AES oT, gE DISTAFF DIARY Summary of reports of meetings and activities of Oshawa women's organizations as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries, VICTORIA LIB NO. 55 The regular meeting of Vic- toria Loyal True Blue Lodge, No. 55, was held recently in the Orange Temple with Worship- ful Mistress Phyllis Arbourne presiding, assisted by Deputy Mistress Eleanor Mitchell. The devotional period was led by Dist, Dep. Mistress Sister Shortt in absence of Sister Col- leen Phillips, An application for member- any used postage stamps to the next meeting which will be Tuesday, May 10, at 2 p.m. Mrs: Lee continued with the Study Book on Trinidad deal- ing with the cultural life of the Islanders, Unit 3 will look afier the "Shut-ins" for the month of April. Birthday greetings were sung to Mrs. Samuel Gibbs, Mrs. Clarence Ellis and Mrs, Alex Maracle. (Women THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, April 16, 1966 13 To Be Guest Of When the Pilot Club of Osh- awa holds its convention for end it will welcome the presi- District 17 in Oshawa next week- end it will welcome the presi dept-elect of Pilot International, Merald I. Brennan. SOCIAL & Jo Aldwinckile, PERSON Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Miss Rrennan is associate pro- International President-Elect Oshawa Club fessor of romance language and | speech at the Pennsylvania |State University. She is a lec- \turer and ,judge of oratorical, lessay and scholarship groups 'and moderator and toastmaster ANN LANDERS Mother's Experience Confusing Daughter Raiph Waldo Emerson wrote it and here it is; "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of chil- dren; to earn the appreciation an office. Dear Ann Landers: I'm 20, My mother has had three disastrous marriages so I can't band and-I have read, with in- The girl who marries for and i ave a iairiy good jou ii) money will find it is the hardest work there is. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- terest, your definitions from blame her for being bitter about See nae t do With sha would time to time. I like your defini- she can give emotional support attractive (but not beautiful) when the situation requires it, of honest crities and endure the betrayal of false friends; appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden or a redeemed social condition: to knoW™ even one breathed easier because' you life to leave the tion of charm best. My husband wie This is to have. suc- stop lecturing me about how ceeded, stupid it is to marry for love. oy ors your detinition Qf mater According to her, love is noth-| "ang now, will ; , you give us T+ T ing but sex with a fancy name. Se' says eve wears off after definition for success? We are 00 HACH E ship was received and initia-| A social half hour followed;| Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cay, tion is to take rie" _ meet-|refreshments served by Mrs. perk ned north, have setarian ing night, May 3. Members are|iee and Mrs. Crouter. rom their printer vacation in ; ' president of the Pilot Club of to come in white dress. tel" R CITY STREAMLINER Redington Beach, Florida, Women's Clubs in Ontario will Pottsville and past governor of as Saket cree vast TOPS" Mr. "Bob" Brock and Mr: gather at the Hotel Queensway, |District 16. Next weekend delegates from|of yarious public groups. the 74 Business and Professional| She is a charter member, past Sister Emmaline Henderson. 'Deputy Mistress Sister Mitch- ell reported Bro. Amon Toms still in the hospital and Sister Mossie Keeler had also been) e F |the social evening for next confined to bed with 'flu. Members were reminded of Tag day June 4 in aid of the True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill. A satisfactory report on after- The Motor City Streamliner TOPS held its weekly meeting with leader Florence Russell opening with the club song. Members were reminded of Tuesday, April 19, when Dr, G. R. Gillen and members of the Port Hope TOPS Club would be guests at the Streamliners 8th. birthday. Mary McConnell will be convener for the diet noon bingos was given by P. Mistress Sister Blow and com-| mittee. | Members welcomed Gertrude) Logan back to Lodge after a} lengthy absence. A vote of thanks was extend- ed to PM Sister Short for con- vening banquet and P. Mis. Sis- ter Spencer for entertainment, | Happy Birthday was sung for Bro. W. Short. Lodge closed in} usual way. MARGARET HAMILTON GRP. In the absence of the presi- dent, Mrs. H. W. Sheridan, pre- sided at the regular meeting of the Margaret Hamilton Group opening with prayer and a reading from Nehemiah. The congregational picnic was discussed and Mrs, Charles Cor- nelius agreed to act as the group's representative on the committee to plan it. Plans for a congregational supper in the fall were discussed. Plans were completed for ca- tering to the Dart Club Banquet at Woodview Park Arpil 16 and plans were discussed for the Bowling Banquet at Woodview April 23, and the Alpha Beta Sigma Banquet at the Church on April 26. Roll call