Bandsman A, _ Wiltshire, bass soloist; Sgt. F. Pleas- ants, chimes and xylophone and Staff Sgt. R. W. Whit- sitt, euphonium soloist. The Band of the Ontario is under the direction of Capt. G. B. C. Quick, director of music. BE SURE TO attend the Band of the Ontario Regi- ment's second "'pop" con- cert of the series next Fri- day evening at Oshawa's McLaughlin Collegiate. Three of the soloists to be featured are, left to right, Regiment Band Plans Second Pop Concert The Band of the Ontario Regi- frain"', Fritz Kriesler; (B) "In Vocal Solo (A) "The Old Re-| On Two TORONTO (CP) -- John Campbell, former director of the Ontario Securities Commis- sion, Thursday was acquitted on two charges of "breach of trust. One charge arose from his activities in the rise and fall of shares of Windfall. Mines and itd: in duly, 1864; "The other involved the transfer of some stock in another mine from his wife's account to a stock promoter in May, 1964, At the time of the alleged breach of trust, Mr. Campbell was the commission director. He was suspended from the post in August, 1964, by Ontario Attorney-General Wishart. He resigned in September, 1964. Judge W. F. Rogers said Thursday there was one essen- tial ingredient lacking in the Crown case against Mr. Camp- bell. His position as director of the commission could not be de- scribed as a "trust position." votes Uns Campbell Freed Charges Campbell's activities in Wind- fall '"'indiscreet" and said he thought the Ontario Securities Commission was justified in asking for his resignation. In..2_criminal case. however there must be more than indis- cretion before a conviction can be registered, the judge said. After the verdict, Mr. Camp- bell said he would continue in his law practice involving im- ports and exports. The charges against Mr. Campbell were laid after the royal commission report into Windfall's trading was com- pleted in October, 1965. The commission investigated the rise of Windfall shares to $5.60 from 56 cents and their col- lapse to less than $1 in a 17- day period in July, 1964. 'I During the Windfall gyra- tions, Mr. Campbell' traded the stock and made almost $30,000 in accounts registered in names other than his own. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, April 9, 1966 3. Mistrial Request Is Made In Hearing For Ivon Dupuis -- SHERBROOKE, Que. (CP)--|ers get a racetrack permit in Defence counsel Paul. Martin-| Dupuis' former constituency of eau has asked Judge Evender |St,.Jean-Iberville - Napierville, Veilleux to declare a mistrial |Que. |in the influence-heddling trial of | Mr, Martineau based his re. Yvon Dupuis, a former min-|quest on what he called Des ister without portfolio in the|lauriers' modification of evi Pearson cabinet. He is accused 'dence. 1 to Judge Veilleux decided of having accepted a bribe of | £10000 from _chirnnractor Rochitake.the motion under dalihen Deslauriers in return for using/ation and the trial adjourned his influence to help Deslauri-'for the long weekend. THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING! Adult Building Central Location Prestige Address Distinction Beyond Compare Underground and: Level Parking Evidence was heard against Mr. Campbell only on his ac- Rented By Bell' The ground floor store on| King st., near the Biltmore The- | atre is being rented by the Bell| PETERBOROUGH (CP) --) Telephone Co. \Both pickets and the picketed J. W. Lowry, Bell manager, | Claimed success Friday when said the extra space is re- | 300 persons marched in protest quired because of 'growing|against a department store that pains." It is being used as a/Stayed open Good Friday. work assignment office. Most Rey. B. I. Webster, Asked if the renting was a|Roman Catholic Bishop of Pe- temporary measure until a new!terborosgh, called the march a} King St. Store | Pickets and Management Lay Claim For Success ment 'will. present the second in its Pop Concert Series April 15, in the McLaughlin Collegiate, Sevenson rdn., at 8 p.m. The band, under the direction of bandmaster Captain George Quick, has prepared what prom- ises to be another outstanding concert, Included in the program will be selections from the suite Othello by Colleridge Taylor. The film version of this drama by Shakespeare was shown re- cently in Oshawa. The exciting "Lustspiel'"' over- ture by Keler Bela will also be played along with the Johann Strauss Waltz, '"'The Beautiful Blue Danube" and included will be Rogers and Hammerstein's musical play "Sound of Music'. The Garden Where The Praities Grow", Fritz Kriesler; Soloist Mr. Ross Metcalfe, accompan- ied at the piano by Mrs, Marie Taylor. Overture, "'Lustspiel"', Keler Bela. Vocal Duet (A) "Londonderry Air', Arr. Tyrrel; (B) Solenone Inquest'ora, Verdi. Chime Solo, "Bells of Ousley"' J. Orde Hume; Xylophone Solo, "The Joyful Skeleton'. Selection, "Sound of Music", Rogers and Hammerstein. Hymn Tune, '"'The Lord's My Shepherd" (Tune of Wiltshire). Regimental March, "John Peel". building was constructed, Mr.) wry said