Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Apr 1966, p. 17

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BAKED FISH WITH PARSLEY STUFFING Fat Fish, Lean Fish, All Fish Taste Best Properly Seasoned If, to you, a fish is a fish is they can be used freely in such a fish when you meet him in the|a great variety of dishes. fsh market, take heart. There are some 160 varieties of fish) one season or an other, but most of us can identi- fy not more than a half dozen on sale at of them. Since cooking methods may} vary, do however know wheth- er you are buying a "fat" or a "Jean" fish; the fat content can vary from one to 20 per- cent by weight. Fat fish--such as salmon or shad -- are best for baking, broiling and plank- ing. Lean fish -- halibut end and haddock, for instance -- have firm flesh and are pre- ferred for poaching and steam- ing. All. fish lean; whole or cut up in the usual ways -- taste best when knowingly seasoned. One of the 1 most universal seasonings for fish is parsley. Its fiavor has -- big, little; fat, ' BAKED FISH, PARSLEY DRESSING 2 Ib. Boston mackerel flounder, shad or sea bass, scaled, cleaned and barck- bone removed 1° tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 teaspoon instant minced onion teaspoon water 2 cups %-inch white bread cubes 14 teaspoon celery salt \ teaspoon ground black pepper Y teaspoon thyme leaves tablespoons parsley flakes tablespoons butter or margarine can (1014 oz.) cream of celery soup Wash fish in cold water and | \% teaspoon ground black pepper In a saucepan combine first 5 ingredients. Cook low heat, stirring often, for minutes or until slightly thick ened. Add 1 tablespoon butter or flakes 3 minutes ; ; buttered | Student will hand in his finished daughter, two, "Whose girl are margarine and parsley Cook another 2 or Set aside. In shallow baking dish, arrange fish, Brush | te with lemon juice and sprinkle W! pepper of it Dot the top with remaining butter or senior Bake in a pre-ample practise in his regular) with ground _ black Cover fish with the sauce or margarine heated hot (400 degree F.) oven | schoolwork | should |there is no place in the school | flake when tested with fork.) program for giving him training | for 35 minutes. Fish Serve hot. Yield:.2 cups sauce PARSLEY BUTTER FOR FISH Y% cup butter lq teaspoon ground black pepper 14 teaspoon salt |1 tablespoon lemon juice 11 tablespoon parsley flakes the over CHILD GUIDANCE Children Taking Special Tests: By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |him to go over his written | Most junior and senior high | work at home carefully, to SCHOOIS uacct-some~or 2!) their! make sure it is as well and ac- students to take special tests re-|curately done as he can make lated to college entrance. Injit. He might often be willing to) some schools. taking these tests|have us help him check it. | is wholly voluntary and some : promising students don't take them as eariy as they should or not at all. Parents with chil- dren in the Grade 7 or Grade 8 should learn from the principal or counsellor about the nature and purpose of these tests and when their children should take them. Guiding our children at school) and at home on such proofread- | ing could be so much more ef-| fective if. the regular school/| tests, and school assignments | 'or written work at home were for shorter periods than they| are, and if the time limits at) Wor some children, even|*°"0! were longer, as a, rule. | bright ones, taking these tests| Consider at what speed most is a trying ordeal, The emo-|Children at school are supposed | tional strajy may be enhanced to work on a spelling test. Many by what they have heard about |4 child has not finished spelling | the significance of the scores on|9ne word before he hears an-| these tests. Some parents and other one pronounced. When he) iteachers have dropped ominous |has spelled the last word of the land anxious suggestions about | test, he rarely has time to check | the tests. over the list he has spelled be We parents and teachers fore he must hand in his paper | might help students to feel less) Some pupils and students anxiety and emotional strain have great worries over special over these tests and to make/|tests in any subject, announced | better scores if we could prevail |Ahead of time, They may study | lon them long, late hours preparing for) 3 these tesis, At achool and home 1. To read carefully through we guide the pupil and aden all the "questions" on the tests ' best in preparation for such before answering any of them, toute 68 Se win 'hem. tu ctu and then to answer first those l their efforts on their daily , py can a feel most sure they ¢ homework and at being alert ~« ao 5 : and attentive at each class 2. After completing the. test, period "proofread" their answers, es pecially when they have