ee Nae eertan Pe estos 4 @ Complete Insurance Navy Club On Course To Success One man's dream for a navy club in Oshawa has far out- reached his expectations and left other similar organizations in the city pop-eyed with admir- ation. 'In 1951, Peter Tullock, rem- embering the old army and Wavy Club at the four corners which had long since folded, de- cided to try and stage a get- together of naval veterans. He advertised a meeting for this purpose which produced a grand total of four interested veterans. The Commanding Of- ficer of the Oshawa Sea Cadets, Herb. Maynard, was added to the steering committee, giving the club a nucleus of five. Mr. Tullock recalled each member of the steering com- mittee comprising lists of known mavy veterans in the city. Meet- ings were held in different homes until permission was granted to use the Sea Cadet barracks on Oshawa blvd n. Navy veterans' clubs in To- ronto, Peterborough and Brant- ford, the only known organiza- fions in Ontario at that time, were contacted to help form club rules and bylaws and ways of enlarging club finances and membership. From an original membership of 25, the club has swelled to more than 300 active, associate and social members. In i356, the Oshawa Naval Veterans' Club was awarded the distinction of hosting the an- mual naval veterans' reunion. It had been held in Peterborough the previous year. The reunion banquet was held fn the Oshawa Armories at which a Dominion Charter was presented to the president of the Canadian Naval Association. During the latter part of 1956 the club rented quarters on Sim- JOHN'S MOVING & STORAGE Agents For Meyflewer Movers h@® Local & Long Distance @ Fully Equipped 728-3661 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 16, 1966 3A GANGPLANK SETS NAUTICAL AIR FOR NEW BUILDING EARL MYERS, right, president, rings the bell in the recration room of the coe st. s., which became mem- bers' second home for nine years. All was not roses in the club's formative years. As a matter of fact, Mr. Tullock admits '""We've had some trying times." One of these was shortly after the ciub moved inte --its new quarters on Simcoe st. s. Many members became disenchanted without club rooms and the: cost involved in running such a place so they quit and almost sunk the club. It was rescued by a few staunch members. In 1957 the club was at its lowest ebb. Membership dicreased from 130 to 60 and one month there was meen ja mile: ee es ~ s, Li PLASTIC MODELS FLYING MODELS ELECTRIC TRAINS RACING CARS POLLARD'S HOBBIES OSHAWA'S HOBBY SUPPLY CENTRE lh Simece St. N. 723-9512 new naval veterans' build- ing, Viola. street. With him is Bob Plowright, left, first not enough capital in the kitty to pay the rent and operating expenses, so about five dedi- cated members pooled enough money to get the club out of financial difficulty. In 1958 the club received it life-saving blood -- a licence from the Liquor Control Board of Ontario for the saie of beer: Since that time the club has never. had any financial wor- ries. By 1960, club members were. getting restless for new quar- ters. In November, 1963, the sod- turning was held for a new building and the new quarters were officially opened in May, 1964. During the latter part of 1964 the Canadian Naval Association had its charter changed to the Royal Canadian Naval Asocia- tion and has 23 affiliated clubs across Canada. While Mr. Tullock was presi- dent -- he served in this capa- city for four years -- he found- ed the United Council of Veter- ans' Associations. The club trys to retain its nautical language and traditions and thoughts. It has also tried to promote new and old recre- ational pursuits such as_ base- ball, hockey, darts, shuffleboard, peg-pool, euchre, cribbage, golf and bowling. The club. president, Earl Myers, says he hopes in the years to come the club can continue to show the people of Oshawa a gvod image of its participation, citizenship and thoughtfulness. id F as ss . pays a "'fine'"' for the privil- vice-president. Anytime the ege. (Oshawa Times Photo) bell is rung, the bell ringer MODERN GRILL (Known ot QUEENIE'S) WHY WAIT FOR A PARTY... Serve Our Delicious Fried Chicken Anytime >™ Snacks ||°" Dinners || °"* Buckets 2 Pes. Ciiicken |; 3 Pes. Chicken 12 Pcs. Chicken, Chips Golden Brown i Chips, ae ter Chips Cole Slaw == Sanre 7 | 1.25 || 3.75 725-3887 345 RITSON RD. S. OSHAWA, ONT. We'll Launder His Shirts to His Taste . . . ls your man extra particular about the way his shirts are done? We finish each one of his shirts to perfection every time. OSHAWA'S SHIRT SPECIALISTS ! % DELIVERY +» CASH & CARRY ACADIAN CLEANERS 299 BLOOR W. 728-5141