will be from |the entertainers. The door prize} the Book of Esther for next month, The meeting closed with snack to be served at 'the con- clusion of Dr. Gillen's talk. HAPPY GANG TOPS CLUB The Happy Gang Tops Club met at the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club for their weekly meeting. Doreen Thompson, president, dismissed the business for the Paul MeVety, Ritson road north, are spending Easter week in Sault Ste. Marie with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ross, Mrs. Walter Johnson is ar- ranging the program for the Literary Group of the Lyceum Club, meeting at the home of Mrs, H. G. Willes, Riverside drive, next Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Dean, King street west, have returned home after spending the winter with friends in California. On the homeward journey, they. | visited relatives in Oklahoma |City and Tulsa, Oklahoma. nual convention, The Oshawa delegate will be Miss Betty will be Miss Reta Robinson, Miss Beth Ford and Mrs, J. N. Richardson, | St. Catharines for their 20th an-| A Thomson and accompanying her sity Professors; certified parliamentarian and instructor in- parliamentary procedure, Miss Brennan is a member of Phi Sigma Iota; the American Association of Univer- the Alumnae of Columbia University; the, Academy of Political Science of! |New York; the Pottsville! |YWCA; the Penna Historical So- tNGAGEMENT Henry, RR 1, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of SOCIAL NOTICES | ENGAGEMENT ter, Oshawa, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest , , daughter, Maureen Beverly, to Brennan, and of the Keystone don't know which way to turn. May guests of Mr. and Mrs, |their daughter, Doris Arvilla, toMy, Kenneth Merlin Dowson, son Society of the Pennsylvania! pjease help so co PROF, MERALDA BRENNAN ciety; the Shenandoah Chamber of Commerce; the American Institute of Parliamentarians and numerous state and na- tional organizations, She is an honorary member of the Girl Scouts of America, of the Meralda Brennan Adult Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.! Mr. and Mrs, Rae C. McMas- Discussion Group which spon- in the same boat if I don't learn sors a scholarship and speech prize in the name of Meralda evening in favor of our two|4. G. Turner, Halliday Manor, Mr. Timothy Cranston Gray, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Merlin Dow- State University. guest speakers, Pauline Shaw, president of the Losing Lassies Tops Club and Marilyn Nash, 1964 Ontario Provincial Queen, also a member of the Losing Lassies. Pat Jenkins, program convener, introduced the speak- ers and Mrs, Shaw and Mrs. Nash gave an inspirational and Bond street east, will be their of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Gray, son, Port Perry, Ontario. The She has been honored by smart she will marry for secur- ity, Mother 'keeps urging me to |g0 with older men who "can joffer me something." She picks japart every fellow I go with 'and says I am a fool to waste my time on young punks who have at least-20 years of hard | work ahead of them before they make anything out of them- selves. It frightens me when I see how rough my mother's life has been. She says I will wind up from her mistakes. I am so confused right now I ' h in our late 20s--~--not so young Don't suff In seconds it's legal and that if a girl isithat we haven't formed ee oot lasts with ORAJEL: Speesrelense concepts that will last through- lout our lives and not s0 Old toothachepain, so that we can't accept some new tors recommend it for ones, Thank you.--The Joneses 'ee bsg 4 One Is Trying To Keep formula puts it to work ine stantly to stop ied ""ora-jel' Dear Tension: If you wanted) to learn how to drive a car! |daughter, Evelyn, Mrs. Jo hn/|Brooklin, Ontario. The marriage | wedding is to take place on Sat- Pennsylvania State University would you take lessons from |Chilvers, Mr, Chilvers and/is to take place on Saturday, |urday, May 14, 1966, at 3.30 p.m.|Faculty for community service | someone who has had three hor-) lgrandson, John III, from San|May 7, 1966, at 3.00 p.m, in{in Simcoe Street United Church, |and is the recipient of a plaque rible smashups? Well, neither Antonio, Texas. Mr. and Mrs, Chilvers are owners of Can-Tex- Aero Corporation, an aircraft firm in San Antonio, Mr. Chil- vers was formerly an employee interesting talk, on how they |of Field Aviation Co, Ltd., Osh- themselves have lost 80 Ibs, and 102 ibs. respectively, The March Queen, Ethel Nel- lis, was crowned for losing 12% lbs. Her runners-up, Shirley V. Smegal, Shirley Smegal and Janet Flute all lost. 9% lbs. All received a small gift of jewel-| lery for their accomplishments. Mary Horruzey, corder, announced that the con- test for the last six: weeks was won by Team No. 1, Captain Peggy Eadic and team No, 2 Captain Charlene Grout, will be was won by' Francis Kavanaugh. | The February Queen was weight re-| awa. Members were happy to wel- come Mrs. Madge Lindsay, a former member, back into the club. At the close of business