17-Female Help Wanted 8--Male Help Wanted 20---Rea! Estete for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20---Real Estate for Scle 120--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 'ABOVE AVERAGE TYPIST Required for variety in busy expending menufecturing ef- flea in Ajex. Transportation necessary. Pleese do not opply unless you enjoy edopting te ver- lety. Selery possibilities un- limited for above average ability and ¢o-operation, AJAX 942-3402 AVPRENVICR wanted, with or without experience. Apply in person. 212 King West. Telephone 728-5444. WONEW OR GIRL to mind children whe a in preterred. Tole mother works. Live in phone 723-1390. | an extra $40 @ week, re 15 hours. per week and have reer w write B Box 1998). gshawa Times. BOYS WANTED to sell papers on Good Friday MONEY | PRIZES | BONUSES ! PHONE TODAY 725-4473 GLOBE & MAIL w wanted to come bg lg od 'an. "a care for three children while | work. Telephone 942- 5467. inte my home hall Tel red gr Sal in Alex requ en r 942-3583. Sanita. Ropiy south Ene Re if shift. Apply pea Bloor Street East estau- WELIABLE middie aged woman to look after one school age child and one pre schoo! five-day week, from 6.30 till 4, In Mary Street area. 725-8707. 19--Male and Female Help Wonted TAXI DRIVERS Port or full time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 really a successful ent job offer you all TIME FOR A suames Was last yeer ? Doss your pres- 'he opportunity you want? Adi ite income? Ad S¥OBIO GIRL OF CANADA requires full ind parttime representatives in this area. Sample tego | and guidance supplied. 'lephane 668-2685 after 6 p.m. HA a? gua bookkeep Box 1012 Whitby pd ign fh PERSON for work in Brookiin banking experience preferred. Brookiin, Ontario, etl status pos experience if any. Write con 18 marital reception: se reply in eariion, ati marie! Siatus end exper- te fence I fe Oshawa Times, 18--Male Help Wanted Experienced SALESMAN FOR FORD DEALERSHIP APPLY LES MacDONALD STU. MacINTOSH MacDONALD FORD SALES 520 KING WEST OSHAWA Telephone 723-5241 623-2534 REAL ESTATE CAREER If yeu are industrious, hen- est and relioble with lete mode! automobile, you moy find en interesting and satis- fying career in the Reel Estate Profession. We have an opening for an serene Saleman 'between 25 and 4 who ean meet these pecan ments. Interviews In strict eonfid- ence. For interviews pleose conteet MR. BULLIED. DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED Realtor 723-1168. Box 13198, Oshawa Times. jal? if your answer is no, write FROM TIME TO TIME The Times has openings for boys or The Times Circulation at 723-3474. Oshawa rls to act as carriers in our aullying areas and/such as Bowmanville, Port Perry, Orono, Alax etc. Any boy or girl between the ages of 11 and 14 interested in earning their own money plus gaining valuable experience by acting as a carrier, call 20--Reel Estate fer Sale ECHO HOMES ONLY ,.. 1,981 To One Mortgage Large three bedroom detach- ed homes. Bungalows, split levels end rancher's. Ail homes include the following features: CLAY BRICK STONE FRONTS STORMS and SCREENS STOVE and OVEN FINISHED REC ROOM FLOOR TO CEILING FIREPLACE @ EXTRA 2-PC, WASHROOM @ MAHOGANY TRIM @ FURNITURE POLISHED KITCHEN CUPBOARDS @ MANY OTHER EXCITING FEATURES, For further infermetion come te Model Homes just 2 blocks Nerth ef 401 en Wilson Rd, Open Daily and week-ends L. N. BIRD Real Estate 723-0321 eseee CUSTOMER RELATIONS MAN Alert man 25-40 presently engaged in stock control, pur- chasing or expediting hes an eppertunity to improve his Grea of responsibility in of- fice of a progressive Ajax manufecturing company, All replies confidential, Sure-Fit Furniture Slip Covers Ltd. 458 Fairal! St. Ajex, Ont. JANITOR WANTED references required APPLY 387 Simcoe St. S. MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE THE RIGHT MOVE FOLLOW THE CROWD TO DOWNSVIEW PARK Oshawa's fastest growing end most conveniently located design controlled subdivision. 