Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Apr 1966, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 5, 1966 On Saturday morning, the Oshawa Neighborhood Associa- tion's Pee Wee Hockey League pleved the first games of the semi-finals. There remain only four teams in both the 'A' and the 'B' ser- ies,-which have advanced to the semi-finals. The 'A' Series teams, which are battling for the League Championship are Connaught, North Oshawa, Eastview and Baker Parks, while in the run- ning for consolation honors in th 'B' Series are Lake Vista, Storie Southmead and Fetrnhill Parks. The results of the first games of the two-game, total-goals semi-finals, which were played . "Bill" Langton introduced the SHARE THE LOOT! When the members of the Oshawa Branch 43, Cana- dian Legion, held their an- nual "Sportsmen's Banquet" at Legion Hall, on Satur- day night, the highlight of the evening was the presen- tation of a host of trophies and awards, to the various champions and runners-up, team members, etc., in the numerous sport competi- tions held during the past | Oshawa Legion Members Hold Sportsmen's Night There were trophies by the|tertainment, iprizes, were won by Ed Snud-| score, trophies galore, when the/and highlighted the event. Alex Knox! of the Legion, | vert Oshawa Branch 43 of the Royal Canadian Legion held their an- nual '"Sportsmen's Night' -- a monster banquet and trophy presentation event, on Satur- day night, at Legion Hall here, on Saturday night. This was a gala night, from start to finish, from the time Le- gion Padre Rev. A. Woolcock said "Grace" and Legion presi- dent Alex Walker proposed the traditional toast to The Queen, the entire-program was a gala affair,//one of celebration and "congratulations" to all the var- fous winners. Second vice-president Wm. H. impressive list of head table| ests and Alderman Hayward urdoch voiced the official Civic Council's congratulations, as the Mayor's representative. Once the Legion Ladies' Auxil- fary had performed their usualjDoubles" awards went to Bill capable chore of providing the| Crumb and Doug Gann, with the} Lang-| latter winning the Zone and Dis-| ton thanked them, Alfred Bris-|trict singles honors, in horse- bois business manager of Osh-|Shoes. meal, for which "Bill" awa Branch 43, introduced the| guest speaker, John Barrow, star lineman of the Hamilton) Tiger-Cats. Barrow's address was in ex- act keeping with the occasion, friendly, sincere and in sport-| ing vocabulary, with real] "meat" for those who were| looking for some inspiration and a lot of sporting interest for all. "Ted McComb, president Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association, voiced the thanks of the entire gathering, to the Ham- ilton football star, for his very appropriate talk. TROPHIES GALORE Dave Stewart of O'Keefes,| was on hand to present the shuffleboard trophy; Gord Rae of Molson's, presented the curl-| ing trophy; "Dude" Hills, Pro-| vincial sports officer, officiated} at the presentation of Zone, Dis-| trict and Provincial honors; Ar- chie Antle,~ Legion Clubroom "club" trophies and "Pete" ed Johnson, of Carlings, present = anf the nioht wre" a "The Sportsman of the Year Trophy,.' this year won ,by James S. 'Jim' Brown. A| specially engraved '"'stein" also went to the winner. Jim Elrick, of Gilbey's, offi- ciated at the grand draw and when the presentations were concluded, Alberrt Turner, Osh- awa Legion's lst vice-president, presented his program of en Minor Hockey Round - Robin Team Standings Bantam League as of Mar. 30. round-robin standing GROUP "A" LT Pts. Seugog Cleaners 1 B/Nai B'Rith Canadian Corps Westmount Kiwanis Bathe and McLellan Hambly's Beverages Local 1817 Cunnne --aanv0osd am nwn--o "Omen -- o- GROUP "B" r T Pts. Duplate 2 Local 2784 Houdailie ind Banks Flooring Keith Peters Realty Canadian Tire Ernie Cay Lumber Local 1500 8 8 7 7 4 orucaruckt Oo~-sc-~o 7 o Midget 'League round robin standing as of Mar, 31 WLT Pts. Local 222 7 115 Canadian Navy Vets Kinsmen D Rose Bow! Restaurant Lions Club 4 Rotary t Fire Fighters 2 Letter Carriers 07 Kiwanis Club 08 15 01 Legion 1 2 5 2212] 5 4 4 F 0 --waaosnn | | | eo Juvenile as of