the | members all helped to stuff kits |for the Cancer Society Canvass \for the County of Ontario. The jnext meeting will be held April |21 at the Hotel Genosha. A full membership is urgently quired. VALLEYVIEW PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC. the serving of refreshments by [rene Levick with a loss of 14) Valleyview Park Neighborhood Mrs. A. J, MacDonald. SOUTHMINSTER UCW Thirteen women were present for the monthly meeting of Southminster United Church Women held recently in the church hall. Mrs. Royce Whit- taker conducted the worship ser- vice. Mrs. Gary Bayliss presid- ed for the business meeting. It was announced there would, be a spring bazaar, tea and bake| sale on Saturday, May 14 at the Church. There is to be a reception for new members at lbs. and her runner-up Georgia Kingsley lost 84 lbs. New mem- bers who have joined are Min- nie Brayley, Pat McQuillan,| Ethel Nellis, Susan Levick, Jan-| et Slute, Darlene Edgar, Jo Sals-| bury, Sharon Broadbent, Mar-| garet Warren, Peggy MacMil-| lan, Margaret Babcock and Ol-| ivia Detlor. It was hoped that an enter-| taining evening was spent by all) when the Motor City Stream-/arrangements were made for liners were guests of the Happy|the park opening to be held Gang, due to a contest in weight| June 14. The sports chairmen, Association was held in the club house last Wednesday, the first meeting with the new execu- tive. The meeting was presided over by the vice-president, Mr. Max Derry, in the absence of the president, Mr. Joseph Jack- son, The various conveners gave their reports, The euchres held every Monday night are proving very successful. Some ;Columbus United Church, By ESTRELLITA \Oshawa. months, it would be sensible to concentrate on reasonable} of appreciation from former PSU students, The Business and ed Miss Brennan with the 1965 Orchid Award for community Certain activities may have! goals, rather than. to strive for service, ~|undergone changes recently,|the impossible. As of Feb. 1, The Oshawa Pilot Club is would I. | A good marriage is not a gift. | ITHE STARS SAY while you can make good job| Professional Women's Club of|It is an achievement, And an | headway during the next 12) Pottsville, Pennsylvania present-| achievement takes work, But the selection is of the utmost limportance. The smart girl looks for kindness and integrity. She chooses someone she can |but substantial matters will re-|you entered an excellent cycle|Pproud to be able to introduce | respect and believe in, someone main mostly the same--to be/along these lines, with further| handled with sure - and confidence. vyored now: Outdoor interests, |travel and romance, |/FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope ambitious plans alung job an {mediate results. Look for: good |monetary progress within the) Jyjy, next month, in early July, Sep- tember, month cycle beginning with the first week of next February; chances for job advancement and recognition in early July, September, late December, and/The next six weeks, lat t next March. Do avoid extrava-| and next Geamaar' or |gance and-or speculation in No- |vember and January, however, | Be careful to avoid friction with those in close circles dur-| indi s that) andicates tha'! other birthday has rolled re-lfinancial lines could prove|#round. |highly remunerative by year's \end. Keep alert,therefore, and|generously governed for most sae on vs available Op-| of the year ahead, but it would ; : portunities to dispiay your in-|he well The April' meeting of the) genuity and spirit of enterprise| where finances are concerned. --and the Arien has plenty of/some excellent periods along both. Don't however, expect im-| monetary October and a tw0-\ary, but do avoi _~ footedness|hoosts indicated in July, Sep- incoming Especially fa-\tember, December and next, "ent. |March, but in the intervening j}months, you will have to keep | plugging to achieve the fine rec- | ognition and advancement jwhich can be yours before an- Personal relationships will be to be conservative lines are indicated within the next month, in late October, and for two months beginning next Febru- < extravagance jand-or speculation in the inter- }vening months. Be especially cautious in November and Jan- uary. Best periods for romance: such an illustrious woman as its international presi- ishe can talk to and someone she can count on for emotional |support--and someone to whom! INTERIOR DECORATOR PURNITURS DRAPERIES BROADLOOM 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 A child born on this day will be creatively inclined and ex- tremely idealistic. CALLING ALL losses. A skit scent by ae! Mr. Donald Colby and Mr. Levick, was included in @| David Talbot will meet | evening and Elinor Vaillancourt, | prospective ball players on gat-| December and you pe have Pauline Starr, Teresa Smegal,|urday between 1 and 2 o'clock|Smo°tH sailing on the domestic Shirley Smegal and Irene Le-|at the club house. jand socia seas. Best periods vick participated. Doreen Jed @| Plans were made for