2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Apri 5, 1966 i CITY ALDERMAN AND WIFE WELCO ME SPECIAL VISITOR visitor in recent years. She Mrs. Ellen Anderson, 90 in centre-- says she is all in favor of long-distance air to start a six-weeks visit with relatives in the Osh- awa - Toronto area. She and her daughter, Nell, who is Mr. Aftersley's wife. Mrs. Anderson, a widow, usually travels by train, but she | FLORIDA TORNADO. Death Toll 10 In Twister Kosygin Asks New 5 - Year Plan MOSCOW (CP) -- Premier ' Alexei Kasvoin asked the Cam.| He _|munist party congress today to| LAKELAND, Fla. (AP)--Tor-|Atlantic just south of the mis-\endorse a new five-year plan nadoes spawned in a severe/|sile centre at Cape Kennedy. for the Russian economy from| squall line thrashed across cen-| West of Gibsonia, another 32) 1966-70. e | tral Florida Monday, leaving a|houses were destroyed. Twenty-| The plan gives up Nikita 150 - mile path of destruction} six trailers were splintered at a) Khrushchev's ambitious goals from the Gulf of Mexico to the| trailer park south of Polk City,/for surpassing the United! Atlantic. jat least four homes destroyed) states economy by 1970. At least 10 were dead, morejin an area southwest of Lake-| Published directives for (the) than 300 were injured, several|land, and serious damage was/plan show that it calls for 'sig-| were missing, and hundreds ofjinflicted by tornadic winds on|nificant increases in consumer homes, house trailers and busi-|at least 30 homes in southeast} goods, but still concentrates on nesses were destroyed. National| Lakeland. 'heavy industry. | guardsmen were on duty! At the big missile centre,, Directives in the plan, made} through the night, searching|there was only slight damage. |publc in February as the eighth wreckage for additional bodies|Three workers received minor) since 1928, cover all aspects of and guarding against looting. | injuries and launching of the or-|production--from clothing and/| The Red Cross said the hard-/bjting astronomical observatory|power stations and ocean- est hit area was around Gib-|was postponed. going ships. sonia north of Lakeland, where) At Cocoa, which adjoins Cape . T?? directives form the basis | a preliminary survey showed at) Kennedy, the Red Cross said 133 for output quotas to be assigned | least 300 homes were destroyed) persons received hospital treat-|every .actory and farm in the jor damaged. There was heavy|ment, Fifty trailers were de- Soviet Union. damage all axound Lakeland, a) <troved and 75 to 100 damaged, Kosygin admitted agricultural city of 41,000, &t Auburndale, D) aiong with 23 homes and a shop-/failures during the 1959-65 af- venport, Haines City and Winter| ping centre, fected national income and liy- Haven. ing standards. He added: Striking first at the St. Peters- BLAMES 'U WAR' |burg - Clearwater area about} anise Sle {8 a.m., the howling winds next! Oshawa Leafs "Lately the international situ- hit Tampa, second largest' city ation was seriously complicated ih the state with 275,000, then Ca ture NHL at the fault of the United States }moved on to Lakeland in the p which let loose and keeps inten-| jnorthern part of citrus-rich Polk sifying the aggressive war in Evacuations Commence In South Manitoba WINNIPEG (CP) -- Families began to leave flood-threatened southern Manitoba Monday as! ice jams and swollen tributaries| quickened- the rise. of. the Red| River. | Flood control officials issued a standby warning to all people in Emerson, St. Jean Baptiste, Morris and surrounding areas to be prepared to move by Wed- nesday. "We ask all citizens to be pre- pared to move, not necessarily to move, but to be prepared," Agrieulture Minister George Hutton said in a, special radio and television flood report over the province's Emergency, Measures Organization network. | In the border town of Emer- son, eight families abandoned their homes Monday and flood controller Frank Muirhead ad- vised residents in the lower part of the town to start evacu- ating. About half the town's 932 residents live in the low area. Mr. Muirhead said evacua- tion should start when the river | reaches the 786-foot mark, 2.8) feet above bank level. Monday | the level was 785.23 feet, only two-fifths of a foot below the stage reached last year when} several feet of water slopped into the downtown area and some residents of low - lying areas were forced to move. READY TO MOVE Emerson schools ,are already closed and Monday nigni tere was only one patient in the hos- pital, where plans were set to move equipment to safety. We don't want apybedy te depend on the dike," Mr. Muir- head said. "It's a new dike and you can't ere |really depend on it." The latest prediction is for a high-water peak of five to eight feet above bank level for Em- erson between April 9-15. Downstream at St. Jean Bap- tiste, a dike-leak forced 14 fam- ilies to evacuate. Flood con- troller George Bonnefoy said a secondary dike is being built be- hind the faulty primary dike. When the secondary dike is completed the town should be safe, 'for