Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Apr 1966, p. 15

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Condition Good: Whitton Report OTTAWA (CP)--Tie éapital's energetic former mayor, Char- lotte Whitton, 70, was reported . good condition if hospital Fri- y Miss Whitton suffered a weak spell at the wheel of her car lin a downtown section of the éapital 'Thursday evening. She was able to get word to police who 0k her to the hospital. RON man's mother. SPENCE AY ew. a (CP) The white man's justice came to Spence Bay Thursday in the form of a capital murder trial of two young Eskimo men ac- cused 6f shooting to death one Meaty of thé 200 Eskimos in this réihote commiufity are among the last in the North to feel the impact of white society. They know little or nothing about the Criminal Code of Can- ada and legal procedures. Charged with capital murder Academy Award Telecast Touchy Job: Pasternak HOLLYWOOD (AP)--"It's a nice job," Joe Pasternak ob- served ruefully, "for making éneihies."" It s@efied an unlikely state- ment from Pasternak, the friendly, Hungarian-born pro- ducer who has made suhny mu- sicals with well-fed songstresses from Witnipeg - born Deanna Durbin (Three Smart Girls) to Ann-Margaréet (Made in Paris). He was réfefring to his extra- curricular post as producer of the Academy Award telecast. "T was out of my mind to accept the job last year," he said. "Then 'I agreed to do it again this year. What was I thinking of!" After his exercise in Holly- wood hyperbole, he admitted that the assignment was a chal- lenging and sometimes satisfy- ing one. Especially if the show "wa off well, as it did last) press agents, managers . . ents give awa only of the show." one big name because if he sang all five songs. ALL WANT FAVORITE Pasternak remarked. "This of Your Smile." mt 'think Monday night's show|Barbara MeNair, who has the people around them who give me the trotible--agents, they want to be sure their ¢li- the important . They don't realize that it ca sometimes be better for a star to be in the first part Casting sifgers for the nom- inated songs is the area where the producer fears that he cre- ates enemies. He turned aw e singer had been featured on fe- cent Oscar casts. Another top recording artist was rejected because he would appear only "Everyone wants to sing the song that is the favorite to win," year it seems to be The Shadow He handed the assignment to Lin the mid-July shooting of Soo- sée, about 40, are Isochee Shoo- yook, about 21, and Aiyaoot, also abdut 21, Soosee's son. Soosee and the two accused were members of a nomadic Es- kimo hunting band that lives the year round in the Fort Ross area 175 miles north of here, thaking one or two trips to Spence Bay each winter for sup- -|plies. Testimohy by some of the 20 members of the hunting band at a preliminary hearing here Feb, 16-17 of the charge against Shooyook was that Soosee was shot during an attempt to drive her away from the band by abandoning her on a small is- land off Fort Ross. Members of the band claimed the woman, wife of the group's leader, had a history of mental illness. They said she began damaging tents, throwing rocks, abusing children and threaten- ing the welfare of the band. The band was unable to travel | to Spence Bay because of the} condition of the summer terrain and sea ice, Attempts to re- strain Sooseée proved unsuccess- ful. It was decided to dtive her away. Spence Bey Gets View Of White Man's Justice Band meéfiitiers testified they bélieved Sdosée's illness would be communicated to them if she was not driven off. Constable John Avison of the Spence Bay RCMP detachment learfied Of the shooting Sept. 18 when hé flew into the Fort Ross area to pi¢k up Eskimo children for transport to school at Inu- vik, 850 miles west. Shooyook alone was charged following an investigation, but evidence on ballistics at the pre- liminary heafing led to the joint charge against Shooyook and Aiyaoot being laid by Crown agent David Searle of Yellow- knife, who is prosecutor at the trial. After being charged, Shooyook was released on $100 bail and brought his family to Spence Bay to obtain employment and await the trial. Aiyaoot was not told of the 8 ee eee DANCING From Young Couples A-Courtin' a (al at its 'ortin'. at tela er of i Perfect a} | ee ae JUDITH HAD ONLY ONE DESIRE... TO WIELO HER BODY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Satudey , Apel 14, 1968 48 chargé against hifi until 'Thurs- day, ew pe How-|nerthward ard Irvin im Mortow | from of eamonton 4 Siscussed the case with him just prior to the trial. The trial is being conducted before Judge John Sissons