Mar League round-robin standing WL T Pts Oshawa Dairy 400n Tony's Refreshments 2-3 Auto Workers Cred!) Union 3 3 0 6 70 6 Hayden. Macdonald 6400 year. Above are shown four members who grabbed off perhaps more than their share of the available "loot."" Left-to-right, they are Harry Burkitt, a mem- ber of the team that won the Molson's Curling Tro- phy and also a member of the team that won the Carl- ing Trophy, as Zone and Provincial Euchre team champions; Doug Kerr, a member of the team that which As_ president Alex B. Walker accepted both! The Molson's Curling Trophy) and The O'Keefe Shuffle Board | Trophy. | NUMEROUS HONORS Thanks to the prowess of Osh-| awa Legion representatives in various zone, district and pro-| vincial sport competitions, Sports Office "Dude" Hills had a busy night. The Luke White Trophy, for} zone champions in golf, was! won by Ed. Brisebois, Pete Kaukonen, Jack Jarvis and Roy! Bligdon. | Carm MacDonald won the} Zone F-L Darts Singles trophy: | District bowling champions were Art Bryant, Jack Cook, Er- nie Simkins, Howard Davies, | Alf Brisebois and Bob Skelton. Zone and District "Horseshoe Zone and provincial euchre | team champions, winners of The | Curling Trophy were Les Hale, Bob Brant, Harry Burkitt and| Al Elliott. * | LEGION CLUB CHAMPS The balance of the presenta- | tions were for "'Legion". club- room activities. ; In Darts, Jim Anderson won| the Carling Trophy as singles) champion; Don Weeks and Al-| bert Turner won the Milson| Trophy as doubles champions and the O'Keefe Trophy, for the team championship, was claim- | ed by the team of Carm Mac-| Donald, Jim Brown, Claude Co- merford, Doug Kerr, Arnold Mil- ler and Ross Beers. | Neil Knight and Bill Langton | won the Doug, Parmenter | Trophy, as euchre pairs cham-| pions and Slade Trophy, as cribbage cham-| pion | The special Wednesday Night) cribbage award, The G. Cuth | bert Trophy, was won by Leo- | nara"f e-"..Jones.-while The | Bill Matthews Trophy, for 'All| Games" champions, went to the | twosome of Art Parry and Alf} Brisebois. Dave Halewood was the '"'bil-| liards champion", winning both! The Ewart McLaughlin Trophy} in English Billiards and The Car- ling Trophy, in Russian bil- liards. "Jim" Lakas won The Mike's| Place Trophy, as snooker cham-'§f pion. In Shuffleboard competition, | Dave Halewood won The O'Keefe Trophy with Alf Brise- | bois as runner-up and in double competition, for The Nu-Way! Rug Trophy, Jim Brown and} Doug Kerr, claimed the laurels. | Jack Cook won The Bill Thom-| as Trophy, for the season's high triple score, in the 5-pin bow!l- ing tournament The Milson Trophy, for the curling honors, went to Al El- Expansion Plans Near Completion NEW YORK (AP)--The Na- tional Hockey League's board of governors gathers here today to complete expansion plans by awarding its sixth new fran- chise, tentatively awarded to St. Louis One group ily of St by Sid Salomons purchased the St. Louis Arena} conditionally. The transaction will be completed it Salomons' group gets the franchise Last week another syndicate, headed by Car! Berst of Chi- entered its of the Berst group's backers are St. Louisians. composed primar- Louisians, is headed Jr., who has cago Les Hale won The |i won the club's Darts Team championship and the O'Keefe Trophy and also a member of the team that won the Nu-Way Rug Tro- phy, as Doubles Team win- ners, in the Shuffleboard tournament as well as a member of the curling team champions; Stan Hale, who was a member of the Zone and Provincial Euchre team champions and also won The Slade Trophy, as the concluded|liott, Ken Lioyst, Harry Burkitt) land Doug Kerr, while the Cal-jden, Gord Perkins, consolation|and "Wick"' Lyons. awards, as club's cribbage champion and James §. Brown, who teamed up with Doug Kerr, for the Nu-Way Trophy and was also a member of Legion's championshp dart team. But most important of all, "Jim" Brown's prow- ess in a season-long variety of sports, earned him the most coveted of all awards, The Carling Trophy, as Oshawa Legion's 1966 "Sportsman Of The Year." cambor; bia for the St. @ Chevs., Dodges, Fords, Ply- mouths, Pontioes, We cor- reet wheel elignment, spect and correct coster and align toe-out te correct condition. "DOMINION TIRE. DOMINION TIRE STORES on Saturday are as follows: In the 'A' Series, both Con- naught and Eastview Parks took leads into their second games, as Connaught turned back the defending champions from North Oshawa by a 5-1 count and Eastview edged past a stubborn Baker team by a close 2-1 mar- gin. CONNAUGHT 5.