96 lots sold in 1965 103 lots already sold in 1966 in this subdivision 40 homes nearing completion Quality horres by BUILDING ASSOCIATES LTD. DOWNSVIEW CONSTRUCTION Call exclusive agents Lloyd Metcalf REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. £, -- 728-4678 for your inspection -- ell under the $500. Winter Works Bonus end 64% N.H.A. Mortgages. VROOM CONSTRUCTION MEN WITH CARS To supervise boys on Good Friday, PHONE GLOBE & MAIL 725-4473 SALESMEN and saiesiadies. . Married or singe, Earn up fo $150 weekly, Show- ing our top quality desk and door name- plates. Age no barrier, Must have neat appearance. Apply in writing to Master Name Pilate Limited P.0, Box 126 Osh- awa. ROUTE SALESMEN for established bak ery. Steady year round work. Gueranteed i aid s salary. plus commission. Apply Bread, corner of Raleigh and Wilsen, Oshawa. 728-269) store maintenance Steady job with eer. pany benefits. Applicant should be me! whanicelly inclined and w ing worker Phong nay 725-3443 for an appointment. Ask for Mr, Green, WELCOME to eur 20 Finished New Homes --on-- WAVERLY ST. Stevenson Rd. N. to Annapolis west to Waverly BRAEMOR GARDENS "MIDDLE AGED couple or single man Tor | OPEN DAILY light farm werk. Free room, and beard! 4 5 plus wages. Cannington 432-2173 od p.m, YOUNG MEN required, mechanical abil. ity essential, Permanent. Good workin conditions, Usual benefits, Ajax 942-20 H MIL N MEAT CUTTER, full or paritime, or ° pe hg assistant, full or pert-time. Apply Brock Farms, 513 Breck North, | Whitby, 668-251 Real Estate YOUNG SINGLE MAW recuired an a) F trainee in. sewing machine repairs and! Limited 128-1678 | 6% % N.H.A. mortgages J. B. NAC |\/ |mutean REALTOR 120 Dundas West Whitby 668-6201 BEAUTIFUL TREE-SHADED Level lot #3 ft. x 191 #. in exclusive Rob-mer Subdivision situated between Braoklin and Whitey en Highway No. 12, Terms to suiteble client. Priced to sell at $4,000 & BROOKLIN QUEEN & JAMES STS. 1 fot 85' x 125' $4,100, 2 lots 70' x 190' $3,900. 2 lots 7$ x 190' $3,900, per lot, These level lots ore all locat- ed in Brooklin and are fully serviced with sewer, storm sewers, etc. e TWO LOTS PACKAGE DEAL -- $2,600 On Taunton Rood East. Situ- oted on high level ground. 100 ft. x 150 ft. * WHITBY BYRON ST. NORTH Level lot, fully serviced, pov- ed roeds, ete. 60° x 100' $4,000, DUNDAS EAST 169' x 206' Older briek building consists of 3 epartments on large lot. Lot is zoned R4 ond will hold up to 21 units, This is an opportunity you con't afford to miss and is open to offers. AJAX 4 BEDROOM Brick semi-bungalow. Large living room 14' x 21', Spa- cious kitchen with Lezy Susan and plenty ef cupboards. 4 piece tile bath. Aluminum storms end screens. T.V. eerial, saphalt drive, land scaped fenced yerd. This home is newly decorated ond is in excellent condition and is close to schools and shop- ping. Carries for $95 month- ly P.I.T. List price $14,500. SOUTHWEST AREA BURNS ST., WHITBY $2,500 DOWN 3 bedroom brick bungalow. 4 piece tile both. Hollywood kitchen. Large living room. This home is well kept and is in excellent condition. Situ- eted on a large landscaped lot 65' x 124', Close to schools and shopping, Open te offers. BRICK BUNGALOW NORTHWEST AREA $3,000 DOWN 3 bedrooms § large living room. Modern spacious it~ chen with plenty of cup- boards. Partial rec. room, 4 piece bath. Newly decoroted well landscaped with hedge. Close to schools. Open to of- fers. $92 monthly P.I.T. List price $15,500. COMMERCIAL SITE OLDER 2-STOREY Solid brick, close to down- town Whitby, 7 rooms, 3 bedrooms, living room, din- ing room, kitchen, huge fam- ily room 12' x 20', 4 piece tile bathroom nad 2 piece tile bathroom. Private drive ond corage. Heme is in excellent condi. tien and is situated in an idee! location for berber shop er beeuty