Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Apr 1966, p. 7

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And David Benson, 18, of Morgantown, W.Va., (left, glasses) as angry crowd started to attack him on YOUTH ATTACKED IN BOSTON OTTAWA (CP) -- Senator Jean-Francois Pouliot (L---Que- bec) said Thursday there was "favoritism to a high degree" in_avpointments to the bench made by Guy Favreau when he was justice minister. | But favoritism in judicial ap- pointments was not limited to Quebec or to Mr. Favreau, now Privy Council president in the Pearson government, Senator Pouliot added in a speech dur- ing debate of a bill amending the Judges Act. He called for changes in the act. Some judges appointed were incompetent and others were appointed purely for po- litical reasons. Two other senators, Arthur W. Roebuck (L--Ontario), who has been practising law in On- tario for 49 years, and Malcolm M. Hollett (PC~--Newfoundland), quickly rose to the defence of the judges. Senator Roebuck said he would not have it said that the Senate had made a_ general criticism of the quality of Can- ada's judges. 4 |/IMPRESSED WITH QUALITY "I have been impressed many a time with the quality, integ- rity and industry of the men who sit on the bench of the province of Ontario and the) same goes for other provinces."| Senator Roebuck said that in| any group 'there are men that} draft card burner, is. John Phillips, 22, of Boston, who was also beaten up and hospitalized. courthouse steps in Boston after he and other youths burned their draft cards. Youth in light coat, also a Worker Dies Ottawa Crash Wishart Claims By BEN WARD OTTAWA(CP)--Three floors of reinforced concrete collapsed with an ear - splitting roar Thursday at a block-long con- struction site on busy Elgin Street. Four workers were dug from the rubble, one of them dead. Scores of store and_ office workers poured into the street in near-panic as the 200-foot- long structure, stretching along the south side of Elgin between Maclaren and Gilmour streets, crashed to ground level. The scene is a half-mile south of Parliament Hill. About 40 men were at work on or about the project. First confused reports said between 20 and 30 were missing in the jumble of steel rods, plywood forms and soggy cement that plugged the basement level in an almost-solid mass. FREED QUICKLY Three men trapped near the| top of the heap were quickly freed and sent to hospital with minor injuries. It took fire de-| partment rescue teams nearly two hours to reach the dead man, Flavio Carrozzi, 36. Acet-| ylene torches and chain-saws | were needed to pierce five feet) of rods and boards that cov- ered him. The project is a $1,200,000 12- story apartment and ffice Police Thwart Picket Lines LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Police were called Thursday to break up a picket line at the Canadian Oil Co. bulk plant here where a dozen Teamsters were protest- ing the company's use of a truck-trailer owned by one of the 55 firms involved in a proy- ince-widg trucking strike. The men attempted to block exit of the Direct Winters Trans- ort truck pulling the trailer ack to Toronto, but were re- strained by police. The truck--followed by four carloads of Teamsters--was es- corted out of London by two tiny pouce cru s. The truck had been used to bring a load of petroleum prod ucts to the plant. are better than others. There| jare sometimes even black) sheep." But Canada had every reason} to be thankful for the quality of} its judges. They were men of ability and quality. Truscott Case Federal Matter TORONTO (CP) rie te that Dr. Ward Smith of his de- : : I _ e Ste- sked | building being erected for Glen-| phen Truscott case came up tea ai ones ate tae jwood Investments Ltd.| again in the Ontario legislature|of Lynn Harper's death be- by Boyce Construction Ltd., Ot- Thursday although Attorney-!cause he is not a specialist in tawa. General Arthur Wishart has! the field of the human digestive A labor department inspector said the whole matter is the re- process. from Toronto was to arrive to- sponsibility of the federal just-| Truscott was convicted in day for an investigation into ice department. 1959 of murdering the 12-year- the collapse. Elmer Sopha (L -- Sudbury) |old Harper girl near Clinton, Seven amublances, four fire asked three questions about the|Ont. He was 14 at the time and trucks, bulldozers, mobile|case the day before which the was given a death sentence. It cranes and a half-dozen acety-|attorney-general had taken as was later commuted by the lene torch rigs were summoned |notice. cabinet to life. Senator Sees "Favoritism Senator Pouliot retorted that he did not intend to make a gen- eral criticism of all judges. Most were good. tions. and there shouldnt be any exceptions." Earlier, Senator, Pouliot said it was "embarrassing" tha Parliament had to pass an act to add an addtional supreme ccurt judge to the province of Ontario "because one judge is busy in court." QANDREVILLE MEANT? This was an apparent refer- ence to the case of Mr. Justice Leo Landreville of the Ontario Supreme Court, whose dealings 10 years ago with Northern On- tario Natural Gas Ltd. or its where Broadway meets Times Squore FREE PARKING available in the heart of the theatrical and entertainment district e..close to shopping, sight-seeing and business appointments. You'll enjoy the convenience and hose pitality of the Paramount »»~ 700 newly refurbished rooms, all with private bath, TV, and air condi- tioning. SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN RATES Avoilable From $10 single, $13 double Telephoner Circte 6-5500 or Teletype 212 640-4481 f P. Ashton Williams, Mgr ("FREE PARKING | NEW YORK CITY) agents are being Investigated|the doubt." by a judicial inquiry. and 1 give him the benefit of!themselves." But it was important that the|~-- Senator Pouliot made it clear|people of Canada respect their that he was not pre-judging the| judges and to achieve this "the| Act, was given second reading. case. "I don't know about it|judges must start respecting|The bill will add a total of eight THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 1, 1966 J . provinces, Ontario, Quebec, Al- berta and New Brunswick. The bill later was given third read- ing in the upper house. The act to amend the Judges new judges to the courts of four Here's what you do: Pay household and personal bills from ut Regular account--which earns a igh interest rate and there are no serv- ice charges on cheques. Meanwhile, save with a Special ac- count--which earns even higher interest. No cheques allowed, but you can make withdrawals at any time. This makes you CANADA PERMANENT SAVINGS «TRUST SERVICES - MORTGAGES Be a two-account family the Permanent way (it makes sense and it makes money for you!) Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 & save. A cheque is too tempting. Beatwo-account family the Permanent way and watch your cash teserve grow and grow. Canada Permanent is Canada's oldest and largest trust and mortgage complex. Established 1855--federally incorpora- ted and supervised. Come see us soon J. W. Froud, MANAGER NEW YORK 46th St. West of B'way. Times Square to the site when it appeared' Mr, Wishart said there have| eee that a major search might be|\peen some changes in provin- needed. : cial police methods of inter- An emergency hospital, viewing juveniles, but "there? OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! manned by four doctors and six are no written orders on these | nurses, was quickly set up in a|changes" which, he said, are shoe repair store across the familiar to the police. | street. In answer to a second ques-| More than 1,000. spectators tion, the attorney-general said) turned up, at times blocking ac-/it is not the "normal practice' | cess to the block by rescue ve-/of his department to have doc-/} hicles. tors take part in the investiga-| Two hours after the collapse, |tion of crime. Fire Chief Alex McFadden re-| Medical men are not peace, ported that all workmen had/|officers, Mr. Wishart said, and/ been accounted for and rescue |they have no responsibility to crews were dismissed. investigate circumstances re- He said that in addition to|lating to homicide. FUEL OIL COAL & SUPPLIES McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 iver. take advantage éf it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks ol- s on the reody to serve you, Fuel Oil Budget Plan available. NOW I$ THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL the three in hospital, four work-| The attorney - general said! ers and one fireman were re treated for. injuries. ATTITUDE COUNTS EDMONTON (CP)--Parental /encouragement is more impor- tant than money in determining} who continues his education,| concludes a survey by the de- |partment of education. A ques- | tionnaire of 35,486 Grade 11 and 1/12 students in Alberta found | that only one boy in 10 in his|; | last year of high school does not plan further education. 3 is ae COOK'S TRAILER SALES PARTS -- ACCESSORIES -- SER- VICE -- HITCHES -- AWNINGS Authorized Dealer For... Coreir, Citation, Glendette Rembler and Truck Compers SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA (At The City Limits) Open Mon. to Sat. Phone 723-9534 IT PAYS TO IN THE CREDIT UNION Your shares increase fast your goal in a hurry. There's o fee Union | wll Fog | J ATE 2099" Ty jail the credit union. Generous dividends help you reach osHawa °Ehrpat stupy GROUP crREv!T GNION LTD. OSHAWA SHObpING CENTRE SAVE Ideal for rec. toges . . AVAILABLE AT REDUCED PRICES! when you save regularly in First Quality -- Pre-finished PLYWOOD SALE! rooms and summer cot- . availoble in Abitibi Wood- grains and Birches, Elms, Walnuts and Yt oath plywoods. 4' x 8' and some ee a in Oshawa You Can Join nformation KINGSWAY LUMBER COMPANY 1270 Simcoe Street North PHONE 723-4945 Modern Guildwood Village in Scarborough Today's foremost builders agree. Natural Gas When building their 365 Guildwood Village homes, Cadillac Construction wanted heating that would appeal to prospective buyers but wouldn't saddle them with yeare of unnecessary heating costs. They wisely chose clean, dependable, economical new homes and old, is unbeatable! Gas Home Heating is that you can enjoy its advantages in older homes as well as new. Installation is simple! with no hidden expenses, and can be done in a few short hours without inconvenience even in cold weather. Natural Gas Heating. (Natural Gas was the choice for nine hundred of the homes in Guildwood Village.) Economy was also important to Cadillac Construction and Greenwin Construction when building Toronto's luxurious Village Green Apartments. They chose Natural Gas to provide their apartment complex with de- pendable automatic heating, and un- limited hot water as well. Start enjoying the advantages of Natural Gas Heating in your home today. Ask about converting your present furnace . . . or replacing it with this compact "Tennox" model G8-140T for as little as $3,25 per week on your gas bill, depending on instal- lation. Just call your Authorized Nate ural Gas Dealer. He's listed under "Heating" in the Yellow Pages. oo No down payment--easy monthly installments. |. The wonderful thing about Natural (Sonsumers ('las 29 CELINA STREET, OSHAWA L 728-7363

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