* 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, April 16, 1966 Ford Lashes Back -At Safety 'Critics IDHAVEN, Mich. (AP)-- Ford Il said Friday the e o, WOO. Henry * "U.S, auto industry could solv: many of its safety problems "i "eritics who know nothing about the business would get out of Pthe way." OK, board chairman of Ford _ Motor Co, scheduled to make 4a routine/speech at the dedica- wetion of & $130,000,000 stamping * plant, tossed his prepared script | feway and delivered, instead, an ~ off-the-cuff defence of industry «gafety policies. * Ford said "ill-conceived gov- "ernment regulation" of auto . companies' output could resul in considerable « U.S. economy. = "This safety issue has becom "the auto industry and we are) attacked from all sides ' being the attacks un- with many of warranted." » "bad situation when 50,006 people | harm to the \ | Sone of harassment of much of\proved. to acel- the in- ssibie ja year are killed in jdents,"" but he insiste jdustry is taking ali steps to make cars safer) | "We have always: built cars |just as'safe as they possibly can {be and we are continually mak- ling safety changes in them, in- cluding changes made in the past of a model year," he.said, adding: ' "That is not to say that cars lcannot be safer, and we will |strive for that goal." | Ford turned some of his big- |gest guns on Ralph Nader, a lawyer and critic of current auto safety policies. Nader told ja Senate subcommittee Thurs- iday the West German Volks- wagen's rear axle could be im- "] don't think Mr. Nader |knows much about rear axles| |but if he does, we have a need lfor engineers of that type and Ford said "it was indeed a|I would be glad to give him a/ q |job." Dismissal Of 'Reporte . TORONTO (CP)--The Globe and Mail says a United Church minister who told his congrega- "tion there are instances where sex outside marriage is permis- gable has been dismissed from his charge. The newspaper quotes Rev. Harry MacKay, 29, associate 'minister of Richmond Hill "United Church, as saying Fri- day that he believes that two _sermons he preached in October on the commitment of young couples were largely responsi- ble for his dismissal. Mr. MacKay came to the community 12 miles north of Toronto from North Bay where he was New Democratic Party teandidate for Nippissing in a "federal byelection. The newspaper . said this} morning he will be detached |the main reason for the dismis-| 4 from the Richmond Hill church | as of June 30. "Mr. MacKay said the board) 'ef Richmond Hill United Church passed a motion of stricture against him after criticism was' voiced on his October sermons .on the subject of sex for younger persons," the Globe "eontinued. "He said he was told at that time, however, that a committee was studying the matter. "He said he pointed out in the sermons that the admoni-; tion Thou Shalt Not was never} as effective as the fear of preg-| nancy in preventing extra-mari-| tal sexual intercourse. With the! coming of the birth-control pill, | many persons were being) forced tohcange their thinking} and abandon old ideas. This Clergyman d; Aired Sex Views! | jmieant to him that the clergy jhad to come up with a more meaningful ministry. | "He said he told the congre-| |gation that there were rare in- stances where unmarried cou- ples could, without violating the \finer ethics, indulge in sexual |intercourse without being con- is idered promiscuous," the newspaper said. "He was not preaching that couples going steady should be promiscuous, but that where the two had deep love and feeling for each other there might be instances in which intercourse was justifiable." | The Globe quoted Rev. Albion | \Wright of Markham, Ont.,| chairman of a March presby- tery meeting, as saying he did not think the sex sermons were | | sal. "Internal problems had de- veloped over a period of months | and many meetings were held over them. The sermong were among the subjects discussed at the meetings, he said. The new morality which Mr. Mac-| Kay preached received a sym-| pathetic hearing. 