the time being any- way," Mr. Bonnefoy said. } Gooa Nemes To Rememper When Bu Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--Presiaent Bill MeFeeter®--Vice Pres. Schofieid-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 | County. T k T Viet Nam which may expand at | The two twisters moved south y e ourney any moment and constitutes a jof Orlando and went into the The threat to universal peace." io For this reason, Kosygin second annual Oshawa hale and hearty for 18 Arrested 'Car Theft Rings MONTREAL (CP) -- Quebec provincial police conducted raids in five Quebec centres Monday and detaned 18 persons What's All NHL Tyke Hockey Tournament was held at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium over this past week- end and once again proved an outstanding success, with Osh- awa Leafs capturing the Bob Andrews Trophy, top tourna- when they defeated Oshawa Ca- nadiens 5-2, in the championship final, on Sunday. added, the Soviet party and gov- ernment 'had to increase de- fence expenditures." He implied these funds were diverted from other budget items. Kosygin sharply criticized the last seven-year economic plan and by implication its author, former premier Khrushchev. About a Furnace Parts Replacement Plan? This Talk chats with Gordon B. At- made the trip by air to live at 86 Central Park for questoning in connection' he attendance was good for, He said the old plan set eco-| tersley, an Oshawa alder- have more time here, where boulevard. with auto theft rings. j ff nomically unjustifiable targets, | she has been a frequent --AIR CANADA PHOTOS the entire tournament with a ; travel as she arrives at To- ronto's International Air- port Saturday from Regina man who is her son-in-law, WEATHER FORECAST Little Change In Temps Some Light Snow Due TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued by the weather office at 5.30 a.m.: Synopsis: The northerly to northwesterly flow of cool moist air which has been the domi- nant feature of. Ontario's weather for the last few days shows no signs of changing in the next day or so. Tempera- tures: will remain. rather cool and skies will be mainly cloudy with some light snow expected across the north and a few gen- erally light snowflurries over southern Ontario. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Niagara, Halibur- ton, Killaloe, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto: Mainly cloudy with a few light snow- flurries today and Wednesday. hittle change in temperatures. Winds westerly 15. Georgian Bay, Timagami, Cochrane, White River, Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy with occa- sional light snow today and Wednesday. Little change in temperatures. Winds northwest 15. Ottawa region: Variable cloudiness today and Wednes- day. Seasonable temperatures Winds light. Observed Temperatures Low overnight, high Monday Dawson 27 45 Victoria <..ccccses 45 67 Edmonton oe ae 56 Regina .... 24 44 Winnipeg <a 36 Churchill . "a 20 Lakehead ... § 36 |White River 34 Kapuskasing .. 32 Earlton ..... 38 North Bay eos 2 35 Sudbury .. 2 37 Muskoka ° Toronto . Trenton ... Ottawa Montreal Quebec .. Halifax .. Chicago . New York Miami Los Angeles . The Oshawa team of W.. Pountney and 8B. Bushel placed third in the Peter- borough Motor Sports Club 100-mile rally in the United Counties on Sunday. Bowmanville defeated Lind- say 4-3 in the Legion midgets hockey tournament at Lindsay Saturday The Bowmanville team won the Branch 67 trophy from Lindsay for the first time. The tournament is sponsored by Branch 47 of the Royal .Cana- dian Legion Any group wishing to visit the department of lands and forests tree nursery at Orono this summer should apply in writing two weeks prior to the date it intends visiting the nursery. William Bunting, superintendent, said tours can be arranged providing ade- quate notice is given the staff. The visitors are shown slides of the nursery opera- tion and afterwards are taken on a tour of the nursery. Clayton Thompson, agent for State Farm Insurance Companies, recently attend- RACE DRIVER DIES INDIANAPOLIS (AP) Jimmy Daywalt who drove in eight 500-mile races at the In- dianapols Motor Speedway, died of cancer Monday. He was 41, He survved four serious ac- cidents at the speedway, three of them during 500-mile races. d THERE ed the firm's area conyention held at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Thompson, who lives at 155 Central Park s., made the trip with his wife. Fifty babies were born at the Oshawa General Hospital during the wek ending April 2. Three hundred and thirty- one patients were admitted and 341 discharged. There were 80 major and 115 minor operations and 77 eye, ear, nose and throat operations. A total of 217 treatments and examinations "were gi Forty casts were applied. The physiotherapy depart- ment gave 756 treatments and made 584 visits. The occupa- tional therapy department handled 181 cases. Gerda Probe 'Has Problems \law would result in a fine or sons were detained and, in one with goals-to-count deciding the sales and more leeway