ample) ANSWERING QUESTIONS time to do so. Many a quick) Q. Sometimes dad says to our st long before the time is upjyou" and she will say, 'Dad The average student at junior high level has had in taking tests. If} in proofreading his answers to} tests, we parents might, as soon) as the child begins to prepare} written homework, give him| some guidance in this direc-| tion. We could quietly induce| and parsley flakes. Mix well and keep warm for at least 10 minutes before serving. Serve} over broiled or baked fish such In small saucepan melt but-|as filet of sole, cod steaks, had- ter over low heat Add ground dock or pke. Yield: 4 servings. Feel Anxiety, Emotional Strain cana? [GUIDE AT HOME r By JE. ARP s Women's Editor TORONTO (CP)--A lived-in look is good burglar insurance for your house. If you're out for the evening, leave a light | on. If you're away om @ iiwii- day let the right people know so your steps and lawn won't acquire "Wiliaie mi HoMe|s and newspapers. Tell service men and neigh- bors you will be away, but don't advertise the fact gen- erally, says Sgt David Cowan of the Metropolitan Toronto Police break-and enter squad. "Don't leave notes, and don't advertise in the sovial columns until after you've come back, "In the summer make sure your lawn is cut, the yard looked aftér and handbills picked up. In the winter have the snow shovelled, not once a week, bul as often as it shows 'If your neighbor has two cars, maybe he'll park one in your garage In any case, lock the garage whenever you're away "Arrange with a relative or a friend to watch the house. If it's a neighbor, quite often you can make it a reciprocal arrangement," Sgt, Cowan says you should her she. will say "Mamma's wir.' Is this wise A. No, Why be so cruel as to tamper heartstrings I hope both with this little child's} you | parents quit this allly, childish) thout going over a single part dy's girl.' Then as 1 challenge) practice WOOLWORTHS |"Lived In Look' Keeps Burglars ering Empty Houses do the same sort of thing if you live in an apartment. Cut off deliveries, arrange to have mail cleared or stopped, tell the superintendent and per- haps a trusted neighbor you will he gone. "If you can buy a timer switch, you can turn lights on end-offehan vou're not there. You should turn on one at the front and back, plus a radio --though you might get oppo- sition from the fire depart- ment on that. "Don't blinds open that allow some- one to tell there is no one home. "You should make sure your locks are good quality and properly mounted, Some people will spend money on a leave curtains and | lock and then mount ft them- selves so. it doesn't work properly. "Check your window catches to be sure they're good, and use them. "You're probably not going to keep anybody out if he's determined to get in, but you can delay. him, make him make a noise or work where he'll be seen." HATE LIGHTS Sgt. Cowan says peopie often forget to keep the backs of their houses well-lit out- side. night."' He says you should be pre- pared to question the motives of any stranger. - "These fellows operate day and night, any time best for their purposes. You | should know the police tele- | phone number, especially if you're watching a neighbor's house. If you see someone you 74 Colina Street FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES Poors leon wey se MéC DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACES PHPERTLY «(eer ALLE® 773-7077 . to look after the community. "You should check on serv- ice. people you don't know. All service people connected with reputable firms have some means of identification, a badge, a uniform, a card. They will not feel offended if you ask who they are. "One other thing. When you go away, make sure someone knows how to get in touch with you. Leave an itinerary | with someone. 'Tis has noth- "A burglar hates light at | ing to do with burglary. We gel calls every Gay trom peor ple who need te locate some- | one urgently because of a death or illness, and they don't know where they are | except on their way to Florida that's | or someplace." 'forclean bright teeth don't know it's your business | Cow Brand Cow Brand Baking Soda on & moist toothbrush heips remove stains -- Cleans and brightens teeth and dentures. Leaves a fresh, irritation and Relos ramese react. a3) Cow Brand Baking Soda Lines Ac asiieniett 0 S014 | Easton Basket Values! Decorated Chocolate black pepper, salt, lemon juice NAME EGG Beautifully decorated hollow chocolate name egg. Comes in a 5" x 4%" gay window box, Nome written free to order on this item. (Egg stands about 3" high.) =99.. WARD'S SPRING SHOWING OF FABRICS heat hate "thers a\the bread mixture and fasten AND SIMPLICITY * BUTTERICK as precisely as other herbs and itocether near edges with 4 spices. Actually a tablespoon of | skewers or food