'As far as I am concerned, that matter was settled,'" the newspaper quoted him. Rev. Norman Pick of New- market, Ont., who presented the dismissal motion to the meeting, said he was acting on | a request from the presbytery's pastoral committee. | The presbytery is made up of 30 United Churches serving the area from Richmond Hill to Lake Simcoe. GLANCE 'ROUND GLOBE Infant Mortality Probe Called By Kierans In Que. | | \legislation," and indicated By PHIL THOMAS DETROIT (AP) -- The U.S, |regulation. auto industry, hard-hit by erit-| A frequent witness at the ics aoe ook ee federal hearings was auto critic Ralph regulation of its safety stand-in.qe co ticut ards, admits it is in trouble but| acer, 2 Conmecticnt cogs 0 said it hopes to fight its Way) coeed a book contending a lack out. of safety on today's cars is the The industry already has|main reason persons are killed taken some steps to ganters (tn traffic accidents. further the safety of its prod-) Nader who sa x ys he does not uct and more are planned. -- | own a car, got a public apology Industry spokesmen indicated | at a hearing from General Mo- further advertising Campaigns)|tors President James M. Roche. probably would emphasize|Roche apologized after GM ad- US. Auto Industry Hard Hit Intends To Fight Way Back irather than strict government|mitted it hired private detect-| will be the first link in a com- lives to investigate Nader after he attacked the firm's Corvair GM, involved in more than 100 'lawsuits involving as much as {$40,000,001 » in damage claims re- lating to the design of the Cor- vair, said it wanted to deter- mine whether Nader had any connection with the persons su- ing GM. Nader said he did not. safety features such as seat, belts, shoulder straps, collaps-| ible steering columns, dua brakes and headrests. But, they) HENRY FORD II WEATHER FORECAST said, there is no guarantee) these would markedly reduce] the traffic death toll, which hit] 49,000 last year, unless they were used properly. As one U.S. congressmen put! China Charges 'Hitler Hordes' From AP-Reuters JAKARTA (CP) -- China to- ay angrily denounced the sack- it: | "It's not the nut on the wheel but the one behind it that) TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts ; Hy causes most accidents. Until we issued at 5:30 a.m,: ing of its Jakarta embassy and/can tighten him up, I don't) Symopsis: The present likened the 2,00) Indonesian) «now that we can do very much | weather picture will likely con- ooerveiyh rioters t» "'Hitlerite| spout the traffic safety situa-|tinue throughout Sunday. tae ae jtion."" Ottawa: Mainly sunny Teds ame ica weer ted That the auto industry 1s|mild with light winds. acote ta Pekink. the otis ee ee be-| Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, New China néwa agency said in (ore probably results from the Lake Huron, Lake Ontario, Ni- Tokyo, The note said that chi. O08, hard look two U.8. Semis gata, Haliburton, Killaloe, nese embassy staff member|*'° committees have taken at)Georgian Bay, Timaga mi, Chao Helao-shou was shot in the) ct n('y, Practices. A House of Cochrane, Western James Bay, chest and seriously wounded| err cseatives committee is) white River, Algoma, Sault Ste, during. the attack Friday the|'? begin its deliberations on the |Marie, Windsor, London, Ham- agency. sald. ve bill April 26 : ___ lilton, Toronto, North Bay, Sud- The protest also charged that After the committees indi-/bury: Mainly sunny and little the embassy's first secretary, |catco, they hope to have high-|change in temperatures. Winds Lu Tzu-po, and four. other chi. | WY safety legislation ready for |Jight. sane oficials. were beaten upon? action early next month, and injured as the attackers| oo, Ford Il, board chairman . lof Ford Motor Company, said rampaged through the embassy) «wren 50,000 people a year|Windsor ... compound, smashing pvindows) are killed in auto accidents that |St. Thomas .. and burning furniture and Pa-|ig a bad situation. pers. | "No one can say we are not Kitchener ... fi gh noo a dozen embassy! interested in auto safety. We Mount Forest . sis eprlegie'y ib or have always built safe cars, but| Wingham ... seen --. day in Jakarta In-'that is not to say we cannot|Hamilton ...... po re lig oe their way| ake them safer and we are|St. Catharines ..... : £m .. |trying to do so. We are in trou-|Toronto ...... see Br ici announced his resig-\bie in the auto industry right Peterborough ..... nation today in protest against! now but we are going to fight Kingston his government's recent policy|)... 