PONTEST DOMINION! Famous name products have remained popular for genera- tions, . domi in itself that food shoppers place their trust and confi nce in a name and product that never fails to live up to its promise of 100% satisfaction and enjoyment. | Shop with confidence at Dominion for your favourite brands and test your brand name skill this week -- our way of illus- trating that your best.bet is a name you know and trust. Mail To: Famous Brands Contest, eee Dominion Stores Limited, Post Office Box #24, Station 'D', Toronto, Ontario. BALLOT! NOTHING TO BUY! © DL PURPOSE COFFEE EVAPORATED CARNATION MILK LI'L ABNER GRAPE - PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT - ORANGE PINEAPPLE ORANGE FRUIT DRINK Aylmer Choice TOMATOES Aylmer Fancy -- . TOMATO JUICE Answer These Brand Name Questions! MAIL TO" ADDRESS SHOWN ON BALLOT! $ DOMINION WiN-100.::: 'L, 00 0. DOMINION rhe WON! CERTIFICATE! GIFT CERTIFICATES YOU COULD WIN! SPECIAL ! 89: Ib SPECIAL ! 1.00 SPECIAL ! Phi) SPECIAL OZ. wn 19° SPECIAL 20-0Z. 39° 16-oz. tins SPECIAL 20-02. 29° TIN SPECIAL ws $l TINS Tumbler Jar -- Prepared Schwartz Mustard Country Girl 3 RAISIN PIE Save on FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES MEXICAN No. 1 GRADE -- FOR A PLEASURE FILLED MEAL som CANTAL Florida No. 1 Grade Snappy lender Crisp GREEN BEANS 2 lb. 49° Jumbo Size OUPES 39 Arizona | Grown Ee nwoln Teridei Mitd Gardeir eres GREEN ONIONS 3 wens 25° Green Top -- Tender BUNCH California Grown | | | | | | CARROTS | | 2 for 29° STOCK-UP DOMINO GINGER 8 30-02. Bottles PLUS DEPOSIT 99° Rrerine™ | Geciols 7 ~evervinine ™~ panes RIGHT IN THE STORE SAVE 14c -- YOUR CHOICE APPLE, LEMON DATE OR SPECIAL CHERRY COFFEE CAKES uc» 29° HEAT AND SERVE! 6 FOR 30° BLUEBERRY MUFFINS Cinnamon Knots 6 ,., 39° Chocoate Rolls ,.., 45° TURNOVERS 4,39: HOT BREAD R 24.02. LOAF 24¢ DOMINION 'BRAND NAME' CONTEST *Test your brand name skill... Answer the following questions by printing in the "BRAND NAME", of each in order of your preference: Name 3 Popular 8 What Are the Names SOUP Makers of 4 Makers of FLOOR WAX? ee eee Name 3 of Canada's Best Known CEREAL Brands What is the Brand Name of any 4 PAPER PRODUCTS? Name Any 2 Brands of KETCHUP Name 3 Brands of BAKED BEANS 10 11 Name 4 Brands of INSTANT COFFEE Which 3 Brands of LAUNDRY DETER- GENT Do You Know? Name Any 3 FROZEN FOOD Brands You Buy Name Any 3 Brands of PROCESSED CHEESE 12 13 4 Name the Maker of Any 4 Popular JAMS or JELLIES What 3 Brands of Name 2 Makers of TEA Can You List? , BABY FOODS RULES: All questions trust be ans name and address and mai add postmarked on or be entered. Winners will be to complete a further tes NAME ADDRESS CITY OR TOWN CANADA'S FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF SALE LEAN TENDER BONELESS ROUND STEAK « ROAST 89: Easy Carve Square End And Full Cut Round End RUMP ROAST Ih. 89° PRESSWOOD COMPASS BRAND SWIFT'S PREMIUM RINDLESS (BREAKFAST eke, 55° BACON 83° CUT FOOD COSTS 33¢ | Peas and Carrots i. 39° TEA BAGS Toilet Tissue 89° STRONGHEART REG, and FISH 79° 49° AJAX POWDERED LAUND WITH AMMONIA AJAX GIANT PETFOOD 4 'Sic; DETERGENT » size. 89° §9¢ | Liouid Cleaner TINS 3c OFF AJAX CLEANSER 2 "tur Everything Guaranteed Values Effective until Closing April 23 K-MART PLAZA MIDTOWN PLAZA WHITBY PLAZA, DOWNTOWN OSH- Open Tonight Open Wed., Thurs. Fri. AWA AND BOWMANVILLE. Open Until 10 P.M. Nights Until 9.30 P.M. Thursday & Friday Nights Until 9 P.M. SHOPSY'S FAMOUS CORNED BEEF ROLLS LB. 85° 9 FLAVOURS JELLO--6 OZ. PKGS. Jelly Powders 2 rox 43° FACELLE ROYALE 2 PLY 29¢ ALYMER CHOICE HALVES Bartlett Pears 10¢ OFF RED ROSE 15-02. TINS 2 ROLL PKG. 32-02. SIZE BAG OF 90 COMPLETE YOUR CARD THIS WEEK! @ AND WIN AGAIN...AND AGAIN!