of the Northwest Territories Terri- torial Court and a_six-member), jury of Eskimos and whites. Es- kimos generally sit on juries in| he! cases in' the North involving their peopie. Spénte Bay itself is 1,500 miles north of Winiipeg of the Boothia , juts ela a ae are about a dozen |" whites in Spence Bay. The com- ~" munity, established in 1935, con- ~ sists of homes, in many cases with one room, plus a -- station, a twe-reem school where the trial Stems being bo Rae Hudson's Bay Co. store, ae man Cathotie sh A and nottherh affairs rs Gepartintad brafith. will be just as good," said the|way with a ballad. Robert Gou-| AjKeE A WEAPON, TO AVENGE A WRONG BEYOND WORDS! VIETNAMESE MONTAGNARD He's only 42 years of age, get the hard life, rough climate and lack of most remedies of our civiliza- tion are etched on the smil- ing fate of this Vietnamese mountain man, He's an in- habitant of a Montaghatd village near the Cambodian border west of Pleiku. The smile was for troopers of BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Gets 6 Months Instead 'Twenty-one-year-old John Wil-|o' 4on, of Oshawa, had planned to get married next week. Yesterday, however, he was sentenced to six months in jail after pleading guilty to & charge of attempted car theft. Explaining the case, his vehicle being turned over. He put on his clothes and ran tairs Th the car he saw Wilson be- hind the wheel. He could not get out as the inside doorhandle was missing. Before the court, Wilson ex- plained that he had planned to get married next week. He also said that his mother was due to go into hospital for an operation and he would have to look after things. After hearing an extensive recotd Magistrate H. Burger stentenced him to six months. For having beer in his posses- sion, Gordon Harris Hunter, of $25 and Brooklin, was fined costs or 10 days. Causing mischief by kicking 8 door cost Dianne Nosal, 19, of Oshawa, a $25 fine and costs or 10 days. She was.also order- ed to pay restitution of $5 for damage cuased to the door. Three youths appeared on charges of minor consuming. All three were fined $50 and in jail. were; Barry R. McCarron, Larry McLean, costs or seven days The of Oxford st.; Crown Attorney Bruce Affieck 'said that the owner of the car was in bed when he heard the engine of i Darlington; and Dona Hazleton, also of Darlington. For having as a minor Daniel Kevin Bolger, of Whitby, was) fined $25 and costs of seven| days. A eharge of break, enter and theft against city bailiff Eric Ernest Woodward was' dismiss-| ed by Magistrate Burger. The charge, it was explained, | arose over af apartment ten-) ant living in a building on| Oxford st. The tenant signified that he was to leave the building on a certain date. Before this he stopped payment on a cheque) for the forthcoming month's rent. Woodward entered the build. | ing after the tenants lock had been changed so he could not enter his home. Woodward, it was heard, ex- plained who he was when he arrived at the building with the} tenant. Giving evidence apartment| superintendent Gary Grav sald imile flight from Base, near Edmonton, to Riv- ers, Man., the U.S. 25th Infantry Divi- sion who have operated in the area seeking out Viet Cong forces. (AP Wirephoto) producer. 'We'll have a few surprises, but there's not much you ean do that is different. Any major Change in the presenta- tion requires a vote of the boafd of directors, so we're stuck with the same format. HOPE IS GREAT | Crew Escapes Accused Planned To Wed! In RCAF Crash BORDEN, Sask. (CP) -- All four crew members escaped in- \jury Friday when a four-en- \sined RCAF Hercules C-130B aircraft made a forced landing in a farmer's field near th community 30 milés northwest of Saskatoon. The aircraft was qgmao Al when it crashed. "Within that framework, I think the Oscar cast is a good let sings The Sweetheart Tree-- "because it calls for a romantic voice," He added: "I needed someone with a folk quality for The Bal- lad of Cat Ballou, so I picked the Smothers brothers. I Will Wait for You called for someone who could sing in French, so I got the author of the song, Mi- chel Legrand, who will do it in a 600- show. The main thing we try to do is present an entertaining program while preserving the dignity of the organization. Bob Hope is great for that purpose.' with Jane Morgan. "What's New, Pussycat is jump tune, and Liza Minnelli great for that sort of thing." a is Hope again will be conducting the festivities next Monday at the Santa Monica Civic Audi- torium, and he will be joined by 40 top names. Included are all of last year's acting win- ners: Julie Andrews, Rex Har- rison, Lila Kedrova and Peter Ustinov. Booking the stars is one of Pasternak's main headaches. "The stars themselves are not SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE OLD TIME and MODERN is ir Dance to "G THIS WEEK - AS USUAL BOBBY KRIS much trouble," he said. 