIRY Union leaders, however, con- tend that the judge's report con- tains a full and factual study of the situation in general and that an expanded inquiry would be meaningless. It would, in effent, be an in- | quiry into an inquiry. Spokesmen for the Railway Brotherhood say they will pro- test to the government if an- other inquiry is ordered. The Brotherhood spent $50,000 put- ting their arguments before the 'Freedman commission and are unwilling to face a similar out- lay before another WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 1.18, PKe. SPAGHETTI W couren Doren aren. 2) EXTRA STAMPS di di 2) EXTRA STAMPS ; 25 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) EXTRA STAMPS == We I = We STAMPS EXTRA ) BISQUICK MIX 25 2) 2 EM 25 CELERY STALKS EXTRA EXTRA Vat Couron Exrene Aran WF STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 2) 2) EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS di dj EXTRA STAMPS (WITH Courom @ ruRCHASt oF OME 11-02. xe. Swit FROZEN MEAT DINNERS 'Via COUTOM EXE ApEn a WITH Courom @ runcHas OF OME 16-07. JAR NGERSOU CHEESE SPREAD Vie Couren Doras area iF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two 2h OZ THE ARDMONA FANCY HALVES APRICOTS ver COUPON DxrmES ArER 7 WITH Courom & ruRCHAS OF OME 8-02. PRG SEMI-SOFT BONBEL CHEESE vas COUPON Hxrines aren 27° FRUIT DROPS sow hinsc ei STAMPS Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 -- Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9 p.m.

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