the "answer will have to come later." No decision, he said, has been |made concerning a new office |building. The Bell also rents joffice space at two other loca- tions in the city. | Board Gets Five Tenders Five' tenders from general contractors bidding forsthe pro- posed addition to O'Neill Col-| jlegiate and Vocational Institute | |were opened Thursday by Osh- awa board of education. But no creditable show, The march- ers. he said, "comported them- selves with dignity." Rey. Fred Mueller of Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church said the marchers achieved the fundamental purpose of closing all stores Good Friday. tions involving Windfall. When Judge Rogers dismissed this charge, Crown counsel Rod Cormack said no evidence would be offered on the charge involving the stock transfer. Judge Rogers called Mr. Good Nemes To Remember Buying or Selling When REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker----President Bill MeFeetersVice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 By Appointment Only 723-1712 -- 728-2911 G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH: OSHAWA iene RR NR 75 persons waiting when it opened at 10 a.m. | STUDENTS BACK STORE The pickets were opposed by a group of students from Trent University carrying signs read- ing Good Friday is a good day} for business and religious free- dom is freedom from religion. The march protesting . the store's open-for-business policy was organized by representa-| tives of the Peterborough Labor! Council, which opposed the store's requiring workers to work on a statutory holiday. ; ; The labor council came into) But officials of Rite-Way De- partment Stores Ltd. said bus-|the protest Wednesday after the) iness was good, although they|United Electrical, Radio and did not say how it compared Machine Workers of America with last year when the store|(Ind.), Local 512, -had circu- had 12,000 shoppers on Good |ated a letter proposing a boy- Friday. cott. UE represents the 3,000) The store's parking lot was union employees at the Cana- the |dian General Electric Co. plant about half filled during morning and there were about|in Peterborough. TOTAL ANNUAL ELECTRIC BILL that's ee, $ .78 TOTAL ANNUAL ELECTRIC BILL tars all the Champagnes of Sarnia. Ontario, paid for 12 tuft -- and that included electric heat- ing for 2.130 square feet. 7 $218: 3 all the Downeys of Minesing. Ontario, paid for 12 full months -- and that included electric heating for 1,140 square feet. contract was awarded. The late-afternoon meeting was attended by six of the 12 Interspersed with the above J Two Received will be a march written by Cap- tain G Quick "Fidelus Et I Ch h ee ee er tant ae Walercn ets St solos by musicians Bill Whitsitt) MAPLE GROVE (TC) Tenders were received from and Austin Wiltshire and a Post|Misses Mary Ann Doyle and|Arch Construction, Toronto; | Horn and Soprano Cornet solo|Mary Esther Cryderman were Bathe and McLellan, Oshawa: by musician Frank Heaton. received into church member-|Goulding Brothers, Oshawa; Fred Pleasants, one of Can-|ship on profession of faith and! Van Hoof Construction, Whitby; ada's finest percussionists, will) Mr. and Mrs. William O'Neilljand West York Construction, | offer chime and _ xylophone|by certificate of transfer at last} Weston. solos, Sunday's wi tlie Rey. D.| The tenders were referred to ; 41)| Arseott conducted the service. |the board's architect, Michael ssc Bate ao tees "Bae | The Hi-C Club assisted in the Clifford of Toronto, for nore sh calfe. They will not only appear|evening = service with Bonnie investigation. as soloists but will also present|Beech and Cathy Spry taking) ---~ ---- two duets, "Londonderry Air'|part. The club members served and Verdi's "Solemme in Ques- refreshments after both serv- tora'. Mrs. Marie Taylor, pian-| ices. 'i ist for the GM choir, will be The Girl Guides will hold an the accompanist. open house in the Christian Don Allman will be master of Education Hall at 7 p.m. April ceremonies 19. A presentation will be made Tickets may be purchased at 0 Mrs. James Geddes who is Henderson's Book Store or at/retiring as district commis- the door. sioner. The program follows: Miss Heath MacLean has "OQ Canada". s passed her hair styling exam- Quick March, '"Fidelus Et) ination. Paratus' (Faithful and Pre- ~ "Selection "From 'the suite) LWO Teen-Age i") vor' Escapees Nabbed "Othello", Coleridge E flat Cornet Solo (A) "O For The Wings of a Dove", Men LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Two delssohn; Post Horn Solo (B) | teen-aged escapees. of a correc "The Gallop', Koenig. Soloist! tional institution near Toronto Musician Frank Heaton were captured here Thursday at Vocal Solo, (A) "Old Man'a police roadblock River", Jerome Kern; (B)| Philip James Tuckey, 17, and "Man For The Woman|Donald John Waite, 16, fled Made", Purcell. Soloist Mr.