perlor, ete, List price $15,200. We accept Oder Homes as Trade-ins CALL US FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS! 668-6201 SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Over -A-Querter Century of Service OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. $1,500 DOWN 4 room bungalow in South East end ares, one mortgage for the balerce. Monthly poyments of $75.00 Act fast --- this won't last. RETIRING Cute 4 room bungalew in the North West crea, nice large txt, goroge. Full price $12,- 000, Call for more details. BROOKLIN 5 rogm, 7 year old N.H.A, Resale, large lot, 3 goed sized bedrooms, 16 x 13 recrea- tion room. Full price $13,- 900 with monthly payments of $20.00, principal, interest and taxes, OSHAWA BLVD, NORTH Spotless 6 room older home on nicely landscaped and hedged lot, 3 bedrooms, spa- cious kitchen, $4,000 down with terms. N.H.A, RESALE This five room brick bunga- low is as neat as o pin, hes three good sized bedrooms, finished recreation room, monthly payments of $98.00 principal, interest and toxes, NORTH EAST: This fine bungalow in e quiet residential area features large living room, hollywood kit- chen, 3 good size bedrooms, recreation room in basement, only 3 years old, Possession April 15th, for appointment to inspect call us right now. $13,500 3S bedroom brick bungelow close to Duke of Edinburgh School. Large lot, terms could be orronged, Call for more oils, NORTH END: immaculate 6 room bungalow with atteched garage end paved drive, large beautiful tondscaped jot with trees ond plenty of shrubs, L-shaped living end dining room with broadioom, fireplace, book- case, huge recreation room with electric heat. This fine home must be seen. EXECUTIVE HOME: Ranch bungelow with double attached garage, L-shoped living and dining room with fireplace and broadioom, Rec- reation room 29 ft. x 26 ft., three bathrooms, nicely land- scoped, large 83 x 125 ft. lot situated in preferred area. HAVING A NEW HOME BUILT THIS YEAR? Desire the North End? Went a prestige location? Then BEAU VALLEY is for you! May we suggest you contact our salesmen now, Homesites ore getting scarce in this ONE OF OSHAWA'S FINEST development. See us, pick out your location, ond let us help you with your plans now. For further particulors call 723-2265 George Koornneef 723-2859 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Wm. Yasmanicki 728-2349 Don Howe 723-9692 Bill Johnston 728-1066 Mel Dale 623-5638 Irene Brown 725-3867 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Moerg Hall 723-1358 Allon Thompson 728-2870 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa & District Real Estate Board, WE LIST EXCLUSIVE AND M. L. S. 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking Gordon ie he aay Home.' Osborne REALTOR Dial 668-8826 If it is a home, lot or acreage. you are looking for call us for more par- ticulars on these proper- ties in Oshawa and -Dis- trict. 50' by 140' lot Whitby $3000, 20 ecres, _industricl|_tand Whitby $3500 ccre. 166' lot meer Hampton Vil- -lage $4000 with well and gorage. Brooklin lot 87' by 187' good homes surrounding $4600. Pickering Beach home with 3 bedrooms $7000. Modern Cottage at Sturgeon Lake equipped $8500. $1500 down, three bedroom in Oshawa $8750, Holiburton Country Cottoge neor Dorset 1/2 acres $10, 500, Oshawo College Hill home, 2 bedrooms $10,900. 3 bedroom home, Oshawa, $12,500, 3 bedroom home Pickering, low taxes, $12,600. Burcher Rd. oe 3 bedroom semi $12,8 Whitby 3 bedroom brick only $12,900 with $2500 down. Oshawa frome ond stone bun- qe with 2 bedrooms $12, 00. small opt. Whitby -- 3. bedroom brick, excellent eondition $13,250. Oshewa --- Thicksons Rd. with dining room, good view $13,500. Whitby -- Lupin Drive, neat, clean" property, three bed- rooms $14,500. 