'It's fr TT" RUDY VELTRI AND HIS | RED BARN | NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versatile Group TODAY ! FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:35 . 5:30 - 7:35 - 9:40 asenlaeell PETER FINCH - JACK HAWKINS Regent: nad the IMPERIALS 50¢ Members © 75¢ -Members DRESS: -- Shirt a 3RD BIG WEEK COLUMBIA PICTURES proses 8 MATT HELM that Woodward gave him five minutes to open the door. Woodward explained to him that under the Landlord and Tenants Act the landlord had no right to bar him from the home until a specific amount of time had passed. tered the apartment by jimmy- ing the lock. The apartment dwellers then removed their furniture. A charge of trespass against the superintendent was dismiss- ed also. The charge was laid by apartment dwellers Mr. and Mrs. James §. Drouillard. Damage Suits Are Dismissed TORONTO (CP) -- Damage wuits brought against the Inter- national Brotherhood of Team- aters (Ind.) and Frank Drea, labor reporter for The Tele- by a former Toronto Teamster leader were dis- missed Thursday in a judgment gram, in the Ontario Supreme Court. William Mills, Local 938 from 1945 to 1955, also named internationa! resident James Hoffa, Local 938 Presi- and 15 dent Ken MacDougall other union officials in the suit alleging conspiracy to remove Mills from office in 1958. He was secretary-treasurer at' the time of his dismissal from the union executive. In a letter of dismissal after president of a nine-man union investigation committee suspended Mills in 1958 on misconduct charges, Mr. Hoffa said Milis was "'not a fit person to govern and con- duct the affairs of the local." STRANGER HAS NAME HOBART (AP)--A sea mam-| mal washed ashore on Bruny Island, Tasmania, has been identified as a Hector beaked whale, Dr. Eric Guiler of the | University of Tasmania says it} is only the fourth recorded soil cimen. Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE JOHN DIAL 728-7567 If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. RIEGER E., OSHAWA The bailiff, he said, then en- 4 IGHLY =RECOMM Continental Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7.30 P.M. Served Daily 11:30 - GENOSHA HOTEL Te SILENCERS AMEADWAY-CLALDE production COLUMBIACOLOR, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ENDED The Pirates of Bletd Ri COLOR BAY RIDGES DRIVE-IN THEATRE |] HWY. Ne. 2 end LIVERPOOL ROAD |] FREE IN-CAR HEATERS ! ADULTS 1,50 CHILDREN FREE French Buffet 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. ULLY Entertainment Ni MATINEE SATURDA F Whitby Hotet THE LADY STARFIRES GIRLS GIRLS - GIRLS The greotest eye-full and ear-full in Town, tty @ 4 PM. 9 to 6 PM. LICENSED DUNDAS S17 WHITBY M'LAUGHLIN BUILDING SUPPLIES SEWER PIPE WEEPING TILE MORTAR MIX SHEATHING BRICKS Suppliers of: FLUE LINING FIBERGLASS INSULATION GYPROC LATH HARDWALL LIME PRE-CAST STONE SHINGLES PATIO SLABS McLAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. 110 King St. W. Fast Delivery Service 723-3481 Entertainment Nightly a Featured at 2:00 p.m. 5:50 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Deily ADULTS $1.50 CHILDREN 50c SORRY -- NO ADVANCE TICKET SALE _ eee ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 FIRST SHOW AT DUSK SOUTH OF THe Oshawa civic AUDI 723-4872, ae Hine BIG Jax - ROGER MILLER -- JOAN OSHAWA DRIVE-IN TODAY ae i. = aL SHOW E Wee kk He KK rem AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL et BAEZ -- PETULA CLARK ew [t's when a pretty GHOUL trades in her bed sheet for a BIKINIS x Ws miki 1 FRANKIE AVALON -- DEBORAH LIVERPOOL RD, aT a 282-8369 er 839-2171 WALLEY TE PEE DRIVE-IN CHEERY.0'S. 0'S Zany Comedy -- Fabulous Music... TOPS IN ENTER- TAINMENT inee Seturdey 4 P.M. te 6 P.M. *PULLY" teenses 3 KING ST OSHAWA Dancing 9 p.m. FRIDAY For The Swinging Set The Fantabulous -"CHARMAINES" till 1... Admission $2.00 STARTS SUNDAY AT 6:30 P.M. LAST COMPLETE SHOW 8:15 P.M, TECHNICOLOR JEAN 4 KEIR DULLEA HONOR SEBERG - BLACKMAN - GARRISON Mervyn LeRoy's production of Momentts Moment' TECHNICOLOR® com JOHN FORSYTHE ASCUAY, JR, SEAN TONIGHT & SUNDAY MATINEE ONLY Elvis Presiey in "HARUM SCARUM" "WHEN TRE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS" ALL COLOR SHOW Sat. continuous from 1:30 p.m. -- Lest Complete Show et 8:40 Sun. continuous from 2 p.m, -- Last Complete Show 3:30 p.m. ODEON BILTMORE

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