'way out." TOAOR: 6 iscss cuts toward Peking. The Senate's public works| Killaloe and commerce committees Muskoka . and Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Sunday 35 58 30 58 seeeeeeeees Little Temperture Change. Méinly Sunny On Sunda 28 28 North Bay «eseeeee 52 Sudbury .seccccoes |HarltOn ...cecseees Sault Ste. Marie White River ....+. Moosonee Timmins Observed temperatures Low overnight, high Friday Dawson ... 1 42 Victoria .. 54 'Edmonton ..seeeee 48 Regina Lakehead ...se00+ White River .... 4 41 28 30 24 Kapuskasing .. joATItON ...seceeves North Bay ..... Sudbury .. Muskoka Windsor . London .. Toronto Trenton .. Ottawa . Montreal .essseees *wMuebec ...+ Halifax .. Chicago .. Miami Los Angeles . heard testimony on auto and ct model as "an unsafe menace."'| Dog-Team Communication Link For Eskimo Murder Trial SPENCE BAY, N.W.T. (CP) mer. The woman had been mentally ill and members of the band feared her actions threat- ened their welfare Originally the trial was sched- uled to open Thursday but now An Eskimo driving a dog team away from the band last sum- it. is scheduled to begin today. over 60 miles of frozen tundra |munications system carrying | Somme news reports from the | murder trial of two Eskimos. | The Eskimo was hired by re- porters te carry daily reports to a DEW line station for phon- ing through Quebec City to their papers and to The Canadian) Press, Toronto, to amplify cov- | erage. Basic reports move over; limited .radio-telephone service! at the remote settlement. Spence Bay is on Boothia' Peninsula, 1,225 miles northeast of Edmonton. First reports on the trial were handled by Hud- son's Bay Co. radio-telephone| from Spence Bay to Canadian National Telecommunications at | Cambridge Bay on Victoria Is- land for radio relay to Edmon- | ton. ; | CP staff writer Ron Mac-| | Donald of Edmonton, a reporter | on the trial, once worked as a! |summer employee on the DEW, jline and remembered one sta- tion is relatively 'near Spence Bay. After an extensive check, co-| | operative . arrangements were| |made for the dogteam radar- | station hookup. | On trial are Isochee Shooyook and Aiyaoot, both about 21, charged with capital murder in the shooting of Aiyaoot's| mother, Soosee, about 40, Soo- | See is alleged to have been shot| SERVICE STATIONS © OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. OSHAWA ESSO SERVICE KING STREET WEST, AT PARK ROAD -- 728-1601 PRESTON'S SUNOCO STATION 925 SIMCOE STREET NORTH CRANFIELD'S B-A STATION 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH A FLOYD PRICE SUNOCO STATION 531 RITSON ROAD SOUTH DON DOWN SHELL STATION 97 KING STREET EAST GANGEMI SERVICE STATION 809 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH GARY'S ESSO SERVICE STATION 89 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH -- 723-6532 | during an attempt to drive her! «+» THE BETTER TO SERVE YOU! NEW ADDITION TO OUR LARGE FLEET OF GENERAL MOTORS VEHICLES months. Their legislation is ex- highway safety for some two : OPEN THIS SUNDAY STORE 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 8 King Street East | 360 Wilson Road South Acting Fools', | cting Fools, | { |both in authority for setting Douglas i i & glas, nationai New Demo-| way safety measures. The tle but waste ti this session. ; agra teosaa PT spending of about $700,- He spoke to a convention that | ; way accidents. again in Edson in € non te Mie. MEX was told by Ford Vice-Presi- tion last ' age facturers Association, of a plan| tackled a single pi j ee SCCE OF TAROT ended its hearings last week. ership. jnot suffice by itself" and called) 1204 Wecker Drive names. They can't make up|drawn up by the auto firms! JURY and LOVELL LTD. Phone 723-2245 McCORDICK DRUGS Phone 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY Phone 725-3525 | si MODERN OIL FURNACES In various price ranges. Sized to your needs, Now that Spring is here -- it's a very good time to install a modern, efficient oil furnace -- For economical opera- tion and comfort, our work is tailor-made to your require- ments and installed by experts. Call us for a free heating survey and a quotation. ,. NOW. No obligation of course, & DIXON'S PHONE 123-4663 314 ALBERT ST., OSHAWA SERVING THE PUBLIC FOR MORE THAN FIFTY YEARS Dou as a 5 j}pected to go beyond President glas § Y jauto safety standards and in cratic Party leader, said Friday Johnson administration pro- jin uote we ve: teen SURRIng 000,000 during the next six! chose Neil Reimer of Edmon-| The public works committee provincial election. Mr. Reimer dent John §. Bugas, a spokes- Referring to Parliament, Mr. he advanced earlier before the! much of the reason for this is) BU&&s Said the industry rec.) "This is why MPs have spent |!" 