3 bedroom brick north end Whitby location, neot and cleen $14,500. Whitby Semi detached brick with 3 bedrooms, lower taxes 14,500. $1300 down payment buys 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Whitby $15,500. We have others too from $16,000 to $650,000 for Apartment buildings, Member of Oshawa & District Reo! Estete Board DeW Close to BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR BEST REAL ESTATE MOVE SPECIAL 7 rooms, owner lives in four rooms on main floor, 3 rooms upstoirs rented to tenants for $75 @ month, Separete meters, 2 - 3 piece boths, oil heot, lot 50' x 107', garage, low taxes. Priced for fast sole ot only $12,500.00 with monthly payments of 75,00. Don't delay. See it now. Ask for Roy Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. ELGIN STREET EAST Very attroctive 5 room brick bungalow. Features good size kitchen, living room, 3 bed« rooms, recreation room, fenced yard, choice locetion. Asking only $16,700 with good terms, Early possession. To inspect and make on of- fer just ask for Jim Brody of 728-5123 or 728- 0483, HORTOP STREET Look, only $13,900 for this 6 room, 2 storey brick home. schools, bus and shopping. Choice location. Monthly payments. of only $80.00, Hurry for this one. Priced for quick, sale. See it now, Call Roy Yeo at 728- $123 of 725-2217. BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED | 101 Simeoe Street North Memebr of O.D.R.E.B, JOHN F. Realtor 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 PORT PERRY, 100 Acre farm. Excellent building. Brick home, modern conveniences. Barn, 2 Duck ponds, Stream. Priced to sell, NEWCASTLE AREA, 35 Acres on NO. 401 Highway with spring pond. Only $500 lown. DAIRY FARM, os @ going concern with all machinery, 19 milkcows, Good milk con- tract and excellent buildings. Asking $45,000. Terms CHRISTMAS TREE FARM, 100 Acres with 60, 000 trees oging from 8 years down. Asking $15,000. Terms. BETHANY, 7 Roomed home on good size lot, Full price $2500. COUNTRY LIVING, Beauti ful, 6 Roomed, brick and stone bungalow with stone fireplace. Double garage. -On 2.88 Acre lot, Owner leay- ing country. : MAPLE GROVE,:5 Roomed bungalow with double garage. Fire place in rec, room 34 Acre lot, Asking $18,500. Terms, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, 10 Roomed building in Vil- lage with nice living quarters, Excellent for Generali store, or other business. Only $5,000 down, ORONO, 8 Roomed brick home on Mainstreet. Al! mo- dern conveniences. Hard- wood floors throughout. Only $3,000 down, BRICK BUILDING with broil- er business, Capacity for 6000 birds every 3 months. Asking $16,000. Terms, We List Photo M.L.S. and Exclusive After hours call: Doneld Mountjoy 623-3614 Guy LeBlonc 623-3715 Idso Wiersma Orono 1649 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 Lorne C, Duff 985-2728 Reas Davidson Bethany 30 r 2 LARGE SELECTION New Homes @ Trades Accepted @ Low, low down payments @ N.H.A, finencing @ Voriety Oshawa location PHONE 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker TH GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 DUPLEX 1 @ all om one floor on Cen- tre Street. Priced at only $12,- 700 with low down poyment and one eosy monthly payment for the balance. Call now for full perticulars, e EXECUTIVE HOME 11 @ Modern two storey, four bedroom home, situated close to schools and shopping. This home has an attached garage, hollywood kitehen, wall te wall broadioom in the living room, den and stairs. These and many more excellent features con- tribute in making this home oe truly desirable one. For more information, call now. @~ JUST LISTED '1] @ Modern three bedroom home with spacious living room and kitchen. This five room brick bungalow has private pav- ed drive and is near shopping area, schools and churches in de- sirable North West area, t TREE SHADED 1V @ very neat two bedroom brick bungalow with large gar-| age. Full high dry basement ond oil heating. Only $13,700.) Quiet North