picks. Dot fish VOGUE PATTERNS f al dehydrated parsley flakes is be yroaree J ped or wove ; garine. Sprinkle with remaining | equivalent te a belt cup of parsley flakes, Spoon soup over chopped fresh parsley. Only|fich Bake in a preheated mod- rarely is it necessary to soaklerate oven (350 degrees F.) parsley flakes in water or ajabout 40 minutes. F¥ should comparable fluid before use,|flake when tested with fork. Most sauces, soups, stews, etc.,| Yield: 4 servings. have enough moisture to re-| CREOLE FISH SAUCE hydrate the flakes. Whenever|; 4 (1 th.) tomatoes parsley flakes are used in &/3 tablespoons onion flakes thick mixture, to be eaten soon,|2 tablespoons sweet pepper such as an egg salad sandwich| | oe : . filling, it may be desirable to|," Soe leat wacenl diy mix the flakes with an equal tablespoons butter or measure of water or milk and margarine let them stand 5 minutes before tablespoons parsley flakes blending with the other ingredi- to 3 Ibs. swordfish or' sal- ents. mon steaks, whitefish or Parsley flakes are usually halibut, cleaned, washed sold in larger containers than most herbs and spices because) been a mainstay of butters,| wine dry. Brush inside and out- sauces and stuffings for sea-! side with-lemon juice. In a bow! food for many centuries. NoW |soften instant minced onion. in its esteemed aroma reaches US water for 5 minutes. Add bread in dehydrated form. Parsley cubes, celery salt, ground black flakes, a triumph in convent-\nenper, thyme leaves, 2 table- ence, came on the scene short- spoons parsley flakes and 2 ly after World War II. tablespoons butter or marga- Since parsley flakes have @ rine, melted. Mix well. rae mild, though intrigung flavor, |fish in a buttered shallow bak- they needn't even be measured ing dish. Spoon in and fill with WHEELBARROW lhe ond dew y goodies, Easter Basket me P44 SPECIAL #7] Plastic sand pail and shovel. Filled with delicious Eoster treats. Easter ¢ Value ° ° WOOLWORTH'S Famous Cello Novelty Gifts Basket Value and wiped teaspoons lemon juice BOLTS OF THE NEWEST FABRICS FOR SEW - AND - SAVE SEWING! SHANTUNG A fine preshrunk and washable . . . Large and smoll floral designs in colors of Melon, Aqua, Pink, Biue, Red or Green 1 29 45' wide. Regular 1.59, Yord pues , very woven cotton Shantung -- coat colledion for spring 66 ALIVE with fashion brilliance, beauti- fully compatible , with everything \ you'll be wear- ing are our coats for Spring. e Hen in Package Pure milk chocolate large bunny or hen in see-thru 9%" x 11" blister pack box. PLAIN SPORTS DUCK -- Introducing for summer ---- an ideal preshrunk heavy sailduck for boating, beach or general sports weor . . . Washfast colors of Red, Aquo, Brown, Azure, Royal or White. 45" wide. Regulor 1.49, Yord ) Priee 14 3 WHEEL BOAT 14 inch plastic 3 wheel boat and shovel heaped full of candy delights. time prints in Noutical, PRINTED SPORTS DUCK -- Spring Floral and s and monotone . Pre jal Boe 499 GRANNY PRINTS - ght and Dark | print + the and mod shrunk anc Melon, £ 45" wide. Regulor FILLED EASTER BASKET Prettier-than-ever made vp Easter Baskets, filled with eggs and chocolate novelties, ¢ he V )) COWBOY HAT vind Western straw hot CANDY with a nest of Easter Candy Favourites. pretty dresses nd large Easter Basket Value floral and check pott a. Spicy wool elt ite tweed classic. Beige or navy tweed. Sizes 8-78. 40.00 b. Lush loop mohair in a range of colours. Sizes 6-20. 35,00 Regular to 98c. Yard TERRY TOWELLING -- PLAIN -- Deeply and thickly looped, this all cotton terry is Shift Dresses . . . Colors of Pink, Rose, * or White: 36" wide, Regular to Yard 'it' for the spring Mau Mau, Jiffy or Yellow, Gold, Powder, Easter Basket Value TERRY TOWELLING PRINTED --- New on thickly looped Use it with plain shade for "Mix-Match"' Jiffy Cur tains . Colors of Blue, Royal, Mauve, Green, Pink, Red, and id pcg 1.59 ) Regular to 1.98 yard Spring summer Prints cotton terry hig \ '3 4, dresses, beachwedr or Bathroom ih) Tangerine > WE GIVE "WISHING WELL" PRIZES Chocolate Eggs Delicious milk chocolate. ¢ Easter Basket Value 89: Chocolate Covered egg in colourful 6" x 4" Easter decorated box. price for this week only from 69c to 57¢ Easter Basket Value LB. JELLY BIRD EGGS~-- jelly bird eggs. Individual flavouring. , DECORATED MARSHMALLOW EGG 7" LOWNEY'S BRIDGE MIX | : _ Easter Basket Value 49 -- STORE HOURS -- Wednesday 9 A.M. -- 6 P.M, Thursday 9 A.M. -- 9 P.M, Good Friday -- Closed Saturday 9 A.M. -- 6 P.M, WARD'S SIMCOE STREET SOUTH PHONE AT ATHOL 725-1151 . 7 Ss Lilliput 84 to a pound. Wonderful Value! Big marshmallow beautifully decorated We have reduced the | a pound, while it lasts, 5 7 Froit pectia Eek: w HsRAcTion GUAR Any vour noneys worn wore sr WOOLWORTHS ee ACt ENT Smnoney me FUNDED Fashions since 1807

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