8 federal-state commission} their mind what to put in the |Johnson's recommendations EDSON, Alta, (CP) -- T. C.| Alta, (CF) T C-| tederal grants for state high- night Parliament has done lit- gram would authorize govern- fools of ourselves." - years in an effort to cut high- ton, Alberta } > ¢ P erta NDP leader, to run ended its hearings Friday. It lost to a Liberal i - al in a. byelec }man for the Automobile Manu- Douglas said: " : oat We havent commerce committee, which due to the lack of federal lead-| 08nizes "voluntary action willl a lot of time calling each other to rule on safety standards} legislation.' QUEBEC (CP)--Health Min-|Crocker, 7. The young girl was ister Eric Kierans announced | killed last Feb. 10 and Wollaston Friday that a provincial com- mittee to investigate the inci- dence of infant mortality has been founded. Mr. Kierans said in a statement the committee was formed because of the in- eteasing number of deaths of children within 28 days of their birth. CHAPLIN HAS BIRTHDAY LONDON (AP) Charlie Chaplin celebrated his 77th 'birthday Friday at a party given by Marlon Brando, Sophia Loren, Tippi Hedren and his son, Sydney Chaplin. They are the stars of his latest film--A Countess from Hong Kong,--his first for a decade and his 82nd since he started with Tillie's Punctured Romance in 1914. EVACUATE VILLAGERS MANILA (Reuters) -- Villag- ers living near the Taal volcano in The Philippines were ordered to evacuate their homes Satur day as the volcano showed signs of erupting again. Between 50 and 200 persons died when the volcano erupted last Septem- ber. The exact tol! was never determined. Thousands were made homeless. The volcano, on the island of Luzon south of Manila, had been dormant for M4 years. YOUTH COMMITTED VICTORIA, B.C. (CP)--Fran- eis Ottley Wollaston, been cxmmitted for trial for the capital murder of Linda 18, has} | was charged several hours after} |her body was found. Medical| evidence said the girl choked to} \death on a rag stuffed in her | mouth. Extremists Fire On Home Of MP. BELFAST (Reuters) -- Ex-| |tremists fired bullets into a |member of Parliament's home jhere early today as Northern Ireland braced itself for an ex- plosive weekend during cele- brations of the 50th anniversary of the Irish Rebellion. j Armed police patrols launched | a massive security clampdown) to stop members of the out-} lawed Irish Republican Army} !crossing from the Irish Repub- | tlic into Northern Ireland, part 'of the United Kingdom. Authorities fear violence from IRA forces--pledged to uniting divided Ireland--during a big republican parade here Sun- day commemorating the rebel- lion, which led to southern in- dependence from Britain. Good Names Te Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE ak || down with you NEEDED GOOD MEAL | The extinct winged lizard| pteranodon had a wing-span of| 27 feet but probably weighed | only 25 pounds. | For Personalized Service CALL | | Be JACK OSBORNE of LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King S&. E., 728-4678 commercial end be glad to sit discuss your For buildin, residential lots, wor Reg. Bill MecFeeters--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 |] ing your home, | would appreci P , we heve @ good selection of homes with . electric heet and oil heat. Make your own choice! If you ere thinking of sell- your business--just give me a South-End Tavern Corner of Simcoe St. S$. and Bloor Fully licensed under the L.C.B.O., NOW OPEN !... Luncheon -- 11:30 to 2:30 Dinners Sat. from 11:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. For Reservations Dial 725-0748 -- 4:30 to 1 a.m. WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION ....... . . TELEPHONE 942-0500 PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION enough hot water to float a battleship CASCADE 40 gives need at ONE LOW you all the hot water you're ever likely to FLAT RATE. Use 40, 80, or 100 gallons a day and your water heating bill will never go up. Ask about CASCADE 40, Call your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY -- In Co-operation With -- OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 . TELEPHONE 668-5878 . TELEPHONE 942-2930