East locale, e $4,000 DOWN PAYMENT Ve will money-moker, town, This two storey home has four bedrooms, baths, a double garage and possibilities to built in another | two bedrooms in the attic. An| outstanding value for only $14,500, for the man looking for on income property. ® OWNER TRANSFERRED Vi @ Neat two bedroom 11% storey brick home, close to downtown and shopping. Ree- sonably priced for quick sale. Call now. e BARGAIN $18,500 Vil @ Thot's right for this six room ranch bungelow with ot-| toched garage, separate dining room, large living room, three master sized bedrooms. Home decorated and ready for imme- diate occupancy. Situated on a large lot overlooking Green Belt Area, ® ONE LOT LEFT Vill -@ Would you like o ereek et your back door? If so, let me show you.this beautiful building site, idea! for walkout base- ment. Look! 60 x 255 feet, situated in the North West end of the city. Hurry and call now for full porticulars, ® NORTH WEST AREA IX @ To-night is the night to call me to inspect this five room ranch style brick bungalow in the area where all the schools are, One block to shopping. The kitchen is finished with French Provincial cupboards, living room has plenty of well area for placing furniture, Dinette ond three master sized bed- rooms, Basement finished with recreation room, office, work- shop and two piece bathroom. Yours for only $18,900, * BARGAIN DAY X @ The owner soys sell, so sell we must this beautiful 1 yeor old five room brick bun- golow with large hollywood kitchen, a living room big enough for all that furniture ond three master sized bed- rooms, Home completely. decor- ated and ready for occupancy. Situated on londscaped lot with huge tree in the front yard, For Inspection, call to-night. e SPECIAL -- NORTH EAST SPLIT LEVEL Xl @ The owner says sell, so! tonight he says he will accept $2500 down on this five room split level with cathedral cx ings. Three nice sized bed- rooms, situated on a large lot 60 x 200. Located on a dead- end street, close to Separate and Public schools. For appoint- ment to inspect, call now. e NEAR S. J, PHILLIPS SCHOOL XII @ Two storey brick home with modern oil furnace, Three bedrooms, lerge dining reem, fireplace in the garoge, separ- ote gorage. Only $16,900. e SOMERVILLE STREET XII1 @ This three bedroom brick home with attached gar- age and extra large lot will have to be inspected to be op- preciated, Asking only $17,900. For full particulars, call to- night, e e @ Fomily Planned Kitchens & @ 3 ond 4 Bedrooms King Street Hill, right at 2nd Street (Athabaska) to Labrador Drive Model Home, |} LABRADOR DRIVE OPEN HOUSE Commencing Wed. 2 to 9 p.m, Weekends 1 to 6 p.m. @ Individually Designed @ Finonced Under NHA 614% Year Round Comfort With Triple Seal Heating Oversize Rooms Unusuol Value... Competitively Low. Priced East over Hort's post flasher light turn buy this excellent | close to down-! two 3 piece| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, April 5, 1966 2) 20----Real Estate for Sele (20---Real Estate for Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-528] IMMACULATE XIV @ two bedroom home on lorge lot in Whitby, All newly decorated complete with newly wall to wall broadioom, Ideal investment property, Call today for full particulers, ® WHAT A BARGAIN XV @ $9500 cosh will buy this frame home situated on Sincloir Avenue. This home contains o large living room, modern kit- chen with plenty ef built in eup- boards, three bedrooms, recrea- tien room, Situated on @ dead- end street, ideal for @ retired couple, = IMMACULATE CONDITION XVI @ Here's luxury living at its very best. This home gi situ- ated on Rockcliffe Street across the road from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Attached gorage, patio, recreation room finished in knotty pine, lorge spacious living room with o built in stereo set, four piece tiled bathroom, two linen