a rum- pad mig pe Heke ey and sing-song. Refreshments were| mage sale to be held May 18 : a a, ay bin and next enjoyed later. at the UAW Hall, Articles for January: for travel: June, Aug: Line ah ort ol wave, reveal- Social Agencies will speak. They) sT, MATTHEW'S WA peal gy will' be gladly! "4 child born on this day could ; mg. your rue x }excel as a musician, diplomat ae ce esl bi the church and a film will be shown. Social evening and re- freshment will follow. It is also planned to give new members a year's subscription to the United Church Observer. At the next meeting Tuesday, April 26, | three officials from the Oshawa ing the early late June and mid- SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED By = Electrolysis with the KREE IMPERIAL De AGES 10 to 14 You can earn money end gein valuable experience es en Osh- awa Times are Mrs. R. D. .W Guselle, Mr.| gt. Matthew's Woman's AUX-|" whe committee for member- worry and. em- barrassment ----- FREE CONSULTATION MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshowe et the Genoshe Hotel April 18, 19 and 20 PHONE 723-4641 for eppointment on these detes. the secret of a smartly decorated ROOM It's en Interesting job for every young per- ton whe wants to meke his or her own spending money. HOME APPLICATION FORM NaNO ss.5.0 Address H. G. Chesebrough and Mr. |jjiary held its meeting recently | shin will be active in the near or writer. ALBERT STREET UCW 3 |ing opened with the WA prayer,|iar meeting will be held May] 2" the most part, be beneficial, | house. A large attendance is re-| 7 i Women was held in the Friend-| The regular reports as you would like, change your | h " members who helped make the/ he made, The meeting came to| FOR THE BIRTHDAY meeting with a reading "Little lthe rummage sale which is to theme being "Easter", She was The meeting closed with pray- 15 members. The leader Mrs. | Nutter explained the meaning| Members were asked for bil-|" Rerreshments pwere served by! 21, 22 and 23. Anyone wishing to It was announced that on the of the Pilot. Club of Oshawa! entertain some of the women pa-| street east. The president, Miss Members were asked to bring ing annual district convention. | i School . ' A oe ge ... a -- | 1 Gity 243 Bernard Lewis. Each will speak with Mrs. Alex McAllister.) piture. Help for this work vill Some surprising situations Sak April mosting of Unit g[fonowed by. e Bible selectionios gt § o'ciock ir the club| ommeu's won, how well Joe were | ; : quired for this meeting as final A ship Room. The leader, Mrs. meee ot Operera palm crosses. a close with hopes of a good| If Monday is your birthday, Child". Mrs. Clayton Lee had) the} vee , Siem nr ~_" assisted by Mrs. Harry Crouter. | , by Mrs. McAllister. Follow- Holland conducted the business) (+ the United Thank Offering! lets to accommodate the visiting! 41. Leslie Gouldburn and Mrs help to please contact the unit THE PILOT CLUB, OSHAWA | afternoon of Thursday, April 21,) was held recently at the office tients from the Ontario Hospital| Beth Miller presided, Plans we PRONG ous cs 00's bene ens ' ll Your Application will be hd on his field of work. | president, presiding. The meet-| he appreciated. The next regu-| ome result in changes; can, a ¥ | , of Albert. Street United Church |784¢ by Mrs. Frank Moore. manage them. If not advancing read. The president thanked the' njans for the park opening: will Edward Holland, opened the Final plans were made for future for the park |your horoscope indicates that charge of the devotions be held April 21. ane mentee manne sips ecbient The roll call was answered bY | ing the meeting, Mrs. John} meeting. | Fund and also how it was used. | Hi-C group the weekend of April Raymond Johnston. leader. The April business meeting | the UCW of Albert Street willjof the Cancer Society, Athol Whitby. were finalized for the forthcom- | mM wert ' ARETE ee seas cestag Sees eo Y sa a " \ STORE | OIL PAINTINGS ONE WEEK ONLY! Daily 9:30 to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday to 9 p.m. MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW! =a = oe a ARSE RRA RS SNM ra custom-made draperies ., Become the proud owner of on Original Oi! Painting } | rer Landicapes, aoncopes,mountom scene, sil DIAL 728-1641 . . . SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE ever. Landscapes, seascapes, mountain. scenes, stil!- Are you in a decorative mood? Furnishing a home . . lifes and florals, also abstracts ond city compositions in many sizes and techniques Seve up to 60% During the CLEARANCE PRICES from $19.00 to $200.00 Mail or Bring Your Application to the Times iy Oshawa or Whitby Oshawa Cimes , Or apartment? Let us help you. Phone us Monday. Make arrangements to have our representative call at your home, or office, at your convenience, Let us show you the very latest drapery fabrics , . light or lomplight . . . Obligation. Cherney's . compare colors by day- measure your windows, give you an estimate of the cost with Ne 4 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ONLY