Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Apr 1966, p. 28

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LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE 3 war's ALL THAT THEY RE ALL HAPPY | BECAUSE THE PAPA BIRD 18 BRINGING THEM 1T'S A FAMILY HORRIBLE SQUAWKING | THiS MORNING ? a ilies 36s Wark wightn reserved gine Sa IF-UGHI-BARBECUE. \OURLEADING)! { YOU CALL )/ OH, THAT LEADING ISZE TASTE OF YOUR / CITIZEN CITIZEN 7-- LEADING CITIZEN, HE & DOES E gy pili mee 1 WAS SENT BY THE LEADING CITIZEN OF Le) Syndicate, inn, reserved THE LONE RANGER © King Fanturne WHAT BRINGS {DEVECTED, WHIPPED, BUZ TURNS TO HIS OLD HOME, % Na CHASING RAINBOWS, I GUESS. I HEARD RUMORS OF A GIRL IN MISSISSIPPI CALLED CHRISTY SAWYER, © King Fenuree Syndicate, ine, 1966. World rights resmrved. VIEWS, BUT «INSTEAD, HE'S STATI zn, 197) JoeB. WOODSWORTH RIES TO QUIT THE M ¢ , HIS ie RESIGNATION /S REJECTED... HE MUCH TO HIS Hi PARISHIQNERS " ANNOY, GONE G18, HE RESIGNS AS" METHODIST MINIGTER Re IN THE MOTE MISSION OF se oe LANDING, B.C. | UT EVEN HERE PREACHES PACIFIGM, LLY, IF ONLY WE COULD FIND HER SOMEDAY, I KEEP HOPING AND PRAYING, PEPPER, IT'S HARD TO GIVE UP, - J. 8S. Weoedsworth Bor IN THF HE ONE RECEIVES A NG: y HIS LIFE, BUT THE OF WHOLE CANADIAN POL/Tics J Toronto Telegram News Service MOF OU HORS MCRL THEN NOONELL KNOW | RE UP HERE IG TO PLUG THE MEXICAN GOVERNOR AT THE CEREMONY TODAY/ LSEWHERE GOVERNOR LOPEZ FINISHES BREAKFAST ++ === arene <I a pa 'BUENO! NOW WE LEAVE f FOR THE CEREMONY / Va | xen | /T STILL LONG WAY/ WE MAY NOT REACH P 3'M THINKIN' ABOUT PAINTIN' THE FLOOR THE SAME COLOR. eam © King Fosters Syodicns, Inn, 1006. World OH, IT'S THE APRON I WEAR WHEN I TRYA NEW RECIPE, BUTCH.' 1 IT'6 COVERED WITH LUCKY CHARMS . -4 SHAS ++ KUHN- "THATS RIGHT... THE OLD RULE GOES, "I BEFORE & 'eee He id ao I JUST START OFF, "I GOT YOUR -- 7 YOU BOYS IN SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK BUSINESS HAVE THE LIFE OUT HERE, BILL! THE OIL. THERES HOT SAND WHERE We DO THE LEG WORK ON OUR KIND OF INVESTIGATING! This plane arrives in 15° minutes, and with it 4 change in plans for Secret Agent x-q. My, 500 MILES OF CROSSWORD DOWN . Timber wolves . Adjust by rank - Broaden . She raised Cain . Compass point . So. African dialect . Charity . "Annabel Lee" author . Else Keeps ACROSS 1. Well known "pen" name . Hog-like mammal . Popeye's girlfriend . Unique . Remain » Most infirm . Dollar bill . Peruvian coins . Chinese pagoda . Stoic philosopher . Garland One kind Man from of shark TIRIOTY MEGIAIMIE] AIPTEMMOIRIAITIE| | TSMAIMIe IU) Dia Sas . Seruti- nizes . Pale brown . Yutang . Bearded . Pistols, old style . Biblical mount: poss. . Principal . Frequently . Lawyer's patron saint . Drunkard 33, Watching 34, Notches SIE IRIS} Saturday's Answer 36. Hautboy 37. Desire 40. Mexican rubber tree Pronoun Shavian initials 41, 43. Calgary, for e | We i? ie PP fo example . Oak nut YZAre . Scepters . Not 4 accepting TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. 1:30 A.M. 11--The Merv Griffin Shew .9--Abracadabra *--The Big Valley 8-2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 12:00 NOON Channe: 2--Buftale Channel 3--Barrie | Channel 4--Buffalo | Channel 6--Toronto Channe! 7--Buftalo Channe! &--Rochester Channel %~Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton cece cme enes MONDAY EVENS ee |&3--Chez Helene Ni--Pemity Theatre ie Pe 4--Passport To Adventure | 11.9.¢7.643-8 News) | 4--Speaker of the House 5:30 P.M, %2--Run For Your Life | 7--Ben Casey 6-3--The Sixtiees | 4--Art Linkletter | 10:30 P.M. | 6--Toronto File | 3--Mone McCluskey 10:45 A.M. jcashed the A9 28 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 4, 1966 BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER (Top. record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chempionship Play) FAMOUS HANDS South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. NORTH @KJ108 942 o874 HAKIB @AQne 965 oQ2 4210965 SOUTH @765 VAKQS @AJ1095 &hT The bidding: South West North East Pass 2h Pass Pass 2@ Pass 3NT WEST 432 9310987 oK63 842 Opening lead--jack of hearts. Dummy play is generally considered more interesting than defensive play, but there are many hands where the de- fense also gets a chance to shine. Here is one played many years ago (1948) in Holland with Martyn Cats West and Herman Filarski Fast Declarer won the heart lead with the queen and finessed the ten. of spades. iosing to the jack, East permitted it to win. South now led a diamond from dummy, Filarski making the proper play of the queen, taken by declarer with the ace. Hoping that West had another spade, South led the seven, but Cats showed out and Filarski East returned the deuce of diamonds, Cats wisely permit- ting declarer to win it with the jack. When South then cashed the king of hearts, this became the position: North #AKI3 East 421096 South $1095 7 At this point South had six tricks and needed three more. He led the seven of clubs. If Cats had covered the seven with the eight, declarer would have made the contract by tak- ing the ace and returning a low club, But Cats played the four instead. Sensing the actual situation, declarer went up with the ace, hoping to endplay East by con- tinuing with the three. But Fil- arski countered this plan by dropping the ten on the ace and there was then nothing declares could. do to make the contrac\ If he cashed the king @& clubs, East would take the last two tricks, while if he playe® the tree instead, West would win it with the eight to put South down two. Check Water Export to U.S. Weather end Sports 12:30 P.M, 11:18 PLM. eee Time Theerton | 6--Viewpeint PEt marl Leave n To Beever! §--Metro Final |8-2--Let's Play 00 P.M | 64--Search For Tomorrow bs . | 11:20 P.M, | 3-Neonday Repert 7--Twilight Theatre ?- ate Show | é--Reach For The Top | ¢ Night Petre 12:45 PLM, 4--News, we 11:98 8M 11--News Chuck Healy utr | &4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, 6:20 P.M Ni--The Saint |1}--Theatre 1--News 6:30 P.M, j 9--Morning Star n--remily Theatre 11:40 PM. | & Matinee | 9--Plerre Berton | 7--Ben Casey saab 2 og Weather =| &--The Long Hot Summer| 6--Luncheon Date --Huntley-Brinkiey | 12:30 A.M, | na nets ss in News | 11--News; Weather), Soprts odie 9--Cheyenne 6--News Cap | --Music Hop 3--Movie Ohya | $-Third Man | Deugies Show | TeESOAY | 1:30 P.M. | 0:00 A.M. | 9--James Beard Show hepiein Kengeres +s--Luntieon Dats | | @4--As The World Turns mes € - | Movie 4--Mike's Cornty: | : %--Playtime With Uncle 10 PM, | %--Kids Ie People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password |2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 P.M, --Dobie Gillis 9:00 A.M. 4--News, Weather, Gperts 4--Littlest Hobo 3--Honey West #--Huntley-Brink! ee aa With Girl Tem | 9:30 A.M, | Lae Rose Lee | %Dear Charlotte %&--Doble Gills | 2:90 P.M. | i" 4--To Tell The Truth 10:00 A.M. | Creer In Confit 8:00 P.M. 11--Whiplash e's * ' #--Playtime With Unck| --sune\"Mtivecn Sn | Bobby | ¥--Dialing For Dollers 9--The Lucy &2--Hullabaloo 7--12 O'clock High 63--Don Messer's Jubilee YOUR HEALTH Exercise Aids Foot Muscles Dear Dr. Molner: | can't wear By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD | +a--Dr. Kildare | ®& Country Music Malt | |comfort. A whirlpooi device that) shoes in comfort with more than| you can use at home is also| solution. It doesn't evaporate as ohn Forsythe Bobby | G-Linkletter's Pa icon Fugitive esl @-2--Fractured Phrases | mere ny 4I"ve Get A Seeree =| &-3--Ivanhoe | 3:00 P.M | 4&1 Love Lucy \!11--Donna Reed 8:30 P.M. | | %--Fractured Phrases 11--Laredo | 10:30 A.M, | +8 Werte 9--Andy Gritfith |1--Ed Allen | 1--@eneral Heepitet 9--Bingo +43--To Tell The Truth 8-2--Concentration | 3:30 P.M. 7--Donna Reed |1i--Funny Company 62--Friendly Giant |e--ite Your Move 4--The McCoys t--You Don't Say 10:45 A.M, | 6-3--Chez Helene ie heed aa | #-Kertoon Karnivel --Mike iglas | S--Mr. and Mrs. | 4:00. P.M, 8-2--Morning Star | 9--Mickey Mouse Club | 7--Supermarket Sweep 8 The Match Geme 63--Butternut Square 7--Early Show | 4-Andy of Mayberry 6-3--Bonnie Rudden Show 4--Seer' 11:20 A.M | 'ot Storm %--Rocky and Hie Friends T--The Legend of Jesse James 4-The Lucy Show 9:00 P.M. #-2--Kraft Music Hall ae 7--Man Called | 4--Bdge of Shenandoah &3--Show of the Week 4-Andy Griffith 9:30 PLM. Vi--Mona McClusky o--Texe A 7--Peyton Place 4--The Law and Mr. Jones 6-3--Across Canada iodine in the tincture increases.|a contact lens and get good Too strong a solution can be| vision? Good enough to drive a | car and do general work?--P. A. Probably, yes. I say probably only because in some cases there may be ana additional irritating. Mercurechrome is a_ water| Says MPP WENATCHEE, Wash. (CP)~ Canada eventually will be will- ing to export surplus water re- sources to the United States-- but only when Canadian long- range needs are protected, tech- nology: makes it economical, and there is assurance U.S. water will be available in ex- change. Jack Davis, Liberal member of Parliament for the British Columbia constituency of Coast- Canilano, placed this view he- fore the Columbia River Water Congress Friday at a conven- tion. : Mr. Davis, parliamentary secretary to Mines Minister Pepin, said attitudes toward in- ternational trade in water re- sources will change slowly, but probably will parallel Canada's attitude toward export of elec- trical energy. A generation ago, Canada had been afraid to sell power to the U.S. for fear of being un- able to stop the flow when its own needs built up in the fu- ture. Now, however, Canada need never fear a shortage of power in the future, There were large untapped sources of elec- trical energy and virtually un- limited prospects for cheap nu- clear power. Mr. Davis said technology is developing to the point that river flows can be reversed. Large quantities of fresh water now flowing north into the Are- tie Ocean and Hudson Bay could be turned around to sup- plement the supply needed for irrigation and industrial use in Southern Canada. SALLY'S SALLIES D King Feotures Synfinate, Inn, 1965 Woskd cighee one-inch heels. Lower heels are| soothing. With a problem such) rapidly as alcohoi, and is not also uncomfortable. With heels,|as yours, however, you shouldjas' irritating as iodine in a my feet slide into the toes of| have professional advice, | strong solution. the shoes and all my weight | This evaporation, if the bottle seems to concentrace there. Can| Dear Dr. Molner: How long|is kept tightly corked, isn't very exercise strengthen the arches|is a bottle of iodine or of mer-|rapid, and it would doubtless so. that I can wear dress shoes! curochrome effective?--C. G, §.,| take several years to make any on occasion?--M. §. Jr. ../great difference. Since. these I hope you have consulted an| It depends on how tightly it is} materials aren't expensive, if orthopedist or a podiatrist. Your| corked, 1 recall some people} you have had a bottle of iodine problem may be such that you| who put away miniature bottles| and mercurochrome long enough will have to forego high heels,jof brandy to be opened Ml notice that some has evap- visual defect, or there may be some aspect of a_ particular case that hasn't been men tioned. With ordinary cataracts, it is|/ to be expected that glasses (contact or conventional) re- store vision that not only per- mits driving and general work, but even that requiring closer use of the eyes. You mention surgery on one eye. If vision remains good in the other, there usually is no problem. But if the other also has a cataract, surgical correc- tion of it would be advisable MUGGS AND SKEETER COAST® COAS BY AIR LD) EN ROUTE FROM PARIS, 1S LEAVING THE AIR TERMINAL, EVE APPROACHES... but there are exercises tolyears later. When the time|orated, buy a new one. . It strengthen foot muscles. came, the bottles were about/amounts only to'a matter of a One exercise is rising on your| half fullThe alcohol had grad-|few cents a year. toes. Another is rocking back] ually evaporated in spite of the} In any ,event, thorough wash- and forth from heel to toe.| stoppers. ling with soap and water is a Curling your toes over the edge Iodine isn't a liquid, but aj very effective germ-chaser. of a telephone book is another.) solid. The crystals are dissolved The use of both eyes 1s neede' | Massage the soles of the feet!in alcohol to make the familiar) Dear Dr. Molner: Can a per-| for depth perception, to tell haw regularly |tincture- of iodine, As the alco-|son who has been operated on|fgr away things are, which of Hot foot baths ease the dis-| hol evaporates the proportion of!for a cataract on one eye use! course is important in driving. «US... WE'RE ON OUR WAY TO AN ACCIDENT I! HOLD TIGHT! | ~ "Please don't give me a seat over the wheels. They say it's rough riding." FOR A TRAFFIC VIOLATION, LADY. AND

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