closets, three bedrooms upstairs and one down. Commencing Wed. 2 to 6 p.m. 6%4% N.H.A, Financing Low Down Payments Capitalize on $500 Winter works bonus on Keewatin to Apple Grove, Follow open house signs. OPEN HOUSE APPLE GROVE AN D ORIOLE STREETS OPEN DAILY 3 AND 4 BEDROOM BUNGALOWS AND SPLIT LEVELS DIRECTIONS: King St. E, to Keewatin, South GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | | | HIGHLAND AVE: 6 room' brick home, oil heated, with rec, room, A 1 condition Call 723-5281 culars. Open doily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. After hours call El, Ann Thompson 728-4731 for full porti- Doug Trivett 723-7390 Wolter Mittier 728-7083 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Leon Monitius 728-2754 Evelyn Cassel 725-3710 Leonard Bissell 725-2070 Art Johnson 723-8738 Judi O'Donnell 725-6713 Eleanor deJong 728-2949 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 Steve Englert 728-5581 Jean Peocock 725-4330 Jack Graham 725-9947 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Luces Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 We list exclusive and Photo MLS. Member of 0.D.R.E.B, GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS Armstrong Homes ROLLING HILLS IN OSHAWA Still "% N. 644% N.H.A. down payments from $1,676 18 entirely different models, custom built to your choice, Some rovine locetions. At- tractive completely decorat- ed, Models open daily for your inspection. Follow Olive Ave., on Keewatin. Grifin Real Estate Ltd, 723- ae turn S$. S|BBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 with paved drive end gar- age, close to schools and shopping, full price $16,900. SENECA and MAIN: 4 room bungalow extra large lot 98 x 150 home in good area see this tonight by phoning us for appointment. ELGIN ST. W.: 2. store brick home, very central, rooms asking $16,500. CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723 - 1133 WALKOUT BASEMENT Three year old, three bedreom ranch bungalow in choice eost location close to all schools, family size kitehen, 12 x 18 living room, 13 x 26 com- pletely finished ree room with picture windows and walkout to nicely lendscoped ond fenced lot. This home com- plete in every detail. Owner transferred to Toronto. Listed at $18,950.00 with substan- tial down poyment, 612% N.H.A, mortgage for balance. Cal! Carl Olsen ot 723-1133, evenings 725-3412. FIVE-PLEX This well kept building cen- trally located contains five two-bedroom apartments is offered for sale ot only $42,- 800.00. For further informa- tion call Geo, Twaites at 723-1133, evenings 723- 2008. NEW NORTH EAST Three bedroom bungalow ready for immediate occu- pancy, only $2,700 down, 614% mortgage for bolance, DISTINCTIVE Two storey, seven-room brick with large rec room and fire- place. Featuring extra large living room, family size kit- chen, separate dining room, four lorge bedrooms, two boths. All nicely decorated ond fenced yard. Asking $21,900.00 with reasonable down payment. Call Henry Stinson ot 725-0243 er 723- - 1133, Carl Olsen Real Estate. N-H:A;---= LOTS We haye for sale over fifty lots ready for immediate building in choice locotion, builders terms, Ask for Mr. Corl Olsen. NORTH WEST Spacious 3 bedroom bunga- low only seven years old. Family sized kitchen with separate dining crea, extra large living room with excel- lent view, Finished rec room, carport, asphelt drive, pro- fessionally landscaped. Listed at only . $19,000.00. For further information call Geo. Twaites 723-1133 evenings call 723-2008. RAVINE LOT With exceptional view. N.H.A. approved and fully serviced, 60 x 115. Only $5,500.00, CARL OLSEN REALTOR 20 Ray St. 723-1133 KEITH err re PETERS. | REALTY LTD., 103 KING STREET tas 728-7328 FULL PRICE $13,900 > Fer' this "3° begrotm tiiek * bungalow only 8 years eld. N.H.A. mortgage which car-« ries for $94.00 monthly at 6% interest. This is @ worke ingman's fomily home ond'! still om the market. To '== spect call. Sten MeCorn <i 655-3066, p INVEST TO-DAY 3 bedroom brick bungalow « with double garage, large liv- 2 ing room with open stone fireplace. Gleaming hard=* wood ond tile floors. 