| trom the scene but police appre Ross Cotton accompanied at the| hended them after a two-block piano by Mrs. Marie Taylor. chase and charged them with Waltz, "The Beautiful Blue! car theft Danube", Johann Strauss, ag h-for Instrumental Solos (A)j| concentrated on this area after Euphonium 'Rondo', Mozart:/a social worker told police a Soloist Musician Bill Whitsitt | youth assaulted her at her house (B) E EFlat Bass 'The Bom- and then escaped with her car. bastic Bombardon"', E. Siebert; Mrs. Florence - Featherston, Soloist Musician Austin Wilt-| superintendent of the Childrens | shire. Aid Society's Maycourt House Selections (A) 'All In The|here, said the youth struck her) April Evening", Hugh Rober-|in the face and fled with the ton; (B) "Portuguese Party',)car and her purse containing Gilbert Vinter. about $150. 90% MORE INTEREST 100% MORE HOURS Central Ontario Trust OFFERS the Oshawa 50% More Interest working man on sevings NOW OPEN! ALCAN Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 Oshawa's New Furniture and Applionce Store feat- uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service and many top lines of furniture and appliances. -- a as. available only at CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST! GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES in ACCUMULATING form that yield TOTAL ANNUAL ELECTRIC BILL That's all the Tripps of Agincourt, Ontario. paid for 12 full months -- and that included electric heat- ing for 2,042 square feet. Electric heating anywhere in Oniario anywnere in Untano LOOK FOR THE TRIPLE SEAL OF QUALITY----THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE A HEATING SYSTEM CAN HAVE Seal of Quality is a three-fold guarantee the fact of the heating equip- ment, the contractor who installed it, and the Electric Heating Association of Ontario who ensure that the system is correctly designed and the house adequately insulated. For full information about electric heating, con- sult a qualified electric heating contractor, or your Hydro. ' 88 TOTAL ANNUAL ELECTRIC BILL tm $9 78% all the Bedards of Welland, Ontario, paid ort full months -- and that included electric heating for 2.004 square feet. 5283 No Income Tax te pay until maturity and then et en average 3-year tax rate An authorized investment for Trustees 0 Per Annum Over 10 Yeers Is Can be used as collateral for loans Terms available -- 5 to 20 years the escapees Central Ontario Trust Accumulating Guaranteed Investment Certificates are especially interesting to Flameless electric heating is dependable, safe and completely clean. There is no combustion to produce dust, dirt, film or soot. me eae Triple d by Electric heating offers you room-by-room or zone temperature control. You enjoy even, comfortable, healthful warmth--atvays. No wonder so many people are turning to electric heating for the comfort, cleanli- ness and economy they want in a heating system. @ People who want to save on Income Tax People who need a cornerstone on which to build an investment programme at People who want to save and invest at the best pos- sible rate with a feeling of security and @ minimur of bother at 0 Yield Per Annum Over 10 Years For GUARANTEED SAVINGS at GUARANTEED Rates Come in Today to CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 723-3221 623-2527 People who will retire within 10-20 years People who want to build up some Capital at your hydro People who are unsure of the Stock Market People who want to provide for Estates Tax and Succession Duties at (We ALWAYS heve) 4% % and compounded quarterly the day the account is opened. No woiting $4 period. Minimum account. 100° More Saving Hours - to 6 p.m. Monday te Thursday @.m. te 9 p.m. Friday @.m. te 5 p.m. Seturday paid from Radiant heats in Wall panel, with heating Central system: heating concealed within ceiling. winter, cools in summer. wnits behind grille, provides can easily be cambined Each room's temperature. One setting maintains any radiant heat with nstaral with cooling for year-round pase Be individually con- desired year-round temper- or fan-forced convection. comfort. trolled. ature. Baseboard units save space, permit room-by- room temperature control. Radiant or hot water types available. BOUNTAINHERD OF seavica MM.@.3084.8. Plus f @ 4% Personal Cheauing Accounts--no service charges Estote Planning 19 Simeoe Street North, Oshowe 23 King Street West, @owmanville LONGER HOURS Monday to Thursday 9 to 6 @ Fridey 9 te 9 -@ Saturday 9 te § @ (Bowmanville Closed Wednesday) Mortgage Loons Reni Estate Sales. and Purchoses Pre-paid Save-by-Mail kits @ Free Hockey Ticket Draw Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 723-5221 POUNTAINHERD OF servic SEE MEDALLION ALL-ELECTRIC HOMES ON DISPLAY IN THESE COMMUNITIES HARMONY VILLAGE ROSSLYN HEIGHTS BEAU VALLEY BELLE VISTA Walnut Court Norwich-Street Oshawa Blvd.N. Melrose Street North of Rossland Rd. W. Guaranteed Investment e@ 6% Certificates--1 to S yeors Adelaide Street East @ Investment Funds Regular Guaranteed Investment Certificates are also available at an interest rate of 6% per annum paid half yearly. OSH. 1 mores memo