-- NORTH OSHAWA 1 Connaught jumped into a 3-0 lead after one period against North Oshawa, as Guy Char- }bonneau on * Neighborhood Pee Wees Open Their Semi - Finals first two goals, and then Clive Osborne gave them their 3-0 lead! on a breakaway. In the second period, North Oshawa came on strong, tivw- ever Jackie Jenkins in the Con- naught goal thwarted North Oshawa with several fine saves, before North Oshawa"s Phillip Jarvie dented the twine to close Connaught's lead. to 3-1. Clive Osborne then wen: to work for Connaught, gave Connaught a 4-1 lead and then assisted on the fifth goal by Jim Miller. EASTVIEW 2 -- BAKER 1 Tremendous goaltending was the story of the second semi- final game, as Eastview nipped Baker by a 2-1 score. East- view stormed into an early 2-0| lead with Colin Lockey and} Fred Satoway establishing the| lead with good efforts. | Young Danny Porteous, in the} Baker cage, after some early| trouble came back to play a! strong game, as he turned back) many labelled shots by the Eastview boys allowing Baker to close the margin to 2-1, when Bobby Hill clicked for Baker's lone goal. It was then Stephen McLaugh- lin's turn in the Eastview net, assists from hiv|.as he was forced to hold back | brother Luke got Connaught of | a determined Baker Park squad, and running with the game's!which tried time-and-again to CAN DIAN WHIS | One of Canada's 3 Great Whiskies | PROUDLY EXPORTED TO MORE THAN 50 COUNTRIES knot the score, Laughlin held the fort. ed past Storie 3-2 and South- mead blanked Fernhill 3-0. LAKE VISTA 3 -- STORIE 2 In a _ hard-skating contest, |Lake Vista took a close 3-2 win over Storie Park, despite fine gonltending disnlaved bv Mike O'Halloran in the Storie nets, however Mc-ling saves. Lake Vista hero was Francit In the 'B' Series, both Lake|Donevan with two goals, with Vista and Southmead took vic-|Jerry Thorton adding a single tories, when Lake Vista squeez-| marker. Storie scorers were Gord Locke and Tim Logeman SOUTHMEAD 3--FERNHILL (¢ Southmead, with Dave Ferens providing steady goal-keeping defeated Fernhill in their first game by a 3-0 margin. Brian Bulger led the way for South- mead in this game, as ne notcn- as he robbed Lake Vista of sev-\ed two goals and Terry Koss eral goals with many outstand-'added a third. Bob Chopee, in ' 1 SAVE the Fernhill cage, kept Ris team in the series by limiting South- mead to only three goals, despite Southmead's heavy barrage of shots. The final games of the semi- finals will be played on Tues- day evening, April 5 with the times of those being as follows: At 6.00 p.m. -- Lake Vista vs Storie; at 6.45 p.m. -- South- mead vs Fernhill; at 7.35 p.m. --~ Conaugnt ve Nuru: Cone te and at 8.20 p.m. -- Eastview vs Baker. ON NEW FURNACES TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR BIG SPRING REDUCTIONS | for installation in March, April and May. M'LAUGHLIN COAL AND SUPPLIES LTD. We are Offering SPECIAL SPRING PRICES to avoid the fall rush SO TAKE ADVANTAGE ON SAVINGS NOW! Call 723-348 OIL 110 King St. W. OSHAWA OMINION TIRE STORES Have Moved To ... KING PARK PLAZA, Oshawa ... With NEW Facilities! WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL in- toe-in and STORES perts extre if re- quired Torision bor adjustment extra, PHONE: 725-6511 including weights PER WHEEL orate eT eretere SHOCKS - MUFFLERS FRONT-END WORK : COMPARABLE PRICES i ac eA Dominion Royal Tires KING & PARK SHOPPING PLAZA OSHAWA 95 \ PARK RD. N. KING ST, WEST PARK RD. S. ------ I | NEW DOMINION TIRE KING and PARK Shopping Plaza ith SIX SERVICE BAYS WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL BRAKE SPECIAL (mest popular cars) most First Quality "Royaline' 4- Wheels models popular w EASY BUDGET TERMS NO OUTSIDE FINANCING LOW DOWN PAYMENT

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