4 pc.' bath with vanity and mirror, - Finished recreation and. laundry room, separate gomes room for the children, This? home oll electric heated. Taxes are $255.00 per yeor, Just eost of the city limits... Coll 728-2548 and osk for" Bob Johnson, JUST SIX MONTHS - OLD Better thon new, very mod-_ ern bungolow, large roomy kitchen, three bedrooms, oil * heating, bock yerd all fene- ed in with a shade tree, per-- fect for small children, Own-~ er has poor health ond is forced to sell. Phong Bill Rot- - cliffe 655-4457. 2 INCOME HOME 6 room home with private" drive and goroge. Upstairs is! rented for $90,00 per month downstairs for $95.00. Com-* plete ond seperate kitchen and bathroom up and down: Taxes only $212.00. For. further information and in- a of property phone . Donaldson 728-7328, ~* OSHAWA -- 10 MINUTES Inspect ey new listing with 6 rooms, large modern kit-: chen, spacious living and dining room end one bedroom: on mein floor. 2 bedrooms ond bath with vanity on sec. ond floor, 40 ft. bern, gor. oge, nicely tendecoped "lak with fruit trees, Asking $11,- 900.00. This spotless home in excellent condition ond' should be sold this week. Call: Keith Peters 725-4162. >. 0; HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728 - 6286 FULL PRICE $13,500 Excellent 'location near St. Christopher school, Five good sized rooms on a 49 x 150 site. Private paved drive. Possession con be arranged for your convenience, Make it a point to see. THREE APARTMENTS Ideol for couple looking for an income property. Live in and rent two. Only minutes from downtown, Be certain to see it, Call to-night, $2,164 DOWN if you qualify 614% N.H.A, Mortgages OPEN DAILY Sun. thru' Thurs. 2:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m, PARK ROAD SOUTH AT PHILLIP MURRAY GUIDE REALTY LIMITED | NEW HOMES $2,000 DOWN PRESTIGE AREA Just two left. 3 or 4 bed- rooms. Close to schools, shop- ping ond bus line, Both have gorages and two washrooms, Many extras. Immediate pos- session. Phone 723-6541 GLENDALE RANCH BUNGALOW Completely finished inside ond out. Comes with rec: room, winery and attached gorage. Owner looking for large home so take adven- tage of this moderate price. Asking only $19,700. Open 9 a.m. -- 9 p.m. after hours call: Margoret Lee 723-2894 Les Holl 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 Munro Smith 723-3533 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 rT W. L. Dougan REALTOR JUST LISTED ; Located en Anderson Street North, Some are -- treed id frontage pela Bg 375', 20° 5060: with $1,500 down, 4 BEDROOMS Located in Soufh East Osh-« owe near Ritson Rood pub-* lic school end St. Hedwigs. separate school. Two storey. design, excellent family home. $2,750 down, owner will carry the mortgage. 3 BED. BUNGALOW This sparkling clean three bedroom clay brick home with: privete paved drive and gor=* age offers mony many yeors" of quality living. No need to. do anything here, just move* in. The price is $15,900 and with @ reasonable down poy- mento the owner will carry the mortgage, CALL ANYTIME 725-1109 NEARING COMPLETION in Excellent North End Location just north of Rossland Rd; close to schools ond buses. 6-room 3 bedroom homes separate dining room brick veneer aluminum soffits electric heating factory built cupboards 1525 sq, ft. floor area sodded lawns with tree $2,300 down $123 monthly includes Principol, interest and taxes --~ 644% mortgages Just 16 available so act fast Call exclusive agents LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE. LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 '20--Real Estate for Sale (Continued on Page 22) acai tc