for the By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Mr. Justice jail term. Abolition of the Court of Star Wishart Spence may face the same problem that confronted Chief Justice Frederic Dorion in conducting a judicial inquiry. It involves the powers of a judicial inquiry and traces its legal history back to the. 1641 act of the British Parliament abolishing the Court of. Star Chamber Mr. Justice Spence is the Supreme Court of Canada judge picked by the federal cabinet {to inquire into the Gerda Mun- singer affair, following sex-and- security charges by Justice Min- ister Cardin. | Chief Justice Dorion of the | Quebec Superior Court con- }ducted an inquiry in 1964 and 1965 into allegations of bribery and coercion. He referred to the} problem of his powers this way in his report: "In the course of this inquiry I have realized that the judge) presiding at a royal commission set up under the Inquiries Act does not have ail the powers) which are ordinarily his in the exercise of his judicial duties. IT'S EMBARRASSING "He cannot decide whether) { there has been contempt of| ? court either in his presence or outside his presence. This lack of powers, as I found on several| # occasions, leads to situations) { that are most embarrasing to the judge and which prevent the normal conduct of the in- quiry."' Parliament has not been asked to remedy the deficiency as suggested by Chief Justice Dorion The problem centres on con- tempt of court, either through refusal of a witness to testify or through publication of reports which in an ordinary court of} NURSE Chevrolet-Oldsmobile Ltd. Your Clothes @ Will Feel Like New When Cleaned By "The Best In Town" Phone 725-1191 @ Will Look Like New] APPOINTMENT Served Daily 11:30 - IGHLY RECOMMENDED Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M, Continental French Buffet 2 p.m. -- 5 to 8 p.m. GENOSHA HOTEL Jack Morgan Bill Nurse, president. of Nurse Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd., Whitby, onnounces the eppoint- ment of Jack Morgan os Sales and Leasing Manager. Jack has been a long term resident of Whitby ond hes been serving the motoring public in the area for years. To his mony friends and cus tomers, Jack will still be pleased to discuss with yo - your Chief Inspector Herve Pate- banner crowd on hand Sunday |@nd farm yields fell behind be-| nande, head of theQPP Crimi-! for the championship game. cause of "badly thought-out and nal Investigation Bureau, said) The Neighborhood Parks Self-willed approaches. the raids were carried out in| Team captured the "most sprot-, Because of this, the new plan Ste. Philomene, Chomedey and|smanlike team' trophy while |Set sights at certain lower tar- Ste. Dorothee, three Montreal/Terry Thompson of the Leafs sets for 1970 than those origin- |suburbs, in Maniwaki, 70 miles|won the trophy as the "most/ally set by Khrushchev. north of Ottawa, and in Dal-| outstanding player" of the tour The new plan calls for steady housie, 75 miles southwest of nament. economic growth during a pe- Montreal. Eight games were played injriod when the whole system of He sad that in the raids on the first round on Saturday,|Soviet economic planning is be- the Montreal suburbs 15 per-jeach team playing two games,/ing altered to stress profits, case, a man was caught dis- issue individual factory boss. mantling a car recentl y re-, In this round, Neighborhood, Kosygin repeated targets an- ported stolen. Four other late-|Parks Assoc. eliminated Port/nounced earlier in the direc- Chamber in 1641 limited the model cars, also reported Perry 5-3; Oshawa Canadiens |tives. He said the Soviet equiv- powers of any court set up by|stolen, were also found on the ousted Bowmanville 9-4; Osh- alent of gross national produc- investigation. | premises. no longer to have } powers to punish Thus, on the face of it, the large bulldozers, recently re-|day, beat out Peterborough 6-4. crease 47 to 50 per cent by 1970. Spence and Dorion judicial in-|ported stolen, were recovered, quiries, set up by the federal/said Inspector Patenaude. powerless to punish anyone for contempt. awa Black Hawks put out Co- tion would grow by 40 per cent In the Maniwaki raid, two bourg 7-1 and Oshawa Leafs,|during the next five years. In- persons were detained and twojin their toughest game of the dustrial production would in- In the semi-final rounds on! This includes a planned _ in- Sunday morning, Oshawa Cana-| crease of between 43 and 46 per In the Dalhousie raid, one diens eliminated. Neighborhood | cent in consumer goods and be- man was picked up and three'Parks 5-1 and Oshawa Leafs|tween 49 and 52 per cent in stolen cars were found. blanked Oshawa Hawks 4-0, jheavy industry. May we suggest a 8 P. If you're @ homeowner, It furnece repairs. And you invest only $13.95 @ year. Telephone 725-3581 for information. | tutus 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA mply soves you money. rotects you from costly shea Save-for-the-Little-Things-you-might-otherwise-never-buy Account? CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE