Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Apr 1966, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, April 2, 1966 ' . BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER OH, MY BOY! NY BOY! WE GOT YOUR DAD, COME QUICK! rn HERE'S BUZ! Bi WHATS THIS PRETTY SON. WHAT A LITTLE HAT DOING IN THE CLAM CHOWDER? (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuat Chempionship Pley) HERE i : He COMES--- 1M DYING TO S66 IF 'ae He'LL NOTICE MY NEW HAT aie SYS 7 | 7 West dealer. North-South vulnerable. NORTH 6 @KI103 @ABES 4Al052 z By One LONI 411074823 MET! 8 v IJ.3. WOODSWORTH CRIES Q109768 $2 OUT NOT FOR WAR, BUT 6 &9848 SOUTH FOR PEACE. @AKQO85 9952 © King Feature: Syndicate, ine, 1966, World rights reserved. CHEER UP!-FLABMANS GIVING HIM A FARE- PARTY HELL NEVER GERMAN, MAN, AND. T SHALL ORIFY WAR. + $4 &KQI 'The bidding: West North Kast South '@ 19 Pass 46 Opening lead--king of dia- monds. This hand occurred in the Trials played in Dallas in 1964. It was played at nine tables and, as usual, the results. were varied. Perhaps the most note- worthy feature of the hand is that at not one of the five tables THE GIASTS f AT LEAST MISS TERRY HAS SOMEONE TO TALK TO, ZERO--WE HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN ALLOWED TO MEET ANY OF THE KIPS AT THIS RANCH SCHOOL YET-- gg DOES IT GAY, UGH @ Weg Foster Syedmen Lens 10K, Weed sights wererve 6ez~ 'INDIAN BLANKET COMPANY. HAVING BIG CONTEST' on 'PINIEH THIB SHEN T le PUFFS OR LESS. YOU'VE FIXED QUITE A BIG SNACK TO HAVE DURING TODAY'S MOVIE MATINEE / ALigs ( soup re past ° D > : e ¢ RST CLASS, SEAT 12-A! HOW LONG TO THE AIR TERMINAL? DEPENDS ON TRAFFIC, LADY,.AND RIGHT ABOUT NOW IT'S FIERCE! King Fecberee Spediontn, ina, 1964, World sights reserved OH... MY TICKETS AND MONEY ARE HERE « UNDER MY SHIRT... A '= PINNED TO AAY aS UNDERWEAR! p\_ watt... STOP THIS CAB,. 1! THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK 7 17 errect! Wo ONELL EVER SUSPECT YOURE UP THERE JUST WAITING TO PLUG THE GOVERNOR/ Te, 186A. World sige mmerwet, © Kine leeteree Srrdicate 'YDU CAN QUIT, BUT You CAN'T TURN IN YOUR TELEVISION LOG 64--Church Service 2--Fronters Of Faith 11:30 A.M. | Flying Fisherman &--The Christophers 7--Discovery '66 12:00 NOON | 9--Italian Album TV 6--Tween Set 7--Personal Dimension 12:18 P.M, | @-Feltx The Cat Channe! 2--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buttalo | Channel é--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel @--Rochester Channel %--Toronte Channe! 11--Hamilfon erence SATURDAY 1-T.B.A. Vi--F lipper | 4--Congrees 9--Voyage To The Bottorn| 3--Silence Please é--This Land of Ours 12:30 P.M. Of The 'Sea \11--Spectrum 63--This Land of Ours | g_my Hero 3--Shindig | 6---Tennessee Tuxedo 2--Checxmate | 4--Living Word 4--Wrestling 3-Herald of Truth 6:30 P.M. Family Playnewee 11-7--Shindig 1:00 P.M. Musical Showcase 4:45 P.M. ¥-4-4-3--News; Weather) Sports 9--Spectrum S--Meet The Press | 6--French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3--Sir Francis Drake 9--Jackle Gleason | 1:30 P.M. 11--Peter Gunn arse pias 7--Big Show of the Week) 7--20U9! 63--Beverly Hillbiiiies | Sy Little Margie 4--Facing the Financial | 7~--Sunday Playhouse S--Have Ovum WIM Travel 63--Country Calendar 7:30 P.M, | :00 P.M. tisCandid-Cs: ll--This Space Age 3--Fi) y--Jr. "A* rockty lie Lh amn8 6-3--Special Music 6--Danger Man 4--Jackle Gleason 4--NFL Game 3:00 P.M, 2--McHale's Navy 8:00 P.M. ne \--Jamboree 9--Academy Performance S--AFL Football &2--i Dream of Jeannie 3:30 P.M. a-iets Sing Ovt ge yh Dialogue 6:30 P.M, 4-NF N--Club 1 Dance Party Secon 7--Lawrence Welk 4:00 P.M. #3--NHL Hockey | 2--S$ports in Action Chicago at Tororte 1l--Top Cat 4--Secret Agent @Movie : 4:30 P.M, S100 Fhe 2Crosby Golf ment --Tiny Yelent Time | 9--Bilko | 63--Sight and Cast 4--Cadabout Gaddis P.M. 7:00. P.M. 9:30 P.M. Ni--Great Music 7--Hollywood Palace 4~-The Loner 10:00 P.M. 5:00 sButarcke' "| nay rear 9--Canadian Talent 10:15 P.M, Showcase 63--Jullette 7--Wrestiing 10:30 P.M, 63--Nature of Things 4--Gadabout Gaddis 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 P.M. 9--Peter Potamus 7--Big Show of the Week 6--Hymn Sing 3--Lost In Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour 8--College Bowl 7--The King Family 11:00 P.M. N41 4-39 Neowns Weether; Sports 11:18 P.M. eck §=Bweter --Metre Pinal ao ak b Night Metre 6: M, O-B--Saturdey Might of %--Walt Disney Presents The sMevies &--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century 7--Golf Tournament 11:20 P.M, tow 6:30 PLM, 9-48--Late 6--Bperts 11:38 PLM, 6--Feature Showcase Movie 11:48 PLM, geass Daisies guRDAY 7--Voyage To The 9:00 A.M, Bottom of The Sea Ni--Cathedral Chimes 63--Hank 9--Tides and Trails | Lessle 7--Shenanigans 7:30 P.M, 8--B'wene Don 11--A.H.L. Hockey 9:30 A.M. 9--Amos Burke N--Italian Journal &2--Disney's World of %--Cartoon Playhouse Color 7--Peeter Potamus 6-3---F lashback 8--The Anewer | 4--My Favorite Martien 10:00 A.M. | 8:00 P.M, N--Caraselio 7--The FBI @--Heraid of Truth +-43--Ed Wwiltven Show 1-8--Rocketship ; 6--Sunday Schoo! ; Mh aghh Bt 9--Peyton Place +3---Branded 9:00 P.M. 8-6-3--Bonanzea 2--Beli Teleohone Hour 10:30 A.M. 9--Meta 6--Extension 2--This is The Life 4--Perry Mason 4--Uncie Jerry's Club 9:30 PLM. 11:00 A.M. 9--Peyton Place 11--OHA Jr. "A" Hockey 10:08 P.M. 8--This is The Lie jl1--Movie Le Show %--Dr, Kildere |1}--Confinentei Minteture Tourna-| 100 PLM, #--Piease Don't Eat The) {| &3--Wacklest Ship in The | Army 63--This Hour Has | Seven Days 4--fendid Camere | 10:30 P.M, | 4-Whets My ime 11:00 P.M. N90-1-6-4-3-3-- Newsy | Weather, Sports | 11:20 P.M. 1l--This Space Age | 11:30 P.M, | 6-international Cinema | 11:40 P.M. 11--Wrestiing | Douglas Fisher } MONDAY 6:08 A.M. 4--Captain Kangeres 8:30 AM. \1--Albert J. Steed | §-Romoer Room | 9:00 A.M. | 9--Playtime with Uncle | obby | 7--Dialing ter @iri Talk 4--Mike's Carnival | 9:38 ALM. | 4--Gypsy Rose Lee Show | 2--Dobie Gillis i 10:00 Am |11--News 8-2--Fractured Phrases | 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:88 AM, 1l--Ed Allen | 9--Bingo 8-2--Concentration |7--Donna Reed |63--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 11:00 AA 1l--Mike Douglas Show 9--Mr. and Mrs. $-2--Morning Star 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:30 A.M, 4-Dick Van Dyke 2--Abracadaban 12:08 NOOR | Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date +News and Weether 12:18 P.M, 6 ---Bpes-er af the Mewen 12:38 PLM 9--1 Love Lucy |8-2--Piay Post Office | 64--Seach for Tomorrow 3--Noenday Report 12:48 P.M. li--Racing Forum 64--Guiding Light 1:00 Pa, 1--Theatre %--Morning Star --Maiinve 7--Ben Casey 6--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers 3--Movie SMike ODovgies Show 10 Pom 9--James Beard Show 64--As Tho World Turns 2 Pa 9--Kids is People 7--Nurses 64--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 215 P.M. 9--Dear Charlotte 2:38 Pm 9--Peopie in Conflict §4--The Doctors J--A Time For Us 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4-Linkletter's Party 3--Movie | a Pm. 1i--Donna Reed | @&--Another World 9--Fractured Phrases 7--@enere! ricepitet 6&3--To Tell The Truth 3:38 Pom Funny Company 9--It"s 'Your Move 8&--You Don't Say | 7--The Young MMarrteas | &3--Taxe | 4Sdge of Night a--Cartoon Carnival ACROSS 1. System of weights 5, Chess, for one 44, Workers of a sort DOWN 1, Menace 9. Metal 2. Teem mounting -3. Goddess of ofa harvests scabbard 4. Pronoun, 10. Harangue old style 12, Flower 5. Alpaca 13, Indian and ibex currency 6. Fortify 14, Confine 7. Charts 15. Humorist 8. Needle case 16, Any girl's 9. Zeros nickname 11, Type 17, Exclama- measures tion 13. Gains 18, Perennial 15. Conflicts herb 18. Appeal 20. Anesthetics strongly to 19.Leap, /FJOCMISMIMETAING) lunar ALT INIE BBAIE IRI IE] fiscal, ISIPIRIATT METIRI| ICiE} Su Sia) etc. [VIN] [TIE IO} 21.Hawk [CIOILIOINIVIEE INITIO} parrot [AIMIATSIS ME | [V[1 Je [0] 23. Mire- IMOIRIE MES /LIOINIDIE| : MS ViEL ITE 24.Whose = /PIEIT MON SEET [ON] wife was \AJLIOIF IT MBAIOIEIL(E} Rowena? (CURIE BBHIE/EIL [S| 25. Flemish LEIS JAINNIAB | painter Yesterday's Answer 27. Greatest amount 37. Classify 29, Disconcerts 39. Norse 31. Speaks violently 33. Sandy's headgear 34. Pub potables 35. Telegraph 40. Japanese badge 42. Goddess of justice 22. Discharge 26. French 1 |2 [8 city 4 & ys 27. "Pink trying to Gr be purple" 28. Break Di suddenly 29. River of 'A 1S song 29. Volcanic tuff $2. Nickel: where South bid four spades did East double the contract. Four spades could not be de- feated despite East's trump holding, and four of the five declarers made the contract with routine play. (The fifth declarer misplayed the hand and went down one.) West invariably led the king of diamonds, taken by the ace. The normal pattern of play was for declarer to lead a spade to the ace, and, after West some- what surprisingly showed out of spades, to continue with four rounds of clubs, discarding a heart on the fourth club. Declarer then ruffed a dia- mond, East discarding a heart, and played a heart towards dummy. West went up with the ace and gave his partner a heart ruff, but East, now left with the J-10-7-4 of spades, could not get more than one trump trick, since declarer's K-Q-9-8 of trumps. So South made four spades. At one table, West became declarer at three diamonds dou- bled and went down one--100 points. At another table, West played four diamonds doubled, going down three--500 points. At still another table, North got to four hearts and made it for a score of 620 points, duplicat- ing the result of those North- South pairs who had bid and made four spades. At the last table, North be came declarer at three notrump after opening the bidding with a diamond, West having re- mained silent throughout. East led a club, taken in dummy with the jack. After cashing the ace of spades, declarer played @ heart, losing to the queen. East made the killing return of a diamond and declarer wound up zoing down two, smattering of hypnotic skill. This is not a matter of using hypnotism as an easy means a trying to change your mind an» not to be afraid of swallowing. Such an attack on the problem all too often merely results in converting the morbid fear into a different kind, and perhaps a worse one. Rather, a psychiatrist may (depend on his judgment of the case) use hypnosis as a tool to find out what is really bother- ing you, buried so deep in your subconscious mind that you are unable to recognize it without help, Get the best help that is available. There is no point in a young woman going through life burdened as you are. Find- ing the root of your fears may not be easy, but in the end it can transform your whole life, SALLY'S SALLIES sym. $3. Shooter marble 86. One kind of collector $7. Pronoun 38, Foreigners 40, African Moslem 41, Deserve 42. Customs 43, Varying weights: Ind. \ YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Moiner: All my life I've had a morbid fear of chok- ing to death. It has become such an obsession that I can't eat solid foods. I am a young woman, but can't dine out with friénds. I had a nervous breakdown over this and must take sedatives, but even swallowing them is agony. I also have severe at- tacks in which I can't catch my breath and my throat con- stricts terribly. Is there any- |thing I can do to conquer this? --Miss D. The power of mind over mat- iter can be a terrible thing, and in some insances can do what lit is doing to you. | I'm not.one to say, "See a |psychiatrist" at the drop of a hat a However, in a situation like yours, Miss D., I most heartily lhope that you are under such a Woman Has Fear Of Fatal Choking By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD specialist's care -- and if you aren't, I strongly urge that you consult one. There may be a serious ques- tion of whether your fear of choking caused 'your nervous breakdown. Rather, the fear is a symptom of some underlying emotional turmoil, which evi- dently started in childhood. It is altogether likely that you do not consciously remember what started that emotional tension. Medication alone isn't going to solve the problem. Rather, it is precisely the sort of condition for which we need psychiatrists: They dig out the deep and very likely unreasoning events or at- titudes which now are making your life miserable. This also appears to be the sis may -be effective. I caution you not to let this be under- | taken by someone with only a on the Please bring me @ clean one.' type of problem in which hypno-} at last... for the HARD-OF HEARING cousticon The GOLDEN HEART Lin f Hearing Aids Ask ahput our 5-Yeer Guarentee . +» Fora Free a Demonstretion a PAUL BELLINGER 23-5401 7 1119 Northridge St, Oshewe

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